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eSphere Security Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Setting up Windows Phone 8 environment

in VMWare
Pre Requisites
Windows Phone 8 SDK is only supported with 64-bit Windows 8 Pro or higher.
VMware player 5.0.1 or workstation 9. ( The Hypervisor is not supported by older versions)
Required Files:
File Name Source
Windows phone 8 SDK

Hardware Requirements
Minimum of 2 GBs RAM is required to run windows 8 while recommended RAM is 4 GBs
Minimum of 80 GBs HDD space should be allotted to VM.
Machines BIOS must support the following requirements and must be enabled for,
o Hardware-assisted virtualization
o Second Level Address Translation (SLAT)
o Hardware-based Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
A tool named Coreinfo by Microsoft is available to check the above mentioned hardware
requirements, and the BIOS setting for virtulization & SLAT.

eSphere Security Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Setting up VMWare image for Windows 8
Download and Install VM Player 5 or above.
Creating VM for windows 8

Open VM Player and click on Add new Virtual Machine with Windows 8 Pro operating system
selected under Version.

Set Virtual machine Name, the installation location and Disk size as per your requirement.

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Click on Finish.
Configuring Processor and enabling VM running into VM
Change the value of Number of Processor cores to 2
Check the Virtualize Intel VT-x/EPT or AMD-v/RVI checkbox as shown below

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Change VMX configuration file
WQindows phone 8 emulator is a virtual machine inside hyper-v so by running an emulator in vmware
image, one is running a virtual machine inside the Virtual Machine on windows 8 pro
Once the VM image is created, Open .vmx file and add the following line into it.
hypervisor.cpuid.v0 = FALSE
This will allow to run a VM inside another VM. It, ultimately, tells the VMWare not to report to the
virtual machine that it's running inside another VM.
Install SDK tools and visual studio express 2012 for windows phone
Download WPexpress_full.exe from URL mentioned in the prerequisite list.
Running the setup will download packages and required files from the server.
Enabling hyper-v
Go to Control panel, click Programs, and then click on Turn Windows features on or off.
In the Windows Features dialog box, Expand Hyper-V. The list of options expands.
In the expanded list of options, select the Hyper-V Platform check box as shown below, and click OK.

The virtual machine is now ready to develop Windows phone 8 applications.

eSphere Security Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
How to run windows phone 8 emulator from hyper-v
To run windows emulator, one need to create virtual switch and virtual machine. Open Hyper-v (as
administrator), as Hyper-v will be installed with SDK inside the machine.
Create Virtual Switch

Open the Virtual Switch Manager

Select New virtual network switch under Virtual Switches and Click on Create Virtual Switch
of External type.

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Add switch name. The new switch should appear within Virtual Switches area.

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Click yes and new virtual switch will be created.

eSphere Security Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Create Virtual Machine using Wizard
Click on new virtual machine and create new VM by following the below steps

Add a Name to virtual machine.

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Change Memory size to 512MB

Select virtual switch created previously In this case New Virtual Switch

Select the phone image from the SDK directory

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In this case,
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.0\Emulation\Images

There are multiple images with different resolution, select as per your requirement. In this case,
Flash.480*800 is selected.

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Now you can see the new VM in the list. Select your VM and start emulator as shown below

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Click on Start button to start windows phone 8 emulator.

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