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Nasir Javed Rana

Senior Civil Judge,
Worthy Registrar,
August Supreme Court o !a"istan,
Through% Worthy &istri't ( Sessions Judge,
No.))))))))))))* &ated.))))))))))*+,-..
Su$/e't% 0 C#1#2 A!!3A2 N4.--.. 4F +,-+ 0SCJ.
!A3C Through !ro/e't &ire'tor ( another. 5Appellants6
7hulam Muhammad . 5Respondents6.
&ear Sir,
With reeren'e to your honours letter No. C.A -.+ *+,-+ 8SCJ on the
'aptioned su$/e't, # have the honour to su$mit the details o servi'e o noti'es upon the
respondents as under%0
!ersonally served.
-. Respondent No..5ii6 Mian 2ia9uat Ali
+. Respondent No.+5ii6 Mian Masud Arshad
.. Respondent No.: 5i6 Ma9$ool Ahmad
Servi'e through real $rother Mian Masud Arshad.
-. Respondent No.- 5iii6 Mst.Wa;iran <hatoon
+. Respondent No.- 5iv6 Mst.A;i; <hatoon
.. Respondent No.- 5v6 Mst.Munir <hatoon
:. Respondent No.- 5vi6 Mst.=amidan Ja$een
>. Respondent No.- 5vii6 Mst.Ra;ia Sultan
?. Respondent No.- 5viii6 Mst.<ani; <hatoon
Servi'e through Mian 2ia9uat Ali 5son* $rother6.
-. Respondent No.+ 5i6 Mst.Ameeran @i$i widow.
+. Respondent No.+ 5iii6 Wa;eeran $i$i
.. Respondent No.+ 5iv6 Mat A;i; "hatoon
:. Respondent No.+5v6 Mst.Muneer <hatoon
>. Respondent No.+ 5vi6 Mst.=amindan Ja$een
?. Respondent No.+ 5vii6 Mst.Ra;ia Sultan
A. Respondent No.+ 5viii6 Mst.<anee; <hatoon
Served through Cler"
-. Respondent No.-- !rovin'e o !un/a$.
Bours aithully,
Senior Civil Judge,
4FF#C3 4F T=3 &#STR#CT ( S3SS#4NS JC&73, M#ANWA2#
3ndst.NoDDDDD..* &atedDDD.D.*+,-..
Forwarded to the Registrar, August Supreme Court o !a"istan #slama$ad.
&istri't ( Session Judge,
Nasir Javed Rana
Senior Civil Judge,
Worthy Registrar,
August Supreme Court o !a"istan,
Through% Worthy &istri't ( Sessions Judge,
No.))))))))))))* &ated.))))))))))*+,-..
Su$/e't% 0 C#1#2 A!!3A2 N4.--.+ 4F +,-+ 0SCJ.
!A3C Through !ro/e't &ire'tor ( another. 5Appellants6
=a/i Mian Mehr Eaman 5de'd.6 through 2Rs ( others. 5Respondents6.
&ear Sir,
With reeren'e to your honours letter No. C.A -.+ *+,-+ 8SCJ on the
'aptioned su$/e't, # have the honour to su$mit the details o servi'e o noti'es upon the
respondents as under%0
!ersonally served.
:. Respondent No.+5ii6 Mian 2ia9uat Ali
>. Respondent No.-5i6 Mian Masud Arshad
?. Respondent No.. 5i6 Mian Muhammad <halid Mahmood
Servi'e through real $rother Mian Masud Arshad.
A. Respondent No.- 5iii6 Mst.Wa;iran <hatoon
F. Respondent No.- 5iv6 Mst.A;i; <hatoon
G. Respondent No.- 5v6 Mst.Munir <hatoon
-,. Respondent No.- 5vi6 Mst.=amidan Ja$een
--. Respondent No.- 5vii6 Mst.Ra;ia Sultan
-+. Respondent No.- 5viii6 Mst.<ani; <hatoon
Servi'e through Mian 2ia9uat Ali 5son* $rother6.
F. Respondent No.+ 5i6 Mst.Ameeran @i$i widow.
G. Respondent No.+ 5iii6 Mian Sa"hawat Ali
-,. Respondent No.+ 5iv6 Mian Shou"at Ali
--. Respondent No.+ 5v6 Mst.Eareena @i$i
-+. Respondent No.+ 5vi6 Mst.Ro$ina @i$i
-.. Respondent No.+ 5vii6 Mst.Ra$ia
-:. Respondent No.+ 5viii6 Mst.Sameena
->. Respondent No.+ 5iH6 Mst.Basmeen
Served through Cler"
-. Respondent No.A !rovin'e o !un/a$.
Bours aithully,
Senior Civil Judge,
4FF#C3 4F T=3 &#STR#CT ( S3SS#4NS JC&73, M#ANWA2#
3ndst.NoDDDDD..* &atedDDD.D.*+,-..
Forwarded to the Registrar, August Supreme Court o !a"istan #slama$ad.
&istri't ( Session Judge,

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