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Unit 1 Exam: Ecology Review Packet
Answer ALL the questions to the best of your ability. Write in full and complete sentences. THIS
IS DUE THE DAY OF YOUR EXAM NO EXCEPTIONS. You will NOT be able to take the exam
unless this packet is completed!

Standard 2A: Ecosystem Structure: SWBAT identify the major terrestrial and aquatic biomes and the
biological communities, keystone species, and ecological niches that make them up.

1. What two main factors determine a biomes characteristics?

2..Where in the world are desert biomes most common?

3. Why are rainforest biomes located near the equator? (hint: Think about what determines a biome).

4. Fill in the chart below for the deciduous forest biome.
Draw a small sketch here: Average temperature
and rainfall:

Locations around
the world:
Types of consumers
found here:

5. Why are keystone species so important to an ecosystem? What is their role?

6. Compare and contrast generalist species and specialist species. Be sure to define them and give an
example of each.

7. What does the acronym OSPCEB stand for? (hint: this is the way ecology is organized starting with
organisms and ending with biosphere).

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Standard 2B: Energy Flow: SWBAT diagram energy flow starting with photosynthesis and cellular
respiration and their foundation in ecological pyramids and basis for all food webs.

8. Photosynthesis turns __________________ into ___________________.

The equation for photosynthesis:

9. Using the pyramid below, create and properly label an energy pyramid with the following information:
147,000 kcal = moss and grass
147 kcal = cougar
14,700 kcal = squirrel
1,470 kcal = fox and snake

About how much energy gets transferred between each trophic level? _____

10. What is the difference between a food web and a food chain? Which one is a more accurate
depiction of real ecosystems and why?

11. Why doesnt 100% of energy get transferred to each trophic level? How are we losing or releasing

12. Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are complementary processes (complementary meaning, they
go together). Explain how they exemplify the law of conservation of matter.

13. The population density of large carnivores is always very small compared to the population density of
herbivores occupying the same ecosystem. Explain this in relation to the concept of an ecological

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Standard 2C: Ecosystem Diversity: SWBAT explain how evolution is a product of natural selection and
creates biodiversity.

14. What is natural selection? What is an adaptation?

15. Using your knowledge of natural selection, explain how predators affect the adaptations of their prey.

16. Why is biodiversity and variation important?

17. How might an invasive species decrease biodiversity?

18. In your own words, compare and contrast convergent evolution and parallel evolution.

19. Draw out the different types of natural selection. Be sure to clearly label the x- and y-axis. Which type
is most common?
Stabilizing Selection Directional selection Disruptive selection

(example: human babies)

(example: giraffes)

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Standard 2D: Natural Ecosystem Change: SWBAT describe how natural events like climate shifts cause
species movements and ecological succession.

20. Describe the process of succession that occurs after a forest fire destroys an existing biological
community. Why may periodic fire be beneficial to a community?

21. What is the difference between primary and secondary succession? Give an example of each.

22. Draw what the stages of succession in a deciduous forest might look like over time. Add an arrow
and label for time (over time do we end with annual plants or with hardwood trees?). Use the labeled
stages to guide your drawing.

Annual Plants Perennial plants
and grasses
Shrubs Pines Hardwood trees

Standard 2E: Natural Biogeochemical Cycles: SWBAT diagram and explain the importance of the
following biochemical cycles; carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, sulfur, and water. *
*wont be able to do this section until after our Monday/Tuesday lesson.

Create and properly label a diagram for the following natural cycles:
Carbon Cycle

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Water Cycle

Sulfur Cycle

Phosphorus Cycle

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Nitrogen Cycle

Notes: (here you may add questions you might have before the exam, concepts you are confused about
etc. )

I was confused about!
I have a question about!
I should study _____ concept more because..
I feel confident with _____

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