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Causes of haze

The worst haze experienced in 1997 is due to open burning in neighboring
countries. Sabah has been adversely affected as a result of this phenomenon.
Open burning in Kalimantan have catastrophic consequences manifest when the
fire is difficult to control and licking most of the forest. Due to the relatively close
to Sabah Borneo then increasingly alarmed residents and precautions have been
made. Smoke resulting from the combustion was covering the state and result in
worsening conditions. The state had to send aid to the Indonesian Kalimantan
and Fire or to delete. State Fire and Rescue Department has sent 80 of its
members for the purpose. Incineration is not only a problem for our country but
other countries nearby such as Thailand, Singapore, Brunei and the Philippines
also badly polluted. This has resulted in products of combustion gas of carbon
monoxide gas is very dangerous and can be lethal if inhaled in a long time.

Fuel Burning
Combustion of fuels such as coal and oil also is a major cause of air pollution also
fuels are organic and have the karbon.Oleh elements, incomplete combustion
will produce carbon monoxide. Charcoal is a sulfur-containing substance. When
burning sulfur will combine with oxygen to produce sulfur dioxide around by the
equation: S + 2O2 ----------- SO4Sulfur dioxide will then combine with the
hydrogen ions in vapor in the air and form acid sulfurus. In addition, carbon
dioxide also combine with hydrogen ions and form carbonic acid.

Municipal process
Moreover, the existence of this haze is a result of the urbanization process has
encouraged the development of a city and there is industrial locations that
provide opportunities. This problem exists as a result of either the natural
population increase or migration. So the increase in the number of industrial
areas will produce a positive and negative impact on the lives of modern society.

Black Smoke Emissions From Factory Chimneys
In addition, increased industrialization brought many pollutants that are
discharged by the industry through the process of fuel combustion. If these
contaminants are not controlled, human life will be affected because people are
living around the contaminated environment as emissions from factories, toxic
gases, smoke, dust and so on. Thus, the outcome of this situation will be harmful
to human health because these pollutants can cause shortness of breath among
asthma, itchy nose, burning eyes and so on.

Components found in the haze as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen
dioxide, ozone, dust and metal can have an adverse effect on human health,
especially to poor children, the elderly and those who suffer from certain diseases
such as asthma, allergies, pneumonia and lung disease. Smokers and workers in
open areas also have a high risk to their health.




fuel combustion
burning rubbish
factory chimneys
Motor vehicle exhaust
interfere with normal
smoke formation that disrupt


cement quarry.
abestos limestone.
shortness of breath.


leaded gasoline.
combustion painted.
interfere with the body's
ability to build new blood
retardation and brain
damage in children.
fire burning at high
temperatures in heavy
vehicles or plant
disrupt the lung tissue and
cause bronchitis and cancer
Through Education
Environmental management can also be done through education programs
alamsekitar who either formal or informal. This educational program can also be
run by the DOE and other government agencies and non-governmental society
dedicated to every level of the administration, the public and school children.
This activity will enhance the public's awareness of the environment and the
responsibility for repair and maintenance. This activity is considered important
because it is a strategy of prevention and environmental management

Prohibition of Open Burning
To avoid this haze phenomenon is spreading and recurrence, government and
non-government bodies yangharus outlines some rules followed for all
Malaysians. Government has banned open burning because smoke is a major
contributor to the haze. Apart from the open burning can cause a fire that can
not be controlled such as occurred in the Indonesian jungle that caused forest
fires by the activities of subsistence farmers da it has spread to Malaysia brought
by the southwest monsoon winds usually.

The use of CFCs
Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) is a stable and known with the general name Freon
and destruction of the ozone layer is caused by chlorine atoms. Aerosol materials
are usually compressed into cans under high pressure.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as a catalyst in the process. In addition, CFC
use in petisejuk, air conditioners and so as whooping material (propellant), the
formation of bubbles, and fire extinguishers. In fact, the destruction of the ozone
layer is done by chlorine atoms. Found a CFC molecule can destroy ozone
molecules in 1000. Therefore, alternative sources should be used to replace
chlorofluorocarbons for example with hidrokloroflorokarbon (HCFC).

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