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NAME: Qualidrops Purified Drinking Water

ADDRESS: Garden Villas Barangay Malusak !ity of Santa Rosa "aguna

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#a0le of !ontents
#itle Page
#a0le of !ontents
E1e2uti3e Su44ary
Des2ription of t6e Venture
Produ2tion Plan
Marketing Plan
%rgani7ational Plan
8inan2ial Plan
559 E1e2uti3e Su44ary
5559 5ntrodu2tion
Water is 3ery essential for our daily life routine9 People need to drink :ater in order to
li3e9 $o:e3er 0e2ause of 6u4an introdu2tion dire2tly or indire2tly of su0stan2es into t6e
4arine en3iron4ent our :aters 0e2o4e polluted and undrinka0le9
%3er t6e years :ater refilling station is 2onsidering one of t6e fast e1panding
0usinesses in "aguna9 5t;s 4us6roo4ing on e3ery street 2orner 0e2ause a lot of people in
ur0an areas prefer to get t6eir drinking :ater fro4 t6ese :ater stations its si4ply 2lean
and safe to drink9 Be2ause of 6ig6 de4and of 2leaner :ater starting a :aters refilling
station 0usiness 0e2o4es one of t6e 4ost pro4ising and profita0le 0usiness today9
5V9 Des2ription of t6e Venture
A9 Produ2t <s=
Qualidrops produ2es purified :ater t6at undergoes a >uality si4ultaneous
treat4ent of :ater purifi2ation pro2ess9 5t eli4inates 26e4i2al and natural 26ara2teristi2 of
:ater t6at 4ay so4e6o: 2ause into1i2ation to t6e one taking it9
#6e 0usiness offered
B9 Si7e of Business
Qualidrops :ater station is ?ust a 4i2ro)0usiness9 5t;s si7ed as to 2onsider t6e finan2ial and
personnel 2apa0ility of t6e 0usiness9 A22ording to 4anage4ent Mi2ro)0usiness define as
!9 %ffi2e E>uip4ent and Personnel
D9 Ba2kground of t6e entrepreneurs
Produ2tion Plan@ #e26ni2al Plans
&nder t6is plan :ill dis2uss t6e feasi0le 2o40ination of 4anufa2turing pro2ess p6ysi2al
plant 4a26inery and e>uip4ent to 0e used and t6e na4es of t6e supplier of t6e ra:
A9 Manufa2turing Pro2ess
Water purifi2ation pro2ess is si4ply a :ay to take :ater fro4 sour2e and re4o3e t6e
i4purities t6at are in6erent in it9 #6ere are 4any different pro2esses t6at are in3ol3ing a
nu40er of different te26ni>ues to treat t6e :ater9
#6e :ater treat4ent and purifi2ation syste4 used 0y >ualidrops 2onsist of eig6teen<,'=
stages pro2ess period9 5t is an ad3an2e te26nologi2al syste4 designed for t6e :ater
refilling station t6ere 0y produ2ing 6ig6 >uality :ater at a 4ini4al 2ost9
< s6o: pi2ture of pro2ess=
#6e :ater purifi2ation and treat4ent undergoes t6e follo:ing pro2ess::::9p6ilippines
0usiness fran26ising92o4@.(,(@,,@.,)4ulti)stages A:ater)purifi2ation96t4lB4Cl
B9 P6ysi2al Plant
Plant "ayout
Qualidrops :ill o22upy a total land area of *( s>uare 4eters 2o4posed of s>uare 4eters
for t6e 0uilding and fa2ilities and allo:an2e of one 4eter ea26 D sides of t6e entire
pre4ise :6i26 :ill ser3e as t6e parking area for t6e 2usto4er <front= and pat6 :ay to sto2k
roo4 <side=9 Anot6er one 4eter allo:an2e at t6e 0a2k :ill 0e used as dirty kit26en and
laundry area for tenants9
8loor Plan:
#6e :ater station :ill 2onsist of fi3e 4ain areas :6i26 :ill 2arefully design for t6e
proper operation of t6e 0usiness9 Si7es and des2ription of t6e floor plan are presented
Areas Di4ension
,9 Re2eption Area .9.(4 1 .4
.9 Pro2essing Area .9*4 1 /4E .4 1 ,9'4
D9 Manager;s %ffi2e ,9*4 1 .9+(4
/9 Sto2k roo4 ,9*4 1.4
*9 #enants roo4 .4 1 .9*4
F9 #oilet And 0at6roo4s ,9*4 1 ,9D4
8un2tional Areas and 8a2ilities:
#6e floor plan 2o4posed of 4ainly * fun2tional spa2es t6ere :ould 0e re2eption area
:aiting for t6e 2usto4ers9 Seats and 3entilating e>uip4ents are pro3ided for t6ere
Purifying syste4s and e>uip4ents :ill 0e lo2ated at t6e pro2essing area9 #6e entire
spa2e is en2losed :it6 glass :indo: and doors for sanitary purposes9 Air 2onditioning unit
are installed to a3oid o3er 6eating of t6e e>uip4ent9 E1tension p6one is also pro3ided for
easy a22ess of 2usto4ers and outside 2alls9
Manager area :ill 0e used e12lusi3ely 0y t6e 4anagers in 2ondu2ting 6er task9
Manager;s desk :it6 0uilt Ain safety dra:ers is pla2ed to se2ured ne2essary files and
do2u4ents as :ell as t6e safety 0o1 for 2as6 re3enues of t6e store9
Bottles 2aps seals le3els and ot6er store and offi2e supplies are all kept on t6eir
respe2ti3e s6el3es in t6e sto2k roo49
8or t6e stay)in e4ployees a separate roo4 is pro3ided for t6eir personal undertakings
and pri3a2y after 0usiness 6ours9 Dou0le de2k dinning ta0les and 26airs and or0it fan are
pla2e inside t6e roo4 for tenants; use9 Ad?a2ent fro4 tenants roo4 is t6e dirty kit26en and
laundry area t6is is also a3aila0le for t6eir use9 #6ese 8a2ilities are of 2ourse under so4e
rulings and restri2tions to a3oid a0use and 4isuse9
#oilet and 0at6roo4 is also part of t6e entire 0uilding layout9

!9 Ma26inery an E>uip4ents
#6e Ma26inery and E>uip4ents to 0e used 0y Qualidrops :ill 0e pur26ased as pa2kages
fro4 89D9 Medina !orporation t6e eig6teen stages dia4ond series pa2kages :ill 2ost
PD+(((( free of installation and test)run 26arges9 #6e e>uip4ent 6as 4a1i4u4
produ2tion 2apa2ity of .((( gallons per day9
#6e :ater purifying e>uip4ents are ready to operate after installation and test run9
Mont6ly e1penses are ne2essary for t6e 4aintenan2e of so4e e>uip4ent ite4s and parts9

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