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Date of Issue: 08JUL10

Celene Aguinaga:
Thank you for choosing American Airlines / American agle! a
mem"er of the one#orl$% Alliance& 'elo# are your itinerary an$
recei(t for the ticket)s* (urchase$& +lease (rint an$ retain this
$ocument for use throughout your tri(&
,ecor$ Locator: -./+L0
1ou may check in an$ o"tain your "oar$ing (ass for U&.& $omestic
electronic tickets #ithin 23 hours of your flight time online at
AA&com "y using ###&aa&com/checkin or at a .elf4.er5ice Check4In
machine at the air(ort& Check4in o(tions may "e foun$
at ###&aa&com/o(tions& -or information regar$ing American
Airlines checke$ "aggage (olicies! (lease 5isit
###&aa&com/"aggageinfo& -or faster check4in at the air(ort! scan the
"arco$e at any AA .elf4.er5ice machine&
ffecti5e -e"ruary 1! American Airlines is cashless on"oar$ all
flights& -or in4flight (urchases! #e #ill acce(t Citi6 /
AA$5antage6 0asterCar$6 an$ other ma7or cre$it or $e"it car$s
only& Cashless ca"ins #ill not "e im(lemente$ on"oar$ American
agle an$ American Connection flights 4 only cash #ill continue to
"e acce(te$ on"oar$ those flights& -or more information a"out
cashless ca"ins! (lease 5isit ###&aa&com/cashless&
1ou must (resent a go5ernment4issue (hoto ID an$ either your
"oar$ing (ass or a (riority 5erification car$ at the security screening
,ecor$ Locator: -./+L0
De(arting Arri5ing
Co$e City
Date 9
City Time
;:30 +0
0=8T,,1 0?
@:1; +0 L
<allacegio5 Aargas conomy .eat 1@A
Fternal ,eser5ation >an$ling .er5ice U.D 2;&00
+ayment Ty(e: Fchange
A$$itional .er5ices are su"7ect to cre$it car$ a((ro5al at time of ticketing& A$$itional .er5ices
may a((ear on multi(le accom(anie$ $ocuments as a matter of reference&
1ou ha5e (urchase$ a 8=84,-U8DA'L fare& The itinerary must "e cancele$ "efore the
tickete$ $e(arture time of the first unuse$ cou(on or the ticket has no 5alue& If the fare allo#s
changes! a fee may "e assesse$ for changes an$ restrictions may a((ly&
lectronic tickets are 8=T T,A8.-,A'L& Tickets #ith nonrestricti5e fares are 5ali$ for one
year from original $ate of issue& If you ha5e Guestions regar$ing our refun$ (olicy! (lease 5isit
To change your reser5ation! (lease call 1480043DD4@D00 an$ refer to your recor$ locator&
Check4in lines #ill 5ary "y $e(arture location& In or$er to $etermine the time you nee$ to check4
in at the air(ort! (lease 5isit ###&aa&com/air(orteF(ectations&
If you are tra5eling internationally! (lease ensure that you ha5e the (ro(er $ocumentation& All
necessary tra5el $ocuments for the countries "eing 5isite$ must "e (resente$ at air(ort check4in&
Check #ith the consulate of these countries to $etermine the $ocuments reGuire$& A$$itional
information can "e foun$ at International Tra5el&
8e# ,eGuirements for Tra5elers 'et#een the Unite$ .tates an$ the <estern >emis(here:
ffecti5e January 2D! 200@! All nationals of the U&.&! Cana$a an$ 'ermu$a #ill "e reGuire$ to
hol$ a (ass(ort to enter or re4enter the Unite$ .tates if coming from the Cari""ean )eFce(t +uerto
,ico an$ the U. Airgin Islan$s*! 'ermu$a! Central an$ .outh America "y air an$ "y sea& This is
a change from (rior tra5el reGuirements an$ #ill affect all Unite$ .tates citiHens entering the
Unite$ .tates from countries #ithin the <estern >emis(here& This ne# reGuirement #ill also
affect certain foreign nationals #ho currently are not reGuire$ to (resent a (ass(ort to tra5el to the
Unite$ .tates& -or a$$itional information on this ne# (olicy an$ instructions on ho# to o"tain a
(ass(ort! (lease 5isit Tra5el Documents&
A summary of Terms an$ Con$itions of Tra5el is a5aila"le "y selecting the Con$itions of
Carriage "utton "elo#&

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