Bibliography I-Primary Sources

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195 Bibliography

I-Primary Sources:
1. Shakespeare, William. The Merchant of Venice, New Swan Shakespeare
(ed.), England, Longman ro!p L"#., 19$$.
%. Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. New Swan Shakespeare (ed.),
England, Longman ro!p L"#., 19$&.
'. Shakespeare, William. Much Ado About Nothing, "!rner(s Shakespeare
(ed.), New #elhi, S. )hand and )*. L"#, 19$&.
+. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. New Swan Shakespeare (ed.), England,
Longman ro!p L"#., 19$5.
5. Shakespeare, William. The Taming of The Shrew, New Swan
Shakespeare (ed.), England, Longman ro!p L"#., 19$+.
II-Secondary Sources:
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%. ,le2ander, Nigel. !oison# !la" and $uel: A Stud" in Hamlet% London0
1o!.ledge and 3egan 4a!l, 1951.
'. ,!erba6h, Nina. &omen and The $emon. )ambridge0 7ar8ard 9ni8ersi.y
4ress, 19$%.
+. Bab6o6k, 1ober.. The 'enesis of Shakespeare (dolatr" )*++,)*--. 1p..
New /ork0 1!ssel and 1!ssel, 19&+.
5. Baillie, -oanna. !la"s on The !assion, ' 8ols. London, ". )adel : W.
#a8ies, 159$;1$1%. 1eprin.ed by arland 4!blishers, New /ork, 1955,
and Woods.o6k Books, New /ork, 199<.
&. Bamber, Linda. .omic &omen# Tragic Men: A Stud" of 'ender and 'enre
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5. Barber, ).L., and 1i6hard 4. Wheeler. The whole /ourne": Shakespeares
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19& Bibliography
11. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ?#isr! Se2!al #i==eren6e0 @eaning and ender in
.he )omedies?. (n Alternati0e Shakespeare5s. Edi.ed by -ohn #rakakis,
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1%. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ?>inding a 4la6e? (n Shakespearean Traged". Edi.ed by
-ohn #rakakis. London and New /ork0 Longman, 199%.
1'. Berggrer, 4a!la S. A>emale Se2!ali.y as 4ower in ShakespeareBs 4lays.C
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195 Bibliography
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19$ Bibliography
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199 Bibliography
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%<< Bibliography
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%<1 Bibliography
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11+. Sandler, 1ober.. (ed.) Northrop Fr"e on Shakespeare. New 7a8en and
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119., Elaine. B3epresenting Ophelia: &omen Madness and the
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