Unemployement in Thiland

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Thailand:Unemployment rate

Unemployment rate: For that indicator, The World Bank provides data for Thailand from 1980
to 2009. The average vale for Thailand dring that period !as 2.18 percent !ith a minimum of
0.9 percent in 1997 and a maximum of 5.8 percent in 1987. Belo! !e provide more information
a"ot: #nemplo$ment rate in Thailand
Thailand: %conom$ &ndicators
'ain economic indicators
%conomic gro!th
()* per capita, ***
()*, crrent #.+. dollars
(overnment "dget "alance
(overnment de"t
()*, constant dollars
%,ternal de"t
(overnment si-e
.apital investment
()* per capita, constant dollars
%conomic sectors
+hare of agricltre
+hare of indstr$
+hare of manfactring
+hare of services
*ercent agricltral land
/gricltre prodctivit$
Financial s$stem
Bank credit to the private sector
+tock market capitali-ation
'one$ sppl$ gro!th
0ending interest rate
0isted companies
/T' machines
1on2performing loans
.redit information sharing
+tock market trnover ratio
0egal rights
&nternational transactions
.rrent accont
Foreign )irect &nvestment
(ro!th of e,ports
Trade "alance
%nerg$ se per capita
+hare of clean energ$
%nerg$ per 41000 ()*
%nerg$ imports
%nerg$ prodction
()* per nit of energ$
5ther indicators
*oplation si-e
&nternet sers
*ercent r"an poplation
Women in parliament
6man development
&nnovations inde,
0a"or force
#nemplo$ment rate
7oth nemplo$ment
Female la"or force participation
'ale la"or force participation
0a"or force participation
/ge dependenc$ ratio
Female nemplo$ment
'ale nemplo$ment
0a"or force: percent female
0ife e,pectanc$
6&8 infections
Birth rate
)eath rate
6ealth spending per capita
6ealth spending as percent of ()*
Fertilit$ rate
(overnance indicators
8oice and acconta"ilit$
*olitical sta"ilit$
(overnment effectiveness
3eglator$ 9alit$
3le of la!
.ontrol of corrption
.orrption perceptions 2 Transparenc$ &nternational
)egree of glo"ali-ation
5verall glo"ali-ation
%conomic glo"ali-ation
+ocial glo"ali-ation
*olitical glo"ali-ation
%conomic freedom
*ropert$ rights
Freedom from corrption
Fiscal freedom
Bsiness freedom
0a"or freedom
'onetar$ freedom
Trade freedom
&nvestment freedom
Financial freedom
*olitical s$stem
*olitical rights
.ivil li"erties
Ta, s$stem
Ta, revene
.ommercial ta, rate
Ta, preparation time
1m"er of ta,es
Ta,es on goods and services
Ta,es on international trade
&ncome and profits ta,es
Thailand:unemployment rate
Unemployment rate: For that indicator, The World Bank provides data for Thailand from 1980
to 2009. The average vale for Thailand dring that period !as 2.18 percent !ith a minumum of
0.9 percent in 1997 and a maximum of 5.8 percent in 1987.
The nemplo$ment rate in Thailand and other contries is defined as the nm"er of nemplo$ed
people as percent of the la"or force. The la"or force incldes the people !ho are either
emplo$ed or nemplo$ed, i.e. !ho don:t have a ;o" "t are activel$ looking for one. The la"or
force does not inclde people !ho are not looking for !ork, children, and the retired
The nemplo$ment rate seldom declines "elo! <2= percent even dring "oom times. There are
al!a$s people !ho move "et!een different sectors of the econom$ or "et!een cities. When the
econom$ goes into recession, then nemplo$ment can reach mch higher nm"ers, sometimes
even in the do"le digits.
#nemplo$ment 3ate in Thailand increased to 0.89 percent in /pril of 201> from 0.?9 percent in
'arch of 201>. #nemplo$ment 3ate in Thailand is reported "$ the Bank of Thailand. Thailand
#nemplo$ment 3ate averaged 1.?< *ercent from 2001 ntil 201>, reaching an all time high of
=.@> *ercent in Aanar$ of 2001 and a record lo! of 0.>9 *ercent in 1ovem"er of 2012. &n
Thailand, the nemplo$ment rate measres the nm"er of people activel$ looking for a ;o" as a
percentage of the la"or force
Unemployment with primary education;
male (% of male unemployment) in Thailand
The Unemployment with primary education; male (% of
male unemployment) in Thailand was reported at 46.80 in
008! accordin" to the #orld $an%. Unemployment &y le'el
of educational attainment shows the unemployed &y le'el of
educational attainment! as a percenta"e of the unemployed.
The le'els of educational attainment accord with the
(nternational )tandard *lassification of +ducation ,--. of
the United /ations +ducational! *ultural! and )cientific
0r"ani1ation (U/+)*0).This pa"e includes a historical
data chart! news and forecasts for Unemployment with
primary education; male (% of male unemployment) in

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