The Inevitability of Viewability

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The Inevitability of

John Montgomery
GroupM 23/11/13
GroupM Confidential 2
GroupM Confidential 3
GroupM Confidential 4
GroupM Confidential 6
Cross platform measurement
Accountability and confidence
GroupM Confidential
Here is what is holding
us back
A flawed definition of a vital currency the digital impression
Clients cannot estimate cross platform reach
Critical that we have a standard measurement across the industry
How do we convince our clients to pay for impressions that are not
Premium, quality inventory suffers at the hands of less reputable
and here is the good news.
3MS and Viewability:
a cross industry initiative to address the issues that are Holding back
significant digital spending

Define the opportunity, the outcome
Pilot viewable impression testing
MRC certification of providers (research, verification, ad-serving)
Test, test and test again vendor reconciliation/measurability
Communication to stakeholders
Establish MRC as standard
Launch Q1, 2014
Phase 2, Digital GRP

This has to be right first time
GroupM Confidential
Measurement Improvements Fuel Media Growth
Linear vs. C3 Circulation vs.
Road Traffic Count
vs. TAB Ratings
The Good News
Technical challenges largely overcome
Measurability rates up to between 75-90%
Ability to deal with nested iFrames
Consistency between vendors now acceptable
Definition excludes fraudulent impressions = better accountability
Viewability guidelines will include video ready for launch in 2014

A viewable impression is defined as an ad unit that
appears in view to a web user accounting for ad
placement, screen size, screen resolution, bounce rate
and multiple browser tabs or multiple application
windows open on a PC screen. The working minimum
exposure guideline is that 50% of an ad unit should be
in view for at least one second for the ad exposure to
be counted as viewable.
What will Viewability do for the digital business?
Increased accountability
More confidence in the digital medium
Great news for premium publishers
Bad news for commoditization
Holds digital media to the highest standard of measurement
A consistent form of measurement that will enable cross platform comparison
GRP currency
Vendors (Nielsen OCR, Comscore VCE) now able to develop models with
a verified impression
Cross platform planning to compare options to achieve audience reach
More efficient demo target planning with reach and frequency metric
Improved measure of audience reach
From gross impressions to verified demographic impressions

More reasons to use Digital!

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