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THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) is executed on 20/08/2014
(dd/mm/yyyy) by the following:
Horizon elecom !ntern"tion"l# " limited li"bility com$"ny est"blished "nd existing under the l"ws of
%y"nm"r with its leg"l "ddress "t &o' 20( # )e " *hon ower# +,1# -ower *yee %yin ."ing /o"d#
*yee %yin ."ing ownshi$# )"ngon# %y"nm"r (herein"fter referred to "s 0H!1)2
34t"rcom !nc# " limited li"bility com$"ny est"blished "nd existing under the l"ws of .el"w"re with
its office "ddress "t 15,2 & 1
4t'# 4uite 220# 4"n 6ose# 78 9+112# 348 (herein"fter referred to "s
H! "nd 34 herein"fter indi:idu"lly referred to "s " 0;"rty1 "nd collecti:ely "s 0;"rties1'
8' 34 intends to de:elo$ its telecom rel"ted business in %y"nm"r with the "ssist"nce of H!'
<' H! "grees to "ct "s "n "d:isor on loc"l m"tters to 34 during the coo$er"tion $eriod on loc"l
business rel"tionshi$ m"n"gement "nd betterment'
he ;"rties hereby "gree "s follows:
1. Scope of Par!er"#$p:
1'1 34 intends to de:elo$ "nd ex$"nd its telecom rel"ted business in %y"nm"r by est"blishing "
new ;"rtnershi$ in %y"nm"r'
1'2 H! sh"ll m"n"ge "nd $romote business rel"tionshi$ with rele:"nt $"rties in %y"nm"r to "ssist
34 to re"lize its business ob=ecti:es set forth in this %>3'
2' %a"$c U!&er"a!&$!':
2'1 34 hereby "grees to:
(") 8$$oint "t le"st one or two re$resent"ti:e(s) res$onsible for d"y to d"y business o$er"tions "nd to
"ssist in setting u$ the new ;"rtnershi$'
(b) ?st"blish " new ;"rtnershi$ u$on the successful com$letion of $re@set conditions'
2'2' H! hereby "grees to: @
(")' 8ct "s "n "d:isor on loc"l m"tters# es$eci"lly ret"ining high@le:el rel"tionshi$ with loc"l telecom
c"rriers to 34 during the co@o$er"tion $eriod "nd to m"n"ge "nd $romote such " rel"tionshi$
between 34 "nd loc"l telecom c"rriers'
(b)' 8ssist 34 to com$lete "nd execute the following contr"cts or leg"l documents: i) %>3
between 34 "nd loc"l telecom c"rriers directly or indirectly2 ii) 8greements rele:"nt to the
;"rtnershi$ form"tion2 iii) Aorm"l co@o$er"tion "greements between the 34 "nd loc"l telecom
c"rriers2 i:) >ther necess"ry documents "s necess"ry'
2',' <oth $"rties "gree to:
(") 6ointly set u$ the ;"rtnershi$' /el"ted det"ils will be determined l"ter with consents by both
(b) 6ointly com$lete the ;>7 to loc"l telecom c"rriers'
(c) 6ointly intend to include 4oft<"nB into the ;"rtnershi$'
(c) 6ointly intend to consult to loc"l telecom c"rriers with m"rBeting# enh"nce user ex$erience# reduce
>$?x "nd 7"$?x# im$ro:e Cu"lity of the networB# incre"se $rofit# incre"se 8/;3# "nd better
$ositioning "g"inst com$etitors'
(d) 3nderst"nds th"t -? de$loyment in %y"nm"r is ch"llenging
(e) 6ointly utilize e"ch otherDs intern"tion"l $r"ctice Bnowledge
(f) 6ointly de:elo$ "nd im$lement the suit"ble business model for %y"nm"r m"rBet
(h) ?nsure th"t $"rtnershi$ will com$ly with "$$lic"ble l"ws "nd rel"tions such "s s$eci"l
reCuirements rel"ted to :"lue@"dded ser:ice in telecom industry'
(i) <e"r its own ex$enses "rising out of the negoti"tion# dr"fting "nd execution of the %>3 "nd
subseCuent form"l document"tion'
(. Ter) a!& Ter)$!a$o! of T#$" MOU.
,'1 his %>3 sh"ll be effecti:e for "n initi"l $eriod of one (1) ye"r commencing from the d"te
hereof (EermD) "nd there"fter sh"ll be continued in effect until " mutu"l "greement between the
$"rties to extend the co@o$er"tion term' Howe:er# the form"l document"tion rel"ted to the form"tion
of the ;"rtnershi$ executed by the ;"rties# sh"ll constitute the whole "greement between the ;"rties
reg"rding their rights "nd oblig"tions "nd sh"ll re$l"ce this %>3 "nd the ;"rtiesD $re:ious
underst"ndings "nd "greements'
,'2 ?ither $"rty h"s the right to termin"te this %>3 due to m"rBet condition ch"nges or u$on mutu"l
,', ?ither $"rty sh"ll ser:e " notice of termin"tion ,0 d"ys in "d:"nce to the other $"rty to termin"te
this %>3' 3$on notice of termin"tion# the other $"rty sh"ll destroy "ll confidenti"l inform"tion
rel"ted to this "cti:ity with no further us"ge in "ny w"y'

*. No!+ D$"c,o"-re
he ;"rties sh"ll identify "ll inform"tion deemed to be $ro$riet"ry# confidenti"l during the execution
of this %>3'
.. %$!&$!' Effec a!& Go/er!$!' 0a1
+'1 his %>3 is not leg"lly binding "nd does not constitute "n offer or commitment by either ;"rty to
enter into "ny definiti:e "greements# to effect the $ro$osed tr"ns"ction or to t"Be "ny other
"ctions' &otwithst"nding the foregoing# 4ection ,# 4ection 4# 4ection + "nd 4ection ('1 hereof
will constitute leg"lly binding oblig"tions of the ;"rties'
+'2 his %>3 sh"ll be go:erned by "nd construed in "ccord"nce with the l"ws of the
Hong *ong 4$eci"l 8dministr"ti:e /egion'
+', 8ny dis$ute# contro:ersy or cl"im "rising out of or in connection with this %>3 or "ny bre"ch
hereof (collecti:ely# the$ute1) sh"ll be referred to the Hong *ong !ntern"tion"l 8rbitr"tion
7entre (herein"fter 0H*!871) "nd fin"lly resol:ed under the Hong *ong !ntern"tion"l 8rbitr"tion
7entre 8dministered 8rbitr"tion /ules# which "re deemed to be incor$or"ted herein exce$t "s
"mended by this 4ection' he "rbitr"l "w"rd rendered by the "rbitr"tion tribun"l in such
"rbitr"tion sh"ll be fin"l "nd binding u$on the ;"rties' he $l"ce of the "rbitr"tion sh"ll be in
Hong *ong'
2. Ge!era,
('1 8ssignment' &o $"rty hereto sh"ll "ssign or tr"nsfer this %>3 or "ny interest in this %>3
without the $rior written consent of the other $"rty during the $eriod of this %>3' &otwithst"nding
the foregoing# 34 m"y deleg"te "ll or " $ortion of its duties hereunder to "ffili"tes or subcontr"ctors
or 34 grou$ of com$"nies'
('2 &otice' 8ny notific"tion $ursu"nt to this %emor"ndum of 3nderst"nding sh"ll be gi:en in
writing "nd sent by $ost or by f"csimile to the following "ddresses:
H!: Horizon elecom !ntern"tion"l
&o' 20(# )e " *hon ower
+,1# -ower *yee %yin ."ing /o"d
*yee %yin ."ing ownshi$
)"ngon# %y"nm"r
?m"il: ny"nwin+9Fgm"il'com
A"x: G9+ 1 +08 4+2
/eci$ient: %r' &y"n Hin# Iice 7h"irm"n
34: 34t"rcom !nc
15,2 & 1
4t'# suite 220
4"n 6ose# 78 9+112
?m"il : leg"lhel$Futst"r'com
/eci$ient: !:y .ong
(', 7ounter$"rt' his %>3 m"y be executed in one or more counter$"rts# e"ch of which sh"ll
constitute "n origin"l# but "ll of which# t"Ben together# sh"ll constitute " single document'
!& H!H&?44 HH?/?>A# the ;"rties h":e signed this %>3 "s of the d"tes indic"tes below'
Hor$3o! Te,eco) I!er!a$o!a, UTSarco) I!c
4ign"ture: 4ign"ture:
&"me: &y"n Hin &"me: Hilli"m Hong
itle: Iice 7h"irm"n
."te: 8ugust 20# 2014
itle: 7?>
."te: 8ugust 20# 2014
!& H!&?44# $resenting the ;"rties'
Hor$3o! Te,eco) I!er!a$o!a, UTSarco) I!c
4ign"ture: 4ign"ture:
&"me: )e %y"t 4oe &"me: /obert 7h"n
itle: 7?> itle: 4"les .irector
."te: 8ugust 20# 2014 ."te: 8ugust 20# 2014

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