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Instructional Design Project

Hanna Coleman, EDTECH 503 (Spring 2013)

Submitted to: Dr. Jennifer Freed
May 6
, 2013

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Table of Contents
Reflection 4

Part 1.Topic 5
1a. Goal Statement 5
1b. Audience Description 5
1c. Rationale 5
Part 2. Analysis Report 7
2a. Description of Need 7
2a.1. Needs Assessment Survey 7
2a.2. Needs Assessment Data 7
2b. Description of Learning Context 9
2b.1. Learning Context 10
2b.2. Transfer Context 10
2c. Description of Learners 10
2d. Task Analysis Flow Chart 11
Part 3. Planning 18
3a. List of Instructional Objectives 18
3b. Objectives Matrix Table 20
3c. ARCS Table 24
Part 4. Instructor Guide 29

Part 5. Learner Content 34
5a. Learning Materials 34
5b. Formative and Summative Assessment Materials 34

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5c. Technology Tool Justification 35
Part 6. Formative Evaluation Plan 36
6a. Expert Review Plan 36
6b. One-to-one Review Plan 36
6c. Small Group Evaluation Plan 36
6d. Field Trial Plan 37
Part 7. Formative Evaluation Report 38
7a. Evaluation Survey 38
7b. Expert Review Results 38
7c. Comments on Change 38
Part 8. Standards Grid 39

Appendix 45
Appendix A. Works Cited 45
Appendix B. Document Links 45

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Learning about and engaging in the instructional design process has been a winding journey.
Challenges have been met with successes throughout, and I have gained a clearer understanding of the
aspects of instructional design as well as techniques to carry out the process. This new knowledge and
ability to apply it to my professional career has equipped and motivated me for future settings.
In reflection, a metaphor for the instructional design process is the creation and method to
complete a block quilt. A quilt is composed of unique, individual blocks that when stitched, quilted, and
bound together result in an exquisite piece. In the beginning, there is an initial need or inspiration for
creating a quilt. Before jumping into the sewing and stitching phase, extensive planning and preparation
takes place in selecting fabric, applying templates, measuring, and cutting. Changes and adaptations are
made along the way in order to perfect the product. Each quilt block is necessary for the finished
product and is creatively designed. Likewise, instructional design commences with a need or desire for
specific instruction. The background tasks, like the planning and preparation for quilting, involve
extensive analysis of content and tasks, learners, and environment in order to prepare the foundation of
the instruction. Creating and developing the instructional strategies and tasks compares to the sewing
phase of the quilt, as the designer is bringing together the foundation blocks and carefully piecing them
into a specific design. Through evaluation and modification, the final piece is perfected and brought to
Early in the semester, I defined instructional design as careful planning in order to meet a
learning goal or need. Through the creation of an instructional design project this definition has been
broadened and understood in unexpected ways. Although I initially thought that instructional design
could be compared to curriculum development, I now understand the weaknesses in this comparison.
Careful planning has expanded to include need assessments, analysis of learners and the learning
environment, and collaboration with experts and investors. In my experience in creating classroom
curriculum, standards and learning goals are the only needed aspects before creating student activities.
In comparison, the development phase of instructional design includes information-processing and
prerequisite steps, assessment tables, and learning goal alignments. Creating the learning materials were
a final step flowing from the planning and development, rather than the main portion of development as
in my experiences with curriculum. The emphasis of evaluation and the various modes in which this
occurs stood out. In predicting the success of a design, Smith and Ragan (1999) state The best source of
such information is the learners themselves (pg. 338). This could be found in the several forms of
formative evaluation necessary for the project, and in completing this area, I have realized the
importance of considering those that will partake in the design and how their feedback can ultimately
guide and direct the success.
Inspiration and motivation for application to my professional setting during the instructional
process was found in various resources. Smith and Ragan (1999) state, once the concepts and
principles of instructional design are learned, they can be appropriately applied with a wide range of
effort, precision, and formality. Even classroom teachers can significantly improve the effectiveness of
their teaching by informally applying instructional design principles (pg. 5). As a current teacher at an
online high school, the majority of the curriculum creation occurs before a class is open to students. I see
this as an advantage over a traditional setting with increased opportunity and time to apply instructional
design processes to the development phase. Smith and Ragan (1999) discuss the flexibility and
adaptation possibilities in Chapter 20, and I intend to use this as a guide as I move forward with
instructional design processes in my own setting. In particular, greater attention and consideration will
be made in assessing the need for a change, in surveying learners to determine characteristics and
background, and in using formative evaluation techniques to review learning materials.

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Part 1.Topic
1a. Goal Statement
After completing a two hour in-service workshop, the target audience will learn about and create
an individual blog using WordPress for their content area or specialty. The purpose of the created
blog will be to demonstrate a reflective learning portfolio, in order to teach and encourage use by
future students. The target audience will successfully create an "About Me/Welcome" page and
an initial blog post during the workshop, followed by 2 additional posts within a three week time
1b. Audience
The target audience is licensed 9-12 teachers in various content areas and administration at an
online charter high school in Chisago City, Minnesota. The learners have a range of comfort
levels in using new technology tools, but have adequate access to the tools.
1c. Rationale
Reflection and synthesis of learning is an important component of online teaching and learning.
In addition, the use of blogging in an educational or personal setting continues to increase which
results in the need for instruction on best practices. At the target audiences school, teachers and
students currently do not reflect on their teaching or learning in a meaningful way or use
blogging as an educational tool. The instructional design will meet this need for teachers and
administration with a long term goal of integrating within courses for students.
Moreover, the school staff and administration desire to be on the cutting edge of technology and
online teaching practices. By incorporating reflective blogging into the teaching practice and
eventually shifting the student culture to also engage, the school will be using a Web 2.0 tool in a
relevant and purposeful way.
The overall strategy for the instructional design is categorized as supplantive; however, learners
will have opportunities to apply their own creativity throughout the instruction. On the
supplantive-generative continuum, the design will be around 85% supplantive and 15%
generative. There is a high level of scaffolding involved in the instructional plan, as the learners
have very little prior knowledge on the topic or use of the technology. The teacher will provide
learning activities and objectives in order to guide learners through new understandings and
skills. Following the instruction, learners will be developing and maintaining their own reflective
blog which will give them responsibility of furthering their understanding and use of the tool.
I nstructional Strategy and Rationale
The major instructional strategy for the instructional design goal is classified as procedural. The
justification for this choice is based on the definition of procedural learning according to Smith
and Ragan (1999): The learning of the procedure involves the ability to apply that procedure to
a variety of previously unencountered situations. Learners will be provided with the background

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knowledge, concepts, and steps of how to create a blog and blog post, and then they will need to
apply what they learned in order to create and maintain their own reflective blog.

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Part 2. Analysis Report
Part 2a. Description of Need
Part 2a.1 Needs Analysis Survey
A needs analysis survey was created using Google Forms and distributed to the intended
learners, teaching and administrative staff at Wolf Creek Online High School, via email.
The survey, comprised of fifteen questions, focused on the skills and background knowledge that
the learners already had in order to provide more direction for the instructional design. The
questions included rating of technology skills, knowledge and use of blogs, practice of reflective
learning, motivation levels, and response to technology usage. Link to survey:
Out of the eleven total staff that the survey was distributed to, ten took the survey. The estimated
time for completion was eight minutes.
Part 2a.2 Needs Analysis Results
The results of the needs analysis survey are summarized and grouped by the following topics:
instructional setting, background knowledge, and short answer questions.
The learners prefer a combination of face-to-face and virtual tutorials for instruction delivery in a
small group setting (3-5 people).
The learners view themselves as moderately tech savvy, as indicated in the graph below.

Their background knowledge in what a blog is used for varies, with 60% identifying as not being
able to create a blog independently. Half of the learners have created a blog in the past; however,
only one learner has used Learners have accessed and used blogs for a variety

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of reasons including personal use, business use, independent learning, and sharing information.
Learner motivation levels for learning about the use of blogging were high, and the majority
leaned toward a higher motivation level for creating a personal blog and using in an educational

Learners either were very comfortable with reflective writing or were in between as shown in the
graph below. The survey results showed a moderate level of reflection occurring on a daily basis.

In the short answer questions, learners responded to how they react to technology roadblocks.
Several of the answers included asking others for help or using trial and error methods. Some of
the biggest concerns expressed in relation to learning a new technology were lack of time,
relevance to setting, and effective implementation.

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Part 2b. Description of the Learning Context
Part 2b.1 Learning Context
School Organization and Mission
The instructional design will take place at a 9-12 online charter school, currently in its 10th year
of service. The total student population is around 150, with 75% of the students identified as at-
risk. The total staff population is 12: 2 administration, 2 administrative assistants, and 8 licensed
teachers. The school is located in a rural setting and serves any student within the state of
Curriculum is delivered completely online; however, the school does have an open campus on
Tuesdays and Thursdays for students to work on content, meet with teachers, or participate in
collaborative activities.
The primary mission of the school is to provide a personalized, rigorous, and flexible high school
education in order to prepare students for the future by encouraging 21st century skills. The 21st
century skills include accountability, higher level thinking skills, global thinking, and technology
Facility and Equipment
Instruction will occur face-to-face with follow up virtual tutorials for additional support. The
intended learning space will be in a large conference room on campus. Learners are comfortable
with the space, as it is used on a regular basis for collaboration. The room is spacious, allowing
learners to spread out and has adequate lighting, including natural light. There is a projector
which will be used by the instructor so that the learners can follow the design. All learners have
personal laptops which will be used for the training. High-speed wireless internet will be
accessed. The learners will be using which is a free online program for
developing blogs, so there is no need to access prior to the instruction.
Learner Characteristics
The intended learners are licensed high school teachers in a variety of content areas and
administration at an online charter school. The majority of the participants are motivated to learn
and incorporate new technology in their courses and profession; however, time and lack of
student response has often deterred long term follow through. The teachers hold the role of a
Learning Manager (LM). The role of the LM is to help students in their content courses, support
student academic and future goals, and provide mentoring throughout the year. A LM has a
student caseload of around 24 students. They are expected to monitor and encourage student
progress, along with maintain communication with parents, for these specific students. In
addition, the LM grades and helps all students enrolled in their content courses. Due to the nature
and size of the school, many LMs have additional duties which range from the Qcomp team, to
Data Lead, to Truancy Coordinator, or to Curriculum Lead. The learners are accustomed to
learning together and collaborating as a large or small group.
Existing Curriculum
There is not existing curriculum for the instruction; however, past technology trainings have
occurred and preferences have been noted to learning settings. The learners appreciate new

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technology to be taught synchronously with asynchronous supplemental materials. For example,
a face-to-face session accompanied by video or text tutorials.
Part 2b.2 Transfer Context
Learners will apply new learning to create a blog during the instruction period. Following the
instruction, learners will be expected to take what they learned and continue to maintain and
update the blog. The learning setting will change as learners may continue application from
home or other locations. However, they will continue to access the same blog and program
online that was used during the training.
Part 2c. Description of the Learners
Demographics of Learners
The learners are all Caucasian and range in ages of 28-50. There are 11 females and 1 male. Four
of the learners hold a Masters degree or higher, while all others have a Bachelors degree.
Teaching licenses are as follows: 2 Social Studies, 2 Science, 1 English, 2 Math, 1 Special
Education. Teaching experience ranges from 2 years to 10+ years.
Needs Analysis Survey Characteristics
Based on the needs analysis survey, the following characteristics were also identified. Learners
are moderately tech-savvy and about half have created a blog in the past, but only one has used There is a wide range of the skill level in using, creating, and editing blogs as
seen in the graph below. Learners engage in moderate levels of reflection, but comfort in
reflective writing is split.

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Part 2d. Learning Task Analysis
I nformation Processing Analysis

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Task Analysis: Gain knowledge on importance of reflective learning portfolios

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Task Analysis: Create a personal blog

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Task Analysis: Navigate and use the blog features and tools

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Task Analysis: Post a blog entry

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Task Analysis: Develop a positive attitude in using blogs for reflection

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Task Analysis: Maintain blog as a reflective learning portfolio and continued desired use

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Part 3. Planning
Part 3a. Learning Objectives
1.0 Given background information and resources, learners will describe the use of blogs as a
reflective learning portfolio.
1.1 Given resources, learners will discuss three or more benefits and limitations of reflection
in online learning.
1.2 After reading and discussing selected resources focused on reflection in online learning
and using blogs as a learning portfolio in small groups, learners will identify three
positive outcomes from the resources and share with the large group.
1.3 After reading and discussing selected resources focused on reflection in online learning
and using blogs as a learning portfolio in small groups, learners will identify at least three
best practices from the resources and share with the large group.
1.4 After comparing all positive outcomes, benefits, and limitations, learners will synthesize
all of the groups findings and propose three best practices in reflection.
2.0 Given examples, learners will list five aspects related to proper aesthetics for blogs.
2.1 After viewing and analyzing model blogs as both a personal tool and a reflective tool,
learners will give examples of key aspects of a blog that make it aesthetically pleasing for
a reader.
2.2 Learners, as a large group, will choose the top five aspects to incorporate in their blog.
3.0 Following instruction, learners will create a blog in
3.1 Following instruction, learners will be able to summarize the purpose of
3.2 Learners will create an appropriate username and password for WordPress.
3.3 Learners will create an appropriate blog address and title.
3.4 Learners will select a theme, given specific choices.
3.5 Learners will be able to navigate WordPress and manipulate basic choices given for the
4.0 Following instruction, learners will construct a Welcome/About Me page.
4.1 Learners will create a new page and give it a Welcome or About Me title.
4.2 Keeping in mind the aesthetics of blogging, learners will add text to the page to welcome
readers and explain the purpose of the page.
4.3 Learners will upload an image to the page and save appropriately.
5.0 Following instruction, learners will develop a blog entry and reflect on a recent learning

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5.1 Learners will create a new blog entry.
5.2 Keeping in mind the aesthetics of blogging, learners will add at least two paragraphs of
text to the page.
5.3 Applying knowledge about reflection in learning, learners will describe and reflect on a
recent learning experience.
5.4 Learners will relate the learning experience and their professional setting.
6.0 After viewing all created blogs, learners will assess the effectiveness of the reflection posts
and provide feedback to peers.
6.1 Using knowledge of aesthetics of blogging, learners will view their peers blogs, examine
the aesthetics, and provide two positives and two improvements for the blog.
6.2 Learners will view their peers blogs and provide at least two positives and improvements
on the effectiveness of the reflection based on the three best practices.
6.3 Learners will revise their blog postings and aesthetics based on the feedback given.
7.0 Learners will evaluate their personal response to blogging as a reflective learning portfolio
and future use with students in a synthesized written plan.
7.1 Learners will describe the experience of creating a blog and reflecting on a learning
experience within in the blog in a paragraph.
7.2 Learners will identify two positives and two negatives of the experience.
7.3 In small groups, learners will brainstorm three specific ways that reflection could be
implemented and used in their content courses.
7.4 In small groups, learners will brainstorm two ways that the blogging process could be
implemented and used in the school.
7.5 As a large group, learners will generate a written plan for implementing reflection and
blogging as a learning portfolio.
7.6 Learners will develop a positive attitude for using and promoting blogging as a reflective
learning portfolio.
8.0 Learners will maintain use of blog on a consistent basis.
8.1 Learners will be able to return to their blog and successfully access at least one time per
8.2 Learners will post a new entry at least once a month and reflect on professional and
personal learning experiences.
8.3 Learners will share their blog posts with peers and students.

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Part 3b. Matrix of Learning Objectives, Blooms Taxonomy, and Assessments
Blooms Taxonomy
Format of
Description of Test
Sample Items
1.0 Knowledge Paper-and-Pencil Short Answer Describe how blogs
can be used for a
reflective portfolio
1.1 Comprehension Paper-and-Pencil Short Answer Discuss three or
more benefits and
limitations of
1.2 Comprehension Paper-and-Pencil Constructed Written
Identify 3 positive
1.3 Comprehension Paper-and-Pencil Constructed Written
Identify at least 3
best practices
1.4 Analyze Paper-and-Pencil Constructed Written
Propose 3 best
practices for
2.0 Knowledge Paper-and-Pencil Short Answer List 5 aspects of
proper aesthetics
2.1 Comprehend Paper-and-Pencil Short Answer Give examples of
pleasing aspects of
a blog

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2.2 Application Paper-and-Pencil Constructed Written
Choose top five
pleasing aspects
3.0 Synthesis Performance Product and
Create a blog in
3.1 Knowledge Paper-and-Pencil Short Answer Summarize purpose
3.2 Application Performance Observation and
Create a username
and password in
3.3 Application Performance Observation and
Create a blog
address and title of
3.4 Application Performance Observation and
Select a theme
3.5 Application Performance Observation and
WordPress and
manipulate basic
choices for theme
4.0 Synthesis Performance Product and
Construct a
Welcome/About Me
4.1 Application Performance Observation and
Create and title new

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4.3 Application Performance Observation and
Add text to the page
4.4 Application Performance Observation and
Upload an image to
the page
5.0 Synthesis Performance Product and
Develop a blog
entry and reflect on
a learning
5.1 Application Performance Observation and
Create a blog entry
5.2 Application Performance Observation and
Add two paragraphs
of text to the blog
5.3 Comprehend Paper-and-Pencil Constructed Written
Describe and reflect
on a recent learning
5.4 Analyze Paper-and-Pencil Constructed Written
Relate learning
experience to
professional setting
6.0 Evaluation Performance Observation and
Assess effectiveness
of blog post and
provide feedback
6.1 Evaluation Paper-and-Pencil Short Answer Provide two
positives and two
improvements in
relation to the

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aesthetics of the
6.2 Evaluation Paper-and-Pencil Short Answer Provide at least two
positives and
improvements in
relation to the
reflection post
6.3 Synthesis Performance Product and
Revise blog posts
and aesthetics
7.0 Evaluation Paper-and-Pencil Constructed Written
Evaluate response
and future use in
written plan
7.1 Comprehension Paper-and-Pencil Constructed Written
Describe the
experience of
creating and
reflecting in a blog
in a paragraph
7.2 Comprehension Paper-and-Pencil Short Answer Identify two
positives and two
7.3 Application Paper-and-Pencil Short Answer Brainstorm three
ways reflection
could be used in
content area
7.4 Application Paper-and-Pencil Short Answer Brainstorm two
ways blogging
could be
implemented and
used in school

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7.5 Synthesis Paper-and-Pencil Constructed Written
Generate a written
plan for
reflection and
7.6 Synthesis Performance Observation and
Develop a positive
attitude toward
blogging and
reflective learning
8.0 Application Performance Observation and
Maintain consistent
use of blog
8.1 Application Performance Observation and
Return to blog and
access 1 time per
8.2 Application Performance Product and
Post a new entry 1
time per month
8.3 Synthesis Performance Observation and
Share blog entries
with peers and
Part 3c. ARCS Table

A.1. Perceptual Arousal Show learners two positive examples of using blogs as a reflective
portfolio in an educational setting.
Student Blog Example:

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Teacher Blog Example:
A.2. Inquiry Arousal Guide learners to investigate given background information and
resources related to using blogs as a reflective learning portfolio in small
As a group, have learners identify three positive outcomes and best
Possible Resources:
A.3. Variability Provide experiences for learners to participate in small and large group
discussion, allowing for various ways to share and discuss findings. The
small groups will be 3 people in a group and the large group is 11.
Provide learners with both positive and negative design examples of
Positive Examples:
Negative Examples:
Explain the ultimate goal of the lesson, creating a personal blog for
reflection, and highlight the final result.
Include a variety of forms including small and large group discussion,
hands-on creation, and evaluation.

R.1. Goal Orientation Explain the purpose and goals of using blogs as a reflective portfolio
following discussion and introduction of the topic.
Provide learners with a structured plan for the lesson activities.

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Example Structure:
9:00 - 9:10: Introduction
9:10 - 9:20: Small Group Activity
9:20 - 9:40: Large Group Sharing
9:40 - 9:50 Break
9:50 - 10:15: Set up individual blog
10:15 - 10:45: Create Welcome/About Me Page
10:45 - 10:55: Break
10:55 - 11:15: Create blog post
11:15 - 11:40: Evaluate and view peers blogs
11:40 - 12:00: Evaluation and Wrap-up
R.2. Motive Matching Provide instruction face-to-face and supplement with tutorial videos
following the primary session.
Include both small and large group settings, along with individual
activities. Small group will be used for discussion and outlining best
practices. Large group will be used to develop consensus and
Learners will create and manipulate their own personal blog sites and use
original content.
R.3. Familiarity Encourage discussion on how using blogs as a reflective tool can directly
connect to their teaching and learning experiences.
Direct learners to reflect on a recent learning experience in their
profession and post on their newly created blog.
Direct learners to relate the learning experience to their setting as a
teacher or administrator.
Facilitate discussion on how blogging can be used in their content area.

C.1. Learning Requirements Explain the goal of the day and the goals for future use. Emphasis will be
placed on the support that will be provided and how by the end of the
lesson, they will have the creation part completed.
Instruction will be broken into categories and organized for easier intake

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with expected timelines.
Provide learners with step-by-step instructions and follow-up
tutorials/support following the learning session.
C.2. Success Opportunities Give learners immediate feedback throughout the the creation of the
blog. Make sure to provide more assistance to those with more
technology needs.
Encourage learners to collaborate with peers in using the technology and
applying creativity.
Provide an opportunity for learners to provide feedback and evaluate
each others progress.
C.3. Personal Control Facilitate discussion on the benefits and limitations of blogging.
Learners will view example blogs, both positive and negative, and
identify proper aesthetics.
Guide discussion on how proper aesthetics can be implemented in a blog
and how they influence the experience of blogging.
Learners will personalize their blog throughout the creation with a title,
theme, and other choices.
Learners will use the synthesized best practices and aesthetics to evaluate
their peers.

S.1. Natural Consequences Following the instructional session, learners will be expected to maintain
and share their blog. It will be ready for viewing and will be public.
Learners will share their blog posts with their peers and eventually with
Learners will update their blog at least once a month and the instructor
will follow-up to ensure completion.
S.2. Positive Consequences Feedback and encouragement will be provided from peers and the
instructor within the learning session.
Encourage and remind learners to continue visiting each others blogs.
Learners will gain immediate success from creating a blog and having a
finished product at the end of the session.
Ask learners to reflect on their experience creating a blog and develop a

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written plan for implementing in their content area.
S.3. Equity Direct learners to reflect on the positives and negatives of the process.
The instructor will provide helpful tips or encouragement to address the
The learners will share how blogging can impact their professional
setting and their students.
Encourage use of the blog following the session and point out the
accomplishments of each individuals blog.
Keller, J. M. (1987). The systematic process of motivational design. Performance & Instruction, 26 (9/10), 1-8.

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Part 4. Instructor Guide
Active Attention or Gain Attention
a) As students enter the learning setting, the instructor will assist in setting up their computers
and making sure that sufficient space is provided.
b) The instructor will welcome the learners to the class and provide a brief overview of the goals
for the day.
c) The instructor will have learners pair and share about anything they know about blogging.
Following the brief sharing, bring the group back together and share some of the responses.
Establish Purpose
a) The instructor will share with the learners the detailed learning goal of the session.
Learning Goal: Our goals today will be to explore how blogging can be used as a reflective
learning portfolio in your teaching setting, to create a personal blog with a reflective learning
post, to evaluate and provide feedback to each other, and to consider how this tool can be
implemented in your content area.
b) The instructor will emphasize that learners will be guided through the process of creating a
blog and at the completion of the day, will have a functional blog which they will be able to
manipulate and share with others.
Arouse I nterest and Motivation
a) The instructor will share two examples of blogs being used as a reflective learning portfolio in
an education setting. Emphasize how the group will be taking small steps to reach the final goal,
but eventually they can gain the skills to maintain a blog such as the examples.
Student Blog Example:
Teacher Blog Example:
b) The instructor will explain how students will be given the opportunity to incorporate creativity
and their own personal style into creating the blog.
c) The instructor will briefly share how reflection has shown to be a key component of lifelong
learning and how reflection can be tied to using a blog in a positive way. Emphasize the
importance of setting examples for our students and how teachers can influence the impact of
reflection in the lives of their students.
Preview the Learning Activity
a) The instructor will provide learners with an itinerary for the learning session in order to reduce
anxiety and provide structure.
Example Structure:

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9:00 - 9:10: Introduction
9:10 - 9:20: Small Group Activity
9:20 - 9:40: Large Group Sharing
9:40 - 9:50 Break
9:50 - 10:15: Set up individual blog
10:15 - 10:45: Create Welcome/About Me Page
10:45 - 10:55: Break
10:55 - 11:15: Create blog post
11:15 - 11:40: Evaluate and view peers blogs
11:40 - 12:00: Evaluation and Wrap-up
b) The instructor will explain each step of the itinerary to the learners.
a. During the small group activity, you (learners) will explore resources and examples related to
reflective learning and blogging. You will decide on the top three best practices for each and
share with the large group.
b. The large group will then synthesize the findings to agree on the top three best practices and
aesthetics that will be used in creating their own blogs.
c. When creating the individual blogs, you will be provided with step-by-step instruction to
complete the task. You will create a blog, a Welcome/About Me page, and a reflective blog post.
d. Following creation, you will share your created blogs with each other and provide feedback.
e. Finally, you will evaluate the overall experience and consider a plan for implementing in
Recall Relevant Prior Knowledge
a) The instructor will have learners share how they are currently reflecting on their learning
experiences. Ask learners how often, how they keep track, and how it is impacting their
profession or life. Encourage learners to consider how reflection is incorporated in their
interactions or instruction for students.
b) The instructor will break learners up into small groups (2-3) and have learners share their
background in using blogs. How have they used blogs in the past? How are blogs being used by
Process I nformation and Examples
a) In the small groups, the instructor will provide learners with examples of blogging, reflective
portfolios, and aesthetics. Direct the groups to research, discuss, and decide on three best
practices in blogging and reflection and three pleasing aesthetics that should be incorporated in
their blog.

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b) The instructor will bring the small groups back together and have each group share their
findings. As a large group, guide the learners to synthesize their findings and propose three best
practices that they will focus on throughout creation for each area: blogging, reflection, and
Focus Attention
a) The instructor will focus attention following the small and large group activities by outlining
the synthesized findings on the whiteboard so that learners can refer back to the outcomes.
b) To focus attention during the creation of the blogs, the instructor will use a projector and
computer to walk the learners through each step of creation. Learners should be completing the
tasks along with the instructor to ensure attention and engagement. Provide learners with the task
flow chart for the creation of the blog site, Welcome/About Me page, and reflection page.
Employ Learning Strategies
a) Throughout instruction and steps of creating the blog, the instructor will encourage the
learners to take notes and highlight on the task flow charts so that they are able to refer back
them for assistance in the future.
b) The instructor will remind the students that supplemental tutorials will be available following
the learning session.
Provide for and Guide Practice
a) The instructor will provide and guide practice by leading learners through the creating of the
blog in using the projector and computer as learners follow along.
Step 1: Give each learner the task flow charts for the process to use as a resource.
Step 2: Open up on the instructor computer and begin the process of creating the
website. Students will follow along as a group to create their individual blog.
Step 3: Create a username and password.
Step 4: Create an appropriate blog address and title.
Step 5: Select a theme, navigate, and manipulate basic choices for the theme.
Circulate and give feedback to learners after Step 5. Address any confusion or concerns.
Encourage experienced learners to move on to the next steps if desired.
Step 6: Create a new page and title, Welcome or About Me.
Step 7: Add text to the page to welcome readers and explain purpose.
Step 8: Upload an image to the page.
Circulate and give feedback to learners after Step 8. Address any confusion or concerns.
Encourage experienced learners to move on to the next steps if desired.

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Step 9: Create a new blog entry.
Step 10: In two paragraphs, describe and reflect on a recent learning experience.
Circulate and give feedback to learners after Step 10. Address any confusion or concerns.
Encourage experienced learners to move on to the next steps if desired.
Provide Feedback
a) Throughout the practice and creation of the blog, the instructor will circulate and provide
immediate feedback as students complete the steps.
b) Following creation, the instructor will have students evaluate at least two of their peers blogs
and posts. Students will use the best practices and aesthetics decided upon at the beginning of the
session to provide specific positives and improvements for each blog reviewed.
Summarize and Review
a) The instructor will summarize the steps that the learners just completed and refer back to the
task analysis flow charts, so that the learners will be able to see a written summary as well.
b) The instructor will ask the learners to describe the experience of creating a blog and reflect on
the learning experience in a paragraph. Encourage them to identify two positives and negatives.
Transfer Learning
a) Based on feedback given by peers and instructor, the instructor will provide learners with time
to revise and edit their blogs as needed.
b) The instructor will give learners the expectation to post a new reflective learning post in their
blog at least once a month in order to continue applying their knowledge.
c) The instructor will encourage learners to explore educator blogs to gain ideas for their own
Remotivate and Close
a) In small groups, the instructor will have learners brainstorm three specific ways that reflection
and blogging could be implemented and used in their content courses.
b) As a large group, the instructor will facilitate a written plan for implementing reflection and
blogging in the school. This may take the form of a graphic organizer or flow chart if needed.
c) The instructor will remind learners that they will need to continue to post reflective learning
experiences and share their blogs following the learning session.

EDTECH 503 Instructional Design Project | 33

Assess Learning
a) Following creation, the instructor will have students evaluate at least two of their peers blogs
and posts. Students will use the best practices and aesthetics decided upon at the beginning of the
session to provide specific positives and improvements for each blog reviewed.
b) Once the learners have completed the learning goal for the session and revised their blog
based on peer feedback, the instructor will provide each learner with a personal assessment based
on the best practices and aesthetics discussed. The assessment should be in written form and may
be based off of a basic rubric based on the best practices/aesthetics.
Provide Feedback and Remediation
a) The instructor will provide feedback on each area of the learners blog including: theme,
layout, Welcome Page, posts, text, etc.
b) The instructor will provide opportunities for remediation or additional support through the use
of video tutorials.

EDTECH 503 Instructional Design Project | 34

Part 5. Learner Content
Part 5a. Learning Materials
Learning Material Purpose and Use
The presentation will be used throughout the instruction to provide
an overview of topics and activities and to supplement the
Activity Itinerary Learners will be provided with this document near the beginning of
the instruction. The document will provide structure and help to
reduce anxiety about expectations or activities.
Task Flow Chart Learners will be provided with this document during the creation
phase of the blog. The document will serve as a place for learners to
take notes during each step of creation.

Part 5b. Formative and Summative Assessment Materials
The overall goal is for learners to successfully create a blog in and be able to post
reflective learning entries. The instructor will be able to assess completion of the goal by viewing the
learners blogs. Formative assessment will occur throughout the session to determine the attitude and
comfort level of the learners.
Assessment Material Purpose and Use
Final Performance
The rubric will be used by the instructor to assess and provide
feedback to the learner on the creation of their blog.
Peer Feedback Rubric The rubric will be developed collaboratively with the learners
during the small and large group activities. Learners will use the
rubric to provide feedback. The topics are left blank on purpose as
these will be filled in during the session.

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Part 5c. Technology Tool Justification
Technology Tool Use and Rationale
Computer Computers will be used by both the instructor and the learners.
The instructor will provide instruction on how to create a blog in
WordPress while the learners follow along to create on their own
computer. This will encourage active and hands-on learning.
Projector The projector will be used during the session to provide an
overview of activities, organization, and during the creation of the
blogs. The use of the projector allows learners to follow along with
the instructor and provides a dynamic, visually example.

The example blog sites will be visited during the introduction and
will provide learners with a visual example.
Google Drive
Google drive will be used throughout the session as the
multimedia presentation is hosted here. Google drive allows the
instructor to access the presentation from any computer and to edit
on the spot.

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Part 6. Formative Evaluation Plan
Part 6a. Subject Matter Expert
The subject matter expert for the instructional design is Patrick Morrow. He is currently a high
school Language Arts teacher, who is also developing an online program at a charter school and
completing a Masters degree in Education with Technology Emphasis. He will be able to
provide expertise in the area of reflective learning portfolios and blogging due to his background.
I will submit my instructional design project to him by Monday, April 29th and request feedback
by Saturday, May 4th.
Part 6b. One-to-One Evaluation
The purpose of the one-to-one evaluation is to conduct a practice run of the instructional
materials with potential learners prior to the actual instructional session. The learners will
identify grammatical and textual errors, confusing instructions or tasks, and other issues with the
instructional materials. The one-to-one evaluations will be conducted individually with two
learners: one who self-identified as comfortable with blogging/strong technology background
and the other self-identified as uncomfortable with blogging/weak technology background (based
on the needs assessment survey). Both learners will be participating in the actual instructional
During the evaluation, the learner will go through the instructional materials as if completing the
session. The designer will ask the learner to think aloud during the process in order to identify
needed clarifications or revisions based on their interactions with the materials. The designer will
record this process using a tape or video recorder in order to later review. Following the
evaluation, the designer will ask the following questions:
What terms used in relation to blogging or reflective portfolios were confusing?
Are the instructions for creating the blog clear?
What parts of the instructions are unclear?
How might the instructions make more sense?
Did the graphics aid in the presentation? Please explain.
Was the text and language used understandable? Why or why not?
What part of the instruction are you most nervous or unsure about?
Part 6c. Small Group Evaluation
Following the one-to-one evaluation and revisions, the designer will present the instructional
materials to a slightly larger, diverse group. The purpose of this evaluation will be to consider the
background knowledge and skills needed, the overall flow of the instruction, and the reaction of
the learners following the instruction. Learners will move through the instructional materials as if
completing the session while the designer observes and notes problems or reactions.
Due to the small group of learners that the instruction will be delivered to, the small group
evaluation will be completed with five potential learners at the target audiences school and five
learners from another school interested in using blogging as reflective portfolios. The learners
will not be assisted by the designer, as this will allow the designer to determine the clarity and
effectiveness of the materials. The evaluation will be video-taped and the designer will take
notes as well. Following the evaluation, the designer will ask the following questions:

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Did you feel prepared to complete the instructional demands? Why or why not?
What background information or skills would have aided in your understanding or
completion or tasks?
Do you feel that you learned a new skill that can be applied to your professional setting?
Did you find value in the skill and instruction? Why or why not?
How did you feel about the instruction and the flow of the learning?
What might help you have a more positive feeling about the end result?
What are you most concerned about after completing the session?
Did you feel rushed in your learning process? Why or why not?
How might the instruction be improved?
Part 6d. Field Trial
The final evaluation process will build on the one-to-one and small group revisions and use
finalized instructional materials. The target group increases and mimics the actual learning
environment. The purpose of this evaluation will be to identify any final problems and to allow
the designer to gain data on the actual use of the materials.
The field trial will be conducted with all learners at the target audiences school. Due to the small
number of learners at the school, the trial will also be conducted with a group of teachers,
interested in blogging as reflective portfolios, at another school. Formative evaluation will take
place concerning ease of use of the materials and learner attitude and response. In addition, the
designer will provide a questionnaire at the end of the trial. Questions may include:
Did the design allow you to successfully complete the instruction? How or why not?
What administration problems did you encounter?
Were the learners prepared to complete the tasks?
Were the learning objectives reached successfully?
Was enough time allowed? How might the timing be improved?
What feelings did you have about completing the task? How might your reaction be

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Part 7. Formative Evaluation Report
Part 7a. Evaluation Form
The survey below was emailed to the subject matter expert, along with the indicated materials.
Evaluation Survey for the Expert Review
Part 7b. Expert Review Results
The full results can be viewed at the link below.
Expert Review Evaluation Results
Summary of Feedback: The subject matter expert (SME) provided valuable feedback and
comments that will help in modifications and changes to the design. He found the instruction to
include great detail and concise instruction. The learning objectives were clear and appropriate
for the task and learners. The SME thought adequate time was provided, but gave suggestions for
improving the itinerary and objectives to include more detail in regards to time expectations. He
noted that the provided resources were thorough and would be helpful for learning. He
appreciated the inquiry based format of the multimedia presentation and stated that this would
allow for a variety of responses and input from learners. The SME observed a few places where
the technology or instructions might overwhelm the learners and provided suggestions for
specifying expectations in order to reduce anxiety and clear up time management.
Part 7c. Comments on Change
Based on the feedback from the SME, I will make the following changes in the instructional
design. First, I will provide a timeline for the follow-up phases of the instruction that will occur
after the main session. This will specify how the learning objectives in relation to after the
session will be measured. For example, Learners will maintain use of blog on a consistent
basis will be changed to Learners will maintain use of blog on a consistent basis by creating a
new post one time per month. Second, I will update the objectives and itinerary to specify how
many peer posts each learner will review. Third, I did not specify when learners will revise or
update their blog when given feedback. This will be added to the instructional guide and itinerary
to reflect an appropriate time.

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Part 8. AECT Standards Grid
Professional Standards Addressed (AECT)
The following standards, developed by the Association for Educational Communications and
Technology (AECT), and used in the accreditation process established by the National Council for
Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), are addressed to some degree in this course. The
numbers of the standards correspond to the numbers next to the course tasks show on the list of
assignments. Not all standards are addressed explicitly through student work.
Standard 1: DESIGN
1.1 Instructional Systems Design (ISD)
X ID Project
1.1.1 Analyzing
X ID Project
1.1.2 Designing
X ID Project
1.1.3 Developing
X ID Project
1.1.4 Implementing
X ID Project
1.1.5 Evaluating
X Selected Discussion Forums; ID Project
1.2 Message Design

1.3 Instructional Strategies
X ID Project
1.4 Learner Characteristics
X ID Project
2.0 (includes 2.0x.1 to 2.0.8)
X ID Project
2.1 Print Technologies
X Reading Quiz; ID Projects
2.2 Audiovisual Technologies

2.3 Computer-Based Technologies
X (all assignments)
2.4 Integrated Technologies


EDTECH 503 Instructional Design Project | 40

3.0 (includes 3.0.1 & 3.0.2)

3.1 Media Utilization
X (all assignments)
3.2 Diffusion of Innovations

3.3 Implementation and Institutionalization
X ID Project
3.4 Policies and Regulations

Standard 4: MANAGEMENT
4.0 (includes 4.0.1 & 4.0.3)

4.1 Project Management

4.2 Resource Management

4.3 Delivery System Management

4.4 Information Management

Standard 5: EVALUATION
5.1 Problem Analysis
X ID Project
5.2 Criterion-Referenced Measurement
X ID Project
5.3 Formative and Summative Evaluation
X ID Project
5.4 Long-Range Planning

The overall goal for the course is for each student to consider and use the systematic process of
instructional design to create an instructional product. To achieve this goal, students will engage in
activities that promote reflective practice, emphasize realistic contexts, and employ a number of
communications technologies. Following the course, students will be able to:
1. Discuss the historical development of the practice of instructional design with regard to factors
that led to its development and the rationale for its use
2. Describe at least two reasons why instructional design models are useful

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3. Identify at least six instructional design models and classify them according to their use
4. Compare and contrast the major elements of three theories of learning as they relate to
instructional design
5. Define instructional design.
6. Define the word systematic as it relates to instructional design
7. Define learning and synthesize its definition with the practice of instructional design
8. Relate the design of instruction to the term educational (or instructional) technology
9. Describe the major components of the instructional design process and the functions of models in
the design process
10. Provide a succinct summary of various learning contexts (declarative knowledge, conceptual,
declarative, principle, problem-solving, cognitive, attitudinal, and psychomotor)
11. Build an instructional design product that integrates major aspects of the systematic process and
make this available on the web.
a. Describe the rationale for and processes associated with needs, learner, context, goal, and
task analyses
i. Create and conduct various aspects of a front-end analysis
ii. Identify methods and materials for communicating subject matter that are
contextually relevant
b. Describe the rationale for and processes associated with creating design documents
(objectives, motivation, etc.)
i. Construct clear instructional goals and objectives
ii. Develop a motivational design for a specific instructional task
iii. Develop assessments that accurately measure performance objectives
c. Select and implement instructional strategies for selected learning tasks
i. Select appropriate media tools that support instructional design decisions
d. Describe the rationale and processes associated with the formative evaluation of
instructional products
i. Create a plan for formative evaluation
12. Identify and use technology resources to enable and empower learners with diverse
backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities.
13. Apply state and national content standards to the development of instructional products
14. Meet selected professional standards developed by the Association for Educational
Communications and Technology

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15. Use various technological tools for instructional and professional communication
AECT STANDARDS (Applicable to EDTECH 503)
1.0 Design
1.1 Instructional Systems Design
1.1.a Utilize and implement design principles which specify optimal conditions for learning.
1.1.b Identify a variety of instructional systems design models and apply at least one model.
1.1.1 Analyzing
1.1.1.a Write appropriate objectives for specific content and outcome levels.
1.1.1.b Analyze instructional tasks, content, and context.
1.1.2 Designing
1.1.2.a Create a plan for a topic of a content area (e.g., a thematic unit, a text chapter, an
interdisciplinary unit) to demonstrate application of the principles of macro-level design.
1.1.2.b Create instructional plans (micro-level design) that address the needs of all learners,
including appropriate accommodations for learners with special needs.
1.1.2.d Incorporate contemporary instructional technology processes in the development of
interactive lessons that promote student learning.
1.1.3 Developing
1.1.3.a Produce instructional materials which require the use of multiple media (e.g., computers,
video, projection).
1.1.3.b Demonstrate personal skill development with at least one: computer authoring
application, video tool, or electronic communication application.
1.1.4 Implementing
1.1.4.a Use instructional plans and materials which they have produced in contextualized
instructional settings (e.g., practica, field experiences, training) that address the needs of all
learners, including appropriate accommodations for learners with special needs.
1.1.5 Evaluating
1.1.5.a Utilize a variety of assessment measures to determine the adequacy of learning and
1.1.5.b Demonstrate the use of formative and summative evaluation within practice and
contextualized field experiences.
1.1.5.c Demonstrate congruency among goals/objectives, instructional strategies, and assessment
1.3 Instructional Strategies

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1.3.a Select instructional strategies appropriate for a variety of learner characteristics and
learning situations.
1.3.b Identify at least one instructional model and demonstrate appropriate contextualized
application within practice and field experiences.
1.3.c Analyze their selection of instructional strategies and/or models as influenced by the
learning situation, nature of the specific content, and type of learner objective.
1.3.d Select motivational strategies appropriate for the target learners, task, and learning
1.4 Learner Characteristics
1.4.a Identify a broad range of observed and hypothetical learner characteristics for their
particular area(s) of preparation.
1.4.b Describe and/or document specific learner characteristics which influence the selection of
instructional strategies.
1.4.c Describe and/or document specific learner characteristics which influence the
implementation of instructional strategies.
2.0 Development
2.0.1 Select appropriate media to produce effective learning environments using technology
2.0.2 Use appropriate analog and digital productivity tools to develop instructional and
professional products.
2.0.3 Apply instructional design principles to select appropriate technological tools for the
development of instructional and professional products.
2.0.4 Apply appropriate learning and psychological theories to the selection of appropriate
technological tools and to the development of instructional and professional products.
2.0.5 Apply appropriate evaluation strategies and techniques for assessing effectiveness of
instructional and professional products.
2.0.6 Use the results of evaluation methods and techniques to revise and update instructional and
professional products.
2.0.7 Contribute to a professional portfolio by developing and selecting a variety of productions
for inclusion in the portfolio.
2.1 Print Technologies
2.1.3 Use presentation application software to produce presentations and supplementary
materials for instructional and professional purposes.
2.1.4 Produce instructional and professional products using various aspects of integrated
application programs.
2.3 Computer-Based Technologies

EDTECH 503 Instructional Design Project | 44

2.3.2 Design, produce, and use digital information with computer-based technologies.
3.0 Utilization
3.1 Media Utilization
3.1.1 Identify key factors in selecting and using technologies appropriate for learning situations
specified in the instructional design process.
3.1.2 Use educational communications and instructional technology (SMETS) resources in a
variety of learning contexts.
3.3 Implementation and Institutionalization
3.3.1 Use appropriate instructional materials and strategies in various learning contexts.
3.3.2 Identify and apply techniques for integrating SMETS innovations in various learning
3.3.3 Identify strategies to maintain use after initial adoption.
4.0 Management
(none specifically addressed in 503)
5.0 Evaluation
5.1 Problem Analysis
5.1.1 Identify and apply problem analysis skills in appropriate school media and educational
technology (SMET) contexts (e.g., conduct needs assessments, identify and define problems,
identify constraints, identify resources, define learner characteristics, define goals and objectives
in instructional systems design, media development and utilization, program management, and
5.2 Criterion-referenced Measurement
5.2.1 Develop and apply criterion-referenced measures in a variety of SMET contexts.
5.3 Formative and Summative Evaluation
5.3.1 Develop and apply formative and summative evaluation strategies in a variety of SMET
SMET = School Media & Educational Technologies

EDTECH 503 Instructional Design Project | 45


Appendix A. Works Cited
Smith, P. L., & Ragan, T. J. (1999). Instructional design (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Appendix B. Document Links
Needs Assessment Survey Questions
Multimedia Presentation
Activity Itinerary
Task Flow Chart
Final Performance Rubric
Peer Feedback Rubric
Evaluation Survey for the Expert Review
Expert Review Evaluation Results

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