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Characteristics for Fantasy Skirmish

= You must dicide on them
Combat points
Raw : 6 / Regular : 8 / ero !"
#ood $ighter %! Com&at 'oit / (oor $ighter )! com&at 'oint
* = +ea, -$or'le : #o&lins/
0 = 1orm
2 = Cham'ions
3 = ero
S'ear4 / al&erd / Sword4 / A.e4 / 5lail / 6ance
4 = usa&le one or two7handed
Regular Bow / Cros&ow / 6ong&ow / Re'8 Cros&ow / S'ear / Small throwing wea'on
9: armour -7! on hit7ta&le/ / 1o armour -%! on hit7ta&le/
Tough -7! on hit7ta&le/ / +ea, -%! on hit7ta&le/
Strong -%! on hit ta&le/ / +ea,-7! on hit ta&le/
Bra9e -rerol $or morale/ / Coward -7! on morale/ / Stead: -%! on morale/
Imune to 's:colog:
Imune to magic
Automatic dis'ellroll -no <IS(E66 CAR< re=uierd> i$ :ou do 'la: a <IS(E66 CAR< then (ower is .* $or
normal characters and . 0 $or heroes8
Resistant to magic
All 'ower o$ dis'ells . !83> eroes . *> +i?ards . 0
S'eed :
@er: Slow -rerol all 3 and 6/> Slow -rerol 6/> $ast -rerol !/> @er: 5asr -rerol ! and */
E.'ert &owman -%! to hit/> 'oor &owmen -7! to hit/
Cause $ear :
Ar7chec, to contact -no ill e$$ect i$ this $ails> &ut :ou cant contact an: enem: that causes $ear $or the rest o$ the
Ar chec, i$ charged &: $ear causing $igure8 I$ it $ails 'ut ! Aorale mar,er8 I$ testing $igure has * Aorale
mar,ers> it must ma,e an immediate routmou9ement8
I$ wounded at the start o$ acti9ation rol !<6 :
2% = ! wound regenerated8
3% = * wounds regenerated
6% = 0 wounds regenerated
-creatures can regenerate $aster or slower/
Stu'id :
rol ! <6 i$ acti9ated
" = o''onent ma: ta,e ! action with stu'id $igure -e9en $ire at $reind> e9en close com&at/8 6ose remaining
actions8 )! com&at 'oint8
! = o''onent ma: ta,e ! action with stu'id $igure -e9en $ire at $reind> no close com&at tough/8 6ose remaining
* = 7* actions
0 = 7! action
2% = ;B
Aodi$iers :
7 ! @er: stu'id
%! Aarginall: stu'id
%! witnin !8 inch o$ leader
Controll of Summoned Undead
1ote : To use this o'tional the Cndead side should 'ro&a&l: ha9e a 'ower$ull 1ecromancer -6 or D <6 magical
'ower attoug it could &e $un i$ this is not the case/8
1ecromancer must ha9e 68;8S8 or &e within 6 inch to summoned undead at the end o$ the magic 'hase or 'a: !
mana to ,ee' them under control -with strong or wea, necromancers the control range can &e greater or smaler>
$or'le 2 or 8 inch/8
The 1ecromancer ma: 'a: ! mana to ha9e Emind lin,sF with Eca'tainsF within 68;8S88 These are whigts> mumies>
heroes> cham'ions> Toom&guard> etc8 Those lin,ed chararcters ma: now> $or this turn> control summoned undead
as i$ 1ecromancer -&ut the: ususll: ha9e no mana so should use the 1ecromancersF manna> o'tional: certain
ca'tains ha9e !<6 mana $or this 'ur'ose/8 ;'tional : the 1ecromancer must allocate dice to this Eca'tainsF
&e$ore the: are thrown8
I$ 1ecromancer loses control 'lace a G7mar,er with those $igures8
I$ uncontrolled $igure is acti9ated rol !<6:
! = 7! wound
* = 70 actions
0 = 7* actions
2 = 7! action
3 = ;8B8
6 = ;B8
Aodi$iers :
+ithin !* -* . control range/ inch = %*
+itnin *2 -2 . control range/ inch = %!
(ower$ull 1ecromancer %!
Summon new Undead
;nl: on gra9e:ard> old &attle$ield ect8 This should &e agreed u'on &e$ore 'la: and de'end on the scenario H
The 1ecromancer can use e9er: (;+ER CAR< to summon one undead8 I$ the 1ecromancer is not in the
gra9e:ard he should 'la: RA1#E CAR<S8 Time to cast : !8 ;''onent ma: dis'ell normall:8

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