1 HR Mastermind

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1-Hour Mastermind Academy

2009 www.1HourMastermind.com All Rights Reserved

Ben Mack reveals the step-
by-step Success Formula
The 1-Hour MASTERMIND is based on the best practices of
industrialist Andrew Carnegie, the wealthiest man in the
world in the 1930!s.
Most people know of masterminding from Chapter 10 of
Napoleon Hill!s legendary public domain book Think And
Grow Rich.
And, those who are intimately familiar with Napoleon
Hill!s depiction of masterminding found few details in that
When two or more people coordinate in a spirit of harmony and work toward a
definite objective or purpose, they place themselves in position, through the
alliance, to absorb power directly from the great storehouse of the creative
mechanism of each contributing mind.
~ Napoleon Hill, Think And Grow Rich, Chapter 10
What few people realize is that Napoleon Hill was depicting the success
formula of Andrew Carnegie. If we want to learn the step-by-step
instructions we needed to study harder to uncover the exacting yet simple
methodology of Andrew Carnegie.
Let!s take a look by meeting the man who got the ball rolling
Meet Andrew Carnegie, the richest man in the world in the 1930!s.
Andrew Carnegie was one of the biggest
philanthropists of the 20
century, and because of
some great business deals, he was incredibly
wealthy even by today!s standards.
Andrew Carnegie made so much money for a
number of reasons. Often sited is his industrialist
mastery of doing more with less. Andrew Carnegie
optimized for efciencies and effectiveness.
1-Hour Mastermind Academy
2009 www.1HourMastermind.com All Rights Reserved
When a calculating industrialist like Andrew Carnegie does something
repeatedly it is because he has found an advantage, an advantage the rest
of us can often prot from.
Andrew Carnegie found it advantageous to begin his in-home mastermind
by reading a scripted welcome. The fact that Andrew Carnegie used to read
a script to open and close his mastermind is a great win for us because his
scripts came into my possession last summer.
At rst, I was skeptical.
Could these words really be what a baron of industry would read in his own
home, with his richest business partners? These words appeared to me as
uffy at rst. I needed to know this was what Andrew Carnegie actually
used in his own voice.
Suddenly, it appeared to me that many of my friends were already familiar
with these words, with Andrew Carnegie!s mastermind scripts.
Napoleon Hill!s chapter 10 of Think And Grow Rich?
Immediately I saw the value of gifting as many people as I possibly could
with this discovery, the authentic words the richest man in the world found
optimal to us at the beginning of his mastermind.
If I hadn!t stumbled across them, and I was actively collecting notes on
best-practices in masterminding, then casual mastermind leaders certainly
might not be able to get their hands on this material!
On the next page you!ll see verbatim, the exact words Andrew Carnegie
used to open his mastermind
1-Hour Mastermind Academy
2009 www.1HourMastermind.com All Rights Reserved
Our 1-Hour Mastermind Leader welcomes their Mastermind and reads:
I RELEASE I release myself to the mastermind because I am strong
when I have others to help me.
I BELIEVE I believe the combined intelligence of the mastermind
creates a wisdom far beyond my own.
I UNDERSTAND I understand that I will more easily create positive
results in my life when I am open to looking at my self, my problems
and opportunities from another's point of view.
I DECIDE I decide to release my desire totally in trust to the
mastermind and I am open to accepting new possibilities.
I FORGIVE I forgive my self for mistakes I have made. I also forgive
others who have hurt me in the past so I can move into the future with
a clean slate.
I ASK I ask the mastermind to hear what I really want; my goals, my
dreams and my desires, and I hear my mastermind partners
supporting me in MY fulllment.
I ACCEPT I know, relax, and accept, believing that the working
power of the mastermind will respond to my every need. I am grateful
knowing this is so.
Take a moment. Let those words saturate your mind and marinate in body.
Read Carnegie!s welcome a second time if you please. I!ve read these
words of Andrew Carnegie!s at least once a day since September 2, 2009
the day my mastermind partner Ronda Del Boccio explained to me that she
read Carnegie!s words anytime she sat down to work on a business
project. Pow... I saw a new possibility because I knew these words work.
Ronda found that by reading these words that her mind found focus, clarity
and a new found ability to chunk down projects into bite-size specic
measurable actions that she can get done.
1-Hour Mastermind Academy
2009 www.1HourMastermind.com All Rights Reserved
We!ve all heard, Don!t focus on what you can!t x. Well, in the past I found
myself sometimes having a hard time. Before masterminding I found that
there were times I just couldn!t help myself.
Masterminding changed all that for me.
What I found was that if I kept doing what I had been doing, then it was not
logical of me to expect different results then I had gotten in the past.
I wanted more.
I decided to try what had worked for others. The number 1 tool of success I
found self-made-millionaires using was masterminding. So, I started
masterminding. The problem was that every mastermind I joined had
different rules and different people.
What I found was that most free masterminds were a bigger waste of time
then they were a benet to my business goals. I wanted a better way to
mastermind that leveraged all the best practices.
I knew I wanted a mastermind that opened and closed with the Carnegie
scripts. I knew I wanted a mastermind that I could schedule like a business
meeting that started promptly and ended on time. I knew I wanted a
mastermind that would help me with focus and not just goal-setting, but
best practices in getting the goals done. That!s the not-so-secret benet of
goal-setting is getting the goals done.
I knew I didn!t want a time suck. I knew that I didn!t want people competing
on who could work the hardest. In fact, I wanted the opposite. I wanted a
mastermind of partners who could help me nd the easiest way to get the
things done I need to get done to live a life I absolutely love.
To the best of my knowledge, we only go through life once. I want my life to
be worth living, to be lled with love, fun and happiness. We all do, if we
are honest with ourselves. I think anyways. I don!t like to argue this. If you
have other designs for your life I wish you the success you crave and I
hope you!ll respect my wishes to optimize my life for love, fun and
happiness. !
1-Hour Mastermind Academy
2009 www.1HourMastermind.com All Rights Reserved
When I couldn!t nd an all-in-one mastermind construct that both used the
authentic scripts of Andrew Carnegie, plus used the best practices from
today!s masters of easy productivity, I had to craft my own construct.
We call it The 1-Hour Mastermind.
The 1-Hour Mastermind is a simple 5-step process that makes
masterminding as easy and efcient as possible. It!s as simple as this
1. Carnegie Welcome Script

This script is on the previous page

2. Round of gratitude

Mastermind partners each say 1-thing for which they are

3. Everyone gets 7-Minutes

Within each person!s 7-Minutes

1. Yes/No on last week!s S.M.A.R.T. Goal
2. Category of question
3. Ask a specic question
4. State your S.M.A.R.T. Goal

You choose a Specic Measurable Action that!s Realistic and

5. The Carnegie Closing Covenant Script

Our Mastermind Leader thanks our Mastermind Team. Then, our

Mastermind Leader reads:
I now have a covenant in which it is agreed that the MasterMind shall
supply me with an abundance of all things necessary to live a success-
lled and happy life. I dedicate myself to be of maximum service to
God and my fellow human beings, to live in a manner that will set
the highest example for others to follow and to remain an open
channel of God!s will. I go forth with a spirit of enthusiasm,
excitement and expectancy.
That IS The 1-Hour Mastermind... and now it is YOURS.
1-Hour Mastermind Academy
2009 www.1HourMastermind.com All Rights Reserved
My name is Benjamin G. S. Mack,
and I have spent the last four
years studying the best practices
of entrepreneurial masterminding.
Entrepreneurs measure their
impact by what they get done.
That!s really what masterminding
facilitates, the art of getting more
done in less time so you can go
about doing what you enjoy doing
1-Hour Mastermind Academy
2009 www.1HourMastermind.com All Rights Reserved

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