TIPS UPSR: Bahasa Inggeris Paper 1

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TIPS UPSR: Bahasa Inggeris

English Paper 1 contains 40 multiple choice questions. They cover the vocabulary, social
situation, grammar and comprehension aspects of the language.
In ection !, pupils are to ans"er questions "hich test their vocabulary.
Pupils are given three different types of questions namely "ord level questions, phrase level
questions and sentence level questions.
#or this section pupils need to study the pictures given in order to ans"er most of the
questions. Pupils can use the $%h& questions to derive the information from the pictures.
'a(e sure you read all the options given. )nderstand them and finally ma(e your choice.
*emember to choose the best ans"er.
In ection +, different social situations are given through the speech bubbles in the pictures.
+efore proceeding to the options ,!, +, - and ./, loo( at the picture and then read the
dialogues in the speech bubbles. )nderstand the social function in the questions ,to enquire, to
assure, to inform, to e0plain, to apologise/. Then choose the best sentence that fits the empty
speech bubble base on the social function.
In the grammar section ,ection -/ pupils are required to ans"er questions on grammar,
punctuation and spelling. #or grammar, pupils need to read the questions and understand the
grammar rules that need to be applied. !fter choosing the ans"er, you need to thin( "hether
the ans"er you have chosen is the best ans"er. *eason out the ans"er by recalling the
grammar rules you have learnt.
%hen choosing the ans"er for the punctuation questions, pupils need to read all the options
given. %hile reading the sentences, circle the errors. Then compare the sentence "ith the
other options in the question until you find the sentence "ithout errors.
%hen ans"ering questions on synonym or antonym, ma(e sure you give the synonym or
antonym in conte0t ,the meaning of the "ord used in the sentences/ and not its general
#or questions that test spelling, pupils need to read the options given carefully. !fter that
compare the "ords "ith the other options and choose the "ord that has the correct spelling.
)sually questions in ection . test pupils on vocabulary and grammar. *ead the te0t given first
then determine the tense. 1oo( for clues ,"ords that sho" the tense/ in the te0t to help you.
2ou also need to refer to the picture given.
! linear and a non linear te0t are given in the comprehension section. Pupils need to read the
te0t given at least t"ice. .uring the first reading, pupils need to get an idea "hat the te0t is
about. This "ill help them to get a general vie" of the te0t. .uring the second reading, ma(e
sure you understand the "hole te0t especially the important points. If there is a "ord in a
sentence that you don&t understand, underline it and read the sentence again a fe" more
times. 2ou may be able to guess the meaning of the "ord. Then read the questions carefully
and choose the best ans"er. 'a(e sure you read all the options given before choosing the best
Section A
3 This section tests pupils& ability to "rite sentences. Pupils "ill be given a picture and they
have to construct five sentences. Pupils may choose to construct the sentences "ithout using
the helping "ords.
3 Pupils need to construct a variety of sentences namely
imple sentence
E0ample4 The boys are playing football.
-ompound sentence
E0ample4 The boys and their friends are playing football in the field.
-omple0 sentence
E0ample4 5ohan, "ho is "earing 6ersey number seven, is playing football in the field.
3 .o not ma(e assumptions. %rite sentences on "hat you see in the picture. If you "ant to use
names, ma(e sure that you describe clearly the person you are "riting about.
7ul is sitting "ith his friends. ,%*89:/
7ul, "ho is the tallest among the boys, is holding a hoc(ey stic(. ,-8**E-T/
3 !fter you have completed all the five sentences, ma(e sure you chec( the grammar,
punctuation and spelling. %rite clearly so as not to confuse the e0aminer.
3 .on&t relate yourself to the picture.
'y uncle and aunt are "atching television in the living room. ,%*89:/
! man and a "oman are "atching television in the living room. ,-8**E-T/
Section B
3 This section contains t"o questions. Pupils need to transfer the information from the question
into the table. Then, they have to ma(e a choice based on the question given and state the
reasons for the choice.
3 #or information transfer pupils need to be a"are of the spelling, punctuation and their
"riting. They need to "rite clearly and obey the punctuation rules. If the ans"er "ritten is not
legible, no mar(s "ill be a"arded for the ans"er. Pic( and choose the information based on
"hat is required in the table. .o not copy in any particular sequence.
3 #or the second part of the question, pupils need to ma(e a choice and state the reasons for
their choice. +efore you start your ans"er, read the instruction. 'a(e sure you "rite based on
the choice made.
2ou and your family are going on a trip. +ased on the information given, "hich type of tour
"ould you suggest; :ive reasons for your choice.
3 .on&t only "rite statements. upport them "ith logical and suitable reasons. :ive some
elaboration on your reasons.
I "ould choose !erobus <=0 because it can carry the most number of passengers. It is also the
longest and the "idest among the three planes. Thus, it "ill be more spacious and I "ill be
able "al( around in the plane especially since I&m going to Paris. It is the fastest and does not
need any refueling until its destination. It is po"ered by four 6et engines. It "ill be able to
reach the destination faster than the others.
3 !fter completing the ans"ers, pupils must chec( the sentences for grammar, spelling or
punctuation errors.
ection -
3 Pupils need to "rite creatively in this section based on the pictures and "ords given in the
question. Pupils must read the instruction before "riting their ans"er. Pupils may need to use
all the "ords. ometimes they may not need to use all the "ords. This depends on the
instruction. Therefore, it is crucial for pupils to read the instruction carefully.
1. %rite a story based on the pictures belo". 2ou may use the "ords given to help you. %rite
ans"ers in the space provided.
>. %rite a story based on the pictures belo". )se all the "ords given to help you. %rite your
ans"ers in
the space provided.
3 Pupils are free to name the characters in their ans"er. They can also name the places in the
3 tart your ans"er "ith an interesting introduction and end it "ith an interesting closure. 2our
introduction need not be too long. T"o or three sentences "ill be sufficient.
3 %rite at least four sentences for each picture. 'a(e sure you describe the pictures "ell. 2ou
may use proverbs and similes to ma(e your ans"er more interesting.
3 !fter completing the ans"er, read through the sentences. -hec( for any errors in grammar,
punctuation and spelling.
8verall, pupils need to be alert and concentrate "hile ans"ering the questions. 1eave the
question that are difficult, ans"er the easier ones and come bac( to the difficult ones later.
*ead the instruction before attempting to ans"er the questions. #inally, chec( all your ans"ers
before you hand in the ans"er script to the invigilators. o, good luc( and may :od bless you
umber4 Berita Harian

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