To Whom It May Concern

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To whom it may concern

My name is Velma Saric, and im director of Post Conflict Research Center from Sarajevo, Bosnia and

Dimche Mickoski has asked me to supply you with a recommendation letter in support of his
application for MA studies in East European studies at University of Bologna . Dimche is working as
external collaborator at the Post Conflict Research Center in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina since
2013.We met with Dimche in 2013 at one of our workshops organized in Skopje, on the topic
preventing genocide and mass atrocity. On that workshop, I saw Dimches ideas and knowledge and
his familiarity with this issues in South East Europe and the world. First, Dimche is one of the best
students that I know. He is excellent at university, and also he has the logic, the maturity, the clarity,
and the communication skills, all of which I view as extremely important in his planned career. For
short period of time he became part of the student parliament and leader of the Law Faculty in the
South East European University. In the NGO field he is very active. He participated in lots of trainings
and seminars, mainly on national level, such as Human Rights Schools in 2007,2008, and 2010
organized by Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Youth Camp in 2009 and 2010 organized by Open
Society Institute (SOROS), American Embassy (Youth leaders), NCBI and Multikultura( Training for
trainers), Millennium- MRDS (Tolerance is Not enough) and projects and seminars on international
level as Travel to Europe organized for the best 12 students from Macedonia from the MOST and
Robert Bosch Foundation, Youth in Action trainings in Turkey, Belarus , training organized by Council of
Europe and the Ministry for foreign affairs of Russian Federation ect. Dimche is a very intelligent
person. Grown up in a mixed society, he started to work on a issues
who are concerning the intercultural dialogue, minorities, marginalized groups, democracy, rule of
law, and youth and he became leader in this field. Implementing this in his everyday life, he became a
model of how young people should act, work
and live in a this city who is best known for his multiethnic and multireligious society, how to respect
the others, their way of life and how to be leader in that .It has been a pleasure to write for Dimche
Mickoski and I hope that he will be accepted for this program. Also you have my personal contact
written down, so if you have something, feel free to contact me.

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