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Applications of the NAND gate

(a) Burglar alarm
When the switch is closed one input of the NAND
gate is LOW. When the LDR is in the light the
other input is LOW. This means that if either of
these things happen i.e. the switch is closed or
the light is on one of the inputs is LOW the output
is !"#! and the $u%%er sounds.
($) &ree%er warning $u%%er
When the thermistor is 'OLD its resistance is
LAR#( and the input to the NAND gate is high.
)ince the NAND gate is connected as an
"N*(RT(R the output is LOW.
As the thermistor warms up its resistance
decreases the +oltage across it falls and the input
to the NAND gate falls.
When it $ecomes low enough the output $ecomes
!"#! and the $u%%er sounds.
!ow would ,ou ad-ust the temperature at which the $u%%er came on.

Further circuits using logic gates
The following four circuits demonstrate some further practical applications of logic gates the
function of each circuit $eing e/plained.
A push0$utton loc1
To open the loc1 the solenoid must $e acti+ated and this can $e done $, pressing $oth switches
A and B. "f B is pressed $efore A howe+er the $u%%er will sound.
&igure 3
&igure 2
A light0acti+ated $urglar alarm
When the switch is in position A the $u%%er
sta,s off whate+er the illumination of the
light0dependent resistor. "f the switch is
closed in position B the $u%%er will come on
howe+er and sta, on when a $rief flash of
light (perhaps from the torch of a $urglar)
falls on the light0dependent resistor. The
$u%%er ma, onl, $e turned off $, returning
the switch to position A.
A safet, thermostat
The two contacts 4 and 5 are near the top of
the hot water tan1 and are normall, co+ered
with water so that there is a contact $etween
them. The thermistor is also in the water. "f
the water is too cold and if the contacts are
also co+ered the heater comes on. The
temperature at which this occurs ma, $e set
$, the +aria$le resistor R.
An automatic watering s,stem
This is designed to water plants onl, if the contacts which ma, $e $uried in the soil are too dr,
and it is night0time. The rela, closes and starts the pump onl, if $oth these conditions are
fulfilled. (6resuma$l, some$od, waters the plants in the da,time $ecause if the switch is
pressed the water pump wor1s regardless.)


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