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I1S Interna| Grant Awards ln l?13 $427,638 was awarded Lo 24 faculLy members
from 18 deparLmenLs. 1hese awards were based on an evaluaLlon of 70 granL appllcaLlons by an
lnLernal CranL eer 8evlew CommlLLee composed of 28 faculLy members.

kesearch In|t|at|on Grants promoLe Lhe research, scholarly and arLlsLlc acLlvlLy of Lhe faculLy
and fosLer academlc excellence wlLhln Lhe unlverslLy. 1here were 19 8lC awards awarded ln
Dawn Aycock, Notsloq, atr|c|a C|ark (mentor), SLroke Counsellng for 8lsk 8educLlon ln
?oung AdulL Afrlcan Amerlcans
G|na Ca|son, oqllsb, 8ed SLaLes: LlLeraLure, naLlve Amerlca and Lhe u.S. SouLh
Ian Campbe||, MlJJle ost lostltote, Addresslng a CrlLlcal Cap ln WesLern 8esearch on
Lhe Arablc and lrancophone LlLeraLures of osLcolonlal Morocco
Laura Carruth and Shannon Se|f-8rown, Neotoscleoce lostltote ooJ 5cbool of lobllc
neoltb, LffecLs of Lvldence-based arenLlng rogram on SLerold Pormone 8lomarkers
Among arenLs AL 8lsk for erpeLraLlon of Chlld Abuse and neglecL
Den|s Ga|nty, nlstoty, CrafLed 1radlLlons: 8luegrass Muslc ln !apan 1943-1993
au|a Garrett-kucks, MoJeto & closslcol looqooqe, 1he 8ole of Pypermedla 1esLs on
Second Language 8eadlng Comprehenslon
Markus Germann and Dav|d W||son, cbemlstty, revenLlng Lxpresslon of Lhe 8acLerlal
MulLldrug Lfflux roLeln: A new MeLhod for Cvercomlng a Ma[or Mechanlsm of urug
Ieffrey G|over, Aotbtopoloqy, 1he hoenlx ro[ecL: 8esurrecLlng Lhe MA81A
Archeologlcal CollecLlon and ALlanLa's asL
Sarah nenes, Nottltloo, LffecLs of 8arlaLrlc Surgery on 8esLlng MeLabollc 8aLe of
Severely Cbese Chlldren
N|co|e Lopan|k, 8loloqy, luncLlonal Analysls of PosL AdapLaLlon Lo SymblonL-produced
8loacLlve naLural roducLs
Ghu|am Nadr|, nlstoty, 1he arslsof SuraL (Cu[araL) ln Lhe LlghLeenLh and nlneLeenLh
CenLurles: An Lconomlc roflle of a vlbranL CommunlLy
Mark Nob|e, oqllsb, kandy Ma|amud (mentor),1he Cospel of Amerlcan ALhelsm
Ieffrey Ct|s, kloesloloqy & neoltb, LffecLs of 8esveraLrol SupplemenLaLlon ln Alcohollc
Ioe erry, nlstoty, 1he 8lse and lall of Lhe 8erlln Love arade
Mar|e Sumner-Lott, Moslc, 8omanLlc Medlevallsm on Lhe Cerman Muslcal SLage, c.
1800 Lo 1880
Lthan 1ussey, commoolcotloo, 8oredom Ampllfled: lnvesLlgaLlng Moblle Medla use ln
Soclal Spaces
k|ao[|ng e, Motbemotlcs & 5totlstlcs, | I|ang (mentor), lasL numerlcal AlgorlLhms for
Several Large-scale nonsmooLh CpLlmlzaLlon roblems ln Lmerglng Medlcal lmaglng
Cheny| 2hang, otly cbllJbooJ Jocotloo, Gary 8|ngham (mentor), WrlLlng romoLlon
lnLervenLlon (Wl): An LxperlmenLal SLudy of an Larly WrlLlng romoLlon Model
|chuan 2hao, Motbemotlcs & 5totlstlcs, ConLrlbuLlons Lo 8lg uaLa Analysls

Scho|ar|y Support Grants supporL Lhe research, scholarly and arLlsLlc acLlvlLy LhaL wlll resulL ln a
slgnlflcanL and presLlglous producL or ouLcome (e.g. book, exLernal fundlng, presLlglous
fellowshlp eLc.). 1here were 4 of Lhese awarded ln l?13.
1homas Cr|sp, otly cbllJbooJ Jocotloo, A MeLa-analysls of 8esearch on Cender ln
Award-wlnnlng Chlldren's 8ooks (1971-2014)
Ute koemer-Weyhofen, ApplleJ lloqolstlcs & 5l, Language AcqulslLlon and rocesslng
CognlLlve and Corpus lnvesLlgaLlons of ConsLrucLlon Crammar
Andrea Scarant|no, lbllosopby & kellqloos 5toJles, 1he MoLlvaLlon 1heory of LmoLlons
Chr|st|na West, Att & ueslqo, AuSL: An lnsLallaLlon AbouL 1lme and lnLerlorlLy

I14 Interna| Grant Awards ln l?14 $303,000 was awarded Lo 23 faculLy members
from 13 deparLmenLs. 1hese awards were based on an evaluaLlon of 72 granL appllcaLlons by an
lnLernal CranL eer 8evlew CommlLLee composed of 19 faculLy members.

kesearch In|t|at|on Grants promoLe Lhe research, scholarly and arLlsLlc acLlvlLy of Lhe faculLy
and fosLer academlc excellence wlLhln Lhe unlverslLy. 1here were 14 8lC awards awarded ln
2h|peng Ca|, compotet 5cleoce, CpporLunlsLlc 8ouLlng ln Cellular CognlLlve 8adlo
Don Dav|s, coooselloq & lsycboloqlcol 5etvlces, uevelopmenL of a behavloral codlng
scheme Lo measure lnLellecLual humlllLy
atr|c|a Dav|s, commoolcotloo, 8lpplng Lhe vell: CulLural memory and Afrlcan Amerlcan
souLhern ldenLlLy
narcourt Iu||er, nlstoty, Maroons ln Lhe famlly: PlsLory, memory, and eLhno-naLlonal
ldenLlLy ln Lhe llfe of a !amalcan maroon clan
Sur| Iyer, cbemlstty, Clycan-based dlagnosLlcs for Lhe deLecLlon of plasmodlum
Shua| L|, MoJeto & closslcol looqooqes, ueveloplng a pragmaLlc comprehenslon LesL for
learners of Chlnese as a second language
ky|e Mangum, cooomlcs, 1he global lmpacLs of local houslng supply
8en M|||er, oqllsb ooJ commoolcotloo, uaLabased wlLness: A monograph on
populaLlon level memory
Mart|n Norgaard, Moslc, CreaLlng under pressure: LffecLs of dlvlded aLLenLlon on Lhe
lmprovlsed ouLpuL of skllled [azz muslclans
Shawn owers, commoolcotloo, 1he real cyber war: 1he pollLlcal economy of lnLerneL
kenneth k|ce, coooselloq & lsycboloqlcol 5etvlces, LmoLlon regulaLlon and
perfecLlonlsmas moderaLors of Lhe effecLs of sLereoLype LhreaL on underrepresenLed
S1LM sLudenLs
nang Sh|, 8loloqy, unA meLhylaLlon of A8 gamma promoLer regulaLes obeslLy-
lnduced lnflammaLlon and lnsulln reslsLance
nendr|cus van der no|st, Motbemotlcs & 5totlstlcs, Cn Lhe generallzaLlon of Lhe graph
parameLers of Colln de verdure'
N|ck W||d|ng, nlstoty, lorglng Lhe moon

Iacu|ty Mentored Grants llnk a new lnvesLlgaLor wlLh an experlenced menLor Lo provlde Lhe
menLee dlrecL personal asslsLance ln developlng a granL proposal. 1here were 6 of Lhese
awarded ln l?14.
Iranco D|spenza, coooselloq & lsycboloqlcol 5etvlces, Denn|s G||brede (Mentor), Sexual
MlnorlLy ldenLlLy, ulsablllLy/Chronlc lllness, and 8ehablllLaLlon Counsellng
ou[|n k|m, ApplleJ lloqolstlcs & 5l, Gay|e Ne|son (Mentor), ShorL-1erm SLudy Abroad
Lxperlence ln Language LducaLlon: A ComparaLlve SLudy of PerlLage and non-PerlLage
Iesse Lecy, lobllc Moooqemeot & lollcy ooJ cooomlcs, 8arry n|rsch (Mentor),
lmprovlng nonproflL CaplLal MarkeLs Lo Lnhance Soclal Servlce CuLcomes
kemus Csan, Motbemotlcs & 5totlstlcs ooJ Neotoscleoce, Chuck Derby (Mentor), Cdor
encodlng ln Lhe olfacLory recepLor neurons of Lhe splny lobsLer looolltos otqos
SLaLlsLlcal analysls and compuLaLlonal modellng
Aaron koseberry, 8loloqy, 1|m 8artness (Mentor), MelanocorLln SysLem 8egulaLlon of
uopamlne "8eward" aLhways ConLrolllng leedlng, 8ody WelghL, and CbeslLy
C|ara Sma||s-G|over, lsycboloqy ooJ lostltote of lobllc neoltb, Laura Sa|azar (Mentor),
uslng Lcologlcal lacLors and 8ecrulLmenL MeLhodology Lo SLrengLhen Sexual 8lsk
revenLlon Among 8lack and LaLlno ?oung AdulLs

Scho|ar|y Support Grants supporL Lhe research, scholarly and arLlsLlc acLlvlLy LhaL wlll resulL ln a
slgnlflcanL and presLlglous producL or ouLcome (e.g. book, exLernal fundlng, presLlglous
fellowshlp eLc.). 1here were 4 of Lhese awarded ln l?14.
Iess|ca 8erry, lbllosopby, 1he school of susplclon: Marx, nleLzsche, lreud
Susanna Greer and Markus Germann, 8loloqy ooJ cbemlstty, novel mechanlsms ln Lhe
regulaLlon of gene expresslon by 26S proLeasome
Casonya Iohnson, 8loloqy, uslng C. elegans Lo model LoxlcanL-lnduced
Gengsheng |n, Motbemotlcs & 5totlstlcs, Lmplrlcal llkellhood based sLaLlsLlcal meLhods
for lncome dlsLrlbuLlons wlLh mlsslng daLa

I13 Interna| Grant Awards
ln l?13 over $334,107 was awarded Lo 34 faculLy members from 19 deparLmenLs. 1hese
awards were based on an evaluaLlon of 72 granL appllcaLlons by an lnLernal CranL eer
8evlew CommlLLee composed of 23 senlor faculLy members.

kesearch In|t|at|on Grants promoLe Lhe scholarly and arLlsLlc acLlvlLy of Lhe faculLy and fosLer a
cademlc excellence wlLhln Lhe unlverslLy. 1here were 23 of Lhese awarded ln l?13.
L||sa A|varez-Garr|do, Moooqetlol 5cleoces, A MarkeL for aLenLs: aLenL orLfollo uevelop-
menL & AcqulslLlon by 8loLech llrms
W|ng . Chan, lsycboloqy, Servlce Learnlng and Academlc Success among llrsL-CeneraLlon
College SLudenLs
8r|dget Dever, Jocotloool lollcy 5toJles, Llnklng 8ehavloral and LmoLlonal 8lsk Lo
Academlc MoLlvaLlon and AchlevemenL wlLhln an Lconomlcally ulsadvanLaged SLudenL
Cra|g Drennen, Att & ueslqo, ApemanLus
Mathew Gayman, 5ocloloqy, SLS and 8ace-LLhnlc ulfferences ln Lhe SLress-8ufferlng LffecLs
of Coplng 8esources for PealLh
1|mothy nawthorne, Ceoscleoces, A CommunlLy Ceographlc lnformaLlon SysLems (ClS)
Analysls of ubllc Pouslng ue-ConcenLraLlon ln ALlanLa, Ceorgla
| I|ang, Motbemotlcs ooJ 5totlstlcs, undersLandlng Lhe uynamlcs of lnvaslve 1umor
Ne|| Leeuwen, lbllosopby, lmagery, lmlLaLlon, and reLendlng
nong|| L|, Jocotloool lollcy 5toJles, 1he 8ole of lormaLlve Classroom AssessmenL ln
SLudenLs' 8eadlng AchlevemenL
nongme| L|, commoolcotloo, 8randlng Chlna: AdverLlslng and Consumer CulLure ln Lhe
Chlnese MarkeL
Chr|stopher Morehart, Aotbtopoloqy, CreaLlng a Sense of lace: CommunlLy, ConfllcL, and
Change ln AnclenL CenLral Mexlco
L|sa Muft|c, ctlmlool Iostlce, 1he lmpacL of nCCs on Lhe llghL AgalnsL Puman 1rafflcklng:
1oward More LffecLlve ollcy
kemus Csan, Motbemotlcs ooJ 5totlstlcs, ropagaLlon of AcLlvlLy ln ulslnhlblLed neural 1
lssue: 1he LffecL of lnhomogenelLy ln SynapLlc ConnecLlvlLy
Amanda epp|ng, Moslc, 1he 1rumpeL ln Lhe lLallan 8aroque
Magg|e kenken, Jocotloool lsycboloqy ooJ 5peclol Jocotloo, 1he 8ole of CognlLlve
erspecLlve and LplsLemologlcal 8ellefs ln AdolescenLs roblem Solvlng Accuracy
Ute koemer, ApplleJ lloqolstlcs ooJ 5l, Measurlng Speakers' knowledge of Lngllsh verb-
ArgumenL ConsLrucLlons: sychollngulsLlc Lvldence from llrsL and Second Language SeLLlngs
Aaron koseberry, 8loloqy, LffecLs of MelanocorLlns on uopamlne neurons ConLrolllng
leedlng and 8ody WelghL
Sharon Shahaf, commoolcotloo, rlme 1lme osL-Zlonlsm 8eallLy 1elevlslon and Lhe
CulLural Loglc of CloballzaLlon ln lsrael
Nad|ne S|nno, MlJJle ost lostltote, LlLerary Lxploslons: Arab Women's War narraLlves ln
Lhe ulglLal Age
kev|n Swartout, lsycboloqy, 1he lmpacL of Soclal neLworks on Male Sexual Aggresslon
Constance 1ha|ken, Att & ueslqo, 1.2 CM =
no||ey W||k|n, commoolcotloo, Lxplorlng !apanese Medla Coverage of Lhe PealLh 8lsks
AssoclaLed wlLh Lhe nuclear lanL MelLdowns
Lr|c W||son, lbllosopby, 1he naLure and Moral Slgnlflcance of Self-ConLrol ln Larly Modern
M|ke Wso|, Att ooJ ueslqo, CnLologlcal ArchlLecLure
|ng 2hu, Ca|t||n Doo|ey, anq|ng 2hang, compotet 5cleoce, Lxplorlng new 8eadlng Assess-
menL MeLhods ln Larly Chlldhood LducaLlon wlLh Moblle 8eadlng uevlces

Iacu|ty Mentored Grants llnk a new lnvesLlgaLor wlLh an experlenced menLor Lo provlde Lhe
menLee dlrecL personal asslsLance ln developlng a granL proposal. 1here were 6 of Lhese
awarded ln l?13.
Char||e 8enson, 8loloqy, Susanna Greer (Mentor), 8adlaLlon-lnduced LnhancemenL of
lmmune Slgnals Lo AdapLlve AnLl-Lumor lmmune Cells
kyan Car||n, lolltlcol 5cleoce, Iames Cox (Mentor), 1he ollLlcal Lconomy of lnLerpersonal 1
rusL and CooperaLlon ln Lhe Luropean unlon
Mered|th Gre|f, 5ocloloqy, Lr|n kue| (Mentor), Llnklng LnvlronmenLal and 8lologlcal rocess
es ln Lxplalnlng MenLal PealLh CuLcomes
Maged nenary, cbemlstty, Dav|d W||son (Mentor), SelecLlvely 8lndlng C-Cuadruplex unA
uslng Cyanlne uyes - A novel SLraLegy for ueveloplng AnLl-Cancer 1herapeuLlcs
L||zabeth Steed, Jocotloool lsycboloqy & 5peclol Jocotloo, V. Mark Durand (Mentor),
SupporLlng reschool 1eachers' 8esponses Lo ?oung Chlldren's 8ehavlor
Mary 2e|g|er, oqllsb, C|ga Iarrett (Mentor), romoLlng Lhe SalL-WaLer Ceechee Cral PerlLa
ge: LlngulsLlc ldenLlfy ln LvoluLlon of Lhe Ceechee-Cullah Creole ulalecL ln Ceorgla

Scho|ar|y Support Grants supporL Lhe scholarly and arLlsLlc acLlvlLy LhaL wlll resulL ln a
slgnlflcanL and presLlglous producL (e.g., book, exLernal fundlng, and presLlglous fellowshlp).
1here were 3 of Lhese awarded ln l?13.
age Anderson, lsycboloqy, lmprovlng Access Lo 1reaLmenL for Soclal AnxleLy: 1esLlng lnLer
neL-uellvered vlrLual 8eallLy Lxposure 1herapy
nassan 8aba|e, Ceoscleoces, 8ulldlng Lhe roLoLype Ceosclences Llnked uaLa Cyber-
Mary Stuckey, commoolcotloo, 1he Cood nelghbor: lranklln u. 8oosevelL and Lhe 8heLorlca
l CreaLlon of Amerlcan Clobal Pegemony

I12 Interna| Grant Awards
ln l?12 over $422,733 was awarded Lo 44 faculLy members from 19 deparLmenLs. 1hese
awards were based on an evaluaLlon of 80 granL appllcaLlons by an lnLernal CranL eer 8evlew
CommlLLee composed of 26 senlor faculLy members.

kesearch In|t|at|on Grants promoLe Lhe scholarly and arLlsLlc acLlvlLy of Lhe faculLy and fosLer
academlc excellence wlLhln Lhe unlverslLy. 1here were 40 of Lhese awarded ln l?12.
Ian 8aker, Moslc, ClLlzens of nowhere
Abbas 8arzegar, kellqloos 5toJles, 8ememberlng CommunlLy: PlsLorlcal narraLlve ln Lhe
lormaLlon of Sunnl lslam
Char||e 8enson, 8loloqy, Molecular CharacLerlzaLlon & uynamlcs of Lnhanced
lmmunogenlclLy AgalnsL lrradlaLed Carclnoma Cells
M|sty 8entz, lbyslcs ooJ Asttooomy, 1esLlng Lhe SLaLe of Lhe ArL 1echnlques ln 8lack Pole
Mass MeasuremenLs
Caro|yn 8||toft, nlstoty, Poldlng Lhe World 1ogeLher: LxperlmenLs ln Clobal Covernance aL
Lhe League of naLlons
1anya Ca|dwe||, oqllsb, CuleL 8evoluLlonary: 1he Llfe and Work of Pannah Cowley
kyan Car||n, lolltlcol 5cleoce, 1he ollLlcs of lnLerpersonal 1rusL and CooperaLlon ln LaLln
L|sa Casanova, lostltote of lobllc neoltb, Assesslng Lhe 8lsk lnfecLlous vlrus 1ransmlsslon Lo
PealLhcare rofesslonals lrom 8euse of n93 8esplraLor Masks ln CuLbreak SlLuaLlons
Iman Chah|ne, Mark Gr|nshpon, kobert C|ew|ey, MlJJle 5ecooJoty lostltotloo 1ecbooloqy,
1he 8ole of recalculus as a CaLekeeper ln ueLermlnlng Success ln Calculus l Classes: A
Mlxed-MeLhod Case SLudy
k|mber|y C|eve|and, Att & ueslqo, Women Who nursed a naLlon: 1he 8lack MoLhers of 8lo
de !anelro
Scott Cross|ey, ApplleJ lloqolstlcs/5l, 1he LffecLs of 1exL SlmpllflcaLlon on 1exL 8eadablllLy
and Comprehenslon ln llrsL Language and Second Language Speakers of Lngllsh
Iohn Decker, Att ooJ ueslqo, Culdes Who know Lhe Way: Larly Modern MeLadevoLlon and
MeLadevoLlonal lmagery
Mon|ca D|az, MoJeto & closslcol looqooqes, Spanlsh Women and Cosmographlcal WrlLlng
ln Lhe ALlanLlc World
Nancy I|oyd, Att & ueslqo, Walklng 1hrough Lhe ueserL wlLh My Lyes Closed
M|chae| narker, oqllsb, 1he Lure of LlLeracy: A CrlLlcal 8ecepLlon of Lhe Compulsory
ComposlLlon uebaLe
Maged nenary, cbemlstty, SynLhesls of Carbocyanlne uerlvaLlves for C-Cuadruplex unA
SLablllzaLlon and 1elomerase lnhlblLlon
kev|n ns|eh, Att ooJ ueslqo, ConLenL and edagogy of ArL Museums' Summer lnsLlLuLes for
1eachers' and arLlclpanLs' LxpecLaLlons and needs: A Case of Lhe hlladelphla Museum of
Ivay|o Ivanov, cbemlstty, Modellng Assemblles and lnLeracLlons ln LukaryoLlc Clamp
Matthew Lasner, nlstoty, new SunbelL Llvlng: 1he Callfornla AparLmenL and Lhe
8elnvenLlon of Amerlcan urbanlsm, 1930 - 1990
Cathy ang L|u, lobllc Moooqemeot ooJ lollcy, 8esldenLlal LocaLlon and LmploymenL
CuLcomes of LaLlno lmmlgranLs ln LsLabllshed and Lmerglng uesLlnaLlons
ku|yan Luo, Motbemotlcs ooJ 5totlstlcs, Plerarchlcal Modellng for Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon of
CondlLlon-Speclflc neLworks
Amy Mckay, lolltlcol 5cleoce, undersLandlng Lhe 8ole of lnLeresL Croups ln ueveloplng
Ma[or LeglslaLlon
Aaron kapport, lolltlcol 5cleoce, lnLervenLlons ln 1lme: 1lme Porlzons and SLraLeglc
AssessmenL ln uS MlllLary lnLervenLlons
M|che|e ke|d-Vazques, nlstoty, Carlbbean Crosslngs: ComparaLlve 8lack LmlgraLlon and
lreedom uurlng Lhe Age of 8evoluLlon
kath|een koche, 5ocloloqy, CulLure-Speclflc arenLlng LffecLs on LaLlno ?ouLh vlolence: A
lormaLlve SLudy
Lou|s kuprecht, kellqloos 5toJles, CreLe as Cosmopolls
kob|n Saunders, 5oclol wotk, naLlonal AdopLlve lamlly SLudy
Iacob Se|wood, nlstoty, 1he Clobal 8eadmlsslon: Lngllsh LncounLers wlLh Lhe SevenLeenLh-
CenLury !ewlsh ulaspora
C|ara Sma||s, lsycboloqy, uevelopmenL of Lhe Afrlcan Amerlcan SoclallzaLlon ln ConLexLs
Chr|st|ne Stauber, lostltote of lobllc neoltb, valldaLlon of a Low-CosL ComparLmenLallzed
lasLlc 8ag 1esL for L. Coll ln urlnklng WaLer for 8esource LlmlLed SeLLlngs
kymber|e Ster||ng, lostltote of lobllc neoltb, lmpacL of Soclal Medla AdverLlslng on LlLLle
Clgar 1obacco use Among ?oung AdulLs
Me||ssa 1ay|or, Att ooJ ueslqo, osL MorLem: vlslons of Llfe AfLer ueaLh
Gr|ff 1ester, 5ocloloqy, LxLendlng Cur undersLandlng of Soclal neLwork 1ypes Among Clder
Le|a Urquhart, nlstoty, 1he Lconomlcs of 8ellglous ArchlLecLure ln AnclenL Colonlal Slclly
Wendy Venet, nlstoty, ConfederaLe PearLland: Clvll War Clvlllans ln WarLlme ALlanLa
Chr|st|na West, Att ooJ ueslqo, Large Scale Aqua 8esln CasLlng
Dan|e| We|skopf, lbllosopby, 1he vehlcles of 1houghL
Adam W||son, 8loloqy, vlrulence 8egulaLlon ln 8aclllus Cereus
nao ku, cbemlstty, Creen MeLhods for 8apld SynLhesls of oLenL AnLlLumor AgenLs
8aozhong ang, lloooce, 8esearch ln llnanclal Lconomlcs

Iacu|ty Mentored Grants llnk a new lnvesLlgaLor wlLh an experlenced menLor Lo provlde Lhe
menLee dlrecL personal asslsLance ln developlng a granL proposal. 1here was 1 of Lhese
awarded ln l?12
kyong-Ah kwon, otly cbllJbooJ Jocotloo, Irank I|oyd (MenLor), 1he 8ole of MulLlple
Larly 8elaLlonshlp CuallLy on Soclal LmoLlonal uevelopmenL of Chlldren from Low-lncome
lamllles: A roLecLlve or a 8lsk lacLor?

Scho|ar|y Support Grants supporL Lhe scholarly and arLlsLlc acLlvlLy LhaL wlll resulL ln a
slgnlflcanL and presLlglous producL (e.g., book, exLernal fundlng, and presLlglous
fellowshlp). 1here were 3 of Lhese awarded ln l?12
Susan Lasterbrooks, Jocotloool lsycboloqy ooJ 5peclol Jocotloo, LlLeracy uevelopmenL
for SLudenLs Who are ueaf and Pard of Pearlng
Chery| Go|ds|eger, 5cbool of Att ooJ ueslqo, ConversaLlons: An LxhlblLlon aL Lhe naLlonal
Academy of Sclences
Sh|h-u Lee, Notsloq, nl 8lomarkers and PealLh CuLcomes ln College Women

I11 Interna| Grant Awards
ln l?11 over $280,000 was awarded Lo 33 faculLy members from 19 deparLmenLs. 1hese
awards were based on an evaluaLlon of 77 granL appllcaLlons by an lnLernal CranL eer 8evlew
CommlLLee composed of 23 senlor faculLy members.

kesearch In|t|at|on Grants promoLe Lhe scholarly and arLlsLlc acLlvlLy of Lhe faculLy and
fosLer academlc excellence wlLhln Lhe unlverslLy. 1here were 26 of Lhese awarded ln l?11.
Mo||y 8assett, kellqloos 5toJles, 1he laLe of LarLhly 1hlngs: 8lood Sacrlflce ln
Mesoamerlcan AnlmaLlon 8lLuals
kachana 8hatt, cooomlcs, 1he lmpacL of School Lunch LengLh on Chlldren's PealLh
V|adm|r 8ondarenko, Motbemotlcs & 5totlstlcs, MaLhemaLlcal Model of 8eLa-adrenerglc
Slgnallng ln Mouse venLrlcular MyocyLes
Lakeyta 8onnette, lolltlcol 5cleoce, WhaL's on ?our 8adlo? 8ap Muslc and WhlLe 8aclal
Da[un Da|, Ceoscleoces, SpaLlal varlaLlon ln Chlldren WlLh LlevaLed 8lood Lead Levels
Around eachLree uekalb AlrporL, uekalb CounLy, Ceorgla
kebecca L|||s, kloesloloqy & neoltb, LvaluaLlng Lhe Lfflcacy of a MoLlvaLlonal lnLervenLlon
for lncreaslng hyslcal AcLlvlLy and 8educlng lalls 8lsk ln Clder AdulLs
Gwen Ir|shkoff, lsycboloqy, A MulLlmodel 8raln lmaglng SLudy of LxpecLancy and
Meanlngfulness LffecLs ln SenLence Comprehenslon
A||en Iromherz, nlstoty, 1he uecllne of Lhe Almohads: 1he lall of an lslamlc Lmplre
kather|ne nank|ns, Ceoscleoces, lalLh-based CenLrlflcaLlon ln ALlanLa's lnner ClLy
Chr|st|ne nart|ey, lbllosopby, kanL and Lhe Murderer aL Lhe uoor
ou[|n k|m, ApplleJ lloqolstlcs & 5l, 1he 8ole of 1ask ComplexlLy and Worklng Memory on
Lhe noLlclng of 8ecasLs and Second Language uevelopmenL
neather k|e|der, lsycboloqy, An lnvesLlgaLlon of Lhe neural underplnnlngs of lalse
kyong-Ah kwon, otly cbllJbooJ J., lndlvldual CharacLerlsLlcs and ConLexLual lnfluences
on ALLlLudes of 1yplcally ueveloplng reschoolers 1oward Chlldren wlLh ulsablllLles
ke||y Lew|s, lsycboloqy, Assesslng CommunlLy ercepLlons of CurrenL and ueslred Skln
8leachlng CondlLlons ln 1anzanla
Murug| Nd|rangu, Nottltloo, LvaluaLlng lndlvldual, Soclal and CulLural lacLors lnfluenclng
arLlclpaLlon ln lood SupplemenLaLlon rogram ln CenLral kenya
M|chae| Cwren, lsycboloqy, Are ?ou Laughlng aL Me? lnvesLlgaLlng 8raln Mechanlsms of
LaughLer 1hrough luncLlonal MagneLlc lmaglng (M8l)
Ange|o kest|vo, commoolcotloo, PlLchcock and osLmodernlLy
Sean k|chey, lolltlcol 5cleoce, ALLlLudes 1owards AsslmllaLlon and lmmlgraLlon
Murad Sarsour, lbyslcs & Asttooomy, lnvesLlgaLlons lnLo roLon Spln SLrucLure
L||zabeth Steed, J. lsycb. & 5peclol J., Addresslng ALLlLudlnal 8arrlers Lo reschool
1eachers' lmplemenLaLlon of oslLlve 8ehavlor SupporL
Ivo 1afkov, Accoootoocy, 1he LffecL of 8elaLlve erformance lnformaLlon ln a MulLl-1ask
Lr|n 1u||y, lsycboloqy, lnLerpersonal vulnerablllLles ln ?oung Chlldren of uepressed aLlenLs
Isaac We|ner, kellqloos 5toJles, 8ellglon CuL Loud: 8ellglous Sound, ubllc Space, and
Amerlcan lurallsm
uanhu| k|ao, Motbemotlcs & 5totlstlcs, MulLlple lmpuLaLlon of Mlsslng 8lsk lacLors: A
ulrecL and unblased Approach
oung[oo |, MlJJle ooJ 5ecooJoty J., MulLlple LlLeracles Across ln- and CuL-of-school
ConLexLs: Case SLudles of AdolescenL Lngllsh Language Learners
Dan|e| oung, lolltlcol 5cleoce, voLers and 1helr ollLlcal arLles ln Afrlca's new

Iacu|ty Mentored Grants llnk a new lnvesLlgaLor wlLh an experlenced menLor Lo provlde Lhe
menLee dlrecL personal asslsLance ln developlng a granL proposal. 1here were 3 of Lhese
awarded ln l?11.
Seyda Czca||skan, lsycboloqy, Lauren Adamson (MenLor), CesLure as redlcLor of Language
uevelopmenL ln Chlldren wlLh AuLlsm
Andrew koach, coooselloq lsycb. 5etvlces, age Anderson]Amy Lederberg (MenLors)
LvaluaLlon of a 1esL AnxleLy lnLervenLlon for SLudenLs wlLh Learnlng ulsablllLles
Cynth|a Searcy, lobllc AJmlolsttotloo & utboo 5toJles, kather|ne W|||oughby (MenLor), 1he
llnanclal PealLh of Ceorgla's CharLer Schools: unlform 8eporLlng

I10 Interna| Grant Awards
ln l?10 over $390,000 was awarded Lo 33 faculLy members from 22 deparLmenLs. 1hese
awards were based on an evaluaLlon of 103 granL appllcaLlons by an lnLernal CranL eer 8evlew
CommlLLee composed of 23 senlor faculLy members.

kesearch In|t|at|on Grants promoLe Lhe scholarly and arLlsLlc acLlvlLy of Lhe faculLy and
fosLer academlc excellence wlLhln Lhe unlverslLy. 1here were 23 of Lhese awarded ln l?10.
k|tu Ane[a, 8loloqy, uevelopmenL of 8ecepLor-1argeLed 1herapy for Cvarlan Cancers uslng
a novel 1ubulln-8lndlng AgenL
noward 8arker, nlstoty, 1he luglLlve Slave AcL: 8efugees, Slaveholders, and 8lghLs, ln
AnLebelum Amerlca
8rad|ey Cooke, Neotoscleoce, LxclLaLory SynapLlc 1ransmlsslon ln Lhe Amygdala of uberLal
lemale 8aLs
Suvas|s D|x|t, Ceoscleoces, Mlcrobe-Mlneral lnLeracLlons: WhaL hyslcal, Chemlcal, and
8lologlcal lacLors AffecL Lhe 8aLe and LxLenL of Lhelr lnLeracLlon
|x|n Iang, Motbemotlcs ooJ 5totlstlcs, CeneLlc Analysls of Lhe lramlngham-PearL SLudy
uaLa rovlded Lo CeneLlc Analysls Workshop 16
Lr|c Ir|g|na|, ApplleJ lloqolstlcs ooJ 5l, LlngulsLlc CharacLerlsLlcs of naLlve Speaker and
non-naLlve Speaker Academlc WrlLlng ln Lngllsh: A Corpus-8ased Comparlson
Dona|d name|berg, cbemlstty, CompuLaLlonal SlmulaLlon and 1heory of Llgand- lnduced
ConformaLlonal Changes ln 8lboswlLches
A|m|n L|u, cbemlstty, A new 8egulaLory Mechanlsm of nl-kappa-8 by MeLalloproLeln lrln
2h|yong L|u, klsk Moooqemeot & losotooce, MulLlmarkeL LxlL, SLraLeglc Merger, and
V|ncent L|oyd, kellqloos 5toJles, MarLln LuLher klng, !r. and Lhe ChrlsLlan naLural Law
Seyda Czca||skan, lsycboloqy, 8ole of CesLure ln Second Language roducLlon
!ared o|ey, nlstoty, vlLallzlng Lconomlcs: Languages of CrowLh ln 18Lh CenLury llnanclal
Andrew koach, coooselloq ooJ lsycboloqlcol 5etvlces, Mlndfulness-8ased SLress 8educLlon
wlLh Larly Career 1eachers
Dan|e| kob|n, commoolcotloo, 1he 8abbl and Cesar Chavez
arama koy, Ceoscleoces, LlsLenlng Lo Lhe volces of Lhe CommunlLy: CommunlLy
LmpowermenL ln 8oulevard Crosslng ark uevelopmenL ln ALlanLa
Andrea Scarant|no, lbllosopby, ConcepLual Analysls ln hllosophy: A new loundaLlon
Dav|d Sehat, nlstoty, An Amerlcan Peresy: 1he MyLh of 8ellglous lreedom
Megan S|nnott, womeos 5toJles, 1hal ChosL narraLlves: PlsLorlcal ConLlngency and Clobal
Ie|ena Subot|c, lolltlcol 5cleoce, 1he lndusLry of !usLlce: 1he 1ransformaLlon of 1ranslLlonal
!usLlce Advocacy
Scott Weaver, lsycboloqy, Lxplalnlng varlablllLy ln Lhe sychosoclal Ad[usLmenL of Chlldren
of lmmlgranL lamllles: An Lmplrlcal lnvesLlgaLlon of SegmenLed AsslmllaLlon 1heory
kusse| Wh|te, lbyslcs ooJ Asttooomy, A Search for laneLs CrblLlng Cur nearesL SLellar
N|ck W||d|ng, nlstoty, Callleo's ldol: Clanfrancesco Sagredo and Lhe 8epubllc of knowledge
I|an[ua Wu, kloesloloqy ooJ neoltb, 1readmlll Walklng wlLh Ankle WelghLs and 8one
Mlneral uenslLy ln readolescenLs wlLh and wlLhouL uown Syndrome
ku 2hang, Motbemotlcs ooJ 5totlstlcs, AssessmenL of 1lme-uependenL CovarlaLe LffecL wlLh
CompeLlng 8lsks uaLa
|chuan 2hao, Motbemotlcs ooJ 5totlstlcs, Plgh ulmenslonal Mlcroarray Cene Lxpresslon
uaLa Analysls vla CorrelaLlons rlnclpal ComponenL 8egresslon

Iacu|ty Mentored Grants llnk a new lnvesLlgaLor wlLh an experlenced menLor Lo provlde Lhe
menLee dlrecL personal asslsLance ln developlng a granL proposal. 1here were 4 of Lhese
awarded ln l?10.
Igor 8e|ykh, Motbemotlcs ooJ 5totlstlcs, Leon|d 8un|mov|ch (MenLor), uynamlcal
neLworks: lnLerplay 8eLween neLworks SLrucLure and uynamlcs
Ak|h|ko Masuda, lsycboloqy, L|ndsey Cohen (MenLor), AC1 for AdolescenLs wlLh Slckle Cell
Ann earman, lostltote of Cetootoloqy, Derek Isaacow|tz (MenLor), 1he 8ole of ersonallLy
ln Memory erformance ln Clder AdulLs
| 2hao, Motbemotlcs ooJ 5totlstlcs, Guantao Chen (MenLor), LxLremal roblems for Craphs
and Pypergraphs

kesearch 1eam Awards provlde fundlng for an lnLerdlsclpllnary research Leam Lo prepare a
compeLlLlve proposal for exLernal research fundlng. 1here were 3 of Lhese awarded ln l?10.
neather k|e|der, lsycboloqy, 1r|c|a k|ng, lsycboloqy, Ann earman, Cetootoloqy, Memory
8lndlng ln Clder and ?ounger AdulLs
De|rdre Cak|ey, 5ocloloqy, Murug| Nd|rangu, Nottltloo, lood SecurlLy & CbeslLy Among
ubllc Pouslng 8esldenLs
Gordon Warren, lbyslcol 1betopy, h|||p Iabr|z|o, Ioseph Donne||y, lbyslcol 1betopy, Iohn
kerogeanes, moty uolvetslty, Lxamlnlng SpaLlal PeLerogenelLy of Muscle lnacLlvaLlon
lollowlng 8epalr of Lhe anLerlor CruclaLe LlgamenL
anq|ng 2hang, compotet 5cleoce, kobert narr|son, k|ao||n nu, A|ex 2e||kovsky,
compotet 5cleoce, Irene Weber, Iohn noughton, 8loloqy, Markus Germann,
Dona|d name|berg, cbemlstty, Guantao Chen, Motbemotlcs ooJ 5totlstlcs, MulLldlsclpllnary
8esearch ln 8lolnformaLlcs and Complex SysLems
u[un G. 2heng, cbemlstty, anq|ng 2hang, compotet 5cleoce, An lnLerdlsclpllnary
Approach Lo ulscoverlng new SubsLraLes of 8M1s

Scho|ar|y Support Grants supporL Lhe scholarly and arLlsLlc acLlvlLy LhaL wlll resulL ln a
slgnlflcanL and presLlglous producL (e.g., book, exLernal fundlng, and presLlglous
fellowshlp). 1here were 4 of Lhese awarded ln l?10.
M|che||e 8ratta|n, nlstoty, WhaL 8ace Was: opular and SclenLlflc ConsLrucLlons of 8ace ln
Lhe 20Lh-CenLury unlLed SLaLes
Iohn Duff|e|d, lolltlcol 5cleoce, SLaLe 8esponses Lo Lnergy lnsecurlLy: lleld 8esearch ln
1okyo, !apan
ky|e Irantz, Neotoscleoce, Cocalne-Seeklng ln AdolescenL vs. AdulL Male 8aLs ls CorrelaLed
wlLh ulfferenLlal Lxpresslon of neuroplasLlclLy Cenes
Mar|se arent, Neotoscleoce, aLhologlcal LffecLs of a lrucLose uleL on 8raln and 8ehavlor

I09 Interna| Grant Awards
ln l?09 over $423,000 was awarded Lo 32 faculLy members from 28 deparLmenLs. 1hese
awards were based on an evaluaLlon of 86 granL appllcaLlons by an lnLernal CranL eer 8evlew
CommlLLee composed of 24 senlor faculLy members.

kesearch In|t|at|on Grants promoLe Lhe scholarly and arLlsLlc acLlvlLy of Lhe faculLy and
fosLer academlc excellence wlLhln Lhe unlverslLy. 1here were 33 of Lhese awarded ln l?09.
kaheem 8eyah, compotet 5cleoce, A asslve neLwork-based Approach Lo node 8esource
uLlllzaLlon ulscovery
Gary 8|ngham, otly cbllJbooJ Jocotloo, layful LlLeracy racLlce: LvaluaLlng a
rofesslonal uevelopmenL ro[ecL
1|mothy 8rez|na, ctlmlool Iostlce, lnLlmaLe arLner vlolence: An LxamlnaLlon of
erpeLraLors 8eporLed 8easons for CommlLLlng AcLs of hyslcal Aggresslon
k|ao[un Cao, compotet 5cleoce, CpLlmlzlng 8esource uLlllzaLlon ln Wlreless CpLlcal Mesh
Iordan C|ayton, Ceoscleoces, LvaluaLlon of a rocess-orlenLed 1ool for Cravel-bed 8lver
kobert C|ew|ey, Motbemotlcs ooJ 5totlstlcs, CompuLaLlonal MeLhods for uaLa-drlver
Modellng ln neurosclence
Wade Dan|s, lotetootloool 8osloess, LnLrepreneurshlp uevelopmenL ln Lmerglng MarkeLs:
1he 8ole of lnsLlLuLlons and Soclal neLworks
Dan|e| Deocampo, Ceoscleoces, lrom aleosol Lo Lhe anLheon: lelsLocene Ash and Lhe
lormulaLlon of AnclenL 8oman ConcreLe
Mukeshwar Dhama|a, lbyslcs ooJ Asttooomy, CharacLerlng SensorlmoLor neLwork wlLh
nonparameLrlc Cranger CausallLy
V|[ay Gan[|, Nottltloo, llsh Cll, 1oll-Llke 8ecepLor-4slgnallng, and lnflammaLory Markers
Mark Ge||, kloesloloqy ooJ neoltb, Analysls of LocomoLor AdapLaLlons uurlng Larly Walklng
ln Chlldren wlLh 1ransfemoral Llmb Loss
Ieffrey G|over, Aotbtopoloqy, LaboraLory Analysls of Archaeologlcal MaLerlals from vlsLa
Alegre and AnclenL Maya orL
Den|s Grego|re, Moooqetlol 5cleoces, 1he LffecLs of lndlvldual ulfferences ln new venLure
Char|es nank|a, lolltlcol 5cleoce, SLaLe, SocleLy and 1rade ollcy ln osL-War lrance
Am|ra Iarmakan|, womeo's 5toJles, 1o CaLch a Shelk: ln Lhe War on 1error: 8eadlng Shel
1hemed 8omance novels
Casonya Iohnson, 8loloqy, 8egulaLlon of neurodevelopmenL by Lhe Pellx Loop Pellx lamlly
of 1ranscrlpLlon facLors
Lawrence k|age, Ceoscleoces, lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe SpaLlal and 1emporal varlablllLy of
Purrlcane AcLlvlLy ln Lhe CoasLal 8eglons of Ceorgla and SouLh Carollna
Le|gh Anne L|u, lotetootloool 8osloess, 8elaLlonal ConflguraLlons ln lnLernaLlonal
N|co|e Lopan|k, 8loloqy, ulfferenLlal PosL and Mlcroblal SymblonL Cene Lxpresslon ln
8ugula nerlLlna (8ryozoa) 1lssues wlLh varylng ConcenLraLlons of Lhe 8loacLlve olykeLldes.
Iames Marton, cooomlcs, A new Look aL Lhe lmpacL of Managed Care on PealLh Care
LxpendlLures and uLlllzaLlon
Ak|h|ko Masuda, lsycboloqy, AccepLance and CommlLmenL 1herapy for LasLlng ulsorder
SpecLrum roblems
Ghu|am Nadr|, nlstoty, A PlsLory of Lhe lndlgo lndusLry and 1rade ln re-Colonlal and
Colonlal lndla
Nathan|e| Crr, Moslc, 1he uemocraLlzaLlon of Amerlcan Muslc
A|essandra kaengo, commoolcotloo, lace value: 1he CarnallLy and SpecLrallLy of 8ace
Susan k|chmond, Att & ueslqo, Androgyny ln Lhe ArL of Lynda 8englls
Ionathan kork, cooomlcs, 1he 8ole of 8eclproclLy ln lnLersLaLe CommuLlng
ke|ner Smo||nsk|, oqllsb, CoLLon MaLher's 8l8LlA AML8lCAnA: 1he Larly LnllghLenmenL
and Lhe 8lse of leLlsm ln Colonlal Amerlcana
Mon|ca Swahn, lostltote of lobllc neoltb, 1he lmpacL of Larly Alcohol use on Sulclde
ALLempLs ln Adolescence and ?oung AdulLhood
8ennett 1epper, Moooqetlol 5cleoces, LxamlnaLlon of Lhe ulmenslonallLy of Abuslve
Supervlslon ln Work CrganlzaLlons
Gang|| Wang, cbemlstty, ConLrolled Assembly and Charge/Lnergy 1ransfer of 8lfuncLlonal
nanomaLerlals: Cold Monolayer roLecLed ClusLers (AlMC)
koder|ck Watts, lsycboloqy, Applled 8esearch on CommunlLy-Cllnlcal sychology 1ralnlng
ln SouLh Afrlca
Irank W||||ams, Aotbtopoloqy, laLherhood: An LvoluLlonary SLraLegy Among loragers
u[un 2heng, cbemlstty, Mechanlsm and lnhlblLlon of Lsa 1/1l60

Iacu|ty Mentored Grants llnk a new lnvesLlgaLor wlLh an experlenced menLor Lo provlde
Lhe menLee dlrecL personal asslsLance ln developlng a granL proposal. 1here were 3 of Lhese
awarded ln l?09.
M|youn L|m, MlJJle & 5ecooJoty J. & otly cbllJbooJ J., Ange|a 8arton (MenLor), An
LxploraLory SLudy on Lhe 8ole of Sense of lace ln Sclence Currlculum AdapLaLlon
Inas kashad, cooomlcs, Sa||y Wa||ace (MenLor), Plgh 8lrLh WelghL and School CuLcomes
1rac|e Stewart, lsycboloqy, Dav|d A. Washburn (MenLor), SLereoLype AssoclaLlon and
CenerallzaLlon: A new Model of 8las rocesses

kesearch 1eam Awards provlde fundlng for an lnLerdlsclpllnary research Leam Lo prepare
a compeLlLlve proposal for exLernal research fundlng. 1here were 3 of Lhese awarded ln l?09.
eggy A|bers, MlJJle & 5ecooJoty J., Me|ody M||brandt, Me|an|e Davenport, Iohn
Decker, kev|n ns|eh, Att & ueslqo, 1er| no|brook, otly cbllJbooJ J., Lwa McGra||,
M|che||e 2oss, MlJJle & 5ecooJoty J., lnLerneL ConversaLlons ln LlLeracy, Lhe ArLs, and
ulglLal Medla (ulCLAu) ro[ecL
nassan 8aba|e, Ceoscleoces, ka[ Sunderraman, compotet 5cleoce, ueslgnlng rocess
CnLologles for naLural, LxperlmenLal, and SlmulaLed 8ock
Lr|n 1one, lsycboloqy, age Anderson, lsycboloqy, Amygdala AcLlvaLlon as a redlcLor of
LxLlncLlon uepLh ln Pumans

Scho|ar|y Support Grants supporL Lhe scholarly and arLlsLlc acLlvlLy LhaL wlll resulL ln a
slgnlflcanL and presLlglous producL (e.g., book, exLernal fundlng, presLlglous fellowshlp). 1here
were 4 of Lhese awarded ln l?09.
koberta Attans|o, 8loloqy, ModulaLlon of lmmune 8esponses Lo vacclnes lnduced by
Ienn|fer McCoy, lolltlcol 5cleoce, MedlaLlng ollLlcal ConfllcL ln venezuela (book
Lou|s kuprecht, kellqloos 5toJles, Wlnckelmann's SecreL PlsLory-(Shrlnes Lo Lhe Muse)
A|exandra Sm|rnova, Motbemotlcs ooJ 5totlstlcs, 8egularlzed numerlcal MeLhods for lll-
osed roblems

I08 Interna| Grant Awards
ln l?08 over $443,000 was awarded Lo 49 faculLy members from 23 deparLmenLs. 1hese
awards were based on an evaluaLlon of 84 granL appllcaLlons by an lnLernal CranL eer 8evlew
CommlLLee composed of 24 senlor faculLy members.

kesearch In|t|at|on Grants promoLe Lhe scholarly and arLlsLlc acLlvlLy of Lhe faculLy and
fosLer academlc excellence wlLhln Lhe unlverslLy. 1here were 28 of Lhese awarded ln l?08.
age Anderson, lsycboloqy, lncreaslng Lhe CulLural 8elevance of CognlLlve 8ehavloral
1herapy for Soclal AnxleLy
Anu 8ourgeo|s, compotet 5cleoce, Lnergy LfflclenL Schemes for lLLL 802.13.4 MAC roLocol
n. Spencer 8anzhaf, cooomlcs, Measurlng rogress: 1he PlsLory of Applled Welfare
Mary 8eth Ca|hoon, J. lsycb & 5peclol J, Mlddle School 8emedlal MaLhemaLlcs ro[ecL.
Ca|t||n Doo|ey, kamona Matthews, otly cbllJbooJ J, LmergenL Comprehenslon: LlLeracy
uevelopmenL ln Larly Chlldhood
M|chae| Ga|||van, compotet lofotmotloo 5ystems, Cffshore CuLsourclng of l1 Work:
undersLandlng Lhe 8uslness lmpllcaLlons.
8arbara Gorm|ey, coooselloq & lsycb 5etvlces, lnLlmaLe arLner vlolence ln College: AdulL
ALLachmenL and Cender lnfluences.
Ad|a narvey, 5ocloloqy, Marglnallzed LnLrepreneurs: SysLem Cendered 8aclsm and Lhe
Lmergence of a 8aclal Lnclave Lconomy.
Laura k|mb|e, Notsloq, 1he lmpacL of Chronlc Anglna on ually Llfe hyslcal luncLlon: A lloL
Sh|-u Lee, Notsloq, Sleep ulsrupLlon ln MoLhers of Low 8lrLh WelghL lnfanLs: A lloL Cllnlcal
kamesh G. Man|, lbyslcs & Asttooomy, SLudy of Lhe Mlcrowave-lnduced Zero-8eslsLance
SLaLes ln Lhe 1wo-ulmenslonal LlecLron SysLem.
Carr|e Mann|ng, lolltlcol 5cleoce, undersLandlng Lhe 8ole of lormer Armed CpposlLlon
Croups ln 8ulldlng osL-ConfllcL eace: A roposal for a new Clobal uaLaseL.
kamee|ah Mart|n, oqllsb, Con[urlng MomenLs & CLher Such Poodoo: Afrlcan Amerlcan
Women & SplrlL Work.
Lddy Nahm|as, lbllosopby, uefendlng lree Wlll from Lhe Sclences of Lhe Mlnd.
W||||am N|cho|s, MoJeto & closslcol looqooqes, 8evlvlng Lhe 1ranslLlon: MeLamemory &
naLlonal ldenLlLy ln 8ecenL Spanlsh CulLure.
Ienn|fer at|co, Aotbtopoloqy & Ceoqtopby, lnLernaLlonal MaLchmaklng and Lhe ollLlcs o
Cender: A vlew from ALlanLa.
Ann earman, Cetootoloqy lostltote, neuroLlclsm and Memory ln Clder AdulLs.
Iu||a er|||a, lsycboloqy, arLlclpaLory AcLlon 8esearch wlLh LaLlno lamllles AffecLed by
uomesLlc vlolence.
k|ara eter, cooomlcs, llaL 1ax lncome lnequallLy, and 1ax Lvaslon
Sebast|an kand, lbllosopby, Pegel and Larly 19Lh CenLury 8lology.
She|don Sch|ffer, commoolcotloo, orLralLs of Lhe Malecn.
Greg Sm|th, commoolcotloo, 1he Lxpresslve lrame: AesLheLlcs & 1he Modern Comlc 8ook.
k|hana Sm|th, lsycboloqy, 1he use of ConLexL Lo Acqulre new Word Meanlng from 1exL.
Susan 1a|burt, womeos 5toJles lostltote, 1ranslaLlons and lnsLlLuLlonal lemlnlsL knowledge
roducLlon: erspecLlves from Chlle.
Cassandra Wh|te, Aotbtopoloqy, Class, 8ace, and ClLlzenshlp lssues ln Lhe 8razlllan
lmmlgranL CommunlLy ln ALlanLa.
usen k|a, Moooqetlol 5cleoces, 8evenue ManagemenL for ManufacLures LhaL roduce
verLlcally ulfferenLlaLed roducLs.
ongwe| ao, Motbemotlcs & 5totlstlcs, Lmbeddlng & Weak Lmbeddlng 1heorems unlform
1esL LxponenLs.
A|exander 2e||kovsky, compotet 5cleoce, CompuLaLlonal MeLhods for CeneLlc AssoclaLlon
Search and SuscepLlblllLy redlcLlon for Common ulseases.

Iacu|ty Mentored Grants llnk a new lnvesLlgaLor wlLh an experlenced menLor Lo provlde
Lhe menLee dlrecL personal asslsLance ln developlng a granL proposal. 1here were 4 of Lhese
awarded ln l?08.
uk| Iu[|oka, commoolcotloo, Mary Ann komsk| (MenLor). ALLenLlonal 8esponses Lo PealLh
neather k|e|der, lsycboloqy, kanda|| Lng|e (MenLor). An lnLegraLed lnvesLlgaLlon of
Aggresslon-8elaLed ShooLlng 8ehavlor.
Mar|ana Mont|el, Motbemotlcs ooJ 5totlstlcs, Draga V|dakov|c (MenLor). 1he lour
arameLers of Language Learnlng Lo Measure lluency ln MaLhemaLlcal ulscourse uslng
CuallLaLlve and CaLegorlcal 1echnlques of Analysls.
Lr|n kue|, 5ocloloqy, k|rk L||fson (MenLor). Lxplalnlng 8aclal PealLh ulsparlLles: 1he LffecLs
of CommunlLy 8aclal PlsLory and CommunlLy SLS.

kesearch 1eam Awards provlde fundlng for an lnLerdlsclpllnary research Leam Lo prepare
a compeLlLlve proposal for exLernal research fundlng. 1here were 2 of Lhese awarded ln l?08.
L||sabeth 8urgess, 5ocloloqy, Sharon k|ng, Cetootoloqy lostltote, Susan ke||ey, neoltb &
nomoo 5cleoces, 1een regnancy revenLlon ln CrandparenL-Peaded lamllles.
Lynda Goodfe||ow, cotJlopolmoooty cote, Dan 8enardot, Nottltloo, Shery| I|ynn, lbyslcol
1betopy, Derek Shende||, lostltote of lobllc neoltb, ka|ph 2|mmerman, kespltototy
1betopy. An lnLerdlsclpllnary AssessmenL of SelecLed lacLors LhaL lmpacL Lhe 1ralnlng and
erformance of Lndurance LvenL arLlclpanLs aL Lhe Ceorgla MaraLhon

Scho|ar|y Support Grants (begun ln l?08) supporL Lhe scholarly and arLlsLlc acLlvlLy LhaL wlll
resulL ln a slgnlflcanL and presLlglous producL (e.g., book, exLernal fundlng, presLlglous
fellowshlp). 1here were 9 of Lhese awarded ln l?08.
1ery| Irey, 8loloqy, aLhogenesls of CongenlLal 8ubella vlrus lnfecLlon.
Susanna Greer, 8loloqy, ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe Mechanlsm by whlch Lhe 19S roLeasome
A1ase S8 8egulaLes MPC ll 1ranscrlpLlon.
Margaret narper, oqllsb, Scholarly LdlLlon of W.8. ?eaLs, A vlslon (1937).
Chun I|ang, 8loloqy, SynapLlc Mechanlsms for CC2 ChemosenslLlvlLy of CulLured 8ralnsLem
Mar||ynn k|chtar|k, oqllsb, SLewarL arker: 8elfasL laywrlghL
Shahab Shams|, cbemlstty, novel PyphenaLlon MeLhods for Analysls of Mlrror lmage
Laura 1ay|or, cooomlcs, Land use, LnvlronmenLal CuallLy and 8esldenLlal roperLy values.
Denn|s 1hompson, J. lsycb & 5peclol J, 8ook: uevelopmenLal sychology ln PlsLorlcal
V|[ay Va|shnav|, compotet lofotmotloo 5ystems, LAlu8ACk: A new Approach Lo user-
urlven uynamlc Web Mlnlng.

I07 Interna| Grant Awards
ln l?07 over $403,000 was awarded Lo 61 faculLy members from 21 deparLmenLs. 1hese
awards were based on an evaluaLlon of 61 granL appllcaLlons by an lnLernal CranL eer 8evlew
CommlLLee composed of 22 senlor faculLy members.

kesearch In|t|at|on Grants promoLe Lhe scholarly and arLlsLlc acLlvlLy of Lhe faculLy and
fosLer academlc excellence wlLhln Lhe unlverslLy. 1here were 23 of Lhese awarded ln l?07.
V|adym Apa|kov, lbyslcs & Asttooomy, 1ransverse currenL Lhrough unA molecule
Mar|ana Arav, Motbemotlcs & 5totlstlcs, 1he Puman ClfacLory 8ecognlLlon uslng 8oolean
MaLrlx lacLorlzaLlon
Igor 8e|ykh, Motbemotlcs & 5totlstlcs, neuronal neLworks: Synchrony and aLLern
Ly 8o||a, commoolcotloo, karen Call, l Love ?ou"
kuk-Ieong Ch|n, 8loloqy, Molecular SLraLegy for ueveloplng key 8lomarkers Lo LsLlmaLe
8aLes of Anaeroblc Pydrocarbon uegradaLlon ln ConLamlnaLed LnvlronmenLs
Andrew Cohen, lbllosopby, Lnrlchlng !usLlce: 8econclllng CompeLlng Models
Susanna Greer, 8loloqy, roLeasomal MedlaLed 8egulaLlon of Lhe lnlLlaLlon of MPC Class ll
Iun nan, Motbemotlcs & 5totlstlcs, LsLlmaLlon of PeLerogeneous 8andom LffecLs Model
M|chae| nerb, lolltlcol 5cleoce, arllamenLs ln Lhe Culf: Cll and Lhe Long 8oad Lo
k|ao||n nu, compotet 5cleoce, A Modellng and SlmulaLlon lramework for CompuLaLlonal
ur|ty k|tsu|, cooomlcs, Lmplrlcal 8lsk Averslon ln LxperlmenLal llnanclal MarkeLs
neather k|e|der, lsycboloqy, lndlvldual ulfferences ln ShooL/uon'L ShooL
Amy Landesberg, lotetlot ueslqo, roLo-Lyplng SLudy for ulglLally Lnhanced ArL or SafeLy
|ngshu L|, compotet 5cleoce, Coverage ln Sensor neLworks
Lr|n McC|ure, lsycboloqy, Soclal-LvaluaLlve Cue rocesslng ln Soclal AnxleLy: 8ehavloral,
Lye MovemenL, and neural CorrelaLes
Mark McIar|and, Moslc, SLravlnsky and Lhe layer lano: A 8elaLlonshlp 8econsldered
M|chae| Cwren, lsycboloqy, 1he LvoluLlonary Crlglns of vowels and ConsonanLs ln Puman
Dom|n|c arrott, lsycboloqy, CorrelaLes of lemale Sexual re[udlce: LxamlnaLlon of
ersonallLy, SlLuaLlonal, LmoLlonal, and CognlLlve lacLors
Arun ka|, ceotet fot ltocess looovotloo, (A?SS), 1he Lfflclency and 8eal-CpLlons
erspecLlve for lnLer-llrm 8elaLlonshlp orLfollo ManagemenL
k|m ke|mann, lolltlcol 5cleoce, nCC's and 1ransnaLlonal LnvlronmenLal neLworks ln LasL
Lou|s kuprecht, kellqloos 5toJles, A PlsLory of Lhe Modern ubllc ArL Museum
A|exandra Sm|rnova, Motbemotlcs & 5totlstlcs, novel 8egularlzed CompuLaLlonal Schemes
for lnverse roblem ln ulffuslon 8ased CpLlcal 1omography
Dona Stewart, Ceoscleoces, lrom CrlenLallsm Lo 1errorlsm: 8epresenLaLlon and
SLereoLypes of Lhe Mlddle LasL
uk| 1akator|, MoJeto & closslcol looqooqes, War 1alk: Pow MlllLary necesslLy Changed
Lhe !apanese Language
| 2hao, Motbemotlc & 5totlstlcs, Craph 1lllng roblems

Iacu|ty Mentored Grants llnk a new lnvesLlgaLor wlLh an experlenced menLor Lo provlde
Lhe menLee dlrecL personal asslsLance ln developlng a granL proposal. 1here were 3 of Lhese
awarded ln l?07.
Abdu| 8eyah, compotet 5cleoce, | an (MenLor), 8ogue Access olnL ueLecLlon uslng
1emporal 1rafflc CharacLerlsLlcs
Meera enumetcha, Nottltloo, 1|mothy 8artness (MenLor), uleLary Cxldlzed laLLy Aclds: A
8ole ln WelghL 8egulaLlon?
|chauan 2hao, Motbemotlcs & 5totlstlcs, Guanto Chen (MenLor), SLaLlsLlcal Analysls of
Plgh ulmenslonal Mlcroarray Cene Lxpresslon uaLa

kesearch 1eam Awards provlde fundlng for an lnLerdlsclpllnary research Leam Lo prepare
a compeLlLlve proposal for exLernal research fundlng. 1here were 4 of Lhese awarded ln l?07.
k|chard 8askerv|||e, Detmar Straub, Car| Stucke, V|[ay Va|shnav|, comp. lofo. 5ystems,
Mart|n Grace, klsk Moooqemeot & losotooce. Art Vandenberg, lofo. 5ys. & 1ecbooloqy,
lnformaLlon 1echnology 8lsk ManagemenL: SelecLlve Shared 8lsk neLwork
Chun I|ang, 8loloqy, Markus Germann, cbemlstty, Sush|| rasad, compotet 5cleoce,
SLrucLure-luncLlonal 8elaLlonshlp of Macromolecules such as k+ Channels: Plgh-Level
Modellng and LffecLlve SlmulaLlon
Lauren k|stvet, Stephen kapp, nlstoty, Serur 8ayon Archaeologlcal ro[ecL
8arbara Warner, Crlmlnal !usLlce, Mary Chmer, L||zabeth 8eck, 5oclol wotk,
ueveloplng a 1ralnlng rogram Lo laclllLaLe CollecLlve Lfflcacy

kesearch Lqu|pment Grants (flnal year ls l?07) provlde fundlng for research equlpmenL LhaL ls
deemed essenLlal for compeLlLlve research pro[ecLs wlLh hlgh probablllLy of recelvlng exLernal
fundlng. 1here were 6 of Lhese awarded ln l?07.
Iaye Atk|nson, kay 8eck, Ly 8o||a, uk| Iuk|oka, She|don Sh|ffer, no||ey W||k|n,
commoolcotloo, LssenLlal LqulpmenL LnhancemenL for Lhe Audlence 8esponse 1heaLer
Ly 8o||a, Iaye Atk|nson, She|don Sh|ffer, N|k|as Vo|mer, commoolcotloo, karen Call: l Love
Lynda Goodfe||ow, kespltototy 1betopy, need for 8ody leLhysmograph ln Lhe ulvlslon of
8esplraLory 1herapy
2hen nuang, G|ovann| Gadda, kathryn Grant, 8|nghe Wang, cbemlstty, Mlcro Array
Analysls of 8lomolecules and ulseases
Un|| erera, Vadym Apa|kov, N|ko|aus D|etz, 8r|an 1homas, k|aochun ne, lbyslcs &
Asttooomy, MagneLlc fleld effecLs on SemlconducLors Leadlng Lo novel lnfrared and
SplnLronlc uevlces
Lr|c Vanman, Dav|d Washburn, lsycboloqy, An lmmerslve vlrLual LnvlronmenL LaboraLory
Lo SLudy Soclal, CognlLlve, and LmoLlonal rocesses

I06 Interna| Grant Awards
ln l?06 over $410,000 was awarded Lo 43 faculLy members from 22 deparLmenLs. 1hese
awards were based on an evaluaLlon of 67 granL appllcaLlons by an lnLernal CranL eer 8evlew
CommlLLee composed of 26 senlor faculLy members.

kesearch In|t|at|on Grants promoLe Lhe scholarly and arLlsLlc acLlvlLy of Lhe faculLy and
fosLer academlc excellence wlLhln Lhe unlverslLy. 1here were 23 of Lhese awarded ln l?06.
Mohammed A||, nlstoty, 1he ClLy of Parar (LLhlopla) And lLs Cromo nelghbors, 1300-1900
Iaye Atk|nson, commoolcotloo, Lxamlnlng Lhe lnfluence of Age and 8ace on
CommunlcaLlon CompeLence and aLronlzlng Speech
Marc| Cu||ey, lsycboloqy, losLerlng and MalnLalnlng Lhe AcLlvlsL SplrlL: 1he Lxperlences of
Long-Lerm 1hree Mlle lsland AcLlvlsLs
Wade Dan|s, lotetootloool 8osloess, knowledge AcqulslLlon SLraLegy & llrm erformance ln
1ranslLlon Lconomles
I|or|an Lnescu, Motbemotlcs & 5totlstlcs, CumulaLlve Algebra, number 1heory and
AppllcaLlons Lo ulglLal ueslgn verlflcaLlon
L|nda Iow|er, Jocotloool lsycboloqy & 5peclol Jocotloo, 1he 8ole of velar MovemenL ln
MovemenL ln Changlng Lhe Mode of vocal lold vlbraLlon
kathryn Iu||er-See|ey, commoolcotloo, 1he !ack 8enny Show and Amerlcan CulLure, 1932-
2en nuang, cbemlstty, ueLecLlon of 8oclllos ootbtocls wlLh 8nA mlcrochlp
M||es Irv|ng, Jocotloool lsycboloqy & 5peclol Jocotloo, Jocotloool lollcy 5toJles,
8lackness ln Lhe Academy: undersLandlng Academlc AchlevemenL among College SLudenLs
L|r|k krogstad, Ceoloqy, 1he 8lse of Cxygen ln LarLh's Larly ALmosphere: 1he 8ecord ln
Doug|as krupka, cooomlcs, 1he SLablllLy of Mlxed-lncome nelghborhoods ln Amerlca:
Ieffrey Lazarus, lolltlcol 5cleoce, lnLeracLlon Among ollLlcal Challengers ln Lhe ueclslon Lo
8un for Cfflce
uan L|u, 8loloqy, Cell Surface lnLeracLlons 8egulaLe LeukocyLe 1ransmlgraLlon uurlng
am Longobard|, Att & ueslqo, CollecLlons SLudy ln Lhe llne ArLs aL Lhe Amerlcan Museum
of naLural PlsLory
George McMahon, coooselloq & lsycboloqlcol 5etvlces, Jocotloool lollcy 5toJles, A
CuallLaLlve lnvesLlgaLlon of Lhe CpporLunlLy Cap, Soclal varlables, and Academlc ldenLlLy
ConsLrucLlon ln Mlddle School SLudenLs
Me||ssa Merr|tt, lbllosopby, ls Lhere a 1ranscendenLal ueducLlon of Space and 1lme ln Lhe
CrlLlque of ure 8eason
Imre aty|, Motbemotlcs & 5totlstlcs, Complex Analysls ln 8anach Spaces
kagan etr|e, cooomlcs, re[udlce and Lhe perpeLuaLlon of ulfferences: LxperlmenLs
Lxplorlng Lhe lmpacL of erformance and Appearance on SorLlng
Iunco o||ack, Att & ueslqo, SupporL for LqulpmenL upgrade for Lhe roducLlon of ArL
1exLlles 1oward Solo LxhlblLlons ln uS, lrance and !apan
Gengsheng |n, Motbemotlcs & 5totlstlcs, Lmplrlcal Llkellhood 8ased lnLerval LsLlmaLlon
for 8CC Curves
L||sabeth Sheff, 5ocloloqy, Cverlapplng Sexual ldenLlLles
8eth 1|eman, lbyslcol 1betopy, arenLal erspecLlves of MoblllLy MeLhods ln Chlldren wlLh
Cerebral alsy
usan k|a, Moooqetlol 5cleoces, Supply Chaln ulsrupLlon ManagemenL

Iacu|ty Mentored Grants llnk a new lnvesLlgaLor wlLh an experlenced menLor Lo provlde
Lhe menLee dlrecL personal asslsLance ln developlng a granL proposal. 1here were 9 of Lhese
awarded ln l?06.
Caro|yn 8ourdeaux, lobllc AJmlolsttotloo & utboo 5toJles, kather|ne W|||oughby
(MenLor), lnLegraLlng 8udgeLary 8eform lnLo LeglslaLlve rocesses
8r|an I. Dew, coooselloq & lsycboloqlcol 5etvlces, k|rk L||fson (MenLor, 5ocloloqy),
MeLhampheLamlne 8ecovery: lacLors and lnfluences
M|chae| Ga|||van, compotet lofotmotloo 5ystems, 8a|a kamesh (MenLor), An lnvesLlgaLlon
of l1 ro[ecL CuLsourclng ln Chlna
Lmanue|a Guano, Aotbtopoloqy & Ceoqtopby, kathryn koza|t|s (MenLor), MarkeLlng
ulfference: ldenLlLy ConsumpLlon and Lhe CulLure lndusLry of a osLlndusLrlal lLallan ClLy
k|ao||n nu, compotet 5cleoce, Dona|d Ldwards (MenLor, 8loloqy), Applylng neuroblologlcal
SLudy of Crayflsh Lo ueslgnlng AdapLlve 8oboL ConLrol Models
Les|ey W||||ams ke|d, 5ocloloqy, k|rk L||fson (MenLor), A MulLl-level Analysls of urug use
among 8ural AdulLs
D|ana L. kob|ns, lsycboloqy, kob|n Morr|s (MenLor), ercepLlon of LmoLlonal Cues from
laclal Lxpresslon and AffecLlve rosody uslng fM8l
Chr|st|ne n. koch, lobllc AJmlolsttotloo & utboo 5toJles, Gary 1. nenry (MenLor),
AccounLablllLy and Cholce ln LducaLlon
|ng 2hu, compotet 5cleoce, G. Scott Cwen (MenLor), Craphlcal SlmulaLlon of vehlcle-
Lerraln lnLeracLlon for 8eal-1lme 1ralnlng CperaLlons

kesearch 1eam Awards provlde fundlng for an lnLerdlsclpllnary research Leam Lo prepare
a compeLlLlve proposal for exLernal research fundlng. 1here were 3 of Lhese awarded ln l?06.
L|ndsay Cohen, age Anderson, lsycboloqy, Chlldren's MasLery of a SLressor: 1he use of
vlrLual 8eallLy for reschoolers' lmmunlzaLlon ln[ecLlons
kr|st|ne Io||vette, Dav|d nouch|ns, Jocotloool lsycboloqy & 5peclol Jocotloo, Gabr|e|
kuperm|nc, lsycboloqy, ro[ecL MA8vLL: MenLor AsslsLed 8esearch valldaLed LducaLlon
and LlLeracy
kr|s Var[as, Ioe| Meyers, coooselloq & lsycboloqlcol 5etvlces, Chr|s nenr|ch, lsycboloqy,
C|ga Iarrett, otly cbllJbooJ Jocotloo, 8ullylng Among School Chlldren: A 8esearch
rogram Lo ueLermlne lLs Causes, lmpacL and LffecLlve School-based lnLervenLlons

kesearch Lqu|pment Grants provlde fundlng for research equlpmenL LhaL ls deemed essenLlal
for compeLlLlve research pro[ecLs wlLh hlgh probablllLy of recelvlng exLernal fundlng. 1here
were 2 of Lhese awarded ln l?06.
L|nda Iow|er, J. lsycb. AoJ 5peclol J., 1he 8ole of velar MovemenL ln Changlng Lhe Mode
of vocal lold vlbraLlon
Ioseph erag|ne, Att ooJ ueslqo, 1he uevelopmenL of ArLwork for Lhe ALlanLa ClLy CourL
8ulldlng and luLure

I0S Interna| Grant Awards
ln l?03 over $393,000 was awarded Lo 42 faculLy members from 17 deparLmenLs. 1hese
awards were based on an evaluaLlon of 63 granL appllcaLlons by an lnLernal CranL eer 8evlew
CommlLLee composed of 23 senlor faculLy members.

kesearch In|t|at|on Grants promoLe Lhe scholarly and arLlsLlc acLlvlLy of Lhe faculLy and
fosLer academlc excellence wlLhln Lhe unlverslLy. 1here were 23 of Lhese awarded ln l?03.
Stan Anderson, Att & ueslqo, SubLerranean Craphlc ueslgn
Laura Carruth, 8loloqy, 1he 8ole for p68, a Sex SLerold CofacLor, ln 8raln Sexual
Duane Corp|s, nlstoty, Crosslng Lhe 8oundarles of 8ellef: 8ellglous Converslon ln SouLhern
Cermany, 1648-1800
Ieremy Crampton, Aotbtopoloqy & Ceoqtopby, 1he Amerlcans ln arls: SecurlLy and ollLlcs
aL Lhe eace Conference of 1919
Den|se Dav|dson, nlstoty, Women's Soclal neLworks & Survlval SLraLegles ln napoleonlc
Nancy I|oyd, Att & ueslqo, 8equesL for Color rlnLlng lunds for Lhe 8ook, 5bes Cot o Coo
ky|e Irantz, 8loloqy, neonaLal ln[ury lncreases vulnerablllLy Lo Morphlne 8elnforcemenL ln
Mar|a G|ndhart, Att & ueslqo, leroclous 8easLs & Savage rlmlLlves: SculpLure ln WesLern
Luropean Zoos ln Lhe nlneLeenLh and Larly 1wenLleLh CenLurles
Chery| Go|ds|eger, Att & ueslqo, 8equesL for lunds Lo ay CosLs of labrlcaLlng ComponenLs
of ArLworks Lo be CreaLed for 1wo naLlonal LxhlblLlons
C||ver Green, Moslc, lcons of LLhnlclLy: Muslc, Cender and 1ransnaLlonal ldenLlLy
kobert noward, lolltlcol 5cleoce, Speclallzed versus Ceneral CourLs: A Comparlson of
ldeology and ueclslon Maklng of Lhe 1ax CourL and Lhe lederal ulsLrlcL CourL
1r|c|a k|ng, lsycboloqy, AdulL CuLcomes of Chlldhood 8raln 1umor Survlvors
au| knapp, Aotbtopoloqy & Ceoqtopby, A CllmaLologlcally-erfecL SLorm and Large Scale
MorLallLy of WesLern !unlper Woodlands ln Lhe lnLerlor aclflc norLhwesL, uSA
Chr|stopher koce|a, oqllsb, neo-Poodoo leLlshlsm ln Lhe novels of lshmael 8eed
Scott L|ghtsey, oqllsb, Marvelous CrafL: 1echnology, ldeology and Medleval roducLlon of
Dav|d N|xon, lolltlcol 5cleoce, 8ureaucraLlc ueclslon Maklng: Commlssloner voLlng aL Lhe
lederal CommunlcaLlons Commlsslon, 1973-2000
1|m C'keefe, lbllosopby, 1he lorLulLous lnvenLlon of LlberLarlan lree Wlll by Lhe Academlc
Nathan|e| Crr, Moslc, Muslc of Lhe PlghesL Class: Lowell Mason and Lhe SacrallzaLlon of
Muslc ln Amerlca
Ioe erry, nlstoty, 8roadcasL CommunlLles: 1elevlslon and Lhe ollLlcs of ConsumpLlon ln
WesL Cermany's Mlracle ?ears"
Char|es Steffen, nlstoty, ALlanLa Lllls lsland: A PlsLory of Llndbergh CommunlLy slnce World
War ll
1rac|e Stewart, lsycboloqy, Are lamlly 8esponslve Workplace ollces 8elaLed Lo Workplace
8ewards? An LxperlmenLal SLudy of ollcy use, Cender, and Workplace lnequallLy
Lr|c Vanman, lsycboloqy, LmoLlonal ueflclLs & lmpalrmenL of ueclslon Maklng
Dav|d Weberman, lbllosopby, 1he 1ransformaLlon of vetsteobeo ln ullLhey, Peldegger and
ney|ng 2han, 5ocloloqy, 8ellglon, lolk 8ellefs, and PealLh Among Chlnese lmmlgranL Llders
ln ALlanLa
|ng 2hu, compotet 5cleoce, lasL & 8eallsLlc vlsuallzaLlon of Large 1erraln uaLabase

Iacu|ty Mentored Grants llnk a new lnvesLlgaLor wlLh an experlenced menLor Lo provlde
Lhe menLee dlrecL personal asslsLance ln developlng a granL proposal. 1here were 3 of Lhese
awarded ln l?03.
Mary 8eth Ca|hoon, Jocotloool lsycboloqy & 5peclol Jocotloo, kob|n Morr|s (MenLor),
AdolescenL 8eadlng ro[ecL
Co||n Crawford, low, M|chae| Lr|ksen (MenLor), uecenLrallzed WasLewaLer references ln
Lhe 16 CounLy MeLropollLan ALlanLa 8eglon and Lhelr Legal and 8egulaLory lmpllcaLlons
1errance 1ay|or, ctlmlool Iostlce, Vo|kan 1opa||| (MenLor), uslng Lhe naLlonal lncldenL-
8ased 8eporLlng SysLem Lo Lxamlne Lhe LxLenL Lo whlch ollce Clearance 8aLes of vlolenL
Cffenses vary by vlcLlm 8ace

kesearch 1eam Awards provlde fundlng for an lnLerdlsclpllnary research Leam Lo prepare
a compeLlLlve proposal for exLernal research fundlng. 1here were 4 of Lhese awarded ln l?03.
Sue Co|||ns, Dean Dabney, Lr|c Stewart, Vo|kan 1opa|||, ctlmlool Iostlce, lmpacL of Soclal
CrganlzaLlon & Soclal ConLrol on urug use romoLlon and MlLlgaLlon ln a urug-rldden
Genady Cymba|yuk, Andrey Sh||n|kov, Motbemotlcs & 5totlstlcs, uynamlcs of 8ursLlng
8ehavlors ln neuronal Models
Mary I|nn, t|ene M||n|ck, Sandra newe||, ctlmlool Iostlce, A CommunlLy CoordlnaLed
8esponses Lo lamlly vlolence: A uescrlpLlon and rellmlnary AssessmenL of l.l.8.S.1
Lmanue|a Guano, A||ane Cerwonka, Aotbtopoloqy & Ceoqtopby, neollberallsm & Cender:
Clobal rocesses and Local erspecLlves

kesearch Lqu|pment Grants provlde fundlng for research equlpmenL LhaL ls deemed essenLlal
for compeLlLlve research pro[ecLs wlLh hlgh probablllLy of recelvlng exLernal fundlng. 1here
were 3 of Lhese awarded ln l?03.
Lme||ta 8reyer, cbemlstty, Caplllary LlecLrophoresls: An lncreaslngly lmporLanL 1ool ln
8loLechnology 8esearch
Markus Germann, cbemlstty, 8lomolecular lluorescence
Susan Laury, cooomlcs, updaLlng & Lnhanclng Lhe LxperlmenLal Lconomlcs LaboraLory

I04 Interna| Grant Awards
ln l?04 over $280,000 was awarded Lo 28 faculLy members from 19 deparLmenLs. 1hese
awards were based on an evaluaLlon of 61 granL appllcaLlons.

kesearch In|t|at|on Grants promoLe Lhe scholarly and arLlsLlc acLlvlLy of Lhe faculLy and
fosLer academlc excellence wlLhln Lhe unlverslLy. 1here were 14 of Lhese awarded ln l?04.
kobert Ade|man, 5ocloloqy, Assesslng 8aclal and Class SLrucLures
kobert A|meder, lbllosopby, 8ecenL Work on 1ruLh
A||a|ne Cerwonka, womeos 5toJles, Lmbodled Llberallsm: 8lghLs, 8easons and 8odles ln
Llberallsm's hllosophy of CovernmenL
Ieremy D|em, Aotbtopoloqy & Ceoqtopby, lnvesLlgaLlng AnLhropologlc lmpacLs on Warm-
Iohn Duff|e|d, lolltlcol 5cleoce, 1he SLraLeglc Consequences of lorelgn Cll uependence
Geoffrey nubona, compotet lofotmotloo 5ystems, neural lnLerneL: ConLrolllng a Web
8rowser wlLh 8raln Slgnals
Nan I|ang, ApplleJ lloqolstlcs, Assesslng lmpllclL LlngulsLlc knowledge ln a Second Language
Sher| Ioseph, oqllsb, A LlLerary novel (flcLlon) as ?eL unLlLled
Iacque||ne Laures, J. lsycboloqy & 5peclol J., 1he 8elaLlon 8eLween PypercorLlsolemla
and Aphasla
krystyn Moon, nlstoty, 1he 8lse of Aslans and Aslan Amerlcans ln vaudevllle, 1880 - 1930s
La||tha Naveen, lloooce, 8oard SLrucLure and llrm value
Ioseph erag|ne, Att & ueslqo, ArLwork for Lhe Clobal PealLh Cdyssey Museum on Lhe
Campus of Lhe CenLers for ulsease ConLrol
A.. reethy, compotet 5cleoce, Low ower CMCS ClrculLs for Moblle CommunlcaLlon
SysLems uslng 8nS
koder|ck Watts, lsycboloqy, ?ouLh SoclopollLlcal uevelopmenL

Iacu|ty Mentored Grants llnk a new lnvesLlgaLor wlLh an experlenced menLor Lo provlde
Lhe menLee dlrecL personal asslsLance ln developlng a granL proposal. 1here were 4 of Lhese
awarded ln l?04.
age Anderson, lsycboloqy, L|sa Arm|stead (MenLor) Addresslng CulLure ln Lhe 1reaLmenL
of Soclal AnxleLy
G|ovanna Gadda, cbemlstty, Dabney D|xon (MenLor) 8lochemlcal and MechanlsLlc
lnvesLlgaLlon of Chollne Cxldase, a 8acLerlal Lnzyme lnvolved ln 1olerance 1owards
LnvlronmenLal SLress
M||es Irv|ng, J. lsycboloqy & 5peclol J./ J. lollcy 5toJles, Daphne Greenberg (MenLor)
CpposlLlonal ldenLlLy and Sclence AchlevemenL Among Afrlcan Amerlcans
1r|c|a k|ng, lsycboloqy, kob|n Morr|s (MenLor) CognlLlve 1ra[ecLorles of Chlldren wlLh local
8raln Leslons: neural Mechanlsms of LmoLlonal 8egulaLlon and LxecuLlve luncLlons

kesearch 1eam Awards provlde fundlng for an lnLerdlsclpllnary research Leam Lo prepare
a compeLlLlve proposal for exLernal research fundlng. 1here were 2 of Lhese awarded ln l?04.
Mark keed, ctlmlool Iostlce, 8renda 8|ackwe||, 5oclol wotk, Lxposure Lo Secondary
vlcLlmlzaLlon: locus Croups wlLh Pomlclde..
Susan Wa|cott, Ceoqtopby, Iames ne|tzman, nlstoty, Lmerglng 8eglonal CrowLh oles ln
Chlna and lndla

kesearch Lqu|pment Grants provlde fundlng for research equlpmenL LhaL ls deemed essenLlal
for compeLlLlve research pro[ecLs wlLh hlgh probablllLy of recelvlng exLernal fundlng. 1here
were 6 of Lhese awarded ln l?04.
atr|c|a 8yrd, ApplleJ lloqolstlcs ooJ 5l, Analysls of Lhe Language and CulLure of u.S.
unlverslLy Classroom CommunlcaLlon
ky|e Irantz, 8loloqy, lnsLrumenLaLlon for Lhe Molecular Analysls of Sex ulfferences ln 8raln
8esponse Lo SLlmulanLs
Chery| Go|ds|eger, Att ooJ ueslqo, 8esearch lnsLrumenLaLlon CranL for LqulpmenL Lo
roduce & Secure .
am Longobard|, Att ooJ ueslqo, LqulpmenL Lo Sponsor An lnLerdlsclpllnary CollaboraLlve
au| katz, 8loloqy, upgrade of MulLl-user Comblned LlecLrophyslology/lmaglng laclllLy
L|z 1hroop, Att ooJ ueslqo, CommunlcaLlng vlsually

I03 Interna| Grant Awards
ln l?03 over $470,000 was awarded Lo 47 faculLy members from 24 deparLmenLs. 1hese
awards were based on an evaluaLlon of 63 granL appllcaLlons.

kesearch In|t|at|on Grants promoLe Lhe scholarly and arLlsLlc acLlvlLy of Lhe faculLy and
fosLer academlc excellence wlLhln Lhe unlverslLy. 1here were 21 of Lhese awarded ln l?03.
Iames A|nsworth-Darne||, 5ocloloqy, Assesslng SLrucLurallsL versus lndlvlduallsL
nassan 8aba|e, Ceoloqy, ueslgnlng and xML-based SLrucLural Ceology
Anu 8ourgeo|s, compotet 5cleoce, 8econflgurable Meshes & laulL 1oleranL AlgorlLhms
Ired 8rooks, 5oclol wotk, A rogram LvaluaLlon of Lhe arLnershlp.
Cra|g Dongosk|, Att & ueslqo, Cf Lhe Worlds/Cf Lhe War
au| Ierraro, cooomlcs, vlrLual layers ln LxperlmenLal Analyses of Puman ueclslon-
Nancy I|oyd, Att & ueslqo, 1lme's 8elenLless MelL
M|chae| Ga|ch|nsky, oqllsb, !ews & Puman 8lghLs: 8eflecLlons on Clobal uemocracy
Mary 8eth Gasman, J. lollcy 5toJles, CollaboraLlon for Lhe Cause: A PlsLory of Lhe unlLed
Lmanue|a Guano, Aotbtopoloqy & Ceoqtopby, 1aklng 8ack Lhe PlsLorlc CenLer: 1he ollLlcs
of PerlLage
Me||nda nartw|g, Att & ueslqo, lconography & CulLure ln AnclenL LgypL
Chr|stopher nenr|ch, lsycboloqy, arenLlng lacLors, Academlc MoLlvaLlon, & School
Ionathan nerman, lbllosopby, lrom 1ao Lo ulalogue: MarLln 8uber's LncounLer wlL Lao 1zu
C||fford kuhn, nlstoty, AL Lhe Cross 8oads: ArLhur 8aper, Lhe SouLh, & Lhe World
kathryn McC|ymond, lbllosopby, A olyLheLlc Approach Lo Sacrlflce
Susan McComb|e, Aotbtopoloqy & Ceoqtopby, Soclodemographlc redlcLors of 1reaLmenL
for Chlldhood
Iason M|tte||, commoolcotloo, CarLoon neLwork: 1he CulLural AnaLomy of a Cable
L|ena arra, MoJeto & closslcol looqooqes, An Lra of MonsLers: 1owards a oeLlc of
Iunco o||ack, Att & ueslqo, 8eplacemenL & 1ravel SupporL for 8esearch
Sebast|en ouget, lloooce, llnanclal MarkeLs ueslgn & Lqulllbrlum Learnlng
Lrda| 1ek|n, cooomlcs, 1he LffecL of Chlld Care Subsldles on Welfare

Iacu|ty Mentored Grants llnk a new lnvesLlgaLor wlLh an experlenced menLor Lo provlde
Lhe menLee dlrecL personal asslsLance ln developlng a granL proposal. 1here were 4 of Lhese
awarded ln l?03.
G|adys A|exandre, 8loloqy, 8arbara 8aumstark (MenLor) Molecular 8asls for olar
llagellum ClycoslllzaLlon ln Azosplrlllum
A||ce de kon|ng, Moooqemeot, Shaker 2ahra (MenLor) 1he Lmergence of LnLrepreneurlal
venLures from Sclence LaboraLorles
Iacque||ne Laures, J. lsycboloqy & 5peclol J., kob|n Morr|s (MenLor) 1he
neuroendocrlne SLress 8esponse AssoclaLed wlLh LlngulsLlc.
Gregory Lew|s, lollcy AJmlo. & utboo 5toJles, au|a Stephan (MenLor) Sclence LducaLlon &
ay ulsparlLles ln Lhe lederal Servlce

kesearch 1eam Awards provlde fundlng for an lnLerdlsclpllnary research Leam Lo prepare
a compeLlLlve proposal for exLernal research fundlng. 1here were 6 of Lhese awarded ln l?03.
Sae|d 8e|kas|m, Dav|s, 2. D|ng, k. narr|son, atrangenaru, compotet 5cleoce, new 8eLrleval
& ClasslflcaLlon 1echnlques ln Plgh & Low Level.
atr|c|a 8yrd, Ametlcoo loJloo 5l, Crammar & vocabulary ln PlsLory: 2110 Survey of u.S.
Arun ka|, k|chard We|ke, ecommetce lostltote, aurao, Wareham, compotet lofotmotloo
5ystems, Shaker 2ahra, Moooqemeot, 1owards a uynamlc 1heory of lC1 CollaboraLlon ln
Lawrence k|so, lsycboloqy, sychoLherapy for Chronlcally uepressed AdolescenLs
Irank W||||ams, Aotbtopoloqy & Ceoqtopby, 8eth Chr|stensen, Ceoloqy, SouLh Afrlcan 8lver
8eds: 1he Mlsslng Llnk ln Puman Crlglns
Doug|as am, low, ConfllcL 8esoluLlon ln Schools rogram: 1heory Lo racLlce

kesearch Lqu|pment Grants provlde fundlng for research equlpmenL LhaL ls deemed essenLlal
for compeLlLlve research pro[ecLs wlLh hlgh probablllLy of recelvlng exLernal fundlng. 1here
were 7 of Lhese awarded ln l?03.
1|m 8artness, 8loloqy, MulLl-user LqulpmenL for neuroblology
Nancy I|oyd, Att ooJ ueslqo, 8esearch lnsLrumenLaLlon CranL for LqulpmenL
Markus Germann, cbemlstty, 8apld ln vlLro roducLlon of roLelns for SLrucLural..
au| katz, 8loloqy, upgrade of Confocal Mlcroscopy
Iacque||ne Laures, J. lsycb. ooJ 5peclol J., uevelopmenL of Lhe Speech & volce Sclences
Me|ody Moore, compotet lofotmotloo 5ystems, CSu 8ralnLab lnsLrumenLaLlon
hang 1a|, 8loloqy, MulLl-user LqulpmenL

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