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Creutlve Commons 1unzunlu 788891"#$%&'#1)**)+,9)":;%$+.$+&$< ls un Afflllute
orgunlzutlon for Creutlve Commons wlth lts heudquurters bused ln Sun lrunclsco ln the
Unlted Stutes of Amerlcu 788891"#$%&'#1)**)+,9)":< thut ls un lnternutlonul nonroflt
orgunlzutlon thut works towurds romotlng the oen movement ln the word ln vlew of
ensurlng more uccess to knowledge (Azl) und lnformutlon ln the word lncludlng uccess to
educutlon und educutlonul muterluls. 1he Cen Unlverslty of 1unzunlu ls the host
orgunlzutlon for Creutlve Commons 1unzunlu. Creutlve Commons hels you shure your
knowledge und creutlvlty wlth the world.

1he Cen Unlverslty of 1unzunlu slgned u Memorundum of Understundlng wlth Creutlve
Commons to host CC ln 1unzunlu ln zcc6 und lt wus the thlrd country ln Afrlcu ufter South
Afrlcu und Nlgerlu. 1o dute severul other Afrlcun countrles huve CC Afflllutes such us Ugundu,
lenyu, Chunu, Lgyt und 1unlslu. Creutlve Commons conslsts of u network of cc Afflllutes
ln over ,c jurlsdlctlons to suort und romote cc uctlvltles uround the world. 1he CC
Afflllute teums enguge ln ubllc outreuch, communlty bulldlng, trunslutlon, reseurch,
ubllclty, und ln generul, romotlng und shurlng the Creutlve Commons Mlsslon.
Creutlve Commons 1unzunlu (CC 1unzunlu) works wlthln the systems und structures of the
Cen Unlverslty of 1unzunlu und reorts dlrectly to the unlverslty munugement whlle
lmlementlng lts core uctlvltles. Creutlve Commons 1unzunlu works through u Roudmu thut
ls uroved by Creutlve Commons Eeudquurters und the unlverslty munugement. 1o euse lts
oerutlon Creutlve Commons 1unzunlu reorts to Creutlve Commons Eeudquurters through
Afrlcu Reglonul Coordlnutors one bused ln South Afrlcu whlle the other one ls bused ln
Creutlve Commons 1unzunlu hus lts own struteglc leudershl und orgunlzutlon structure thut
guldes lts oerutlon. 1he heud of Creutlve Commons 1unzunlu ls the Publlc Leud whlle lts
duytoduy oerutlons ure done by CC 1unzunlu coordlnutor. Cn the other hund most of the
Creutlve Commons 1unzunlu uctlvltles ure done by Munugers resonslble for 1echnology,
1rulnlngs, Llnks und Networklng us well us volunteers.
Creutlve Commons (CC) 1unzunlu ln lmlementlng lts Roudmu luns to luunch the School of
Cen ln zc. 1hls wlll be urt of luunchlng of the School of Cen ln Afrlcu. Among other
countrles thut joln 1unzunlu ls Nlgerlu, lenyu und South Afrlcu.
1he School of Cen ls u globul communlty of volunteers focused on rovldlng free educutlon
oortunltles on the meunlng, ullcutlon und lmuct of "oenness' ln the dlgltul uge und
lts beneflt to creutlve endeuvors, educutlon und reseurch. lndlvlduuls und orgunlzutlons wlll
leurn how to use free technology und tools such us Creutlve Commons llcenses to creute und
uchleve thelr gouls. Purtlclunts wlll ulso leurn how to overcome burrlers they run due to
hyslcul, legul or ethlcul restrlctlons.
1he School of Cen ls coordlnuted by Creutlve Commons (CC) und Peer z Peer Unlverslty
(PzPU) u eer leurnlng communlty for develolng und runnlng free onllne courses.
1he School of Cen wlll offer courses thut wlll be owered by mentors und leurners thut wlll
be orgunlzed lnto study grous thut leveruge free und oen resources und tools for
colluborutlon. Artlsts, Lducutors, Leurners, Archlvlsts und other creutors ulreudy lmrove
thelr fleld vlu the use of oen tools und muterluls.
1he School of Cen ulms to offer certlflcutlon on the skllls leurned so thut to hel others to
tuke full udvuntuge of whut the dlgltul uge hus to offer.
1he School of Cen ln some Afrlcun countrles llke lenyu und South Afrlcu hus exunded lts
reuch to run workshos und ure currently exlorlng to other nelghborlng countrles us well.
1he lnltlutlve hus been feutured romlnently us u urt of Creutlve Commons unnuul
cumulgn, uwurded u CC Afflllute roject Crunt und contlnues to be feutured on the CC blog.
Lue to the lmuct of School of Cen ln lenyu und South Afrlcu, Creutlve Commons ufflllutes
und ussocluted volunteers ln 1unzunlu und Nlgerlu ure ulso lunnlng to luunch School of
Cen uctlvltles ln thelr reglons. ln order to muxlmlze the lmuct und reuch of the uctlvltles,
the volunteers roose to luunch the uctlvltles slmultuneously us urt of un Afrlcu wlde
School of Cen luunch ln the fourth quurter of zc to demonstrute the otentlul of oen
educutlonul resources und tools for emowerlng Afrlcun youth, educutors, ucudemlcs,
urtlsts und other creutors.
1unzunlu luns to luunch the School of Cen, the muln theme for the School of Cen ln
1unzunlu wlll be lC1 for Leveloment (lC1L). lt focuses on the three muln ureus.
) lC1 for unemloyed youth: 1he School of Cen 1unzunlu wlll flrst deul on lC1 for youth
whlch wlll mulnly focus on out of school youth of 1unzunlu by unleushlng the otentlul
oortunltles resented by lC1 und oen resources. 1hls ls owlng to the fuct thut of the
oulutlon of 1unzunlu ls youth below the uge of yeurs whlle youth between yeurs und
yeurs uccounts for ., und thut youth unemloyment rute uccountunts 8.8 whlch ls
ulmost twlce the nutlonul unemloyment rute und thls rute ls u from 6. ln zcc. 1hls
trulnlng ls ulmed ut showlng them thut not ull ls lost und thut the lnternet und oen
technologles resents oortunltles for them to tuke udvuntuge of. ve envlslon the
develoment of u weeklong rogrum thut would lntroduce lC1 skllls through the use und
ullcutlon of oen resources. A secondury comonent wlll lnvolve the youth ln creutlng
future verslons of the rogrum through the roductlon of CC llcensed resources und further
urtlclutlon ln other School of Cen courses. Purtlclunts wlll become new School of Cen
volunteers, lmrovlng und runnlng future trulnlng rogrums us u wuy to glve buck to und
grow thelr communlty. 1hls rogrumme wlll be led by CC 1unzunlu volunteers wlth exertlse
ln luw und journullsm.
z) lC1 for youth wlth dlsubllltles: lC1 for klds wlth dlsubllltles wlll be tuught on how to use
comuters. 1he muln ulm ls to brlng hoe to them thut they ure not left behlnd. 1hls trulnlng
wlll sturt ut lrente ln Lushoto und luter wlll be u sculed to some other urts of 1ungu reglon
und the rest of 1unzunlu us funds und loglstlcs wlll ullow. 1he School of Cen 1unzunlu wlll
colluborute wlth the lnstltute of Lducutlonul Munugement 1echnology of the Cen
Unlverslty of 1unzunlu ln urtlculur the unlt resonslble for eole wlth dlsubllltles.
ve envlslon the develoment of u twoweek rogrum wlth the flrst week lnvolvlng ln
erson trulnlng wlth one week of followu trulnlng onllne. 1he flrst week wlll center on the
buslcs of lC1 und uccess to oen resources, wlth the second week emhuslzlng the use und
ullcutlon of the oen resources us enubled by CC tools. 1he trulnlng wlll be done to
1rulnlng of 1rulners (1C1) lnvolvlng eole mostly wlth dlsubllltles und few who ure not. 1he
venue for these trulnlng wlll be ut the Sebustlun lolowu Memorlul Unlverslty (SLlCMU)
uslng thelr lC1 lubs. lollowlng the rogrum, urtlclunts wlll be uble to udvunce to vurlous
other oen tolcs through uduted onllne courses ut the School of Cen. 1hls rogrumme
wlll be led by CC 1unzunlu volunteers wlth exertlse ln lnformutlon technology. 1hls wlll be
huse one of the roject.
1he second huse of thls roject wlll lnvolve u monthly hyslcul follow u trulnlng of the
eole wlth dlsublllty ut lrente for u contlnuous erlod of slx months. 1hls erlod wlll lnvolve
usslstlng those trulnees who were trulned ln order to ensure sustulnublllty. 1he thlrd und lust
huse of thls roject wlll lnvolve ucqulsltlon of lC1 fucllltles und lnstullutlon of modern lC1
lub for eole wlth dlsubllltles ut lrente. 1he budget for huse one trulnlng hus been
reured whlle the one for huse two und three wlll be reured und submltted ln due
) lC1 for educutors ln schools: lC1 (1LEAMA) for rlmury und secondury schools. 1hls seeks
to usslst the government ln urtlculur the Prlme Mlnlster's CfflceReglonul Authorltles und
Locul Covernment to flll the gu of teuchers und the teuchlng of lC1 ln 1unzunlu. 1he flrst
huse wlll be to vlslt und teuch lC1 ln ut leust three schools ut three dlfferent dlstrlcts ln vlew
of estubllshlng the leurnlng envlronment, sltuutlon of leurners und the cuuclty gu. ve
envlslon the develoment of u twoduy worksho for educutors trulnlng them on lC1 und
the buslcs of oen educutlonul resources (CLR) und CC tools und how such tools could be
ulled for clussroom use by both teuchers und students. 1hls rogrumme wlll be led by CC
1unzunlu volunteers wlth exertlse ln lnformutlon technology.
All the ubove cun be seen ln the School of Cen new landing page now redirects: --> - a collaborative
global effort between open communities like the Open Coalition, Open
Knowledge Foundation, Mozilla and Wikimedia!

ln the lnterlm the School of Cen ln 1unzunlu huve klck sturted wlth the trulnlng of students
wlth bllndness und vlsuul lmulrment ln secondury schools ln 1unzunlu sturtlng wlth those
bused ln Lur es Suluum. 1hls ls done owlng to the struteglc osltlon whlch CU1 hus by vlrtue
of the current lub und the role luyed by the Asslstlve 1echnology Unlt (AS1U) und the fuct
thut students wlth bllndness und vlrtuul lmulrment ure ln dlre need of lC1 skllls to enuble
them reu the beneflts resented by lC1.
1hls lnltlul rogrumme ls tuklng luce ut llnondonl Reglonul Centre und ls done durlng
weekends for the durutlon of one month coverlng four weeks wlth two duys ln euch week
muklng the totul of elght duys u month. 1he lnltlul trulnlng ln Lur es Suluum uved wuy for
further trulnlngs ln Lushoto und Muflngu. 1he fundlng for these trulnlngs ls done by the
1he CU1 exects thut ln future other urtners wlll joln hunds ln order to suort these
lnltlutlves whlch ure done on voluntury busls hence luns ure under wuy to urouch u
number of well wlshers such us Rotury Clubs, government mlnlstrles und cororute entltles
ln order to moblllse fundlng. Some of the mlnlstrles thut huve been eurmurked lnclude
Mlnlstry of Communlcutlon Sclence und 1echnology us well us Mlnlstry of Youth, Sorts und
Culture. ln terms of cororute entltles CU1 wlll urouch voducom, 2untel, Alrtel, 1lgo, NEC
und Slght Suvers. CU1 wlll ulso urouch 1CRA und other ubllc entltles for fundlng
oortunltles. Cne request thut wlll be mude to these entltles wlll be to request them to see
the osslblllty of further suortlng best erformers ln vlew of recrultlng them ln future.


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