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Sphaeranthus indicus(Gorakhmundi) herb

Gorakhmundi(Sphaeranthus indicus) is aromatic herb found throughout India, Srilanka, Africa

and Australia. This herb has number of medicinal properties and used to treat many disease in
Indian Ayurvedic and Unani medicine system. This is know as East Indian globe thistle in
Sphaeranthus indicus is know as Gorakhmundi Or Mundi in Hindi, this can found in unused dry
paddy fields in summers. One can identify this herb by its spherical(magenta to purplish)
flowers. This herb can be found very easily in India in empty paddy fields between Feb-Jun. You
can identify this by using below image.

This plan has many many medicinal properties to treat various disease like epilepsy, mental
illness, hemicrania, jaundice, diabetes, leprosy, fever, cough, gastropathy, hernia, hemorrhoids,
helminthiasis, dyspepsia and skin diseases.
There are scientific evidences which shows hypotensive, anxiolytic, neuroleptic, hypolipidemic,
immunomodulatory, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, bronchodialatory, antihyperglycemic and
hepatoprotective activities of this plant.
Other Indian name of Gorakhmundi
Sanskrit: Mahamundi, shravani, tapasvini, mundi,
Hindi: Gorakhmundi, mundi
Telugu: Boddatarupa, boddasoram
Tamil: Kottakaranthai
Urdu: Kamdaryus
Bengali: Chagulnadi, ghorkmundi
Marathi: Barasavodi, gorakhmundi
Gujarati: Bodiokalara, mundi, dorakhmundi
Panjabi: Ghundi, khamadrus, mundibuti
Malayalam: Adakkamanian, attakkamanni, mirangani
Santal: Belaunja
Undari: Mundi
Riya: Murisa, bokashungi
Medicinal uses of Gorakhmundi
In Ayurveda the whole herb is used in insanity, tuberculous glands, indigestion, bronchitis,
spleen diseases, anaemia, pain in the uterus and vagina, piles, asthma, leukoderma, dysentery,
vomiting, urinary discharges, pain in the rectum, looseness of the breasts, hemicrania.
In Unani medicine system, Gorakhmundi is used as a tonic, laxative, emmenagogue, and also it
increases the appetite, enriches the blood, lessens inflammation, cools the brain and gives luster
to the eye, is good for sore eyes, jaundice, scalding of urine, gleet, biliousness, boils, scabies,
ringworm in the waist, diseases of the chest.
Parts used
Gorakhmundi, whole plant is valuable. Its flowers, seeds, stem and roots are valuable for
making medicine and home remedies. Whole plant can be used by making decoction, flowers
can be used by making powder, can be applet externally by making paste or extracting oil.
Ayurvedic preparations of Gorakhmundi
Mundi churna, mundi panchang swarasa, mundi kavatha. These preparations are manufactured
and sold by many pharmaceuticals world wide.

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