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Work, Energy and the Simple

Machines: Lever,
Wheel and Axle,
Instructors Guide
Work, Energy and the Simple Machines:
Written and Produced by
John Colgren
United Learning
1560 Sherman Avenue, Suite 100
Evanston, Illinois 60201
(800) 323-9084, Fax (847) 328-6706
Published and Distributed by
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MMI John Colgren
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Instructional Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Links to Curriculum Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Student Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Assessment Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Teacher Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Introducing the Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Discussion Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Blackline Master Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Enrichment Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Answer Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Internet Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Script of Program Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
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This live-action program is designed for use with the intermediate and middle
school grades (5-8).
The lever, wheel and axle, and pulley have been grouped together to show how
they are related, but at the same time different from one another. The lever is
presented first and is described as one of the very first simple machines. The
three main parts of a lever are shown and identified. They include the resistance,
the effort or force, and the fulcrum. The three kinds of levers are also described
and illustrated with everyday common tools or devices. The wheel and axle is
presented next and is described as a lever that has been wound up. The large
wheel represents the effort arm and the axle represents the resistance arm.
Finally pulleys are described. The two kinds of pulleys, fixed and movable, are
demonstrated. Block and tackles, which are combinations of many pulleys
working together are also presented. The mechanical advantage of these simple
machines is calculated.
Before presenting this lesson to your students, we suggest that you preview the
program and review this guide and the accompanying blackline master activities
in order to familiarize yourself with their content.
As you review the materials presented in this guide, you may find it necessary to
make some changes, additions, or deletions to meet the specific needs of your
class. We encourage you to do so, for only by tailoring this program to your class
will they obtain the maximum instructional benefits afforded by the materials.
It is also suggested that the program presentation take place before the entire
group under your supervision. The lesson activities grow out of the context of
the program; therefore, the presentation should be a common experience for all
This Unit of Study addresses the following National Science Education
Standards for grades 5-8:
Science as Inquiry
Content Standard A:
* Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
* Understandings about scientific inquiry
Physical Science
Content Standard B:
* Motions and forces
The motion of an object can be described by its position,
direction of motion, and speed.
* Transfer of Energy
Energy is a property of many substances and is associated with
heat, light, electricity, mechanical motion, sound, nuclei, and
the nature of a chemical. Energy is transferred in many ways.
Science and Technology
Content Standard E:
* Understanding about Science and Technology
Many different people in different cultures have made and
continue to make contributions to science and technology
History and Nature of Science
Content Standard G:
* Science as a Human Endeavor
* Nature of Science
* History of Science
After viewing the program and participating in the follow-up activities, stu-
dents/participants should be able to...
Identify the six simple machines.
Identify the main part of a lever.
List examples of levers.
Describe how a wheel and axle make work easier.
Describe the differences between a fixed and movable pulley.
Calculate the mechanical advantage of these three simple machines.
This lesson provides you with three different assessment tools. Together they
View the program and review the accompanying activities. Duplicate any black-
line masters you wish to distribute. If you plan to use the Video Quiz, which
immediately follows the program presentation, you may wish to have copies of
the quiz ready to distribute at the completion of the program. Also, plan to pause
the program between questions if students require more time.
Ask the class to think of all the different kinds of tools and machines that are
used in our modern world. Ask for some examples such as hammers, huge
cranes, etc. Then tell the students that all the machines we use today are based
on six simple machines that were discovered and used thousands of years ago.
Viewing time for this program is 10 minutes. The video quiz that follows the
presentation will take about 5 minutes when you build in pauses for recording
You may wish to conduct a discussion after viewing the program based on the
This program concentrates on the lever, wheel and axle, and screw. Ask students
to think of examples of each of those simple machines. Why were these three
simple machines grouped together? (They are related to each other)
This program contains eleven blackline masters that can be used to reinforce
ideas and information presented in the program.
Blackline Master #1: Pre-Test provides a way of finding out how much stu-
dents know about the material covered in this lesson before you present it.
Student scores on the Pre-Test can be compared with their scores on the final
Post-Test Blackline Master #11.
make it possible to follow closely the progress of your students and to judge their
mastery of the subject matter.
The Pre-Test Blackline Master #1 can be used to get some idea of students
understanding of the topic before the program is presented.
The Post-Test, presented as Blackline Master#11, can be used as a final test for
the lesson.
The Video Quiz and its accompanying answer sheet (Blackline Master #2) can
be used as a follow-up to the program.
Blackline Master #2: Video Quiz is to be used at the end of the program. At
the completion of the program, there is a short quiz. The narrator will read the
questions which are displayed on the screen. Students can use Blackline Master
#2: Video Quiz to record their answers. Answers to the questions are provided
in the Answer Key section of this teachers guide.
Blackline Master #3: Vocabulary asks students to match terms in column A
with definitions in column B.
Blackline Master #4: Levers asks students to identify the fulcrum, resistance,
and effort for various levers.
Blackline Master #5: Levers - Three Classes asks students to identify various
levers as first, second, or third - class levers.
Blackline Master #6: Two Arms contains information about calculating miss-
ing information from word problems dealing with levers.
Blackline Master #7: Mechanical Advantage of a Lever provides information
about how to calculate the mechanical advantage of a lever.
Blackline Master #8: Mechanical Advantage of a Wheel and Axle is a work-
sheet that explains how to determine the mechanical advantage of a wheel and
axle. Students are asked to measure some objects at home and determine the
mechanical advantage of those wheel and axles.
Blackline Master #9: Kinds of Pulleys is an experiment with two parts. Part
A describes how to set up a fixed pulley and Part B describes how to set up a
movable pulley.
Blackline Master #10: Mechanical Advantage of Pulleys describes how the
mechanical advantage of a pulley is calculated.
Blackline Master #11: Post-Test. This is the post-test for this program.
Have some students find out about the evolution of the bicycle. How has it
changed over the years and why?
Blackline Master #1: Pre-Test
1. lever, wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, wedge, screw
2. fulcrum, resistance, effort
3. fixed and movable
4. A wheel and axle is like a lever wound up.
5. When a machine has a mechanical advantage it means the machine makes
the work easier and therefore a small effort can be used to accomplish a greater
6. The mechanical advantage of a movable pulley is determined by the num-
ber of supporting ropes.
7. The mechanical advantage of a wheel and axle is calculated by dividing the
diameter of the wheel by the diameter of the axle.
8. A block and tackle is a combination of two or more pulleys used together.
9. 20 pounds
10. Energy is the ability to do work
Blackline Master #2: Video Quiz
1. c
2. a
3. a
4. d
5. a
6. Energy is the ability to do work
7. Afixed pulley is stationary and used only to change the direction of effort.
Amovable pulley is attached to the resistance or load and moves with it. Amov-
able pulley provides a mechanical advantage.
8. A block and tackle is a combination of two or more pulleys.
9. lever, wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, wedge, screw
10. The location of the fulcrum, resistance arm, and effort arm
Blackline Master #3: Vocabulary
1. c
2. e
3. g
4. a
5. f
6. b
7. h
8. d
Blackline Master #4: Levers
pliers - resistance is the claws, the fulcrum is at nut, effort is in handles
hammer pulling a nail - resistance is nail, fulcrum is at hammer head where it
touches wood, hammer handle is the effort
hammer nailing - hammer head is resistance, hand is effort and the fulcrum is
below the hand on the handle
nutcracker - nut is resistance, fulcrum is nut and bolt, effort is handles of nut-
broom - resistance is what broom is sweeping, hands on handle are effort, ful-
crum is above hands
moving a rock with a board - rock is resistance, end of board is effort and ful-
crum is log.
Blackline Master #5: Levers - Three Classes
pliers - first-class
broom - third-class
nutcracker - second-class
hammer nailing - third-class
hammer pulling nail - first-class
moving rock - first-class
Blackline Master #6: Two Arms
1. 37.5 newtons
2. 6 feet
3. 125 newtons
Blackline Master #7: Mechanical Advantage of a Lever
1. M.A. = 2
2. M.A. = 2
3. M.A. = 4
Blackline Master #8: Mechanical Advantage of a Wheel and Axle
Answers will vary
Blackline Master #9: Kinds of Pulleys
Observations Part A: Answers will vary but will be the same for one and two.
Part B: The reading on the scale should be one half the weight of the book.
Blackline Master #10: Mechanical Advantage of Pulleys
M.A. = 4 five pounds of effort to lift 20 pound object
M.A. = 6 12.5 newtons of effort to lift 75 newtons
Blackline Master #11: Quiz
1. lever, wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, wedge, screw
2. a. turning point on a lever
b. the load on a lever
c. a push or pull
d. the length of the effort arm on a lever
e. the length of the resistance arm on a lever
3. The location of the fulcrum, resistance, and effort.
4. pliers - claws resistance, handles effort, nut and bolt fulcrum
hammer - nail resistance, hand on handle effort, head of hammer fulcrum
fishing pole - fish resistance, effort in hands, fulcrum below hands
5. 25 pounds of effort
6. The diameter of the wheel is divided by the diameter of axle.
7. the number of supporting ropes
8. a combination of two or more pulleys
9. A fixed pulley doesnt provide any mechanical advantage.
10. Energy is the ability to do work
The following website may be a valuable source of additional information to
reinforce the objectives of this lesson:
1.) Work, Energy and the Simple Machines at http://www.unitedlearn- will be designed as an electronic learning module specifically correlat-
ed to this Unit of Study. It will support and enhance the content and ideas pre-
sented in this series of vide tapes. This will add a new dimension to instruction
and learning.
Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley
Script of Narration
This man is straining to lift the weights on the exercise equipment. The weights
aren't moving, so to a scientist this man has done no work.
Work is only accomplished when an object is moved a distance. Aforce is need-
ed and to provide the necessary force energy is required.
Energy is the ability to do work. In our machine orientated world we have many
tools and devices that help to get work done easier or faster, but as complicated
as so many of these machines seem they are all based on just six simple machines
that were developed a very long time ago.
The six simple machines are the lever, wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane,
wedge, and the screw. Today we'll take a close look at three of these simple
machines; the lever, wheel and axle, and the pulley.
The lever was one of the first simple machines. It is made up of two main parts.
Abar that rotates or turns around a support point called a fulcrum. Alever is used
to move a resistance or load. The force necessary to move a load doesn't have to
equal the weight of that load.
The idea is to try and have the resistance close to the fulcrum and the effort as
far from the fulcrum as possible. The longer the effort arm the greater the lever-
age; which means a small effort is required to produce a great force.
Notice that the adult is easily lifted with one hand. The effort moves through a
great distance while the resistance only moves a short distance. The advantage
is that the effort needed to lift the load is much reduced.
There are actually three kinds or classes of levers.
This board is being used as a first-class lever. The fulcrum is located somewhere
between the resistance and the effort.
A nutcracker is an example of a second-class lever. This time the resistance is
between the fulcrum and the effort.
A third-class lever is set up with the effort between the resistance and fulcrum.
This rake is an example of a third-class lever.
If a hammer is being used to drive a nail what kind of lever do you think it rep-
The effort is the person's hand, the resistance is the hammer head.
The fulcrum is below the hand so the effort is between the resistance and the ful-
crum. It is a third-class lever.
What kind of lever is a hammer that is being used to pull a nail?(pause)
It's a first-class lever.
The person's hand is providing the effort, the nail is the resistance and the ful-
crum is located somewhere between the effort and resistance.
Acrowbar is used to pry two boards apart. The crowbar is being used as a lever.
Think of where the resistance is the effort and the fulcrum. It's a first-class lever.
The fulcrum is between the effort and resistance.
The wheel was one of the most important inventions of all times. No one knows
where the wheel was invented, but there is evidence that people living 6,000
years ago used wheels.
The wheel and axle is related to the lever. It is like a lever that has been wound
The larger wheel represents the effort arm and the axle represents the resistance
arm. The bigger the wheel compared to the axle the easier it is to use the wheel
and axle.
A steering wheel makes it easy to steer a car.
A truck or a bus has a bigger wheel to help steer the larger vehicle.
Skateboards, in line skates, and bicycles all use wheels and axles.
Adoor knob is another common example of a wheel and axle. It is easy to open
a door because the door knob is like a wheel.
If we remove the door knob we can see the axle that operates the door clasp.
Abicycle uses the wheel and axle idea to make peddling easier. The peddles turn
in a wide circle. The chain connects the peddle with the rear sprocket, which is
smaller, and therefore turns many times each time the peddle goes around once.
Another simple machine that is related to the wheel and axle is the pulley. The
pulley has a wheel and axle built into it. There are two kinds of pulleys.
One is called a fixed pulley which means the pulley is attached to something.
The object being lifted is attached to one end of a rope. The other end of the rope
is fed through the pulley, and then a force is used to pull on the rope. The fixed
pulley doesn't make lifting easier; it changes the direction of effort.
The other kind of pulley is the movable pulley. In this case the pulley moves
with the object being lifted. Because of the way the rope is used it takes only
half the effort to lift the load.
For example, this block of wood weighs 240 grams, but when lifted by a mov-
able pulley the effort needed is half as much.
Acombination of pulleys used together is called a block and tackle. Ablock and
tackle can be used to lift heavy objects.
When a machine makes work easier because it multiplies the effort being applied
we say the machine is providing a mechanical advantage.
To find the mechanical advantage of a lever you need to measure the length of
the effort arm and the length of the resistance arm. Then, divide the effort arm
length by the resistance arm length.
Remember lifting the adult with the first class lever? Let's measure the effort and
resistance arms. The adult who is the load in this case is 1 meter from the ful-
crum. The effort arm is four meters long. If we divide the effort effort arm by
the resistance arm we find the mechanical advantage is four.
Another way of thinking of the mechanical advantage of four is to take the adults
weight, which is 180 pounds, and divide it by four. The answer is 45 pounds of
effort to lift the 180 pound adult.
The mechanical advantage for a wheel and axle is determined by dividing the
diameter of the wheel by the diameter of the axle.
Let's calculate the mechanical advantage of this doorknob. The diameter of the
wheel part is five centimeters. The diameter of the axle is two centimeters.
Therefore the mechanical advantage is two and a half.
It's very easy to determine the mechanical advantage of a pulley setup. The
mechanical advantage is equal to the number of supporting strands. So a mov-
able pulley has a mechanical advantage of two while a fixed pulley has a
mechanical advantage of one.
When more pulleys are added the mechanical advantage increases dramatically.
What this means is that if a block and tackle set up has four supporting strands
its mechanical advantage is four. The amount of effort needed to lift an object is
1/4 of the objects weight. If the object weighs 40 grams it will take only ten
grams of effort to lift it.
The six simple machines have been important contributors to our advancement
through the ages. However, not every application has succeeded. Take for
instance this invention:
You probably recognize the bike. What you probably didn't notice was the rock-
et strapped to it.
This inventor felt a rocket propelled bicycle would revolutionize our means of
I guess he wasn't right.
Now it's time for a video quiz. There will be ten questions. The first five will
be multiple choice and the last five are fill-in the blank or short answer.
Question number one.
The turning point of a lever is called the ___________.
a. resistance
b. effort
c. fulcrum
d. arm
Question number two.
The load or object being moved on a lever is called the ________.
a. resistance
b. effort
c. fulcrum
d. arm
Question number three.
The mechanical advantage of a wheel and axle is determined by _____
a. dividing the diameter of the wheel by the diameter of the axle.
b. dividing the axle radius by the wheel radius.
c. measuring the length of the effort arm.
d. dividing the resistance arm by the effort arm.
Question number four.
How do we calculate the mechanical advantage of a movable pulley?
a. Divide the length of the effort arm by the length of the resistance arm.
b. Divide the wheel radius by the axle radius.
c. Measure the length of the effort arm.
d. Count the number of supporting strands of rope.
Question number five.
How do we calculate the mechanical advantage of a lever?
a. Divide the length of the effort arm by the length of the resistance arm.
b. Divide the wheel radius by the axle radius.
c. Divide the length of the resistance arm by the length of the effort arm.
d. Divide the weight of the load by the effort arm.
Question number six.
What is energy?
Question number seven.
How is a fixed pulley different from a movable pulley?
Question number eight.
What is a block and tackle?
Question number nine.
Name the six simple machines.
Question number ten.
There are three kinds of levers. What makes them different from each other?
DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions in the space provided.
1. What are the three parts of a lever? _____________ _____________ ______________
2. There are three classes, or kinds, of levers. How are they different from each other?
3. What is the resistance arm of a lever?
4. What is the effort arm of a lever?
5. How has the wheel and axle made work easier for humans?
6. Name three examples of a wheel and axle in operation.
7. There are two kinds of pulley systems. One is called a fixed pulley and the other is
called a movable pulley. How are they different?
8. Apulley at the top of a flagpole is used to raise a flag. Of what kind of pulley is that an
example? ________________
9. Aseries of pulleys used together is called a _______ and __________.
10. Give three examples of pulleys in use.
Discovering Simple Machines: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley
Discovering Simple Machines: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley
2001 Colgren Communications
All rights to print materials cleared for classroom duplication and distribution.
Name _______________

Discovering Simple Machines: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley

This is the video quiz for the video called Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley. Questions will
appear at the end of the video. Write your answers on this sheet of paper.

1. The weight of the object being moved on a lever is called the ____________.
a. fulcrum b. force or effort c. resistance d. arm

2. The pivoting or turning point of a lever is called the ____________.
a. fulcrum b. force or effort c. resistance d. arm

3. The push or pull on a lever is called the ____________.
a. fulcrum b. force or effort c. resistance d. arm

4. A first-class lever has the fulcrum between the resistance and effort. Which of these is a
first-class lever?
a. broom b. fishing pole c. scissors d. baseball bat

5. If the fulcrum is at one end of a lever, and the resistance is at the other end with the effort
or force between them, it is a third-class lever. Which of these is a third-class lever?
a. broom b. hammer pulling a nail c. scissors d. pliers

6. The wheel and axle is related to the lever because it is like a lever wound up. The large
wheel is like what part of the lever?
a. fulcrum b. resistance arm c. effort arm d. load

7. The axle or smaller wheel of the wheel and axle is like what part of the lever?
a. fulcrum b. resistance arm c. effort arm d. none of these

8. What is a fixed pulley?

9. When using a fixed pulley, the amount of effort needed to lift a load is equal to the weight
of the load. What does the fixed pulley do?
a. Make work easier. b. Change the direction of the effort c. Help support the load.

10. How does a movable pulley make work easier?

Discovering Simple Machines: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley 2001 Colgren Communications
All rights to print materials cleared for classroom duplication and distribution.
Levers were probably one of the very first machines.
There are three parts to every lever. One part is
the object or weight being moved. It is called
the resistance. A push or pull is needed to
move the resistance. This push or pull is called
the force or effort. The third part of the lever
is called the fulcrum. It is the point on the
lever where direction and movement changes.
Discovering Simple Machines: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley
DIRECTIONS: Label the parts of each lever shown. Each lever will have a fulcrum, a
resistance, and a force.
Discovering Simple Machines: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley
2001 Colgren Communications
All rights to print materials cleared for classroom duplication and distribution.
DIRECTIONS: Do the following experiment to find out more about levers. Answer the ques-
tions in the Observations section.
Purpose: To demonstrate the principle of a lever.
Materials: 1. A ruler
2. three pennies
3. a pencil
Procedures: 1. Lay the pencil on the flat surface of your desk.
2. Balance the ruler on the pencil so that it resembles a seesaw. The ruler is
balanced when both ends are off the table or desk top. Make observations.
3. Place a penny on one end of the ruler.
4. Place another penny on the other end of the ruler to balance it again. Make
5. Place a third penny on top of one of the pennies already on the ruler.
6. Try to balance the ruler by moving the pennies. The pennies must stay on
their side of the ruler and the double penny set-up must stay as one penny
on top of the other.
Observations:1. When you first balanced your ruler on the pencil, what was the reading on the
ruler above the pencil or fulcrum?
2. How did you balance the ruler when there was a penny on each side of the
3. How did you solve the problem of balancing two pennies with one?
Discovering Simple Machines: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley
Discovering Simple Machines: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley
2001 Colgren Communications
All rights to print materials cleared for classroom duplication and distribution.
There are three classes or kinds of levers. They are called FIRST-CLASS, SECOND-CLASS,
and THIRD-CLASS LEVERS. What makes one class of lever different from another is where
the force, resistance, and fulcrum are located. Here are some examples:
Discovering Simple Machines: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley
DIRECTIONS: Identify the levers below as first-class, second-class, or third-class levers.
Discovering Simple Machines: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley
2001 Colgren Communications
All rights to print materials cleared for classroom duplication and distribution.
First-class lever
In this case the fulcrum is located between the force and resistance. A
seesaw is a good example of a first-class lever.
Second-class lever
A second-class lever is set-up so that the resistance is between the
force and fulcrum. Awheelbarrow is a second-class lever.
Third-class lever
In the case of a third-class lever, the force is between the resistance
and the fulcrum. A fishing pole is a good example.
A wheel and axle is a simple machine that acts as a lever. The steer-
ing wheel on a car is a perfect example of a wheel and axle. The
large steering wheel is attached to a smaller rod called the steering
column. The force from the steering column is used to turn the
wheels so that the car can be driven properly. That force is a great
force because the steering column acts like an axle. The steering wheel is large and turns easi-
ly in a persons hands. The steering column, which is the axle part of this simple machine, is
much smaller but is attached to the steering wheel, so when the steering wheel is turned, the
steering column also turns. The steering column turns with much more force than the steering
wheel so that the heavy front tires can be turned and controlled. The larger the steering wheel,
the greater the force on the steering column or axle.
Questions: 1. Why do trucks have such large steering wheels?
2. Why do ocean liners and other large ships have large steering wheels?
Discovering Simple Machines: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley
There are examples of wheels and axles all around you. Everyday you use this simple
Directions: Tell how each of the things listed below is an example of a wheel and axle. Also
tell how it makes work easier or faster.
Discovering Simple Machines: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley
2001 Colgren Communications
All rights to print materials cleared for classroom duplication and distribution.
loosen or tighten a screw
Gears are like wheels with notches or teeth on them. Gears can be used to change the direc-
tion of effort, slow or speed things up, or turn many things at once. Gears are used on ten
speed bikes and in watches or clocks.
Purpose: To demonstrate how gears work.
Materials: 1. brass fastener
2. construction paper or cardboard
Procedures: 1. Cut out the gear patterns at the bottom of the page.
2. Trace them onto the construction paper or cardboard
3. Gear B has dotted marks to show where you should fold the teeth up.
4. Cut a hole in the center of each gear and pass a brass fastener through
these holes.
5. Pass the brass fastener through a second rectangular sheet of construction
paper or cardboard.
6. Arrange the gears so their teeth interlock.
Part A
1. Set up the gears as shown in diagram A.
2. Turn gear A clockwise.
3. How does gear B turn? __________
Part B
1. Make additional gears Aand B.
2. Set up as shown in diagram B.
3. Turn gear Aclockwise.
4. How does the end gear turn? _______
Discovering Simple Machines: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley
Discovering Simple Machines: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley
2001 Colgren Communications
All rights to print materials cleared for classroom duplication and distribution.
Diagram A
Diagram B
There are two kinds of pulleys. You can use some simple objects to set up demonstrations of
each of these pulley systems.
Materials: 1. Two single pulleys (from hardware store or science supply)
2. twine
3. three heavy books
4. a spring scale
5. desk
6. ruler
1. Place the ruler on the edge of the desk and lay two of the books on it so that
the ruler will stay in place.
2. Take a pulley and attach it to the ruler with twine. The pulley should be
hanging freely under the ruler.
3. Tie twine around the remaining book and weigh the book with the spring
4. Feed twine through the pulley wheel. Tie one end of the twine to the book.
Tie the other end of the twine to the spring scale.
5. Pull the spring scale to lift the book. Record the reading on the scale.
1. Repeat step 1 under Part One.
2. Tie a long piece of twine to the end of the ruler.
3. Feed the twine through the pulley wheel.
4. Attach the book to the pulley and the spring scale to the end of the twine.
5. Lift the book by pulling on the twine. Record the spring scale reading.
Observations: Part One
1. What was the weight of the book to be lifted?
2. What was the reading on the spring scale as you lifted the book with the
Part Two
1. What was the reading on the spring scale as you lifted the book with this
Discovering Simple Machines: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley
Discovering Simple Machines: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley
2001 Colgren Communications
All rights to print materials cleared for classroom duplication and distribution.
Part One Part Two
DIRECTIONS: You can see the help a pulley provides by perform-
ing the following experiment. Answer the questions in the
Observation and Conclusion sections.
Purpose: To show the advantage of using a pulley.
Materials: 1. two broomstick handles
2. rope or clothesline at least eight feet long
3. two helpers
Procedure: 1. Ask each of your helpers to face each other holding a broomstick
with both hands out in front of them.
2. Tie one end of the rope to one of the broomsticks.
3. Weave the rope around the two broomsticks a number of times and
then back away while holding your end of the rope.
4. Pull your end of the rope so that everything tightens.
5. Tell your friends to pull their broom handles apart.
6. While theyre pulling on the broomsticks, you should pull on the
rope youre holding.
Observations: What happened?
Conclusions: Why did things happen the way they did?
Discovering Simple Machines: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley
Discovering Simple Machines: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley
2001 Colgren Communications
All rights to print materials cleared for classroom duplication and distribution.
DIRECTIONS: Answer these questions in the space provided.
1. Name the six simple machines. __________________ ___________________
_______________ ________________ ________________ ________________
Give a definition for the following terms:
2. effort ___________________________________________________________
3. resistance ________________________________________________________
4. fulcrum __________________________________________________________
5. There are two types of pulleys. What are they called and how are they different?
6. How does a lever help people?
7. Name some examples of wheel and axle simple machines found around school
and home.
8. Give at least five examples of levers.
9. Give at least five examples of how pulleys are used.
10. There are three classes of levers. What is it that makes the classes of levers
different from each other?
Discovering Simple Machines: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley
Discovering Simple Machines: Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley
2001 Colgren Communications
All rights to print materials cleared for classroom duplication and distribution.

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