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"When the French monarch proposed the persecution of Christians in his dominion, an old
statesman and warrior said to him,
Sire, the church of God is an anvil that has worn out many hammers.' So the hammers of infidels
have been pecin! away at this boo for a!es, but the hammers are worn out, and the anvil still
endures. "f this boo had not been the boo of God, men would have destroyed it lon! a!o.
#mperors and popes, in!s and priests, princes and rulers have all tried their hand at it$ they die
and the boo still lives.%
"&o other boo has been so chopped, nived, sifted, scrutini'ed, and vilified. What boo on
philosophy or reli!ion or psycholo!y or belles lettres of classical or modern times has been sub(ect
to such a mass attac as the )ible* With such venom and septicism* With such thorou!hness and
erudition* +pon every chapter, line and tenet*
""nfidels of ei!hteen hundred years have been main! ceaseless attempts at refutin! and
overthrowin! this boo, and yet it stands today as solid roc. "ts circulation increases, and it is
more loved and cherished and read today than ever before. "nfidels, with all their assaults, mae
about as much impression on this boo as a man with a tac hammer would on the ,yramids of
-... -astin!s
The Foundation Of law and The Law
/ll law and order, all societies, rests upon some le!al authority. 0here must be a source or
foundation for the laws and (urisprudence of a nation. 1any different modes of law and (ustice
have been devised, yet after thousands of years of stru!!le alon! these lines the world has failed to
find any system of law and (ustice, which can compare with that which is tau!ht in the )ible.
-uman le!al systems come and !o and are continually in the process of reform and chan!e, but the
eternal principles of (ustice, truth and ri!hteousness established by God for man are unchan!ed.
0hey have endured the test of time by way of their proven effectiveness. 0hus, all e2uitable codes
of (urisprudence are founded upon )iblical teachin!s and principles, and indeed must conform to
them, as Sir William )lacstone well says3
+pon these two foundations, the law of nature and the law of revelation 4-oly Scriptures5 depend
all human laws$ that is to say, no human laws should be suffered to contradict these
46 )6. Comm.785.
)lacstone further stipulates that human laws are only declaratory of, and act in subordination to,
divine and natural laws; and should any human law allow or enjoin us to do what divine law has
prohibited, we are bound to transgress that human law. 46 )l. Comm. 7897:5.
"t is +ndeniable that Gods .aw supersedes man;s law
God forbid, we establish the .aw.% 4<omans :3:6.5 =efinition of establish3 create, institute, set up,
initiate, start
Sir William )lacstone clearly understood scripture. "f ever the law of God and man are at
variance, the former are to be obeyed in dero!ation of the later. 4/cts >38?5.
"For my thou!hts are not your thou!hts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the .@<=. For as
the heavens are hi!her than the earth, so are my ways hi!her than your ways, and my thou!hts than
your thou!hts." 4"saiah >>3A9?5
"t is our duty and we are bound to @bey God B God;s .aws
=uties may be considered in the relation of man towards God, towards himself, and towards
manind. 6. We are bound to obey the will of God as far as we are able to discover it, because he is
the soverei!n .ord of the universe who made and !overns all thin!s by his almi!hty power, and
infinite wisdom. )ouvier's .aw =ictionary 6A>C #dition
&o !uilt attaches to him who is compelled to obey )ouvier;s .aw =ictionary 6A>C edition
0he .aws of God are "11+0/).#. What cannot be removed, what is unchan!eable. 0he laws of
God bein! perfect are immutable, but no human law can be so considered. )ouvier's .aw
=ictionary 6A>C #dition.
God;s .aw is irreproachableD We can do nothin! a!ainst 0ruth. 48 Corinthians 6:3A5
4=euteronomy :83753 God is 0ruth E 4,salm 66?367853 0he .aw is 0ruth
Lex est ab aeterno. 0he .aw is from everlastin!. )ouvier's .aw =ictionary 6A>C #dition.
God;s .aw is perfect and everlastin!. Gods .aw doesn't !o away because man re9invents his own
laws. )ouvier's .aw =ictionary 6A>C #dition
God's law is also proven eternal and everlastin! in scripture. 4,sa 66?36>8,6CF5 4,sa 6663G9A5
)ouvier;s reco!ni'es that Gods .aw and the land are the same
"Le ley de Dieu et ley de terre sont tout un, et l'un et l'autre preferre et favour le common et
publique bien del terre990he law of God and the law of the land are all one$ and both preserve and
favor the common !ood of the land." ouvier's Law Dictionary H6?67I, "1aJim," p. 8678.
"Legem terrae amittentes perpetuam infamiae notam inde merito incurrunt99 0hose who do not
preserve the law of the land, then (ustly incur the ineffaceable brand of infamy." ouvier's Law
Dictionary H6?67I, '1aJim," p. 8678.
0he lex non scripta is the law of the land because it preserves both the Christian 1an and the state.
Whoever rebels a!ainst the laws of the land 4God5 shall be put to death. 4Kosh. 636A5.
&ote3 =o not confuse God;s .aw of the .and with the common law$ which is founded from the
Custom of 1erchants, .aw91erchant, .aw of 1erchants and <oman law.
1an's observance of divine law is essential in his moral conduct, economic well bein!, and social
order, (ust as the physical laws are essential in an orderly universe. 0he )ible contains those
precepts and commands which constitute the le!al and moral authority to !uide human conduct.
0here is no doubtful authority contained in the words3 "Thus saith the LORD." 0his is the
authority all law and (ustice must be founded upon.
)iblical (ustice consists of an eJact and scrupulous re!ard for the ri!hts of others, with a deliberate
purpose to preserve them on all occasions sacred and inviolate, and for the perpetual disposition to
render every man his due.
0he )ible also contains many rules, re!ulations and laws for the creation, maintenance and
enforcement of oaths and contracts, which are essential acts for both conductin! daily business and
in administerin! (ustice. See3 )iblical .aw for @aths, Lows and Contracts
.aws of )iblical society held that one who had undertaen a duty or obli!ation, in le!al form, must
fully and eJactly perform it, at all re!ards. "f a man acted, he did so at his own ris. "t was his duty
to eep his eyes open and abide by the conse2uences of his a!reement and the law of the land.
)iblical (ustice stresses the importance of re2uirin! two or more witnesses in order to condemn a
person of some offense. "n )iblical law, as it is today, it is mandatory that witnesses !ive their
testimony in the presence of the accused and that they testify by oath. Legal fictions cannot ma!e
claims and give testimony against bondmen, as they "as Legal #ictions$ have not the breath of life
and lac! the authority to perfect a claim at Law. %here there is no Law there is no transgression
therefore, a bondman cannot transgress against or offend a Legal #iction.
)ecause the law woreth wrath3 for where no law is, there is no trans!ression. 4<omans 736>5
For the same reasons the .e!al Fiction cannot believe in a God that punishes evil and rewards
!ood. "t is not capable of swearin! an oath and has no conscience to bind. "t is folly.
Secular <eco!nition of )ondservant in Case .aw
"&o man can be char!ed in e2uity as a partner 4secular character5, and sued at law 4)ondman
Character5 as a debtor of the firm, for his adversary cannot place him in these incompatible le!al
attitudes." <heem v Snod!rass H6A>:I, 8 Grant's Cases H,a.I :G?, :AF. 4Secular and )ondman
characters are two separate and distinct incompatible le!al attitudes and capacities. ". . .and what
communion hath li!ht with darness*"5
""ndividuals 4)ondman5 rely for protection of their ri!ht on God's law, and not upon re!ulations
and proclamations of departments of !overnment, or officers who have been desi!nated to carry
laws into effect." )aty v. Sale, 7: "ll. :>6.% 4Codes, edicts, proclamations, and decisions are not
.aw, which define or re!ulate the Good and .awful )ondman. 0herefore, title 78 "law" suits are
un!odly, and are the redress for and of human bein!s, i.e., non9believers.5
See3 =efinition of -uman )ein!s 1ust read thisMMM
Servant: / servi is pro nulloNain to death in relationship to civil law.% Digesta &ustiniana '(.
)*. +(,.
.aw and (ustice are to eJist as fiJed and standard rules. 0hey never were to be determined by what
any individual or Kud!e believed was ri!ht or wron!, !ood or bad$ but by what was ri!ht or wron!
accordin! to what God established3
Oou shall not follow other !ods 4ways, laws, etc5 ... Oou shall dili!ently eep the
commandments of the .@<= your God, -is testimonies, and -is statutes, which -e
commanded you.
/nd you shall do what is ri!ht and !ood in the si!ht of the .@<=, that it may be well with
you. 4=eut.C36796A5.
With the law established, it is imperative it be publici'ed, for it has been a reco!ni'ed maJim
throu!hout the a!es that$ A law is not obligatory unless it be promulgated. 4,ublici'ed5
See3 / law is not obli!atory unless it be promul!ated.
When God !ave "srael the law, -e verbally pronounced it to them 4#Jod. 8F5. .ater -e had 1oses
pronounce the laws to the people 4#Jod. 873:5. "f the law was not made public, and instead placed
directly in the '/r of the Covenant' Hwhich no one was allowed to touchI, the people would never
have been obli!ed to eep the law.
0hat we mi!ht not be i!norant of the law and (ustice God re2uires of us, -e had performed one of
-is !reatest wors9 the recordin! of His word on these matters in the )ible and preservin! that
word throu!hout the a!es.
Ignorance of God & Gods Laws
Inevitably there will be those that re(ect God and -is .aws and they will say3 What if " don;t believe
in God or the )ible*
/ccordin! to law of man your personal belief system is irrelevant. 0he secular courts acnowled!e
that every man is presumed to believe in God, and he who opposes a witness on the !round of his
unbelief is bound to prove it. : )ouv. "nst. u.:6AF. /nd$
/ccordin! to the .aw of God we are all bound to our law!iver, re!ardless of our personal
interpretation of reality.
/nd they shall not teach every man his nei!hbour, and every man his brother, sayin!, Pnow the
.ord3 for all shall now me, from the least to the !reatest. 4-ebrews A3665
For the .@<= is our (ud!e, the .@<= is our law!iver, the .@<= is our in!$ he will save us.
4"saiah ::3885,
We are also to now God is our .aw!iver3 0here is one law!iver 4Kames 73685
We now God is our .aw!iver because God forbid, we establish the .aw.% 4<omans :3:6.5
=efinition of establish3 create, institute, set up, initiate, start
So when you re(ect God and -is .aws both the courts and God consider you an "nfidel because
God is the .aw.
God "S 0he .aw
4<omans 6C38C53 God is #ternal E 4,salm 6663G9A53 0he .aw is #ternal
4Kohn 738753 God is Spiritual E 4<omans G36753 0he .aw is Spiritual
4,salm 67>36G53 God is <i!hteous E 4,salm 66?36G853 0he .aw is <i!hteous
41atthew >37A53 God is ,erfect E 4,salm 6?3G53 0he .aw is ,erfect
4.ue 6A36?53 God is Good E 4<omans G36853 0he .aw is Good
4=euteronomy :83753 God is Kust E 4<omans G36853 0he .aw is Kust
46 Kohn :3:53 God is ,ure E 4,salms 6?3A53 0he .aw is ,ure
4" Kohn 73A53 God is .ove E 4<omans 6:36F53 0he .aw is .ove
4" Kohn 63>53 God is .i!ht E 4,roverbs C38:53 0he .aw is .i!ht
4,salms 7A3653 God is Great E 4-osea A36853 0he .aw is Great
4=euteronomy :83753 God is 0ruth E 4,salm 66?367853 0he .aw is 0ruth
4"saiah >36C53 God is -oly E 4<omans G36853 0he .aw is -oly
Infidel, ,ersons, evidence. @ne who does not believe in the eJistence of a God, who will reward
or punish in this world or that which is to come. )ouvier's .aw =ictionary 6A>C #dition
0o re(ect God;s .aw is to become dead in .aw 0he law 4man;s5 re(ects your testimony because
there are has no reli!ious principles to bind the conscience, you could lie without fear of
retribution, a !uilty conscience or divine punishment.
Secular <eco!nition of infidel in Case .aw
)ouvier's .aw =ictionary 6A>C #dition =efinition of Witness3 8:. 9 Q7. When the witness has no
reli!ious principles to bind his conscience, the law re(ects his testimony! but there is not such
defect of reli!ious principles, when the witness believes in the eJistence of a God, who will reward
or punish in this world or that which is to come. 4Willes' <. >>F5.
Kurare est =eum in testum vocare, et est actus divini cultus. 0o swear is to call God to witness, and
is an act of reli!ion. : Co. "nst. 6C>. Lide : )ouv. "nst. n. :6AF, note$ 6 )enth. <at. of Kud. #v. :GC,
:G6, note.
See3 0estifyin! under @ath
"f you are .awless 4without God5 than you are voluntarily in Caesar;s Kurisdiction. See -uman
bein!s i.e. non9believers, those who re(ect divinity.
&ote the )aty v. Sale, 7: "ll. :>6 rulin! 0herefore, title 78 "law" suits are un!odly, and are the
redress for and of human bein!s, i.e., non9believers.
<e(ectin! God;s .aw
0hus saith the .ord G@=$ Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have
seen nothin!M 4#'eiel 6:3:5
We claim to honor God;s .aw with our lipsD but our sin finds us out. 0hey profess that they
now God$ but in wors they deny him, bein! abominable, and disobedient, and unto every !ood
wor reprobate. 40itus 636C5
0hus, the .ord has said3 "0hou shalt not tae the name of the .ord thy God in vain, for the .ord
will not hold him !uiltless that taeth -is name in vain."
/nd the a!ent on the #arth to eJact punishment for violations of this Commandment is none other
than the courts we have today. We nowin!ly and willfully violate this Commandment by our own
acts 99 dailyM
We do those thin!s we ou!ht not, a!ainst God's .aw, while demandin! the benefits, privile!es, and
opportunities of un!odly !overnments, which is precisely how we willin! end up in Caesar;s
KurisdictionD. willfully re(ectin! God;s .aws.
Secular courts have no (urisdiction over the )ondservant of ChristM
God;s .aw is 0ruth
0hy ri!hteousness is an everlastin! ri!hteousness, and thy .aw is the truth. 4,ss.66? 6785
God;s .aw is irreproachableD We can do nothin! a!ainst 0ruth. 48 Corinthians 6:3A5
4"euterono#$ %&:'(: God is Truth ) *Psal# ++,:+'&(: The Law is Truth
Oou cannot claim to obey God;s .aw B follow 1ammonD
Oou cannot serve two masters 41atthew C387, .ue 6C36:5
"Oe cannot drin the cup of the .ord, and the cup of devils3 ye cannot be partaers of the .ord's
table, and of the table of devils." 46 Corinthians 6F3865
Oour wors testify as to whom you are obedient to
Oe shall now them by their fruits." 41att G36C.5 0he word "fruit" used here is Stron!'s &umber
8>?F, which means "wor, act, deed" 4Stron!'s Gree B -ebrew =ictionary5
0hey profess that they now God$ but in wors they deny him, bein! abominable, and disobedient,
and unto every !ood wor reprobate. 40itus 636C5
-e that saith, " now him, and eepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
4" Kohn 837.5
Oou must now and stand 4wal5 in God;s .aw at all times to avoid Caesars Kurisdiction and claim
God;s protection. "f you were truly a )ondservant of Christ you would now and invoe God;s
/ll must confirm the words of the .aw by doin! them. 4=eut 8G38C$ Gal. :36F.5
/nd then will " profess unto them, " never new you3 depart from me, ye that wor ini2uity
4.awlessness5. 41atthew G38:5
#stablish yourself as a )ondservant of Christ by nowin! B followin!
-is .aws
/nd hereby we do now that we now him, if we eep his commandments. 4" Kohn 83:.5
/nd if it seem evil unto you to serve the .@<=, choose you this day whom ye will serve$ whether
the !ods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the !ods of the
/morites, in whose land ye dwell3 but as for me and my house, we will serve the .@<=. 4Koshua
God;s .aws in Scripture
0he .aws and Commandments of God
0hese, -avin! &ot the .aw, /re a .aw +nto 0hemselves 0hey /re Without #Jcuse
0hey -ave Cast /way the .aw of the .ord
0hey -ave 1ade Loid 0hy .aw
0he C6: .aws of God Called the 1it'vot
0he .aw of Slaves
0he .aw of Slaves HbondservantsI
When one becomes, and remains, a true bondman of his lord and master, he is as his lord and
master 41atthew 6F38>5$ all debts and other bindin!s are paid.
"t is enou!h for the disciple that he be as his master 41atthew 6F38>5
Wast thou called bein! a bondman 4Rof men5* .et it not be a care to thee3 but and if thou art able
to become free, use it rather. For he bein! called in the .ord, bein! a bondman, is a freedman of
the .ord3 liewise also he that is called, bein! free, is a bondman of Christ. With a price ye were
bou!ht$ become not bondmen of men.% 46 Corinthians G38698:5
/ servi is pro nulloNain to death in relationship to civil law.% Digesta &ustiniana '(. )*. +(,.
When walin! in newness of life and therefore hid in the Christ, man's law cannot, in .aw, see or
touch -is bondmen3
.ost B .awless without God;s .aw
"f you depart from the .aw you will wander without a !uide and everythin! will be in a
state of uncertainty to every one. 4Koshua 63A5
Where there is no law there is no trans!ression, as it re!ards the world. For that ye ou!ht to say, "f
the .ord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. 4<omans 736>5 "n other wordsD We cannot
trans!ress a!ainst dead le!al fictions because they are dead in .awMMMM We are bound by duty to
obey Gods .aws.
Why we must obey God;s .aw
God commands it for our own !ood because we are lost without God.
Oe shall do my (ud!ments, and eep mine ordinances, to wal therein3 " am the .@<= your God.
4.eviticus 6A375
0hou shalt eep therefore his statutes, and his commandments, which " command thee this day,
that it may !o well with thee, and with thy children after thee, and that thou mayest prolon! thy
days upon the earth, which the .@<= thy God !iveth thee, for ever. 4=euteronomy 737F5
"t;s our duty to follow God;s .aw
0he whole duty of man is to live by God's commandments 4#cclesiastes 6836:5, not man's
commandments which turn from the 0ruth 41ar G3G, Colossians 838F988, 0itus 63675.
What duty is there to a servant of Christ eJcept to fulfil God's .aw* 4<omans 6:3A5
=on;t follow the multitudes for they are the unbelievers
0he multitude of those who err is no eJcuse for error. 4#Jodus 8:385
-e acts prudently 4(udiciously, wisely5 who obeys the commands of the .aw. 4#cclesiastes 6836:5
God;s ways are hi!her than our ways
"For my thou!hts are not your thou!hts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the .@<=. For as
the heavens are hi!her than the earth, so are my ways hi!her than your ways, and my thou!hts than
your thou!hts." 4"saiah >>3A9?5
0hus saith the .ord G@=$ Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have
seen nothin!M 4#'eiel 6:3:5
God;s .aw is #ternal
For verily " say unto you, 0ill heaven and earth pass, one (ot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from
the .aw, till all be fulfilled. 41at >36A5
@ur .ord's words have a very definite impact, because the words of God do not pass away
41atthew 873:>5.
"t seems obvious from the very nature of both the 0en Commandments and the ordinances, that it
was only the @rdinances that were made obsolete at the cross, throu!h the death and resurrection
of our .ord.
0he 0en Commandments remain as an eternal .aw of love.
-esus .i#self said a/out the co##and#ent law *0at 1:+2( For veril$ I sa$ unto $ou3 till
heaven and earth 4ass3 one 5ot or one tittle shall in no wise 4ass fro# the law3 till all /e
Kud!e for yourselfM "oes Gods Law still a44l$ toda$6
0he .ord is our Kud!eDnot the !overnment or other man3
0he .@<= shall (ud!e the people3 (ud!e me, @ .@<=, accordin! to my ri!hteousness, and
accordin! to mine inte!rity that is in me. 4,salm G.A5
Wherefore " have not sinned a!ainst thee, but thou doest me wron! to war a!ainst me3 the .@<=
the Kud!e be (ud!e this day between the children of "srael and the children of /mmon. )oo G
4Kud!es 66.8G5
0here is only one law!iver 4Kames 73685
For the .ord is our (ud!e, the .ord is our law!iver, the .ord is our in!$ he will save us.4"saiah
)ut the .ord shall endure forever3 -e hath prepared his throne for (ud!ment. 4,salm ?3G5
Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fre shall devour before him,
and it shall be very tempestuous round about him. He shall call to the heavens
from above, and to the earth, that he may judge his people. Gather my saints
together unto me; those that have made a covenant ith me by sacrifce. !nd
the heavens shall declare his righteousness: for God is "udge himself.
#$salm %&:'()*
+he ,ord: for he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth: he shall judge the
orld ith righteousness, and the people ith his truth. #$salm -):.'*
/ said in mine heart, God shall judge the righteous and the icked: for there is
a time there for every purpose and for every ork. #0cclesiastes ':.1*
2ejoice, O young man, in they youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days
of thy youth, and alk in the ays of thine heart. and in the sight of thine
eyes: but kno thou, that for all these things God ill bring thee into
judgment. #0cclesiastes ..:-*
!nd he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify that it is he
hich as ordained of God to be the "udge of 3uick and dead. #!cts .&:45*
+he ,ord knoeth ho to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve
the unjust unto the day of judgement to be punished. #// $eter 5:4(-*
!nd the sea gave up the dead hich ere in it; and death and hell delivered
up the dead hich ere in them: and they ere judged every man according
to their orks. #2evelation 5&:.'*
&o Kustice in mans .aws
"1any wait on the favor of rulers$ but (ustice comes to a man from the .@<=" 4,roverbs 8?38C5
We are to obey the command of a Kud!e
Whoever does anythin! by the command of a (ud!e is not reconed to have done it with an evil
intent, because it is necessary to obey. 4"saiah ::388, "For the .@<= is our (ud!eD"5
Oe shall do my (ud!ments, and eep mine ordinances, to wal therein3 " am the .@<= your God.
4.eviticus 6A375
)efore the .@<=$ for he cometh to (ud!e the earth3 with ri!hteousness shall he (ud!e the world,
and the people with e2uity. 4,salms ?A3?5
&o !uilt attaches to him who is compelled to obey )ouvier;s .aw =ictionary 6A>C edition
".et us hear the conclusion of the whole matter3 Fear God 4Rnot man5, and eep his
commandments 4Rnot man;s commandments53 for this is the whole duty of man." 4#cclesiastes
<e2uirements of Civil .eaders
God ordained rulers with only two reward !ood and punish evil 4Kohn 6A38:, <omans
6:3:97, 6 ,eter 83675. 0hat's itM /nythin! they do beyond this is out of their ordained duties and
God will tae ven!eance on those that mae !rievous laws. "Woe unto them that prescribe
!rievous laws and tae away the ri!ht from the poor." ["saiah 6F36985
.eaders chosen must be wise and (ust. 4=eut. 636:$ 8 Sam. 8:3:$ ,sa. 836F$ ,rov. 8636F$ ,rov.
8?367$ #'e. 7>3?5.
Civil leaders are to be dili!ent in !overnin!. 4<om. 683A5.
Civil leaders are to be men of truth, hatin! covetousness. 4#Jod. 6A3865.
Civil leaders, (ud!es and officers are to fear God. 4#Jod. 6A386$ =eut. 6G36?$ 8 Sam. 8:3:$ 8
Chron. 6?3G, ?$ ,sa. 836F9665.
Civil leaders are to be of God. 4=eut. 6G36>$ -os. A37$ ,rov. A36>96C$ <om. 6:365.
<ulers are not to be a terror to !ood behavior, but rather to the wiced and evil doers. 4,rov. 8F38C$
<om. 6:3:975.
Civil rulers are not to use their office and position to brin! !ain to themselves. 4=eut. 6G36C96G5.
Civil rulers are ministers of God for !ood. 4<om. 6:375
"rresponsible civil leaders are they who are either blind, i!norant, la'y, !reedy, self9centered,
drunards, or act for their own !ain. 4"sa. >C36F9685.
Civil rulers are to record, preserve, study and proclaim the law of God at all times. 4#Jod. 6A38F$
=eut. 6G36A98F$ =eut. :63?, 8798C$ Kosh. A3:8,:79:>$ 8 Pin!s 883A98F$ 8 Pin!s 8:369:5.
"f a ruler unintentionally or out of i!norance violates the law and the violation comes to his
nowled!e, he shall mae restitution for it. 4.ev. 738898:5.
Civil leaders and authorities are to be men not women. 4#Jod. 6A386$ =eut. 636:, 6>$ "sa. :3685.
Government officers are to eJecute (ud!ment and ri!hteousness, and deliver the spoiled out of the
hand of the oppressor$ they are to do no wron!, do no violence to the stran!er, the fatherless, nor
the widow, neither shed innocent blood in the land. 4Ker. 883:5.
Government officers that en!a!e in conspiracy, treachery and murder are to be put to death.
4Kud!es ?369>G5.
0he .aw of God is to be read in public addresses by civil leaders to direct the course of society and
!overnment. 4Kosh. A3:79:>$ 8 Pin!s 8:369:$ 8 Chron. 6G3G9?$ 8 Chron. :73:F$ &eh. 6:369:5.
/ !ood civil leader or (ud!e is from God, and eeps a people from rebellin! a!ainst the ways of
God. 4Kud!es 836A96?$ Kud!es :3?9685.
Civil authorities who are oppressive do not understand (ustice. 4,rov. 8A3>,6C5.
.yin! is unbecomin! in rulers. 4,rov. 6G3G5.
"f a ruler hearen to lies, all his aides and ministers become wiced. 4,rov. 8?3685.
0hose in !overnment are not to consult mediums or spiritists for !uidance but are to in2uire of the
.@<=. 46 Chron. 6F36:9675.
Civil leaders are not to drin lest it causes them to for!et the law and pervert (ustice.
4,rov. :6379>5.
Civil rulers are to be chosen from amon! thy brethren or race, we are not to put a stran!er Han alien
or one of another raceI over us in a position of authority. 4#Jod. 6A386$ =eut 6G36>$ Ker. :F3865.
God will punish civil authorities who punish un(ustly and contrary to the law. 4/cts 8:369:5.
"t is an abomination for a civil ruler to commit wicedness, for his office is established on
ri!hteousness. 4,rov. 6C3685.
Frame of Government
0he powers of !overnment are appointed by God and are in -is hand. 4,rov. A36>96C$ ,rov. 8636$
<om. 6:365
/ distribution of power and levels of authority are to be established9rulers of thousands, and rulers
of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens. 4#Jod. 6A386, 8>$ =eut 636:96>5.
Kud!es, ma!istrates and officers are to be appointed in all towns and cities. 4=eut 6C36A$ 8 Chron.
6?3>$ #'ra G38>5.
0he less wiced a !overnment is, the more the ri!hteous will prosper. 4,rov. 8A368, 8A5.
Government is to be for the punishment of the evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.
4<om. 6:3:$ 6 ,et 83675.
Warnin!s a!ainst an all9powerful leader, in! or central !overnment. 46 Sam. A3?9885.
When the ri!hteous are in authority, the people re(oice3 but when the wiced bare rule, the people
mourn. 4,rov. 8?385.
Government officials are to be chosen by the people. 4=eut. 636:$ =eut 6C36A5.
When the wiced are removed from the presence of civil leaders, the !overnment will be
established in ri!hteousness. 4,rov. 8>3>5.
-'#or .od has delegated to civil magistrates in place of parents the right to punish evil/doers -
46 .uther's Cat. Writin!s G?5
0his )ible states that it is by the power of God that -!ings reign and princes decree justice, and
judges rule and preside- 4,rov. A36>96C5. Since all authority ori!inates and comes from God, it
should be that all valid !overnment be based upon God's laws. When officers or (ud!es in authority
do not eJercise that authority for its desi!nated purpose, the obli!ation to them would
conse2uently ceases to eJist.
/!ain3 God ordained rulers with only two reward !ood and punish evil 4Kohn 6A38:,
<omans 6:3:97, 6 ,eter 83675. 0hat's itM /nythin! they do beyond this is out of their ordained
Kud!es shall (ustify the ri!hteous and condemn the wiced. 4=eut. 8>369:5.
When we refer to human Kud!es, we are to as ourselves if they meet God;s re2uirements to Kud!e.
&o Kud!e in the secular world can claim authority over the )ondservant of Christ.
Kud!es shall ri!hteously (ud!e the causes and trans!ressions between persons with (ust (ud!ment.
4.ev. 6?36>$ =eut 63 6C$ =eut 6C36A$ 6 Sam. 838>$ 8 Sam. G366$ 8 Chron. 6?3>$ ,sa. A83897$ ,rov.
Kud!es are accountable to God
"t is punishment enou!h for a (ud!e that he is responsible to God.
4,salms 836F968, <omans 6:5
Kudici satis paena est 2uod =eum habet ultorem. "t is punishment enou!h for a (ud!e that he is
responsible to God. 46 .eon. 8?>5.
Kud!es were ori!inally established by God. 4Kud!es 836C, 6A$ 8 Sam. G3665. 0his far from the case
now. Kud!es are employed by the Crown and serve the Crowns interests therefore$ they cannot be
impartial in renderin! (ud!ments a!ainst or for you as their oath to the Crown is in direct conflict
with God;s interests and the interests of his servants.
Kud!es are not to be partial or respect persons in (ud!ment, but shall e2ually (ud!e the small as
well as the !reat. 4#Jod. 8:3:6 C$ =eut 636G$ .ev. 6?36>$ 8 Chron. 6?3G$ ,rov. 6A3>$ ,rov. 8738:$
Kames 83?5.
Kud!es are not to tae a !ift or bribe. 48 Chron. 6?3G5. SW#/< /..#G#C# 0@ C<@W& or !et
paid to S#<L# the CrownMMM For a complete description see3 )ribery
0he real 2uestion to as is3 =o you serve the livin! God and obey -is .aw* 0hen by who;s 4what5
authority do you (ud!e me* /s ,aul says, "Dwhy is my liberty (ud!ed of another man's
conscience* For if " by !race be a partaer, why am " evil spoen of for that for which " !ive
thans*" 46 Corinthians 6F38?9:F5
Kud!es are to (ud!e the people at all times. 4#Jod. 6A388, 8C5.
Kud!es and ma!istrates are to now the laws of God. 4#'ra G38>5.
Kud!es (ud!e not for man but for God. 4=eut. 63 6G$ 8 Chron. 6?3C5.
0he (ud!e that (ustifies the wiced and condemns the (ust is an abomination to God. 4,rov. 6G36>5.
Wisdom and nowled!e is needed and should be prayed for in order to (ud!e between !ood and
bad. 46 Pin!s :3?$ 8 Chron. 636F$ Kames 63>5.
Kud!es are to (ud!e matters accordin! to the laws, statutes, commandments, and (ud!ments of God.
4#Jod. 6A36C$ 8 Chron. 6?36F5.
"t is the duty of a !ood (ud!e to remove the cause of liti!ation. 4/cts 6A36896C5
.awsuits and Court ,rocedure
)ondservants are to stic to strict scriptural principals in resolvin! matters between themselves.
0hey are not to !o to the secular courtsD before the un(ust.
=are any of you, havin! a matter a!ainst another, !o to law before the un(ust, and not before the
saints* 46Cor.C3 65 Dwhat communion hath li!ht with darness*"
@rdinary cases submitted to (ud!es. 4=eut. 8>36985.
)oth sides of a case are to be heard 9-e that answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and
shame to him. 4,rov. 6A36:5.
0he (ud!es shall mae dili!ent in2uisition and investi!ation into the case before them.
4=eut. 6?36A$ =eut 86369:5.
@ne cannot be tried and sentenced without an accuser indicatin! the char!es a!ainst him.
4/cts 8:3:>$ /cts 8>36C, 8G5.
Some eJceptional cases are to be tried by the priests. 4=eut. 6G3A968$ =eut. 86369>5.
#Jtreme cases are submitted to the .@<=. 4&um. >3669:6$ =eut. 63 6G5.
For all manner of trespasses concernin! property, the cause of both parties shall come before the
(ud!es. 4#Jod. 883?5.
Suits a!ainst brethren should be avoided especially when tried before unbelievers. 46 Cor. C369A5.
&o man is to be (ud!ed until the court hears from him his case and nows the facts of what he has
done. 4Kohn G3>65.
=o not !o hastily to court to ar!ue your case. <eflect what may be the result should your nei!hbor
prevail a!ainst you. So discuss your case with your nei!hbor. 4,rov. 8>3A9?5.
/ thorou!h investi!ation is to be made before accusin! anyone of a serious crime, or convictin!
him of it. 4=eut. 6:367$ =eut. 6G3:9>5.
/ppeals can be made in difficult or important matters to a hi!her or more capable authority.
4#Jod. 6A388,8C$ =eut 63 6G$ =eut 6G3A9?5.
When you appeal a case, you are to abide by the decision or verdict of the appellate (ud!e or court.
4=eut. 6G36F9665.
0he con!re!ation of the people H(uryI can (ud!e matters in a criminal case. 4&um. :>368, 8798>5.
0here shall be no contempt of court. 4=eut. 6G368, 6:$ <om. 6:369:$ 0itus :365.
/n in2uest is to be made of a person found slain when it is not nown who has illed him.
4=eut. 86369?5.
=o not contend with a man in court without cause, if he has done you no harm. 4,rov. :3:F5.
Kud!ment Guidelines
0he aim of (ud!ments in civil disputes should be to (ustify the ri!hteous and condemn the wiced.
4=eut. 8>36$ 8 Chron. C38898:$ ,rov. 6G36>$ ,rov. 6A3>5.
Kud!ments are to adhere to a (ust and standard system of wei!hts, measurements, and balances.
4.ev. 6?3:>9:C5.
#Jecute true (ud!ment between man and man. 4#'e. 6A3A$ Sech. G3?5.
0he man who will act presumptuously and will not listen to the proper authorities or the (ud!es,
should be put to death. 4=eut. 6G36896:$ &um. 6>3:F9:65.
Controversies are to be (ud!ed accordin! to God's (ud!ments. 4#'e. 773875.
Kud!e not accordin! to the outward appearance of thin!s. 46 Sam. 6C3G$ 1att. 8:38G98A$ Kohn G387$
8 Cor. 6F3G5.
"!norance of a crime Hor breain! a law unintentionallyI does not eJcuse the crime or eliminate
punishment. 4.ev. 738G98A$ .ev. >36>96?$ &um. 6>38G98A5.
@ne who does anythin! unintentionally or out of i!norance is to be !iven a li!hter sentence than a
person who does anythin! defiantly or with outri!ht contempt of the law. 4&um. 6>38?9:6$ .ue
Fathers shall not be put to death for the crimes of their children, neither shall the children be put to
death for the crimes of their father. 4=eut. 8736C$ 8 Pin!s 673C$ 8 Chron. 8>37$ Ker. :638?9:F$ #'e.
Oou shall not be afraid in any man's presence, for the (ud!ment is God's. 4=eut. 63 6G5.
=o not show partiality in (ud!ment. 4#Jod. 8:3:$ .ev. 6?36>$ =eut 6C36?$ ,rov. 8738:5.
See3 Kustice "n .aw and Kud!ment
See3 Witnesses and 0estimony
See3 =ama!es and <estitution
@bli!ations to @fficers and Government
We should respect and !ive obedience to rulers and authorities who preside as God's ministers.
4=eut. 6G36896:$ Kosh. 636C96G$ <om. 6:369G$ 0itus :36$ -eb. 6:36G$ 6 ,et 836:967, 6G$ 8 ,et 836F5.
=isobedience to !overnment is (ustified when !overnment re2uires an un!odly or unlawful act.
4#Jod. 636>98F$ Kosh. 83696A5.
We should pray for civil leaders. 4#'ra C36F$ 6 0im. 836985.
"t is not proper to despise !overnment. 48 ,et 836F5.
<ebellion is (ustified by oppressive laws and taJes. 48 Chron. 6F36:96?5.
We should disre!ard laws prohibitin! the !ospel. 4/cts 736A986$ /cts 8G98?5.
We should not rebel or cause insurrection a!ainst the established !overnment. 48 Sam. 8F369885.
Oou shall not curse or spea evil of civil rulers or di!nitaries. 4#Jod. 8838A$ /cts 8:3>$ 8 ,et. 836F$
Kude 63A5.
Submit to them that have civil authority. 4-eb. 6:36G$ 6 ,et. 836:9675.
We are not to submit to human edicts when in conflict with =ivine laws. 4=an. :36F96A$ =an. C3G9
8:$ /cts 736:986$ /cts >36C9:85.
0reason and <ebellion
Whoever rebels a!ainst the laws of the land *GO"( shall be put to death. 4Kosh. 636A5.
0he .aw of the .and T 0he .aw of God
0he laws, statutes, commandments and (ud!ments of God are to be ept throu!hout the land.
4.ev. 6A379>$ =eut. >3:89::$ #'e. 8F36?5.
0here is to be one law applied to the citi'en and the stran!er. 4#Jod. 6837?$ .ev. 87388$ &um.
Forei!ners to abide by and obey God's law. 4.ev. 6C38?$ .ev. 6G36896>$ .ev. 6A38C$ .ev. 8736C$
.ev. 8>3C$ &um. 6>3:F$ &um. :>36>$ =eut. 636C$ =eut. >367$ =eut. 8736G$ =eut. 8G36?$ =eut.
:63683 Kosh. A3::9:>5.
0he .@<= is our law!iver. 4"sa. ::388$ Kames 73685.
Oou shall not follow the laws and ordinances of other nations in your land. 4.ev. 6A3:$ 1ic. C36C$ 8
Pin!s 6G36?98F5.
-e who does any thin! defiantly and with contempt for the law, that person shall be cut off from
amon! his people. 4&um. 6>38?9:65.
/ll must confirm the words of the .aw by doin! them. 4=eut 8G38C$ Gal. :36F.5
.aws and decrees that are contrary to =ivine law or (ustice, or oppress the ri!hts of persons, are
repu!nant and void. 4"sa. 6F3698$ "sa. 873>9C$ =an. :36F9:F$ =an. C3>9885.
We are to remember the ancient events and principles of the past, which formed the law of the
land. 46 Sam. 8736:$ Kob A3A$ "sa. >638$ Ker. 6A36>.5
see also3 Standin! +pon 0he .and
God;s .aw and the land are the same reco!ni'ed in )ouvier;s .aw
"Le ley de Dieu et ley de terre sont tout un, et l'un et l'autre preferre et favour le common et
publique bien del terre990he law of God and the law of the land are all one$ and both preserve and
favor the common !ood of the land." ouvier's Law Dictionary H6?67I, "1aJim," p. 8678.
"Legem terrae amittentes perpetuam infamiae notam inde merito incurrunt99 0hose who do not
preserve the law of the land, then (ustly incur the ineffaceable brand of infamy." ouvier's Law
Dictionary H6?67I, '1aJim," p. 8678. 40he lex non scripta is the law of the land because it
preserves both the Christian 1an and the state.5
Why does the secular world reco!ni'e God;s .aws* )ecause God created
everythin! B everythin! is -is
"God spoe and it came to be." /ll that eJists owes its bein! to this call, to this word, to this
creative act of God. -e created everythin!, heaven and earth, and there is nothin! that was not
created by -im. -e created everythin! in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible Hfor
there are also invisible creatures, namely the an!els B demonsI.
For by him were all thin!s created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible,
whether 4they be5 thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers3 all thin!s were created by
him, and for him3 4Colossians 636C5
Where wast thou when " laid the foundations of the earth* declare, if thou hast understandin!.
4Kob :A375
""n the be!innin! God created the heaven and the earth." 4Genesis 636,5
For the earth is the .ord;s and the fullness thereof" 46 Corinthians 6F38C,8A5
-e hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath
stretched out the heavens by his discretion. 4Ker. 6F3685
"0he land shall not be sold for ever3 for the land is mine$ for ye are stran!ers and
so(ourners with me." 4.eviticus 8>38:,5
")ut the field of the suburbs of their cities may not be sold$ for it is their perpetual
possession." 4.eviticus 8>3:7,5
"0he earth is the .@<='S, and the fullness thereof$ the world, and they that dwell
therein." 4,salms 87365
1ans laws is Foolishness to God
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, -e taeth the wise in their
own craftiness. 46Cor. :36?5 1ans laws are based on tradition etc. not Scripture or God;s .aws.
""t is better to trust in the .@<= than to put confidence in manDthan to put
confidence in princes." 4,salms 66A3A9?5
",ut not your trust in princes." 4,salms 67C3:5
@bservin! God;s .aw and obeyin! God;s .aws are separate matters
0o now the laws, is not to observe their mere words, but their force and power 4Kohn C3CA5
1an says, "We ou!ht to obey men rather than God." )ut God says, "We ou!ht to obey God rather
than men" 4/cts >38?5
Oou cannot serve two masters 41atthew C387, .ue 6C36:5
We are all bound to God;s .aw
We are all bound to our law!iver, re!ardless of our personal interpretation of reality. 4"saiah ::388,
Kames 73685
0o now God;s .aw is empowerin!
0hose awae, not those asleep, the laws assist. 46 0imothy 63?5
"Where the word of a in! is, there is power3 and who may say unto him, What doest thou*"
4#cclesiastes A375
You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who
chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God ubmit yourselves, then, to God! "esist
the devil, and he will flee from you! [#ames $%$&'(
0he power of God;s word
" have slain them by the words of my mouth3" 4-osea C3>5
"0he officers answered, never man spae lie this man." 4Kohn G37C5
".et your speech be alway with !raceDthat ye may now how ye ou!ht to answer
every man." 4Colossians 73C5
"0he mouth of the ri!hteous speaeth wisdom." 4,salms :G3:F5
"Where the word of a in! is, there is power3 and who may say unto him, What
doest thou*" 4#cclesiastes A375
0here are conse2uences for failin! to follow God;s .aw
"0hus saith the .@<=$ cursed be the man that trusteth in man." 4Keremiah 6G3>,5
)ecause for their saes " made the world3 and when /dam trans!ressed my statutes, then was
decreed that now is done. 7#'ra.G3 66
Woe unto the world because of offencesM For it must needs be that offences come$ but woe to that
man by whom the offence comethM 41athew 6A3G5
See3 1odes and #Jecution of ,unishment
0here are rewards for eepin! God;s .aw
God rewards those who place -is .aws above man9made laws H#Jodus 636G,8FI.
/nd it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearen dili!ently unto the voice of the .@<= thy God, to
observe and to do all his commandments which " command thee this day, that the .@<= thy God
will set thee on hi!h above all nations of the earth3 4=euteronomy 8A365
0his boo of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth$ but thou shalt meditate therein day and
ni!ht, that thou mayest observe to do accordin! to all that is written therein3 for then thou shalt
mae thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have !ood success. 4Koshua 63A 5
0here are ,enalties for not followin! God;s .aws, Statutes B
Cursed be he that confirmeth not all the words of this law to do them. /nd all the people shall say,
/men. 4=euteronomy 8G38C5
<ead 4=euteronomy 8A36 E =euteronomy 8A3CA5 for a complete picture of how we are enslaved by
re(ectin! God;s .aw
)ecause we are cursed our Children B their children are born into Slavery. 40hey become the
eJclusive property of the State and are bound 4(oinder5 as sureties to man9made le!al fictions
nown as /rtificial ,ersons5
0hou shalt be!et sons and dau!hters, but thou shalt not en(oy them$ for they shall !o into captivity.
4=euteronomy 8A3765
Gods Word Translated Version% You will have sons and dau)hters, but you won't be able to keep them
because they will be taken as prisoners of war! 4=euteronomy 8G38C5
Bible in Basic English Translation: You will have sons and dau)hters, but they will not be yours* for they
will )o away prisoners into a stran)e land! 4=euteronomy 8G38C5
Whoever rebels a!ainst the laws of the land 4God5 shall be put to death. 4Kosh. 636A5.
Government B God;s .aws
/nd he led -im up and showed -im all the in!doms of the world in a moment of time. /nd the
devil said to -im, "" will !ive Oou all this domain and its !lory$ for it has been handed over to me,
and " !ive it to whomever " wish. 0herefore if Oou worship before me, it shall all be Oours." Kesus
answered him, ""t is written, 'O@+ S-/.. W@<S-", 0-# .@<= O@+< G@= /&= S#<L#
-"1 @&.O.' 4.ue 73>9A5 Satan Legiti#atel$ controls the 7orld Govern#ents! 8hrist could
not have /een te#4ted otherwise
0he Government will attempt to brin! the )ondservant into bonda!e
/s ,aul says, "Dwhy is my liberty (ud!ed of another man's conscience* For if " by !race be a
partaer, why am " evil spoen of for that for which " !ive thans*" 46 Corinthians 6F38?9:F5
Why does !overnment, "Dspy out our liberty which we have in Christ Kesus, that they mi!ht brin!
us into bonda!e" 4Galatians 8375
"While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption3 for of whom a
man is overcome, of the same is he brou!ht in bonda!e" 48 ,eter 836?5
"0he words of un!odly men are crafty$ but the mouth of the upri!ht shall deliver them." 4,roverbs
Governments are opposed to God B the )ondservants of Christ
0o serve the State is to forsae the leadership and morality of God 4" Sam. A5
0he in!s of the earth set themselves, and the rulers tae counsel to!ether, a!ainst the .@<=, and
a!ainst his anointed, sayin!, 4,salms 8385
We now that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the Satan.
46 Kohn >36?5
0hose that are spiritually dead belon! to the prince of this world because he's dead himself.
Satan has dominion over the natural man, for he is the prince of this world 4Kohn 683:6$ 673:F$
6C3665$ and, as a conse2uence of this, he has dominion over those of the world, i.e., human bein!s,
the natural man E those who receive not the thin!s of the Spirit of God and re(ect Christ.
)ecause the bondman in Christ is sanctified from the world, he is separated from the adversary's
dominion over himEsin 4Kohn A3:75. 0his is the cause for Christ havin! sanctified -imself in the
0ruth of the Word of God E to provide the entrance to the refu!e in and throu!h -imself for us.
"While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption3 for of whom a
man is overcome, of the same is he brou!ht in bonda!e" 48 ,eter 836?5
"s it any wonder why we are warned not to be conformed Hobey the rulesI to the world
4!overnment, tradition, law etc.5
/nd be not conformed to this world3 but be ye transformed by the renewin! of your mind, that ye
may prove what is that !ood, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 4<omans 68385
Freedom is found in resistin! the =evil B unlawful !overnments of the
<esist the devil, and he will flee from you. 4Kames 7379G5
/lso see3 Satan is in Control of -uman Governments
)ondservantT/mbassador of Christ
@ne cannot claim to be both a human bein! and a !ood and .awful bondservant of Christ as far as
.aw is concerned.
0his is because in .aw, the law of humans and the .aw of the bondservants of Christ is not the
same thin!. 0he law of humans comes from men while the .aw of the bondservant of Christ comes
from God. 0he sphere in which humans function is the world, while that of the follower of Christ
is the earth,
/ll bondmen of Christ are "...ambassadors for Christ" 48 Corinthians >38F, #phesians C38F5
so spea lie the soverei!n who sent us. /s /mbassadors of Christ our authority comes
from a =ivine Commission.
")ein! then made free from sin, ye became the servants of ri!hteousness." 4<om. C36A5
)ut whoso eepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected3 hereby now we that we
are in him. 4" Kohn 83>.5 0he law is .ove 4<omans 6:36F53
Who !ave the )ondservant his authority*
/s /mbassadors of Christ our authority comes from =ivine Commission.
Kesus !ave us our dele!ation of authority.
"0hen said Kesus to them a!ain, ,eace be unto you3 as my Father hath sent me, even so send "
you." 4Kohn 8F3865
"For he whom God hath sent speaeth the words of God." 4Kohn :3:75
/ Good B .awful )ondservant is blameless B irreproachable when
followin! God;s .aw;s
Whoever does anythin! by the command of a (ud!e is not reconed to have done it with an evil
intent, because it is necessary to obey. 4"saiah ::388, "For the .@<= is our (ud!eD"5
0here was in the days of -erod, the in! of Kudaea, a certain priest named Sacharias, of the course
of /bia3 and his wife was of the dau!hters of /aron, and her name was #lisabeth.
/nd they were both ri!hteous before God, walin! in all the commandments and ordinances of the
.ord blameless. 4.ue 63>9C5
/nd the .@<= commanded us to do all these statutes, to fear the .@<= our God, for our !ood
always, that he mi!ht preserve us alive, as it is at this day. /nd it shall be our ri!hteousness, if we
observe to do all these commandments before the .@<= our God, as he hath commanded us.
4=eut C38798>5

0hose who eep the law do no ini2uity and are blessed. @bviously such people are ri!hteous.
)lessed are the undefiled in the way, who wal in the law of the .@<=. )lessed are they that eep
his testimonies, and that see him with the whole heart. 0hey also do no ini2uity3 they wal in his
ways. 4,sa 66?369:5
What happens when a )ondservant answers to a fictitious name*
"/nswer not a fool accordin! to his folly, lest thou also be lie unto him." 4,roverbs 8C375
0hou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taen with the words of thy mouth.
4,rov. C385 why, / fool's mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul. 4,rov.6A3 G5
/ )ondservant of Christ can;t serve two masters and by answerin! to Caesar;s fictitious name you
are !ivin! it life. Oou are a!reein! to stand as a surety for an artificial person and tacitly !rantin!
Caesar (urisdiction.
)ondservants are to i!nore .aws that are contradictory to Gods
Peep this 0ruth in mind...God ordained rulers with only two reward !ood and punish
evil 4Kohn 6A38:, <omans 6:3:97, 6 ,eter 83675. 0hat's itM /nythin! they do beyond this is out of
their ordained duties.
"f ever the law of God and man are at variance, the former are to be obeyed in dero!ation of the
later. 4/cts >38?5
God forbid, we establish the .aw.% 4<omans :3:6.5 =efinition of establish3 create, institute, set up,
initiate, start
Oe shall have one manner of law, as well for the stran!er, as for one of your own country3 for " am
the .@<= your God. 4.eviticus 873885
)ondservants of Christ do not answer to fictitious names, which is the
basis of man;s .aw
=are any of you, havin! a matter a!ainst another, !o to law before the un(ust, and not before the
saints* 46Cor.C3 65
God;s .aw ,rotects -is )ondservants
.aw is the safest helmet$ under the shield of the law no one is deceived. 4#phesians C36:96G, 6
0hessalonians >3A5
"#very word of God is pure3 he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him."
4,roverbs :F3>5
"0hou art my hidin! place and my shield3 " hope in thy word." 4,salms 66?36675
0he .ord will save us harmless for obeyin! -im3 For the .ord is our Kud!e, not menM
Whoever does anythin! by the command of a (ud!e is not reconed to have done it with an evil
intent, because it is necessary to obey. 4"saiah ::388, "For the .@<= is our (ud!eD"5
"0he words of un!odly men are crafty$ but the mouth of the upri!ht shall deliver them." 4,roverbs
683C5D For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made nown to you the power and
comin! of our .ord Kesus Christ, but we had been eyewitnesses of his ma(esty. 48 ,eter 636C5
"0he officers answered, &ever man spae lie this man." 4Kohn G37C5
Dthose that thou !avest me " have ept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition$ that the
scripture mi!ht be fulfilled 4Kohn 6G3685
-e acts prudently who obeys the commands of the .aw. 4#cclesiastes 6836:5
.aw is established for the benefit of man. 41ar 838G5
0he bondman in Christ is sanctified from the world
0he )ondman of Christ is separated from the adversary's 4Satan;s5 dominion over himEsin
4Kohn A3:75.
0his is the cause for Christ havin! sanctified -imself in the 0ruth of the Word of God E to provide
the entrance to the refu!e in and throu!h -imself for us.
Where do )ondmen !et their authority B freedom*
0hrou!h the will and testament of the livin! God and -is word, the -oly Scriptures. &ot throu!h
!overnment approval, a re!ulation, licenses, permits B ordinances etc.
/s Scripture says, "" can do all thin!s throu!h Christ which stren!theneth me" 4,hilippians 736:5.
)y invoin! the word of God3 " have slain them by the words of my mouth3" 4-osea C3>5
When you apply for a license you;re be!!in! 4le!al definition of apply5 the Government for
permission to do somethin! that would be otherwise ille!al. 0his is diametrically opposed to God;s
will and .aw.
When you !et married, whose authority marries you, God;s or the Government;s*
41att.6? Lerses 7 to C5
475 /nd he answered and said unto them, -ave ye not read, that he which made them at the
be!innin! made them male and female,
4>5 /nd said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife3 and
they twain shall be one flesh* 4&ot one le!al entity, nown as a limited liability corporation5
4C5 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath (oined to!ether, let
not man put asunder.
.iewise, does your ,reacher have a license to preach* 0hen by whose authority does he preach
and marry* <emember, a license is permission to do somethin! that is ille!alM "s it ille!al to spread
God;s word*
9ondservants are co##issioned to 4reach /$ "ivine Authorit$
!nd he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify that it is he
hich as ordained of God to be the "udge of 3uick and dead. #!cts .&:45*
/nd he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the !ospel to every creature.
41ar 6C36>5
Dthe .@<= hath anointed me to preach !ood tidin!s unto the mee$ he hath sent me to bind up
the broenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the openin! of the prison to them that
are bound$ 4"saiah C6365
/nd as ye !o, preach, sayin!, 0he in!dom of heaven is at hand. 41atthew 6F3G5
0he Government is clearly attemptin! to be God on earthM
)ondservants are to so(ourn with Christ
For the Goodman is not at home, he is !one a lon! (ourney 4,roverbs G36?5 4So(ourn means to stay
at a !iven place under a day 9you are not resident in any !iven place. See -ebrews 66.
0ravelin!, residin!, residence, home etc are statutory terms that place you in Caesar;s (urisdiction.
See3 Claimin! the ri!ht to travel puts you in Caesars (urisdiction
)ondservants are not part of the world
0hey are not of the world, even as " am not of the world. 4Kohn 6G36C5
"f ye were of the world, the world would love his own3 but because ye are not of the world, but "
have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. 4Kohn 6>36?5
-e who becomes a soldier of Christ has ceased to be a soldier of the world. 48 0imothy 83:975
&ow we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God$ that we mi!ht
now the thin!s that are freely !iven to us of God. 46Cor. 83685
For more scriptural support read )e Oe Separate From 0he World
)ehold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons
of God3 therefore the world noweth us not, because it new him not. 46 Kohn :365
Oou adulterous people, don't you now that friendship with the world is hatred toward God*
/nyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of GodD Submit yourselves,
then, to God. <esist the devil, and he will flee from you. 4Kames 7379G5
=o not love the world or anythin! in the worldD For everythin! in the worldD comes not from
the Father but from the worldD 46 Kohn 836>96G5
)ondmen of Christ are not citi'ens of any country on this earth, our citi'enship is in heaven, and
so our first loyalty is to God, not "our" country
/fter an ar!ument amon!st Kesus disciples over who would sit at his side in his in!dom, Kesus
told his disciples3
Oou now that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over the people, and their hi!h officials
eJercise authority over the people. "t will not be so amon! youD 41atthew 8F38>98C5
Clearly )ondservants of Christ are not to submit to un!odly authority.
"t must be noted that Kesus maes no distinctions and no reservations3 all !overnmental rulers
eJercise authority over their people, an authority that followers of Kesus must re(ect.
0he reason for this is simple3 this !overnmental authority is derived from Satan.
Followers of Kesus should not tae part in human !overnments, nor should they support human
!overnments. "nstead, all ener!ies should be focused towards the promotion of the in!dom of
God. 0his is where our true alle!iance lies.
Citi'enship is in heavenD 4,hilippians :38F5
-ere we have no continuin! city, but we see the one to come. 4-ebrews 6:3675
0he political lan!ua!e used here, to be sure, is no coincidence. Christians have no city% here on
earth, no earthly !overnment to which we belon!. "nstead, our citi'enship is in heaven.% /s
citi'ens of heaven, while on earth, we serve as Christ;s ambassadors.% /n ambassador% is
defined as a representative from one !overnment to another.
&ow then we are ambassadors for Christ, as thou!h God did beseech you by us3 we pray you in
Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. 48Cor. >38F5
)ouvier's .aw =ictionary 6A>C #dition <eco!ni'es the <i!hts of
We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as thou!h God were main! his appeal throu!h
usD 48 Corinthians >38F5 .e!atos violare contra (us !entium est. "t is contrary to the law of
nations to violate the ri!hts of ambassadors. )ouvier's .aw =ictionary 6A>C #dition
0he !overnment the ambassador lives under is not his own and he does not tae part in it$ he
represents his home !overnment while livin! under the forei!n !overnment.
,aul;s use of the term ambassador% to describe the role of Christians was an eJcellent choice. We
live under a forei!n !overnment 9 the human !overnments which are controlled by Satan. Kust as
earthly ambassadors do not tae part in the !overnments they reside under, Christians should not
tae part in earthly !overnments. "nstead, reco!ni'in! that our citi'enship lies in heaven, we
should serve as representatives to those around us$ we should serve as ambassadors for Christ.
)ondservants of Christ /<# /mbassadors of Christ
/s thou hast sent me into the world, even so have " also sent them into the world. 4Kohn 6G36A5
&ow then we are ambassadors for Christ, as thou!h God did beseech you by us3 we pray you in
Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. 48Cor. >38F5
)ut our citi'enship is in heaven. /nd we ea!erly await a Savior from there, the .ord Kesus Christ,
4,hilippians :38F5
@urs is a better, heavenly country 4-ebrews 6636C5
-ere we have no continuin! city, but we see the one to come. 4-ebrews 6:3675
&ow therefore ye are no more stran!ers and forei!ners, but fellow citi'ens with the saints, and of
the household of God$ 4#ph 836?5
&either shall they say, .o hereM @r, lo thereM For behold, the in!dom of God is within you.
4.ue 6G3865
=on;t you now that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God lives in you*
46 Corinthians :36C5
+e know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the atan! [, #ohn
)ondservants of Christ do not en!a!e in secular court proceedin!s of any
=are any of you, havin! a matter a!ainst another, !o to law before the un(ust, and not before the
saints* 46Cor.C3 65
=o ye not now that the saints shall (ud!e the world* and if the world shall be (ud!ed by you, are
ye unworthy to (ud!e the smallest matters* 46Cor.C3 85
0he in!s and rulers of the earth are a!ainst the .ord, and a!ainst his anointed H,salm 838I.
Governments frame mischief and sin throu!h their laws3
@rdinances of the world have no force or effect on )ondservants of Christ
)eware lest any man spoil you throu!h philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after
the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. 4Col. 83A5
Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as thou!h livin! in the
world, are ye sub(ect to ordinances, 4Col 838F5
-eed not those opposed to God;s word
""f any manDconsent not to wholesome words, even the words of our .ord Kesus Christ, and to
the doctrine which is accordin! to !odlinessDfrom such withdraw thyself."
46 0imothy C3:9>,5
"For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient
to parents, unthanful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreaers, false accusers, incontinent,
fierce, despisers of those that are !ood, 0raitors, heady, hi!hminded, lovers of pleasures more than
lovers of God$ -avin! a form of !odliness, but denyin! the power thereof3 from such turn away."
48 0imothy :389>,5
"#nter not into the path of the wiced, and !o not in the way of evil men. /void it, pass not by it,
turn from it, and pass away." 4,roverbs 736796>,5
)ondservants are -eirs to the Pin!dom of God and will inherit the earth
Co9heirs are deemed as one body or person, by reason of the unity of ri!ht which they possess.
4<omans A36G, #phesians >3:69:85
Several co9heirs are as one body, by reason of the unity of ri!ht, which they possess. 4<omans
A36G, #phesians >3:69:85
0hen shall the Pin! say unto them on his ri!ht hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the
in!dom prepared for you from the foundation of the world3 41athew 8>3:75
-earen, my beloved brethren, -ath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs
of the in!dom which he hath promised to them that love him* 4Kames 83>5
"Dfor the mee shall inherit the earth." 41t >3> and ,s :G3665
Commerce B 0raffic
What does the )ible B God say about commerce* "s it any wonder the world is in the mess it is
today* Commerce is the rope of the nooseM
/nd throu!h covetousness shall they with fei!ned words mae merchandise of you3 whose
(ud!ment now of a lon! time lin!ereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. 48 ,eter 83:5
Dfor thy merchants were the !reat men of the earth$ for by thy sorceries were all nations
deceived. 4<ev 6A38:5
We cannot, and, in deed must not, en!a!e in any commercial activity. Why* )ecause of the
followin! maJims of .aw3
"0he cause and ori!in is the substance of the thin!$ the cause and ori!in of a thin! are a material
part of it." lac!'s Law Dictionary 01th ed., ),'* 2 ),345, p. +*4; ouvier's Law Dictionary
0),)15, -6axim,- p. +)+*. "0hat which is the principal part of a thin! is the thin! itself." ouvier's
Law Dictionary 0),)15, -6axim,- p. +)33.
1an's maJim of law says, "0he payment of the price stands in the place of a sale." 0he payment
of the price of a thin! is held as a purchase%.
When the private man enters society there is a tacit price attached to it3 )ut every man, when he
enters into society, !ives up a part of his natural liberty, as the 4rice of so valuable a 4urchase$
and, in consideration of receiving the advanta!es of #utual co##erce, obli!es himself to
conform to those laws, which the community has thou!ht proper to establishDfor the essential
rights of #an are ac:uired /$ 4urchase, and the 4rice #ust /e 4aid to #a;e the title good.
This 4rice is3 o/edience to the laws" 4@ration in commemoration of /merican independence,
Kuly 7, 6G?>, by 0. 0. 0.of South9Carolina5. )lacstone, William Sir, 6G8:96GAF Short 0itle3
)lacstone;s Commentaries3 With notes of reference, 0o the Constitution and laws, @f the Federal
Government of the +nited States$ by St Geor!e 0ucer
#n!a!in! in commercial activity clearly binds us to the dead fictitious world and obli!es 4 forces,
compels or coerces5 us to conform to those laws no matter how perverted they are. <ead it for
yourselfM We do this willin!lyM
)lacstone;s Commentaries3 With notes of reference, 0o the Constitution and laws, @f the Federal
Government of the +nited States$ by St Geor!e 0ucer
So, as soon as you put a price on anythin! Heven tacitlyI you have entered into a sale. 1ae no
mistaeD lex mercatoria will re!ulate that. Oou are in Caesar;s Kurisdiction 4CommonTStatutory
.aw5 and under contract, which ma!es the law and invoes third party interlopers lie the
"<STC</ to re!ulate your commerce.
"n terms of employment for an artificial person. / wa!e 4price5 has been assi!ned to your wor.
"0he payment of the price stands in the place of a sale." 0he payment of the price of a thin! is
held as a purchase%. /s you can see both the employer and the employee are taJableM
0here is a subtle difference between 'engaging in co##ercial activit$' and 'la/oring as a
wor;#an */ond#an(". 0he most important thin! to understand is that the term 'commercial
activity' is a created term !overned by the .aw 1erchant HleJ mercatoriaI.
+sin! the customs and usa!e's from that law is what determines whether you are in 'their' activity
or not. Such as commercial instruments, a business license, profit and loss records, balance sheets,
advertisin!, receipts, business cards, insurance policies, social security numbers, drivers license,
commercial speech, eJtended credit, limited liability, free mail service, ownership, etc.
0he use of such modes and instruments maes you sub(ect to the +niform Commercial Code Ha
private copyri!hted 'law' by the /merican .aw "nstituteI.
/s a bondsman laborin!D his labor is his own. 41atthew 6F36F5 Dfor the worman is worthy of
his meat. &ot a portion of it after taJesM 0he laborer labors for the !lory of God and God.
)ondservants are to freely !ive and receive and not to en!a!e in usury or
Freely ye have received, freely !ive. 41atthew 6F3A5 "n doin! so there is no expectation of profit
0usury5 and what is free cannot be taxed. &or can a value be attached to it because it;s was freely
0he same applies to wa!es. .et God determine your worth. Oou can never be accused of settin! a
value to your labor. Who does the worman belon! to* We are the .ord's wormen. 0herefore, it is
the .ord that determines what our value is, not ourselves and as such we cannot be accused of
profitin! or usury.
+nder God's .aw, we are to !et paid at the end of each day, before the sun sets 4.eviticus 6?36:,
=euteronomy 8736796>, ,roverbs :38G98A, 1atthew C366$ 8F38,A9?, .ue 663:5.
<emember$ lex mercatoria will re!ulate activity outside the .aw of God and the followin!
1aJims of law will apply because there is no sanctification or separation from and between
yourself 4bondservant5 and the commercial world 4fictional person5
6. Consent maes the law. / contract is a law between the parties, which can ac2uire force
only by consent. 0herefore$
8. Consent maes the law3 the terms of a contract, lawful in its purpose, constitute the law as
between the parties.
:. 0o him consentin! no in(ury is done
/ll buying and selling as they are !enerally defined is considered to be under lex mercatoria.
"f you use commercial instruments then the source of the law that re!ulates them is not God's .aw
Nit is lex mercatoria.
Since you willin!ly en!a!e in Commerce it is only reasonable that you be bound to and by the
<ules of Commerce. )ecause you re(ect God;s .aw you are clearly actin! on your own initiative,
for your own benefit, outside God;s venue and sub(ect to taJation under the law of men Lex
6ercatoria. =on;t panic thou!hD you;ll !et all those wonderful benefits you;ve !ot comin! to
"n essence, if you en!a!e in commerce you will have i!norantly imported the fiction over the 0ruth
in Christ Kesus, thereby marrin! the Seal of, and !rievin!, the -oly Spirit of God our Father.
0o avoid Caesar you must declare the .aw written on your heart havin! the Seal of the Spirit of
God which evidences and witnesses your adoption by God our Father in and throu!h Christ Kesus
and wal in the Spirit obeyin! God;s commandments.
Can a bondservant buy or sell* See Godly Callin! vs. Commercial /ctivity
Commerce and the )east of the boo of <evelation
"n the boo of <evelation we find that the /ntichrist and the !overnments of the world have !iven
life unto the ima!e of the beast, and that the ima!e of the beast could spea.
/nd he had power to !ive life unto the ima!e of the beast, that the ima!e of the beast should both
spea, and cause that, as many as would not worship the ima!e of the beast should be illed.
4<evelation 6:36>5
=oes the !overnment in our ima!e not create the artificial person, a le!al fiction* /nd$
=o we not !ive life to the fictional person and power to the )east when we spea and answer for
/nd he causeth all, both small and !reat, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mar in their
ri!ht hand, or in their foreheads3 4<evelation 6:36C5
0he words causeth and receive imply that the tain! the mar is voluntary act throu!h tacit
From the 1odern .an!ua!e /ssociation H1./I36cause.6 Roget's New Millennium Thesaurus,
First Edition (v 1.3.1). ,e7ico $ublishing Group, ,,8. 5' 9ec. 5&&). Cause =efinition3 brin!
From the @nline #tymolo!y =ictionary3 <eceive c.6:CF, accept, "to tae what is offered," from
@.Fr. accepter from .. acceptare "tae or receive willin!ly," fre2. of acceptus, pp. of accipere
"receive," from ad/ "to" U capere "to tae"
/nd that no man mi!ht buy or sell, save he that had the mar, or the name of the beast, or the
number of his name. 4<ev 6:36G5
-ere is wisdom. .et him that hath understandin! count the number of the beast3 for it is the
number of a man$ and his number is SiJ hundred threescore and siJ. 4<ev 6:36A5
"n pro!ressDD

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