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Problem Identifcation:
Q1. Why did you feel the need to buy a facewash for the frst time?
Diferent product fr Face, not the soap that use for body
!eeded a chan"e from soap for face
Q#. f the face wash is your re"ular purchase, ha$e you e$er felt that there is a
discrepancy between what you desired and what you actually wanted?
%he lon" lastn" freshness seems to b missin"& "arnier as well as 'imalaya
(fect is temporal for some hours
Q). What are the purposes of usin" a face wash for you?
Face clean, fresh and fresh
Freshness,energy,feel good
Q*. 'ow u e$er stopped usin" a brand of facewash after facin" any problem.
'ow did you reco"ni+e the problem?
,han"ed from 'imalaya to -arnier
.ust felt -arnier is better.. !o problem
,lerasil as no efect on s/in
Q0: 'ow did you sol$e the problem?
2witched to "arnier
Q3. What are the emotions that you would associate with a face wash?
Attraction, Confdence
Energetic, feel good
Media Habits
Q1: From amon"st the followin" what are your medium of information search
before ma/in" a purchase for face wash?
a. nternal search 45emory sources6 yes
b. n store displays, 7oint 8f 7urchase displays,
sales personnel
c. 9eadin" online re$iews !o
d. 7eer recommendations:friends, opinion leader:
e. 7roduct trails !8
f. ma"a+ines, print media, ad$ertisements: 8nly %; ad$ertisements
Q#.Durin" the process of information search
a.<rands enterin" inept set after information
search? Why?
b.<rands enterin" inert set after information
search? Why?
'imalaya, !i$ea& 8ther family members also
use and recommend
c. <rands enterin" e$o/ed set after
information search? Why?
-arnier, (asily a$ailable, 5asculine
Decision Making /Evaluation Criteria
1. Which are the brands which you had in mind before ma/in" a purchase?
#. What attributes of a product you consider while purchasin" the facewash
from <rand, in"redients, problem sol$in" feature, color , price, si+e,
pac/a"in", discounts, con$enience:a$ailability, past e=perience?
7ast e=perience, problem sol$in" feature
). 'ow did you rate these attributes based on their importance while
selectin" the brand or what attributes played a main role for you.
7roblem sol$in"& 1>
7ast e=perience& ?
*. 1re you willin" to test the new brand or ta/e a ris/ in a new $ariant of face
1re you willin" to pay e=tra for e=tra features ?
Purchase Behaviour: 4!ote: 7lease Auestion on all parameters: 57 for 7hase
1. Which of the followin" factors inBuence your purchase and how:
a.8utlet:2tore ima"e: @es, the store& con$enience, $ariety, some
b.<rands which are hi"hli"hted at
c.787 displays, 2i"ns, DCcor style !o
d.9etail ad$ertisin": !o
e.8utlet location @es con$enience is utmost important
f.8utlet si+e !o
".8utlet Dayout, eAuipment,
furnishin"s, space
h.7rice reductions and 7romotional
Deals at store
i.2tore atmosphere: atmospherics,
temperature, air Auality, noise,
music, odor,color
E.<eha$iour of sales personnel:
5ood, (fort, ,ommitment,
1ttitude, Fnowled"e, 2/ill:
/.2toc/out 4Will you switch to
another brand if there is a
#. 'ow much time do you spend in the store for a facewash?
. (=aminin" options: ;ery less 4G a minute 6 as already predecided
what to buy
. 1cAuirin" information:Discussin" with sales personnel: @es, ,1min
. -eneral enEoyment: !o
;. 7urchase: 1min
Post purchase brhaviour
1. Were you satisfed with purchase: did the product meet your e=pectations?
f yes, why?
@es oily s/in trouble
#. 1re you emotionally satisfed with the response of the product?
). Did the product score well on the core ser$ice 4basic needs6?
*. f satisfed did you become brand loyal
@es but mi"ht switch if someone ofers more features in product
0. f not satisfed what steps will you ta/e? ,ontact customer care, do
ne"ati$e W85, write to the company?
,han"e product
Personalit o! the individual "sourced !rom book#
Q1. Do you share your feelin"s with others $ery often? !o
Q#.Do you prefer to be in a lar"e "roup or smaller "roups? 2mall
Q). Do you enEoy interactin" when in an un/nown "roup? @es
Q*. Do you plan e$ents in ad$ance or li$e life as it comes? 1d$ance
Q0. Do you li/e tryin" out new thin"s or prefer time tested stuf? %ime tested
Q3. Do you $alue artistic, aesthetic e=periences: @es

$ttitude and Perception to%ards the brand"in case he is loal#&
In'uence o! needs( emotions( personalit and attitude to%ards the
product categor"i! not loal#
Q1. (=press what do you feel about the brand of face wash you purchased?
a. 9ecommendations from friends and collea"ues about the brand:
b. 9e$iews by reputable sources li/e ma"a+ines, newspapers, online:
c. 1d$ertisin" of the brand : @es, it has an impact.. %he problem&
sol$in" feature displayed in the 1D
Q#. What other products of the brand do you use?
Q). What ris/ would you associate with a face wash: (fort, fnancial, social,
Q*. Which of the followin" personality traits would you li/e to associate with your
Q3.Does the product pro$ide you any emotional satisfaction or ha$e any hedonic
$alue 4 its ability to pro$ide pleasure6?
Freshness and feel "ood thin"

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