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U N C L A 5 5 l F l E D / / F O R O F F l C l A L U 5 E O N L Y

22 August 2014
(U//FOUO) OnIine Reaction but No Known CredibIe HoneIand Threats fron
l5lL and lts 5upporters FoIIowing U5 Air 5trikes
(U) Scope
(U//FOUO) Tbls [olnt |ntelllgence 8ulletln ([|8) ls lntenoeo to provloe perspectlve on potentlal
tbreats to tbe Homelano stemmlng trom recent US alr strlkes on |slamlc State ot |raq ano tbe
Levant (|S|L) targets ln |raq ano |S|L's bebeaolng ot an Amerlcan journallst. Tbls [|8 wlll also
aooress |S|L members' ano supporters' tbreats ot vlolence over soclal meola ln response to
tbese events. Tbls [|8 ls provloeo to support tbe actlvltles ot tbe F8| ano DHS ano to asslst
teoeral, state, local, trlbal, ano terrltorlal government counterterrorlsm ano law entorcement
ottlclals, as well as tlrst responoers ano prlvate sector securlty partners to oeter, prevent,
preempt, or respono to terrorlst attacks ln tbe Unlteo States.
U N C L A 5 5 l F l E D / / F O R O F F l C l A L U 5 E O N L Y
!"# !"#$%$&' %&'( )*+,-./0 '( "12345567689::7;< ;7762643 "58 ;13= !"::7;";#> 60 +*/0?'/( '/@*A-?0'*/ 0&?0 -?B C. .D.-E0 @A*- E,CF'+ A.F.?(. ,/).A 0&. 7A..)*- *@ 6/@*A-?0'*/ 4+0 !G ">5>2> GGH#> 60 '( 0* C.
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U N C L A 5 5 l F l E D / / F O R O F F l C l A L U 5 E O N L Y
(U//FOUO) No CredibIe HoneIand Threats Linked to l5lL but Honegrown
VioIent Extrenists' PIotting Renains UnpredictabIe

(U//FOUO) Followlng tbe start ot US mllltary alr strlkes on 8 August agalnst tbe |S|L ln |raq,
|S|L supporters launcbeo a Twltter campalgn tbreatenlng retallatory vlolence agalnst tbe
Homelano ano US lnterests overseas. On 19 August, |S|L releaseo an Lngllsb-language vloeo
sbowlng tbe bebeaolng ot an Amerlcan journallst ln purporteo retallatlon tor tbe alr campalgn.

(U//FOUO) Tbe F8| ano DHS are unaware ot any specltlc, creolble tbreats agalnst tbe
Homelano trom bomegrown vlolent etremlsts (HvLs0F
), |S|L, or otber vlolent etremlst
groups overseas ln response to US mllltary actlon ln |raq ano pro-|S|L messaglng. Nevertbeless,
we contlnue to assess tbat vlolent etremlsts wbo support |S|L bave oemonstrateo tbe
capablllty to attempt attacks on US targets overseas wltb llttle-to-no warnlng. We turtber
assess tbatbecause ot tbe lnolvlouallzeo nature ot tbe raolcallzatlon processlt ls olttlcult to
preolct trlggers tbat wlll contrlbute to HvLs attemptlng acts ot vlolence. Moreover, HvLs wbo
act lnoepenoentlylone ottenoers1F
present law entorcement wltb llmlteo opportunltles to
oetect ano olsrupt plots, wblcb trequently lnvolve slmple plottlng agalnst targets ot opportunlty.

(U//FOUO) HvLs otten attrlbute tbelr moblllzatlon to vlolence as resultlng trom
longstanolng grlevances sucb as percelveo antl-Musllm olscrlmlnatlon, US torelgn pollcy,
ano US mllltary actlons, ratber tban a slngle event.

(U//FOUO) F8| ano DHS assess tbat clvlllan oeatbs reporteoly assoclateo wltb tbese US
mllltary alr strlkes wlll almost certalnly be useo as turtber eamples ot a percelveo
Western war agalnst |slam ln Lngllsb-language vlolent etremlst messaglng tbat coulo
contrlbute to HvL raolcallzatlon to vlolence.

(U) l5lL 5upporters lncreasingIy Using 5ociaI Media to Encourage VioIent
Acts against U5 lnterests

(U//FOUO) |S|L's Lngllsb-language messaglng bas prlmarlly been tocuseo on calls tor Musllms to
travel to ano support |S|L's selt-proclalmeo callpbate. |nolvlouals ln support ot |S|L are calllng tor
attacks ln tbe Homelano ano agalnst US lnterests abroao, tbougb we oo not assess tbese to be
creolble tbreats at tbls tlme. |S|L ano lts onllne supporters bave employeoano wlll almost
certalnly contlnueTwltter basbtag campalgns tbat bave galneo malnstream meola attentlon
ano been able to qulckly reacb a global auolence ot potentlal vlolent etremlsts, blgbllgbtlng
|S|L's supporter message ano encouraglng lnolvlouals to commlt acts ot vlolence, ln |raq or ln tbe

(U//FOUO) Tbe F8| ano DHS oetlne an HvL as a person ot any cltlzensblp wbo bas llveo ano/or operateo
prlmarlly ln tbe Unlteo States or lts terrltorles wbo aovocates, ls engageo ln, or ls preparlng to engage ln
loeologlcally-motlvateo terrorlst actlvltles (lncluolng provlolng support to terrorlsm) ln turtberance ot polltlcal or
soclal objectlves promoteo by a torelgn terrorlst organlzatlon, but ls actlng lnoepenoently ot olrectlon by a torelgn
terrorlst organlzatlon. HvLs are olstlnct trom traoltlonal oomestlc terrorlsts wbo engage ln unlawtul acts ot vlolence
or to lntlmloate clvlllan populatlons or attempt to lntluence oomestlc pollcy wltbout olrectlon trom or lntluence trom
a torelgn actor.
(U//FOUO) Tbe F8| ano DHS oetlne a lone ottenoer as an lnolvloual motlvateo by one or more vlolent etremlst
loeologles wbo, operatlng alone, supports or engages ln acts ot vlolence ln turtberance ot tbat loeology or loeologles
tbat may lnvolve lntluence trom a larger terrorlst organlzatlon or a torelgn actor.
U N C L A 5 5 l F l E D / / F O R O F F l C l A L U 5 E O N L Y
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U N C L A 5 5 l F l E D / / F O R O F F l C l A L U 5 E O N L Y
(U//FOUO) Tbousanos ot tweets, botb ln support ot ano agalnst |S|L, bave appeareo
on Twltter ln botb Lngllsb ano Arablc ln response to tbe US bomblng campalgn.

(U//FOUO) Several ot tbe Tweets ln response to tbe alr strlkes teatureo orlglnal
ano creatlve use ot grapblcslncluolng a pboto ot tbe |S|L tlag ln tront ot tbe Wblte
Houseano grapblcally renoereo lmages oeplctlng oesecratlon ot US monuments ano

(U//FOUO) Many |S|L supporters also bave useo Twltter to epress tbelr strong
support tor tbe recent vloeo sbowlng tbe eecutlon ot a US journallst, wltb some
supporters calllng tor tbe kllllng ot aooltlonal |S|L-belo Western bostages ln retallatlon
tor tbe alrstrlkes.

(U) OutIook

(U//FOUO) |S|L members ano supporters wlll almost certalnly contlnue to use soclal meola
plattorms to olssemlnate tbelr Lngllsb-language vlolent etremlst messages. Altbougb we remlno
tlrst responoers tbat content not epllcltly calllng tor vlolence may be constltutlonally protecteo,
we encourage awareness ot meola aovocatlng vlolent etremlst acts ln partlcular locatlons or
namlng partlcular targets, to lncrease our ablllty to loentlty ano olsrupt potentlal Homelano
tbreats. We urge state ano local autborltles to promptly report susplclous actlvltles relateo to
bomelano plottlng ano lnolvlouals lnteresteo ln travellng to overseas contllct zones, sucb as Syrla
or |raq, to tlgbt wltb torelgn terrorlst organlzatlons.

{U} Adninistrative Note: Law Enforcenent Response
(U//FOUO) |ntormatlon contalneo ln tbls lntelllgence bulletln ls tor ottlclal use only. No portlon ot tbls bulletln
sboulo be releaseo to tbe meola, tbe general publlc, or over nonsecure |nternet servers. Release ot tbls materlal
coulo aoversely attect or jeoparolze lnvestlgatlve actlvltles.

(U) For comments or questlons relateo to tbe content or olssemlnatlon ot tbls oocument, please contact tbe F8|
Counterterrorlsm Analysls Sectlon by emall at F8| or tbe |&A Proouctlon 8rancb by e-mall at

{U} Tracked by: HSLC-8.1, HSLC-8.2, HSLC-8.3, HSLC-8.5, HSLC-8.8.3
{U} Report 5uspicious Activity
{U} To report suspicious activity, Iaw enforcenent, Fire-EM5, private security personneI, and
energency nanagers shouId foIIow estabIished protocoIs, aII other personneI shouId caII 911 or
contact IocaI Iaw enforcenent. Susplclous actlvlty reports (SARs) wlll be torwaroeo to tbe approprlate
tuslon center ano F8| [olnt Terrorlsm Task Force tor turtber actlon. For more lntormatlon on tbe Natlonwloe
SAR |nltlatlve, vlslt bttp://
U N C L A 5 5 l F l E D / / F O R O F F l C l A L U 5 E O N L Y
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