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- Finish flipbooks at home, if you didn't in class. Bring a book and a blanket on Monday.

- H.W. Ex. 6 - 11 p. 333 for tomorrow

- Quiz on Friday, September 5. Check:
- Test: September 10. Check:
- Test: September 10. Check:
- Finish flipbooks at home, if you didn't in class. Bring a book and a blanket on Monday.
- Test: September 10. Check:
- Go into my blog on Saturday afternoon to find out about the projet which is due next Friday. Bring
your favorite book and a blanketon Monday.
- Test: September 10. Check:
Social Studies:
- Don't forget to prepare for a mini-test (15-20 minutes) next week over: the Five Themes of Geography
(know why we use these themes when we study Geography know each theme and each
definition be able to give an example of each *know the difference between the themes region
and place.*) and textbook section definitions (define the following: atlas, almanac, gazetteer,
glossary, index).
- Test: September 10. Check:
Social Studies:
- Don't forget to prepare for a mini-test (15-20 minutes) next week over: the Five Themes of Geography
(know why we use these themes when we study Geography know each theme and each
definition be able to give an example of each *know the difference between the themes region
and place.*) and textbook section definitions (define the following: atlas, almanac, gazetteer,
glossary, index).

- Test: September 10. Check:
- Don't forget to prepare for a mini-test (15-20 minutes) next week over: the Five Themes of Geography
(know why we use these themes when we study Geography know each theme and each definition
be able to give an example of each *know the difference between the themes region and place.*) and
textbook section definitions (define the following: atlas, almanac, gazetteer, glossary, index).
- Don't forget to study for the mini-test (15-20 minutes) next week to cover the following: Gregorian
calendar timeline: What does c.e., a.d., b.c., and b.c.e. mean? Why do years during b.c.e. decrease
until they reach 0 and then increase during c.e. after zero? Why do we use a timeline versus just a
paragraph of sentences? Explain what our current year of 2014 c.e. actually means. *What type of
calendar timeline does North Korea use and why?* Textbook sections: index, glossary, table of
contents known their descriptions.
- Don't forget to study for the mini-test (15-20 minutes) next week to cover the following: Gregorian
calendar timeline: What does c.e., a.d., b.c., and b.c.e. mean? Why do years during b.c.e. decrease
until they reach 0 and then increase during c.e. after zero? Why do we use a timeline versus just a
paragraph of sentences? Explain what our current year of 2014 c.e. actually means. *What type of
calendar timeline does North Korea use and why?* Textbook sections: index, glossary, table of
contents known their descriptions.

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