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Episode 1 The Locomotion Interruption
Filmed: August 12, 2014
Jim and Mayim talked and laughed a bit on the stairwell.
In the car scene, Mayim was already sitting and Jim gave her a smile before he sat down. When
the scene ends, he turned and smiled at her again before getting up.
There was a lady taking a photo of Jim and Mayim photo-bombed it.
Jim, Mayim and Johnny were waiting at the bottom of the stairs. The camera started rolling but
we were only supposed to hear Jims line without them walking up the stairs yet but Mayim
started walking up the stairs, and Jim said Are you kidding me? and stopped her by the elbow.
When Sheldon said the coitus line, he turned and smiled at Mayim while they waited for the
audience to calm down. Mayim stayed in character.
audience went into a fit of screaming and hysterics for like 20 seconds strait. Jim broke
character and smiled)
Bill came out and was looking at us and asked what was on our shirts. Such a Hag went down
and showed him and said out loud Sheldon Coopers Additional Council of Ladies. And on the
back is Bitches Be Crazy. Jim walked in and asked us When did I say Bitches be crazy? Mayim
reminded him, things got kind of crazy with us trying to respond, and he was like Bitches really
DO be crazy.
Jim kinda kept following Mayim around. Not all the time, like when he was walking around like
a ballet dancer memorizing his lines; but he would often talk to her and it could see them
smiling all sweet towards each other.
The car scene with A/S/L, I saw that Jim and Mayim apparently were sitting on the floor
together. I saw them get up from the same place. Jim went to talk to Simon and Mayim in
another direction.
When the final scene ended Jim was like The First One!!! Holding his index finger up and
smiling. Unfortunately, in his last line he was closer to Kaley so he told her first and then he
went around and I think next was Kunal. And then finally he went out 4A and towards the
hallway where Mayim was walking down the stairs (pretty sure thats where all the dressing
rooms are! As I saw at the very end Jim went up those stairs and didnt come back down.) When
he got to Mayim he was like, The First One! and she was like aaah! As if he took her by
surprise. It was like a fake shock aaah! It was cute. Then she kept walking and Jim hugged
This actor kind of flirted with Mayim after they were done shooting, you know like hold on to
her grabbing her waist and shoulders. I think he interviewed Kaley. Jim was like there but then
he was not there the way Mayim was so I don't know if he got jealous but he was in the
background and then left
Jim and Kevin had a hug after the tag.
Forgot to ask about Mayims hand, was it in a cast or strategically hidden during scenes?? No I
was looking it wasn't but at the curtain call she had the brace on but for shooting it wasn't.
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They had the railway set screened off on the side so we could only watch or on the monitors.
Because he had on no pants. He sat down facing us and it was very easy to glean certain
packages, so he crossed his legs. It was only for a moment then he stood again. It was a fast,
crazy scene.

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Episode 2 The Junior Professor Solution
Filmed: August 19, 2014
Mayim seemed like she was in a very good mood. She was just really smiley, even when she
messed up.
I want to add that Jim and Mayim were so sweet to each other (as always).
Jim took a selfie with Mayim and Melissa (before the cold open).
o He was taking one of he and Mayim and Melissa was sitting on the other side of Mayim
at the time so she pulled her into the photo and he snapped all three.
Jim and Mayim smiled at each other before their (stairs) scene together.
Jim was getting his makeup done and they powdered his nose and he sneezed. It was cute.
On first take Jim coughed too hard and that spitball came out of his mouth too early.
Mayim couldn't get the cell phone to work.
Jim was walking back and forth with his cards (he seemed very serious with his lines)

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Episode 3 The First Pitch Insufficiency
Filmed: September 3, 2014
Kazzie said..."I think there is something going on. They share so many sweet moments, the way
they look at each other. Its is like they are a married couple."
Jim was very serious and going over his lines, but occasionally would look over at her and catch
her eye and the two would laugh.
The second half they could hear the two of them and she kept saying "Jiiiimmmm!" and they
would giggle together, but they could not see them from their seats. But she said they were off
alone a lot and clearly talking and laughing together.
There was a lot of laughing during the pub scenes, I think with some flubs and resets, and
Mayim kept saying, "Jim!" But I have no idea what was going on because it was on the other
side of the stage and we couldn't see.
I don't know how it plays out for real but Jim playfully backhanded Mayim's shoulder on that
line and all smiles between them, and after the cut, Mayim rubbed her shoulder and said, "Ow!"
jokingly. (Car scene with Lenny double date.)
At some point they reenacted a car scene and Mayim has a fun line at the end that she messes
with and Jim hit her on the arm and they all laughed.
In terms of touching, I don't think they touched each other but were very close particularly in a
scene where Amy is driving and Sheldon is in the front seat. Plus they were also chatting to each
other when they are sitting next to each other at a baseball game.
Mayim and Jim approached each other in the apartment set to talk about the lighting/flags
while pointing.
Mayim and Jim were sitting by themselves in the chairs and leaning in and talking.
The warm-up guy told the audience to applaud Jim for his Emmy, and he did his wave-off thing
and mouthed "stop it!" (A lot like he did in the opening with Seth Myers) and Mayim was
clapping and grinning at him. Kaley came over to lean over and whisper to Mayim and Jim, it
looked kind of serious or frustrating.
When they all applauded Jim for his fourth Emmy, Mayim was standing next to him and was the
one applauding the loudest.
Sheldon (or just Jim) was booing during the tag scene when the rover was moving slowly, and
Mayim was cracking up. She touched his shoulder after the cut and they both did a faux shrug.
There were numerous times when MaJim had little 'moments' together where they were
laughing and chatting to each other between takes. Definitely a lot of looks and you will also see
them through the actual recording but off screen they just had those moments where they were
smiling so happily! You can really feel the great friendship they have.
They also shared some laughs going up and down the stairs so keep an eye out for them in
episode 3. Unfortunately because a lot of the scenes were filmed in a restaurant, we didn't get
to actually see them in between the takes but could hear them talking.
Another reenactment at the stadium: Raj, Penny, Leonard, Amy and Sheldon are sitting
together. Amy and Sheldon have a hotdog in their hands. Before the scene, Mayim pretends to
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eat her hotdog, then she bends and pretend to eat Jim's and it looked so weird, they both
laughed at the innuendo.
It was a fake hotdog for the replay, just an aluminum sheet. They were both holding it with both
hands. Mayim had hers next to her mouth and pretended to eat it and love it. The crowd
laughed. Then she looked at Jim's and he was holding it next to his pants area. She bent a bit
and pretended to bite it. He pretended to be shocked but really was not, he was laughing. Then
they had to shoot so they stopped joking.
For the cold open, everyone was sort of pacing on their own. Jim was running his lines to
himself. Johnny and Mayim were also pacing independent of one another.
Mayim and Jim were pacing separately, Jim in the hall, Mayim in the apartment, Kaley and
Johnny on the couch.
After the second take of the scene, Jim blew a kiss to the audience. He also came up to the front
of the audience barriers to say hello to the little boy who was there from Make-A-Wish.
The camera turned to Jim for his line but he was so entranced by the Leonard/Penny dialogue
that he forgot he had a line and after a long silence, he then just cried, "Oh shit!!"
Mayim was also laughing with Johnny and Kaley which was also nice to see.
During the tag filming, there was some music playing and the crew was trying to figure out how
to turn it off. Someone called out to someone else, "It's not coming from you, right?" and Jim
shouted, "Well, he's not going to say yes now."

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