MKT 301 CH 4 Quiz Review

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Instead of having to choose between making a profit or doing good for society, companies can combine
__________ and _____________ to do both while building a solid corporate reputation.
A) ethics; publicity
B) cause marketing; exceptional products
C) corporate social responsibility; senior management authority
D) ethics; corporate social responsibility
E) cause marketing; corporate philanthropy
Learning Objective: LO2 - Distinguish between ethics and social responsibility.
Level: Easy
Blooms: Remember
AACSB: Ethics
Topic: Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate social responsibility includes the voluntary actions taken by a firm to address ethical,
social, and environmental impacts of their business operations. Solid ethical guidelines often lead
to a greater appreciation of and attention to corporate social responsibility.
When asked in a survey whether they had seen any unethical behavior among their colleagues, chief
marketing officers cited that they had observed all the following EXCEPT
A) high pressure sales techniques.
B) deceptive sales tactics.
C) misrepresentation of company data.
D) misleading advertising.
E) kickbacks to corporate buyers from supply chain vendors.
Learning Objective: LO1 - Identify the ethical values marketers should embrace.
Level: Medium
Blooms: Understand
AACSB: Ethics
Topic: The Influence of Personal Ethics
When asked in a survey whether they had seen any unethical behavior among their colleagues,
chief marketing officers responded that they had observed high pressure sales techniques,
deceptive or misleading sales tactics, misrepresentation of company data, withholding or
destroying information that could hurt the company, and misleading advertising. Kickbacks were
not mentioned, but are a potential problem in business relationships.
According to the American Marketing Association, the specific values to which marketers should aspire
include honesty, responsibility, fairness, respect, openness and
A) neutrality.
B) citizenship.
C) orderliness.
D) awareness.
E) understanding.
Learning Objective: LO1 - Identify the ethical values marketers should embrace.
Level: Easy
Blooms: Remember
AACSB: Ethics
Topic: Identify the ethical values marketers should embrace.
The generally accepted code in marketing, developed by the American Marketing Association, flows
from universal norms of conduct to the specific values to which marketers should aspire. It
indicates that marketers should aspire to have the values of honesty, responsibility, fairness,
respect, openness and citizenship.
Firms with ______________ tend to be more socially responsible.
A) a wide product line and global presence
B) longevity of at least 50 years
C) strong ethical climates
D) diverse senior management
E) strong profits
Learning Objective: LO2 - Distinguish between ethics and social responsibility.
Level: Medium
Blooms: Understand
AACSB: Ethics
Topic: Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
For a company to act in a socially responsible manner, the employees of the company must also
first maintain high ethical standards and recognize how their individual decisions lead to optimal
collective actions of the firm. Firms with strong ethical climates tend to be more socially
Which of the following is NOT a step in The Ethical Decision-Making Framework?
A) identify issues
B) choose a course of action
C) gather information and identify stakeholders
D) brainstorm and evaluate alternatives
E) consult appropriate regulatory officials
Learning Objective: LO3 - Identify the four steps in ethical decision making.
Level: Easy
Blooms: Remember
AACSB: Ethics
Topic: A Framework for Ethical Decision Making
The Ethical Decision-Making Framework is a simple framework for ethical decision making and
includes, in order, identifying issues, gathering information and identifying stakeholders,
brainstorming and evaluating alternatives, and choosing a course of action.
What does the Ethical Decision-Making Metric (Exhibit 4.4) offer the marketer?
A) a complete checklist of ethical issues when taken together
B) a range of choices, although the marketer can only chose one or the other
C) protection from accusations of unethical behavior
D) measurements of possible consequences
a framework for looking at multiple dimensions of an issue in order to choose an appropriate
course of action
Learning Objective: LO3 - Identify the four steps in ethical decision making.
Level: Medium
Blooms: Understand
AACSB: Ethics
Topic: A Framework for Ethical Decision Making
Ethical challenges and dilemmas may arise in many different circumstances. Since there is rarely a
single correct answer, the marketer can embrace a tool that offers new perspectives to help find
ways to resolve the dilemma.
When developing a marketing strategy, ethics should
A) be considered, but only after other basic parameters have been set.
B) be balanced against the higher-priority demands for profits and returns to shareholders.
be considered early in the planning phase to avoid having to ask questions throughout the rest of
the process.
D) be considered throughout the process, using different questions at different stages.
be handled by outsiders or consultants, since the marketers will likely be too involved with the
details to be objective.
Learning Objective: LO4 - Describe how ethics can be integrated into a firm's marketing strategy.
Level: Medium
Blooms: Understand
AACSB: Ethics
Topic: Integrating Ethics into Marketing Strategy
Different situations, different stakeholders' concerns, and different issues arise throughout the
process, so marketers must consider ethics throughout the planning process.
__________________ refer(s) to the actions of a firm to address a wide range of social, environmental
and ethical interactions with its community. Though somewhat controversial, these actions are
significant in that the company undertakes them voluntarily, and the firm realizes that these actions can
be profitable, too.
A) Public relations and publicity
B) Corporate activism
C) Corporate social responsibility
D) A code of ethics
E) Corporate culture
Learning Objective: LO2 - Distinguish between ethics and social responsibility.
Level: Easy
Blooms: Remember
AACSB: Analytic
Topic: Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate social responsibility generally entails voluntary actions taken by a company to address
the ethical, social, and environmental impacts of its business operations and the concerns of its
According to your text, the most basic corporate social responsibility to employees is to
A) ensure a safe working environment.
B) provide fair wages.
C) provide opportunities for advancement.
D) offer a comprehensive benefits package.
E) acknowledge the employees' worth.
Learning Objective: LO5 - Describe the ways in which corporate social responsibility programs help
various stakeholders.
Level: Medium
Blooms: Understand
AACSB: Analytic
Topic: Corporate Social Responsibility
Your text asserts that the most basic corporate social responsibility to employees is to ensure a
safe working environment, free of threats to their physical safety, health, or well-being.
Current and retired employees, customers, and suppliers are all considered to be part of a firm's
A) stockholders.
B) marketing intermediaries.
C) shareholders.
D) stakeholders.
E) corporate partners.
Learning Objective: LO3 - Identify the four steps in ethical decision making.
Level: Easy
Blooms: Remember
AACSB: Analytic
Topic: Step 2: Gather Information and Identify Stakeholders
Stakeholders typically include the firm's employees and retired employees, suppliers, the
government, customer groups, stockholders, and members of the community in which the firm

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