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Personal Health Promotion

Stephaine Ryan
Ferris State University

In this paper the author has performed four different assessments, surveys, and questionnaires.
After completing these surveys the author learned the areas where not only her family but areas
that she also needs to maintain or keep taking action on. Areas that the author must maintain are
keeping active with her family and that the family keeps making healthy food choices for meals
and snacks. The author needs to work on being comfortable sharing her feelings with everyone
she encounters not just her family and friends.

Personal Health Promotion
Knowing what your belief is about your personal health is very important. If a person
knows how they believe on what causes them to become ill or helps them become healthier that
will help improve their personal health. This information can help a person become more
educated on different ways to prevent the illness and ways to improve their health. On the
internet there are many different tools for someone to use to help assess a their views and beliefs
on their personal health. Taking the time to use those tools can help improve not only personal
health but the health of a family.
Wellness Assessment Tools
After completing the Health Beliefs Survey (see Appendix A), the author found that her
result is internal. According to the scoring of the survey it states that the higher the score on the
internal subscale, the more personal control clients believe that they exercise over their own
health (Doerr, p. 23). This caused the author to evaluate internally to help promote health and
evaluate what she could do to help promote the health of her family. To help the author evaluate
these different ways the author completed the Worksite Survey (see Appendix B), Your Family
Survey (see Appendix C), and the Self-esteem Questionnaire (see Appendix D).
The author chose the Worksite Survey because when she isnt with her family, most of
her time is spent at the workplace. Evaluating how the workplace helps promote healthy living
and making healthy choices is important to promoting the authors personal health. The
organization the author works at has a program where any of the employees can join the Healthy
Lifestyles group. The organization does biometric testing that evaluates the employees
cholesterol levels, BMI, blood glucose and blood pressure. If the employee keeps their results in
the goal level (i.e. at normal levels), the employee receives a monetary bonus. As each year
passes, the employee must keep these levels at goal level or their levels improving the
organization increases the amount of the bonus. At the biometric screening the employee gets to
keep a brochure that has the results of all of the tests performed, as well as education on what
each test means and how to improve the results (Spectrum Health, 2013). Also there are
individuals there to help educate the employee if they should have any questions.
This author also completed the Your Family Survey (Doerr, p.33). This survey helped the
author understand what her family feels the definition of health is, what steps being taken to be
healthy and areas where the family can improve on making healthy choices. Some areas that
were shown to need improvement were getting all members of the family to participate, keep
making healthy food choices and to continue to be active. Also making these healthy activities
fun so that the children will want to continue to participate throughout their lives.
The final tool the author used was the Self-Esteem Questionnaire (Doerr, p.30). The
author felt that the self-esteem survey would be beneficial as she felt that her self-esteem is an
area that she needs to work on improving. She felt that improving her self-esteem, she would
also improve her personal health promotion. The results of the survey for the author were that
her points were in the 120-140 point range. This range states your self-esteem is in the high-
normal range. You can take people and situations in stride. You also have enough confidence to
improve if you need to (Doerr, p. 31). The results did surprise the author as she thought that she
would be on the low-normal point range. As the author gets older, she is improving on being
more comfortable in her own skin. The author feels that it is an area that all people improve on
as they mature and grow into being their own person.
Readiness for Change
This author assessed her readiness to change her present health lifestyle. According to the
Pender text (2011), this author believes that she is in the maintenance phase (p.51) of change.
The maintenance phase is when the change has been in place for at least six months and is
continuing (sustaining change over time) (p.51). As a family we have always been active, my
children enjoy playing outside or using their imagination while playing instead of watching
television or playing video games. Also since the children have been able to eat solid food they
have been allowed only one sweet snack a day. After that snack any other snacks must be a
healthy choice such as fruits, vegetables, or cheese. The author has been working on staying
active with her boys as well as eating right and working on her self-esteem.
Wellness Results
The results from each of these assessments, surveys and questionnaires make the author
more aware of areas in her personal and family health that need more improvement. There are
parts of the health program that are going to always need to be improved on and worked with
such as getting enough exercise and making healthy food choices. The author has improved
greatly in the area of self-esteem as she has matured. There are times that she is with different
individuals where she feels that she cant be herself by stating her feelings; she is working on
being able to improve that area.
Wellness Diagnosis
The wellness diagnosis that this author and her family have is effective family coping
strategies: growth potential. It demonstrates the desire and the desire to improve his health and that
of the customer and provide opportunity for personal growth (NANDA, 2013). This diagnosis
works well for the family and the author as they all have the desire to improve their health and
want to work together to improve their personal problems. They desire to eat well and be active
to help maintain a healthy lifestyle. The author continues to work on self-esteem.
Personal Health Promotion Plan and Outcomes
Family- Ryan Family
Occupations of Employed Members of Household- Father-Diesel Mechanic/Farmer, Mother-
Registered Nurse
Family form- two parent household
Cultural Identification- Caucasian
Family members- Garrett (Father) 34 years old
Stephaine (Mother) 32 years old
Sawyer (Son) 8 years old
Conner (Son) 4 years old
Family Strengths- Open communication, making healthy food choices (children sometimes need
reminding), being active
Major Risk Factors- Father not home often due to work schedule to participate in activities,
children see this and dont like to participate in all the activities, not making healthy food choices
all the time, not a lot of time spent as a family of four
Nursing Diagnosis- Effective family coping strategies: growth potential
Medical Diagnosis- None at this time
Desired Behavior and Health Outcomes- Have more active family outings to improve health,
continue to make healthy food choices for meals and snacks, becoming comfortable being herself
around everyone

Goals Behavior Stage
-Be more active as a family -Schedule a family day for activities -Action
at least once every two months
-Only watch TV/play video games for -Action
half hour after school and one hour before
-Make healthy food choices -Eat only 1 sweet food serving a day -Maintenance
for meals and snacks
-Become more comfortable -Discuss feelings with family and friends -Action
with self and sharing feelings
-Assess what makes author uncomfortable -Planning
with herself
Assessments were done to help the author assess her own personal health. The author is
also a mother and wife, so the health for her family is very important as well. After completing
the Health Belief Survey, Workplace Survey, Your Family Survey and the Self-esteem
Questionnaire, the author found that there are areas that of her health and her familys health that
need to me maintained. With the initial Health Belief Survey, the author found that she feels that
she is in control of her health. She also found that in the workplace, they have programs that
support and encourage a healthy lifestyle. They perform health tests to monitor improvement and
grant bonuses to those that improve or maintain their personal health. The Your Family Survey
reiterated that fact that the family must continue to make healthy choices with what they are
eating as well as maintaining and increasing the amount of family activities. The Self-esteem
Questionnaire educated the author that her self-esteem was actually higher than she thought and
that there was really only one area that she needed to work on. That was the area of self-esteem
Just like any health change it needs to be maintained and consistently worked at. It is
something that needs to be used in the daily life of the author and her family. They are working
on these changes continuously since the implantation of these changes.

Doerr, M. (2013) Syllabus. Retrieved from
NANDA. (2013). Nanda nursing diagnosis list. Retrieved from
Pender, N., Murdaugh, C. & Parsons, M. (2011). Health Promotion in Nursing Practice (6
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Parson
Spectrum Health (n.d.) Healthy Lifestyles. Retrieved from https://insite.spectrum-
Spectrum Health (2013) Your Biometric Screen Results.

Figure 1: Appendix A


Figure 2: Appendix B

Figure 3: Appendix C

Figure 4: Appendix C


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