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1. If you sell more than you did last year a) he'll be out on his ear.

ar. b) I'll buy you a new

car. c) you'll soon be on your way d) you'll be in big trouble.
2. If you take my advice a) Concorde is faster than a 747. b) I'll buy two. c) you'll keep
a tighter control on what Jerome gets up to. d) you'll be in big trouble.
3. If he doesn't accept our offer a) we'll have to withdraw. that's the most we can afford to
pay. b) your ob here will be !uite safe. c) he'll be out on his ear. d) you'll be in big
4. If you give me a 10 % discount a) you'll soon be on your way b) your ob here will be
!uite safe. c) I'll buy two. d) you'll be in big trouble.
5. If sales don't improve soon a) we'll have to lay off some workers b) your ob here will
be !uite safe. c) I'll buy two. d) you'll keep a tighter control on what Jerome gets up to.
. If the report isn't on my desk tomorro! morning a) you'll be in big trouble. b) your
ob here will be !uite safe. c) we'll have to lay off some workers d) he'll be out on his ear.
". If #ick doesn't mend his !ays soon a) you'll soon be on your way b) your ob here
will be !uite safe. c) you'll be in big trouble. d) he'll be out on his ear.
$. If I see you standing around the coffee machine talking again a) you'll be in big
trouble. b) your ob here will be !uite safe. c) we'll have to lay off some workers d) he'll
be out on his ear.
%. If you don't make the grade here a) your ob here will be !uite safe. b) you'll soon be
on your way c) we'll have to lay off some workers d) he'll be out on his ear.
10. &nless you do something really 'ad a) your ob here will be !uite safe. b) you'll soon
be on your way c) you'll be in big trouble. d) he'll be out on his ear.
Second Conditional Exercise
Fill the gap using the verb in brackets. 5 gaps need a NEGATIVE verb!
1 I ___________________ that if I were you. It's bad luck. (to do)
!hey'd be a better tea" if they ___________________ fitter. (to be)
# If I had so"e spare "oney$ I ___________________ a %&% player. (to buy)
' !hose children ___________________ so horrible if their parents were stricter. (to be)
( I wouldn't go out with hi" even if you ___________________ "e. (to pay)
) If we ___________________ so hard$ we wouldn't be so tired all the ti"e. (to work)
* If she didn't take so long in the shower$ she ___________________ "ore ti"e for
breakfast. (to have)
+ If you ___________________ so "uch beer$ you wouldn't be so fat. (to drink)
!he world ___________________ a better place if politicians were less vain. (to be)
1- I ___________________ to visit !hailand if I had the chance. (to love)
11 If I had "ore free ti"e$ I ___________________ a play. (to write)
1 If you ___________________ a digital ca"era$ you could send photos by e"ail. (to have)
1# .e would definitely lose weight if he ___________________ eating carbohydrates and
sugar. (to stop)
1' /e could go travelling across France if we ___________________ a tent. (to buy)
1( &alencia would have the perfect cli"ate if it ___________________ so hot in 0uly and
1ugust. (to be)
1) If I understood "ore about co"puters$ I___________________ help you out. (to be able
1* I wouldn't do that if I ___________________ you. (to be)

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