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Criteria Ethnographic Interview Participant Observation Historical Data

Citation Castleden, H. (2002). The silent

north: A case study on deafness
in a dene community. Canadian
Journal of Native Education,
26(2), 152-1!, 201. "etrie#ed
-im, .., / Taylor, -. (200!).
"ethin0in1 alternati#e
education to 2rea0 the
cycle of educational
ine&uality and ine&uity.
Journal of Educational
Research, 101(3), 20,-21).
4indsay, 5. (200,).
6ducational $sycholo1y and
the e7ecti#eness of inclusi#e
British Journal of Educational
Psychology, 77(1), 1-23.
"esearch 9uestion :hat is the res$onse of one
northern ;irst <ation, an
=ndi1enous $o$ulation, to
deafness in the community*
:hat are the 1a$s in the
0no'led1e transfer on deafness
2et'een health care
$ractitioners and communities*
:hat are the 1a$s in a#aila2ility
and accessi2ility to this
>oes an alternati#e hi1h
school settin1 2ene?t
students to the e@tent that
it 2rea0s the cycle of
educational ine&uality*
"esearcherAs $ur$ose: re#ie's
the literature on the
e7ecti#eness of inclusi#e
The focus is on e#idence for
e7ects in terms of child
outcomes 'ith e@amination
also of e#idence on $rocesses
that su$$ort e7ecti#eness.
To 'hat e@tent is the
de#elo$ment of inclusi#e
education e#idence 2ased*
Bethodolo1y =n de$th o$en-ended inter#ie's,
o2ser#ations, formal and
informal community meetin1s,
and critical reCections 'ere
utiliDed to o2tain data.
E$$ortunistic sam$lin1, also
0no'n as continuous sno'2all
sam$lin1, 'as em$loyed to
identify inter#ie'ees.
Classroom o2ser#ations
'ith ?eld notes, o$en-
ended structured inter#ie's
'ith students, teachers,
and administrators, and
analysis of $rimary
documents such as
curriculum materials in
science, social studies,
mathematics, and 6n1lish
classrooms 'ere utiliDed to
o2tain data. Critical theory
'as the theoretical
frame'or0 used for this
"e#ie' of historical e#idence
on inclusi#e
>etailed e@amination of all the
$a$ers $u2lished in ei1ht
Fournals from the ?eld of
s$ecial education $u2lished
from 2001-2005.
This study is associated 'ith a
num2er of methodolo1ical
frame'or0s. This study
focused on se#eral di7erent
$a$ers from di7erent Fournals.
study. This 'as to $ro#ide
#alua2le insi1hts for
studyin1 the relationshi$
2et'een theory and society.
Therefore, di#ersity of
a$$roach 'as found as 'ell as
di#ersity in research methods.
E$$ortunistic sam$lin1 'as
used. This allo'ed the
researcher to follo' the data as
it emer1ed durin1 the ?eld'or0.
These $rocedures lent stren1th
to a more com$rehensi#e study.
Ge#eral $ers$ecti#es 'ere
Ioth $ur$oseful and
con#enient sam$lin1 'as
used. Gtudents 'ere $ic0ed
'ho re$resented a #ariety
of and cross section in
terms of 1ender and
ethnicity. Teachers and
administrators 'ere $ic0ed
2ased on their $rofessional
roles and duties.
The re#ie' co#ers a ran1e of
s$ecial educational needs and
children from $re-school to the
end of com$ulsory education.
This could 2e an e@am$le of
$ur$oseful sam$lin1.
=n addition to formal a$$lication
re&uirements for a$$ro#al, it
'as culturally necessary to
o2tain $ermission to conduct
research in this community. =n
de$th inter#ie's ()) 'ere
conducted and community
meetin1s 'ere attended. Those
inter#ie'ed 'ere immediate and
e@tended family mem2ers and
$ersons 'ith a $rofessional
relationshi$ to the family of a
deaf child.
6ach classroom 'as
o2ser#ed for half a day,
t'ice a 'ee0 for three
months. All inter#ie'ees
recei#ed the same series of
$re-esta2lished &uestions
2efore the inter#ie's.
9uestions 'ere o$en-
ended. <ine students, four
teachers, one
administrati#e assistant,
and one associate
su$erintendent 'ere
inter#ie'ed. =nter#ie's
'ere ta$e recorded and
A historical re#ie' of e#idence
on inclusi#e education 'as
conducted. >etailed
e@amination of all the $a$ers
$u2lished in ei1ht Fournals
from the ?eld of s$ecial
education $u2lished from
2001-2005. Terminolo1y 'as
addressed 2ecause there 'as
#ariation across time and
countries. The re#ie' 'as
$resented in t'o $arts. The
?rst $art 'as the historical
re#ie'. The second $art 'as a
re#ie' of $a$ers in s$eci?ed
Fournals. Current studies 'ere
also re#ie'ed. The second
$art 'as the main section of
the $a$er.
>ata Analysis
The inter#ie's 'ere conducted
and data 'as 1athered. E$en
codin1 techni&ues 'ere used.
>ata 'as then analyDed for
>ata 'as cate1oriDed into
t'o $arts accordin1 to
emer1in1 themes: $ositi#e
#ie's and ne1ati#e #ie's.
Enly 13 $a$ers 'ere identi?ed
as com$arati#e outcome
studies of children 'ith s$ecial
needs. Beasures used #aried
themes usin1 the o$en codin1
method. ;i#e themes emer1ed:
racism, dia1nosis and
inter#ention, im$lementin1
$olicy, cultural and lin1uistic
identity, and su$$ort net'or0s
for families 'ith deaf children.
The data (inter#ie'
transcri$ts and ?eld notes)
'ere coded se$arately, and
data 'as trian1ulated.
Constant com$arati#e
analysis 'as used.
2ut included social as 'ell as
educational outcomes. Ether
$a$ers 'ere identi?ed as non-
com$arati#e outcome studies
or $a$ers 2ased on
res$ondents Fud1ments. The
results found that the 'ei1ht
of the e#idence from the
$a$ers did not $ro#ide a clear
endorsement for $ositi#e
e7ects of inclusion. A lac0 of
ri1orous studies in this area
may 2e to 2lame.
The researcher 'as of 6uro-
Canadian descent, and it 'as a
cross cultural e@$erience for
2oth the researcher and the
=ndi1enous community. The
researcherAs interest in
conductin1 a study on deafness
stemmed from se#eral years of
in#ol#ement in the >eaf
community. Ghe also $ursued
an under1raduate de1ree in
anthro$olo1ical studies and
<ati#e studies.
The sam$lin1 measures used
$ro#ided stren1th to the study
and led to a more
com$rehensi#e study. Ge#eral
di7erent $ers$ecti#es 'ere also
o2tained 'hich lends
trust'orthiness to the study.
>urin1 this study, the northern
;irst <ation re#ealed a desire to
reesta2lish relationshi$s,
remo#e communication and
cultural 2arriers, and create an
accessi2le en#ironment for all
community mem2ers.
Iy inter#ie'in1 $eo$le in
#arious $ositions, multi$le
$ers$ecti#es 'ere 1ained
a2out the school $ro1ram.
Iiases 'ere laid out clearly.
>ata 'as coded se$arately
to esta2lish internal
#alidity%credi2ility. >ata
'as also trian1ulated to
ensure trust'orthiness.
>ata and results 'ere
trian1ulated usin1 se#eral
methods to inter$ret the data.
Human as
This 'as not oKcially addressed.
Ho'e#er, it 'as culturally
necessary to o2tain $ermission
to conduct research in this
community. The $artici$ants
commented on the im$ortance
of conductin1 this study to ser#e
the interests of other northern
$arents 'ith deaf children in
isolated communities.
This 'as not oKcially
addressed. Ho'e#er, it 'as
discussed that the
researchers 'ere 1i#en
$ermission to conduct
research 'ithin the school
This 'as not oKcially
addressed. Ho'e#er, this
study used information from
other studies 'here that
information may 2e more
readily found.
Gu11estions for
= 'ould ha#e li0ed more detail
on the im$lementation
$rocedures. = understood the
2asics of ho' the study 'as
carried out, 2ut more detail
'ould ha#e hel$ed me
understand the e@act $rocedure.
This is hel$ful to other
researchers if they are loo0in1 to
re$licate the study.
= 'ould li0e to ha#e seen
that $artici$ants oKcially
1a#e $ermission or si1ned
an a1reement to
Ene thin1 = noticed is that
2ecause this referenced many
studies much of the
information a2out
methodolo1ies 'as #a1ue. =
'ould li0e to ha#e had more
information on the di7erent
methodolo1ies used rather
than Fust eludin1 to the fact
that there 'ere many.

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