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OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

Download latest patch (p8431482_R12_GENERIC) from METALINK which is related current version
of instance (12.1.1).
Create one folder in local drive which name is OAF R12.1.1 then move the patch file into this folder.

Create another folder and named as R12.1.1 then in that folder extracts (UNZIP) the download patch
After extracting we get the three folder like jdevbin,jdevdoc,jdevhome

Setting Environmental Variable:
Go to My Computer >Right Click > Properties > Click on Advanced tab > Click on Environmental
Variables button > click on new button
OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

Variable value is given based on where we are extracting patch file then copy following path

Give Variable Name as: JDEV_USER_HOME
Give Variable Value as: C:\oaf12.1.1\R12.1.1\jdevhome\jdev

Click on ok > again ok > again ok then environmental variable is set.
From jdeveloper for connecting database we need dbc file
Downloading DBC File:
From putty connect to server go to fnd top $FND_TOP/secure folder then download dbc file into
our local machine oaf folder i.e is C:\oaf12.1.1\R12.1.1\jdevhome\jdev\dbc_files\secure.

OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

Go to C:\oaf12.1.1\R12.1.1\jdevbin\jdev\bin folder double click on JdevW.exe to run jdeveloper

Database Connection:
After Open jdeveloper then click on Connections tab and then right click on Database>then click
on New Connection following screen will appear

OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

Then click on next

Then click on next
OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

Give username and password of database
Username: apps
Password: apps
Role: normal then click on next button

OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

Give details of database like port and Sid then click on next button
Then click on test connection button then it give message like success

Then click on finish.

OAF Employee Search Page Documentation
Development of Employee Search Page:
Click on Application Navigation tab from that right click on Applications tab

Click on New OA Workspace for creating work space for our Project

Give Filename XxEmpSearch and click on OK.
After Click on ok following window appear then click on next button on that window

OAF Employee Search Page Documentation
Give Project Details like Project name and Default Package Name
Project Name : XxEmpSearch
Default Package :

Click on Next button and then following Screen will appear on that window give details like
Username: Operations
Password: welcome
Application short name: FND
Browse the dbc file from jdevhome\dbc_files\secure folder and click on next button and then click
on OK button.

OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

Right click on XxEmpSearch Project then click on New

Creating Page:
Click on OA Components in that items box select page option then on ok button

Now give Details of page like page name (XxEmpSearchPage) and package name will get by default
then click on Ok button.
OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

Page Name is XxEmpSearchPage.
Add this project to project content by right click on our project then select Add Project Content

From above page select included tab and click on Add Button then select our project (XxEmpSearch)
then click ok button and then again press ok button
OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

VO Object Creation:

Right click on our project content package (xxempsea) as shown in following figure then select new

Then click on ADF Business Components from categories box and then click on VO object option
OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

After Pressing ok button then following screen opens i.e creation of VO object using wizard method
Then click next button on that screen

Give Vo object name as XxEmpSeaVO and Package is and then click on next button

OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

Then click on next button > and then click on next button > next>next> write the sql query in this
region on following screen

Then click on next button >next>next>check the generate java class and row class checkboxes and
then click on finish button
OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

Application Module Creation:

Right click on our project content package (xxempsea) as shown in following figure then select
new Application Module option

And one window is open with name like application module creation using wizard and then click
on next button and then give details of application module like name and package
Application Module Name: XxEmpSeaAM
Package Name:
OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

And then click on next > XxEmpSeaVO is shuttle (move) from available vo objects box to data model

And then click on finish button.

Click on Employee Search page then page Structure is show below box is we have find out the
region1 page layout then double click on that to open properties of region1
OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

Add Following Properties to region1
ID: PageLayoutRN
Am Definition: select from browse button
Window Title: Oracle Applications
Title: Employee Search Page

Create a New Region under page layout region by right click on PageLayoutRN click on new
option and then select region
OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

Set properties for that region
ID: MainRN
Title: Employee Search Page

Again Create one more region under MainRN i.e singleDefaultColumn Region under that create 3
items set following properties for three items
OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

Item1 Properties:
ID: empName Prompt: Employee Name Additional Text: Employee Name
Item2 Properties:
ID: empNum Prompt: Employee Number Text: Employee Number
Item3 Properties:
ID: Go Item Style: submitButton Prompt: Go

OAF Employee Search Page Documentation
Right click on EmpSeaRn select Region Using Wizard Option for displaying results

Then open one window with name region using wizard method then click on next button and then select
application module from list and select vo from list

And then click on next button give Region Id: XxEmpDetailsRN and Region Style: Table and then click on
next button
OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

From this window shuttle all attributes into view attributes box and then click on next button

OAF Employee Search Page Documentation
and click on next button gives prompt name and select style as Style Display Text
And click on next button

OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

And then click on finish
XxEmpDetailsRN properties set as follows

Text and additional text and width set 100%

OAF Employee Search Page Documentation
Controller Creation:
Right click on PageLayoutRN and then select set New Control Option

And Click on ok Button
Edit following code to controller class in processFormRequest method
if (pageContext.getParameter("Go") != null) {
OAApplicationModule am;
am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
// getting employee Name
String empName;
empName = pageContext.getParameter("empName");
// adding employee name to serialazble
Serializable[] param = { empName };
am.invokeMethod("searchEmployee", param);
OAF Employee Search Page Documentation
Edit following code to in Application Module after getter method
public void searchEmployee( String empName) {
try {
XxEmpSeaVOImpl vo;
vo = getXxEmpSeaVO1();
vo.setWhereClause(" UPPER(ENAME) like UPPER('%" + empName +
System.out.println("search query - " + vo.getQuery());

} catch(Exception e) {


Save our work and then compile after that run the page right click on XxEmpSearchPage.xml
select run option
After Run Page output like following page
OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

Move Employee Search Page to Apps Environment;

Move the our entire project (xxempsearch) from C:\oaf\R12.1.1\jdevhome\jdev\myclasses folder

OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

On which application you want show page in that application go to mds folder>selfservice
folder>create one folder which name like your package name xxempsea
(xxempsearch/oracle/apps/fnd/xxempsea) in that folder create webui folder

After creation of webui folder you have to move XxEmpSearchPG.xml page from our local machine
to /apps/DEMO121/apps/apps_st/appl/po/12.0.0/mds/selfservice/xxempsea/webui folder

Run following command for importing page from $PO_TOP/mds/selfservice/xxempsea/webui
$PO_TOP/mds/selfservice/xxempsea/webui/XxEmpSearchPage.xml -rootdir
$PO_TOP/mds/selfservice/xxempsea/webui -username apps -password apps -dbconnection
=(SID=DEMO121)))" -rootPackage /xxempsearch/oracle/apps/fnd/xxempsea/webui

OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

Login into instance and then go to Application Developer Responsibility >Application Menu> click on
Funtion option
Enter Following Details

From Properties Tab select type as SSWA jsp function from list of values

OAF Employee Search Page Documentation
Then click on Web Html tab and then Html call as follows

Then save your work.
Attach created function to menu group respect to PO responsibility
Go to Application Developer > Select Application menu > click on Menu

Query with menu group name and create one record for your function whatever we created function
and save work.
Go to Functional Administrator Responsibility > Click on Home >Core Services Tab>Caching
Framework > Global Configuration > click on Clear All Cache Button to clear all cache.
OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

Log out From instance and then again login into instance and then go to purchase order vision
operations (usa) responsibility then click on Xx Employee Search Page function then our employee
search page will open

OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

Any Exceptions are coming then once bounce apache server then check it will open fine.

This is complete documentation of employee search page.

************** End of Document *******************

OAF Employee Search Page Documentation

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