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The Secret to Being Successful
Being of Service at the Same Time

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Hi Im Adona from the Archetype Coach.

After more than a decade in human development working in the public,
private and humanitarian sectors, the two biggest problems I've noticed
are one of two beliefs people hold

"I got to look after myself because everyone else is self-interested
and I don't want to get left behind; or

"I need people to like me and it's OK if I get taken advantage of
because I just want to help."

These attitudes drive all behavior.

And its messed up because you are either:

Constantly on your guard and in competition to stay ahead of
everyone else; or

You are compromising yourself over and over again watching
everyone else get what they want while your needs remain

Relationships, business collaborations, masterminds fall down over and
over again because we segment ourselves to get ahead, playing a
character never able to find common ground

We cant hold the I and You together and so do things badly, either
missing out on true achievement or real connection carrying the
stress of unmet needs.

The Five Perspectives allow us to have both.

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How can we get ahead in business if there is no framework in business
development that allows us to bring our real selves to the table and hold
multiple perspectives simultaneously?

We cant.

And its not your fault.

The way we are taught to think doesnt allow us a way to mediate our
self-interest, another persons interest and group interest

We are painfully ignorant of the developmental archetypes we need to
tap into to move beyond it.

To take care of business we MUST be able to hold multiple
perspectives simultaneously and have a model for how we evolve
in the business space.

When we can do this we open ourselves up to our full intelligence to
do better, feel better and most importantly think better.

With The Five Perspectives you are able to

See where you need to locate yourself to have your needs
met from a place of greater success and ecology

Bring your full intelligence to the table and leading others
whether with your partners, clients or peers

Find the intersection of motivation and create from a place
of authenticity and integrity

Strengthen your collaborations and lead.

This Workbook will show you how.

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What are the Five Perspectives?

The Five Perspectives are a framework that allow us to do business is a
win-win way. It enables us to bring our full intelligence to all our
business and life dealing by giving us FULL AWARENESS of what
factors are at play in any interaction.

This allows us to plan ahead, understand what could sabotage in our
business and nip it in the bud, build better strategy, standout as leaders
in the industry and market place, and better serve our clients.

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Understanding Each Perspective:

ME: Is the space where we are self-interested. Its our thoughts,
feelings, the developmental lines we are operating from. What informs
our own understanding and identity as an individual.

WE: Is the space where we meet the other person or when we are
alone, this is our physical body. Behaviours, physical health, physical

ENVIRONMENT: Is the larger cultures we are operating under;
and cam be different for two individuals. You may be sharing a physical
environment, and what are the cultures you are coming from, sub-
cultures you are coming from, cultural values they can be very
different and yet inform the shared space.

SYSTEMS: Are the systems that are at play that we are a part of.
The business systems, educational systems, economic systems and
even family systems. Likewise they inform roles, functions and

FIFTH PERSPECTIVE: This is the perspective that is
simultaneously aware of and making decisions from an understanding
of all the other four perspectives. Operating and running business from
this space means each of these areas is fulfilled.

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Applying the Five Perspectives:

Running through these questions is any situation will allow you to
instantly access a win-win situation and start to build a strategy to
overcome your obstacles.

0. What is the goal/ challenge you are facing at the moment?

1. ME:

a. What is it that I need from this situation?

b. What outcomes are important to me?

c. What do I want in this relationship?

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2. WE:

a. What is it that they need from this situation?

b. What outcomes are important to them?

c. What do they want in this relationship?


a. What cultures are we a part of and engaging in

b. What cultures are we a part of and engaging in

c. What do these cultures have in common?

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a. What systems are we a part of and engaging in

b. What systems are we a part of and engaging in

c. What do these systems have in common?

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a. What is the common purpose between ME & WE

b. What is the common purpose in ENVIRONMENT

c. What is the common purpose in SYSTEMS

d. What is a possible outcome that meets all purposes?

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Why Bad Habits Dont Matter.

Remember this does not come easily we are building a new
muscle. And we can feel the discomfort of thinking differently


When we work to align all the FIVE PERSPECTIVES we are going
against HABIT. We are stopping the ME and WE from pulling in
different directions and creating new values environments and

HABITS are neural pathways that are so well developed in the
brain they happen almost unconsciously.

We are creating NEW HABITS.

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So your bad habits dont matter! All that matters is developing this
neural pathway by using this technique over and over again. We
dont need to get rid of bad habits all we need to do is DEVELOP

Because biology takes care of the rest for us. It SUPPORTS and
REWARDS us on a neurobiological level.

For example:

We just need to link the part of our brain (the prefrontal cortex)
where old habits live and link it to the part of the brain that learns
so we can form a new habit.

This bridge is made any time we are interested in something
curiosity and your desire and interest in something new does this
for you.

Your biology is SUPPORTING your growth and development.

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If it werent amazing enough that your biology supports you
building new habits

Your brain even rewards you for learning.

So while you start to build your FIVE PERSPECTIVES muscle,
while you may not get it immediately

Keep noticing where you are stretching and learning when you
do this it will mean you will get new insights and awareness on
how you can do things better or even where you are aware of
perspectives youd never been aware of before.

When you get an insight, your body gives you a rush of
DOPAMINE. The feel good chemical.

Your biology is REWARDING your growth and development. Its
rewarding you evolution.

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Have fun using the FIVE PERSPECTIVES
Let us know how you go!

And ask yourself:
Where am I at in my ability to hold the Fifth Perspective?

And see where are you at in the Archetype Activation Program -
There are Seven stages to master.

To learn more contact us at for your
free diagnostic.

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The Five Perspectives allow us to find the highest gain and purpose to any
situation. Understanding where all players are at developmentally allows us to
be even better at matching outcomes to needs.

Our ARCHTYPE ACTIVATION PROGRAM looks at seven developmental
stages of growth, to understand what level of evolution and needs are driving

This allows us to be master influencers and leaders in moving people towards
their goals and our shared purpose.

To learn more contact us at for your
free diagnostic.

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