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Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer

Angelicum College
Quezon City
Workbook in
Computer Education 1
Lesson 1
Getting to Know the Computer
Prepared by:
Ms. Kharisma F. Vicente
Computer Facilitator
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
Hello! Welcome my dear learners!
Computers hae been part o! the "ies o! most
peop"e# they are !ound eerywhere$ %hey are becoming more
and more popu"ar in our homes# schoo"s# banks# and many
other p"aces$ &ur day to day actiities ino"e the use o!
computer$ We get in!ormation !rom computers$ 'ae you
seen a computer( )re you !ami"iar with its part( *o you
know why computer is used in schoo"# o+ce# banks and
other p"aces( *o you think it is important to "earn how
computer works(
) Computer is a machine that he"ps man does his
work easier$ ,t is run by e"ectricity$ Without e"ectricity#
computer wi"" not work$ Computers a"so wi"" not work with
e"ectricity a"one# it needs peop"e who wi"" work and operate
them$ %hat is why peop"e shou"d "earn how to take care and
make use o! computers$
,n this "esson# you are going to "earn eerything
about computers$ -earning how computers work wi"" he"p
you understand how they contribute to the conenience o!
your dai"y "i!e$ ,n one second# the computer may doub"e or
trip"e what you can do$ ."ink your eye and in that instant#
computers may hae done so many things a"ready$ /ou wi""
understand that peop"e use computers in their workp"ace so
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
they can 0nish their work !aster$ Knowing how to use your
computer wi"" gie you the adantage o! getting ahead$
To better understand the lesson, continue reading
the module but before proceeding to the discussion lets go
and answer the pretest.
Directions 1atch co"umn ) with co"umn .$ Write your
answers in your notebook$
Co"umn ) Co"umn .
1$ 1ouse a$
2$ CP3 b$
4$ 1onitor c$
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
5$ Keyboard d$
6$ Printer e$

1$ d 2$ a 4$ c 5$ b 6$ e
Where criteria do you !a""( ,! you got:
!" #$cellent7 8ust continue reading the modu"e and answer
the rest o! the actiities the best way you can$
%"& Very 'ood! /ou hae some ideas about the "esson$
1"(elo) 'ood! 8ust continue reading the modu"e to hae
better understanding$
How did you fnd the pretest?
Lets see if your answers are correct.
Refer to the answers below.
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
Now, let us defne what a computer is.

*his is ho) a com+uter loo,s li,e

9 is an e"ectronic machine that reads data#
process data and produces in!ormation which can
be stored !or !uture use$ ,t has seera" parts and
each per!orms a speci0c !unction$
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
%here are di:erent ways on how you can use the
computers$ 'ere are some o! the things a computer can do:
1$ ) com+uter a""ows us to type "etters and
numbers $
2$ ) com+uter a""ows us to add and subtract number
!aster and simp"er$
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
4$ ) com+uter a""ows us to draw and paint
5$ ) com+uter a""ows us to p"ay games$
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
6$ ) com+uter a""ows us to print co"or!u" materia"s "ike
and posters$ $
id you understand the di!erent ways of using the
computers and how they ma"e life easier for you? Lets go
answer the acti#ity that follows.
Directions ;i"" in the b"anks with the correct answer$
1$ ) computer a""ows us to type <<<<<<<<<< and
2$ ) computer a""ows us to add and subtract <<<<<<<<<<
!aster and simp"er$
4$ ) computer a""ows us to <<<<<<<<<< and paint
5$ ) computer a""ows us to <<<<<<<<<< games$
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
6$ ) computer a""ows us to print co"or!u" materia"s "ike
<<<<<<<<< and posters$
Lets fnd out if your answers are correct.
$ompare your answers with mine.
1$ "etters 2$ numbers 4$ write 5$ p"ay 6$
-et see where criteria you !a""$ ,! you got
!" Very 'ood! /ou !u""y understand the uses o! computers$
/ou can go on reading$
-"& 'ood! /ou =ust need to reiew !or the item you made
most o! your mistakes# then read the rest o! the actiities the
best way you can$
%"1 'ood! 8ust continue reading the modu"e to hae better
. Fair! *on>t be discouraged$ E?ert more e:ort and "et us
"earn more$
Computers today are used in di:erent ways and in
di:erent p"aces$ 'ere are
some p"aces where
computers are being used$
1. Com+uter at
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
;ami"ies can use the computer to p"ay games# watch moies#
or =ust "isten to the music$
%. Com+uters in /chools
-earners use computers to
study their "essons$
-. Com+uters in /ho+s
@a"espersons use
computers to scan
the prices o!
grocery items$
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
-. Com+uters in the Hos+itals
*octors use
computers to know
each the patient>s

&. Com+uters in the 0an,s
.ank te""ers use
computers to record
transactions in the
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
Directions ;ind the !o""owing words in the bo?$
Words are written horizonta""y and ertica""y$ 3se a
red crayon$
1. H1M#
%. /CH11L
-. /H1P
&. H1/P2*AL
!. 0A3K
@ ' & P - . ) A K
C B Q % - W . C 8
' & @ P , % ) - W
& - 1 8 1 A / / %
& P ' - * K Q . *
- / @ ' & 1 E B C
id you understand the topic discussed? %ou can now
answer the acti#ity below. &n'oy(
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
id you fnd all the words? %ou may refer to my
answers below.
/ou can base your score in the criteria be"ow$ ,! you got:
!" Very 'ood! /ou reca"" the p"aces where peop"e use
computers$ /ou can go on reading$
%"& 'ood! /ou =ust need to search again !or the word that
you did not 0nd# then read the rest o! the actiities the best
way you can$
1" (elo) Fair! *on>t !ee" sad you can sti"" search !or the
other words$ ;ocus and you wi"" "earn more about computers$
@ ' & P - . ) A K
C B Q % - W . C 8
' & @ P , % ) - W
& - 1 8 1 A / / %
& P ' - * K Q . *
- / @ ' & 1 E B C
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
Directions *raw and co"or the p"aces where
computers he"p peop"e do their work$
Aote: Daried )nswers
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
)ust li"e our body, the computers also need special
care. *e must "now the proper ways of ta"ing care of the
computers. +y reading this module, you will learn ways on
how to care for your computer.
Computers reEuire specia"
c"eaning een on the outside$
Keeping our unit !ree o! dust# dirt#
and "iEuids is the 0rst step in
caring a computer$ 'ere are some
genera" tips that you shou"d
a"ways remember in caring your
1. Kee+ it clean.

%. Do not e$+ose your com+uter to heat.
*on>t !orget to
c"ean your
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
-. Co4er your com+uter a5ter using it.

&. Do not eat or drin, near your com+uter.
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer

!. Put a)ay o(6ects )ith a magnet 5rom the
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
id you understand some of the daily dos and
donts that computer users should "now. Now answer the
acti#ities that follow.
Directions Put a check inside the bo?# i!
the statement describes correct use o! computers$
Put a
cross i! it describes wrong use o! computers$
1$ 1ake sure your hands are c"ean be!ore
using a
2$ /ou can eat and drink near the computer$
4$ Keep a"" magnets away !rom the
5$ Coer your computer a!ter using it$
6$ E?pose your computer to heat$
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
To fnd out how many correct answers did you get
to my answers below.
1$ 2$ 4$ 5$ 6$
-et see where criteria you !a""$ ,! you got
!" Very 'ood! /ou understood the ways on how you can
take care o! your computer$ /ou can go on reading$
%"& 'ood! /ou =ust need to reiew some o! the ways on how
to keep your computer in good condition# then read the rest
o! the actiities the best way you can$
This time you will be familiari,e with the parts of the
computer. - computer has di!erent parts. These parts wor"
together as one. *ithout other parts computer cant wor"
properly. The pictures below are the parts of the computer.
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
&ach part of the computer is #ery important. &ach one
has an important wor" to do.
Here are the (asic +arts o5 the com+uter
CP7 or Central Processing 7nit

1onitor a""ows us to see what the
computer is doing$
%he CP3 is the brain o! a computer$
Without it# a computer wi"" not work$
1ouse "ets you point and c"ick at
things shown on the monitor$
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
Keyboard is used to type "etters#
numbers# and symbo"s$
Printer a""ows you to print
numbers# "etters# symbo"s# and
pictures on paper$
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
Directions Write the missing owe"s to comp"ete
the answer$
1$ %his is used to type "etters# numbers# and symbo"s$
K 8 0 9 D
2$ %his is used to point and c"ick things shown at the
M 1 /
4$ %his seres as the brain o! the computer$
5$ %his a""ows us to see what the computer is doing$
M 3 * 9
6$ %his a""ows us to print numbers# "etters# symbo"s# and
pictures on paper$
P 9 3 * 9
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
id you complete the words with the correct
#owels? %ou may now compare your answers with mine$
1$ E & ) 2$ 3 E 4$ 3 5$ & , & 6$ , E
'ere are the criteria$ ,! you got:
!" Very 'ood! /ou remembered a"" the parts o! the
computer discussed$ /ou can go on reading$
-"& 'ood! /ou =ust need to reiew !or the numbers you
made most o! your mistakes# then read the rest o! the
actiities the best way you can$
%"(elo) Fair! /ou sti"" hae to reiew the numbers you
encountered di+cu"ty$ ;ocus and you can make it$
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
Directions Co"or the names and pictures using your
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
Directions Co"or the monitor using your crayons$
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
Directions Co"or the mouse using your crayons$
Directions Co"or the keyboard using your crayons$
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
Directions Co"or the CP3 using your crayons$
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
Directions Co"or the printer using your crayons$
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
Aote: Daried )nswers
) Com+uter is a machine that he"ps man
does his work easier$ ) computer is made up o! parts
where each has assigned work to do yet it works
together as one together with the other parts$ %he
basic parts o! the computer are the 1onitor# Keyboard#
1ouse# CP3 and Printer$ 1ost peop"e use computer as
part o! their work$ ,n order to use it e:ectie"y# you
shou"d use and hand"e the computer proper"y and
aoid things which cou"d harm it$ Cemember that
computers are =ust "ike our body they a"so need
specia" care$
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
Lets answer the posttest that follows to fnd out how
well did you understand the lesson. .ood luc"
Directions Co"or the happy !ace with and a red crayon i! the
statement is correct and co"or the sad !ace with a green crayon
i! the statement is incorrect$
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
1. ) computer is a machine that he"ps man
does his work in an easier way$
2. ) computer is run by e"ectricity$
4$ ) computer a""ows us to type "etters and
5$ ) computer a""ows us to add and subtract
numbers in a !aster and simp"er way$
6$ ) computer a""ows us to draw and paint
F$ ) computer a""ows us to p"ay games$
G$ ) computer a""ows us to print co"or!u"
materia"s "ike books and posters$
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
H$ ) computer can take medicine$
I$ ) computer can ta"k and sing$
1J$ ) computer is a human being that can
Aow "et>s see what your answers are# and
re!er to my answers be"ow and check i! your
answers are correct$
1. F$
2. G$
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
3. H$ L
4. I$ L
5. 1J$ L
Now refer your score to the criteria below/
1. #$cellent7 /ou rea""y e?erted e:ort to accomp"ish this modu"e$
Great =ob7
Aow# you may take the mastery actiities$
:"; Very good! 8ust reiew the "esson where you encountered
mistakes and
tae the master! test i" !ou are rea#!.
<"= 'ood. .ut you need to do the re9en!orcement actiities !or more
e?ercises$ %hen go back to those items you !ai"ed to answer
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
! (elo) Fair$ .ut don>t !ee" sorry because you can do better ne?t
time$ Cead the modu"e once again and you may ask he"p !rom
your !aci"itator !or discussion$ 1ore e?ercises are waiting !or you
to be mastered in the modu"e$ *oub"e your e:ort this time and
you can make it7
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer
Children>s Com+uter Literacy Wor,(oo, Pre+aratory.
1IIF$ Quezon City: Ce? .ook @tore# ,nc$
Gorres# 1a$ 1inera 8$ 2JJG$ Com+uter Conce+ts /eries
1. Quezon City: 8emma ,nc$ Pub"ishing Group$

Aatiidad# ;ara Danessa *$ 2JJG$ Com+uter #ssentials
/eries %. Quezon City: 8emma ,nc$ Pub"ishing Group$
@ta$ ,nes# 8oce"yn G$ 2JJG$ 7sing the Com+uter /eries !$
Quezon City: 8emma ,nc$ Pub"ishing Group$
Whi?,ids Com+uter Literacy Program@ AP Ad4ance
/eries. 2JJ6$ Quezon City: Ce? .ook @tore# ,nc$
/ources 5rom the internet
on"ine games !or keyboarding
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Computer

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