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rovde Leachers wLh new normaLon
and beLLer Lools or proessonal
developmenL. Open plaLorms should
enable Leachers Lo updaLe each oLher.
Help Leachers Lo collaboraLe more and
more, share knowledge wLh each oLher. Provde
Lhem wLh open plaLorms LhaL make
collaboraLon easer.
Teachers need Lo add Lo Lher LradLonal Leach-
ng sklls new sklls nLroducLve codng classng
n elemenLary schools, Leachers should be n a
conLnuaLve learnng crcle), Teachers should aL-
Lend mandaLory courses Lo enhance Lher knowl-
edge o Lhe dgLal world boLh on a Lechncal lev-
el read codng) and on a socal level read ghL
cyber bullsm). Teachers need Lo be more con-
denL n dealng wLh uncerLanLy and geL ready
or L. hnoLher ponL s also Lo make Lhe "uyers"
aware abouL Lechnologes and oers n order Lo
make good and eecLve choces or Lher spec-
c needs. CreaLe advsor Leams Lo enable schools
Lo make appropraLe choces.
Trainers' training Learning skills
rom knowledge based currcula Lo know-
PresenLly, currcula are sLaLc and conLenL
based and LhaL makes L hard Lo nnovaLe.
-CommuncaLon sklls
-CrLcal Thnkng

-CollaboraLon sklls
reaLe a sngle EU regulaLory ramework
or nnovaLve companes enabled by
an onlne plaLorm, whch sLandardz-
es all Lhe acLvLes regardng company
managemenL across Lhe whole
lecycle rom early sLage Lo growLh.

Ths ramework wll am Lo.

-Smply Lhe process o seLLng-up a company,
make L asLer, cheaper and accepLed across
-SLandardze Lhe governance and smply work
or equLy.
-nLroduce European Lax ncenLve or nvesL-
-SLandardze regulaLon wLh regard Lo
employmenL rules and conLracLs
-SLandardze regulaLons on MEh and POs
-SupporL Lhe adopLon o Lhe whole ramework
va a sngle access onlne porLal, where
companes could drecLly execuLe all acLvLes
relaLed Lo Lhe esLablshmenL and Lhe manage-
menL o Lhe company
oney s Lhe uel or Lhe dgLal econ-
omy Lo grow. YeL we do have a sLruc-
Lural gap n sLarLup nancng across
Europe. CurrenLly 1Ox less venLure
CapLal s avalable n Lhe EU com-
pared Lo Lhe US. Ths hnders EU sLarLups Lo grow
quckly and scale Lo a large sze LhaL can com-
peLe wLh US counLerparLs.
We propose Lwo soluLons Lo allocaLe more cap-
Lal Lo Lhe dgLal economy.
1) More prvaLe money. GovermenLs can creaLe
ncenLves or more prvaLe money Lo ow nLo
sLarLup nancng. Ths can be Lax ncenLves or
changng rules or large nsLLuLonal nvesLors
Lo allocaLe small shares o Lher asseLs Lo ven-
Lure capLal.
2) hllocaLng EU unds Lo Lhe dgLal economy. n
order Lo leverage exsLng undng Lhe EC could
seL up a "Sde Car Fund" Lo maLch every 1 EUk n-
vesLed by a prvaLe nvesLor wLh anoLher 1 EUk.
economy underfunded
!"#$%#&"' )&*&+,"- .$*/ .0 1,2314&"' */,5 3.$6* .,-* 713*&),- 3"4 .0 3%%$2&"' */,5 *$
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ho owns Lhe major parL o dgLal
denLLes Loday? PrvaLe corpo-
raLons can noL be LrusLed as se-
cure denLcaLon provders, Lhe
EU needs Lo be an denLcaLon
The EU D card denLes European cLzens boLh
n Lhe physcal and n Lhe dgLal doman. We al-
ready have a smlar projecL n EsLona LhaL s ex-
pandng Lo Fnland.
We wll be able Lo use common and vLal ser-
vces such as healLh care, LransporLaLon, bank
accounLs, elecLons, Laxes, rom all over Lhe Eu-
ropean Unon wLhouL lmLaLons.
eward cLzens who are provdng exLer-
nal beneLs, eedback or local admn-
sLraLon made by cLzens.

h sysLem o evaluaLon Lhrough re-
wards based on behavour o ndvduals and
publc admnsLraLon. Ths sysLem could brng
more ecency Lo Lhe publc admnsLraLon
and grow cLzens' responsablLy.
Feedbacks can mpacL Lhe enLre Leam provd-
ng a publc servce n Lhe case o Ph.
Ths could be a very good way Lo have more en-
gagemenL and vsblLy. hnd when people eel
more nvolved Lhay can do greaL Lhngs.
asy access Lo nLuLve nLerace or dg-
Lal consumpLon o publc servces.
Full dgLal nLeracLon beLween Lhe cL-
zens and Lhe governmenL or any rghL,
cvl duLy, or normaLon exchange.
L s a one-sLop-shop or all o your cvc rghLs
and needs. The key Lo Lhs soluLon s LhaL L s a
uned European governmenL onlne dashboard
whch enables you Lo, or example. regsLer an
address, receve a Lax number, renew PassporLs,
gan normaLon or upcomng voLes or legsla-
Lon changes.
-mprovemenL o moLvaLon Lo parLcpaLe and
excercse your cvl rghL Lhrough ease o access.
-CosL savng by reducng sLa, paper work and
Lme whch Lakes Lo compleLe Lasks.
-ncreased ecency by elmLaLng burocracy,
-CosL savng by reducng sLa, paper work and
Lme whch Lakes Lo compleLe Lasks.
-ncreased ecency by elmLaLng beaurocracy.
One Click Government Accountability by design
olLcans have no longer a choce. Lher
work musL be open, parLcpaLory and an-
swerable by desgn. hny cLzen can hold
accounLable elecLed represenLaLves
any Lme. House o cards s dead. We
have Lo renvenL how we approach Lhe polLcal
process. Publc admnsLraLons shall no longer
govern only on behal o cLzens, buL also wLh
cLzens. Ths provdes a greaL source o energy,
LalenL, resources, capablLes and resh deas.
Under Lhe LhreaL o drecL democracy, elecLoral
democracy no longer sells. The uLure s parLc-
paLory democracy. Ths s operaLonalzed by
crowdsourcng, as exempled by wks, socal
meda plaLorms and plenLy o apps. magne
an nLuLve and publc plaLorm drawn Lo con-
necL and share daLa, decsons, resources, cosLs,
problems wLh oLher Lhousands o persons, wLh
brdgng and bondng acLvLes. GovernmenLs
and publc admnsLraLons have Lo become
plaLorms enablng cLzens Lo acL as co-dec-
son-makers n Lhe local, naLonal and European
decson-makng process.
enson-securLy barrers prevenL dgLal
proessonals rom movng nLernaLon-
ally wLhn Lhe EU. The EU should mple-
menL a pan-European penson scheme
LhaL covers nLernaLonal moblLy wLhn
Lhe EU. On a larger scale Lhs elmnaLes rcLons
n Lhe dgLal job markeL and decreases labor
cosLs Lo companes who wanL Lo recruL nLerna-
EU wide Pension
Reverse Internship

rngng esLablshed busness people

nLo sLarLups Lo learn nnovaLon.
OpporLunLy Lo leverage Lhe sklls E ex-
perence o senor employees by acl-
LaLng employee exchanges nLo small
sLarL up companes. Ths provdes an opporLun-
Ly Lo Lranser Lhe sLarLup nnovaLon culLure nLo
an esLablshed company.
B%364&$ C3--$%&> ;$1,"+$ D$"+3%,-> ?1",-*$ C,%&-31&$> E1&++31&" D&3)$5$> F$.,1G
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hlberLo hlemanno, Marcn oreck, CrsLan oLan, Dela Carles, Erk CarLer, Mchele
Dalena, Davde DaLLol, SLeana Duco, Iess Erckson, Marco FaroLLo, Eddy ForeLL, Sara
Green rodersen, Iacob Haesler, TalLha LeLner, MaLLeo Lepore, Mchael Levn, hlex
NapeLschng, GreLa Ors, Sara Pellachn, hna Plesko, Laa Pomar CorLes, ChrsLoph Saer-
lng, Gula SLLa, eva SoblckaLe, Carlo Soresna, Smona Tan, vLng Nergrd,
Emanuela Zaccone, Sara hnselm, hnnja hpsLe, valero assan, PoLr egun, Llana
Canalsova, Marco Casero, Ele Chevgnard, ElsabeLLa Colccha, Kaml Drabek, va-
na Drabkova, Federco FraLLn, SLna Hekkla, Mara Iudova, hsl Karabenl, CaLarna
Macedo, Davde Morell, Iacopo Muzna, Ioao araLa Olvera, Emanuela PerneLL, Marco
Perazzol, kzk kamz, Francesco kepp, Carlo knald, SLeane
SLeenbrugge, Olver SLmmer, Mram Surro, Iakub Tlalka, SLeano Tommasn, leana vol-
p, Lus Danel hlegra, onuL hnLu, Lopez arcala, hranna assol, hndrej oleslavsky,
Ncola Davanzo, an Delu, Mara Plar Deus, SLeano Demm, Eln Djuren, Nccol Fer-
ragamo, Francesco ForenLno, Danele Francon, Iaver Gonzalez, Iens Phlppe Klen,
Emma Knaggrd WendL, Guenole Le Gall, Maxm Lesur, van Mazzolen, Mchele Mngoz-
z, Mram Perez, Carla Pnna, MLchell Slva, Carla Sn, PeLer van oheemen, Ganluca
varsco, MaLe WohlmuLh, Carla hbreu, Candy ehunn, hndrea CasLglone, Francesca
Cavallo, Lasse Clausen, valenLna Dardo, KaLren De Graeve, Marco De koss, Clauda
FechLnge, Iason FonLana, Thomas Herzog, Dens Musc, hlemanno Musone, Govanna
NeaL, hLLla Olah, veronca OrLolan, Erc PosLare, Paula Schwarz, hske Sondergaard
Knudsen, Kaml SLachowcz, hndres SLolzenbach, Clare SuLcle, ars Tamer, lerLa Tos-
ka, kudger Trojok, MaLLeo valoran, Sandra vukasnovc, Mchal Zalesak, MaLLeo hchll,
koxane huld, Claudo edno, Flavo ezzeccher, Fabo Corone, GusLavo EnLrala, Noem
Fogaras, Slva Fogla, Daro GalbaL hlborgheLL, Marc GgeL, hobheann Gleeson, Luka
Manojlovc, Karoly Olah, Danele Peller, hlessandro peLruccan, Marco PeLrucco, Leon
kdderbroek, Dhruv ksh, Ugur SamuL, hdele Saverese Francesco savozz, hlexandre
Shure, MaLheu Sneep,veronka SLrbakova, Thell Knudsen kune, vazques Elena.
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