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Lesson Plan

Name of the teacher

Name of the School



Subject Unit



: Anisha Mol

: Govt: K V H S Ayira

: English

: On the wings of wishes

: Coramandel fishers

: Human Resource

: The Importance of hard

Standard : VIII
Division : B
Strength : 29
Duration : 45 min
Date :
Curricular Objectives

1. Read and enjoy pieces of
2. To develop positive out
look on work and life
3. Improve imaginative and
thinking faculty


The pupil may have
the knowledge

1. About the author
2. About fishing
and fishermen

Teaching and learning

1. Picture of
2. Picture of author
3. Activity and
4. Word card
containing the
meaning of new
5. Chart continuing
the poem
6. Chart containing
the questions and

Classroom Process Responsel Assessment
Informal interaction
The teacher engages in an informal talk with the students
To us create a good report with them

Good Morning
Are you happy today
Have you had your break fast
Do you have any specialty today

Entry Activity

Teacher shows the picture of seashore and fishermen

1.Have you ever seen a fishermen
2. What is he doing

Then the teacher show the picture of the author and asks

Contain Questions

Which person can you see in this picture?

Then the teacher introduce the author and gives a profile of the

The title of the poem and name of the writer is written on the
black board.
Coramendal Fishers

Micro Processing of the Input

Model reading by the teacher
The teacher recites the poem with proper stress,intonation,voice
modulation,pronounciation etc..

The theme and the necessary details are also forwarded to the

Track reading by the Pupil

Students are asked to read the Poem individually and silently and
they are also asked to mark accordingly. That is they have to put
tick for what they have understood a question mark for what they
havent and exclamatory mark for what they found interesting or

Glossary reference

Students are asked to refer the glossary to find out the meaning
of difficult words. The difficult words are

Catamarans - A raft of long bound together
Capture - Seize
Comrades - Friends
Leap - jump

Collaborative learning

Students are asked to form groups and share their ideas in groups
students are also asked to write down the word in the books

Meanings of the doubts.

Each group were given opportunity to raise their doubts to other

Facilititation by the teacher

Teacher helps to clarify the difficult areas which no group could
effectively tackle. Teacher also explains the difficult are.

Scaffolding Questions.

In order to make the content clearer scaffolding questions are
asked to the students. The students are asked to write down

1. Who is the speaker of the poem? Who does he address?
2. What does the speaker ask his friends to do?
3. The speaker has other friends them his fellow fishermen
who are they?
4. What is the wind compared to?
5. What is the leaping wealth of the tide
6. Which is sweeter for the fishermen, the land or the sea?
Presentation by the Pupil

Random students are selected from each group and they are asked
tom present the answers for the scaffolding questions.

Language activity

Students were asked to identify most interesting lines from the
poem and they are asked to write why do they like these lines.?
Students edits the product with the help of teacher.

Randomly students were asked to present the answers.


Write a small Poem on beauty of seashore.

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