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Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader
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Ms. Saman takes part in seminar on harmony among
Ms. Saman takes part in seminar on harmony among
In the framework of activities of the World Week of
Harmony Among Religions, the Royal Institute for
Interfaith Studies held a seminar on "Family Education
and Harmony Among Religions.
The seminar, held in cooperation with the Ministry of
Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, tackled key issues relevant to
harmony among religions. Abdul Rahman Ibdah,
assistant secretary general at the Ministry of Awqaf and
Islamic Affairs, talked about "The historical context of
the relationship between Muslims and Christians in early
Islam." Hassan Karirah, director of preaching and
guidance at the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs,
talked about "Religious awareness in the family and its
impact on harmony among religions.
On the other hand, Ms. Bassima Saman, director of
Noursat satellite station bureau in Jordan, lectured on
"Christian views on family education and harmony
among followers of religions through the media model
and the experience of the Catholic Center for Studies
and Media." The lecture dealt with several harmony
experiences in the Jordanian society.
Present at the event were several female preachers from
various Jordanian governorates.
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3/12/2014 : Ms. Saman takes part in seminar on harmony among religions 2/2
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Sat, 02/15/2014 - 11:17
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