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Differentiation & International Operations Management

SONYs Differentiation & International Operations Management
Sony uses differentiation as its business strategy. Sony differentiates its product in
many ways. First it is one of the first companies to adapt and create Blu-ray technology,
something that no other corporation can say. Its unique styles and looks make Sony one
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of the most visually and rectifiable corporations in the world to date as well as its people
and communities which are one of the best structures than any other corporations. Its
ability to reach the entire world and provide so many different uses in such a convenient
and easy way is head over heels better than any other structure in the world.
Sony has long used differentiation as its business level strategy. Frequently, the
corporations high level competence of product efficiency is the foundation on which its
products differentiate. Efficient radios, televisions, transistors, camcorders, and the mp3
/recorder are examples of products that Sony developed through the use of such
competence. Recently, the efficient competence has been used to manufacture the
corporations top notch laptop computers. The success of Sony's VAIO (laptop) is unique,
considering that only a few PC brands remain on U.S. retailer shelves because of the
intensity of rivalry among competitors. Furthermore, the company's success with this
product is noteworthy in that Sony is the only corporation with three digital devices-the
PC, television, and the gaming console that are becoming wired into networks,
Through these types of differentiated features and capabilities, even novices are
able to successfully use many of Sonys products. Also contributing to the product's ease-
of-use features and abilities, is the fact that no additional accessories are required to use
many of Sonys products, in contrast to the competitors products.
This type of differentiation strategy yields long-term competitive success when
the corporation continuous to offer customers differentiated features that provide value to
them. Sony throughout history has improved the quality of its products by its digital era
devices. Also, Sony introduced even smaller products for the consumer which sized at
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about 1/3 the size of many of the original products and landed compatible competition
with other communication devices and small digital audio players as well as cameras.
This strategic action is consistent with Sony's practices. Sony has effectively used
the differentiation business level strategy to design and sell multiple products. One of
Sonys main business initiatives is its international operations management. Sony uses
technology to support work activities with integrated collaboration environments with
virtual teams who are located all over the world. This system is used with a collection of
software for business management, accounting, finance, human resources management,
project management, inventory management, service and maintenance, transportation,
and e-business.
Sony uses top line initiatives because their strategy is to increase revenues, and
differentiate ways to increase revenues by reaching out to new customers, offering new
products, cross selling related products like accessories and offering complementary
products, but at the same time it the used its bottom line strategies to keep the expenses at
a minimum. Sony is considered to be one of the top leading manufacturers of audio-
visual electronics and information technology products worldwide.
The philosophical approach of Sonys international operations management is
decentralized, also known as the early philosophical approach. This approach has been
used since the early 1940s. This fact can be proven by the success of one of Sonys
products, which uses advance technology like a High-Performance Processor and a
Semiconductor Laser that gives them the advantage among their competitors and the
preference of their customers. This success is achieved by the fully integrated approach
within its international operations. This means that even if every function has its own
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department. Two concepts used by Sony within its international operations management
focus are logistics and materials. These are two sections or departments of Sony that
helped Sony achieve its goals to out maneuver its competitors.
Sony warrants appropriate standards throughout its production processes from
such standpoints as the environment, human rights and labor conditions. With this said,
Sony views appropriates these logistical and materials handling standards as a vital issue
in relation to its business activities. Sonys interest has broadened to encompass not only
the company's own production lines and materials, but also those of the companies that
supply it with parts and materials and the companies to which it subcontracts work
throughout the world.
Sonys plans to completely revitalize its logistics and materials production of
network channels has done everything possible in tightening its inventories, and to be the
first to actively promote the logistics market around the world, and has created intelligent
multi distribution channels which made outstanding achievements.
The Sonys strategic maneuvers can be placed within the other functional units or
departments. The approach gives the corporation a tremendous empowerment throughout
the world and its competitors.

Griffin, Ricky W., Pustay, Michael W. (2010) International Business, 6
Edition Sony
pages 10, 45, 135. Prentice Hall: PEARSON

Sony Corporation of America. (2011, March) Corporate Fact Sheet Retrieved 2011-03-
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Sony Global. (2007, January) "Sony Global Corporate Information". Retrieved 2007-
Sony Global. (2006, November) "Sony Global Sony History". Retrieved from

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