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Good manners speak of One's culture and upbringing.

Those with good manners easily win praise

and love from others. It makes a full man. They are very essential for human civilization. Without
good manners, man is like a purse without money, though it is very attractive from outside.
Good manners Eire judged by one's behavior towards others. An ill-mannered and uncultured
person is not liked by anyone.
Good manners are taught in the family and school. Good manners go a long way to make a man a
success. They make a man look dignified.
Good manners depend on family traditions and background. First of all, a child learns how to speak
or behave with others in his family atmosphere. A good-mannered boy should not speak loudly. He
must speak softly and respectfully. The essence of good mannerly behaviour is the consideration
shown to others.
Good mannered persons are liked by all. A well-behaved boy should be helpful to others. He should
not criticize others. He never concentrates on others fault but tries to remove his own. Such a boy
offers all help to the weaker section of our society. He is one who offers his seat to aged persons,
women and children in the bus, etc. He always tries to keep others happy and comfortable. A good-
mannered boy is a darling to even strangers.
Good manners make a full man. They are very essential for human civilization. Without good
manners, man is like a purse without money, though it is very attractive from outside.
They are the outcome of good breeding. A person who has been brought up in a good environment
must have good manners. You may call them the flowers of mankinds garden.
Never hate anyone at all. It is clear that if we hate others, we congratulate ourselves over the
misfortunes and failings of others.
It is a bad reasoning and makes us enemies of half the world. With the help of good manners, we
can find entry into the heart of a person and cad therefore earns his love. Good manners are the
best recommendations of a man.
One should be sympathetic towards the weak and old. Whenever we see an old person in need of a
seat while travelling in a train or a bus, we should at once accommodate him.
Besides, when we are cycling and see an old man hesitating on a crossing, we should not cal him an
old fool. Everyone must fall a prey to old age. Therefore, an old person must be given a room in the
progressive society.
We should speak gently. Even if anyone is harsh to us, we should not use hard words at any cost.
We should give up evil thoughts for al time to come. Harshness is a sign of smallness and
shallowness.. It makes a man popular.
We should be humble and polite. Politeness costs nothing. It can win us many friends. Sweet words
are essential for success in life. We should neither brag nor boast. We should be obedient to our
parents and teachers. We should be industrious. We should never remain idle at all.
We should be ready to help the needy. We should show courtesy to everyone. We should talk only
as much as is necessary. We should do our duty to mankind and ourselves. We should pray to God
and thus make ourselves pure. We should never tell a lie. We should not harm anybody.
Good manners are also important when we are in the company of our friends or someone else.
When we speak to anyone, we should speak clearly, distinctly and sufficiently loudly for the person
to hear.
It is an insult to a person to ask his attention and then speak so that he does not understand.
Besides we should speak the truth even though we have to face some obstacles. It takes two to
speak the truth-one to speak and another to hear.
We should have all these good manners. They will help us to serve mankind in a better way. Thus
good manners are an important limb of good conduct. Without them man has no place in a modern
Manners refers to a person's way of behaving towards others. It is the manners which separate
the man from the animals. A person without manners can hardly deserve to be called a human
being. Good manners imply polite social behavior.
They play an important role in one's life. Good manners are the means of developing social
relations. They help a person in making good friends. Thbuild one's reputation as one grows up.
The social standing of a person is judged by his manners. Polished and polite manners create a
healthy impact on the society.
Learning good manners should be done early in life. Good manners come from parents. It is
essential that parents should themselves be good mannered. They should teach manners to
their children. Some parents go on meeting the demands of their children. They do not care to
teach them good manners.
Such children grow up as spoilt individuals lacking manners. Later on, the parents repent. It is
generally seen that parents advice their children to speak and to behave politely but they
themselves talk in impolite manner with teach other before children.
This thing affects the children and they also start behaving like that. So, it should be avoided by
parents. Therefore, it is necessary that parents guide their children at the right time. Good
manners need to be cultivated. Children with good manners are liked by all. Ill-mannered
children bring disgrace to the family.
Children also learn good manners from their teachers, elders, good friends and other. All round
development of a child possible only if he is groomed in good manners. Good schools lay great
emphasis on the cultivation of good manners in their students. Children can learn a lot from
good schools and good companions.
Good manners are the backbone of the society. They are essential for social life and individual
peace and comfort. Good mannered people are respected and appreciated everywhere. If a
person is dressed well, it does not mean that he must.
Don't underestimate the importance of good manners. Your children will grow up to be kinder and more considerate
of others if you teach them how to be that way when they're young. You can do that by setting a good example. You
must always say "please" and "thank you" to your kids. Even when you are saying, "Please get your bicycle off my
foot," or "Thank you for the dead slug."
And don't forget good table manners. Everyone tends to be a little too relaxed at the dinner table when it comes to
proper behavior. Maybe you think it's funny when Daddy balances a spoon on the end of his nose or one of the kids
makes a hat out of his napkin and wears it on his head all during dinner. If you don't mind this kind of monkeying
around, even when you're dining out, ignore this advice. But, if you don't think it's appropriate to do this kind of stuff in
public, then teach your kids what you think is acceptable and what isn't acceptable, and then make sure that you're
consistent about the rules.
Kids have a hard enough time remembering household rules. They have an even harder time remembering rules
for dinner at home and rules for dinner out, when those sets of rules aren't the same. Some general table manners
include no gross jokes, no throwing food, no leaning back while sitting in the chairs, no talking with food in your mouth
(including no "see food" jokes) and definitely no loud belching or passing wind.
Yes, in some cultures belching after a meal is acceptable and even encouraged. However, don't let someone's
excuse about practicing multiculturalism sway you. If belching isn't allowed in your family's culture, don't allow it at the
table. And if you do happen to burp (and who doesn't?), say, "Excuse me." If you laugh about burping, you've created
a family precedent, and your kids will belch and laugh about it the first time they have dinner at a friend's house.
Good manners that you can teach your children include not interrupting people while they talk and not shoving their
way in front of others to always be first, two things that kids are infamous for doing.
Other manners you can teach your children include how to
Write thank-you notes
Make get-well cards for sick relatives
Say please and thank you
Acknowledge when someone is talking
Say good-bye to someone who is leaving
Share cookies with a friend
Always give their parents the green M&Ms
A growing problem in schools is the lack of good manners from children. Children don't treat teachers, staff, or
classmates with respect. So schools now are teaching good manners and respect in addition to conflict management.
And yet, good manners still begin at home and should be taught by parents.
Here are some guidelines that you can use at home:
Be kind to others. Telling kids, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," doesn't really mean
anything to them. Instead, stress the importance of treating others the same way they'd like to be treated,
especially when you see them doing something that you know they themselves don't like. For example, if your
son hates to be interrupted and yet he interrupts people, then remind him, "Jonah, you really don't like it when
people interrupt you, so please don't do that to Jeremiah."
Understand their actions. Help your children understand the harm they can cause by doing or saying
thoughtless and unkind things. Ask them, "How would you feel if someone pointed at you, and started to laugh?"
In the beginning, you may simply be doing damage control, but eventually you'll be helping them to avoid
harmful words or actions.
Show them the way. Children do whatever they have to do to express themselves. Sometimes that comes off
looking and sounding pretty bad. Playing a role reversal game with your child can help show them how to
handle situations. Let them ask the question or behave a certain way, and you respond by showing them how
their behavior should appear.
Be a good role model. "Do as I say, but not as I do" is a joke. Your kids probably want to respond with, "Yeah,
like you'd catch me playing bridge with a bunch of 50-year-old women!" When you want your child to show good
manners and respect, you must also practice good manners and respect. Say please and thank you, admit your
mistakes, apologize, and treat people, in general, with kindness and respect. The reward of this behavior is that
your children will grow up having many friends and a family that loves being around her.
Share. Share with your children so they understand the importance of sharing with others. Compliment them
when you see them sharing with others.
Keep kids healthy. Children tend to behave badly when they're tired or hungry. Kids need sleep and nutritious
foods to survive. It's that simple.
Practice family politeness. Everyone in the family must practice "please" and "thank-you" policy in which, for
example, no request is considered unless the person asking says "please." When one of your children forgets,
just give him or her a look that says, "I'm waiting." They soon catch on. Use the same approach for saying
"thank you."
Thank-you notes. Teach your children the importance of thanking people for gifts. Show them how to write
notes and make sure that they are sent promptly after receiving gifts.
Praise good behavior. Praise is a wonderful teacher. Tell your children how proud you are when you notice
them being polite and following the "please" and "thank-you" guidelines that you've set.

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