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What is IMG Guide?

Implementation guide is a project support tool. It

contains documentation on each and every activity that
can be carried out directly.
What are the customizing step specific attributes?
a. Mandatory activities
These are activities for which !" cannot deliver
default settings #for e$ample %rganisational
tructure&. We must store our own customer'specific
re(uirements for activities that are classified as
b. %ptional activities
!" delivers default settings for these activities.
We can use these settings if they meet our
c. )on're(uired activities
!" delivers complete default settings for these
activities. %nly in e$ceptional cases* do you need
to adapt these settings #for e$ample* if you need
country specific settings&
d. +ritical activities
We must proceed with great care when carrying out
critical activities as any errors made here can have
far'reaching conse(uences.
e. )on'critical activities
We must also proceed with care when carrying out these
activities* but the conse(uences of any errors are
less far'reaching.
,escribe the points of integration with other !"
"ersonnel ,ev plan and carry out training and
job'related activities* which provide individual
professional development for your employees.
Training and -vent Management. organize and schedule
training events and conventions.
Wor/flow. automates business processes* tas/s are
given to the right person at the right time.
+ompensation Management. necessary for the
administration of compensation #carrying out payroll*
for e$ample&.
"ersonnel +ost "lanning. used to project personnel
costs on the basis of e$isting and planned
organizational units.
hift "lanning. used to schedule the optimum number of
appropriately (ualified personnel on the basis of job
+apacity "lanning. 0ogistics component used to
schedule persons on the basis of their availability
and (ualifications to complete wor/ for specific wor/
1I. perform simplified reporting for employee data in
the organizational plan.
Manager2s ,es/top. supports managers in their
administrative as well as strategic daily tas/s.
,efine "ersonnel area?
It is a "ersonnel !dministration specific unit and is
the subunit of the company code. It has four'digit
alphanumeric identifiers.
What are the primary functions of "ersonnel !rea?
3 To generate default values for data entry 4 for
payroll accounting area
3 It is a selection criteria for reporting
3 It constitutes a unit in authorization chec/s
What is the default value for personnel area?
It is based on the organizational unit concerned or
the !ccount !ssignment 5eatures info'type* if it has
been maintained for the position.
,efine "ersonnel ub'area?
It represents a further sub'division of the personnel
area. The principal organizational aspects of human
resources are controlled at this level namely pay
scale and wage type structures and planning of wor/
schedules and are stored according to country. 0i/e
personnel area* it does also have four'digit
alphanumeric identifier.
What is the default value for personnel sub'area and
business area?
,efault values for these areas come from account
assignment features infotype #number 6778??& for the
position or organizational unit concerned.
Where do you find divisions of an organization?
"ersonnel sub'area is generally used to identify
What the organisational functions of the personnel
3 To specify the country grouping. Master data entry
and the setting up and processing of wage types and
pay scale groups in payroll depend on the country
grouping. The grouping must be uni(ue within a company
3 To assign a legal person which differentiates
between companies in legal terms.
3 To set groupings for Time Management so that wor/
schedules and substitution* absence and leave types
can be set up for individual personnel sub'areas.
3 To generate a default pay scale type and area for an
employee9s basic pay.
3 To define a public holiday calendar.
3 To define sub'area'specific wage types for each
personnel area.
Which control features are influenced using personnel
What is an e$ternal personnel area and personnel
This relevant only for personnel areas that are
outside an enterprise and contain such as address of
the receiving personnel area. 5or e$ample* a guy is
sent to subsidiary which is a self'administering
company located abroad.
What is country re'assignment?
If an employee is transferred out to another country*
then we have to run a personnel action to set the
status 7 for the e$isting country and hire the same
person in the new country.
,efine employee group?
,efines the relationship between an employee and a
company in that the employee ma/es a certain
contribution to the company in terms of wor/. !ctive
employees* pensioners and early retirees ma/e up the
main employee groups in "ersonnel !dministration.
It is identified by a two digit alpha numeric.
"rimary functions of employee group?
3 ,efault values can be generated for payroll
accounting area and basic pay* for e$ample* according
to employee group.
3 The employee group is used as a selection criterion
for reporting.
3 The employee group is one unit of the authorization
3 It can be used to generate default values for data
entry* for e$ample* for the payroll area or an
employee:s basic pay.
3 It is used as a selection criterion for reporting.
3 It is used as an entity for authorization chec/s.
3 !s a rule* you can use the standard entries in the
system for setting up employee groups. If necessary*
you can also add to these entries so that they meet
your re(uirements
,efine employee sub'group?
The employee subgroup is a fine division of employee
groups according to the status of employees and
identified by two'digit alphanumeric. !n employee
group is comprised of a number of employee subgroups.
The following employee subgroups ma/e up the ;active;
employee group* for e$ample.
3 1ourly wage earners
3 Monthly wage earners
3 "ay scale employees
3 )on'pay scale employees
"rimary functions of employee sub'group?
3 The employee subgroup grouping for the personnel
calculation rule controls how an employee:s payroll is
processed* for e$ample* whether an employee is to be
paid on an hourly or monthly basis.
3 The employee subgroup grouping for primary wage
types controls the validity of wage types at the
employee subgroup level.
3 The grouping for collective agreement provision
restricts the validity of pay scale groups to specific
employee subgroups.
3 The employee subgroup grouping for the wor/ schedule
allows you to define which wor/ schedules are valid
for which employees.
3 The employee subgroup grouping for time (uotas
allows you to specific which attendance and absence
(uota types are valid for which employee subgroups.
3 The employee subgroup grouping for appraisals allows
you to define appraisal criteria for each employee
3 !ssign employee characteristics* such as the
activity status* employment status* and level of
education<training* for statistical purposes.
3 The employee subgroup allows you to define default
values for data entry* for e$ample* for the payroll
area or basic pay.
Which control features are influenced using employee
What elements ma/e up the enterprise structure? What
components are authorization objects in enterprise
"ersonnel area and personnel sub'area.
What elements determine the enterprise structure for
personnel administration?
+lient* +ompany +ode* "ersonnel area and "ersonnel
What elements ma/e up the personnel structure?
-mployee group and employee sub'group
What elements ma/e up the organizational structure?
"osition* =ob >ey* %rganizational ?nit and
%rganizational /ey
What factors are decisive in determining enterprises*
personnel and organizational structures?
What are the views in "ersonnel tructure?
There are two different views in the personnel
!dministrative view
3 -mployee group
3 -mployee subgroup* and also
3 "ayroll group
3 %rganizational /ey
%rganizational view
3 "osition
3 =ob
3 %rganizational unit
These levels are subject to authorization chec/s* to
define remuneration levels or different wor/
schedules* for e$ample.
What is a payroll accounting area? Is payroll area
It is an organizational unit defined for the purposes
of payroll accounting. !ll employees who are accounted
together are assigned to the same payroll accounting
It provides the payroll driver with two pieces of
information. number of employees to be accounted as
per %! assignment IT @ dates of the payroll period. !n
employee may only change payroll accounting areas at
the end of a period. If an employee changes status
from wage earner to salaried employee in the middle of
the month* and the payroll accounting area is
different for both* you should not enter the new
payroll accounting area until the start of the
following month.
Where is payroll area assigned to?
"ersonnel area or personnel sub'area. "lease find
What is an organizational /ey used for?
We use all the fields of %rganizational !ssignment*
edit and sort names to create an organizational /ey
#6A characters field&. It is the part of the
authorization chec/ in 1B module and we revise the
authorization chec/ by using organizational /ey.
1ow do you create organizational /ey?
Where do you start the configuration in 1B module?
%rganizational structure
What are user group and reference user group?
Beference user group is 77 and is the default user
group for accessing. We create different numbers for
each module to be created under 1B so that access is
barred for users other than current module.
6. What is the concept of %rganizational Management?
%rganizational Management is based on the concept that
each element of the organization constitutes a uni(ue
object with individual attributes.
C. What is purpose of %rganizational Management?
%M forms the base for personal planning and
development and allows us to analyze and adjust an
organisational plan as well as structure data.
D. Why do we need an organizational management?
a. To create a complete model of the organizational
and reporting structures of an enterprise for a
specific period.
b. To obtain an overview of the current status of an
organizational and reporting structures at any time
using a number of methods.
c. "lan and simulate future scenarios using
%rganizational Management
d. It provides a basis for other 1B components* as
well as cross application components
D. Which statuses can be assigned to the info'types in
%rganizational Management?
A. What is an organizational "lan?
%rganizational plan is the comprehensive and dynamic
model of the structural and personnel environment in
an enterprise* which can be evaluated at any time.
E. 1ow do you create organisational plan?
%rganizational plans are defined in organizational
management. This can be done in organisational and
staffing or the -$pert mode.
F. What are the steps for creating an organisational
a. +reate root organizational units
b. +reate sub'ordinate organizational units
c. +reate jobs and positions
d. !ssign tas/s and +ost center
e. !ssign persons
f. !dd other attributes
G. What is the use of organizational "lan?
It gives a fle$ible basis for personnel planning*
previewing and reporting.
8. What is the basis for creating an organisational
%rganizational tructure
H. 1ow many structures does an organizational plan
Two. 6. %rganizational structure C. Beporting
a. %rganizational tructure
It depicts the assignment of the organizational units
to one another. We create an organizational structure
by creating and maintaining organizational units*
which we then relate to each other. It is based on
a. Tas/s and functions of the company
b. 5inancial or geographical
c. Beporting
b. Beporting tructure
If the actual reporting structure of an enterprise
differs from the organizational structure* and the
relationships between positions are one'dimensional
and hierarchical* you can depict them in a reporting
0ist the interfaces with which you can maintain your
organizational plan in %rganisational Management.
The %rganizational Management component includes
various user group'specific modes and views with which
to edit organizational plans.
The %rganization and taffing view provides an
intuitive interface for creating and editing
organizational plans.
The General tructures view allows you to edit
organizational plans with any structure including
object types which you have defined yourself #teams*
for e$ample&.
The Matri$ view is for creating and editing matri$
Infotype Maintenance allows you to edit the
characteristics of various objects and their
relationships via info'types.
tructural Graphics enables you to view objects and
structures* and perform a variety of maintenance
activities for the objects in graphical format.
imple Maintenance provides an overview of object and
structure editing.
1ow do you create staff assignments?
Iy creating positions based on the jobs* assigning
them to an organizational unit and allocating them a
position holder.
What is an organigram?
It is the name for a reporting structure or matri$
management structure associated with an organizational
plan to represent the chain of command or authority
What is a "lan Jersion?
It is used to store different organizational plan
scenarios such as restructuring* e$panding* downsizing
etc in plans such as +urrent plan* business plan*
perspective plan etc. %ne of the plan versions
represents a current or actual organizational plan and
is flagged as the active integration plan version.
+an we create duplicate copy of plan version?
Kes* it is possible to create multiple copies of the
original plan version and change the duplicates as
re(uired. The original remains unaffected by any such
1ow do you set up a plan version?
We set up the plan versions* which a company re(uires*
in the personnel management IMG. We enter the plan
version in the "0%GI parameter group.
1ow many plan versions may be integrated with other
!" Modules?
%nly one plan version may be integrated with other !"
+an we use or delete plan version L..M?
The plan version L..M must not be used or deleted
since it is used for the transport* inde$ing and
general control of all plan versions.
1ow do you assign an employee to company structure?
1iring action assigns an employee to the company
structure. The data is saved in info'type
%rganizational !ssignment #IT 7776&
What are the methodologies used in %M
Methodology . Multiple tructures
3 tructural model of the organization based on the
tas/s* responsibilities and functions of company
3 tructural model of the organization based upon
financial accountability or geography
3 Model of the reporting structure
3 Model of alternate reporting structure
Methodology . %bject'%riented ,esign
%rganizational Management is based on the concept that
each element in an organization represents a
stand'alone object with individual characteristics.
These objects are created and maintained separately*
then lin/ed together through relationships* such as
those indicated above* to form a networ/ which has the
fle$ibility to handle human resource forecasting* and
Kou can also create additional characteristics for
objects. This provides additional information for
other components* evaluations and so on. !ll object
characteristics #e$istence<relationships
<characteristics& are maintained in info'types.
Methodology . "lanning
%rganisational Management enables you to depict the
structure of your organization in the past* present
and future. ?sing this information* you can prepare
for and react to future resources re(uirements and
Methodology . "lan Jersions
ame as mentioned above.
%bject Types
What is an object ?
It represents each information class in an
organizational plan.
1ow do you identify an %bject?
%bject type is identified by a combination of plan
version* object type* and object I,
What are the components of an object?
6. I, N* a short and long te$t defining the e$istence
of the object
C. tructural relationships between the object and
other objects
D. Third component is represented by the object
!ll these components are created as info'types. Kou
can define particular characteristics for an object in
each info'type.
Where do you maintain object characteristics?
Where do you maintain relationships between objects?
Info'types or organizational plan
When can we assign additional characteristics to the
%nce we have created the structure using objects and
relationships* you can assign additional
characteristics to the objects. 5or e$ample* we can
assign additional characteristics such as vacancy*
wor/ schedule and e$pected salary to %bject "erson.
What is object I,?
When an object is created* an object I, must be
assigned. Internal number assignment is by the
system* indicated by I) and e$ternal number assignment
is by the administrator is indicated by -O. %bject id
is identified by an eight'digit numeric. !"
recommends the use of the internal number assignment.
1ow many planning statuses are there? #%bject status
5ive. They are
6. !ctive
C. "lanned
D. ubmitted
A. !pproved
E. Bejected
What is the purpose of Belationship Jalidity
-ach info'type record uses a start and end date to
identify the validity of the info'type data.
Belationships between objects may only e$ist during
the time when both objects are valid. If an object is
delimited* all the object9s relationships and
characteristics are also automatically delimited.
Belated objects are unaffected.
5or e$ample* consider organizational assignment
info'type for a particular individual who was assigned
to three different departments in the last five years.
Three different records for the relevant period of
assignment in each department will be created.
What is the use of validity period or validity dates?
3 !llow you to define the life span of an object or
info'type record
3 Identify changes to your organization while
retaining historical data
3 !llow you to evaluate the organizational structure
on /ey dates past* present and future
What are the mandatory characteristics of an object?
6. %bject I,
C. %bject name and abbreviation
D. %bject type
A. "lanning status
E. "lan version
F. Belationship validity period
0ist the most common object types used in %rg Mgmt?
%bject Type %bject Type >eys
%rganizational ?nit %
=ob +
+ost +enter >
"erson "
Pualification P
Tas/s T
Wor/ +enter !
Iudget I?
What is an organisational unit #%&?
It describes the different business units that e$ist
in an enterprise that are usually structured according
to tas/s and functions. These are used to model
structures in "ersonnel !dministration or "ayroll
!ccounting* for e$ample. %rganizational units are
related to cost centers from +ontrolling.
What is a =ob #+&
=ob represents a uni(ue classification of
responsibilities in an organization. When we create
jobs* we should consider what specific tas/s and
re(uirements are associated with the individual jobs.
Which are the application components where jobs are
3 =ob and "osition ,escription
3 hift "lanning
3 "ersonnel +ost "lanning
3 +areer and uccession "lanning
What is the difference between =ob Be(uirement and =ob
=ob re(uirement represents list of s/ills and
e$perience re(uired in order to be suitable in a
position* job* tas/ or wor/ center* whereas job
(ualification represents only list of s/ills.
What is a "osition #&
"osition is held by employees. ! position inherits a
job9s tas/s but we can also define additional tas/s
related to duties performed specifically by that
If characteristics of a job are changed* this has an
effect on the position as position inherits
characteristics from =ob. "ositions can be 677Q
filled* partially filled* or vacant. %ne position may
also be shared by a number of employees* each wor/ing
less than full time. 5or e$ample* two employees can
hold F7Q and A7Q of a position.
What is automatic object inheritance?
When we create a new position then that must be
related to the corresponding job. Through this
relationship* an object automatically inherits the
attributes of another object if the two are related in
certain ways.
What is the advantage of object inheritance?
!utomatic inheritance can be used to advantage when
creating large number of similar objects. This
significantly reduces data entry time* as tas/s and
characteristics do not have to be assigned to each
position separately.
What is the difference between job and position?
=ob is single and position is multiple. We can define
multiple positions against a single job not vice
Where do you create organisational units* jobs*
position and tas/?
These are defined in organizational management. This
can be done in organisational and staffing or the
-$pert mode under create mode.
"erson #"&
"erson #employee& hold positions in the organizational
structure* which is governed by %rganizational
Management. "erson characteristics are maintained in
"ersonnel !dministration and are lin/ed to an
organizational plan through their position assignment.
! person can fill a position 677Q or partially. This
depends on the number of wor/ing hours assigned to the
position and on the person9s wor/ schedule.
What is staffing percentage?
The staffing percentage refers to the wor/ capacity of
the person assigned to the position. If the staffing
percentage of the person is greater than the
re(uirements of the position* the position is
overstaffed. If one or more holders do not fulfill the
re(uirements of the position* the position is
What is cost center #>&?
It is maintained in 5inancial !ccounting and can be
lin/ed to either organizational units or positions.
+ost center assignments are inherited along the
organizational structure
Why do we always attach cost center to organizational
units? What will happen if cost center is assigned
against positions?
What is a Tas/ #T& and how do you assign it a
It describes the duties and responsibilities performed
in a job and position. Tas/s can be classified under
the following aspects.
3 !s wor/flow components to monitor cross'application
3 !s personnel management tools* to describe jobs and
!ll tas/s are contained in a tas/ catalog. The tas/
catalog lists all tas/s that e$ist in a particular
period. The catalog also shows the relationships that
e$ist between tas/s if tas/ groups have been defined.
If you plan to relate tas/s to positions* you should
first relate the tas/s that all positions have in
common to the corresponding job. When you create a
position based on a job* the tas/s will then
automatically be transferred to the position. If you
assign the same tas/s to different jobs* you can use
different weightings* which gives you more information
when analyzing job descriptions.
Tas/ Group is a collection of conveniently associated
tas/s* perhaps* because they are usually performed by
the same person. ! tas/ group can be used to (uic/ly
relate many tas/s to a job or to a position.
Tas/ "rofile is a list of the individual tas/s that
have been assigned to a specific object. It
collectively defines an object9s purpose* role or
action in the B<D system.
"hase is a category in the +haracter info'type that
can be used to classify how tas/s fit into a business
"urpose is the category of the +haracter type that can
be used to differentiate between tas/s that contribute
directly to the goods and services produced by your
company and tas/s regarded as administrative.
Wor/ +enter #!&
! wor/ center can represent anything as general as a
geographical location* such as the "hiladelphia branch
office* or they can be very precisely defined* such as
a particular wor/station with specific e(uipment in a
specific building #this may ma/e sense in a factory*
or plant* for e$ample&.
When you have created wor/ centers* you describe their
attributes* such as certain health re(uirements or
physical restrictions limiting the group of employees
that may wor/ there. Kou may define restrictions or
you might specify certain e$aminations that have to be
completed at regular intervals.
Iudget #I?& ' Its role comes in compensation
management where budget for personnel are defined and
is assigned to organizational units.
Pualification #P& ' Its role comes in personnel
development and is assigned to persons* jobs and
ome object types are not applicable in %rganizational
Management though they are defined in the same tables
as the %rganizational Management objects. 5or
e$ample. %bject types ,* -* 5 @ G are similar in
nature to %rganizational Management object types* but
are only applicable to Training and -vents Management
What is the difference between organizational unit and
wor/ center?
Belationship identification
The relationships between basic object types are
defined in the !" tandard ystem and should not be
changed. -ach standard relationship has a three'digit
code and standard synta$ is !<I 777.
Kou can define your own relationships. The range !!!
to RRR is reserved for relationships created by the
Belationships are reciprocal. If a job describes a
position* then the position* in turn* will be
described by the job. These relationships are
distinguished by the identification ! or I. It is
therefore* only necessary to create a relationship in
one direction. The inverse relationship will
automatically be created by the system.
! relationship may also be one'sided. Belationships to
objects of an e$ternal object type #cost centreS in
+ontrolling* for e$ample&* are one'sided* that is*
they only go in one direction.
What are the important relationships?
6. !<I 77C is about supervision
%bject relationship . %rganizational units
!n organisational unit reports to another
organizational unit.
!<I 77D is about ownership
%bject relationship . %rg. ?nits and positions.
!<I 77G is about description
%bject relationship . =ob and "ositions
!<I 778 is about holding
%bject relationship . "osition and persons.
!<I 7A6 is about lateral or flat relationship
%rganisation staffing and interface
-$plain organization and staffing interface?
,uring implementation and in production* the structure
of a company will change and the organizational plan
will need to be maintained. The organization and
staffing interface is used to perform the tas/s
associated with this maintenance.
What are the functions of organization and staffing
The functions in %rganization and taffing let you
create organizational units* positions* jobs* and
tas/s (uic/ly and easily. Kou only specify the most
important details for these objects. %rganization and
taffing :/nows: what relationships to create and does
so automatically
What are the main areas of organization and staffing
What all we can do with %rganization and staffing?
3 +reate and maintain the basic data for your
organizational plan
3 +reate and maintain the reporting structure
#hierarchy of positions& that e$ists between the
positions in your organizational plan
3 +reate and maintain cost centre assignments and the
default settings for cost centres
3 +reate and maintain certain info'types.
3 To minimize the number of processes* not all
functions are available in imple Maintenance.
3 !ll objects you create in %rganization and taffing
automatically get Tactive9 status and an object I,.
+reate most of the objects and relationships in your
organizational plan in %rganization and taffing. ?se
e$pert mode to maintain individual objects at a
detailed level* especially when you want to maintain
info'types for a specific object.
1ow many search tools available in the search area of
%rganisation and staffing?
Three. They are
6. earch using a search term
C. tructural search
D. Puery search
What is /ey date?
-very time when we log on* the current date is set as
the /ey date. We can change the /ey date and data
valid on the date you have selected is displayed.
What is preview period?
When we logon initially* a preview period of D months
is set* that is* all changes to data that happen in
this period are displayed. We can change this preview
period. )e$t time we log on* the preview period* which
has been selected* is set.
-$plain ways to create organisational units and assign
cost centers?
%n the organization and staffing change screen* be
sure to enter the validity date and preview period.
?se the search area to find the OKR +orporation and
double'clic/. taff assignments structure for the
organisational unit will appear.
+hoose create icon. We will be as/ed what /ind of
object we wish to create #org unit<"osition&* select
organisational unit and enter a new name and
abbreviation. The relationship between organisational
units is created automatically.
Belate the new organizational unit to a cost center on
the account assignment #6778& tab page. elect the
master cost center field and search for a cost center
using the search help.
To create sub'ordinate organisational unit* select
parent organisational unit* and choose create icon as
we did for the parent one and save the organizational
-$plain ways to create and assign positions defined by
-nsure we are in the staff assignments #structure&
view. elect the benefits organizational unit in the
overview area.
+hoose create* select position* and name it. The
relationship to the organizational unit will be
created automatically. To search for an e$isting job*
enter 77U directly in the job field* this will access
a list from which we can choose a job. If we want to
create a new job* select create jobs from the edit
menu* ensure that we enter the correct validity period
and save the entries.
-$plain ways to associate tas/s to position
elect the Tas/ !ssignment view in the overview area.
elect the position to which you want to assign tas/s.
If we want to create our own tas/s* choose the create
icon and the tas/. If we want to use tas/s which
already e$ist* use the search area to populate the
selection area with tas/s. -$isting tas/s will be
prefi$ed with 77U. %nce the selection area contains
tas/s* you can drag and drop them to the relevant
position in the overview area.
!lternatively* we can also assign tas/s in the staff
assignments #structure& view. To do this* select
relevant position* and then the tas/s tab page. ?se
search area to search for tas/s. %nce they appear in
the selection area* we can drag them to the tas/ list.
-$pert Mode. Infotype Maintenance
What is the use of -$pert Mode?
We have a complete depiction of an organization* but
now want to add more information on the individual
objects 4 give a description* certain positions to be
flagged as vacant and some departments to be
characterized as administrative departments etc.* we
ta/e the help of e$pert mode
What is an info'type?
6. 0ogical or business related characteristics of an
C. ,ata fields are grouped into data group or
information units according to their content.
Info'types are accessed directly from info'type
maintenance. %bjects with various statuses can be
Which table is containing Info'type characteristics?
What are the different number ranges for info'types?
1ow do you enhance a standard info'type?
,o you need an access /ey if you have to do an
enhancement to a standard info'type?
1ow do you create a new info'type?
Transaction code "M76 ta/es you to the screen to
create new info'type. We can create three type of
6. 5or personnel administration
C. 5or Becruitment
D. 5or both
Info'types number between H777'HHHH are reserved for
customer created info'type.
What is info'type menus and how to create it?
"M @NF6FFAW "! @NF6FFAW +ustomize procedure @NF6FFAW
Infotype menus
Is it mandatory to configure info groups? +an we do
without them?
1ow do you maintain info'types in the relevant e$pert
"lan version. -nsure you wor/ in the correct plan
version at all times.
%rganizational unit. The object I, is displayed. This
enables the user to carry out a search for the object
in (uestion.
!bbreviation. The abbreviation is displayed so that
the user can ensure that the right object is being
Jalidity period. tart and end dates specify the
period during which the object e$ists in the plan
version and selected.
Info'type. Kou select the info'type you want to
tatus. Kou must select the status of the info'type
you want to maintain using the tab pages.
,isplay available info'types. It is easy to tell at
first glance which info'type records e$ist for the
object selected. ,epending on the period* they are
mar/ed by a green chec/ mar/.

What is an action? What are the info'types used for
standard action for creating position?
We create objects using actions. !n action is a
series of info'types that are presented for editing in
a specific order or se(uence. We determine the
info'types and the se(uence in customizing. -ach
action can only be defined for one object type.
When defining an action* ma/e sure that we are
assigning info'types in a logical order. The object
info'type should always be edited first and have 76 as
its line number.
Info'types for creating position
6. %bject info'type
C. Belationship to organizational unit
D. Belationship to describing job
A. ,escription info'type
E. ,epartment<taff info'type
What is the use of cost distribution info'type #6768&?
It allows organizational units and positions to be
assigned to both a master cost centre and additional
cost centres. Kou must enter a cost centre and a
percentage. The assignment to the master cost centre
is based on the difference #to 677Q&. !n employee will
inherit the master cost centre assigned to their
position or organizational unit.
"ersonnel +ost "lanning uses the Master ,ata +ost
,istribution info type #77CG& for cost planning for
basic pay and payroll results. If this has not been
maintained* it uses the +ost ,istribution info type
#6768& in %rganizational Management. The
%rganizational Management +ost ,istribution info type
is always used for cost planning for planned
If it is available* the Master ,ata +ost ,istribution
info type #77CG& is used to determine and assign
personnel costs in "ayroll !ccounting. If this info
type has not been maintained* however* the system*
where possible* accesses the %rganizational Management
+ost ,istribution info type #6768&.

imple Maintenance
-$plain the uses of the simple maintenance interface?
imple Maintenance is used when taff assignments and
reporting structure are to be changed. There are
three main areas in imple Maintenance. -ach area
contains particular maintenance functions* depending
on whether you want to edit organizational structure*
staff assignments or tas/ profiles.
5or %rganizational Management users* imple
Maintenance is best used to establish the basic
framewor/ in organizational plan development.
5or complete* detailed editing of individual
organizational objects in your organizational plan
#editing particular positions or organizational units*
for e$ample&* we recommend that you switch to
Info'type Maintenance.
imple maintenance uses a tree structure* which allows
you to create a basic framewor/ for organizational
plans* using streamlined procedures. In this way* we
can create an organizational and reporting structures
step by step.
1ow many main areas are in simple maintenance?X
There are three main areas in imple Maintenance.
-ach area contains particular maintenance functions*
depending on whether you want to edit organizational
structures* staff assignments or tas/ profiles.
+hange %rganizational tructure
3 5oundation screen in imple Maintenance. Kour
activities always begin there and then switch to the
other screens in imple Maintenance* as appropriate.
3 This screen allows you to build up and maintain the
organizational structure for your organizational plan.
+hange taff !ssignments
3 The +hange taff !ssignments screen allows you to
identify the staff assignments re(uired for an
organizational plan.
3 When you create positions on the +hange taff
!ssignments screen* you also automatically create the
relationships records that lin/ positions with
organizational units. If you create positions by
copying jobs* the system creates the relationship
records that lin/ positions and jobs.
+hange Tas/ "rofile
3 The +hange Tas/ "rofile screen allows you to create*
maintain* and view tas/ profiles for organizational
units* jobs* positions and users
3 The types of tas/s you can wor/ with in the +hange
Tas/ "rofile screen depend on the view you have
)ame and e$plain the two views under simple
6. %verall Jiew C. 1B Jiew
The difference between the overall and 1B views hinges
on tas/s and tas/ profiles.
In overall view* you can wor/ with tas/s* standard
tas/s* wor/flow tas/s* wor/ flow templates and roles.
In the 1B view* you can only wor/ with tas/s and
standard tas/s.
In general structure maintenance* it is possible to
represent the legal entity of organizational units?
What is the difference between general structure and
matri$ organization?
General structure is used to depict teams of an
organization in the system. Matri$ structure is used
when a company9s holding company must also be
represented in the organizational plan.
What is the difference between hierarchical
organization and matri$ organization?
! matri$ organization is distinguished from a
hierarchical organization because the matri$ contains
at least one position that reports to more than one
superior. Matri$ types must be defined before you can
access matri$ processing by choosing matri$ types.
! matri$ organization is a two'dimensional chain of
command* in which positions* for e$ample* report to
more than one superior. ! feature of the matri$
organization is that more than one manager can overlap
on the same level. there can be managers responsible
for objects #5inance* Manufacturing* 1uman Besources
and so on& and managers responsible for performanceW
in the same way* you could also have managers
responsible for projects* or regional managers.
+an you use the organizational structure to form a
matri$ organization?
What is an evaluation path?
-valuation paths are chains of relationships that
e$ist between certain object types.
-$ample %''" 4 taff assignments along organizational
What is the use of an evaluation path?
-valuation paths define how a tree structure will be
created. !s objects may have multiple relationships*
not all will be applicable or even possible in a
single view. The search parameters for the evaluation
path allow you to identify objects in the path you
wish to find.
1ow do you create an evaluation path?
-valuation paths are created in organizational
management +ustomizing under basic settings. %ne or
more relationships form the navigation paths for an
evaluation. These enable us to report on and display
structural information* for e$ample* organizational
structure or the reporting structure.
We can create alphanumeric evaluation paths with a
ma$imum of 8 characters starting with R.
Which situations re(uire new evaluation paths?
Is it possible to create new evaluation paths in

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