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6'iO. Out of the l.irge iiuinher of masterpieces in aicliitectiire in the IHth century may
be selected tlie catliedrals at Lisieux, Lyon, and Narhonne, executed in the early part of
tliat jieriod
IJordeaux and Chalons-snr-S.ione behm;^ to the year r250 ;
and Coulances
dates in tlie last half of that century. Great part of the cathedrals at Roiirgts, lyijon,
Laon, Nantes, Nevers, Senlis, and Sens; the elioir and aisles at Auxeire; tlie choir and
chaptis, with the upper part of the nave, at Bayeux
the nave and choir at Seez
churches at Ourscainp, St. Denis, St. Jean aux-Bois, and St. Maximin
those cf St.
I'ieire at .\valon, and of St. Victor at Maiseilles
the Ste. Chaptlleat Paris ; the choir of
the church at St. Nazaire at Carca'-scmne
; the nave and most of the choir of that of St.
Pierre at Lisieux
tlie chapels, aisles, and choir of that of St .Tulien < t iVLins
the choir ot
that of St. Nicaise at Rouen
; and tl-.e Hotel-Dieu at Louvres, were constructed in the
course of tliis ])triod.
5-11. 'I'he cathedrals wh'ch are usually taken as affoiding standards of the style are
Chartres, Beauvais, Reim.s, Pari.s,
Amiens, and Roiu-n, of which
Reims is perhaps more consistent
than Amiens. They aie univer-
sally considered to he two of the
finest exani))les of the style in the
world. The former, which was
he^un I 21'i, but not quite finislud
till 1430, is ill the form (.fa Latin
cross on the plan
(_^(/. 234.); its
length from east to west is 492 ft.,
and its breadth, measured to the
extremities of the arms of the
transepts, is 190 ft. The width of the transepts is 98 ft, and the towers, 270 ft. from the
ground, are still impel feet, because their open spires have ne\er been erected
-iob. CATnKDHAL AT REIMS. Fig 2.j(;.
342. The cathedral of Amiens, begun 1220 by Robert
dc Luzarches, but
ntinued and
completed. 12(79, by and
Regnault de Cormont, except tlie
west front that was not finished
imtil the end of the 14th century,
is 444 ft. long and 84 ft. wide
(./)(/. 237. ). and H 1 ft high in tlic
nave. It was commenced within
two years of the cathedral at
Salisbury. Of the two, Amiens
( A".(/.236.)
is in a more per'ect and
advanced state of art than Salis-
bury, for the French were before
237. Pi-AN OF AMiE.vs cATHEiiKAi..
s jn adding to the simple bcau-
thc former period many graces not adojjted by us
until the latter.
ties of

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