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tlie latter
art of
tlie 1.5lli cent my, at
wliieli pt'iiod it evi-
dently was erected.
Tlie well known
Hotil de CI liny at
P.ivis, possessing
poriions of" a:i e.ir-
'ier date, liad the
works rc-siinii d in
nOO l)y Jac(iues
d'Ainboise, Abhi
ofCluny, and al'ter-
waids l)isliop of
Cleimont. Tins
building now con-
taii^s the works of
art formerly belong-
ing to i\I. de Sf.iii-
nierard. Niar St.
Amand is the Cha-
teau de IMeilhint,
much resembling
the last named idi-
Hce, but more orna-
5.-19. Dm-ing the
last years of the
l.'th century, the
campaigns in Italy
ly the French made
^'" '-'
them acquainted with tiie new style, the
imitation of the antique. At Hrst, some
mouldings and s:)me decorations only
were copiid. Thus seveial portions of
the cathedral at Oilcans exhibit the es-
ser.tial features o( decaded jjointcd archi-
; and while Bullant designed m
the Italian style the chateau at Ecouin,
he maintained in the appendent chapel
the Gotiiic taste, as being eminently ee
clesiastical, as he did in the parish church
at the same place. In the 16tli century
new churches were rare: sumptuous
palaces and pleasure-houses were the chief
works, in which great saloons hecane the
chief olyects
; and the middle class also
introduced luxury into tiieir dwellings.'
As th.> main object was the expression
of wealthy ease, not a character of gra\e
magnificence, the functions of the aichi
tect were assumed by the sculptor; and
at the .same moment sculpture, no longti
archicectural. alike commenced its dcca-
lence in France. The chief ecclesiastical
works of the period were the additions of
fronts, or restorations
; tho.se done at the
commencement of t!ie e|)ocli form a sort
of transilion l)etwern the xti/le flenri ai d
the Italian renaissance empl .yed towards
the end of the reign of Francis I. In
this category may be ranged the churches
of St. Patrice, St. Godard. St. Andre
de la-Cite. St. Nic las. St. Sever, and tlie
great portal of the catliedial at Rouen
the chuivh at Brou
; and the churches
of St.
Etienne-du-Mont and of St Ens
tache at Paris. The latter lias the
fALicis. AT ^A^er

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