Parent Bulletin Issue 5 SY1415

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SY 2014 2015
Weekly Publication for Middle School Parents
Friday Bulletin
Inside this issue:
Events & Actvites:
25-26 CWW
29-30 MAP Testng

Dear Middle School Parents,

We have a busy week ahead with some great learning opportunites for students, par-
ents and faculty. Every year at this tme we invite two counselors from an organizaton
called Freedom from Chemical Dependency, together with our wellness program at
ISM this gives us the opportunity to work with students on positve decision making
and the potental efects of substance abuse. The FCD team will work predominantly
with students in grade 8 having two sessions with students during their physical educa-
ton lesson. We will then have a grade 5 and 6 assembly on Wednesday during adviso-
ry tme, and an assembly for grade 7 and 8 students during our Friday assembly
tme. We will also have a parent cofee together with the FCD counselor on Friday
September 12 from 7:45 - 8:45 A.M. in the Litle Theater.

This week we also have the opportunity to learn with Michael Thompson a leading
expert on child development. He will be presentng to parents on Sunday afernoon
and on Tuesday morning. Michael Thompson will also be speaking to students in Mid-
dle School on Monday and student leaders on Tuesday. These will be great opportuni-
tes to learn more and refect on relatonships and the process of how we connect with
each other along with developmental stages that children go through and how this
impacts relatonships. Exact tmes and dates can be found below in the Parent Bulle-

We will have our frst ofcial Middle School Parent Cofee on Tuesday September 23
from 7:45 - 9:00 A.M. in the Litle Theater. This will be an opportunity for us to speak
to you about what is happening in our Middle School, along with tme for informal
conversatons with us and our counselor team. The topics of discussion at this parent
cofee will be the implementaton of our new assessment and grading practces, up-
dates on our BYOD program, what is happening with CWW and informaton on our
advisory program and how we are supportng students with their social and emotonal

Over the past couple of years in Elementary and Middle School a group of parents
have come together to organize afer school lessons for students to further develop
and support Mother Tongue language development. This has been parent driven with
the hiring of instructors in the language and these have taken place in Chinese, Dutch,
French, Hindi, German and Spanish. If you would like to fnd out more informaton
about what classes are being ofered this year or how to set up a course please contact
Mei Jusay ( our AFAC secretary who is located in the ES ofce
area and she can put parents in touch with the other parent liaisons for the diferent

We hope everyone has a good weekend ahead

Yours in Educaton,

Simon Gillespie, Middle School Principal
Amanda Pekin, Middle School Assistant Principal
MAP Testng
Academic Bowl
Saturday Service Learning
Athletcs & Actvites
ISM Upcoming Events
8-12 FCD
23 Parent Cofee
Michael Thompson
Parent Cofee
Stevi Quate
Parent Cofee



Beginning on September 13, diferent service opportunites will be ofered on
Saturdays. Some events involve a trip to visit a service partner while others in-
volve hostng a local educaton program. Along with the joy of giving, students
beneft by interactng with children from diferent backgrounds and getng to
know the Philippines beyond Makat and Taguig. To partcipate, students simply
pick up a permission slip from the MS Ofce on the Monday before the trip.
Once its been signed and returned to the ofce, a student can sign up on the
roster. Some trips fll up quickly so encourage them to sign up early. Parent are
welcome to atend!

Saturday Service Dates for Semester 1
(Dates are subject to change.)

September 13 Philippine Community Fund
October 18 La Mesa Watershed
November 8 Cotolengo Filipino & CRIBS
November 15 Chosen Children Village
November 22 Love to Learn and PAWS
November 29 Papaya Academy
December 6 Tzu Chi Foundaton

If you have questons, please send an email to Mr. Cory Willey at

IMPORTANT: Please note as of Tuesday, August 26th the fnal bus will now depart at 5:05 p.m., not 4:45 p.m. This later bus departure
tme is being done on a 1 month trial basis.

Thanks Bearcat Council/Student Ambassadors and ISM community for coming out to support our athletes for Friday Night Lights last
week. Our teams performed very well in both soccer and volleyball matches. Well done to all players and coaches on what was a very
wet night for our soccer teams. Here is a great video put together by our HS students htp://

IASAS Volleyball/XC housing needed ASAP! ISM is hostng the IASAS Volleyball/Cross Country Championships from October 15 to 19.
We need to house 170 athletes for this event. Please print and submit a housing leter to ATAC ofce as soon as possible if you can
support this event. We really need lots of ISM community spirit to help make this a wonderful event for our community. You can ac-
cess housing informaton/FAQ's and the housing leter via this link:

Upcoming matches:
Fri Sept 5- HS Volleyball teams away at Brent
Mid A1 vs BSM 3:30 at BSM, Mid A2 vs Xavier at ISM 5pm
Var Boys vs Xavier at ISM 5pm
Sat Sept 6-
Rifa ES/MS Soccer Festvals
G teams at BSM 8am start
E teams at ISM 8am start
C2 and C3 teams (9 a side teams) at CSA (Coach Chris and Coach Roxy's teams) 8am
C1 and C4 teams at ATENEO 8am start (Coach Eric and Coach Jay's teams) 8am

Parents and students, please take some tme to peruse the ATAC blog. It has a wide variety of informaton and links to our sports and
actvites program. If you have any questons regarding the compettve program of sports at ISM afer reading the informaton on the
blog please send an email to and I will endeavor to assist you as best I can.

The ES/MS Soccer Festvals have informaton at these links. Please note festval venues have changed for the C and G teams. Please
check carefully.

Bearcat Den- drop by our new spirit store. There is a range of new products and items to purchase including items from our service
partners. Bearcat Den hours of operaton: 7:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. Monday to Friday. We have new frisbees, swim goggles and other
products now available.

The ATAC game schedule pdf which is updated regularly by Triz Gonzalez (ATAC Athletcs Coordinator) gives the most up to date infor-
maton on where/when and who our Bearcat teams will be playing throughout the school year. Access to the game schedule is via the
ISM parent portal not via power school as in the past. Use this link to access the parent portal, log in with your user name/password
and look for the ATAC Game Schedule tab. Remember to refresh the page when the pdf schedule appears so you view the most cur-
rent schedule.

Game schedules do change at short notce so check ofen to ensure you keep up with the most current games/tmes and venues.
Go Bearcats!

Mark Pekin
Director of Athletcs/Actvites
Calling All Basketball Players!
We need players for the parent team for this year's ISM
Community Basketball League. Any parent of an ISM stu-
dent is eligible to play.

The league is tentatvely scheduled to begin
on September 8. All games will be played at
ISM, Monday through Thursday, at 6:45pm. We will be
competng against the Alumni, Faculty, Security, Canteen,
and other department teams.

If you are interested in playing for the parent team,
please contact Rafy Puno
Please click the link below to register:
Please click the link below to register:
Please click the link below to register:
ISM Community Art Aucton on November 20, 2014
You are cordially invited to the ISM Community Art Aucton on November 20, 2014 at The Fine Arts Theater. But frst...
WE WANT YOUR ART! We are looking for artstc works and/or estate objects made or owned by members or friends of
the ISM community. This includes, but not limited to, paintngs, photographs, drawings, prints, sculptures, jewelry, tex-
tles, ceramics and estate items such as furniture and china. For more informaton, visit or email
All proceeds will go to the Vicky SyCip Herrera Scholarship.
For details, check out the ALUMNI secton on the IS Manila website (click here) or
drop us a note at

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