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FCC BAF Awards 2009 Sponsor
nstitutinal Partner Animation, Gaming & VFX Partner Fashion Show Sponsor Badge Sponsor
Unique Gaming Expereince Zone
Technology Partner
Networking Cafeteria Sponsor Associate Sponsor
South Extension -
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nternational Media Partners nternational Media Partners nternational Media Partners Media Partner
Media Partner Media Partner Online Media Partner Online Media Partner
Online Media Partner
Media Partner
Online Media Partner
3rd Entertainment Evening Partner
Media Partner
Mobile Session Co - Sponsor
Digital Track Partner
u-4 4a
Ministry of
Information & Broadcasting
Government of India
Supporting Partner
17th 19th February, 2009
Hotel PenaIssance, |umbaI, N0A
||||| |K| . !t t|r t |tr. ||||| |K| l . t;t|
6L6881lN0 66
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Animation, Gaming &
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Bi,,est Olobal Convention in Asia on the Business of lntertainment

larticipation bv Olobal Media and lntertainment con,lomerates.

Stron, participation from Oovernment at all levels.

Who's who from lndian Media and lntertainment lndustrv.

Business Dele,ations from over 25 countries.

1remendous Networkin, opportunities.

Research reports on lntertainment lndustrv and le,al lramework.

Structured Seminars and lanel Discussions involvin, eminent overseas and

lndian speakers.

A dedicated marketplace.

Showcasin, of technolo,v.

Networkin, lunches, Cocktails c Dinners.

lntertainment lvenin,s.

llCCl BAl Awards presentation ceremonv.

USA as a Partner Countr,.

UK as Animation, Caming & VIX Partner.

1he lndian Media clntertainment industrv continues to remain determined and resolute despite
pitfalls inthe overall economv. More thana decade a,o, the first meetin, of the freshlv formed llCCl
lntertainment Committee took place inMumbai. 1he first llCCl lRAMlS, the onlv one of its kind
in Asia, took place soon after and became a force to be reckoned with, evolvin, into a multi-faceted
and three-dav lon, convention coverin, the entire ,amut of Media c lntertainment. lRAMlS
,rew alon, with the lndian Media c lntertainment sector and is now firmlv lod,ed as an event
which is for, of and bv the industrv and still remains Asia's lar,est convention on the business of
In the last eventful decade, the Indian entertainment industr, has achieved man, milestones.
Our "filmbusiness now has "industr," status with more and more corporates jumping the film-
financing bandwagon. Our films are now watched in over 100 countries and television formats
are entering new markets. Multiplexes have chan,ed the business of filmexhibition in lndia and
the future perhaps lies inthe Home Video market and Di,ital Cinema.
th th
IRAMS 2009 will be held from 17 19 lebruarv 2OO9 at Mumbai, lndia. 1he 2OO9 edition is
especiallv si,nificant as it marks the 1O anniversarv of lRAMlS and
lndia and US have alwavs shared a certain cultural svner,v with diasporic audiences spreadin, their
tastes, films, music and habits throu,hout the American heartland. With this consistent cross-over
and min,lin, of cultures, there is now a steadv demand for Bollvwood films in US, content business
in lndia is likelv to ,enerate over $5O million in the next two vears and this ,rowth is expected to
come from lar,elv from the US market. lndia is fast emer,in, as an outsourcin, hub for
production/post-productioninanimation/,amin, and visual effects.
1his vear at lRAMlS, as in previous vears, we expect nearlv 2OOO lndian and 8OO forei,n dele,ates
encompassin, the entire universe of media and entertainment. We will have focused sessions
coverin, the entire ,amut like lilms, Broadcast (1V cRadio), Di,ital lntertainment, Animation,
Oamin,, Visual lffects, etc. over a period of three davs. All sessions would be addressed bv
lnternational and lndianindustrv stalwarts and thou,ht leaders.
ver 35 countries fromall over the world participated in lRAMlS in 2OO8 and the list continues to
,row. Dele,ates come from Australia, Canada, Irance, Cerman,, Creece, Hong King, Ital,,
Israel, Korea, ]apan, Mala,sia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland,
Sri Lanka, Thailand, UA, UK, USAand manv more.
lf vou wishto be a part of the vibrant lndianmedia and entertainment industrv, do not for,et to block
vour diaries for the Tenth Anniversar, of IICCI-IRAMS 2009. lor more details and
re,istration, lo, onto to our website:
USA is our partner countr,.
Te|ev|s|on Track
F||m Track
An|mat|on, Cam|ng
& VFX Track
Rad|o & Hus|c Track
0|g|ta| Track
Focus Area Track
|naugura| | Va|ed|ctory
|r;rtmmt | Klttt
Footpr|nts & Future: H & E |ndustry 8ta|warts share the|r success stor|es
Venue: HoteI Renaissance , Mumbai , INDIA
FCC - FRAME8 2009 - 17th - 19th February 2009
T|me | Rooms T|me | Rooms
8:30 - 9:30 ar
a|| Room 1 a|| Room 2 a|| Room 3 Powa| Room
Tea reak
Tea reak
Enterta|nment N|ght and 0|nner
Day - , 17th February 2009
11.15 - 11.30 p.r.
1:15 - 2:15 p.r.
2:15 - 3:30 p.r.
3:30 - 1:15 p.r.
1:15 - 5:15 pr
5:00 - :15 p.r.
:15 p.r.
Z:30 p.r.
9.30 - 11.00 ar
Relurr or lrveslrerls |r l|e lrd|ar
V & E |rduslry
Copy, Cul, Pasle lo lrd|ar Tasle:
F||rs |r lrd|a
T|e lrroval|or Tr||ogy: lP creal|or, prolecl|or
& ||le cyc|e
Tv Ral|rgs: Evo|ul|or ol le|ev|s|or
aud|erce reasurererl syslers
0vercor|rg ooslac|es lo do|rg ous|ress
Nol a C|||d's P|ay Aryrore: 0ar|rg gels ser|ous
vFX: 8r|dg|rg l|e r|ss|rg g|ooa| ||r|s
Day - , 18th February 2009
T|e Nexl 8|g T||rg...
|r F||r & Te|ev|s|or
Persora||sed Ved|a P|allorrs:
w|dgels, user gereraled red|a, o|ogs & podcasls
9.30 - 11.15 a.r.
11.30 a.r.-1.15 p.r.
ls l|e lrd|ar Ved|a & Erlerla|rrerl
lrduslry a Va|e 8asl|or ?
12.15- 1.15 pr Covergerce A|| 0ver:
Tec|ro|ogy |r l|e V & E 3eclor
T|e 3alyaj|l Ray Legacy:
las lrd|ar c|rera reasured up?
C|a||eges Fac|rg l|e Ar|ral|or &
0ar|rg lrduslry: Varag|rg |r lurou|erl l|res
Lunch 1.15 - 2.15 pr
2:30 - 1.00 p.r. lrd|ar Tv lrduslry:
Trars|l|or lror ado|escerce lo ralur|ly
T|e 8us|ress ol F||r-ra||rg |r 2008:
agory or eclasy?
3:15 - 1.00 p.r.
1.00 - 5:00 p.r.
5.00 pr - pr
3ersal|ora||sr vs Jourra||sr: TRP z|rdaoadl
:00 - Z:00 p.r.
Z:00 - 8:00 p.r.
F|66| AF Awards 2009 Presentat|on & Fash|on 8how fo||owed by 6ockta||s & 0|nner
Day - , 19th February 2009
10.00 - 11.15 a.r.
11.15 - 11.30 a.r.
Case 3ludy or ra||rg ol Ralalou|||e
Tea reak
11.30 a.r. -
12.00 roor
12.00 roor -
1.15 p,r.
F0Cu3 30uTl:
Keyrole oy 3oul| lrd|ar F||r Persora||ly
lrlerv|eW oy roled u3 Tv jourra||sl
ol er|rerl 8o||yWood Persora||ly
Ererg|rg successlu| lror l|e d|g|la| slorr
1.15 - 2.15 p.r. Lunch
2.15 - 3.30 p.r 0|ooa||sal|or ol lrd|ar C|rera
3.30 - 3.15 p.r. Tea reak
3.15 - 5.00 p.r Ro|e ol Ved|a |r 3porls Prorol|or:
0oes |l rea||y supporl lorrs ol|er l|ar cr|c|el?
0oes 8o||yWood 3el L|lesly|e Trerds? lrd|ar Corlerl or l|e Vove
5.00 - .15 p.r.
:15 p.r.
Va|ed|ctory Address
F|66| L|v|ng Legend Award + Enterta|nment N|ght and 0|nner
FlCCl L|lesly|e Forur Agerda Veel|rg
11. - 12.15 p.r. 0raW|rg lror Exper|erces Arourd l|e wor|d:
Case 3lud|es |r rad|o
lrdo-uK Coproducl|ors
Voo||e Erlerla|rrerl & Voo||e Adverl|s|rg:
exper|erces arourd l|e Wor|d
0eve|op|rg Corlerl lor Ar|ral|or
T|e 0yrar|cs ol Cross Ved|a 0Wrers||p
0e-r|s||rg l|e C|rera 8us|ress:
Reverue rode|s |r l||r rar|el|rg
0real lrd|ar Ta|erl 8azaar
8.30 - 9.30 a.m. Registration
9.30 - 11.15 a.m.
li,htin, of lamp bv Shri Anand Sharma, Hon'ble Minister of State for lnformation c
Broadcastin,, Oovt of lndia and other di,nitaries on the dais and Deepika ladukone,
Actor, lndia
Welcome Address: Harshpati Sin,hania, lresident, llCCl c MD, JK laper ltd.
Special Addresses
Yash Chopra, Chairman, llCCl lntertainment Committee c Yashraj lilms lvt ltd
Kunal Das,upta, Co-Chairman, llCCl lntertainment Committee c Cl, Sonv
lntertainment 1elevision
Sushma Sin,h, Secretarv, Ministrv of lnformation c Broadcastin,, Oovt. of lndia
Addresses b, Cuests of Honour
Ben Silverman, Co-chair, NBC lntertainment and NBC Universal 1elevision
Theme Presentation bv Amit Khanna, Chairman, Reliance lntertainment lvt. ltd.
Inaugural Address
Shri Anand Sharma, Hon'ble Minister of State for lnformation c Broadcastin,, Oovt of lndia
Vote of Thanks
Dr Amit Mitra, Secretarv Oeneral, llCCl
11:15 - 11:30 a.m. Tea Break
11:30 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Iootprints & Iuture: Media & ntertainment Industr, Stalwarts share
their success stories
Aroon lurie, Chairman clditor-in-chief, lndia 1odav Oroup
Anand Mahindra, Vice Chairman cMD, Mahindra cMahindra
Shobhana Bhartia, Chairperson, H1 Media
Ra,hav Bahl, Mana,in, Director, 1elevision 18 lvt ltd.
Chaired b, Dr Amit Mitra, Secretar, Ceneral, IICCI
1.15 - 2.15 p.m. Lunch
Day , 17th February, 2009
Inaugural Session
BALL ROOMS 1, 2 & 3
Release of IICCI - KPMC Report on Indian ntertainment Industr,
Release of IICCI Amarchand & Mangaldas Lawbook
Tea reak
6L6881lN0 66
lred Hasson, Chairman, luropean, Oamers' Assoc clxecutive Director,
Red Bed lam*
Atindrva Bose, Countrv Mana,er, Sonv llavstation
Jaspreet Bindra, Re,ional Director: lntertainment cDevices, Retail, Microsoft, lndia
Rohit Sharma, C, zapak
4:45 - 5:00 p.m. Tea Break
5:00 - 6:15 p.m. Is the Indian Media & ntertainment Industr, a Male Bastion!
Has the Mc l industrv trulv evolved to ,ive equal space and pace to women' A
stron, panel of women achievers in media and entertainment express their views.
looja Shettv, Director, Walk Waters Media
Anurradha lrasad, Chairperson cMD, BAO lilms c Media
lreitv zinta, Actor
Apurva lurohit, Cl, Radio Citv
lndrani Mukerjea, Cl, lNX Media
Revathv, lilm-maker*
lrahlad Kakkar, Acclaimed Advertisin, Ouru*
5:00 - 6:15 p.m VIX: Bridging the missing global links
What can take our films to the next level of cinema' A ,ood filmnot onlv needs a stron,
script but in the current tech-a,e, there is need for ima,inative visual effects as well.
let's talkto the experts.
Barrie sborne, lroducer, Hollvwood
Barrie sborne, lroducer, Hollvwood
Michael levser, lroducer, Hollvwood
Apurva Shah, VlX Supervisor, lixar Animation Studios, USA
Charles Darbv, Creative Director, lveQube Studios
6.45 p.m. onwards ntertainment Night: performance b, Pt Shivkumar Sharma & Rahul Sharma
Cocktails & Dinner sponsored b, USIBC
Day , 18th February, 2009
9:30 - 11:00 a.m. Iilm & Television
The Next Big Thing
Shekhar Kapur, World-renowned lilm Director: Kevnote
Ronnie Screwvala, ChairmancCl, U1V Oroup: Kevnote
Session introduced b, Dr Amit Mitra, Secretar, Ceneral, IICCI
9:30 - 11:00 a.m.
Wherein lies the real future of entertainment ---- amidst user-,enerated or traditional
media' 1his is a question entertainment, media and advertisin, executives are askin,
themselves. Blo,s and social networkin, sites have become the new media networks. Are
these fads or the onlv wav ahead' lnthis sessionwe will explore user-,enerated media as a
phenomenon, a business and a communications and entertainment tool.
Shailesh Rao, MD, Ooo,le lndia
Sun, lee, Vl, MvSpace, Asia
Hu,h Stephens, Senior Vice lresident, lnternational Relations and Strate,ic
lolicv, Asia lacific, 1ime Warner
lrancisco Cordero, Oeneral Mana,er, Australia c Nz, Bebo
Ankit Maheshwari, Cl, lnstablo,
Personalised Media Platforms: Widgets, user generated media, blogs & podcasts
11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m Drawing from xperiences Around the World: Case studies in radio
Clive Dickens, Head, lro,rammin,, Absolute Radio, UK
n cntersc:|n u|:|
Anil Srivatsa, C, Radio Meow
11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m Indo-UK Co-productions
Shri V B lvarelal, Joint Secretarv, lilms, Ministrv of l c B, Oovt of lndia
Sec|ers jrm Lr
Moderator Vanita Kohli, Media Columnist c Author
Moderator N Madhu Sudhanan
Moderator Anura, Batra, Cl, lxchan,
6L6881lN0 66

11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m

1his sessionwill discuss the various strands of entertainment and advertisin, inthe mobile
landscape as well as future trends inmobile 1V whichis ,oin, to revolutionize our markets
verv soon.
Mobile ntertainment & Mobile Advertising: experiences around the world
Ross lollack, Senior Vice lresident, Distribution, Asia, Sonv lictures 1elevision
Rin,o Chan, Vice lresident, Wireless, lnteractive Content Development and
Distribution, Asia lacific 1urner lnternational Asia lacific
Hari Krishan, Oeneral Mana,er (Head), Mv Space lndia
Jonathan 1aplin, lrofessor, Annenber, School for Communication, Universitv of
Southern California
12.15 - 1.15 p.m. Convergence All Over: Technolog, in the M& Sector
lt is technolo,v alone which will propel media and entertainment into the future. lets
review how technolo,v is poised currentlv all over this field.
Donald M. Whiteside, Senior Vice lresident c Olobal Oeneral Mana,er, lntel
David Wrav, C, Olobal Di,ital Broadcast*
Vineet 1aneja, Head of O1MCluster, Nokia, lndia
SK Sim, Director c OM, Workstations Business Unit, Asia lac c Japan,
Hewlett lackard
12.15 - 1.15 p.m. The Sat,ajit Ra, Legac,: Has Indian cinema measured up!
Rav was lndia's first film-maker to have put lndian cinema squarelv on the world map. His
creative ,enius pioneered an entire technique of film-makin, for future ,enerations. Are
we carrvin, onthe le,acv inour filmcreativitv'
Javed Akhtar, loet cScreen Writer clvricist
Sharmila 1a,ore, Chairperson, Censor Board of lilm Certification, lndia
Aparna Sen, lilm-maker
Ooutam Ohose, lilm-maker*
Mrinal Sen, lilm-maker

12:15 p.m.-1: 15 p.m.

ls the animation industrv losin, si,ht of utopia' 1he euphoric era of the bubble economv is
probablv over and societv seems to be headed for an era of uncertaintv and apathv.
Reflectin, the production and distribution challen,es faced bv the industrv in these
turbulent times, are leadin, experts fromAnimation - lducation, linancin,, lroduction,
Broadcast and Distribution
Challenges facing the Animation & Caming Industr,: Managing in turbulent times
Yashodhara Raje Scindia, Member of larliament, lounder public-private animation
academies inMl
Mathew John- Chief Oeneral Mana,er - lximBank
Shailendra Sin,h- ChairmancCl - lercept licture Companv limited
Vishnu Athreva, Senior lxecutive, 1urner
1.15 - 2.15 pm Lunch
2:30 - 4.00 p.m. Indian TV Industr,: Transition from adolescence to maturit,
1he two foundations of the television industrv - content and distribution platforms - have
a stron,, svmbiotic relationship. lach feeds into the other. With chan,in, viewership
patterns, mushroomin, of niche channels (lifestvle, real estate, travel and livin, etc) as
well as availabilitv of newer technolo,ies suchas broadband, mobile 1V, cable, ll1V, D1H
etc., canwe sav that lndiantelevisionhas entered a matured phase'
zohra Chatterji, Joint Secretarv, lilms, Minof l cB
1odd Miller, lxecutive Vice lresident and Mana,in, Director, Asia, Sonv lictures
luneet Ooenka, Cl, zll*
Ja,i Man,at landa, Director and lromoter, ritel
DeepakDhar, Cl, lndemol lndia
Sudhir A,arwal, Cl, Citicable (Hl1S)
1arunKatial, Head, Broadcast, Reliance lntertainment*
Ke,note :
Sameer Nair, Cl, ND1V lma,ine
Moderator lankaj Sethi, lresident, perations c VAS, 1ata 1eleservices ltd.
Moderator Vikram Chandra, Cl, ND1V Networks
Moderator Oovind Nihalani, lilm-maker
Moderator 1apaas Chakravarti - Chairman and Cl - DQ lntertainment
Moderator Sunil lulla, Director, Real Olobal Broadcastin, lvt. ltd.
6L6881lN0 66

2:30 - 4.00 p.m.

Dozens of companies are investin, into the business of film-makin,, distribution and
exhibition. And vet the industrv has just been throu,h its worst vear ever. How does one
explainthis downturn'
The Business of Iilm-making in 200S: agon, or ecstas,!
Ooldie Behl, lilm-maker
Vishesh Bhatt, lilm-maker cDirector,
3:45 - 4.00 p.m. Tea Break
4.00 - 5:00 p.m. CO SPAK: KYNOTS
Ben Silverman Co-chair, NBC lntertainment and NBC Universal 1elevision Studios
louise Sams, lVl, 1urner lnternational, USA
Session chaired b, Dr Amit Mitra, Secretar, Ceneral, IICCI
5 pm - 6 pm Sensationalism vs ]ournalism: TRP zindabad!
6.00 - 7:00 p.m. Cocktails

7:00 - 8:00 p.m. IICCI BAI Awards 2009 Presentation, sponsored b, Autodesk
Iashion Show b, Manish Malhotra, followed b, cocktails & dinner
Sunir Khetrapal, C, Bi, lictures
Vikas Bahl, C, U1V Spotbov
Kabir Khan, lilm-maker

2:30 - 4.00 p.m.

1hrou,h the lens of international animation studios, we look at the various ,enres of
lndiantalent inanimationand discuss their experiences inthis re,ard.
The Creat Indian Talent Bazaar
Joe Oareri, lxecutive Director,
perations, lma,eworks lndia, Sonv
lictures lma,eworks
Nicholas Atlan, Cl, Moonscoop Oroup
Vijav Sinha, Vl, HR, Bi, Animation
Vir San,hvi, Consultin, lditor, Hindustan 1imes
lritish Nandv, lounder, lromoter and Non-executive Chairman, lNC ltd*
Rajat Sharma, Chairman c lditor-in-chief, lndia 1V
Day , 19th February 2009
10.00 - 11.15 a.m. De-risking the Cinema Business: Revenue models in film marketing
How does a small bud,et filmbecome a box-office success with effective use of marketin,
tools' lilm-marketin, throu,h new models, i.e. faster 1V broadcasts of freshlv released
films, home videos are the new buzzwords. lets discuss.
Ajav Bijli, Chairman c MD, lVR ,roup
Harish Davani, Cl, lntertainment, Moser Baer
Siddhartha Rov Kapur, Cl, U1V
Ramesh Sippv, lilm Director*
10.00 - 11.15 a.m. The D,namics of Cross Media Ownership
ln the existin, lndian media scenario, with multiplicitv in stakeholders, there is no real
fear of a sin,le-plaver monopolv. ls there then need for additional le,islation in cross
media ownership or are existin, laws adequate'
10.00 11.15 a.m. Case Stud, on the making of Ratatouille b, Apurva Shah,
VIX Supervisor, Pixar Animation Studios
11.15 - 11.30 a.m. Tea Break
11.30 - 12.00 noon IOCUS SOUTH: Ke,note b, South Indian Iilm Personalit,
Has the Southern film industrv opened its doors to outside investors or are thev happv
within the comfortable frameworks of their conventional and a,e-old structures' Here is
a kevnote froma stalwart fromdownsouth.
Ke,note: Kamal Hasaan, Actor*
12 noon to 1 pm Acclaimed US TV ]ournalist interviews minent Boll,wood Personalit,
Nripendra Misra, Chairman, 1RAl
Al lari,i, MD, lNll, Director, 1imes Oroup
lrabhu Chawla, lditorial Director, lndia 1odav Oroup
Udav Shankar, Cl, S1AR*
Jav landa, Ml*
Shantonu Aditva, lxecutive Director, U1V Broadcastin,
Moderator Rajeev Masand, lntertainment lditor, CNN lBN
A conversation between leadin, journalists and channel heads, this session would keep
vou riveted.
Moderator Arnab Ooswami, lditor-in-chief, 1imes Now*
Moderator Bobbv Bedi, MD, Kaleidoscope lntertainment
Moderator lallavi Shroff, Sr lartner, Amarchand c Man,aldas c Suresh
A. Shroff c Co.
11.30 - 1.00 p.m. Print: merging successful from the digital storm
When the electronic revolution be,an vears a,o, soothsavers predicted that the print
mediumwould ,et wiped out. Not onlv has print remained rock-steadv and stron,, it has
,rown as a sector in the past decade. let us talk to the stalwarts and find out how print
emer,ed triumphant, despite risin, competitionfrommanv media platforms.
N Ram, lditor in chief, 1he Hindu*
Sevanti Ninan, Media Commentator cAuthor
Shekhar Oupta, lditor in chief, lndian lxpress*
1arun 1ejpal, lditor c lublisher, 1ehelka*
Rajiv Jaitlv, lresident, Marketin,, Dainik Bhaskar Oroup
11.30 - 1.00 p.m. Developing Animation Content: Can local content go global !
Marion ldwards, Vl -lro,rammin, , Hl1 Animation
Carev litz,erald, Hi,h loint lilms c 1V ltd
Nina Jaipuria, Nick*
1 - 2.15 pm Lunch
2.15 - 3.30 p.m Clobalisation of Indian Cinema
3.30 - 3.45 p.m. Tea Break
3.45 - 5.00 p.m Role of Media in Sports Promotion: Does it reall, support forms other
than cricket!
MS Oill*, Minister for Sports, Oovt of lndia*
Abhinav Bindra, lvmpic Oold Medallist
Rahul Dravid, Cricketer and former captain, lndia*
Mahesh Bhupathi, Sportsperson and acclaimed tennis plaver
Manu Sawhnev*, Cl, lSlN S1AR
Harsha Bho,le, Sports Commentator, Anchor and Columnist
Chris Macdonald, Cl, 1aj 1V*
Jaipdeep Sahni, Screenwriter, Chak de
3.45 - 5.00 p.m Indian Content on the Move
1his session will focus extensivelv on lndian entertainment content which is bein,
exported worldwide.
Subroto Bhattacharva, Cl, zll 1V, USA
Sabbas Joseph, lounder Director, Wizcraft
Jasmeet Oandhi, Cluster O1Mhead, ScS, Nokia lndia
3.45 pm - 4 pm Does Boll,wood Set Lifest,le Trends!
BALL ROOMS 1, 2 & 3
5.00 - 6.45 p.m. Valedictor, Session
Valedictor, Address:
Subhash Chandra, Chairman, zll Network (lssel Oroup)
6.45 p.m. IICCI Living Legend Award + ntertainment Night and Dinner
Performance b, artiste Adnan Sami
* nvteJ
Ness Wadia, J1 MD, Bombav Dvein, cChairman, llCCl lifestvle lorum
Mehul Choksi, Chairman c Cl, Oitanjali Oroup, c Co-chair, llCCl lifestvle
Atul Kasbekar, Acclaimed lhoto,rapher
Manish Malhotra, lashion Desi,ner*
Karishma Kapur, Actor*
Alex Kurvilla, Mana,in, Director, Conde Nast*
Vispi latel, Oroup Director, lVMH, lndia*
Jacqueline Celeste, lashion Desi,ner, USA
lndian animation is evolvin, and movin, up the value chain, from outsourcin, to
developin, content. lndian studios are investin, into ll. 1he real challen,e ahead is for
these properties to be accepted bv a ,lobal audience. What are the considerations while
developin, an animated show that aspires to charm children across the ,lobe' What
lessons can lndian creators learn from their counterparts in evolved animation
economies suchas UK' And finallv canlocal content trulv become ,lobal
Moderator Munjal Shroff, Director c C, Oraphiti
Moderator Sonali Chander, Sports lditor, ND1V
Moderator Anil Wanwari, Cl,
|it |lit.
|l|rtl |lt|ritt |ttt;t
m|ti |t|rtr !I!| l
1. Name of dele,ate(s)
Mr Mrs Ms Dr ther
a. Name :
Desi,nation :
Mr Mrs Ms Dr ther
b. Name :
Desi,nation :
Mr Mrs Ms Dr ther
c. Name :
Desi,nation :
Mr Mrs Ms Dr ther
d. Name :
Desi,nation :
2. r,anisation :
3. Mailin, Address :
lincode :
1. 1elephone(s) : Mobile :
(\|:| Cun:r, cnJ STD cJe)
5. lax :
(\|:| Cun:r, cnJ STD cJe)
6. l-mail :
7. Website :
8. Business lnterest llease 1ick Animation lilm VlX 1V Oamin,
Mobile Radio thers please specifv
1he dele,ate fee to be pavable bv Cheque/DD drawn in favour of IICCI, pavable at New Delhi.
Cheque/DD for Rs. .............................................. No. ........................................... Dated ...................................
Drawn on ...............................................................................................................................................................
PIII the RegIstratIon Porm
K|K| |1|1!|1 1 !K| KK|1| | |1!|K!|1|1!
||||| |K| l
17 - 19 Iebruar,, 2009
Hotel Renaissance, Mumbai, INDIA
Please attach
all your
vIsItIng cards
IICCI Living Legend in
ntertainment Award
| t ; i
t r | | t
m | i t | |tr
cs||n S|u |, Manish Malhotra
1S Iebruar,, 2009
erjrmcnce |, Adnan Sami
19 Iebruar,, 2009
IICCI BAI Awards 2009
1S Iebruar,, 2009
erjrmcnce |,
Pt Shivkumar Sharma & Rahul Sharma
17 Iebruar,, 2009


|| |
K | | |


|| |
K | | |
| t ; i
t r | | t
m | i t | |tr
llCCl has ne,otiated verv special rates for dele,ates of llCCl- lRAMlS 2OO9.
Re,istered dele,ates to llCCl-lRAMlS are requested to send their bookin, request directlv to
Mcn|s| -ncnJ, Mcncer, C - n:erc:eJ Cnjerence cnJ ten: Mcncemen: (-J|t|s|n j e cssce : nJ|c)
1st floor, 1imes Square Buildin,, Western lxpress Hi,hwav, Andheri (last), Mumbai-1OOO69
1el : 91-22-677125OO lax : 91-22-6771252O Mob : 91- 9987756373
lmail :
0eIhI :
Anrbcn Chctter]ee
FCC EntertaInment 0IvIsIon
FederatIon House, 1 Tansen |arg, New 0elhI110001
Tel : +91112J766929 (0),
2J7J8760 70, Ext. J86
Fax : +91112J765JJJ, 2J721504
EmaIl :
Mcns| cnsc|
llCCl lntertainment Division
33 B , Krishnamai Buildin,,
lochkhanwala Road, Worli
Mumbai - 1OOO3O
1el : 91-22-2196 8OOO
lax : 91-22-21966631 / 32
lmail :
You can reyster onlne at
Credit Card through bank authorization form (ava|ab|e on request).
llease note that the dele,ate fee includes conference re,istration, convention kit, llCCl entertainment
industrv reports, lunches, dinners, cocktails, access to lntertainment lvenin,s, Networkin, loun,e and
BAl Awards presentationceremonv.
lt does not include airfare, hotel stav or anv other incidental expenses.
No further discounts will be ,iven. nlv forms accompanied bv requisite dele,ate fee will be accepted.
llCCl reserves the ri,ht not to accept anv re,istrationwithout assi,nin, anv reason.
Re,istrationis non-transferable.
Cancellation Polic, for Registration : Requests received in writin, before 27 Januarv, 2OO9 will be considered for
cancellation. A 2O' handlin, char,e will be deducted fromthe total amount deposited towards the dele,ate fee and
rest refunded bv cheque. No amount will be refunded after 27 Januarv, 2OO9
K|||K!| |||

Number of Dele,ates Amount
Upto 1 dele,ates Rs. 15,OOO/ -per dele,ate
lor 5 or more dele,ates Rs. 11,OOO/-per dele,ate
verseas dele,ates USD 38O/-per dele,ate
How to Make Pa,ment!
Cheque or Draft in Iavour of IICCI, pa,able
at New Delhi
Swift Code Transfer for International
-tc||c||e n :|e ue| s|:e .
Book vour booth space where vou can talk serious business and hi,hli,ht vour companv's stren,ths.
Specific solutions to enhance vour presence can be made.
Ktittt ;;r|i|itt t| ||||||K| .
Kt| ttrl, |t ttt|
l) Shell Stand 3x2 meters lNR 2 lakh

2 dele,ate passes free

ll) Shell Stand with
lo,o presence in the
re,istration area c
one full pa,e ad in
the dele,ate profile
3x2 meters lNR 2.5 lakhs
r USD 555O

2 dele,ate passes free

Categor, Area Cost Benefits
LmteJ Space. Bookng u|| be Jone on jrst come jrst bass.
Cancellation Polic, for Marketplace:
Requests received inwritin, before 27 Jan, 2OO9 will be considered for cancellation. A 5O' handlin,
char,e will be deducted from the total amount deposited towards the bookin, and rest refunded bv
cheque. No amount will be refunded after 27 Jan, 2OO9.
Dele,ate lrofile is printed and distributed to all participants at lRAMlS 2OO9.
Categor, Amount (INR)
lnside Cover (lront or Back) 1,5O,OOO
lnside la,es (Colour) 1,OO,OOO
Back Cover 2,5O,OOO
llCCl-lRAMlS offers customised sponsorship
opportunities, tailored to ,enerate terrific brand
recall opportunities for the sponsors.
r snsrs|| Je:c||s |ecse cn:cc: :|e rcn|sers.
6L6881lN0 66

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