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org // Account #2957918

Mail Checks to Chi Alpha @ 1445 N. Boonville Ave, Springfeld, MO, 65802 // memo: #2957918
Gathered to Scatter: a brief update
So many excitng things have happened in the last month,
beginning with an encouraging visit to New Life Church of
God in Benton, IL. Im so thankful for their generosity, sup-
port, and partnership in the mission to reach every student
form every naton at Purdue to impact the university, mar-
ketplace, and the world!
The month ended with two weeks packed full of excitement
as our student leaders gathered for a weekend retreat be-
fore freshmen arrived on campus. It was a tme for practcal
training to prepare our students to reach masses of new
students, follow-up with them, lead a small group Bible
study for the frst tme, and much more! But most im-
portantly, it was a tme for us to be reminded of the incredi-
ble value we have in Gods sight, so that we see others on
campus the way God sees them. We laughed and cried...we
were encouraged and challenged.
We returned to Purdue ready to scater all over campus!
Heres the stats for our frst two weeks:
100+ man-hours at info tables and passing out fyers
20+ natons represented at a grad-student ice cream
300+ hours of personal follow-up visits, calls, and texts
7 missional communites meetng the frst week of class
to study the Bible and share life together
1 Chinese freshmen unashamedly worshiping with us in
his own language!

Its not all about numbers, but its a privilege to invest tme,
energy, and heart to contnue Jesus mission to reach the
world by making disciples. Thanks for giving faithfully so I
can be on campus fulltme!!

Upcoming Dates

>> Sep 6: Holy Ghost Movieour missional communites are gathering
together to be inspired and challenged by people walking in the
power of the Holy Spirit in everyday life.
>> Sep 13: Water Games Daya fun, refreshing tme for students who
are working hard and who are stll looking for community
Brooke Jones
Campus Missionary Associate // Purdue Chi Alpha
108 Beck Lane, Lafayette, IN 47909 219.776.5032 //
Prayer Needs

>> for discipleship relatonships to form with new students who are
choosing Chi Alpha as their spiritual family

>> revelaton of our identty in Christ so we are free to walk like Him
among unbelieving students on our campus
Nick and Serena are a couple who lead the Nontheists Society at
Purdue. They are expectng a baby in November, but have had
serious complicatons. Serena will be staying at a hospital in Indy
from now untl October, where they will keep a close eye on her
untl their plan to pull the baby a month early. Nick will be staying
in Lafayete to contnue school and working to make ends meet,
leaving Serena with a lot of tme alone at the hospital for the next
two months. I invite you to pray with me that through this trial,
they will come to know Gods love for them and their baby! We
also need to pray for the physical conditon of Serena and the ba-
by. This is an opportunity for us to bless them in practcal things
like helping at the house, sending food, and visitng her in the hos-
pital. If you would like to help us bless them fnancially (meals, gas,
etc), you can send checks made to Purdue Chi Alpha to my ad-
dress (108 Beck Lane, Lafayete, IN 47909).
2014 Staf and Student Leaders
Worship in Chinese
Nick & Serena

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