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Signature of Candidate Auth.

Vidhata Agritech (P)Ltd.

Ref-VAPLJHS/ASM/AGT/2014 Date-22.08.2014
Sub:- OFFER LETTER for the post of Area Sales Manager (A.S.M.).
Dear Sir,

We are pleased to inform you that Management has decided to Selected you as "Area
Sales Manager w.e.f. Date- 01.09.2014 on the following terms & Conditions: -
1.Working Area:- HQ-AMRELI ZONE Include 05 Districts.
2. Sales Target:- Company will Provide following target from joining date.
(A) First Month:-Search any One Investor for Regional Retail & Distribution Centre RRDC- (Retail
showroom concept of 75 Rural & Agriculture base Products) as par company guideline within 15
days and Complete done Agreement within 25 days from joining date.
(B) Second Month:-Setup Showroom, Search Management staff, Marketing staff, Complete
Government license formalities for showroom opening.
(C) Third Month:-Starting Showroom with your all supervision as par company guidelines Achieve
sale Minimum Rs-05, 00,000/-per Month.
(D) Fourth Month:-Create sale up to Rs-05, 00,000/-per month & Search 1 executive in every
Districts rest of 9 Districts.
(E) Fifth Month:- Create sale Rs-06,00,000/-per month and appoint RRDC in every District any
One place.
(F) Six Month :-Create Sale Rs-08,00,000/- from Mother RRDC & Distribute stock Rs-25,00,000/-
to include 05 Mini RRDC, than Create maximum sale from Excellent service in future.
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Signature of Candidate Auth. Signature
Vidhata Agritech (P)Ltd.
3.Monthly Salary and Incentives:-
(A)Basic Salary:- Rs- 25,000/-(Twenty thousands Rupees only) Per Month
(B) HRA :-Rs-5,000/-(Five thousands Rupees Only)
(C)Traveling expense:-Actual Expense Traveling by Bus/Train (Sleeper/Third AC and in case
candidate traveling by bike paid Rs-3.00 /km for petrol occasionally visit by car after permeation
from HR-Manager as par ATP.
(D)Mobile Expense:-Rs-1,000/-Month, Call Details Compulsory Match in DSR
(E) Hotel Expense:- Hotel expense Rs-600-800/-per day (Allot only outstation as par ATP.)
(F)Incentives Incentives create different points.
(i) Rs-11,000/- On if you will be appoint RRDC within 15 days from date of joining.
(ii) 1.00% On Actual sale from mother RRDC.
(III) Rs-5000/- on per mini RRDC appoint within 5 month in Rest 9 Districts.
(iv) 0.30% on Materials Distribution from mother RRDC to mini RRDC.
(v) 0.50% On Actual sale from mini RRDC.
(G) Others Expense:-Medical Expense, home Rent & four-wheeler allot as par duration 3 Month
Proper working compulsory for this expense.
4. Reimbursement of other expenses:- Other than above the candidate will be paid the
expenses of Traveling as par Advance tour program (ATP) additionally for conducting meeting for
appointment of "Regional Retails & Distribution Centre (RRDC) after taking the prior approval from
the company on submission of documentary respective bills than credit in account every 15 days .
5. Responsibilities:- (A) Appointment of RRDC & Employee :-You will be required to appoint at
least one RRDC in per districts ,Appoints (Customer Relationship Officer(CRO),Accountant
,Office boy& 4 Marketing Staff ) guide lines as par company.
(B) District Information:-You will be required to collect & submit all district information in
agriculture point of view like potentiality of district. District Map, Crops, No of villages near about
from showroom ,parity customers.

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Signature of Candidate Auth. Signature
Vidhata Agritech (P)Ltd.
(C) Reports:-You will be required to send daily working report by Hr-Executive Email and also
cc Copy on to the Head office, Jhansi (U.P.) Regional Sales
Manager a responsible designation as par working responsibly so that Minimum Attendance 24 day
is compulsorily per month, the e-mail charges will be paid by the company. In case reports are not
sent by you further TA/DA advance will not be released, repeated failure in submitting daily report
may lead to administrative action against you as per the company rule.
(D) Rules and Regulation for leave:- You will be allowed only two days leave in a month for one
sick leave one casual leave. In addition you will get holiday for all important festivals. You have to
take permission in writing for all such leaves will be deducted. If candidate is absent without
intimation and permission he will be marked absent for two days and the disciplinary action will be
taken against you ,that salary issued only No of working days.
6. Terms and Condition For Collection Of Payment:-
(A) Stock order Amount: - The candidate will be required to collect the payment For Stock from
"Regional Retails & Distribution Centre (RRDC) in the form of demand draft /RTGS/NEFT only in
favor of the company, in any case, cash collection will not be permitted to him.
(B) Payment of Sales:- The candidate will be required to sale Payment from Centre and deposit till
Saturday to Saturday in every week Account for stock.
(C) Details of stock:- The candidate will be required to collect reports from RRDC and submit all (
sale wise business transaction report like receipt of stock, actual sale, receipt of sales payment
and balance stock available in allotted area along with payment sales, in the prescribed, format ) to
the company on monthly basis. in case candidate Failing which the monthly remuneration Company
will taken deduction in (Salary, TA/DA, Incentive)payable to him will not be released.
7. Terms and Condition For Payment of Incentives/Advance:-
(A) TA will be paid as per actual by Train Sleeper Class/Bus fare on submission of bills along
with proof of documents.
(B) Sales Incentive on applicable up to Actual sale of due target in centre
(C) Further TA/DA advances will be released only after submission of previous performed tour
reports as per the guidelines and further tour programmed will be approved subject to
satisfactory performance of yours.
(D) All the payments including incentive will be released only after submission of monthly sale
account as desired by management from time to time

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Signature of Candidate Auth. Signature
Vidhata Agritech (P)Ltd.
8. Other Terms & Condition of Appointment :-
(A) If any of the above terms & conditions are violated by the candidate it will be treated as
breach of trust and he will be terminated without assigning any notice with immediate effect
and company will have full right to take legal or administrative action against him.
(B) The candidate will be required to develop the area within allotment of the area to him. If
satisfactory performance is not made by him within above period the area will be withdrawn
from him with immediate effect.
9. Legal Action:-
In case of any dispute during the tenure of the candidate the area of legal action will be under
jurisdiction of JHANSI (UP).
10. Probation Period :- Initially, you will be on trial period for One months. if your business
performance is satisfactory than only your appointment will be continued.
If you are agree the terms and conditions of your appointment please sign the copy of this
letter as a token of your acceptance and start the work.
With all the best wises for success in career.

Name of candidate




Auth. Signature

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Signature of Candidate Auth. Signature
Vidhata Agritech (P)Ltd.
PINCODE : 365430
MOBILE : 9429221713

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