Narrative Example

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The desired evolution 2023.

Sam was woken up by the sound and projection of Ellen the A.I Household
Management System on the ceiling ood morning Sam it is ! am" you
ha#e a scheduled Halo$chat with erard from %aytheon design studios at
&am" shower temperature set to '( degrees )elsius" breakfast will be
fresh fruit salad" yogurt and ' ser#ings of %aisin toast*. reat. Another
day* Sam mumbled mordantly.
Ellen was a standard in Australian households as the populace was
encouraged to work from home as day to day entries were organised
Sam+s sister ,asmine had already left on her -rst week of horticultural
ad#ising in .empe. /She must be thrilled on ha#ing to work at .empe"
closer to the low le#el single dwellings. It+s been jasmines -rst year out of
0ni#ersity from correspondence.
Sam and jasmine had mo#ed to 1oolloomooloo to take charge of their
high$rise 2residential apartments3o4ces5 water" electricity and har#esting
.hey formed part of & source super#ision and control teams" as years of
negligent usage of water in Australia and fossil based fuelling increased
the need for a change. 265
)urrent agricultural practices had become #ery sustainable and e4cient in
the last decade. Each high$rise consisted of a platform on e#ery &
" 67

le#el on the e:terior of the building which would re#ol#e
around according to the sun+s location for enhanced photosynthesis no
matter what time of the day.
;asmine" ha#ing only been in her -rst year of horticultural ad#ising had
recently been taking a one day a month uni#ersity lecture at the comfort
of her home #ia e$lecture. .hese lectures made up an ongoing sustainable
har#esting and source management program with updates on current
regulations" schemes and technologies surrounding horticulture" which
continued until retirement.
As Sam entered the li#ing area of the apartment" microwa#e sensors
situated around the home allowed Ellen to keep track of which areas
needed to be lit for energy conser#ation and security purposes.
Ellen also controls the high e4ciency <hoto#oltaic cells 2=5 acting as
windows to adjust the amount of luminescence in the home. .hese cells
allow for projection of any li#e selected landscape #iew" .> show or
software preferred. Sam felt at peace and decided for the rain scene* he
said calmly" staring into an arti-cial manipulated landscape of Sydney
harbour that got him into that tran?uil mood.
Sustainable @esign
)urrent regulations on li#ing arrangements ha#e a minimum of ' residents
occupying a one bedroom dwelling. Barger properties occupied by singles
or couples are seen to be lu:uries
as le#ies and ta:es imposed are made unaCordable. 2'5 It is when families
or occupants o#er the a#erage of 8 does the rates e#en out to that of a
single bedroom dwelling.
Sam then went to the bathroom and washed up using the pressure
controlled smart shower 295 and sink systems heated by solar heating. .he
shower heads #ary and moderate automatically and according to what the
person is doing. .he sound of water is consistent" steam control" allows for
steady temperature while pressurised water allows for water conser#ation
while increasing cleaning power. .he system also contains an inbuilt hair
dryer which eliminates the need for te:tiles to dry the body.
E#ery indi#idual must conform to 7DB daily water rationing in which
cannot be o#erused" unless a ta: and le#y is paid for" this is monitored by
the A.I Household Management system 2Ellen5.
1aste water was now used to generate electricity through hydro electicity
at a high rise scale 285 which was then -ltered and used for watering
community gardens.
Sam then re?uested for a casual out-t*" where Ellen selected the
appropriate clothing according to the purpose needed. Since Sam was
planning to do some maintenance work with agricultural water piping"
Ellen opted for the stain resistant black pants and a buttoned shirt. 2D5
Sam then walked into the kitchen" where the fresh fruit salad" yogurt and
' ser#ings of %aisin toast shot out of the toaster positioned on the bench
top. He then disposed of the fruit scraps into a shoot" which directed the
bio$waste to onsite compost used in the rooftop garden and to generate
electricity through collecting methane gas and utilising it as fuel in the
biogas turbine. 275
Ad#ancements in nanotechnology allowed for a stool to protrude from the
undersiEed kitchen ca#ity. 2!5 Smart plastic utensils and cutlery made
from bio$polymers coated in metal te:tures and -nishes increased the
longe#ity and ?uality feel of the product. 2&5
;ear '('9 is the -rst year in which the trial of a 9 instead of ' weekend
week will be implemented. An analysis by the Asian paci-c go#ernment
has encouraged the populace to remain rejoicing Saturday and Sunday as
a weekend" howe#er adding a 1ednesday as a business free day will allow
for the populace to increase family interaction and rest to endure a
change in peoples attitude and social beha#iour.
Most of all" Sam+s design job description is completed at home and
through information technology. A majority of businesses would discuss
Sustainable @esign
and plan their e#ents in a #irtual meeting space on the internet from the
comfort of their own home"
Ellen had then informed Sam that the meeting is due in D minutes*.
)hanges and e#olutions in information technology ha#e allowed for a
#irtual masking Sam+s clothing which he re?uested for black Armani suit
with a sapphire blue tie and champagne under shirt. 2F5.Something he
would look Gash in considering he must promote his new design for the
AM<S System 2automated mail and payment system5.
1ith this technology" allowed Sam to discuss and con#ey his design
conceptualisations to Australia <ost" #ia his air stylus where he could
change elements of his design to suit what the client is re?uesting in real
time" essentially creating a sustainable solution for sa#ing paper and
#arious limited resources. 26(5
Ellen then informed Sam of tomorrow+s scheduled meetings are with
Martin 1interkorn from >olkswagen A 1olfsburg ermany at 6(am in
regards to passenger safety and design 2projected conference time for 'h
6Dmins*.Sam had -nished today+s schedules and was mo#ing on to
personal entries and building maintenance.
Sam then at 6.8Dpm had then went to le#el 67 where one of the water
injectors seems to be clogged and is running at only '(= e4ciency. He
was eager to -: the water injector as it was the -rst to be mended in the
building" depending on whose home" Sam or jasmine usually swapped
turns at building maintenance. It wasn+t a hard feat as most tools were
now all power supplied by photo#oltaic technology and ad#ancements in
Hano batteries 2@5 allowed for prolonged and e:tended uses for o#er a
year without the need for charging or lubrication
After mending the water injector" same then mo#ed onto analysing the
electricity" water and" and waste data generated by the building. He
compared the last 7 months to the end of winter data and noted that
there were minute Guctuations in the amount of electricity used for
heating" howe#er the heating systems now implemented utilise an
ad#anced independent heat pump water heaters" heated by geothermal
ambient air conditioning and humidity to allow for heating water and air in
the building. 2665
Sam was then interrupted by Ellen noting an incoming #ideo call from
Sam set Ellen to answer family members automatically" and her image
was projected and replaced the rainy landscape #iew of Sydney. Sam was
able to mo#e freely in the home while talking to jasmine. Ellen would
/mask+ Sam to keep eye contact while he was analysing the data.
Hey sis" how is itI*
Sustainable @esign
It going pretty well" .empe is going to be the -rst to utilise the water
from the de$Salination plant in Jotany Jay*.
.hat+s great to hear" hoping we would get it tooI*
1e will" be but it will be in 7 months time as they are creating e:tensi#e
carbon Hano$tubes for con#eying the water from botany to Sydney
At least we will get it e#entuallyI Are you going to sleep there tonightI*
;eah I will" just sa#es on the carbon miles" I will be adding for this month"
I should be home tomorrow for dinner. Kh and ha#e you done the
maintenance workI*
I+#e done the injectorsL they+re running at 6((= e4ciency. And I+m just
analysing the data from the usage. Ho worries sis I+ll let you go*
Kk thanks and I+ll see you tomorrow" Jye*. Sam was interested in the
ad#ancements in the de$Sal project for Sydney. As he elected it to be the
main water system for Sydney since ocean le#els are rising. 2695
Sam then re?uested Ellen to project real time Sydney #iew.
Sam stared in amaEement at Hyde <ark as he reminisced when he was a
young teen" hanging around on the streets with friends.
Arost began to fall from the grey sky" mounting a small patch of snow just
outside Sam+s window sill. .he temperature read 9 degrees )elsius which
was a typical winter+s day in Sydney" as e:tremes in temperatures from
summer and winter caused by global climate change.
aEing further on into the horiEon" could -nally manage to see the centre
point towers elaborate photo#oltaic e:terior which was Australia+s -rst for
mass produced electricity used to light the streets of Sydney. It counted
on from the day from on which Australia turned to a sustainable change
and read 'DDD days.
aEing down on the streets #iewed a carless Sydney landscape which was
enforced in '(67 where cars are replaced by leased bicycles stations and
con#eyer foot paths2685 minimising tra4c congestion" obesity and air
?uality to FD= in Sydney alone.
He realised the changes o#er the last 6! years are for the better. Hational
media has now decreased its focus on obesity and global warming and is
now further co#ering it attention to sustainable design and towards
sustainable adoptions for the future.
Sustainable @esign
Sam then re?uested for this week+s total carbon miles* and was on a low
6'= and decided to take a brisk walk in Hyde <ark for his daily e:ercise
routine and ha#e a lunch outside in the high$rise kiosk. Ellen kept a count
for meters walked as well as his calories burnt today and the meals
consumed daily. .he data is sa#ed for comparison and health record
purposes. @ata is then #iewed by Sam+s eneral <ractitioner for analysis
of health and well$being weekly.
.he time was now 9.8(pm and Sam decided to spoil himself to a
re?uested and newly released bo: o4ce -lm /@estined+. .he mo#ies ha#e
now phased out due to the a#ailability of -lms re?uested o#er internet
and pay .>. Ha#ing the mo#ies in your home is today+s way of ha#ing a
night out without stepping out of the comfort of your own home. 26!5
After the -lm had -nished" Sam decided to ha#e dinner where Ellen asked
Sam from a #arious combination of meals. .hai #egetable green curry
with rice" sushi rolls with miso soup and 0Eo Juko* were today+s options.
Sam felt like a Mediterranean style dish and opted for 0Eo Juko. Sam felt
contented that the meal he was making deri#ed from natural produce
made on his high$rise.
Meat and poultry were considered festi#e foods and were eaten in small
amounts. .he inter#ention 26&5 of processed #egetable based ingredients
in the form of taste and te:tured meat were introduced. .his alternati#e
was for indi#iduals who persistently eat meat and desire the taste of meat
with no detriment to the en#ironment.
Seafood was also taken into rationing as the -sheries and agricultural
department decreased the amount of ser#ings of -sh to 6 ser#ing a week.
.his was enforced due to the falling numbers of -sh species eaten. Sport
-shing was also restricted to certain -sh species as incorrect proportioning
of -sh and specie selection occurred in the past.
Sam then re#iewed the following day+s diary entries and continued his
design sketching using the air$stylus continually communicating to Ellen
for tones" te:tures and -nishes.
Aollowing that" Sam had gone to the bathroom to wash$up and then went
to sleep. His day was o#er at appro:imately &.((pmL a widespread time
for the populace to rest for another busy days work ahead.
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