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Nutrition Vocabulary
Abigail Woodall
August 29, 2014
Coach Taylor

Nutrition Vocabulary

1 Arterial Plaque Plaque is made up of cholesterol, fatty substances, cellular waste
products, calcium and fibrin a clotting material in the blood
(American Heart Association). Plaque is bad because it can build
up on the walls of our arteries and create a blockage. Also, plaque
buildup can break apart and this could lead to a stroke
2 Atherosclerosis This is the hardening and narrowing of the arteries (Beckerman).
Atherosclerosis can lead to heart attacks and strokes (Beckerman). The
arteries that carry blood away from the heart are lined with endothelium
cells. When the endothelium gets damaged by high blood pressure,
smoking or high cholesterol, plaque forms (Beckerman).
3 Calorie Weve all heard about counting calories, but many people are confused
by what a calorie is. A calorie is just a measurement of energy that food
and drinks give us from carbohydrates, proteins and fats (USDA).
4 Cancer Cancer, also called malignancy, is an abnormal growth in cells
(Thompson). There are possibly more than 100 different types of
cancer (National Cancer Institute). Doctors and scientists usually
name cancer based on the organ or part of the body that is affected
breast cancer or skin cancer, for example (National Cancer
Institute). The human body is made up of cells. New cells replace

old cells, but sometimes this process doesnt work. When the
process doesnt work, DNA of a cell can become damaged or
changed, producing mutations that affect normal cell growth and
division. When this happens, cells do not die when they should
and new cells form when the body does not need them. These
extra cells may form a mass of tissue called a tumor (National
Cancer Institute).
5 Carbohydrates This is one of the main nutrients that we eat. Our body uses
carbohydrates by converting the carbohydrates that we eat into glucose
(MedlinePlus). Glucose is used by the body as energy and all of the
extra glucose is stored in the liver and muscles as fat (MedlinePlus).
There are two different types of carbohydrates simple and complex.
Complex carbohydrates have a lot of fiber and come from grains,
vegetables and beans. Simple carbohydrates are found in fruits and milk
and processed foods (MedlinePlus).
6 Cardiovascular Disease Cardiovascular disease is actually a group of diseases that affect the
heart and blood vessels including coronary heart disease,
cerebrovascular disease, peripheral arterial disease, rheumatic heart
disease, congenital heart disease, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary
embolisms (WHO). Typically these diseases are causes by plaque that
builds up and prevents blood from flowing to the brain or the heart
7 Cholesterol This is a waxy substance that our livers make and we get from

food we eat (AMA). There is good and bad cholesterol.
Cholesterol cant break up in the blood. So, the blood has to
transport it throughout the body. There is low-density and high-
density lipoproteins that carry cholesterol to and from cells
(AMA). The low-density lipoproteins are considered bad because
they create plaque (AMA). If you have too much cholesterol in
your blood then you can be at risk for heart disease (AMA).
Eating animal fats and full-fat dairy products gives us too much of
the bad cholesterol (AMA). Eating healthy foods and exercising
helps to improve cholesterol (AMA).
8 Dental Plaque Dental plaque is a soft, sticky film that builds up on your teeth
and contains millions of bacteria. The bacteria in plaque cause
tooth decay and gum disease. (Delta Dental). Additionally,
doctors and scientists have found a link between the bacteria in
your mouth and other problems, including heart attack and
dementia, and may well jeopardize your overall health (Drescher)
9 Diabetes Diabetes is a condition where the glucose levels in your blood are far
above what it should be. Additionally, diabetes can lead to sugar buildup
in a persons blood system because insulin, a hormone, is not being used
properly or at all. Diabetes can cause serious health complications
including heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, and lower-extremity
amputations (Center for Disease Control and Prevention). There are
two types of diabetes; type one is inherited, and type two is caused by

10 Diet Diet is something that a person consumes daily. A healthy diet is where a
person consumes food on every level in a balanced way. It is important
to make healthful decisions when consuming food. Many diseases are
caused by simply eating the incorrect type of food, which is why
unhealthy and healthy decisions have great impact (Taking Charge
of Your Health & Wellbeing).
11 Fats Fats are needed in order for a person to survive. However, there are fats
that are good for your health and ones that not good for your health.
Good fats monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats- lower disease
risk (The Nutrition Source). Fats are also linked with cholesterol, and
fats are a large influence on a persons cholesterol level (The Nutrition
12 Fiber Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cant digest (The
Nutrition Source). This helps to regulate the bodys use of
sugars, helping to keep hunger and blood sugar in check (The
Nutrition Source).
13 High Density
Lipoproteins (HDL)
These are considered the good type of cholesterol because it helps
remove the low-density, bad cholesterol (AMA). These transport the
low-density cholesterol from the arteries into the liver. In the liver, the
LDL gets broken down and leaves the body (AMA). Healthy levels of
HDL can prevent heart attacks and strokes and low levels of HDL
increase a persons risk for heart diseases (AMA).

14 Hypertension Hypertension is another name for high blood pressure. in most cases,
no one know what causes high blood pressure (Cleveland Clinic).
However, what a person consumes is a main deciding factor on weather
or not they can receive hypertension.
15 Low Density
This is the bad cholesterol because it creates plaque and makes the
arteries hard. Once the arteries become hard you get atherosclerosis.
16 Minerals Minerals are inorganic elements that come from the earth (Nutrition
for Everyone). Minerals such as iron are not produced by the body, so in
order to sustain life, people must have minerals absorbed through our
food (Nutrition for Everyone).
17 Nutrients The essential nutrients are nutrients that your body cant make on its
own (Essential Nutrients in the Worlds Healthiest Foods). Eating
foods that have the essential nutrients in them help your body overall
because you attain all the nutrients that your body requires. (Essential
Nutrients in the Worlds Healthiest Foods).
18 Nutrition Nutrition is the act or process of nourishing or being nourished (Take
Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing). Nutrition is about nourishment
on every level (Take Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing). Everybody
knows that you have to eat to live, but a poor diet even from someone
who is eating a lot of food can be just as bad as a person who comes
from a poor country and doesnt eat a lot (Anspaugh & Ezell 296).

19 Obesity Obesity means having too much body fat (NIH). This occurs when a
persons body weight is much higher than the average or safe percentile.
This can happen over a long period of time, where a person consumes
more calories than they burn off.
20 Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is the most common type of bone disease (Brent).
Osteoporosis is primarily a genetic disease, however, you can contract
osteoporosis by not having enough calcium to build new bone tissue
21 Overweight Overweight refers to being above the average percentile of weight.
A Body Mass Index greater than or equal to 25 is overweight
22 Proteins Proteins are found throughout the body( HSPH). These are built from
amino acids, and not all proteins are alike. Some sources lack one or
more amino acids (HSPH). Because of this, it is important to know
what proteins are the best for a persons individual intake. This also
applies to vegetarians. People who dont eat meat, fish, poultry, eggs, or
dairy products need to eat a variety of protein-containing foods each
day (HSPH).
23 Underweight Underweight refers to being below the average percentile of
weight. Someone who is underweight has a Body Mass Index
less than 18.5 (Mozes).
24 Vitamins Vitamins are organic substances to help a persons overall health
(Nutrition for Everyone). Vitamins are essential because there are many

minerals that your body cannot produce, such as Vitamin D. This means
that we must obtain certain minerals from our food.


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Anspaugh, D., & Ezell, G. Nutrition. Teaching Todays Health. Benjamin Cummings.
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Beckerman, J., Cholesterol and Artery Plaque Buildup. Cholesterol & Triglycerides Health.
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plaque-buildup 14 July 2014.
Beckerman. J., What is Atherosclerosis? Heart Disease Health Center. WebMD. < 26 May 2014.
Brent, W., Osteoporosis-Overview. Health Topics. Medline Plus. < 15 August 2014
Cleveland Clinic Foundation., High Blood Pressure and Nutrition Diseases & Conditions.
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The Worlds Healthiest Foods., Essential Nutrients in the Worlds Healthiest Foods Essential
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Diabetes Public Health Resource., What Is Diabetes? Basics About Diabetes. Centers for
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Drescher, S., Dangers of Plaqye & Gingivitis to Your Health. Oral Health. WebMD. < 14 April 2013
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Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing., What Is Diet & Nutrition? Health. University
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wellbeing/health/diet-nutrition/what-diet-nutrition 28 August 2013
The Nutrition Source., Fats and Cholesterol What Should I Eat? Harvard School of Public
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The Nutrition Source/. Fiber Carbohydrates. Harvard School of Public Health
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Thompson, D. Cancer Health Center. Cancer Overview. WebMD. < 2014
United States Department of Agriculture. Calories: Confused by Calories? Weight Management and
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What Should I Eat., Protein The Nutrition Source. Harvard School of Public Health. < 2014
World Health Organization. Cardiovascular Diseases. Fact Sheets. Media Centre Health Topics. < March 2013

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