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News Extra

pg 8

pg 6






EPA Deputy Tied to Attempted

Hijacking at FrontPageAfrica Office











These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of

the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The
rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials
banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Research, Policy and Planning Department,
Central Bank Liberia,
Monrovia, Liberia

VOL 8 NO.671








Second patient in three days, flees JFK treatment facility; Staffers say he tried raping
fellow residents at unit, Eyewitnesses say, the man was simply out looking for food to eat.

EBOLA - pg.9


Internal Affairs suspends Poro and Sande
activities; Violators to be prosecuted

pg 8


Writes Justice Minister over Chronicle
Newspaper Closure, FPA Harassment
Media Issues


Friday, September 5, 2014

Page 2 | Frontpage

Monrovia -

Rodney D. Sieh,

ays after U.S. Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) in a CBS

Face the Nation appearance questioned the commitment
of his country to the ongoing Ebola outbreak in Africa,
U.S. President Barack Obama assured Ebola-hit nations
of Americas support while reiterating a laundry list of dos and donts
preventatives as well as efforts the U.S. is making with national
governments to stop the virus from further spread.
In a statement Tuesday, Obama said: On behalf of the American
people, I want you to know that our prayers are with those of you who
have lost loved ones during this terrible outbreak of Ebola. Along
with our partners around the world, the United States is working with
your governments to help stop this disease. And the first step in this
fight is knowing the facts.
But Senator McClain believes that the U.S. should do more and is
even suggesting the possibility of dispatching military assets to
combat the Ebola outbreak roiling at least five African nations.
Said Senator McClain: All of us would like to see the United States
more involved. We have [U.S. Navy] hospital ships because they can
move from one place to another.
The number of Ebola cases continues to rise in Guinea, Sierra Leone,
Nigeria and Liberia while Senegal and Congo have reported cases.
According to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW)
in Liberia, up until 29 August, the cumulative total of suspected,
probable, and confirmed cases of EVD in Liberia was 1,631,
including an updated total of 392 confirmed cases. The cumulative
total of deaths stood at 907, including 326 confirmed Ebola-related
deaths. These are the most updated figures released by the MoHSW.
Besides President Obamas statement this week, U.S. Ambassador to
Liberia Deborah Malac held a news conference Tuesday trumpeting
a number of contributions the U.S. has and continues to make in the
fight against the deadly Ebola virus outbreak.
Malac said the U.S. has been on the ground running with several
initiatives aiding the fight against the deadly virus. We now have
a number of CDC personnel on the ground here working with the
Ministry of Health, the health team and other health actors; WHO
to address issues of treatment, tracking of potential cases of Ebola;
following up on the public health piece, screening at the airport for
example to ensure that travelers can continue to travel, planes can
continue to fly. We brought in hundreds of thousands of sets of PPEs
which are needed for health care workers, and others who are involved
in both treating and identifying potential cases.

The U.S. envoy added: Also we are funding the scaling up of burial
teams, who go out and retrieve dead bodies. We know that has been
an issue; in Monrovia particularly; there are plans to put additional
money into that to scale up that activity; water tanks, plastic sheeting,
body bags, chlorine and other disinfectant agents over the last couple
of weeks.
But while much emphasis is being placed on international aid, there
have been some suggestions that the international community should
play a more dominant management role in the Ebola crisis, a point
some political and diplomatic observers fear could spell trouble.
Already, Liberia appears to be resenting such talks with President
Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and her health minister Dr. Walter Gwenigale
both frowning on the idea especially coming on the heels of a recent
World Health Organization (WHO) experts projection that some
20,000 infections could surface before the virus is finally contained.
Sirleaf has argued that her objection to the experts' prediction does not
imply that her government does not respect them, but that projections
could be proven wrong, especially "When one has the will and
commitment to overcome a battle."
Speaking last Saturday when she visited the C.H. Rennie Hospital in
Kakata City, Margibi County, just after witnessing the discharging
of a Congolese Doctor Sengo Omeoga, and a Liberian Physician
Assistant, Kandy Kobah, who survived treatment at the ELWA
Hospital in Paynesville, Sirleaf averred: "I do not accept the prediction
of some of the partners that say ten thousand, twenty thousand people
will die, no! Say no to that. Tell them that may be, their arithmetic
projection, but we will solve Ebola so that we do not have those
kind of people dying. That's our challenge; that's our responsibility;
that's our commitment that we must make to ourselves to prove them
wrong," said the Liberian leader.
Much of Sirleafs confidence, aides say derives from some positive
numbers coming out of the ELWA2 Ebola Isolation unit where Dr.
Jerry Brown and team have nurtured 44 Ebola patients back to a clean
bill of health.
Both Sirleaf and Gwenigale contend that the governments position
is unlikely to deter Non-Governmental Organizations and foreign
partners from contributing to the cause of containing the virus. "There's
nobody that cares more for people than the people themselves," said
President Sirleaf, stressing, the fact that Liberian doctors and nurses
and health practitioners are taking care of their people, it shows that
"We need to give them the support so that they can continue to do the
good work."

But even supporters and detractors of the presidency counter argue that
there is more beneath the surface, pointing to some striking missteps
and mismanagement of resources tied to the fight against Ebola that
is contributing to the continued call for international stakeholders to
play a more dominant management role.
Key among the lapses are dissatisfaction and perceived ill-treatment
of health workers, the first line of defense against the deadly Ebola
virus outbreak who have been striking and demanding better pay
and equipment to protect them against the epidemic which has killed
hundreds in the West African state.
In Sierra Leone, Chartered Accountants from KPMG Accounting and
Auditing Firm at Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) audit Ebola
Outgoing Sierra Leonean Health Minister, Ms. Miatta Kargbo
allying concerns raised by Sierra Leoneans over billions of Leones
being disbursed in fight against Ebola assured that Cash Donations
are deposited at Ebola Emergency Account managed by the EOC,
and kind donations (Medicines, Equipment, Supplies, etc) are kept at
Government Medical logistics stores by the Ebola Logistics team, for
processing, storage and equitable distribution throughout the country
and audited by KPMG.
In Liberia, President Sirleaf told the Legislature that auditing will
done by the General Auditing Commission after the completion of the
transactions a process that has proven ineffective in Liberia over the
years as numerous post audit reports are not implemented when the
actual cash has already been expended.
Amid what seems a line of disagreement emerging between the
Liberian Government and some foreign experts based on their
prediction about the Ebola crisis and the call for management of the
crisis to be outsourced to foreign organizations, there are lingering
questions on how big donor nations have responded to the crisis in
terms of contributions to help solve the terrible health crisis.
God Father America
The United States of America is popularly considered the God Father
to Liberia as the two countries have long standing traditional ties
dating far back as the foundation of the Liberian state. Majority of
the past presidents of Liberia hailed from various states in the United
States of America an indication of the closeness of the ties between
the two.
After President Obama publicly expressed support to the affected

Friday, September 5, 2014


Page 3

He informed the Summit that 844 cases linked to Ebola have been
reported in the three countries out of which 518 deaths have occurred
so far.
He disclosed about 15 million United States Dollars will be needed to
fight Ebola given the scale of the crisis in the three countries and to
prevent the virus from spreading to other West African nations.
Japans $288K Medical Equipment

West African countries, his Special Assistant and Senior Director

at the National Security Council Gayle Smith disclosed that the
American government has given green-light for more production of
the experimental drug Z-Mapp.
Smith announced during a teleconference held alongside the Centers
for Disease Control Director for Global Health, Tom Kenyon, from
Washington with journalists around Africa reporting on the deadly
Ebola virus, that the producer of the drug Mapp Biopharmaceutical,
was awarded the contract on September 1, 2014.
Our department of Health and Human Services announced yesterday
the award of a contract to the company that produces it to speed the
drugs development, she said. It is not going to be fully tested
already and handed quickly as we would like but we are expediting
to the extent that we can safely do so, progress with respect to this.
One thing with this Z-Mapp, the US government does not produce it.
There is this company that produces it.
In an Ebola Fact sheet from the United States Embassy in Monrovia,
the US stated that it has committed more than $21 million to combat
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in West Africa since the outbreak was
first reported in March 2014.
In Liberia, the US fact sheet indicates that the latest funding of $1.7
million will be used to provide direct food assistance to Ebola patients
in the country, in partnership with the World Food Program (WFP).
A 26-member Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) is in
Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea to oversee the U.S. Government
response to the Ebola crisis. The Atlanta-based Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) has more than 70 disease-control
experts in West Africa, providing technical expertise to national
public health agencies to help prevent, detect, and stop the spread of
Ebola stated the Embassy.
The US listed further assistance as the upgrading of the testing
laboratory at the Liberia Institute for Biological Research (LIBR)
for testing for Ebola stating that U.S. laboratory experts working in
Liberia have helped to more than double LIBRs testing capacity to
98 Ebola specimens a day from 40 specimens
CDC, in partnership with the Global Outbreak Alert and Response
Network and the U.S. National Institutes of Health, established the
second Ebola testing laboratory in Liberia, a mobile testing laboratory
at the ELWA campus to shorten the response time of tests for patients
at the largest facility currently in Liberia, stated the US embassy.
In additional support, the US stated that in the past week (Aug. 2431), the U.S. Government, through DART, airlifted more than 16 tons
of medical supplies and emergency equipment to Liberia, including:
500 infrared thermometers to bolster Ebola screening efforts; 5,000
body bags to be distributed to areas of need, 10,000 sets of personal
protective equipment (PPE); 2 water treatment units; portable water
tanks, capable of storing 10,000 liters each; 100 rolls of plastic
sheeting for use in construction of Ebola treatment units.
Locally, the Americans disclosed that DART has purchased basic
supplies including: -50,000 pieces of soap, 400 mattresses, -5,200
gallons of chlorine, 2,500 buckets and that USAID has provided
WHO with 105,000 sets of PPE for healthcare staff and outbreak
investigators in Ebola-affected countries.
The US also says a charter flight, funded by the U.S. Government and
UNICEF, brought more than 40 tons of chlorine and 400-thousand
pairs of medical gloves into Monrovia and disclosed that DART is
working to expand the pipeline of medical equipment and supplies
flowing into Monrovia in coming days and weeks to ensure that
healthcare workers have the resources they need to safely do their
The United States is supporting the UN Humanitarian Air Service
(UNHAS), which is operating flights in and out of Liberia, Sierra
Leone, and Guinea to help ensure that critical supplies, medical
equipment, and personnel get to areas of need despite commercial
flight limitations. CDC and the DART are training local healthcare
workers on proper use of medical equipment, including PPE, ways
to prevent the spread of the disease and how to detect if someone has
EVD the Embassy furthered.
It also indicated that the U.S. military has trained 230 members of

the Armed Forces of Liberia on the proper use of PPE, safe handling
of patients, securing health sites, and escorting humanitarian and
medical personnel and the training is part of U.S. Operation Onward
Liberty, a five-year program run by the U.S. Departments of State and
Defense to support and strengthen the Armed Forces of Liberia.
In the early stages of the Ebola outbreak, the Embassy noted that DTRA,
the Defense Departments office in charge of countering weapons
of mass destruction, provided PPE to the Liberian government,
including surgical gowns, protective coveralls, protective gloves, and
decontamination hand sprayers.

The Asian country of Japan is another donor to Liberia and during the
outbreak; the Government of Japan has disclosed that it has dispatched
an assortment of medical equipment valued at over two hundred
eighty-eight thousand United States Dollars (US$288,774.00) to aid
Liberia in its fight against the deadly Ebola virus.
According to a recent Foreign Ministry release, the consignment
of medical equipment and accessories will arrive in Liberia Friday,
September 5, 2014. The release named the items to be donated as
100 pieces of tents, 500 pieces of sleeping pad, 500 blankets, and 25
generators. Other items expected to arrive according to the release
include 25 cord reel, 30 pieces of water storage tanks, and 500 pieces
of water containers among others.
The Foreign Ministry stated that the donation will cover medical
facilities in Montserrado, Bong, Lofa counties and the John F.
Kennedy Medical Center and the ELWA Hospital are the facilities
targeted for the Japanese donation.
Stated the Foreign Ministry statement: The Japanese Governments
assistance comes as the country enters a crucial stage in battling the
deadly Ebola virus that has claimed hundreds of Liberians lives
while hundreds more remain sufferers of the virus. Previously, the
Japanese Government had extended an Emergency Grant Aid in
the tone of US$1.5 million to support the Ebola outbreak response
in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea that was challenged through the
World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Childrens Fund
(UNICEF) and the International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC).
Switzerlands 160k Medical Supplies

China, another friendly nation to Liberia has also made donations

with the Government of the Peoples Republic donating over US$1
Million worth of equipment.
A chattered flight landed with the Chinese donation including 10,000
PPEs and others anti Ebola materials at the Roberts International
Airport recently.
Receiving the Chinese donation at the Roberts International Airport,
national coordinator of the national task force on Ebola, Mr. James
Dorbor Jallah said the consignment was a relief to the Liberian
He said other friendly government and international aid agencies
should emulate the good example of the Chinese government because
Liberia is in dire straits and would appreciate all the help it can get.
We need quite a lot; we want to appeal to the international community
to follow the lead of the Chinese government, he said.
We need far more than we are receiving but this is something that
we are very grateful for because we had nothing and weve been
fighting this disease with bare hands owing to why so many of our
health workers have been lost to this fight and so many of them are
in hospital."
"We want to appeal to the international community that our people
are dying left right and center and the disease is spreading very fast in
congested communities. This has gotten out of hands, its now spread
across the sub-region, it has become a global crisis.
Mr. Jallah said the consignment which consists of about 10,000 PPEs,
drugs and other medical equipment will help save lives and bring
health workers back to work.
We also expect that a number of patients will receive improved care
because they also brought medicines and other chemicals to help with
prevention and spread; so patients will benefit, communities will
benefit, as well as health workers will benefit.

On Tuesday, September 2, the Government of Switzerland donated

to the Government of Liberia 15 tons of medical supplies to be used
by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare for the fight against the
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD).
The medical supplies, which include sanitizers, masks and gloves
are valued at One Hundred and Sixty Thousand United States
Dollars (US$160,000.00) and consignment arrived in the country on
Tuesday, September 2, 2014, on a chartered flight sent by the Swiss
Speaking at a brief handover ceremony at the Roberts International
Airport, Mr. Friedrich Steinemann, Director of Cooperation and
Counselor Affairs at the Swiss Embassy Office in Liberia said the
Swiss Government is glad to assist Liberia.
Mr. Steinemann stated that with the constant use of hand sanitizers
and personal hygiene, there is hope that Ebola will be kicked out of
Liberia. The Counselor furthered that the Swiss Government looks
forward to assist if there is more need.
Several Liberian Government officials including Rufus Neufville,
Chief of Protocol of Liberia, Mathew T.K. Flomo, Deputy Health
Minister for Administration and Mr. Saah Charles Ntow representing
the National Ebola Task Force were all on hand at the airport to
receive the items.
Deputy Minister Flomo recalled that the Swiss Government renovated
and capacitated the Tellewoyan Hospital in Voinjama, Lofa County.
We hope for more donations from the Swiss Government, especially
PPEs and body bags, concluded Minister Flomo.
Representing the National Ebola Taskforce, Mr. Saah Charles Ntow,
expressed happiness and extended thanks through the Swiss Embassy
Office to the Government and People of Switzerland. Mr. Ntow said
that the donation from the Swiss Government represents hope for
Liberians who see this Ebola crisis as a hopeless situation. Mr. Ntow
added that the donated items are what medical personnel currently
According to the Swiss, the medical supplies brings to an estimated
amount of One Million, Six Hundred Thousand United States Dollars
(US$1.6 million) the Swiss Governments donation thus far towards
the fight against Ebola since the discovery of the deadly virus in
Liberia in March of this year.

Nigerian 500K Donation

Self Help, Liberias Own Funding

Africa powerhouse, Nigeria which has always identified with Liberia

and other West African countries in the time of crisis announced
through the President of the Federal Republic, Goodluck Jonathan his
country's donation of US$ 500,000 to the Government of Liberia to
aid with the fight against the deadly Ebola Virus.
President Jonathan made the donation on Thursday, July 10, 2014
at the 45th Ordinary Session of ECOWAS Heads of State and
Government that took place in the Ghanaian capital, Accra.
The half a million dollar United States Dollars donation to Liberia
is in response to the launch of the ECOWAS Special Fund for the
Fight Against Ebola announced by the Chairperson of ECOWAS and
Ghanaian President John Dramani Mahama.
President Jonathan also made a donation to Guinea, Sierra Leone, the
West African Health Organization (WHAO) and the ECOWAS Pool
Fund Against Ebola totaling 3.5 million United States Dollars.
Heads of State of ECOWAS made the decision to launch the pool
fund against Ebola following a report to the Summit by the Director
General of the West Africa Health Organization (WAHO) Dr. Xavier
In his report, the WAHO Director General informed the leaders about
the threat the Ebola epidemic is posing to the sub-region especially
the three affected countries of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

The Liberian government has galvanized US$5,228,250.00 and

L$$9,310,000.00 in the fight against Ebola out of which it has
expended US$2,645,198.01 and $169,649,755.00 as of August 22.
The Government of Liberia has disbursed a cumulative amount of
US$4,701,558.68 to ministries and agencies, including the Ministry of
Health and Social Welfare, Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense,
Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, the Task Force, Center,
the Ministry of State for Presidential Affairs, the Liberian National
Police and the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism.
Out of this amount only US$ 1,416,293.26 and L$ 121,000,000 were
disbursed to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry
directly at the frontline in the fight against the virus.
While health workers are shunning medical facilities demanding
more incentives and insurance the government disbursed a total of
US$805, 912.25 to the Ministry of Defense, the Liberian National
Police and the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization.
The Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism statutorily
responsible to disseminate information also received a total
US$17,500 while the Ministry of State with no health related program
received US$160,000.00.

Chinas $1 million Worth of Equipment

Friday, September 5, 2014

Page 4 | Frontpage





THE ENVIRONMENTAL Protection Agency of Liberia has

requested the Ministry of Justice to provide its inspectors with
police protection in a bid to remove the generator that supplies
FrontPageAfrica with power to operate its office in Congotown.
THE EPAS DECISION stems from a complaint filed by Dr. Martha
Sendolo Belleh, a former Minister of Health and Social Welfare in
the Samuel K. Doe government.
FOR THE RECORD, FrontPageAfrica has been operating in the
vicinity in question since 2008, long before Ms. Belleh commenced
construction of her building. Nevertheless, following a meeting
with Ms. Belleh, FrontPageAfrica and Ms. Belleh agreed that we
would carry out a number of facelift to prevent the emission from
entering Ms.Bellehs building.
For the past three month, since FPA was informed by Ms. Belleh,
we have not used the generator in question because we came to the
conclusion that we would complete the tune-ups which included
raising the fence adjacent to Ms. Bellehs building and raising the
pipe above her building so that the emission from the generator will
no longer enter her premises.
THAT WORK is nearly completed.
IN THE MEANTIME, our staff has been working off the premises,
unless in cases where the Liberia Electricity Corporation decides
to give power to the area and that has not been the case for some
time now.
WE DID ALL THIS just to satisfy the wishes of Ms. Belleh and
avoid confrontation with her, or any breach of the EPA regulations.
TO OUR SURPRISE, while the construction was taking place, the
EPA continued to send us communications regarding the complaint
when in fact we were doing everything in our power to ensure that
this matter was resolve.
the efforts we were making to rectify the issue with Ms. Belleh, the
director agreed that we should continue with the retooling of the
building to keep the emission from Ms. Bellehs yard.
TO OUR SURPRISE, Ms. Vohiris deputy, Stephen Neufville
took it upon himself to write the following letter seeking police
protection from the Ministry of Justice to remove the generator
from our office.
IN A LETTER dated May 28, 2014 sent to Cllr.Wheatonia Dixon
Barnes, Acting Attorney General and Minister of Justice, the EPA
Dear Minister Barnes,
I wish to present you my compliments and to inform you of EPAs
decision to remove a generator located in the vicinity of Congotown
and owned by Mr. Rodney Sieh of the FrontPageAfrica Newspaper.
This decision is the result of the intervention of a complaint brought
to the EPA by Madam Martha Sendolo-Belleh, a resident of
Congotown against Mr. Rodney Sieh for the emission of generator
smoke into her house by means of the exhaust pipe built through
her fence.
Upon receipt of said complaint, Mr. Sieh was invited for inquiry
and at the end of our inquiry, it was decided that the generator be
removed within seven (7)working days as of the date of the decision
which was on Thursday, May 1, 2014. But the removal is yet to take
In view of the above and in keeping with Section 69 of the
Environmental Protection and Management Law of Liberia 2003
entitled Prohibition of Pollution by Emission which prohibits
pollution by Emission, we are therefore requesting that the Ministry
of Justice provides police protection to our inspectors in the exercise
of removing the generator. This exercise is scheduled to take place
on Tuesday, June 3, 2014 at 10: 00am.
Please accept the sentiment of my highest esteem as we strive for
save and clean environment for Liberians.
Kind Regards
Stephen Y. Neufville
Acting Executive Director
FOR THE RECORD, no representative of FrontPageAfrica
was part of any inquiry as claimed by Mr. Neufville. Secondly,
FrontPageAfrica is only a tenant in the building and its publisher
Rodney Sieh is not the owner of the generator. The generator is
owned by FrontPage Corporation.
WE ARE UNSURE what the motive is behind Mrs. Belleh and


J. Yanqui Zaza,, Contributing Writer

he phrase Chicken Comes Home to Roost uttered

by the U.S. black advocate, the late Malcolm X, in
referring to the mafia-type assignation in Dallas of
U.S. sitting president, Texas, the late John F. Kennedy,
has caught up with the first female President of Africa. Malcolm
X was saying that the U.S. governments use of violence (i.e.,
bad policy) to silence anyone who dare to question anti-peoples
policy created an environment for someone to kill the president
of the U. S. Similarly, the late Malcolm X would have reminded
President Sirleaf that the consequences of her bad economic
policy have paralyzed the government and confused the citizens;
hence, the Ebola crisis has reached catastrophic levels,
according to Doctors Without Borders.
Why would a non-airborne-contagious disease pose so much
trouble for a country (Liberia) that has been in existence
since 1847? Surely, the impact of the civil war that ended in
2003 cannot be underestimated. However, in response to the
calamities of the civil war, our international partners provided
generous assistance. The United States took the lead and also
negotiated the bridge loan of $1.5 billion as part of the $4.5
billion debt that was cancelled.
Is there any evidence of failure? President Sirleaf does not only
see any sign of failure, but she has accused her critics as well
as the international media for using the Ebola crisis to score a
point. But the August 29, 2014 NY Times front-page story did
summarize Liberias poor management of Ebola crisis among
the countries affected; from ill-advised administrative policy, to
shoot to kill blunder, to ill-equip healthcare system or to a higher
number of Ebola deaths.
Another evidence of poor management by the Sirleaf
government was presented by Dr. Amos Sawyer, the former
Interim President and, currently the chairman of the Good
Governance Commission during a teleconference held on
8/30/14. He stated that the Health System is not alone, and that
the Liberia educational system would also have collapsed if it
had encountered the same kind of Ebola crisis. More troubling
for him, the collapse of the governing system was predicted and
communicated to the President, Legislature and heads of the
Health Ministry and Ministry of Education about four months
ago. Yet, the Health system collapsed. The 71% drop in revenue
collection is another evidence of failure. The Minister was
quoted as saying that the Ministry collected $433,000 per day
and not the $1.5 million, due to the Ebola crisis.
So, why did Liberia perform poorly during the Ebola crisis,
even though experts of the World Bank and the International
Monetary Fund have continued to give high marks to our first
female president as Africa best reformer? Is the failure due
to incompetence on the part of bureaucrats? Or, is the failure
due to downsizing, privatizing, selling natural resources to the
highest givers of bribes in exchange for flawed concessionary
From the get go, President Sirleaf did and continues to embrace
the World Banks Blueprint that big government is dangerous
as free-market theorists think of the economic policy of
President Francois Hollande of France. I guess, subsequently,
she promised to disassociate her government from any program
or gift from any country that practices or institutes the idea of
big government. With this belief, she rejected medical doctors

offered by Cuba; turned down offer from China to electrify

Monrovia and its environs; rejected an Ebola Treatment Camp
Center offered by Russia; rejected an oil contract with a Russian
company, which included a promise to electricity Monrovia
and its environs; and rejected a Chinese offer to build an
administrative building complex that would have hosted almost
or all of government employees. The Sirleaf government did not
only reject offers from these countries, she abandoned the rice
project in Lofa, which was financed by Libyas former head of
state, Muammar Kaddafi. She turned down suggestions such the
idea of government partnering with investors to dig diamonds
and gold or cut big trees and produce timbers/planks for sale.
So, how did the institutionalization of the policies of small
government impact Sirleaf government performance during
the Ebola disease? Let us review a few examples. When a
government downsizes, privatizes or sells natural resources to
the highest givers of bribes in exchange for flawed concessionary
agreements, the citizens become disillusioned. When the
government, because of the idea of instituting the policy of
small government, does not invest into creating diamond cutting
jobs, gold polishing jobs or food producing jobs, many of the
unemployed citizens do feel that they have no stake in society.
When the government does not accept the offer made by a
country to build a complex of government offices, because of the
influence of real estate tycoon, cost of housing does go up. And
because of the governments desire to privatize utility entities,
such as electricity, and failed to accept the offer made by a
country to electrify Monrovia and its environs, the cost of living
does not only go up, but doctors and nurses work in darkness at
From the prospective of profiteers, earning higher profits is their
concern, and not the increase in cost of living or the increase
in the rate of unemployment. Monrovia landlords, for example,
would have lost their rental income from government, had the
government accepted the Chinese offer to build administrative
complex of office buildings. Or had the government accepted
doctors from Cuba, Liberian private physicians would have lost
on fees from patients. Similarly, if the government gets involved
in rice production or diamond digging, rice importers and
private diamond investors would have lost revenue from these
If there is any doubt about Sirleafs commitment to small
government, revisit her views that explicitly state that small
government is free-corruption and efficient. She expressed such
views in France in 2009 at a time European leaders were trying
to reign in the American-type capitalism. Or read her views
she delivered at a press conference held in Washington D.C. in
May of 2013, when she invited investors into Liberia, and her
comment about the vast opportunitiesavailable for investors to
earn profit from selling power/electricity. Better yet, please just
read the blueprint from the World Bank that President Sirleaf
government continues to follow.
So, folks, let us not focus on the individual, rather let us review
the economic policy that is dictated by the World Bank as the
primary culprit for the failure in effectively managing the Ebola
crisis. And, as long Liberia continues with such an economic
policy, insurmountable problem such as Tonado, Hurricane,
Flood or Earthquake might become more difficult to manage.

the EPAs attempt to shut down our operations within the vicinity
when right next door to Mrs. Bellehs building is the Lonestar
Communication Corporations which has an even bigger generator
which spreads more smoke into the environment and her building.
The company equipment and operations are much larger than
LONESTAR CELL operates two 500KVA generators which run
more hours than FrontPageAfrica which has an 80KVA generator
that operates less than five hours daily and used only for printing
purposes at night.
ADDITIONALLY, the community is host to several companies
including Putu Range, Bea Mountain and others all with bigger
generators than FPA. This is why we are puzzled and do not see the
rationale for targeting FrontPageAfrica.
EPA HAS NEVER inspected the environment to know the volume
of smoke sent into the air by Lonestar Cell Communications and
other companies but is singling out FrontPageAfrica for reasons

best known to the EPA and Mrs. Belleh. More importantly, no other
company within the vicinity has taken the steps FPA has taken to
ease the concerns of Mrs. Belleh.
IT IS SAD that Mr. Neufville chose to use his power and influence
to try and sabotage our operations by taking the generator away from
our premises.
IN A POST-WAR nation still struggling to restore electricity to
millions of its citizens, generator is the only source of power for
many homes and businesses.
THROUGHOUT Monrovia, the buzzing sounds of generators
can be heard daily and nightly. It is sad that the EPA has chosen
FrontPageAfrica as the only violators of its Section 69 EPA
Prohibition of Pollution by Emission policy.
WERE PRETTY sure that if this policy is implemented throughout
the length and breadth of Liberia, the EPA would need a lot of police
escorts to push a lot of businesses and homes into darkness.

Friday, September 5, 2014





Emeka Obiamiwe - TOP COMMENTER

It is a damn joke as EPA should be focus on major things as they should

be involved in the whole Ebola crises but they are going after smaller

Emmanuel Logan University of Denver

In the last decade, our country has experienced some of the worst effect
of pollution such as chemical waste on most of our major river including
the Farmington River in Habel. These activities are yet to made major
headlines in the news. Why? Because our EPA officials accept corrupt
money from these multinational companies. Do we have regulations on
protecting our environment? I say no, because the EPA of Liberia know
and understand the facts that there are numerous generators in Liberia
creating pollutions but they are not regulated. Fellow countrymen, I will
not get into the politics of the day but I will discuss few things about
protecting our environment. There are chemical waste from factories and
sewage around Monrovia that continue to pollute our rivers and seas.
EPA should focus on creating policies that will protect our environment
instead of going after FPA. No matter what we believe in or not, we
should be willing to take defensive measures that will help policymaker
work towards achieving positive goals for the environment.
I believe that addressing the issues of pollution and finding alternative
ways in which we conduct business with the environment will help people
understand the important environmental protection. If we are to achieve
solid goals on protecting our environment, we must establish strong
local, national and international policies that must include private sector
initiatives with the intention of limiting the impact of chemical waste as
well as engaging politicians, policymaker and stakeholders, to promote
sustainable programs aimed at limiting many environmental challenges
we continue to experience. Society should also establish special program
on implementing strong environmental laws which are considered a key
to protecting our country and minimizing the impact of pollution and
chemical waste. EPA should not target a news outlet because of political
reason. We have many environmental challenges effecting Liberia and
they are creating health problems for Liberians.

Emmanuel Blimie Park Center Senior High

OK! LET ME TALK TOO: Sounds like Liberia's EPA was cherry picking
and shortcut rule-making. See Section 6 (c), (g), (j) of Liberia's EPA
article entitled: "The Functions of the Agency." Liberia's EPA may have
exceeded the bounds of its statutory authority and violated their act by
relying on subjective reasoning rather than regulation and scientific facts
to establish protective standards. By that I mean, what exposure level in
decibels (dB) per 24-hour constitutes a violation of noise control? 5 dB,
55 dB, 70 dB? What are the criteria for the pollutant? The Procedures
that EPA used to remedy this problem maybe flaw. Why lock FPA's door?
EPA have the statutory edge to obtain an injunction for FPA to cease and
desist. Should FPA fail to obey the injunction given that due process is
in order, then FPA will pay the price for failing to comply with court's
order. Putting lock on door to prove strength instead is below the office.
Remember, law is blind. And so the minister and FPA must be treated
equal regardless of ethos. Take no bribe or else you'll give injustice an

Wollor Topor Top Commenter Central Luzon State

University CLSU

The whole thing boils down to the failure of the government to provide
basic public utilities like electricity, safe water, etc. If these essential
ingredients for development were to be made accessible for the Liberian
public, Im of the strong view that the EPA/FPA/Martha Belle drama
would not have been on current stage.

Edward Roye Top Commenter Liberia College

EPA should go after the big fish and leave FPA alone. the most polluter
in the congotown area now is the LONESTAR cell. EPA is looking for
polluters? hahahahahahahahahahahh, this is really funny. go to downtown
monrovia, powertech, sheriff pharmacy, bushrod island; is EPA afraid
of them?can EPA show us its policy or regulation on emission from
generators in Liberia? We are yet to see its implementation. We have a
flour mill in monrovia not far from the CEMENCO, is EPA giving blind
eye or lip service to our health, too? Stop joking and leave FPA alone.
Andrew Gursay Top Commenter
If the assertion made by FPA that there are companies in the vicinity
operating bigger generators, then there is more to Belleh's anguish than
meet the eyes. By the way, is she related to the Lands and Mines Minister?
Just curious! FPA, this is Africa, and your western style reporting will
always get you into a mess. And oh, just so you know, that mess, shall
come in all forms, shapes and sizes. Keeping on reporting.
Dolakeh Jonathan Saye Taryor African Methodist Episcopal
I am getting totally embarrassed with the attitude of government
especially when Newspaper acting as awareness by total involvement for
the Fight against EBOLA will now be close without early notification.


The comments expressed here are those of our online readers and
bloggers and do no represent the views of FrontPageAfrica

The Reader's Page

Page 5

Send your letters and comments to:



The Editor,

read with dismay (though not any surprise-package

for our government) that Rob Sirleaf, the favorite
son of the President has now assumed the role of the
Minister of Foreign Affairs and will now be touting
the countrys international rallying campaign against the
spread of Ebola on his shoulders. Congratulations, Mr.
Omnipotent Envoy!!!!
While the President immaturely and prematurely decided
to ground her Minister of Foreign Affairs (or maybe
rightly put, the ceremonious Foreign Minister) and even
Health Minister (who couldnt even attend the recent
West African health ministers conference on Ebola in
Ghana) at home in the face of a glaring need for him and
all other officials whose functions require international
lobbying, she has again diverted such task to her son.
The President hastily succumbed to suggestions from
bad influences like Mary Broh that there should be no
exempt-list on the banning of key public officials, even
though posts like the Health Minister, Foreign Minister,
Finance Minister and National Investment Chairman at
such troubling times are the ones that need to be out there
to source foreign assistance in what is clearly a battle that
requires all the international assistance Liberia can get.
Robs widely circulated media release to various radio
stations and newspapers that he is travelling to Europe
and the United States to solicit international assistance to
fight Ebola has just plugged another nepotism plug into
the already heavily criticized nepotistic and cronyitic
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Administration. In my mind,
the level at which the President has heightened her
determination to completely family-tie her government
signals the nearing collapse of her administration (and
sadly too, one that would definitely overturn all previous
gains made in her first term).
But what this continues to speak to is how attitudes of
such coming from the sons of a sitting president show the
cracks in the wall of such a regime. See some practical
When Al Saadi Gaddafi, the son of the former Libyan
leader changed from being a brief footballer in Italy to
being a commander of his fathers Special Forces in 2011,
it was the solidifying of his fathers regime collapse. Even
three years after his fathers regime ended, he became the
first of the Gaddafi sons to be extradited to Libya from
Niger few months ago to answer to charges.
The erratic Uday Hussein, and his brother Quray Hussein,
both sons of the late Saddam Hussein who were their

fathers agents for torturing, maiming and murdering

of countless of their compatriots became the first set of
victims of the US-led invasion in Iraq.
A flamboyant Karim Wade, former Senegalese President
Abdoulaye Wades son, currently stands trial for
corruption and could be made to repay US$238 million
after he was arrested a year after his fathers defeat.
At home, when Chuckie Taylor, Jr (former President
Charles Taylors son) thought to become the Liberian
contemporary Adolf Hilter, it took no time in seeing
the collapse of his fathers regime. Moreover, everyone
knows where he and his father are spending the rest of
their lives.
With our current issues, it was just a few days ago that
the Presidents eldest son, James Sirleaf who took to
the airwaves in labeling as buffons those who put his
mother into check whenever she plies a wrong path.
James comments had barely gone down the throats of
Liberians when the President decided that her Rob, the
other son who has never been far from controversies of
such nature, should be the one rallying the international
community in sourcing assistance to the countrys fight
against the deadly virus that has claimed over 700
precious lives of our compatriots.
While this latest action says it all relative to the
Presidents inability and unwillingness to combat this
virus, it also shows her determination in using Rob as
the utility man that will amass the wealth for the Sirleaf
dynasty. Not even when the resignations of previous
doubling controversial roles as Senior Advisor to her
and Chairman of the National Oil Company of Liberia
(NOCAL) board had gone down, his mother made him an
envoy on the countrys emerging oil sector to the Middle
East. While no one knows the status of that role which
from all account makes him a presidential appointee, he
should be one of those banned from travelling. This he
denied, recently saying he is not a government official.
Granted, then.
So whether foreign governments, multinational groups
and other international partners would want to talk to a
private individual citizen is something we are looking to
Again, bravo Mr. New Foreign Minister (and probably
by extension Mr. New Health Minister) !!!!!!!!!!
Ibrahim W. Varney
Senior Student, Stella Maris Polytechnic
Monrovia, Liberia


Rodney D. Sieh, Managing Editor, 0886-738-666;

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Henry Karmo, henry.karmo@frontpageafricaonline.
Al-varney Rogers
com, 0886-304498
Sports Reporter, A. Macaulay Sombai,macaulay., 077217428


Grand Bassa, Alpha Daffae Senkpeni, 0777432042
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Kadi Coleman Porte, 0886-304-178/ 0777832753, advertise@

Page 6 | Frontpage

eter Cole takes a page
from his impressive
repertoire of hits, the
ballad, Staying Alive
to channel Ebola is Real, his
latest single dedicated to creating
awareness for the deadly Ebola
virus which is sweeping across
West Africa.
The Dakar-based musician finds
himself trapped away from
his homeland which has now
recorded more than 900 deaths
and Senegal which last week
recorded its first case since the
virus hit in March.
The versatile artist says music
is a very powerful tool of
communication which was
a driving force and perfect
medium to hit the message of
the disease: Dont Deny it;
Dont Defy It; Its a danger for
your community, Peter sings
as he warns his audience about
the trying times that all must
sacrifice to avoid the inevitable
that Ebola is Real and its here.
Cole says he decided to do
a song with the essential
messages of Ebola prevention
and management with the hope
that people will get the message.
These messages have been
passed on before through other
means but perhaps not through
music. Ebola is real has almost
become a national slogan for the
fight against the disease so it
wouldnt have been wiser to give
it another title. The outbreak of
Ebola in Liberia has exposed
Liberia and showed how fragile
we are though we have been
enjoying peace
for a while. But the outbreak
wasnt well managed by the
government and every Liberian
together with our foreign friends
is fighting in their own weak way
to help solve the problem. This
is just my way of lending a hand
and it is my hope we will soon
start seeing light at the end of the
Since Patrick Sawyer, a former
consultant at the Ministry of
Finance who contracted the
virus from his sister took it
to Nigeria, Liberians, Sierra
Leoneans and Guineans have
been stigmatized in neighboring





countries. But Cole says that

has not been the case so far in
Dakar despite a comment last
week from President Macky Sall
that if it wasnt for his illness,
the student who took the virus
from Guinea to Senegal could
face prosecution. "People should
know that, if it were not for this
boy's state of health, he would be
before the courts," "You cannot
be a carrier of sickness and take
it to other countries," Sall told
State television as reported by
Says Cole: There is no
stigmatization of Liberians about
Ebola but I heard a religious
leader say on radio Senegalese
should not be hostile towards
Guineans because it is reported
a Guinean student brought Ebola
into Dakar after escaping where
he was quarantined.

Cole says there is some kind

of caution or resentment by
some toward Guineans but not
Liberians. I took 30 minutes
at the studio I work to educate
my colleagues that were in
denial about the danger and they
listened because they know of
the Liberian experience and I am
Cole says in his view, the
Senegalese experience shows
that closing borders isnt an
effective method of combating
Ebola because around our
common borders, the inhabitants
of villages interact with one
another whether the border is
officially closed or not. There
are crossing points only known
by inhabitants of those areas and I
doubt they would hesitate to help
a stranded traveler pass through
there. Awareness, planning and


preventive measures are the

key to managing ebola and its
spread. The expertise of those
who have experienced and
survive similar situations should
be solicited too. Trial and error
just cant work and is too costly:
in lives and finances.
Despite the many mistakes and
criticism of Liberias handling
of the Ebola outbreak, Cole says
Senegal in fact has a chance
to learn from the mistakes
of Liberia, Sierra Leone and
Guinea. The first case of Ebola
was reported on Monday and the
respone has been swift. There
was Ebola awareness in the
church I went to on Sunday and
its been talked about in circles of
the Senegalese society.Editorials
on radios, televisions and in
newspapers are hammering the
call for the Liberia, Sierra Leone


Son Arrested After Fathers Nightmare With Newspaper Closure

Monroviahe son of the Managing

Editor of the now
shutdown Chronicle
Newspaper Philipbert
Brown, has been arrested,
charged with several crimes
including sexual harassment
by the Liberia National police
(LNP) and forwarded to court for
Court record in the possession of
the FrontPageAfrica states that
the young Browne, a resident
of the Brewerville Community,
was arrested on September 3,
2014 and charged by the LNP
with sexual and aggravated
assaults and attempt to commit
murder based on a complaint by
a lady (name with held) who is
also resident of the Brewerville
The lady is reported to have told
the police during investigation
that on August 19, 2014, she had
come from escorting her sister
who had gone to visit and upon
her return, an unknown huge

Friday, September 5, 2014

Kennedy L. Yangian 077296781

man dressed in black and white

cap grabbed and dragged her to
an unfinished building.
She furthered that the huge man
demanded her to produce the
money she had and tied her neck
with a rubber wire, threatening to
kill her.
She said while in the process,

he removed her trouser in an

apparent attempt to sexually
abuse her; but did not succeed
because she grabbed his private
part and exerted force on it
hereby causing him to release
her and flee the scene.
The Police stated in its charge
sheet that based on the gravity

of the complaint, officers of the

Zone #6 Depot were able to visit
the crime scene, where several
items including identification,
social and insurance cards,
tights, head tie and rubber wire
were all found.
According to the LNP during
investigation with the defendant

and Guinean mistakes to not

be reported. Hopefully that will
help prevent the devastation
ebola caused in countries
and entered earlier. However,
Senegal has a majority muslim
population and a sizeable
animist community. I hope they
can understand the danger of the
situation and be willing to let
go of some religious practices
as regards homage to the dead
and others. Hopefully they can
do that because they did quite
a good job with FGM (Female
genital mutilation).
On his next project, Cole says
he plans to release an album in
December of this year but given
the current situation it is definitely
going to wait unfortunately. But
as soon as the situation calms
down and the atmosphere is
conducive to release an album
my next album will be out. It is
important to note however that
after Stay Alive I have released
Rebirth and Nerfertitus (www. So
the spacing and timing is right
but I am always around and I
will be for a while by His Grace.
Thanks to all of my fans for your
support. I appreciate it highly.
He described the mood in his
homeland as one with a lot of
urgency. It is disheartening
when you hear an Ebola
quarantine center was looted
and that people who have come
into contact with Ebola victims
are on the run. It just shows that
more people are in denial or just
dont care. Also complaints or
report that call centers set up by
government werent functional
or that burial or health teams
were slow in responding to
calls. All of those just provoke a
gloomy mood. I hope gradually
we will all understand the danger
of this disease regardless of the
issues that make us unhappy
with our government. Ebola
is an issue that directly concerns

us regardless of your political

orientation or belief.
Coles Ebola is Real happens
to be the first track on the issue
in Senegal mainly because the
issue has not been dominant.
The first case of ebola was only
reported here on Friday. Earlier
a journalist who has reported a
case in the north of the country
without counter checking his
story was fined and jail. I think
that drove attention away from
the issue. Perhaps now other
artists will get involved with that
and I am considering working
with other Senegalese artists to
do an awareness song for Ebola.
Cole says he is looking into the
possibility of doing a video of the
single. I hope to find footages of
ebola management and have it in
a video together with the song.
Cole who was last in Liberia
in March says the handling in
Liberia could have been better.
The response we all know today
should have been better and
swift. It exposed our government
and portrayed it today as been
dysfunctional and unorganized.
That is disheartening and sad in
the face of our partners and
friends. The loss of many health
care workers who were battling
this deadly disease without the
needed protective gears when our
officials roam the streets in flashy
cars shows how misplaced our
priorities are. The unwillingness
to seek help and expertise from
outside when almost all of our
health centers are closed is
selfish and reckless pride. The
time is now for us to wake up
and do better and save the lives
of our people and courageous
health care workers. But I am
hopeful that we will come out
of this yet again. I hope we will
learn the lessons that should be
learn and put measures in place
that this should never happen
again in our beloved Liberia.

he denied any knowledge of any

aggravated and sexual assault on
the lady in question but admitted
being owner of the items found
on the crime scene. He claimed
that the items had come from
his car broken into by some
criminals on the night of August
15, 2014.
In the charge sheet the LNP
admitted that when quizzed
whether he ever reported the case
to the police, he responded in the
negative saying for reason best
unknown to himself, he did not
report the matter to the police.
According to the police,
defendant Browne was charged
with the crimes of sexual and
aggravated assaults and attempt
to commit murder based on
the statement of the victim,
witnesses, suspect, crime scene
visitation and analyzes and the
medical report from the SOS
Medical Center in Congo Town.
Wherefore and in view of
the facts gathered in this
investigation, the Women and
Children Protection Section
of the LNP resolved to charge
with the crime of sexual and
aggravated assaults and attempt
to commit murder in violation
of the penal law, concluded the

charge sheet.
Defendant Archie has been
whisked off from the LNP to the
Brewerville Magistrate Court.
But FrontPageAfrica was unable
to gather from Magistrate James
Cooper whether he was admitted
to bail or committed as the cell
number of the Magistrate was
called several times but off.
Brownes arrest comes barely
two weeks after officers of the
Liberia National Police stormed
the Carey Street office of his
father Philipbert Brown and
arrested him for publishing a
news story in the Chronicle
Newspaper that reveal plan by
some Liberians in the Diaspora to
establish an interim government
to replace the Unity Party (UP)
led government of Madam Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf.
The Diaspora group had accused
the Sirleaf-led government of
corruption and failure to address
the plight of averaged Liberians
who are surviving on a US$1.00
per- day.
Managing Editor Browne is
still undergoing investigation
and yet to be charged since his
arrest by armed officers of the
Liberia National Police (LNP)
two weeks ago.

Page 12
6a | Frontpage



Friday, September 5, 2014



Stephen D. Kollie, 0776329124

Monroviahe John F. Kennedy

on Thursday experienced a
second protest action from
health workers within three
days following another protest
on Monday.
Thursday protest paralyzed
normal activities and lasted
all day as several employees
of the health facility held
placards demanding better

wages, insurance and advanced

personal protective equipment
amongst many others.
The workers protest action
coincided with the regular
press briefing of the Ministry
of Information Cultural Affairs
and Tourism who had invited
journalists from diverse media
houses to ascertain the level
of work the JFK is doing in
tackling the Ebola virus.
right before the hospitals
administrative building the

despite their relentless efforts
in helping to save lives at the
government-run hospital their
bosses have ignored calls for
improvement in salaries and
health insurance packages and
in some cases their wages are
delayed for months.
Said one protester only known
as Abraham: we are calling on
the international community
to come to our aid. We work
from January to December but
we dont realize anything good

for our family and us. The

management went and told
the international community
that the least person at the JFK
is earning three hundred fifty
United States dollars that is a
blatant lie. The least person is
not even realizing one hundred
and fifty USD.
Another protester told FPA
that any attempt for workers
to voice out their grievances,
they are often threatened with
dismissal from members of the
hospitals administration who

continue trash their plight.

Wedor Geleh, a health worker
at the nursing department of
Nursing told FrontPage Africa:
You know since Ebola came
to town the Health workers
have been a major target
especially nurses and doctors.
So if you want JFK to be open
as a national referral hospital
people will be pouring in but
then what is the motivation
for us. What is the motivation
for me as a Nurse that in case
something happens to me
tomorrow my family will
benefit? For now we making
close to US$325.00 and the
other time they said we were to
receive three months advance
salary but thats a lie. Its just
this morning they put up memo
that we should go for money
for August month.
According the health worker,
they (health workers) remained
on job until the end of July and
even worked further till August
when the hospital was closed
and patients were still being
treated at the earlier stage of
the hospitals closure.
Geleh also said: We dont
have proper PPEs to wear. We

have those substandard plastic

PPEs and we are not going to
risk our lives for JFK. Other
nurses were on strike and we
were saving lives. I think you
heard that nurses were on strike
at JFK? We were the only
people here working while
others were on strike. Then
while is it that when we are in
this time of distress they will
not come to our aid?
Since the reopening of the JFK
after it was shutdown as a result
of the Ebola outbreak which
resulted to the death of several
doctors and nurses at the
facility, the hospital has been
recently embroiled with protest
from health workers either
claiming better incentives or
adequate protective equipment.
On Thursday morning, some
health workers working at the
Ebola treatment center at the
hospital took to the airwaves to
demand for money owed them
by the hospital and the health
Thursdays protest followed
another protest on Monday at
the same JFK.


Monrovian the wake of the fight

against the Deadly
Lebanese community
has made a donation to the
Liberia National police.
Presenting a police pickup
and two motorbikes at the
LNP Headquarters Lebanese
Bashir Sarkis said that
the items are intended to
enhance the police capacity
in fighting the deadly Ebola
in Liberia.
Ambassador Sarkis added
that his country will continue
to support the Liberian
government in its quest to
get rid of the Virus that is
claiming the lives of many
We want to assure you of
the Lebanese community
continuous commitment to
this national cause and stand
ready to go beyond the call of
duty to wipe out the deadly
Ebola Virus from Liberia
Sakis said his country sees
the need to enhance the
police capacity in their
endeavor to fight the Ebola
virus in the country.

Massa F. Kanneh or 0886848625

He added that the Lebanese

commend the police for the
high level of professionalism
and dedication in carrying
out its duty.
The Lebanese community
disclosed that since the
outbreak of the Ebola virus,
this is the fifth donation
by the group and assured

that the Liberians Lebanese

committed to doing more.
Receiving the items on behalf
the LNP Inspector General
Chris Massaquoi thanked the
Lebanese delegation for their
support and donation to the
LNP in the fight against the
deadly Ebola Virus.
The Police Inspector General

added that the items will

be used for the intended
Since the outbreak of the
deadly Ebola virus in
Liberia, many companies
and businesses have left in
fear for their life.
This act by some foreigners,
made Defense Minister
Brownie Samukai to threaten

that those who will leave the

country should just remain
The minister said at the time
the country is in situation
like this people who stay and
help are truly the countrys
best friends.
Even some airlines have
shutdown their flights to
Liberia but some have

already resumed.
For the same Ebola Fight,
President Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf declared a state of
Emergency for 90 days
followed by a curfew which
many Liberians believe is
not helping the situation but
is causing caused more harm.

Friday, September 5, 2014




Page 6b

Monroviaince the outbreak of
the Ebola Virus in
Monrovia, spreading
communities of Barnesville,
Neezo, Black-Jinah and other
adjacent communities along
the Somalia Drive, Freeway
belt are amongst the highest hit
by Ebola cases.
suffered late response from the
Ebola Task Force in attending
to suspected Ebola patients or
suspected death something the
government has attributed to
the lack of logistics including
more ambulances.
In the wake of these challenges
of those communities, the
National Mandingo Caucus
of Liberia has purchased and
donated two ambulances to
the government of Liberia
to be used in the Paynesville
belt providing support to
the two initially provided by
Representative Saah Joseph
but is being used nationally.
Making presentation of the
Kolleh President of the
National Mandingo Caucus
said, in addition to the
ambulances, some volunteers
from communities making
up the area in the Paynesville
belt have received training
from health workers on how to
respond to suspected cases and
collect suspected Ebola bodies
in the Paynesville area.
He also disclosed that the
Caucus has provided 10
phones to be assigned into
the five zones making up the
Paynesville area. The National
Mandingo Caucus President
also admitted to allegations
that the cause of the spread
of the virus is the act of
denial amongst his kinsmen,
something he said, has being
worked on and assured that it
is no longer the case because


Commission on Higher Education Director General long Corruption tale

Henry karmo (0886522495)

according to him they now

believe the existence of Ebola.
Kolleh said: All of us have
come to realize that the issue of
Ebola is real and need to join
the fight against the spread of
the deadly virus.
He also attributed the cause
of the spread of the virus to
poverty something he said in
fight against Ebola.
On behalf of our elders and
members of the National
Mandingo Cacus Madam
President, I would like to
make this presentation of two
ambulances one costing fifty
thousand United States dollars
and the other provided as
contribution by Mr. Abraham
Hammed a Lebanese business
man in Liberia, Kolleh added.
Like Kolleh, Mr. Musa Hassan
Bility former President of the
Caucus and senior member

of the group said, the Caucus

currently has over 30 homes
under quarantine in the area and
daily meal is being provided
for those quarantined on a daily
basis until the completion of 21
This is no time for politics; we
have to help our government,
this is not something that
was brought into the country
government is helping yourself
and your family please
regulations, he added.
Bility who is also the
President of the country local
their contribution of the two
ambulances is to support
President Sirleaf because
in his words they know the
difficulties the president is
experiencing at the moment.
Need to be more robust

Making remarks at the

Representative Thomas Fallah
(CDC-District #5 Montserrado
County) called on president
Sirleaf to ensure that the Task
force is more robust in its
with our people Madam
President has led us to make
this recommendation to you
Madam President. We as
government need to be little
more robust in our response to
cases as much as we appreciate
the level of work done, we need
to be robust in our response to
cases, Representative Fallah
Receiving the keys of the
Ambulances president Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf said, the
Ebola Disease that has quickly
become an epidemic has hit the

three Mano river Countries,

(Guinea, Liberia and Sierra
Leone) and it comes at the
time when the rainy season
is going to an end when
government is trying to prepare
for the development work that
normally takes place during the
dry seasons.
She said, prior to the Ebola
outbreak Guinea and Liberia
were in negotiations for the
movement of Guinea ore over
Liberias territory something
she said, would have created
a lot of Economic activities
for Guinea as well as Liberia
but all is now being put aside
because the country has to fight
the disease.
The president said: It has
become a crisis and in terms
of crisis it is when people
[put aside differences, politics
and come to together because
that enemy is common it

does not have any distinction

it can hit everybody so it is
upon every Liberian to come
together to fight this common
enemy somehow we havent
got this yet thinking and
President Sirleaf further said
It is irrespective of the damage
that Ebola will cause in lives
and in health but our concern
also is the damage it will cause
in livelihood because of the
consequences to our economy
if we do not work together to
get rid of it quickly and get
back to development.
She commended the Mandingo
caucus for their initiative in
joining government effort to
provide logistical support for
the fight against Ebola.
The program was graced by
several senior government
officials and prominent citizens
of the country.

with a lawyer when it became

obvious that a lawyer would not
be available because of the time
reached an understanding with the
Police for a rescheduling at noon
on Saturday, August 30.
According to the Union at the
police station, Ms Nah of the
Women Voices Newspaper was
informed that she was under
investigation for a newspaper
corruption in the police and before
anything, the police had demanded
a mugshot and fingerprints.
The PUL further stated that on
Monday, September 1, 2014, it
got a call that personnel from
the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), accompanied
by Police Officers had called at
the premises of the Front Page
Africa Newspaper to enforce an
action to stop the paper from using
its generator on environmental
When we tried to enquire the
action, the officers left. Again on
the evening of September 3, we
learnt that the team returned, but
this time with a folk lift to remove
the generator. While the generator
was eventually not moved, due to
community resistance, our issue

here is why would government

officers get involved in enforcing
an action in the absence of due
process of law? This takes away
from the greater responsibilities
that they have to do, given the
current circumstances in our
country, stated the Union.
The Union stated that the manner
in which the events are occurring
in sequence is telling a different
The sequential order of these
actions is telling us a story
statements that have been made
at various levels of government
about some commitment to a free
press and a democratic society.
We see these as deliberate actions
to limit the role of the media in
the national discourse, under the
guise of a state of emergency.
Fortunately for us, the authors
of our current constitutions were
very mindful of sad episodes in
our previous history, and were
determined not to leave any
loopholes for infringements of
rights. As a result, they made lots
of safeguards to prevent those who
would eventually assume national
leadership positions from abusing
the rights of citizens, and as such

the current state of emergency does

not give any room for arbitrary
actions that would limit individual
freedoms, insofar as rights and
obligations are concerned, stated
the PULs letter.
According to the Union, the
actions enumerated whether in the
case of The National Chronicle,
The Women Voices and The
FrontPageAfrica - have tacitly
threatened and limited these
organizations in enjoying these
fundamental freedoms.
The Union argued that these
media institutions have in no
way trample on the role of the
government of other partners in
addressing the current crisis in the
The letter further stated By no
means have these media opted to
limit the role of the government
or other partners in addressing the
purpose of the current emergency
in our country. We therefore
request that you denounce
these actions by the Police and,
especially in the case of the Front
Page Africa the Environmental
Protection Agency, as foolhardy
and unlawful. We also request
that you take appropriate actions
to remedy the harassment and
intimidation of the journalists, by
simply reaffirming their rights to

enjoy their freedom of expression,

as guaranteed by our constitution.
We further request that you
take appropriate disciplinary
and remedial actions to curb
future unlawful actions by those

-PUL Detests Actions Against media Institutions

Monroviahe Press Union of

Liberia has detested
various actions against
describing the situation as a
deterioration in fundamental
freedoms in Liberia.
In a letter dated September 4,
addressed to Justice Minister, Cllr.
Christina Tah, the Union declared
that developments within the
Liberia media space are becoming
of increasing concern.
PUL outlined the closure of The
National Chronicle Newspaper,
ignoring Media in Imposition
of Curfew, harassment of
Women Voices Publisher and
Blockade as instances that are
worrisome for freedoms.
The Union indicated that in
wake of the state of emergency,
it believes that nothing under
the emergency should be used to
undermine the rights and freedoms
of Liberians.
The Press Union of Liberia
recognizes the nature of the health
emergency in our country and
respects the number of measures
that have been taken to address
them, both by government, as well

as local, civic and international

development partners.
however believe that nothing
under the circumstances created by
this emergency shall be used as an
alibi to undermine the rights and
freedoms of Liberians, especially
and including journalists, lest
to mention the obligation of the
government to ensure that all
Liberians have full guarantees of
these rights stated the Union.
In several counts listed in the letter
to Minister Tah, the union protested
the Thursday, August 14, 2014
forced and illegal closure of the
National Chronicle Newspaper, as
well as the arrest of several staff,
including News Editor Emmanuel
Mensah and IT Officer Emmanuel
Logan, and the manhandling
of Philibert S. Browne, Jr. and
subjecting the papers publisher
Philipbert Browne to nearly daily
questioning at the Liberia National
Police Headquarters.
The Union also mentioned that
on the evening of Friday, August
29, 2014, it received a call from
the Management of the Women
Voices Newspaper that they
were being invited to the Police
where the Union intervened and
said it accompany the paper

Strategically, the Press Union

of Liberia has insisted upon its
membership in the National Ebola
Task Force, though the role of
the Task Force has itself been
merely a forum for the sharing
of information from organs that
are implementing activities. This
participation continues to inspire
journalists, media institutions and
civil society organizations that this
is a national obligation that should
involve all persons.
The letter signed by Unions
Kamara was copied to several
Information, Culture & Tourism,
Liberia, the Ambassador, Embassy
of the United States of America,
European Union Delegation in
Liberia; National Commission
on Human Rights; National Civil
Society Council of Liberia and
Members, Press Union of Liberia

Friday, September 5, 2014


Page 7


LD$90,000.00 has been
donated to the EBOLA
Task Force thru the
Office of the Command
Center headed by GSA
Director, Madam Mary
The items including
100 sachets of mineral
water, 10 cases of frozen
chicken, , 5 cartoons of
sardines, 10 buckets
of chlora , 10 buckets,
5 bags of ionized salt,
5 cases of laundry and
bath soap each, among
others were presented
yesterday in Monrovia.
Making the Presentation
on behalf d the of the
Liberia Civil Aviation
Authority, the Human
Resource Officer of
the entity, Mrs. Onikeh
informed Madam Broh
that the donation was
in fulfillment of LCAA
about the fight against
the EBOLA under
the guidance of Her
Excellency, President
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.
behalf of the board,
management and entire
staff of LCAA their
solidarity with central
government as it tackles
the Deadly EBOLA
Virus. She however
Force for its courage,
commitment and sense
of volunteerism.
For her part, Madam
Broh lauded the Liberia
CAA for its generous
donation and assured
Civil Aviation that the
donation would be used
for its intended purpose

Page 8 | Frontpage




EPA Deputy Tied to Attempted Hijacking at FrontPageAfrica Office

Monrovia -

n overzealous supporter of the ruling Unity Party

looking to get the attention of President Ellen JohnsonSirleaf has been named as the point figure responsible for
Wednesdays raid of the offices of FrontPageAfrica.
Senior officials at both the Liberia National Police and the Ministry of
Justice informed FPA Thursday that Mr. Stephen Neufville personally
requested police escort to invade the newspapers office and remove
the companys generator from the facility.
An aide to Police Director Chris Massaquoi told FPA Thursday
that the police had no knowledge of the incident. He (Director
Massaquoi) knows nothing about what EPA is doing and does not
support it. Stephen Neufville is behind it. He asked for police backing
but Director Massaquoi refused, the official, speaking on condition
of anonymity said Thursday.
A Justice Ministry official also confirmed that Neufville had also
sought the ministrys backing in carrying out his mission but was
cautioned that the EPA had no authority to do so. It appears he did
not listen to us and went ahead anyway, the Justice official told FPA
The action stems from an ongoing feud between the EPA, FPA, and
Martha Sendolo Belleh, a former Minister of Health in the Samuel
Kanyon Doe government who has been harassing the newspaper and
complaining that the entitys generator has been disturbing her.
Neufville, it can be recalled, last year sent a letter to FrontPageAfrica
citing "Section 69 EPA Prohibition of Pollution by Emission" policy,
suggesting that FrontPageAfrica was in violation and disturbing the
neighborhood in the vicinity of FPAs office located in Congotown,
behind the office of LoneStarCell/MTN.
The EPA representatives escorted by Police bulldozed their way on
the FPA building on Monday, September 1, 2014, and succeed in
placing a lock on the companys generator room door.
The publisher Rodney Sieh who was not on the premises when the
lock was placed on the door broke the lock upon his return and
instructed his staffers to proceed with their job.
When the attempted raid on Monday failed, Ms. Belleh called the
buildings landlord in Connecticut, USA, who is believed to be a longtime friend and prevailed on her to terminate the lease agreement. A
representative of the landlord has informed FrontPageAfrica that the
lease will not be renewed unless the generator is removed to the front
of the building. FrontPageAfrica has agreed in principle that because
there is no space in the front of the building it will not be doing so,
especially after spending $US3,000 to renovate the generator area,

contain emissions control and extend the fence adjacent to Mrs.

Bellehs building.
The lack of electricity has been a major setback for post-war Liberias
development. The only hydro facility was damaged during the civil
war. Other parts of the facilities were looted and destroyed in the later
years of the conflict. [Beginning in early 2005, proposals were made
to repair the facility and restore power, including a proposal by China.
The United States Trade and Development Agency gave $400,000
to Liberia in February 2007 to study, rebuilding and expanding the
project. [10] The study showed no structural damage to the dam, but
that most of the projects facilities would need to be rebuilt at a cost
of US$383 million.
In May 2012, the Mt. Coffee Hydropower Rehabilitation Project was
initiated with a series of surveying and engineering assessments of
the feasibility of revitalizing the plant. This work culminated with
the signing of a contract in April 2013 with a Norwegian company
(Norplan AS) and a German company (Fichtner GmbH) to revitalize
the defunct power-plant by 2015
FrontPageAfrica Publisher Rodney Sieh says the agency has its
priorities twisted. At a time when the country is dealing with a major
health epidemic poised to lead to serious environmental hazards
with bodies popping up throughout the country, the agency should
be exploring ways in which it could deal with the problems instead
of picking on a newspaper simply providing news to its readership.
More importantly, the EPA is also being accused of ignoring major
environmental hazards and applying the full weight of its law on a

Internal Affairs suspends Poro and Sande activities; Violators to be prosecuted

Internal Affairs says
its attention has been
drawn to reports of the
continued operation of Poro and
Sande societies in several parts
of the country, and declares this
as a violation of the moratorium
placed on the operation of Poro
and Sande Societies on June 2,
The Ministry of Internal Affairs
through its Bureau of Customs
and Culture and in collaboration
with the National Council of
Chiefs and Elders recently
suspension of all Poro and Sande
activities throughout Liberia.
The Ministry said its decision
then and now was intended to
ensure that there was no outbreak
of the Ebola virus in any Poro or
Sande grove in Liberia.
This would be a disaster, the
Ministry said in its statement, and
continue, it must be prevented in
the interest of saving additional
lives of our fellow citizens.

Friday, September 5, 2014

The Ministry states that in

spite of its demonstration
individuals have continued to
operate Poro and Sande Groves
and conduct cultural festivals.
The Ministry, in a press release
signed by Minister Morris

Dukuly, said the continued

operation of Poro and Sande
Societies in the face of the
Ebola epidemic exposes citizens
to increased incidents of the
virus and untimely death, and
therefore directs that all such
practices must cease and be seen
to have ceased by September 17,

The Ministry of Internal
Affairs say any grove which
operates or reopens its doors
to initiate persons will be seen
to be in defiance of its General
Circular No. 13 and its more
recent statement reaffirming
the provisions of the General

newspaper. The flour mill facing Cemenco for example has been cited
as a key environmental hazard which the EPA has failed to address.
A blogger posting on FPA website Thursday asked: Is the EPA testing
(BAGS) being sold in the city, is it evaluating the structural material
being imported for construction, has it visited the national paint
factory to ascertain the quality of chemical brought in the country in
order to determine whether it is environmentally friendly? Hope EPA
as it moves to Hon. Sendolo Belleh, it would swiftly move to us the
countless silent Liberians who are swallowing the poisonous smokes
in the communities from the countless generators.
FrontPageAfrica in an editorial has explained that it has been
operating in the vicinity in question since 2008, long before Ms. Belleh
commenced construction of her building. Nevertheless, following a
meeting with Ms. Belleh, FrontPageAfrica and Ms. Belleh agreed that
we would carry out a number of facelift to prevent the emission from
entering Ms. Belleh's building. For three months, since FPA was
informed by Ms. Belleh, we have not used the generator in question
because we came to the conclusion that we would complete the tuneups which included raising the fence adjacent to Ms. Belleh's building
and raising the pipe above her building so that the emission from the
generator will no longer enter her premises.
EPA Director Anyaa Vohiri acknowledged the facelift FPA made
to the building and agreed at that time that the newspaper should
continue with the retooling of the building to keep the emission from
Ms. Belleh's yard.
With the project completed, Neufville and Mrs. Belleh continued
their pursuit of the matter, writing then Acting Justice Minister Cllr.
Wheatonia Dixon Barnes on May 28, 2014.
In the letter Mr. Neufville denied that he had summoned the FPA
publisher to an inquiry over the matter and made no mention of the
facelift done to address the Emission issue.
In that letter, Neufville also requested police escort to the FPA
premises but was denied and never got to carry out his mission then.
It is unclear what prompted Mr. Neufville to continue his pursuit of the
newspapers closure but FPA Publisher Sieh, appearing on The Costa
Show Thursday suggested that some hidden hands were working in
the background to silence the newspapers work. They just wont
stop, they seen an opportunity and think they can exploit it to their
benefit and our detriment but the devil is a liar, FPA will never die.
Even if they succeed in silencing the print, the world has changed,
were in a different era, the online is the new next. We will keep on
exposing ills and bringing the news and analysis to our readers.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs
says the two-week extension it
is granting under this statement
is to allow the smooth closure
of all Poro and Sande Societies
operating in Liberia, and not an
extension of the term of existing
In the statement, the Ministry
therefore says that any grove or
society found operating beyond
the September 17, 2014, date
would be ordered immediately
closed in keeping with cultural,
traditional practices, and its
guidelines and regulations, while
persons operating such groves
will be prosecuted under the
laws of Liberia.

The Minister of Internal

Affairs is therefore authorizing
all county Superintendents,
District Commissioners, County
Inspectors, and other appropriate
local government officers to
ensure full compliance with
this directive, and to close
uncooperative Sande and Poro
Societies upon the expiration of
the two-week extension period.
Concluding, the press release
states that the Minister of Internal
Affairs has written to inform
Chief Zanzan Karwor, Chairman
of the National Council of Chiefs
and Elders, of the directive, and
request the full cooperation of
his council.

Friday, September 5, 2014





Second patient in three days, flees JFK treatment facility; Staffers say he tried raping
fellow residents at unit, Eyewitnesses say, the man was simply out looking for food to eat.


Page 9


nformation Minister Lewis Brown has clarified that
government has no intention to quarantine Bushrod Island
and its surrounding as is being speculated.
Minister Brown emphasized that it is not true that Bushrod
Island and its surroundings will be quarantined, noting that
quarantine is a public health tool that will not be necessary if
communities observe the preventive measures outlined by the
health ministry to eradicate the Ebola virus from the country.
The MICAT Boss made the clarification Monday in a telephone
interview on UNMIL Radio in Monrovia.
He noted that if communities allow the establishment of relevant
structures to curtail the spread of the deadly Ebola disease by
taking ownership to prevent residents from contracting the Ebola
virus, there will be no need for quarantine in the country.
He indicated that the quarantine lifted on West Point Township
was due to advice from public health authorities which thought
it necessary to remove the quarantine from the township as the
township had taken ownership of the process to curtail the spread
of the Ebola Virus.
Minister Brown clarified that the quarantine of West Point
Township was not for 21 days, noting that it is only public health
authorities can determine how long a place can be quarantined.
He warned that Dolos Town still remains under quarantine
until the public health authorities can give the approval for the
quarantine to be lifted.
He challenged Liberians to remain vigilant in the battle against the
deadly Ebola disease as government is committed to eradicate it
from the country.


or the second time this
week, another Ebola
patient escaped an
Ebola Isolation center
in Liberia in search of Food.
On Monday, a patient suffering
from the deadly virus left
quarantine in Monrovia to
search for food at a local market
before being apprehended by
doctors and forced back into
an ambulance while scared
and angry crowds watched
on. The video which has gone
viral on social media has once
again exposed major lapses in
Liberias handling of the deadly
On Thursday, eyewitnesses told
FrontPageAfrica that a second
man left the Cholera Ebola
treatment facility on 20th Street
but collapsed shortly after he left
the fence.
He came outside to look for
food to eat but nobody wanted
to serve him. We were all afraid,
afraid that we would become
infected, a bystander told an FPA
reporter Thursday. when he
went across the road, he dropped
and died, the eyewitness said.
The latest escape comes as the

World Health Organization
reported Thursday that more
than 1,900 people have now
died in West Africa from the
epidemic. There have been
3,500 confirmed or probable
cases in Guinea, Sierra Leone
and Liberia. "The outbreaks
are racing ahead of the control

efforts in these countries," WHO

chief Margaret Chan said.
In Liberia, more than 900 persons
have died from the epidemic.
The WHO is meeting on
Thursday to examine the most
promising treatments and to
discuss how to fast-track testing
and production, the Associated

Press reported.
At least $600m (360m) is
needed to fight the virus, and
more than 20,000 people could
be infected before the outbreak is
brought under control, the WHO
has warned.

his is to announce the death of Mrs. Sieanyene Toose

Yuoh- Katty. This sad event occurred on Sunday, August
31, 2014 at about 5:28 pm. Her remains have been deposited
at the Samuel A. Stryker Funeral Home.
Meanwhile, funeral arrangements are as follows:
*On Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 10:00 am, her remains will
be removed from the Samuel Stryker Funeral Homeand taken to the
Kingdom Light Church, Oldest Congo TownBack Roadfor funeral
*Interment takes please thereafter at the 1st Baptist Church cemetery,
oldest Congo Town Back Road.
She leaves to mourn her loss her Husband; two sons, Keith and
Kevin Toure; her mother, Rev.Rosie Dillon-Wiah; five brothers; six
sistersand a host of other relatives and friends.
May her soul rest in perfect peace and light perpetual shine on her!
This announcement was brought in by her aunt, Associate Justice
Sieanyene G. Yuoh on behalf of the family.

Page 10 | Frontpage



hen-President Bush,
left, walks behind
daughter Jenna Hager
and son-in-law Henry
Hager in 2008.
Both of former President
George W. Bush's daughters
aren't following the family's
Republican Party heritage.
Jenna Bush Hager, the younger
of the Bush twins, is registered
to New York's Independence
Party, according to a Daily
News report Wednesday.
The third party is much
maligned in local politics for
allegedly duping voters who
meant to actually register as
A spokeswoman for the
daughter told the paper that
Hager, a correspondent for
NBC News, confirmed she
made a mistake when she
"Jenna registered to vote
in New York soon after her
daughter was born, and
like all new moms, she was
functioning on very little sleep.
She mistakenly registered for
the Independence Party," said
the spokeswoman.
The Daily News also reported
that her twin sister, Barbara
Pierce Bush, is registered
to vote in Texas and is not
affiliated with any political
The two Bush daughters' voter
registrations don't come as a
complete surprise, however.
They told People magazine in
2010 that they didn't embrace
the U.S. political parties.


n Internet video
Tuesday purported to
show the beheading
of U.S. journalist Steven Sotloff
by the Islamic State group,
which called it retribution for
continued U.S. airstrikes in Iraq.
Sotloff, 31, who freelanced
for Time and Foreign Policy
magazines, had last been seen
in Syrian in August 2013 until
he appeared in a video released
online last month by the Islamic
State group that showed the
beheading of fellow American
journalist James Foley.
Dressed in an orange jumpsuit
against the backdrop of an arid
Syrian landscape, Sotloff was
threatened in that video with
death unless the U.S. stopped
airstrikes on the group in Iraq.
In the video distributed Tuesday
and entitled "A Second Message
to America," Sotloff appears
in a similar jumpsuit before he
was purportedly beheaded by an
Islamic State fighter.
The Associated Press could
not immediately verify the
SITE Intelligence Group, a
U.S. terrorism watchdog, first
reported about the video's



Friday, September 5, 2014



returned from treating
Ebola patients in
West Africa predicts
the current Ebola outbreak will
go on for more than a year, and
will continue to spread unless
a vaccine or other drugs that
prevent or treat the disease are

Dr. Daniel Lucey, an expert on

viral outbreaks and an adjunct
University Medical Center,
recently spent three weeks
in Sierra Leone, one of the
countries affected by the Ebola
outbreak. While there, Lucey
evaluated and treated Ebola
patients, and trained other
doctors and nurses on how to
use protective equipment.
The current Ebola outbreak,
which is mainly in Guinea,
Sierra Leone and Liberia, has
so far killed at least 1,552 of
the more than 3,000 people
infected, making it the largest
and deadliest Ebola outbreak
in history. It is also the first
outbreak to spread from rural
areas to cities. Strategies that
have worked in the past to stop
Ebola outbreaks in rural areas
may not, by themselves, be
enough to halt this outbreak,
Lucey said.
"I don't believe that our
traditional methods of being
able to control and stop
outbreaks in rural areas
is going to be effective in
most of the cities," Lucey
said yesterday (Sept. 3) in a
discussion held at Georgetown
University Law Center that
was streamed online. While the
World Health Organization has
released a plan to stop Ebola

transmission within six to

nine months, "I think that this
outbreak is going to go on even
longer than a year," Lucey said.
[5 Things You Should Know
About Ebola]
In addition, without vaccines
or drugs for Ebola, "I'm not
confident we will be able to
stop it," Lucey said. There are a
few studies of Ebola treatments
and prevention methods under
way, but more research is
needed to show whether they
are safe and effective against
the disease.
One strategy that could help
with the current outbreak is
to implement public health
"command centers" whose job
it is to make sure that tools and
equipment sent to the affected
regions are properly distributed

to places that need them, Lucey

When Lucey was in Sierra
Leone, protective equipmentfor
health care workers made its
way to the capital city, but not
to the hospital where he was
working, he said. "We did not
have gloves that I felt safe
with," Lucey said, noting that
the gloves would tear easily.
"We didn't have face shields.
We had goggles that had been
washed so many times you
couldn't see through them,"
Lucey said.
Another important factor in
stemming the outbreak will
be community engagement
and education to help people
in the region understand the
behaviors that spread the
disease, said Dr. Marty Cetron,

director of Global Migration

and Quarantine at the Centers
for Disease Control and
Prevention. It is also important
to understand the culture of an
area so that control strategies
are culturally acceptable,
Cetron said.
This large Ebola outbreak
could have been prevented
with an effective public health
response at the beginning, said
Lawrence Gostin, director
of the O'Neill Institute for
National and Global Health
Law at Georgetown University.
But the weak health systems of
the affected countries left them
unprepared to respond to the
outbreak, Gostin said.
The international community
should have been more
generous in supporting poorer


Rasmussen pledged NATO's
embattled Ukraine at a news
conference at the two-day
NATO leaders summit in
"We stand united with Ukraine,"
he said. "We strongly condemn
Russia's repeated violations of
international law."
NATO's support was applauded
by Poroshenko, who said he
has never felt such enormous
support before.

Ceasefire conditional on talks

krainian President
Petro Poroshenko
Anders Fogh Rasmussen have
expressed cautious optimism
about an anticipated ceasefire
on Friday between Ukraine

and pro-Russian rebels fighting

in the country's east.
I have "careful optimism," said
Poroshenko, who said Ukraine
pays "the highest price every
single day" of the conflict
with the loss of soldiers and
innocent civilians.

Rasmussen said he welcomes

the ceasefire, if it is a genuine
effort on Russia's part for
peace in the region. But he
cautioned that similar earlier
statements have simply been
"a smokescreen" for Russia to
further destabilize Ukraine.

proRussian separatists appeared
increasingly close to signing
a deal to end four months of
fighting, even as Ukraine's
leader met Thursday with
President Barack Obama and
other NATO leaders in Wales.
Earlier, Poroshenko said he
would order a ceasefire on
Friday, paving the way for
implementation of a "stageby-stage peace plan" for his

countries so they could develop

the response capacities needed
to contain the outbreak, Gostin
and colleagues wrote in a
recent briefing for the O'Neill
To help with the current
future ones, Gostin called
for the establishment of an
international "health systems
fund," which would be
supported by high-resource
countries. The money would
be used to strengthen the health
systems in those countries, he
"We want to avoid leaving
these countries in the same kind
of fragile health condition" that
they are in now, and that is
being worsened, Gostin said.
Speaking on the sidelines of
the NATO summit, Poroshenko
said that the ceasefire was
conditional on a planned
meeting going ahead in Minsk
on Friday of envoys from
Ukraine, Russia and Europe's
OSCE security watchdog.
"At [7 a.m. ET on Friday],
provided the (Minsk) meeting
takes place, I will call on
the General Staff to set up
a bilateral ceasefire and we
hope that the implementation
of the peace plan will begin
tomorrow," Poroshenko said.
The rebels also said they were
ready to declare a truce Friday
if an agreement with Ukraine
is reached on a political
settlement for the mostly
Russian-speaking region.
Rebel leaders in eastern
Ukraine made proposals on
Thursday that echoed a plan
outlined by Russian President
Vladimir Putin, according to
details cited by Russian news
agency Interfax.
Leaders of the self-declared
Donetsk and Luhansk People's
creation of a "security zone"
split into five sections, each of
which would be monitored by
40 observers from OSCE.

Friday, September 5, 2014




Page 11




he German Football
Oliver Bierhoff has
blasted Real Madrid over
their failure to appreciate the
severity of Sami Khedira's
thigh problem.
Los Blancos released a
statement on Tuesday claiming
that the midfielder had
picked up the injury while on
international duty.
However, Bierhoff has now
hit back, alleging that Madrid
knew about the muscle issue
before releasing the player
to link up with the world
The player already had
problem when he travelled
to Germany," the 46-year-old
former striker told Bild.
"And whats more, he had
already been examined by
doctors in Madrid. They didnt
consider it to be a serious


eal Madrid attacker Cristiano Ronaldo

has stressed his desire to return to
Manchester United at some point in the
The Portugal international enjoyed a hugely
successful time at the Old Trafford side between
2003 and 2009 before leaving United for Madrid in
a deal worth 94 million.
Nevertheless, the 29-year-old has nothing but fond
memories of his time at the Premier League giants
and is eager to return to the club where he made his
name once his time at the Santiago Bernabeu ends.
"I love Manchester United. Everyone knows that I have said it many times. Manchester United are

in my heart. I left many good friends there, the

supporters are amazing and I wish I can come back
one day," Ronaldo told Daily Mail.
"I am happy here at Real Madrid and have four more
years, but in the future you never know because
they treated me unbelievably at United.
"I really did love being at Manchester United."
The prolific attacker then went on to discuss Louis
van Gaal's side's difficult start to the 2014-15
campaign and stressed that he's confident they will
improve following the arrival of Angel Di Maria
and Radamel Falcao.
"Believe me, they will be a good team again, Im
sure of it. They are a great club. This sort of blip


The Chelsea boss worked alongside the former midfield ace
during his time at Camp Nou between 1996 and 2000

can happen. Bad moments and good moments.

Manchester are passing through a bad moment.
"Last year it was a horrible season and this year they
havent started well, either. But I do think they did
well to buy Di Maria and Falcao.
"I think the team will be much better. I want to see
them better because it is such a fantastic club and
they deserve to be better.
"Manchester United have not started well, two
points in three games, so they need quality players
and Falcao is a quality player. And Di Maria, too."
United currently sit 14th in the Premier League
table with two points from three games.

ormer Real Madrid

coach Jose Mourinho
has admitted that he
hopes Luis Enrique
is a big success at Barcelona.
Mourinho spent four years at
Camp Nou between 1996 and
2000, during which time he
got a chance to work with Luis
Enrique, who was one of the
key players in the Blaugrana
line-up under both Bobby
Robson and the Englishman's
successor, Louis van Gaal.
Mourinho ran into the new
Barca boss at a coaching
conference in Switzerland
this week and revealed that
he wished the former midfield
ace all the best.
"He was not only one of my
favourites as a player during
my time at Barcelona but
also as a person," the Chelsea
manager told reporters on

"I have a special fondness and
admiration for him. He could
play midfield, right wing, left
wing, No.10, centre-forward,
right-back, left-back - he was
even capable of playing in
"Today [Thursday] was the
first the first time I've seen
him since I left the club in
2000. I asked him if he was
enjoying coaching and he said
"I want him to be happy and I
hope he does very well."
Mourinho spent three years in
charge of Barca's bitter rivals
Madrid before returning to
Chelsea last summer.
Luis Enrique, meanwhile,
succeeded Gerardo Martino as
Blaugrana coach this summer
after a productive season in
charge of Celta.

Barcelona star will
take the armband
against Colombia on
Friday and coach Dunga says
he has everything required of
a World Cup-winning skipper.

Brazil coach Dunga has

confirmed that Neymar will
captain the side against
Colombia on Friday.
Thiago Silva, who was
captain under previous coach
Luiz Felipe Scolari, is absent
from the squad that will
follow up their clash at Sun
Life Stadium on Tuesday
when they face Ecuador in
New Jersey.



scar says the time

has come to kickstart a new era of
Brazilian football.
The Chelsea midfielder is one of
just 10 players from the World
Cup squad who suffered semifinal defeat to Germany to have
retained his place in Dungas
squad for the upcoming Gillette
Brasil Global Tour doubleheader against Colombia and
Ecuador this week.
And the 22-year-old says their
new coach has told them forget
their World Cup heartache and
focus on the future as they
begin preparations for next
years Copa America In Chile.




VOL 8 NO.671





see story on page 11

Spot News

MONROVIA he National Oil Company

of Liberia (NOCAL) has
contributed US $150,000.00
fiftythousand dollars) to the Ebola Trust
Fund to assist government in its effort
to fight the spread of the Ebola virus
in Liberia.
Making the presentation Thursday,
Sept 4, at the companys head office
in Monrovia, the President and Chief
Executive Officer of NOCAL, Dr.
Randolph AKW McClain, said the
donation was intended to support
governments initiatives to curb the
spread of the virus.
Dr. McClain spoke of the immeasurable
human toll of the virus on families, its
crippling effect on the economy and
the additional burden on governments
efforts to provide the basic needed
services for its people.
The NOCAL President, on behalf of
the companys Board of Directors,
management and staff, extended
sympathy to families who have lost
loved ones to the virus and thanked
health workers and other individuals
and institutions for contributing to
the effort to fight the Ebola epidemic.
The NOCAL Chief Executive Officer
urged citizens and other residents
to play their part by contributing as
well and adhering to the measures put
in place by the Ministry of Health &
Social Welfare and the National Ebola

Task Force to help contain the spread

of Ebola and save more lives, adding,
this fight will only succeed if we
all join hands and work together to
contain Ebola.
In response, the Deputy Minister of
Finance for Fiscal Affairs, Dr. James
F. Kollie, on behalf of the Minister
of Finance, thanked the NOCAL
family for the gesture, which he
said represented the single largest
contribution by any public or private
local entity. He assured NOCAL that
the funds would be used exclusively
towards the fight against Ebola.
Dr. Kollie said while government
is seeking more funding and
contributions are being made, each
citizen and resident must take personal
responsibility to ensure that the
transmission of the virus is broken and
brought under control.
The September 4th contribution
represents the latest significant
contribution NOCAL has made towards
the national effort to contain the spread
of the Ebola epidemic in Liberia. Last
week, NOCAL presented Personal
Protective Equipment to the Ministry
of Health & Social Welfare, valued at
more than US $84,000.00 (eighty-four
thousand dollars). The company also
presented several materials to a local
Feed the Future in its effort to support
the fight against Ebola.

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