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Submitted by the secretariat Informal document No.

GRPE, 3-7 une !"#3
$%enda item &
Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments
to Regulation No. 110 (specific euipment for !NG"#NG$
(as agreed %& GRSG at its 10'
Su%mitted %& the !hair of the (as) *orce on #iuefied Natural Gas
'he te(t re)roduced belo* *as )re)ared by the +hair of the 'as, -orce on
.i/uefied Natural Gas 0.NG1 2ehicles 0on the basis of official document
E+E3'R$NS34P.!53GRSG3!"#3371 to introduce ty)e a))ro2al )ro2isions for 2ehicles
e/ui))ed *ith .NG )ro)ulsion systems. 'he )ro)osal has been )re)ared as a ne*
consolidated 2ersion 0Re2ision 31 of 6N Re%ulation No. ##". 'he modifications to the
ori%inal En%lish te(t are mar,ed usin% trac, chan%es.
'he 4or,in% Party on General Safety Pro2isions 0GRSG1 ado)ted this document, as
amended belo*, durin% its #"7
session in $)ril !"#3. GRSG re/uested the secretariat to
submit this )ro)osal to 4P.!5 and $+.# for consideration at their No2ember !"#3 session,
sub8ect to the endorsement by the 4or,in% Party on Pollution and Ener%y 0GRPE1, at its
une !"#3 session, es)ecially *ith re%ard to the )ro2isions on en2ironmental )rotection.
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
Regulation No. 110
6niform )ro2isions concernin% the a))ro2al of9
I. S)ecific com)onents of motor 2ehicles usin% com)ressed natural %as 0+NG1
and3or li/uefied natural %as 0.NG1 in their )ro)ulsion system:
II. ;ehicles *ith re%ard to the installation of s)ecific com)onents of an
a))ro2ed ty)e for the use of com)ressed natural %as 0+NG1 and3or li/uefied
natural %as 0.NG1 in their )ro)ulsion system
1. Scope
'his Re%ulation a))lies to9
#.#. Part I. S)ecific com)onents for 2ehicles of cate%ory < and N
com)ressed natural %as 0+NG1 and3or li/uefied natural %as 0.NG1 in their
)ro)ulsion system:
#.!. Part II. ;ehicles of cate%ory < and N
*ith re%ard to the installation of
s)ecific com)onents, for the use of com)ressed natural %as 0+NG1 and3or
li/uefied natural %as 0.NG1 for )ro)ulsion, of an a))ro2ed ty)e.
.. References
'he follo*in% standards contain )ro2isions that, throu%h reference in this te(t, constitute
)ro2isions of this Re%ulation.
$S'< Standards
$S'< =##7-5" 'est method of Salt S)ray 0-o%1 'estin%
$S'< =#>7-5! <ercurous Nitrate 'est for +o))er and +o))er $lloys
$S'< ?>!!-5! <andrel =end 'est of attached @r%anic +oatin%s
$S'< ?#3"&-&7 Effect of Aousehold +hemicals on +lear and Pi%mented
@r%anic -inishes
$S'< ?!377-&7 'est <ethod for $))arent interlaminar Shear Stren%th of
Parallel -ibre +om)osites by Short =eam <ethod
$S'< ?!757-5! 'est <ethod for Resistance of @r%anic +oatin%s to the Effects
of Ra)id ?eformation 0Im)act1
$S'< ?3#7"-&7 +hi))in% Resistance of +oatin%s
$s defined in the +onsolidated Resolution on the +onstruction of ;ehicles 0R.E.3.1,
document E+E3'R$NS34P.!537&3Re2.!, )ara. !. -
$merican Society for 'estin% and <aterials.
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
$S'< ?37#&-&3 'est <ethod for 'ransition 'em)eratures Polymers by 'hermal
$S'< E677-53 Standard 'est, <ethod for <easurement of -ati%ue +rac,
Gro*th Rates
$S'< E&#3-&5 'est <ethod for I+, a <easure of -racture 'ou%hness
$S'< G>3-53 Standard Practice for @)eratin% .i%ht and 4ater B E()osure
$))aratus 0-luorescent 6;-+ondensation 'y)e1 for E()osure
of non-metallic materials
=SI Standards
=S >"7>9 Part # 0#5&!1 'rans)ortable Gas +ontainers B S)ecification for
Seamless Steel Gas +ontainers $bo2e ".> litre 4ater +a)acity
=S 777&-5# -racture <echanics 'ou%hness 'ests Part I B <ethod for
?etermination of CI+, +ritical +@? and +ritical ;alues of =S
P? 6753-#55#. Guidance an <ethods for $ssessin% the $
$cce)tability of -la*s in -usion 4elded Structures: <etallic
EN Standards
EN #33!!-! !""3 'rans)ortable %as cylinders B Refillable *elded steel %as
cylinders B ?esi%n and construction B Part !9 Stainless steel
EN IS@ >&#7 !""3 $rc-*elded 8oints in steel: %uidance on /uality le2els for
EN#!>#-! !""" +ryo%enic 2essels. ;acuum insulated 2essels of not more than
#""" litres 2olume
EN &5>9#55> ?estructi2e tests on *elds in metallic materials. 'rans2erse
tensile test
EN 5#"9#556 ?estructi2e test methods on *elds in metallic materials. =end
EN #73>9#557 Non-destructi2e e(amination of *elds. Radio%ra)hic
e(amination of *elded 8oints
EN 6&5!-#9!""5 <etallic materials. 'ensile test
EN #""7>-#9#55" +har)y im)act test on metallic materials. 'est method 0;- and
IS@ Standards
IS@ 37 Rubber, 2ulcaniDed or thermo)lastic B ?etermination of tensile
stress-strain )ro)erties.
IS@ #7&-#5&3 Steel B +har)y Im)act 'est 02-notch1
IS@ #&& Rubber, 2olcaniDed or thermo)lastic B $ccelerated a%ein% and
heat resistance tests
IS@ 3"6-#5&7 Plastics - 'hermo)lastic <aterials B ?etermination of ;icat
Softenin% 'em)erature
=ritish Standards Institution.
Euro)ean Norm.
International @r%aniDation for StandardiDation.
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
IS@ >!7 Pt #-53 Plastics - ?etermination of 'ensile Pro)erties B Part I9 General
IS@ 67!-75 Steel-Aardenability 'est by End Euenchin% 0ominy 'est1
IS@ #!55# .i/uefied natural %as 0.NG1 B trans)ortable tan,s for use on-
board 2ehicles
IS@#3"7 Rubber and )lastics hoses B Aose siDes, minimum and
ma(imum inside diameters, and tolerances on cut-to-len%th
IS@ #7"! Rubber and )lastics hoses and hose assemblies B Aydrostatic
IS@ #73# Rubber, 2ulcaniDed or thermo)lastic B Resistance to oDone
IS@ #736 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies B 4ire-braid-reinforced
hydraulic ty)es for oil-based or *ater-based fluids B
IS@ #&#7 Rubber, 2ulcaniDed or thermo)lastic B ?etermination of the
effect of li/uids
IS@ !&"&-5# Paints and ;arnishes B ?etermination of film 'hic,ness
IS@ 36!&-7& Glass Reinforced <aterials B ?etermination of 'ensile
IS@ 7"&" Rubber and )lastics hoses and hose assemblies B ?etermination
of )ermeability to %as
IS@ 76!7-7& Plastics and ;arnishes B Pull-off 'est for adhesion
IS@ 767! Rubber and )lastics B Sub-ambient tem)erature fle(ibility tests
IS@ 65&!-&7 <etallic <aterials B 'ensile 'estin%
IS@ 6>"6-#5&# <etallic <aterials B Aardness test B =rinell 'est
IS@ 6>"&-#5&6 <etallic <aterials B Aardness 'ests B Roc,*ell 'est 0Scales,
IS@ 7!!> Precautionary .abels for Gas +ylinders
IS@3?IS 7&66-#55! Refillable 'rans)ortable Seamless $luminium $lloy +ylinders
for 4orld*ide 6sa%e ?esi%n, <anufacture and $cce)tance
IS@ 5""#9#557 Euality $ssurance in ?esi%n3?e2elo)ment. Production,
Installation and Ser2icin%
IS@ 5""!9#557 Euality $ssurance in Production and Installation
IS@3?IS #!737 <etallic <aterials B ?etermination of the Plane-Strain -racture
IS@#!55# .i/uefied natural %as 0.NG1 B trans)ortable tan,s for use on
board of 2ehicles
IS@#7765-#9!""7 Road ;ehicles9 com)ressed natural %as +NG refuellin%
connector9 )art #9 !" <Pa 0!"" bar1 connector
IS@#7765-!9!""7 Road ;ehicles9 com)ressed natural %as +NG refuellin%
connector9 )art !9 !" <Pa 0!"" bar1 connector
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
IS@#>>"" Road 2ehicles B +om)ressed natural %as 0+NG1 fuel system
IS@ !#"!&-#9!""7 +ryo%enic 2essels B 'ou%hness re/uirements for materials at
cryo%enic tem)erature B Part #9 'em)eratures belo* -&" F+
IS@ !#"!5-#9!""7 +ryo%enic 2essels B 'rans)ortable 2acuum insulated 2essels of
not more than #""" litres 2olume B Part #9 ?esi%n, fabrication,
ins)ection and tests
IS@3IE+ Guide !>-#55" General re/uirements for the 'echnical +om)etence of 'estin%
IS@3IE+ Guide 7&-#5&6 Guidelines for 'hird Party $ssessment and Re%istration of
Su))lies Euality System
IS@3?IS 5&"5 'rans)ortable Seamless Steel Gas +ylinders ?esi%n,
+onstruction and 'estin% B Part I9 Euenched and 'em)ered
Steel +ylinders *ith 'ensile Stren%th G ##"" <Pa
IS@ ##735 Gas cylinders H Ai%h )ressure cylinders for the on-board
stora%e of natural %as as a fuel for automoti2e 2ehicles
N$+E Standard
N$+E '<"#77-5" .aboratory 'estin% of <etals for Resistance to Sul)hide Stress
+rac,in% in A!S En2ironments
E+E Re%ulations
Re%ulation No. #" 6niform )ro2isions concernin% the a))ro2al of 2ehicles *ith
re%ard to electroma%netic com)atibility
6S$ -ederal Re%ulations
75 +-R 353.67 .i/uid fuel tan,s
S$E Standards
S$E !373-!""& Recommended Practice for .NG <edium and Aea2y-?uty
Po*ered ;ehicles
0. !lassification of components
+lass " Ai%h )ressure )arts includin% tubes and fittin%s containin% +NG at a )ressure
hi%her than 3 <Pa and u) to !6 <Pa.
+lass # <edium )ressure )arts includin% tubes and fittin%s containin% +NG at a
)ressure hi%her than 7>" ,Pa and u) to 3,""" ,Pa 03 <Pa1.
+lass ! .o* )ressure )arts includin% tubes and fittin%s containin% +NG at a )ressure
hi%her than !" ,Pa and u) to 7>" ,Pa.
.+lass 3 <edium )ressure )arts as safety 2al2es or )rotected by safety 2al2e includin%
tubes and fittin%s containin% +NG at a )ressure hi%her than 7>" ,Pa and u)
to 3,""" ,Pa 03 <Pa1.
National $ssociation of +orrosion En%ineers.
6nited Nations Economic +ommission for Euro)e: Re%ulations.
6nited States of $merica -ederal Re%ulations
Society of $utomoti2e En%ineers
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
+lass 7 Parts in contact *ith %as sub8ect to the )ressure lo*er than !" ,Pa.
+lass > Parts in contact *ith tem)erature ran%e e(tendin% belo* -7" F+.
$ com)onent can consist of se2eral )arts, each )art classified in its o*n class *ith re%ard to
ma(imum *or,in% )ressure and function.
+NG and3or .NG com)onents for use in 2ehicles shall be classified *ith re%ard to the
*or,in% )ressure, tem)erature and function, accordin% to -i%ure #-#.
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
-i%ure #-#
-lo* scheme for +NG and"or #NG components classification
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG

In contact
with gas
< -40 C
450 < p
3,000 ka
C$ass %
C$ass 3
C$ass &
C$ass 5
C$ass 4
C$ass 0
'ot su()ect to
this Regu$ation

< &*,000

. 3,000
&0 < p
450 ka
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
-i%ure #-!
(ests applica%le to specific classes of components (e3cluding !NG c&linders and #NG tan)$
'est +lass " +lass # +lass ! +lass 3 +lass 7 +lass > Para%ra)h
@2er)ressure or stren%th I I I I @ I >$
E(ternal lea,a%e I I I I @ I >=
Internal lea,a%e $ $ $ $ @ $ >+
?urability tests $ $ $ $ @ $ >.
+NG3.NG com)atibility $ $ $ $ $ $ >?
+orrosion resistance I I I I I $ >E
Resistance to dry heat $ $ $ $ $ $ >-
@Done a%ein% $ $ $ $ $ $ >G
=urst3destructi2e tests I @ @ @ @ $ ><
'em)erature cycle $ $ $ $ @ $ >A
Pressure cycle I @ @ @ @ $ >I
;ibration resistance $ $ $ $ @ $ >N
@)eratin% tem)eratures I I I I I I >@
.NG lo* tem)erature @ @ @ @ @ I >P
I J $))licable
@ J Not a))licable
$ J $s a))licable
'. 4efinitions
7.#. KPressureK means relati2e )ressure 2ersus atmos)heric )ressure, unless
other*ise stated.
7.!. KService pressureK or "Operating pressure" means the settled )ressure at a
uniform %as tem)erature of #> +. Ser2ice )ressure for .NG means the
intended settled )ressure of the tan, in use Bas declared by the manufacturer.
7.3. KTest pressureK means the )ressure to *hich a com)onent is ta,en durin%
acce)tance testin%. -or .NG tan, the economiDer )ressure settin%, or normal
saturation )ressure of .NG re/uired by the en%ine. -or the +NG cylinder the
)ressure at *hich the cylinder is hydrostatically tested.
7.7. KWorking pressureK means the ma(imum )ressure to *hich a com)onent is
desi%ned to be sub8ected to and *hich is the basis for determinin% the
stren%th of the com)onent under consideration. -or +NG cylinder, the settled
)ressure of !" <Pa at a uniform tem)erature of #> +. -or .NG tan,, the
)ressure of the .NG tan, )rimary relief 2al2e settin%.
7.>. KOperating temperaturesK means ma(imum 2alues of the tem)erature ran%es,
indicated in $nne( >@, at *hich safe and %ood functionin% of the s)ecific
com)onent is ensured and for *hich it has been desi%ned and a))ro2ed.
7.6. KSpecific componentK means9
0a1 +ontainer 0cylinder or tan,1:
0b1 $ccessories fitted to the container:
0c1 Pressure re%ulator:
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
0d1 $utomatic 2al2e:
0e1 <anual 2al2e:
0f1 Gas su))ly de2ice:
0%1 Gas flo* ad8uster:
0h1 -le(ible fuel line:
0i1 Ri%id fuel line:
081 -illin% unit or rece)tacle:
0,1 Non-return 2al2e or chec, 2al2e:
0l1 Pressure relief 2al2e 0dischar%e 2al2e1 )rimary and secondary:
0m1 Pressure relief de2ice 0tem)erature tri%%ered1:
0n1 -ilter:
0o1 Pressure or tem)erature sensor 3 indicator:
0)1 E(cess flo* 2al2e:
0/1 Ser2ice 2al2e:
0r1 Electronic control unit:
0s1 Gas-ti%ht housin%:
0t1 -ittin%:
0u1 ;entilation hose:
021 Pressure relief de2ice 0PR?1 0)ressure tri%%ered1:
0*1 -uel rail:
0(1 Aeat e(chan%er32a)oriDer:
0y1 Natural %as detector:
0D1 -uel )um) 0for .NG1.
7.7. "multi-functional component" means any of the abo2e mentioned s)ecific
com)onents combined or fitted to%ether as a com)onent.
7.&. "Approval of a vehicle" means the a))ro2al of a 2ehicle ty)e of cate%ories <
and N *ith re%ard to its +NG and3or .NG system as ori%inal e/ui)ment for
the use in its )ro)ulsion system.
7.5. "Vehicle type" means 2ehicles fitted *ith s)ecific com)onents for the use of
+NG and3or .NG in their )ro)ulsion system *hich do not differ *ith res)ect
to the follo*in% conditions9
7.5.#. the manufacturer,
7.5.!. the ty)e desi%nation established by the manufacturer,
7.5.3. the essential as)ects of desi%n and construction9
7.5.3.#. +hassis3floor )an 0ob2ious and fundamental differences1,
7.5.3.!. 'he installation of the +NG and3or .NG e/ui)ment 0ob2ious and
fundamental differences1.
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
7.#". "CN system" means an assembly of com)onents 0container0s1 or
cylinder0s1, 2al2es, fle(ible fuel lines, etc.1 and connectin% )arts 0ri%id fuel
lines, )i)es fittin%, etc.1 fitted on motor 2ehicles usin% +NG in their
)ro)ulsion system.
7.##. "!N system" means an assembly of com)onents 0tan,s, 2al2es, fle(ible fuel
lines, etc.1 and connectin% )arts 0fuel lines, fittin%s, etc.1 fitted on motor
2ehicles usin% .NG in their )ro)ulsion system and related com)onents u) to
and includin% the 2a)oriDer. @ther )arts do*nstream from the 2a)oriDer shall
be considered as +NG com)onents.
7.#!. "Container" 0or cylinder1 means any stora%e system used for com)ressed
natural %as.
7.#3. "Type of container" means containers *hich do not differ in res)ect of the
dimensional and material characteristics as s)ecified in $nne( 3$.
7.#3.#. $ container can be9
+NG-# metal.
+NG-! metal liner reinforced *ith resin im)re%nated continuous filament
0hoo) *ra))ed1.
+NG-3 metal liner reinforced *ith resin im)re%nated continuous filament
0fully *ra))ed1.
+NG-7 resin im)re%nated continuous filament *ith a non-metallic liner 0all
7.#7. "Tank" 0or 2essel1 means any stora%e system used for li/uefied natural %as.
7.#>. "Type of tank" means tan,s that do not differ in res)ect of the dimensional
and material characteristics as s)ecified in $nne( 3=.
7.#6. "Accessories fitte" to the container or tank" means the follo*in% com)onents
0but not limited to them1, either se)arate or combined, *hen fitted to the
container or tan,.
7.#6.#. "#anual valve" means 2al2e *hich is o)erated manually.
7.#6.!. "Pressure sensor$in"icator" means a )ressuriDed de2ice *hich indicates the
%as or li/uid )ressure.
7.#6.3. "%&cess flo' valve" means 2al2e *hich automatically shuts off or limits, the
%as flo* *hen the flo* e(ceeds a set desi%n 2alue.
7.#6.7. "as-tight housing" means a de2ice that 2ents %as lea,a%e to outside the
2ehicle includin% the %as 2entilation hose.
7.#7. "Valve" means a de2ice by *hich the flo* of a fluid may be controlled.
7.#&. "Automatic valve" means a 2al2e that is not o)erated manually.
7.#5. "Automatic cylin"er valve" means an automatic 2al2e ri%idly fi(ed to the
cylinder that controls the flo* of %as to the fuel system. 'he automatic
cylinder 2al2e is also called remote-controlled ser2ice 2al2e.
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
7.!". "Non-return valve or check valve" means an automatic 2al2e that allo*s
%as3fluid to flo* in only one direction.
7.!#. "%&cess flo' valve" 0e(cess flo* limitin% de2ice1 means a de2ice that
automatically shuts off, or limits, the %as or li/uid flo* *hen the flo*
e(ceeds a set desi%n 2alue.
7.!!. "#anual valve" means a manual 2al2e ri%idly fi(ed to the cylinder or tan,.
7.!3. "Pressure relief valve ("ischarge valve)" means a de2ice that )re2ents a )re-
determined u)stream )ressure bein% e(ceeded.
7.!7. "Service valve" means an isolation 2al2e that is closed only *hen ser2icin%
the 2ehicle.
7.!>. "*ilter" means a )rotecti2e screen that remo2es forei%n debris from the %as
or li/uid stream.
7.!6. "*itting" means a connector used in a )i)in%, tubin%, or hose system.
7.!7. "!N fuel pump" means a de2ice to establish the su))ly of .NG to the
en%ine by increasin% the )ressure of the fluid 0li/uid or 2a)our1.
7.!&. "*le&i+le fuel lines" means fle(ible tubin% or hose throu%h *hich natural %as
7.!5. ",igi" fuel lines" means tubin% that has not been desi%ned to fle( in normal
o)eration and throu%h *hich natural %as flo*s.
7.3". "as supply "evice" means a de2ice for introducin% %aseous fuel into the
en%ine inta,e manifold 0carburettor or in8ector1.
7.3#. "as$air mi&er" means a de2ice for mi(in% the %aseous fuel and inta,e air for
the en%ine.
7.3!. "as in-ector" means a de2ice for introducin% %aseous fuel into the en%ine or
associated inta,e system.
7.33. "as flo' a"-uster" means a %as flo* restrictin% de2ice, installed
do*nstream of a )ressure re%ulator, controllin% %as flo* to the en%ine.
7.37. "Pressure regulator" means a de2ice used to control the )ressure of +NG or
7.3>. "Pressure relief "evice (P,.) (temperature triggere")" means a one-time use
de2ice tri%%ered by e(cessi2e tem)erature and3or )ressure *hich 2ents %as to
)rotect the cylinder from ru)ture.
7.36. "Pressure relief "evice (P,.) (pressure triggere")" 0this de2ice sometimes is
referred to as Kburst discK1Kmeans a one-time use de2ice tri%%ered by
e(cessi2e )ressure that )re2ents a )re-determined u)stream )ressure bein%
7.37. "*illing unit or receptacle" means a de2ice fitted in the 2ehicle used to fill
the container or tan, in the fillin% station.
7.3&. "%lectronic control unit (CN$!N)" means a de2ice that controls the %as
demand of the en%ine, and other en%ine )arameters, and cuts off
automatically the automatic 2al2e, re/uired by safety reason.
7.35. "Type of components" as mentioned in )ara%ra)hs 7.#7. to 7.3&. 0abo2e1
means com)onents that do not differ in such essential res)ect as materials,
*or,in% )ressure and o)eratin% tem)eratures.
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
7.7". "Type of electronic control unit" as mentioned in )ara%ra)h 7.3&. means
com)onents that do not differ in such essential res)ect as the basic soft*are
)rinci)les e(cludin% minor chan%es.
7.7#. "/eat e&changer$Vapori0er" means a de2ice used to chan%e the state of .NG
into +NG.
7.7!. "!i1uefie" Natural as (!N)" also called K.i/uid Natural GasK means a
cryo%enic li/uid )roduced by reducin% the tem)erature of natural %as to
about -#6#.7 F+ at atmos)heric )ressure and stored for use as a 2ehicle fuel.
7.73. "Compresse" Natural as (CN)" means natural %as that has been
com)ressed and stored for use as a 2ehicle fuel.
7.77. "2oil-off" means %as created by e2a)oration of .NG due to ambient heat
7.7>. "Venting" means the dischar%e of 2a)ours out of the stora%e container3tan,.
7.76. "Venting system" means a system that controls the release of natural %as from
the .NG stora%e system.
7.77. "Auto-frettage" means a )ressure a))lication )rocedure used in
manufacturin% com)osite cylinders *ith metal liners, *hich strains the liner
)ast its limit of elasticity, sufficiently to cause )ermanent )lastic deformation
*hich results in the liner ha2in% com)ressi2e stresses and the fibres ha2in%
tensile stresses at Dero internal )ressure.
7.7&. "Auto-frettage pressure" means the )ressure *ithin the o2er-*ra))ed
cylinder at *hich the re/uired distribution of stresses bet*een the liner and
the o2er-*ra) is established.
7.75. "2atch - composite cylin"ers" means a KbatchK i.e. a %rou) of cylinders
successi2ely )roduced from /ualified liners ha2in% the same siDe, desi%n,
s)ecified materials of construction and )rocess of manufacture.
7.>". "2atch - metal cylin"ers an" liners" means a KbatchK i.e. a %rou) of metal
cylinders or liners successi2ely )roduced ha2in% the same nominal diameter,
*all thic,ness, desi%n, s)ecified material of construction, )rocess of
manufacture, e/ui)ment for manufacture and heat treatment, and conditions
of time, tem)erature and atmos)here durin% heat treatment.
7.>#. "2atch non-metallic liners" means a KbatchK i.e. a %rou) of non-metallic
liners successi2ely )roduced ha2in% the same nominal diameter, *all
thic,ness, desi%n s)ecified material of construction and )rocess of
7.>!. "2atch limits" means in no case a KbatchK shall be )ermitted to e(ceed !""
finished cylinders or liners 0not includin% destructi2e test cylinders or liners1,
or one shift of successi2e )roduction, *hiche2er is %reater.
7.>3. "Composite cylin"er" means a cylinder made of resin im)re%nated
continuous filament *ound o2er a metallic or non-metallic liner. +om)osite
cylinders usin% non-metallic liners are referred to as all-com)osite cylinders.
7.>7. "Controlle" tension 'in"ing" means a )rocess used in manufacturin% hoo)
*ra))ed com)osite cylinders *ith metal liners by *hich com)ressi2e
stresses in the liner and tensile stresses in the o2er-*ra) at Dero internal
)ressure are obtained by *indin% the reinforcin% filaments under si%nificant
hi%h tension.
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
7.>>. "*illing pressure" means the %as )ressure in the cylinder immediately u)on
com)letion of fillin%.
7.>6. "*inishe" cylin"ers" means com)leted cylinders that are ready for use,
ty)ical of normal )roduction, com)lete *ith identification mar,s and e(ternal
coatin% includin% inte%ral insulation s)ecified by the manufacturer, but free
from non-inte%ral insulation or )rotection.
7.>7. "*ull-'rap" means an o2er-*ra) ha2in% a filament *ound reinforcement
both in the circumferential and a(ial direction of the cylinder.
7.>&. "as temperature" means the tem)erature of %as in a cylinder.
7.>5. "/oop-'rap" means an o2er-*ra) ha2in% a filament *ound reinforcement in
a substantially circumferential )attern o2er the cylindrical )ortion of the liner
so that the filament does not carry any si%nificant load in a direction )arallel
to the cylinder lon%itudinal a(is.
7.6". "!iner" means a container that is used as a %as-ti%ht, inner shell, on *hich
reinforcin% fibres are filament *ound to reach the necessary stren%th. '*o
ty)es of liners are described in this standard9 <etallic liners that are desi%ned
to share the load *ith the reinforcement, and non-metallic liners that do not
carry any )art of the load.
7.6#. "#anufacturer" means the )erson or or%aniDation res)onsible for the desi%n,
fabrication and testin% of +NG or .NG s)ecific com)onents.
7.6!. "#a&imum "evelope" pressure" means the settled )ressure de2elo)ed *hen
%as in a cylinder filled to the *or,in% )ressure is raised to the ma(imum
ser2ice tem)erature.
7.63. "Over-'rap" means the reinforcement system of filament and resin a))lied
o2er the liner.
7.67. "Pre-stressing" means the )rocess of a))lyin% auto-fretta%e or controlled
tension *indin%.
7.6>. "Service life" means the life in years durin% *hich the cylinders may safely
be used in accordance *ith the standard ser2ice conditions.
7.66. "Settle" pressure" means the %as )ressure *hen a %i2en settled tem)erature is
7.67. "Settle" temperature" means the uniform %as tem)erature after any chan%e in
tem)erature caused by fillin% has dissi)ated.
7.7". "!N trapping" means the containment of .NG in an enclosure of constant
7.7#. "Cryogenic temperature" for the )ur)ose of this Re%ulation means
tem)eratures belo* -7" F+.
7.7!. "3nner vessel or inner tank" means )art of the fuel tan, that contains .NG.
7.73. "Outer vessel or outer -acket" means )art of the fuel tan, that encases the
inner 2essel or inner tan,0s1 and its insulation system.
7.77. "*uel rail" means the )i)e or duct that connects the fuel in8ection de2ices.
7.7>. "!N no00le" means de2ice *hich )ermits /uic, connection and
disconnection of fuel su))ly hose to the .NG rece)tacle in a safe manner.
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
7.76. "!N filling receptacle" means de2ice connected to a 2ehicle or stora%e
system *hich recei2es the .NG fuellin% noDDle and )ermits safe transfer of
fuel. 'he rece)tacle consists as minimum from a rece)tacle body and from a
chec, 2al2e mounted inside the body.
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
Part 5
,ppro+al of specific components of motor +ehicles using
compressed natural gas (!NG$ and"or liuefied natural gas
(#NG$ in their propulsion s&stem
5. ,pplication for appro+al
>.#. 'he a))lication for a))ro2al of s)ecific com)onent or multifunctional
com)onent shall be submitted by the holder of the trade name or mar, or by
his duly accredited re)resentati2e.
>.!. It shall be accom)anied by the under-mentioned documents in tri)licate and
by the follo*in% )articulars9
>.!.#. ?escri)tion of the 2ehicle com)risin% all the rele2ant )articulars referred to
in $nne( #$ to this Re%ulation,
>.!.!. $ detailed descri)tion of the ty)e of the s)ecific com)onent or
multifunctional com)onents,
>.!.3. $ dra*in% of the s)ecific com)onent or multifunctional com)onents,
sufficiently detailed and on an a))ro)riate scale,
>.!.7. ;erification of com)liance *ith the s)ecifications )rescribed in )ara%ra)h &.
of this Re%ulation.
>.3. $t the re/uest of the 'echnical Ser2ice res)onsible for conductin% a))ro2al
tests, sam)les of the s)ecific com)onent or multifunctional com)onents shall
be )ro2ided. Su))lementary sam)les shall be su))lied u)on re/uest 03
>.3.#. ?urin% )re-)roduction of containers LnM
, containers of each >" )ieces 0lot of
/ualification1 shall be sub8ect to non-destructi2e tests of $nne( 3$. -or .NG
tan,s see $nne( 3=.
6. 6ar)ings
6.#. 'he sam)le of s)ecific com)onent or multifunctional com)onents submitted
for a))ro2al shall bear the trade name or mar, of the manufacturer and the
ty)e, includin% one concernin% desi%nation on o)eratin% tem)eratures 0K<K or
K+K for moderate or cold tem)eratures K.K for .NG as a))ro)riate1: and for
fle(ible hoses also the manufacturin% month and year: this mar,in% shall be
clearly le%ible and indelible.
6.!. $ll com)onents shall ha2e a s)ace lar%e enou%h to accommodate the
a))ro2al mar,: this s)ace shall be sho*n on the dra*in%s referred to in
)ara%ra)h >.!.3. 0abo2e1.
6.3. E2ery container shall also bear a mar,in% )late *ith the follo*in% data
clearly le%ible and indelible9
'o be s)ecified.
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
0a1 $ serial number:
0b1 'he ca)acity in litres:
0c1 'he mar,in% K+NGK:
0d1 @)eratin% )ressure3test )ressure L<PaM:
0e1 <ass 0,%1:
0f1 Near and month of a))ro2al 0e.%. 563"#1:
0%1 $))ro2al mar, accordin% to )ara%ra)h 7.7.
6.7. E2ery tan, shall also bear a mar,in% )late *ith the follo*in% data clearly
le%ible and indelible9
0a1 Serial number:
0b1 Gross ca)acity in litres:
0c1 'he mar,in% K.NGK:
0d1 Ser2ice )ressure34or,in% )ressure L<PaM:
0e1 <ass 0,%1:
0f1 <anufacturer:
0%1 Near and month of a))ro2al 0e.%. 563"#1:
0h1 'he mar,in% KP6<P INSI?E, Pum) ?eli2ery Pressure OOO <PaK if
the .NG fuel )um) is mounted on the tan,: *here the OOO is the 2alue of the
)um) deli2ery )ressure:
0i1 $))ro2al mar, accordin% to )ara%ra)h 7.7.
1. ,ppro+al
7.#. If the +NG com)onent sam)les submitted for a))ro2al meet the re/uirements
of )ara%ra)hs &.#. to &.##. of this Re%ulation, a))ro2al of the ty)e of
com)onent shall be %ranted.
If the .NG com)onents sam)les submitted for a))ro2al meet the
re/uirements of )ara%ra)hs &.#!. to &.!#. of this Re%ulation, a))ro2al of the
ty)e of com)onent shall be %ranted.
7.!. $n a))ro2al number shall be assi%ned to each ty)e of com)onent or
multifunctional com)onent a))ro2ed. Its first t*o di%its 0at )resent "#
corres)ondin% to the "# series of amendments1 shall indicate the series of
amendments incor)oratin% the most recent ma8or technical amendments
made to the Re%ulation at the time of issue of the a))ro2al. 'he same
+ontractin% Party shall not assi%n the same al)hanumeric code to another
ty)e of com)onent.
7.3. Notice of a))ro2al or of refusal or of e(tension of a))ro2al of a +NG or
.NG com)onent ty)e )ursuant to this Re%ulation shall be communicated to
the Parties to the $%reement a))lyin% this Re%ulation, by means of a form
conformin% to the model in $nne( != to this Re%ulation.
7.7. 'here shall be affi(ed, cons)icuously and in the s)ace referred to in
)ara%ra)h 6.!. abo2e, to all com)onents conformin% to a ty)e a))ro2ed under
this Re%ulation, in addition to the mar, )rescribed in )ara%ra)hs 6.#. and 6.3.
0+NG1 and 6.7. 0.NG1, an international a))ro2al mar, consistin% of9
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
7.7.#. $ circle surroundin% the letter KEK follo*ed by the distin%uishin% number of
the country *hich has %ranted a))ro2al
7.7.!. 'he number of this Re%ulation, follo*ed by the letter KRK, a dash and the
a))ro2al number to the ri%ht of the circle )rescribed in )ara%ra)h 7.7.#. 'his
a))ro2al number consists of the com)onent ty)e-a))ro2al number *hich
a))ears on the certificate com)leted for this ty)e 0see )ara%ra)h 7.!. and
$nne( !=1 )receded by t*o fi%ures indicatin% the se/uence of the latest
series of amendments to this Re%ulation.
7.>. 'he a))ro2al mar, shall be clearly le%ible and be indelible.
7.6. $nne( !$ to this Re%ulation %i2es e(am)les of the arran%ement of the
aforesaid a))ro2al mar,.
2. Specifications on !NG and"or #NG components
&.#. General )ro2isions
&.#.#. 'he s)ecific com)onents of 2ehicles usin% +NG and3or .NG in their
)ro)ulsion system shall function in a correct and safe *ay as s)ecified in this
'he materials of the com)onents that are in contact *ith +NG3.NG shall be
com)atible *ith them 0see $nne( >?1.
'hose )arts of com)onents *hose correct and safe functionin% is liable to be
influenced by +NG3.NG, hi%h )ressure or 2ibrations has to be submitted to
rele2ant test )rocedures described in the anne(es of this Re%ulation. In
)articular the )ro2isions of )ara%ra)hs &.!. to &.##. are to be fulfilled for
+NG com)onents. -or .NG com)onents, the )ro2isions of )ara%ra)hs &.#!.
to &.!#. shall be fulfilled.
'he s)ecific com)onents of 2ehicles usin% +NG3.NG in their )ro)ulsion
system shall com)ly *ith rele2ant electroma%netic com)atibility 0E<+1
re/uirements accordin% to Re%ulation No. #", "3 series of amendments, or
&.!. Pro2isions on +NG containers
&.!.#. 'he +NG containers shall be ty)e a))ro2ed )ursuant to the )ro2isions laid
do*n in $nne( 3$ to this Re%ulation.
&.3. Pro2isions on com)onents fitted to the +NG container
&.3.#. 'he +NG container shall be e/ui))ed at least *ith the follo*in% com)onents,
*hich may be either se)arate or combined9
&.3.#.#. <anual 2al2e,
&.3.#.!. $utomatic cylinder 2al2e,
&.3.#.3. Pressure relief de2ice,
&.3.#.7. E(cess flo* limitin% de2ice.
&.3.!. 'he +NG container may be e/ui))ed *ith a %as-ti%ht housin%, if necessary.
'he distin%uishin% numbers of the +ontractin% Parties to the #5>& $%reement are
re)roduced in $nne( 3 to the +onsolidated Resolution on the +onstruction of ;ehicles 0R.E.31,
document E+E3'R$NS34P.!537&3Re2.!3$mend.#
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
&.3.3. 'he com)onents mentioned in )ara%ra)hs &.3.#. to &.3.!. 0abo2e1 shall be
ty)e a))ro2ed )ursuant to the )ro2isions laid do*n in $nne( 7 to this
&.7.-&.##. Pro2isions on other +NG com)onents
'he com)onents sho*n shall be ty)e a))ro2ed )ursuant to the )ro2isions laid
do*n in the anne(es *hich can be determined from the table belo*9
Paragraph Component Anne&
&.7. $utomatic 2al2e
+hec, 2al2e or non-return 2al2e
Pressure relief 2al2e
Pressure relief de2ice 0tem)erature tri%%ered1
E(cess flo* 2al2e
Pressure relief de2ice 0)ressure tri%%ered1
&.>. -le(ible fuel line-hose 7=
&.6. +NG filter 7+
&.7. Pressure re%ulator 7?
&.&. Pressure and tem)erature sensors 7E
&.5. -illin% unit or rece)tacle 7-
&.#". Gas flo* ad8uster and %as3air mi(er, in8ector or fuel rail 7G
&.##. Electronic control unit 7A
&.#!. Pro2isions on .NG tan,s
&.#!.#. 'he .NG tan,s shall be ty)e a))ro2ed )ursuant to the )ro2isions laid do*n
in $nne( 3= to this Re%ulation.
2.1.... , s&stem shall %e pro+ided for pre+enting the fuel tan) from %eing
&.#3. Pro2isions on com)onents fitted to the .NG tan,
&.#3.#. 'he .NG tan, shall be e/ui))ed at least *ith the follo*in% com)onents,
*hich may be either se)arate or combined9
&.#3.#.#. Pressure relief 2al2e:
&.#3.#.!. <anual 2al2e or automatic 2al2e:
&.#3.#.3. E(cess flo* de2ice.
&.#3.!. 'he tan, may be e/ui))ed *ith a %as-ti%ht housin%, if necessary.
&.#3.3. 'he com)onents mentioned in )ara%ra)hs &.#3.#.#. to &.#3.#.3. 0abo2e1 shall
be ty)e a))ro2ed )ursuant to the )ro2isions laid do*n in $nne( 7 to this
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
&.#7-2... Pro2isions re%ardin% other .NG com)onents
'he com)onents sho*n shall be ty)e a))ro2ed )ursuant to the )ro2isions laid do*n in the
anne(es *hich can be determined from the table belo*9
Para%ra)h +om)onent $nne(
&.#> .NG heat e(chan%er B 2a)oriDer 7I
&.#6 .NG fillin% rece)tacle 7
&.#7 Pressure control re%ulator 7C
&.#& #NG Pressure and3or tem)erature sensor3indicator 7.
&.#5 Natural %as detector 7<
&.!" $utomatic 2al2e, chec, 2al2e, the )ressure relief
2al2e, e(cess flo* 2al2e, manual 2al2e and non
return 2al2e.
&.!# -uel )um) 7@
2... Electronic control unit '7
/. 6odifications of a t&pe of !NG and"or #NG
component and e3tension of appro+al
5.#. E2ery modification of a ty)e of +NG and3or .NG com)onent shall be
notified to the 'y)e $))ro2al $uthority that %ranted the ty)e-a))ro2al. 'he
de)artment may then either9
5.#.#. +onsider that the modifications made are unli,ely to ha2e an a))reciable
ad2erse effect, and that the com)onent still com)lies *ith the re/uirements:
5.#.!. ?etermine *hether )artial or com)lete retestin% has to be established by the
$))ro2al $uthority.
5.!. +onfirmation or refusal of a))ro2al, s)ecifyin% the alterations, shall be
communicated by the )rocedure s)ecified in )ara%ra)h 7.3. 0abo2e1 to the
Parties to the $%reement that a))ly this Re%ulation.
5.3. 'he com)etent authority issuin% the e(tension of a))ro2al shall assi%n a
series number to each communication form dra*n u) for such an e(tension.
10. (Not allocated$
11. !onformit& of production
'he conformity of )roduction )rocedures shall com)ly *ith those set out in
the $%reement, $))endi( ! 0E3E+E33!7-E3E+E3'R$NS3>">3Re2.!1 *ith the
follo*in% re/uirements9
##.#. E2ery +NG container shall be tested at a minimum )ressure of #.> times the
*or,in% )ressure in conformity *ith the )rescri)tions of $nne( 3$ of this
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
E2ery .NG tan, shall be tested at a minimum )ressure of #.3 times 0the
*or,in% )ressure )lus ".# <Pa1 *ith the )rescri)tions of $nne( 3= of this
##.!. -or +NG containers burst testin% under hydraulic )ressure accordin% to
$))endi( $#!. of $nne( 3$ shall be carried out for each lot consistin% of
ma(imum !"" containers manufactured *ith the same lot of ra* material.
##.3. E2ery fle(ible fuel line assembly that is a))lied in the hi%h and medium
)ressure 0+lass ", # and >1 accordin% to the +lassification, as described in
)ara%ra)h 3. of this Re%ulation, shall be tested at the )ressure t*ice the
*or,in% )ressure.
1.. Penalties for non-conformit& of production
#!.#. 'he a))ro2al %ranted in res)ect of a ty)e of com)onents )ursuant to this
Re%ulation may be *ithdra*n if the re/uirements laid do*n in )ara%ra)h ##.
0abo2e1 are not com)lied *ith.
#!.!. If a Party to the $%reement a))lyin% this Re%ulation *ithdra*s an a))ro2al it
has )re2iously %ranted, it shall forth*ith so notify the other +ontractin%
Parties a))lyin% this Re%ulation by means of a communication form
conformin% to the model in $nne( != to this Re%ulation.
10. (Not allocated$
1'. Production definiti+el& discontinued
If the holder of the a))ro2al com)letely ceases to manufacture a ty)e of
com)onent a))ro2ed in accordance *ith this Re%ulation, he shall so inform
the authority that %ranted the a))ro2al. 6)on recei2in% the rele2ant
communication, that authority shall inform the other Parties to the $%reement
a))lyin% this Re%ulation by means of a communication form conformin% to
the model in $nne( != to this Re%ulation.
15. Names and addresses of (echnical Ser+ices
responsi%le for conducting appro+al tests8 and of
(&pe ,ppro+al ,uthorities
'he Parties to the $%reement a))lyin% this Re%ulation shall communicate to
the 6nited Nations Secretariat the names and addresses of the 'echnical
Ser2ices res)onsible for conductin% a))ro2al tests and of the 'y)e $))ro2al
$uthority that %rant a))ro2al and to *hich forms certifyin% a))ro2al or
e(tension or refusal or *ithdra*al of a))ro2al, issued in other countries, are
to be sent.
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
Part 55
,ppro+al of +ehicles 9ith regard to the installation of specific
components of an appro+ed t&pe for the use of compressed
natural gas (!NG$ and"or liuefied natural gas (#NG$ in
their propulsion s&stem
16.,pplication for appro+al
#6.#. 'he a))lication for a))ro2al of a 2ehicle ty)e *ith re%ard to the installation
of s)ecific com)onents for the use of com)ressed natural %as 0+NG1 and or
li/uefied natural %as 0.NG1 in its )ro)ulsion system shall be submitted by the
2ehicle manufacturer or by his duly accredited re)resentati2e.
#6.!. It shall be accom)anied by the under-mentioned documents in tri)licate9
descri)tion of the 2ehicle com)risin% all the rele2ant )articulars referred to in
$nne( #= to this Re%ulation.
#6.3. $ 2ehicle re)resentati2e of the 2ehicle ty)e to be a))ro2ed shall be submitted
to the 'echnical Ser2ice conductin% the a))ro2al tests.
11. ,ppro+al
#7.#. If the 2ehicle submitted for a))ro2al )ursuant to this Re%ulation is )ro2ided
*ith all the necessary s)ecific com)onents for the use of com)ressed natural
%as 0+NG1 and3or li/uefied natural %as 0.NG1 in its )ro)ulsion system and
meets the re/uirements of )ara%ra)h #&. belo*, a))ro2al of that 2ehicle ty)e
shall be %ranted.
#7.!. $n a))ro2al number shall be assi%ned to each ty)e of 2ehicle a))ro2ed. Its
first t*o di%its shall indicate the series of amendments incor)oratin% the most
recent ma8or technical amendments made to the Re%ulation at the time of
issue of the a))ro2al.
#7.3. Notice of a))ro2al or of refusal or of e(tension of a))ro2al of a +NG and3or
.NG 2ehicle ty)e )ursuant to this Re%ulation shall be communicated to the
Parties to the $%reement a))lyin% this Re%ulation, by means of a form
conformin% to the model in $nne( !? to this Re%ulation.
#7.7. 'here shall be affi(ed, cons)icuously and in a readily accessible s)ace
s)ecified on the a))ro2al form referred to in )ara%ra)h #7.!. abo2e, to e2ery
2ehicle ty)e a))ro2ed under this Re%ulation an international a))ro2al mar,
consistin% of9
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
#7.7.#. $ circle surroundin% the letter KEK follo*ed by the distin%uishin% number of
the country *hich has %ranted a))ro2al:
#7.7.!. 'he number of this Re%ulation, follo*ed by the letter KRK, a dash and the
a))ro2al number to the ri%ht of the circle )rescribed in )ara%ra)h #7.7.#.
#7.>. If the 2ehicle conforms to a 2ehicle a))ro2ed, under one or more other
Re%ulations anne(ed to the $%reement, in the country that has %ranted
a))ro2al under this Re%ulation, the symbol )rescribed in )ara%ra)h #7.7.#.
need not be re)eated: in such case, the Re%ulation and a))ro2al numbers and
the additional symbols of all the Re%ulations under *hich a))ro2al has been
%ranted in the country *hich has %ranted a))ro2al under this Re%ulation shall
be )laced in 2ertical columns to the ri%ht of the symbol )rescribed in
)ara%ra)h #7.7.#.
#7.6. 'he a))ro2al mar, shall be clearly le%ible and be indelible.
#7.7. 'he a))ro2al mar, shall be )laced close to or on the 2ehicle data )late.
#7.&. $nne( !+ to this Re%ulation %i2es e(am)les of the arran%ement of the
aforesaid a))ro2al mar,.
12. Reuirements for the installation of specific
components for the use of compressed natural gas
and"or liuefied natural gas in the propulsion
s&stem of a +ehicle
#&.#. General
#&.#.#. 'he +NG and3or .NG system of the 2ehicle shall function in a %ood and safe
manner at the *or,in% )ressure and o)eratin% tem)eratures for *hich it has
been desi%ned and a))ro2ed.
#&.#.!. $ll com)onents of the system shall be ty)e a))ro2ed as indi2idual )arts or
multifunctional )arts )ursuant to Part I of this Re%ulation.
12.1...1. Not9ithstanding the pro+isions of paragraph 12.1...8 no separate t&pe
appro+al of the !NG"#NG electronic control unit is reuired if the
!NG"#NG electronic control unit is integrated into the engine electronic
control unit and is co+ered 9ith a +ehicle installation t&pe appro+al
according to Part 55 of this Regulation and to Regulation No. 10. (he
+ehicle t&pe appro+al shall also %e pursuant to the applica%le pro+isions
laid do9n in ,nne3 '7 of this Regulation.
#&.#.3. 'he materials used in the system shall be suitable for use *ith +NG and3or
.NG as a))licable.
#&.#.7. $ll com)onents of the system shall be fastened in a )ro)er *ay.
#&.#.>. 'he +NG and3or .NG system shall be )ressuriDed at the *or,in% )ressure
and tested for lea,a%e *ith a surface acti2e a%ent *ithout formation of
bubbles for three minutes or by usin% a demonstrated e/ui2alent method.
'he distin%uishin% numbers of the +ontractin% Parties to the #5>& $%reement are
re)roduced in $nne( 3 to the +onsolidated Resolution on the +onstruction of ;ehicles 0R.E.31,
document E+E3'R$NS34P.!537&3Re2.!3$mend.#
Submitted by the secretariat Informal document No. GRPE-66-05
GRPE, 3-7 une !"#3
$%enda item &
#&.#.6. 'he +NG and3or .NG system shall be installed such that is has the best
)ossible )rotection a%ainst dama%e, such as dama%e due to mo2in% 2ehicle
com)onents, collision, %rit or due to the loadin% or unloadin% of the 2ehicle
or the shiftin% of those loads.
#&.#.7. No a))liances shall be connected to the +NG and3or .NG system other than
those strictly re/uired for the )ro)er o)eration of the en%ine of the motor
#&.#.7.#. Not*ithstandin% the )ro2isions of )ara%ra)h #&.#.7., 2ehicles may be fitted
*ith a heatin% system to heat the )assen%er com)artment and3or the load area
*hich is connected to the +NG and3or .NG system.
#&.#.7.!. 'he heatin% system referred to in )ara%ra)h #&.#.7.#. shall be )ermitted if, in
the 2ie* of the 'echnical Ser2ices res)onsible for conductin% ty)e-a))ro2al,
the heatin% system is ade/uately )rotected and the re/uired o)eration of the
normal +NG and3or .NG system is not affected.
#&.#.&. Identification of +NG- and3or .NG fuelled 2ehicles
#&.#.&.#. ;ehicles of cate%ories <! and <3 e/ui))ed *ith a +NG system shall be
labelled as s)ecified in $nne( 6.
#&.#.&.!. ;ehicles of cate%ories <! and <3 e/ui))ed *ith a .NG system shall be
labelled as s)ecified in $nne( 7.
#&.#.&.3. 'he label shall be installed on the front and rear of the 2ehicle of cate%ory <!
or <3 and on the outside of the doors on the ri%ht-hand side 0left hand dri2e
2ehicles1, left-hand side 0ri%ht hand dri2e 2ehicles1.
#&.#.&.7. $ label shall be )laced ad8acent to the .NG fill rece)tacle statin% the fuellin%
re/uirements. 'he fuellin% re/uirements shall be as recommended by the
#&.!. -urther re/uirements
#&.!.#. No com)onent of the +NG and3or .NG system, includin% any )rotecti2e
materials *hich form )art of such com)onents, shall )ro8ect beyond the
outline of the 2ehicle, *ith the e(ce)tion of the fillin% unit if this does not
)ro8ect more than #" mm beyond its )oint of attachment.
#&.!.!. Pro)er shieldin% a%ainst heat of ad8acent com)onents shall be considered and
no com)onent of the +NG and3or .NG system shall be located *ithin #""
mm of the e(haust or similar heat source, unless such com)onents are
ade/uately shielded a%ainst heat.
#&.3. 'he +NG system
#&.3.#. $ +NG system shall contain at least the follo*in% com)onents9
#&.3.#.#. +ontainer0s1 or cylinder0s1:
#&.3.#.!. Pressure indicator or fuel le2el indicator:
#&.3.#.3. Pressure relief de2ice 0tem)erature tri%%ered1:
#&.3.#.7. $utomatic cylinder 2al2e:
#&.3.#.>. <anual 2al2e:
#&.3.#.6. Pressure re%ulator:
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
#&.3.#.7. Gas flo* ad8uster:
#&.3.#.&. E(cess flo* limitin% de2ice:
#&.3.#.5. Gas su))ly de2ice:
#&.3.#.#". -illin% unit or rece)tacle:
#&.3.#.##. -le(ible fuel line:
#&.3.#.#!. Ri%id fuel line:
#&.3.#.#3. Electronic control unit:
#&.3.#.#7. -ittin%s:
#&.3.#.#>. Gas-ti%ht housin% for those com)onents installed inside the lu%%a%e and
)assen%er com)artment. If the %as-ti%ht housin% *ill be destroyed in case of
fire, the )ressure relief de2ice may be co2ered by the %as-ti%ht housin%.
#&.3.!. 'he +NG system may also include the follo*in% com)onents9
#&.3.!.#. Non-return 2al2e or chec, 2al2e:
#&.3.!.!. Pressure relief 2al2e:
#&.3.!.3. +NG filter:
#&.3.!.7. Pressure and3or tem)erature sensor:
#&.3.!.>. -uel selection system and electrical system:
#&.3.!.6. PR? 0)ressure tri%%ered1:
#&.3.!.7. -uel rail.
#&.3.3. $n additional automatic 2al2e may be combined *ith the )ressure re%ulator.
#&.3.7. 'he .NG system shall contain at least the follo*in% com)onents9
#&.3.7.#. .NG tan,0s1 or 2essel0s1:
#&.3.7.!. .NG heat e(chan%er 3 2a)oriDer:
#&.3.7.3. .NG )ressure relief 2al2e:
#&.3.7.7. .NG 2entin% system:
#&.3.7.>. .NG rece)tacle:
#&.3.7.6. .NG e(cess flo* 2al2e 0e(cess flo* limitin% de2ice1:
#&.3.7.7. .NG 2al2e 0manual or automatic1:
#&.3.7.&. .NG fuel line:
#&.3.7.5. .NG cou)lin%s:
#&.3.7.#". .NG chec, 2al2e or non-return 2al2e:
#&.3.7.##. .NG )ressure indicator or fuel indicator:
#&.3.7.#!. Electronic control unit:
#&.3.7.#3. Natural %as detector or %as ti%ht housin%, for cate%ory < 2ehicles.
#&.3.>. 'he .NG system may also include the follo*in% com)onents9
#&.3.>.#. .NG )ressure re%ulator:
#&.3.>.!. .NG )ressure and3or tem)erature sensor:
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
#&.3.>.3. .NG fuel )um):
#&.3.>.7. .NG le2el %au%e:
#&.3.>.>. .NG automatic 2al2e:
#&.3.>.6. Natural %as detector:
#&.3.>.7. Gas ti%ht housin%.
#&.3.6. .NG 2ehicles com)onents do*nstream of the heat e(chan%er32a)oriDer
0%aseous )hase1 shall be considered as +NG com)onents.
#&.7. Installation of the container and3or tan,s.
#&.7.#. 'he container and3or tan, shall be )ermanently installed in the 2ehicle and
shall not be installed in the en%ine com)artment.
#&.7.!. 'he container and3or tan, shall be installed such that there is no metal to
metal contact, *ith the e(ce)tion of the fi(in% )oints of the container0s1
and3or tan,0s1.
#&.7.3. 4hen the 2ehicle is ready for use the fuel container and3or tan, shall not be
less than !"" mm abo2e the road surface.
#&.7.3.#. 'he )ro2isions of )ara%ra)h #&.7.3. shall not a))ly if the container and3or
tan, is ade/uately )rotected, at the front and the sides and no )art of the
container is located lo*er than this )rotecti2e structure.
#&.7.7. 'he fuel container0s1 and3or tan,0s1 shall be mounted and fi(ed so that the
follo*in% accelerations can be absorbed 0*ithout dama%e occurrin%1 *hen
the container0s1 and3or tan,0s1 are full9
;ehicles of cate%ories <# and N#9
0a1 !" % in the direction of tra2el:
0b1 & % horiDontally )er)endicular to the direction of tra2el.
;ehicles of cate%ories <! and N!9
0a1 #" % in the direction of tra2el:
0b1 > % horiDontally )er)endicular to the direction of tra2el.
;ehicles of cate%ories <3 and N39
0a1 6.6 % in the direction of tra2el:
0b1 > % horiDontally )er)endicular to the direction of tra2el.
$ calculation method can be used instead of )ractical testin% if its
e/ui2alence can be demonstrated by the a))licant for a))ro2al to the
satisfaction of the 'echnical Ser2ice.
#&.>. $ccessories fitted to the +NG container0s1
#&.>.#. $utomatic 2al2e
#&.>.#.#. $n automatic cylinder 2al2e shall be installed directly on each +NG
#&.>.#.!. 'he automatic cylinder 2al2e shall be o)erated such that the fuel su))ly is cut
off *hen the en%ine is s*itched off, irres)ecti2e of the )osition of the i%nition
s*itch, and shall remain closed *hile the en%ine in not runnin%. $ delay of !
seconds is )ermitted for dia%nostic.
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
#&.>.!. Pressure relief de2ice
#&.>.!.#. 'he )ressure relief de2ice 0tem)erature tri%%ered1 shall be fitted to the +NG
fuel container0s1 in such a manner that can dischar%e into the %as-ti%ht
housin% if that %as-ti%ht housin% fulfils the re/uirements of )ara%ra)h #&.>.>.
#&.>.3. E(cess flo* 2al2e on the +NG container
#&.>.3.#. 'he e(cess flo* limitin% de2ice shall be fitted in the +NG fuel container0s1
on the automatic cylinder 2al2e.
#&.>.7. <anual 2al2e
#&.>.7.#. $ manual 2al2e is ri%idly fi(ed to the +NG cylinder *hich can be inte%rated
into the automatic cylinder 2al2e.
#&.>.>. Gas-ti%ht housin% on the +NG container0s1
#&.>.>.#. $ %as-ti%ht housin% o2er the +NG container0s1 fittin%s, *hich fulfils the
re/uirements of )ara%ra)hs #&.>.>.!. to #&.>.>.>. shall be fitted to the +NG
fuel container, unless the +NG container0s1 is installed outside the 2ehicle.
#&.>.>.!. 'he %as-ti%ht housin% shall be in o)en connection *ith the atmos)here,
*here necessary throu%h a connectin% hose and a lead-throu%h that shall be
resistant a%ainst +NG.
#&.>.>.3. 'he 2entilation o)enin% of the %as ti%ht housin% shall not dischar%e into a
*heel arch, nor shall it be aimed at a heat source such as the e(haust.
#&.>.>.7. $ny connectin% hose and lead-throu%h in the bottom of the body*or, of the
motor 2ehicle for 2entilation of the %as-ti%ht housin% shall ha2e a minimum
clear o)enin% of 7>" mm
#&.>.>.>. 'he housin% o2er the +NG container0s1 fittin%s and connectin% hoses shall be
%as-ti%ht at a )ressure of #" ,Pa *ithout any )ermanent deformations. In
these circumstances a lea, not e(ceedin% #"" cm
)er hour may be acce)ted.
#&.>.>.6. 'he connectin% hose shall be secured by clam)s, or other means, to the %as-
ti%ht housin% and the lead-throu%h to ensure that a %as-ti%ht 8oint is formed.
#&.>.>.7. 'he %as-ti%ht housin% shall contain all the com)onents installed into the
lu%%a%e or )assen%er com)artment.
#&.>.6. PR? 0)ressure tri%%ered1
#&.>.6.#. 'he PR? 0)ressure tri%%ered1 shall be acti2ated and shall 2ent the %as
inde)endently from the PR? 0tem)erature tri%%ered1.
#&.>.6.!. 'he PR? 0)ressure tri%%ered1 shall be fitted to the fuel container0s1 in such a
manner that it can dischar%e into the %as-ti%ht housin% if that %as-ti%ht
housin% fulfills the re/uirements of )ara%ra)h #&.>.>. 0abo2e1.
#&.6. $ccessories fitted to the .NG tan,s
#&.6.#. E(cess flo* 2al2e
'he e(cess flo* 2al2e can be fitted inside or directly on the .NG tan, 0in a
)rotected )osition.
#&.6.!. Pressure relief 2al2e 0)rimary1
'he )rimary )ressure relief 2al2e outlet shall be connected to an o)en ended
)i)e-a*ay system to mo2e 2ented %as a*ay to a hi%h le2el. +onsideration
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
shall be %i2en to )re2entin% any bloc,a%e or freeDin% of the )i)e-a*ay. 'he
.NG )rimary relief 2al2e shall not 2ent into the %as ti%ht housin% 0if fitted1.
#&.6.3. Pressure relief 2al2e 0secondary1
'he secondary relief 2al2e may relie2e %as immediately from its outlet.
Protection from *ater in%ress and dama%e shall be considered. 'he secondary
relief 2al2e outlet shall not be connected to the same )i)e-a*ay as the
)rimary relief 2al2e. 'he .NG secondary relief 2al2e shall not 2ent into the
%as ti%ht housin% 0if fitted1.
#&.6.7. <anual fuel shut off 2al2e
'he manual fuel shut off 2al2e shall be mounted directly on the .NG tan, 0in
a )rotected )osition1. It should be readily accessible.
#&.6.>. <anual 2a)our shut off 2al2e
'he manual 2a)our shut off 2al2e shall be mounted directly on the .NG tan,
0in a )rotected )osition1. It should be readily accessible.
#&.6.6. ;ent line or connector
'he 2ent line or connector may be mounted inside or on the .NG tan, 0in a
)rotected )osition1. It should be readily accessible. 'he 2ent connector shall
be suitable for the )ur)ose at tem)eratures indicated in $nne( >@ for the
*or,in% )ressure of the .NG tan,.
#&.6.7. ;entin% mana%ement system
'he )rimary )ressure relief 2al2e shall be )i)ed to a 2ent stac, *hich e(tends to a
hi%h le2el. 'he )rimary and secondary relief 2al2e outlets shall be )rotected %& from
foulin% by dirt, debris, sno*, ice and3or *ater. 'he 2ent stac, shall be siDed to
)re2ent flo* restriction due to )ressure dro). Gas e(itin% the 2ent stac, or secondary
relie2e 2al2e shall not im)in%e on enclosed areas, other 2ehicles, e3terior-mounted
s&stems 9ith air inta)e (i.e. air-conditioning s&stems$8 en%ine inta,es, or en%ine
e(haust. In the case of dual tan,s, the )rimary relief 2al2e outlets )i)in% for each tan,
may be manifold to a common stac,.
#&.7. Ri%id and fle(ible fuel lines
#&.7.#. +NG ri%id fuel lines shall be made of seamless material9 either stainless steel
or steel *ith corrosion-resistant coatin%.
#&.7.#.#. .NG ri%id fuel lines shall be made of austenitic stainless steel or co))er,
either seamless or *elded.
#&.7.!. 'he +NG ri%id fuel line may be re)laced by a fle(ible fuel line if used in
+lass ", #, or !.
#&.7.!.#. 'he .NG ri%id fuel line may be re)laced by a fle(ible fuel line if used in
+lass >.
#&.7.3. +NG and .NG fle(ible fuel line shall fulfil the rele2ant re/uirement of
$nne( 7= to this Re%ulation.
#&.7.7. Ri%id fuel lines shall be secured such that they shall not be sub8ected to
2ibration of stresses.
#&.7.>. +NG and3or .NG fle(ible fuel lines shall be secured such that they shall not
be sub8ected to 2ibration or stresses.
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
#&.7.6. $t the fi(in% )oint, the fuel line, fle(ible or ri%id, shall be fitted in such a *ay
that there is no metal to metal contact.
#&.7.7. Ri%id and fle(ible fuel %as line shall not be located at 8ac,in% )oints.
#&.7.&. $t )assa%es the fuel lines shall be fitted *ith )rotecti2e material.
#&.7.5 .NG fuel line shall be insulated or )rotected in those areas *here lo*
tem)erature can dama%e other com)onents and3or harm )eo)le.
#&.&. -ittin% or %as connections bet*een the com)onents
#&.&.#. Soldered 8oints and bite-ty)e com)ression 8oints are not )ermitted for +NG.
=ite-ty)e com)ression 8oints are not )ermitted for .NG.
#&.&.!. Stainless steel tubes shall only be 8oined by stainless steel fittin%s.
#&.&.3. ?istributin%-bloc,s for +NG shall be made of corrosion-resistant material.
#&.&.7. Ri%id fuel lines shall be connected by a))ro)riate 8oints, for e(am)le, t*o-
)art com)ression 8oints in steel tubes and 8oints *ith oli2es ta)ered on both
#&.&.>. 'he number of 8oints shall be limited to a minimum.
#&.&.6. $ny 8oints shall be made in locations *here access is )ossible for ins)ection.
#&.&.7. In a )assen%er com)artment or enclosed lu%%a%e com)artment the fuel lines
shall be no lon%er than reasonably re/uired, and in any case shall be
)rotected by a %as-ti%ht housin%.
#&.&.7.#. 'he )ro2isions of )ara%ra)h #&.&.7. shall not a))ly to 2ehicles of cate%ories
<! or <3 *here the fuel lines and connections are fitted *ith a slee2e that is
resistant a%ainst +NG and that has an o)en connection to the atmos)here.
#&.5. $utomatic 2al2e
#&.5.#. -or +NG systems an additional automatic 2al2e may be installed in the fuel
line as close as )ossible to the )ressure re%ulator.
#&.5.!. $n automatic 2al2e shall be installed as close as )racticable after the
2a)oriDer in the .NG system.
#&.#". -illin% unit or rece)tacle
#&.#".#. 'he fillin% unit shall be secured a%ainst rotation and shall be )rotected
a%ainst dirt and *ater.
#&.#".!. 4hen the +NG3.NG container or tan, is installed in the )assen%er
com)artment or an enclosed 0lu%%a%e1 com)artment the fillin% unit shall be
located at the outside of the 2ehicle or in en%ine com)artment.
#&.#".3. -or 2ehicles of classes <# and N# the +NG fillin% unit 0rece)tacle1 shall
com)ly *ith the dra*in% s)ecifications detailed in -i%ure # of $nne( 7-#.
#&.#".7. -or 2ehicles of cate%ories <!, <3, N! and N3, the +NG fillin% unit
0rece)tacle1 shall com)ly *ith the dra*in% s)ecifications detailed in -i%ure #
or -i%ure ! of $nne( 7- or *ith the dra*in% s)ecifications detailed in -i%ure
# of $nne( 7- for +NG only.
#&.##. -uel selection system and electrical installation
#&.##.#. 'he electrical com)onents of the +NG3.NG system shall be )rotected
a%ainst o2erloads.
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
#&.##.!. ;ehicles *ith more than one fuel system shall ha2e a fuel selection system to
ensure that no more than one fuel at the same time is su))lied to the en%ine
for a limited duration. K?ual-fuelK 2ehicles, usin% diesel as the )rimary fuel
for i%nitin% the air3%as mi(ture, are allo*ed in cases *here these en%ines and
2ehicles meet mandatory emission standards.
#&.##.3. 'he electrical connections and com)onents in the %as-ti%ht housin% shall be
constructed such that no s)ar,s are %enerated.
#&.#!. 'he .NG system shall be desi%ned to )re2ent any .NG tra))in%.
#&.#3. 'he .NG system in cate%ory < 2ehicles shall be e/ui))ed *ith a natural %as
detector and3or %as ti%ht housin%. 'he .NG system in cate%ory N 2ehicles
may be e/ui))ed *ith a natural %as detector.
#&.#3. 'he .NG system in cate%ory < 2ehicles shall be e/ui))ed *ith a natural %as detector and3or
%as ti%ht housin%. 'he .NG system in cate%ory N 2ehicles may be e/ui))ed *ith a natural
%as detector if the fuel storage tan) and associated piping is mounted on the e3terior of
the +ehicle 9ithout the possi%ilit& of gas trapping (as in paragraph 12.1..$. 5f the fuel
storage tan) is located inside the cargo area of a categor& N +ehicle then a natural gas
detector and"or gas tight housing is mandator&.
1/. !onformit& of production
#5.#. 'he conformity of )roduction )rocedures shall com)ly *ith those set out in
the $%reement, $))endi( ! 0E3E+E33!7-E3E+E3'R$NS3>">3Re2.!1.
.0. Penalties for non-conformit& of production
!".#. 'he a))ro2al %ranted in res)ect of a ty)e of 2ehicle )ursuant to this
Re%ulation may be *ithdra*n if the re/uirements referred to in )ara%ra)h #&
abo2e are not com)lied *ith.
!".!. If a Party to the $%reement a))lyin% this Re%ulation *ithdra*s an a))ro2al it
has )re2iously %ranted, it shall forth*ith so notify the other +ontractin%
Parties a))lyin% this Re%ulation, by means of a communication form
conformin% to the model in $nne( !? to this Re%ulation.
.1. 6odification and e3tension of appro+al of a +ehicle
!#.#. E2ery modification of the installation of the s)ecific com)onents for the use
of com)ressed natural %as and3or li/uefied natural %as in the )ro)ulsion
system of the 2ehicle shall be notified to the 'y)e $))ro2al $uthority that
a))ro2ed the 2ehicle ty)e. 'he de)artment may then either9
!#.#.#. +onsider that the modifications made are unli,ely to ha2e an a))reciably
ad2erse effect and that in any case the 2ehicle still com)lies *ith the
re/uirements: or
!#.#.!. Re/uire a further test re)ort from the 'echnical Ser2ice res)onsible for
conductin% the tests.
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
!#.!. +onfirmation or refusal of a))ro2al, s)ecifyin% the alteration, shall be
communicated to the Parties to the $%reement a))lyin% this Re%ulation by
means of a form conformin% to the model in $nne( !? to this Re%ulation.
!#.3. 'he com)etent authority issuin% the e(tension of a))ro2al shall assi%n a
series number for such an e(tension and inform thereof the other Parties to
the #5>& $%reement a))lyin% this Re%ulation by means of a communication
form conformin% to the model in $nne( !? to this Re%ulation.
... Production definiti+el& discontinued
If the holder of the a))ro2al com)letely ceases to manufacture a ty)e of
2ehicle a))ro2ed in accordance *ith this Re%ulation, he shall so inform the
authority that %ranted the a))ro2al. 6)on recei2in% the rele2ant
communication, that authority shall inform thereof the other Parties to the
$%reement a))lyin% this Re%ulation by means of a communication form
conformin% to the model in $nne( !? to this Re%ulation.
.0. Names and addresses of (echnical Ser+ices
responsi%le for conducting appro+al tests8 and of
(&pe ,ppro+al ,uthorities
'he Parties to the $%reement a))lyin% this Re%ulation shall communicate to the
6nited Nations Secretariat the names and addresses of the 'echnical Ser2ices
res)onsible for conductin% a))ro2al tests and of the 'y)e $))ro2al $uthorities
*hich %rant a))ro2al and to *hich forms certifyin% a))ro2al or e(tension or
refusal or *ithdra*al of a))ro2al, issued in other countries, are to be sent.
.'. (ransitional Pro+isions
!7.#. $s from the official date of entry into force of the "# series of amendments to this
Re%ulation, no +ontractin% Party a))lyin% this Re%ulation shall refuse to %rant or
refuse to acce)t ty)e a))ro2al under this Re%ulation as amended by the "# series
of amendments.
!7.!. $s from #! months after the date of entry into force of the "# series of
amendments to this Re%ulation, +ontractin% Parties a))lyin% this Re%ulation
shall %rant a))ro2als only if the ty)e of com)onents to be a))ro2ed meets the
re/uirements of Part I of this Re%ulation as amended by the "# series of
amendments to this Re%ulation.
!7.3. $s from #& months after the date of entry into force of the "# series of
amendments to this Re%ulation, +ontractin% Parties a))lyin% this Re%ulation
shall %rant a))ro2als only if the 2ehicle ty)e to be a))ro2ed meets the
re/uirements of Part II of this Re%ulation as amended by the "# series of
amendments to this Re%ulation.
!7.7. 6ntil #! months after the date of entry into force of the "# series of amendments
to this Re%ulation, +ontractin% Parties a))lyin% this Re%ulation can continue to
%rant ty)e a))ro2als for the ty)e of com)onents to the ori%inal 2ersion of this
Re%ulation *ithout ta,in% into account the )ro2isions of the "# series of
E!E"(R,NS"-P../"GRSG".010"1"Re+ised %& GRSG
!7.>. 6ntil #& months after the date of entry into force of the "# series of amendments
to this Re%ulation, +ontractin% Parties a))lyin% this Re%ulation can continue to
%rant ty)e a))ro2als for the 2ehicle ty)e to the ori%inal 2ersion of this Re%ulation
*ithout ta,in% into account the )ro2isions of the "# series of amendments.
!7.6. Not*ithstandin% the )ro2isions of )ara%ra)hs !7.7. and !7.>., +ontractin% Parties
a))lyin% this Re%ulation shall not refuse to %rant e(tensions of ty)e a))ro2als for
e(istin% ty)es of com)onent or 2ehicle ty)es *hich ha2e been issued accordin%
to this Re%ulation *ithout ta,in% into account the )ro2isions of the "# series of
amendments to this Re%ulation.

,nne3 1,
,nne3 1,
Essential characteristics of the !NG"#NG components
#. 0Not allocated1
#.!.7.>.#. System descri)tion9
#.!.7.>.!. +NG Pressure re%ulator0s19 yes3no

#.!.7.>.!.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!.>. ?ra*in%s9............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!.6. Number of main ad8ustment )oints....................................................................
#.!.7.>.!.7. ?escri)tion of )rinci)le of ad8ustment throu%h main ad8ustment )oints9..........
#.!.7.>.!.&. Number of idle ad8ustment )oints9.....................................................................
#.!.7.>.!.5. ?escri)tion of )rinci)les of ad8ustment throu%h idle ad8ustment )oints9...........
#.!.7.>.!.#". @ther ad8ustment )ossibilities9 if so and *hich 0descri)tion and dra*in%s19
#.!.7.>.!.##. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.!.#!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!.#3. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.3. +NG Gas3air mi(er9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.3.#. Number9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.3.!. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.3.3. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.3.7. ?ra*in%s9............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.3.>. $d8ustment )ossibilities9....................................................................................
#.!.7.>.3.6. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.3.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.3.&. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.7. +NG Gas flo* ad8uster9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.7.#. Number9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.7.!. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.7.3. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.7.7. ?ra*in%s9............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.7.>. $d8ustment )ossibilities 0descri)tion1
#.!.7.>.7.6 4or,in% )ressure0s1
Stri,e out *hat does not a))ly.
S)ecify the tolerance.
,nne3 1,
#.!.7.>.7.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.7.&. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.>. +NG Gas in8ector0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.>.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.>.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.>.3. Identification9......................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.>.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.>.>. ?ra*in%s of installation9....................................................................................
#.!.7.>.>.6. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.>.7. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.6. Electronic +ontrol 6nit 0+NG and3or .NG19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.6.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.6.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.6.3. $d8ustment )ossibilities9....................................................................................
#.!.7.>.6.7. =asic soft*are )rinci)les9...................................................................................
#.!.7.>.6.>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.7. +NG container0s1 or cylinder0s19 yes3no
.NG tan,0s1 or 2essel0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.7.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.7.!. 'y)e0s1 0include dra*in%s19................................................................................
#.!.7.>.7.3. +a)acity9.....................................................................................................litres
#.!.7.>.7.7. ?ra*in%s of the installation of the container3tan,9............................................
#.!.7.>.7.>. ?imensions9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.7.6. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&. +NG container3.NG tan, accessories
#.!.7.>.&.#. Pressure indicator9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.&.#.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.#.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.#.3. @)eratin% )rinci)le9 float3other
0include descri)tion or dra*in%s1...................
#.!.7.>.&.#.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 .................................................................................<Pa
#.!.7.>.&.#.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.3.#.6. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.&.!. Pressure relief 2al2e 0dischar%e 2al2e19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.&.!.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.!.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
,nne3 1,
#.!.7.>.&.!.3. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.&.!.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.!.>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.&.3. $utomatic cylinder 2al2e
#.!.7.>.&.3.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.3.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.3.3. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.&.3.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.3.>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.&.7. E(cess flo* 2al2e9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.&.7.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.7.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.7.3. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.&.7.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.7.>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................F+
#.!.7.>.&.>. Gas-ti%ht housin%9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.&.>.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.>.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.>.3. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.&.>.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.>.>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................F+
#.!.7.>.&.6. <anual 2al2e9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.&.6.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.6.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.6.3. ?ra*in%s9............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.6.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.&.6.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.6.6. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.5. Pressure relief de2ice 0tem)erature tri%%ered19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.5.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.5.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.5.3. ?escri)tion and dra*in%s9..................................................................................
#.!.7.>.5.7. $cti2ation tem)erature
#.!.7.>.5.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.5.6. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................F+
,nne3 1,
#.!.7.>.#". -illin% unit or rece)tacle9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.#".#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#".!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#".3. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.#".7. ?escri)tion and dra*in%s9..................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#".>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#".6. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................F+
#.!.7.>.##. -le(ible fuel lines9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.##.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.##.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.##.3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.##.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.##.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.##.6. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.#!. Pressure and 'em)erature sensor0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.#!.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#!.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#!.3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#!.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.#!.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#!.6. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.#3. +NG filter0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.#3.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#3.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#3.3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#3.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.#3.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#3.6. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.#7. Non-return 2al2e0s1 or chec, 2al2e0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.#7.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#7.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#7.3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#7.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.#7.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#7.6. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................F+
#.!.7.>.#>. +onnection to +NG3.NG system for heatin% system9 yes3no
,nne3 1,
#.!.7.>.#>.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#>.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#>.3. ?escri)tion and dra*in%s of installation9...........................................................
#.!.7.>.#6. PR? 0)ressure tri%%ered19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.#6.#. <a,e0s19 .............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#6.!. 'y)e0s19 ..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#6.3. ?escri)tion and dra*in%s9..................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#6.7. $cti2ation )ressure
9 ..................................................................................<Pa
#.!.7.>.#6.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#6.6. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................F+
#.!.7.>.#7. -uel rail9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.#7.#. <a,e0s19 .............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#7.!. 'y)e0s19 ..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#7.3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#7.7. 4or,in% )ressure
#.!.7.>.#7.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#7.6. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.#&. Aeat E(chan%er 3;a)oriDer9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.#&.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#&.! ?ra*in%s9............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#&.3. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9.............................................................................. <Pa
#.!.7.>.#&.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#&.>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.#5. Natural %as detector9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.#5.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#5.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#5.3. ?ra*in%s9............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#5.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.#5.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#5.6. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.#5.7. Set ;alues............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!". .NG fillin% rece)tacle0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.!".#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!".!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!".3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
,nne3 1,
#.!.7.>.!".7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 ...................................................................................,Pa
#.!.7.>.!".>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!#. .NG )ressure control re%ulator0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.!#.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!#.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!#.3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!#.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 ...................................................................................,Pa
#.!.7.>.!#.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!!. .NG Pressure and3or tem)erature sensor0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.!!.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!!.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!!.3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!!.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 ...................................................................................,Pa
#.!.7.>.!!.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!3. .NG manual 2al2e0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.!3.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!3.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!3.3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!3.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 ...................................................................................,Pa
#.!.7.>.!3.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!7. .NG $utomatic 2al2e0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.!7.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!7.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!7.3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!7.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 ...................................................................................,Pa
#.!.7.>.!7.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!>. .NG non-return 2al2e0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.!>.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!>.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!>.3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!>.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 ...................................................................................,Pa
#.!.7.>.!>.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!6. .NG )ressure relief 2al2e0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.!6.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!6.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!6.3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
,nne3 1,
#.!.7.>.!6.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 ...................................................................................,Pa
#.!.7.>.!6.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!7. .NG e(cess flo* 2al2e0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.!7.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!7.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!7.3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!7.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 ...................................................................................,Pa
#.!.7.>.!7.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!&. .NG fuel )um)0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.!&.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!&.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!&.3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!&.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 ...................................................................................,Pa
#.!.7.>.!&.>. .ocation inside3outside .NG tan,
#.!.7.>.!&.6. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................+
#.!.>. +oolin% system9 0li/uid3air1
#.!.>.# System descri)tion3dra*in%s *ith re%ard to the +NG3.NG system9.................
,nne3 1:
,nne3 1:
Essential characteristics of the +ehicle8 engine and
!NG"#NG-related s&stem
". ?escri)tion of the 2ehicle0s1
".#. <a,e9..................................................................................................................
".!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
".3. Name and address of the manufacturer9.............................................................
".7. En%ine ty)e0s1 and a))ro2al No.0Nos.19.............................................................
#. ?escri)tion of the en%ine0s1
#.#. <anufacturer9.....................................................................................................
#.#.#. <anufacturerPs en%ine code0s1 0as mar,ed on the en%ine or other means of
#.!. Internal combustion en%ine
#.!.3. 0Not allocated1
#.!.7.>.#. 0Not allocated1
#.!.7.>.!. Pressure re%ulator0s19
#.!.7.>.!.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!.3. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.!.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!.>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.3. Gas3air mi(er9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.3.#. Number9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.3.!. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.3.3. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.3.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.3.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.3.6. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................F+
#.!.7.>.7. Gas flo* ad8uster9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.7.#. Number9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.7.!. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.7.3. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
S)ecify the tolerance.
Stri,e out *hat does not a))ly.
,nne3 1:
#.!.7.>.7.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.7.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.7.6. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................F+
#.!.7.>.>. Gas in8ector0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.>.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.>.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.>.3. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.>.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.>.>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................F+
#.!.7.>.6. Electronic +ontrol 6nit9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.6.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.6.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.6.3. =asic soft*are )rinci)les9...................................................................................
#.!.7.>.6.7. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................F+
#.!.7.>.7. +NG container0s1 or cylinder0s19 yes3no
.NG tan,0s1 or 2essel0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.7.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.7.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.7.3. +a)acity9.....................................................................................................litres
#.!.7.>.7.7. $))ro2al number9...............................................................................................
#.!.7.>.7.>. ?imensions9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.7.6. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&. +NG container accessories3.NG tan, accessories9
#.!.7.>.&.#. Pressure indicator9
#.!.7.>.&.#.#. <a,e0s1...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.#.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.#.3. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.&.#.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.#.>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................F+
#.!.7.>.&.!. Pressure relief 2al2e 0dischar%e 2al2e19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.&.!.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.!.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.!.3. 4or,in% )ressure
#.!.7.>.&.!.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.!.>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................F+
#.!.7.>.&.3. $utomatic 2al2e0s19
,nne3 1:
#.!.7.>.&.3.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.3.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.3.3. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.&.3.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.3.>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................F+
#.!.7.>.&.7. E(cess flo* 2al2e9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.&.7.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.7.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.7.3. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.&.7.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.7.>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................F+
#.!.7.>.&.>. Gas-ti%ht housin%9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.&.>.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.>.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.>.3. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.&.>.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.>.>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.&.6. <anual 2al2e9
#.!.7.>.&.6.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.6.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.6.3. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.&.6.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.6.>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................F+
#.!.7.>.5. Pressure relief de2ice 0tem)erature tri%%ered19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.5.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.5.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.5.3. $cti2ation tem)erature
#.!.7.>.5.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.5.>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................F+
#.!.7.>.#". -illin% unit or rece)tacle9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.#".#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#".!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#".3. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.#".7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#".>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.##. -le(ible fuel lines9 yes3no
,nne3 1:
#.!.7.>.##.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.##.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.##.3. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.##.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.##.>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................F+
#.!.7.>.#!. Pressure and tem)erature sensor0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.#!.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#!.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#!.3. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.#!.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#!.>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................F+
#.!.7.>.#3. +NG filter9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.#3.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#3.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#3.3. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.#3.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#3.>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................F+
#.!.7.>.#7. Non-return 2al2e0s1 or chec, 2al2e0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.#7.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#7.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#7.3. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.#7.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#7.>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................F+
#.!.7.>.#>. +onnection to +NG3.NG system for heatin% system9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.#>.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#>.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#>.3. ?escri)tion and dra*in%s of installation9...........................................................
#.!.7.>.#6. PR? 0)ressure tri%%ered19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.#6.#. <a,e0s19 .............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#6.!. 'y)e0s19 ..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#6.3. $cti2ation )ressure
#.!.7.>.#6.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#6.>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.#7. -uel rail9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.#7.#. <a,e0s19 .............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#7.!. 'y)e0s19 ..............................................................................................................
,nne3 1:
#.!.7.>.#7.3. 4or,in% )ressure
#.!.7.>.#7.7. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#7.>. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.#&. Aeat e(chan%er3;a)oriDer Aeat E(chan%er 3;a)oriDer9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.#&.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#&.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#&.3. ?ra*in%s9............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#&.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.#&.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#&.6. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.#5.&. Natural %as detector9 yes3no
#.!.7.>.&.&.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.&.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.&.3. ?ra*in%s9............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.&.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.&.&.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.&.&.6. @)eratin% tem)eratures
9 ...............................................................................+
#.!.7.>.&.&.7. Set ;alues............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#7. .NG fillin% rece)tacle0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.#7.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#7.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#7.3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#7.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 ...................................................................................,Pa
#.!.7.>.#7.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#&. .NG )ressure control re%ulator0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.#&.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#&.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#&.3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#&.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 ...................................................................................,Pa
#.!.7.>.#&.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#5. .NG Pressure and3or tem)erature sensor0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.#5.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#5.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#5.3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#5.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 ...................................................................................,Pa
,nne3 1:
#.!.7.>.#5.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!". .NG manual 2al2e0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.!".#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!".!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!".3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!".7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 ...................................................................................,Pa
#.!.7.>.!".>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!#. .NG $utomatic 2al2e0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.!#.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!#.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!#.3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!#.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 ...................................................................................,Pa
#.!.7.>.!#.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!!. .NG non-return 2al2e0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.!!.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!!.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!!.3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!!.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 ...................................................................................,Pa
#.!.7.>.!!.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!3. .NG )ressure relief 2al2e0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.!3.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!3.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!3.3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!3.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.7.>.!3.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!7. .NG e(cess flo* 2al2e0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.!7.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!7.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!7.3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!7.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 ...................................................................................,Pa
#.!.7.>.!7.>. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!>. .NG fuel )um)0s19 yes3no
#.!.7.>.!>.#. <a,e0s19..............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!>.!. 'y)e0s19...............................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!>.3. ?escri)tion9........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.!>.7. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 ...................................................................................,Pa
,nne3 1:
#.!.7.>.!>.>. .ocation inside3outside .NG tan,
#.!.7.>.!>.6. @)eratin% tem)eratures
#.!.7.>.#&. -urther documentation9.......................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#&.#. ?escri)tion of the +NG system 3 .NG system
#.!.7.>.#&.!. System lay-out 0electrical connections, 2acuum connections com)ensation
hoses, etc.19.........................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#&.3. ?ra*in% of the symbol9......................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#&.7. $d8ustment data9.................................................................................................
#.!.7.>.#&.>. +ertificate of the 2ehicle on )etrol, if already %ranted9......................................
#.!.>. +oolin% system9 0li/uid3air1
,nne3 .,
,nne3 .,
,rrangement of the !NG"#NG component t&pe-appro+al
0See )ara%ra)h 7.!. of this Re%ulation1
110 R-01.'0/ ;#;
(or ;6; or ;!;$
a & mm
'he abo2e a))ro2al mar, affi(ed to the +NG and or .NG com)onent sho*s that this
com)onent has been a))ro2ed in Italy 0E31, )ursuant to Re%ulation No. ##" under a))ro2al
number "#!735. 'he first t*o di%its of the a))ro2al number indicate that the a))ro2al *as
%ranted in accordance *ith the re/uirements of Re%ulation No. ##" as amended by the "#
series of amendments.
'he letter K.K indicates that the )roduct is suitable for use *ith .NG.
'he letter K<K indicates that the )roduct is suitable in moderate tem)eratures.
'he letter K+K indicates that the )roduct is suitable in cold tem)eratures.
,nne3 .:
,nne3 .:
0<a(imum format9 $7 0!#" ( !57 mm11

9 $))ro2al %ranted
$))ro2al e(tended
$))ro2al refused
$))ro2al *ithdra*n
Production definiti2ely discontinued
of a ty)e of +NG3.NG com)onent )ursuant to Re%ulation No. ##"
$))ro2al No.9 ................................................. E(tension No.9 ......................................
#. +NG3.NG com)onent considered9
+ontainer0s1 or cylinder0s1
'an,0s1 or 2essel0s1
Pressure indicator
Pressure relief 2al2e
$utomatic 2al2e0s1
E(cess flo* 2al2e
Gas-ti%ht housin%
Pressure re%ulator0s1
Non-return 2al2e0s1 or chec, 2al2e0s1
Pressure relief de2ice 0PR?1 0tem)erature tri%%ered1
<anual 2al2e
-le(ible fuel lines
-illin% unit or rece)tacle
Gas in8ector0s1
Gas flo* ad8uster
?istin%uishin% number of the country *hich has %ranted3e(tended3refused3*ithdra*n
a))ro2al 0see a))ro2al )ro2isions in the Re%ulation1.
Stri,e out *hat does not a))ly.
issued by9 Name of administration9
,nne3 .:
Gas3air mi(er
Electronic control unit
Pressure and tem)erature sensor0s1
+NG filter0s1
PR? 0)ressure tri%%ered1
-uel rail
Aeat e(chan%er0s1 3 2a)oriDer0s1
Natural %as detector0s1
.NG fillin% rece)tacle0s1
.NG )ressure control re%ulator0s1
.NG )ressure and3or tem)erature sensor0s1
.NG manual 2al2e0s1
.NG automatic 2al2e0s1
.NG non-return 2al2e0s1
.NG )ressure relief 2al2e0s1
.NG e(cess flo* 2al2e0s1
.NG fuel )um)0s1
!. 'rade name or mar,9...........................................................................................
3. <anufacturerPs name and address9......................................................................
7. If a))licable, name and address of manufacturerPs re)resentati2e9....................
>. Submitted for a))ro2al on9.................................................................................
6. 'echnical Ser2ice res)onsible for conductin% a))ro2al tests9............................
7. ?ate of re)ort issued by that ser2ice9.................................................................
&. No. of re)ort issued by that ser2ice9...................................................................
5. $))ro2al %ranted3refused3e(tended3*ithdra*n
#". Reason0s1 of e(tension 0if a))licable19...............................................................
##. Place9..................................................................................................................
#!. ?ate9....................................................................................................................
#3. Si%nature9............................................................................................................
#7. 'he documents filed *ith the a))lication or e(tension of a))ro2al can be
obtained u)on re/uest.
,nne3 .: - ,ddendum
,nne3 .: - ,ddendum
#. $dditional information concernin% the ty)e-a))ro2al of a ty)e of +NG3.NG
com)onents )ursuant to Re%ulation No. ##"
#.#. Natural Gas Stora%e System
#.#.#. +ontainer0s1 or cylinder0s1 0for +NG system1
#.#.#.#. ?imensions9........................................................................................................
#.#.#.!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.#.!. 'an,0s1 or 2essel0s1 0for .NG system1
#.#.!.#. +a)acity9.............................................................................................................
#.#.!.!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!. Pressure indicator
#.!.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!.!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.3. Pressure relief 2al2e 0dischar%e 2al2e1
#.3.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.3.!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.7. $utomatic 2al2e0s1
#.7.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.7.!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.>. E(cess flo* 2al2e
#.>.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.>.!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.6. Gas-ti%ht housin%
#.6.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s19...................................................................................<Pa
#.6.!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.7. Pressure re%ulator0s1
#.7.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.7.!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.&. Non-return 2al2e0s1 or chec, 2al2e0s1
#.&.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 .................................................................................<Pa
#.&.!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.5. Pressure relief de2ice 0tem)erature tri%%ered1
#.5.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 .................................................................................<Pa
S)ecify the tolerance.
,nne3 .: - ,ddendum
#.5.!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.#". <anual 2al2e
#.#".#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 .................................................................................<Pa
#.#".!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.##. -le(ible fuel lines
#.##.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.##.!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.#!. -illin% unit or rece)tacle
#.#!.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.#!.!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.#3. Gas in8ector0s1
#.#3.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.#3.!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.#7. Gas flo* ad8uster
#.#7.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.#7.!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.#>. Gas3air mi(er
#.#>.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.#>.!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.#6. Electronic control unit
#.#6.#. =asic soft*are )rinci)les9...................................................................................
#.#7. Pressure and tem)erature sensor0s1
#.#7.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.#7.!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.#&. +NG filter0s1
#.#&.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 .................................................................................<Pa
#.#&.!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.#5. PR? 0)ressure tri%%ered1
#.#5.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
9 .................................................................................<Pa
#.#5.!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!". -uel rail0s1
#.!".#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!".!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
#.!#. Aeat E(chan%er0s1 3 ;a)oriDer0s1
#.!#.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!#.!. <aterial9..............................................................................................................
,nne3 .: - ,ddendum
#.!!. Natural %as detector0s19
#.!!.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!!.!. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!3. .NG fillin% rece)tacle0s1
#.!3.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!3.!. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!7. .NG )ressure control re%ulator0s1
#.!7.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!7.!. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!>. .NG )ressure and3or tem)erature sensor0s1
#.!>.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!>.!. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!6. .NG manual 2al2e0s1
#.!6.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!6.!. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!7. .NG automatic 2al2e0s1
#.!7.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!7.!. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!&. .NG non-return 2al2e0s1
#.!&.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!&.!. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!5. .NG )ressure relief 2al2e0s1
#.!5.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.!5.!. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.3". .NG e(cess flo* 2al2e0s1
#.3".#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.3".!. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.3#. .NG fuel )um)0s1
#.3#.#. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
#.3#.!. 4or,in% )ressure0s1
,nne3 .!
,nne3 .!
,rrangement of appro+al mar)s
<odel $ 0See )ara%ra)h #7.!. of this Re%ulation1
110 R<01.'0/ #
(or 6 or !$
a & mm
'he abo2e a))ro2al mar, affi(ed to a 2ehicle sho*s that the 2ehicle has, *ith re%ard to the
installation of +NG3.NG system for the use of natural %as for )ro)ulsion, been a))ro2ed in
Italy 0E31, )ursuant to Re%ulation No. ##" under a))ro2al number "#!735. 'he first t*o
di%its of the a))ro2al number indicate that the a))ro2al *as %ranted in accordance *ith the
re/uirements of Re%ulation No. ##" as amended by the "# series of amendments.
'he letter K.K indicates that the )roduct is suitable for use *ith .NG.
'he letter K<K indicates that the )roduct is suitable in moderate tem)eratures.
'he letter K+K indicates that the )roduct is suitable in cold tem)eratures.
<odel = 0See )ara%ra)h #7.!. of this Re%ulation1
110 01.'0/ #
20 0516.2
(or 6 or !$
a & mm
'he abo2e a))ro2al mar, affi(ed to a 2ehicle sho*s that the 2ehicle has, *ith re%ard to the
installation of +NG3.NG system for the use of natural %as for )ro)ulsion, been a))ro2ed in
Italy 0E31, )ursuant to Re%ulation No. ##" under a))ro2al number "#!735. 'he first t*o
di%its of the a))ro2al number indicate that at the date the a))ro2al *as %ranted in
accordance *ith the re/uirements of Re%ulation No. ##" as amended by the "# series of
amendments and that Re%ulation No. &3 included the "> series of amendments.
'he letter K.K indicates that the )roduct is suitable for use *ith .NG.
'he letter K<K indicates that the )roduct is suitable in moderate tem)eratures.
'he letter K+K indicates that the )roduct is suitable in cold tem)eratures.
,nne3 .4
,nne3 .4
0<a(imum format9 $7 0!#" ( !57 mm11

9 $))ro2al %ranted
$))ro2al e(tended
$))ro2al refused
$))ro2al *ithdra*n
Production definitely discontinued
of a 2ehicle ty)e *ith re%ard to the installation of +NG3.NG system )ursuant to Re%ulation
No. ##"
$))ro2al No.9 QQQQQ................... E(tension No.9 ........................................
#. 'rade name or mar, of 2ehicle9..........................................................................
!. ;ehicle ty)e9.......................................................................................................
3. ;ehicle cate%ory9................................................................................................
7. <anufacturerPs name and address9......................................................................
>. If a))licable, name and address of manufacturerPs re)resentati2e9....................
6. ?escri)tion of the 2ehicle, dra*in%s, etc. 0needs detailin%19..............................
7. 'est results9.........................................................................................................
&. ;ehicle submitted for a))ro2al on9.....................................................................
5. 'echnical Ser2ice res)onsible for conductin% a))ro2al tests9............................
#". ?ate of re)ort issued by that ser2ice9.................................................................
##. +NG3.NG system
##.#. 'rade name or mar, of com)onents and their a))ro2al numbers9.....................
##.#.#. +ontainer0s1 or cylinder0s19................................................................................
?istin%uishin% number of the country *hich has %ranted3e(tended3refused3*ithdra*n
a))ro2al 0see a))ro2al )ro2isions in the Re%ulation1.
Stri,e out *hat does not a))ly.
issued by9 Name of administration9
,nne3 .4
##.#.!. 'an,0s1 or 2essel0s19............................................................................................
##.#.3. etc. 0see )ara. !.!. of the Re%ulation1.................................................................
#!. No. of re)ort issued by that ser2ice9...................................................................
#3. $))ro2al %ranted3refused3e(tended3*ithdra*n
#7. Reason0s1 of e(tension 0if a))licable19...............................................................
#>. Place9..................................................................................................................
#6. ?ate9....................................................................................................................
#7. Si%nature9............................................................................................................
#&. 'he follo*in% documents filed *ith the a))lication or e(tension of a))ro2al
can be obtained u)on re/uest9
?ra*in%s, dia%rams and scheme )lans on the com)onents and the installation
of the +NG3.NG e/ui)ment considered to be of im)ortance for the )ur)ose
of this Re%ulation:
4here a))licable dra*in%s of the 2arious e/ui)ment and their )osition in the
,nne3 0,
,nne3 0
=n-%oard storage of natural gas as a fuel for automoti+e
#. Sco)e
#.#. $nne( 3$ sets out minimum re/uirements for li%ht-*ei%ht refillable %as
cylinders. 'he cylinders are intended only for the on-board stora%e of hi%h
)ressure com)ressed natural %as as a fuel for automoti2e 2ehicles to *hich
the cylinders are to be fi(ed. +ylinders may be of any steel, aluminium or
non-metallic material, desi%n or method of manufacture suitable for the
s)ecified ser2ice conditions. 'his anne( also co2ers stainless steel metal
liners of seamless or *elded construction.
#.!. $nne( 3= sets out minimum re/uirements for refillable fuel tan,s for
li/uefied natural %as 0.NG1 used in 2ehicles as *ell as the testin% methods
,nne3 0,
,nne3 0,
Gas c&linders - 7igh pressure c&linder for the on-%oard storage of
!NG compressed natural gas as a fuel for automoti+e +ehicles
#. Sco)e
+ylinders co2ered by this anne( are classified in +lass ", as described in
)ara%ra)h 3. of this Re%ulation, and are9
+NG-# <etal
+NG-! <etal liner reinforced *ith resin im)re%nated continuous filament
0hoo) *ra))ed1
+NG-3 <etal liner reinforced *ith resin im)re%nated continuous filament
0fully *ra))ed1
+NG-7 Resin im)re%nated continuous filament *ith a non-metallic liner
0all com)osite1
Ser2ice conditions to *hich the cylinders *ill be sub8ected are detailed in
)ara%ra)h 7. 'his anne( is based u)on a *or,in% )ressure for natural %as as a
fuel of !" <Pa settled at #> F+ *ith a ma(imum fillin% )ressure of !6 <Pa.
@ther *or,in% )ressures can be accommodated by ad8ustin% the )ressure by
the a))ro)riate factor 0ratio1. -or e(am)le, a !> <Pa *or,in% )ressure
system *ill re/uire )ressures to be multi)lied by #.!>.
'he ser2ice life of the cylinder shall be defined by the manufacturer and may
2ary *ith a))lications. ?efinition of ser2ice life is based u)on fillin% the
cylinders #,""" times a year for a minimum of #>,""" fills. 'he ma(imum
ser2ice life shall be !" years.
-or metal and metal-lined cylinders, the cylinder life is based u)on the rate of
fati%ue crac, %ro*th. 'he ultrasonic ins)ection, or e/ui2alent, of each
cylinder or liner is re/uired to ensure the absence of fla*s *hich e(ceed the
ma(imum allo*able siDe. 'his a))roach )ermits the o)timiDed desi%n and
manufacture of li%ht *ei%ht cylinders for natural %as 2ehicle ser2ice.
-or all-com)osite cylinders *ith non-metallic non-load bearin% liners the
Ksafe lifeK is demonstrated by a))ro)riate desi%n methods, desi%n
/ualification testin% and manufacturin% controls.
!. References 0see )a%e 61
3. ?efinitions
,nne3 0,
0see )a%e #!1
7. Ser2ice conditions
7.#. General
7.#.#. Standard ser2ice conditions
'he standard ser2ice conditions s)ecified in this section are )ro2ided as a
basis for the desi%n, manufacture, ins)ection, testin%, and a))ro2al of
cylinders that are to be mounted )ermanently on 2ehicles and used to store
natural %as at ambient tem)eratures for use as a fuel on 2ehicles.
7.#.!. 6se of cylinders
'he ser2ice conditions s)ecified are also intended to )ro2ide information on
ho* cylinders made to this Re%ulation may safely be used to9
0a1 <anufacturers of cylinders:
0b1 @*ners of cylinders:
0c1 ?esi%ners or contractors res)onsible for the installation of cylinders:
0d1 ?esi%ners or o*ners of e/ui)ment used to refuel 2ehicle cylinders:
0e1 Su))liers of natural %as: and
0f1 Re%ulatory authorities *ho ha2e 8urisdiction o2er cylinder use.
7.#.3. Ser2ice life
'he ser2ice life for *hich cylinders are safe shall be s)ecified by the cylinder
desi%ner on the basis of use under ser2ice conditions s)ecified herein. 'he
ma(imum ser2ice life shall be !" years.
7.#.7. Periodic re/ualification
Recommendations for )eriodic re/ualification by 2isual ins)ection or testin%
durin% the ser2ice life shall be )ro2ided by the cylinder manufacturer on the
basis of use under ser2ice conditions s)ecified herein. Each cylinder shall be
2isually ins)ected at least e2ery 7& months after the date of its entry into
ser2ice on the 2ehicle 02ehicle re%istration1, and at the time of any
reinstallation, for e(ternal dama%e and deterioration, includin% under the
su))ort stra)s. 'he 2isual ins)ection shall be )erformed by a com)etent
a%ency a))ro2ed or reco%niDed by the Re%ulatory $uthority, in accordance
*ith the manufacturerPs s)ecifications9 +ylinders *ithout label containin%
mandatory information or *ith labels containin% mandatory information that
are ille%ible in any *ay shall be remo2ed from ser2ice. If the cylinder can be
)ositi2ely identified by manufacturer and serial number, a re)lacement label
may be a))lied, allo*in% the cylinder to remain in ser2ice.
7.#.7.#. +ylinders in2ol2ed in collisions
+ylinders *hich ha2e been in2ol2ed in a 2ehicle collision shall be
reins)ected by an a%ency authoriDed by the manufacturer, unless other*ise
directed by the $uthority ha2in% 8urisdiction. $ cylinder that has not
e()erienced any im)act dama%e from the collision may be returned to
,nne3 0,
ser2ice, other*ise the cylinder shall be returned to the manufacturer for
7.#.7.! +ylinders in2ol2ed in fires
+ylinders *hich ha2e been sub8ect to the action of fire shall be reins)ected
by an a%ency authoriDed by the manufacturer, or condemned and remo2ed
from ser2ice.
7.!. <a(imum )ressures
'he cylinder )ressure shall be limited to the follo*in%9
0a1 $ )ressure that *ould settle to !" <Pa at a settled tem)erature of
#> F+:
0b1 !6 <Pa, immediately after fillin%, re%ardless of tem)erature:
7.3. <a(imum number of fillin% cycles
+ylinders are desi%ned to be filled u) to a settled )ressure of !" <Pa 0!""
bar1 at a settled %as tem)erature of #> F+ for u) to #,""" times )er year of
7.7. 'em)erature ran%e
7.7.#. Settled %as tem)erature
Settled tem)erature of %as in cylinders may 2ary from a minimum of -7" F+
to a ma(imum of 6> F+:
7.7.!. +ylinder tem)eratures
'he tem)erature of the cylinder materials may 2ary from a minimum of
-7" F+ to a ma(imum of R&! F+:
'em)eratures o2er R6> F+ may be sufficiently local, or of short enou%h
duration, that the tem)erature of %as in the cylinder ne2er e(ceeds R6> F+,
e(ce)t under the conditions of )ara%ra)h 7.7.3:
7.7.3. 'ransient tem)eratures
?e2elo)ed %as tem)eratures durin% fillin% and dischar%e may 2ary beyond
the limits of )ara%ra)h 7.7.#.:
7.>. Gas com)osition
<ethanol and3or %lycol shall not be deliberately added to the natural %as.
+ylinder should be desi%ned to tolerate bein% filled *ith natural %as meetin%
either of the follo*in% three conditions9
0a1 S$E #6#6
0b1 ?ry %as
4ater 2a)our *ould normally be limited to less than 3! m%3m
at a )ressure
de* )oint of -5 F+ at !" <Pa. 'here *ould be no constituent limits for dry
%as, e(ce)t for9
Aydro%en sul)hide and other soluble sul)hides9 !3 m%3m
@(y%en9 # )er cent by 2olume
,nne3 0,
Aydro%en shall be limited to ! )er cent by 2olume *hen cylinders are
manufactured from steel *ith an ultimate tensile stren%th e(ceedin% 5>"
0c1 4et %as
Gas that contains *ater content hi%her than b1 normally meets the follo*in%
constituent limits:
Aydro%en sul)hide and other soluble sul)hides9 !3 m%3m
@(y%en9 # )er cent by 2olume
+arbon dio(ide9 7 )er cent by 2olume
Aydro%en9 ".# )er cent by 2olume
6nder *et %as conditions, a minimum of # m% of com)ressor oil )er ,% of
%as is necessary to )rotect metallic cylinders and liners.
7.6. E(ternal surfaces
+ylinders are not desi%ned for continuous e()osure to mechanical or
chemical attac,, e.%. lea,a%e from car%o that may be carried on 2ehicles or
se2ere abrasion dama%e from road conditions, and shall com)ly *ith
reco%niDed installation standards. Ao*e2er, cylinder e(ternal surfaces may be
inad2ertently e()osed to9
0a1 4ater, either by intermittent immersion or road s)ray:
0b1 Salt, due to the o)eration of the 2ehicle near the ocean or *here ice
meltin% salt is used:
0c1 6ltra-2iolet radiation from sunli%ht:
0d1 Im)act of %ra2el:
0e1 Sol2ents, acids and al,alis, fertiliDers: and
0f1 $utomoti2e fluids, includin% %asoline, hydraulic fluids, %lycol and
7.7. Gas )ermeation or lea,a%e
+ylinders may be located in enclosed s)aces for e(tended )eriods of time.
Permeation of %as throu%h the cylinder *all or lea,a%e bet*een the end
connections and the liner shall be considered in the desi%n.
>. ?esi%n a))ro2al
>.#. General
'he follo*in% information shall be submitted by the cylinder desi%ner *ith a
re/uest for a))ro2al to the +om)etent $uthority9
0a1 Statement of ser2ice 0)ara%ra)h >.!.1:
0b1 ?esi%n data 0)ara%ra)h >.3.1:
0c1 <anufacturin% data 0)ara%ra)h >.7.1:
0d1 Euality system 0)ara%ra)h >.>.1:
0e1 -racture )erformance and N?E 0Non ?estructi2e E(amination1 defect
siDe 0)ara%ra)h >.6.1:
,nne3 0,
0f1 S)ecification sheet 0)ara%ra)h >.7.1:
0%1 $dditional su))ortin% data 0)ara%ra)h >.&.1.
-or cylinders desi%ned in accordance *ith IS@ 5&"5, it is not re/uired to
)ro2ide the stress analysis re)ort in )ara%ra)h >.3.!. or the information in
)ara%ra)h >.6.
>.!. Statement of ser2ice
'he )ur)ose of this statement of ser2ice is to %uide users and installers of
cylinders as *ell as to inform the a))ro2in% +om)etent $uthority, or their
desi%nated re)resentati2e. 'he statement of ser2ice shall include9
0a1 $ statement that the cylinder desi%n is suitable for use in the ser2ice
conditions defined in )ara%ra)h 7. for the ser2ice life of the cylinder:
0b1 'he ser2ice life:
0c1 'he minimum in-ser2ice test and3or ins)ection re/uirements:
0d1 'he )ressure relief de2ices and3or insulation re/uired:
0e1 Su))ort methods, )rotecti2e coatin%s, etc., re/uired but not )ro2ided:
0f1 $ descri)tion of the cylinder desi%n:
0%1 $ny other information necessary to ensure the safe use and ins)ection
of the cylinder.
>.3. ?esi%n data
>.3.#. ?ra*in%s
?ra*in%s shall sho* the follo*in% as a minimum9
0a1 'itle, reference number, date of issue, and re2ision numbers *ith dates
of issue if a))licable:
0b1 Reference to this Re%ulation and the cylinder ty)e:
0c1 $ll dimensions com)lete *ith tolerances, includin% details of end
closure sha)es *ith minimum thic,nesses and of o)enin%s:
0d1 <ass, com)lete *ith tolerance, of cylinders:
0e1 <aterial s)ecifications, com)lete *ith minimum mechanical and
chemical )ro)erties or tolerance ran%es and, for metal cylinders or metal
liners, the s)ecified hardness ran%e:
0f1 @ther data such as, auto-fretta%e )ressure ran%e, minimum test
)ressure, details of the fire )rotection system and of the e(terior )rotecti2e
>.3.!. Stress analysis re)ort
$ finite element stress analysis or other stress analysis shall be )ro2ided:
$ table summariDin% the calculated stresses in the re)ort shall be )ro2ided.
>.3.3. <aterial test data
$ detailed descri)tion of the materials and tolerances of the materials
)ro)erties used in the desi%n shall be )ro2ided. 'est data shall also be
)resented characteriDin% the mechanical )ro)erties and the suitability of the
materials for ser2ice under the conditions s)ecified in )ara%ra)h 7.
,nne3 0,
>.3.7. ?esi%n /ualification test data
'he cylinder material, desi%n, manufacture and e(amination shall be
)ro2ided to be ade/uate for their intended ser2ice by meetin% the
re/uirements of the tests re/uired for the )articular cylinder desi%n, *hen
tested in accordance *ith the rele2ant methods of test detailed in $))endi( $
to this anne(.
'he test data shall also document the dimensions, *all thic,nesses and
*ei%hts of each of the test cylinders.
>.3.>. -ire )rotection
'he arran%ement of )ressure relief de2ices that *ill )rotect the cylinder from
sudden ru)ture *hen e()osed to the fire conditions in )ara%ra)h $.#> shall
be s)ecified. 'est data shall substantiate the effecti2eness of the s)ecified fire
)rotection system.
>.3.6. +ylinder su))orts
?etails of cylinder su))orts or su))ort re/uirements shall be )ro2ided in
accordance *ith )ara%ra)h 6.##.
>.7. <anufacturin% data
?etails of all fabrication )rocesses, non-destructi2e e(aminations, )roduction
tests and batch tests shall be )ro2ided: 'he tolerances for all )roduction
)rocesses such as heat treatment, end formin%, resin mi( ratio, filament
*indin% tension and s)eed, curin% times and tem)eratures, and auto-fretta%e
)rocedures shall be s)ecified: Surface finish, thread details, acce)tance
criteria for ultrasonic scannin% 0or e/ui2alent1, and ma(imum lot siDes for
batch tests shall also be s)ecified.
>.>. 0Not allocated1
>.6. -racture )erformance and N?E defect siDe
>.6.#. -racture )erformance
'he manufacturer shall demonstrate the .ea,-=efore-=rea, )erformance of
the desi%n as described in )ara%ra)h 6.7.
>.6.!. N?E defect siDe
6sin% the a))roach described in )ara%ra)h 6.#>.!. the manufacturer shall
establish the ma(imum defect siDe for non-destructi2e e(amination *hich
*ill )re2ent the failure of the cylinder durin% its ser2ice life due to fati%ue, or
failure of the cylinder by ru)ture.
>.7. S)ecification sheet
$ summary of the documents )ro2idin% the information re/uired in
)ara%ra)h >.#. shall be listed on a s)ecification sheet for each cylinder
desi%n. 'he title, reference number, re2ision numbers and dates of ori%inal
issue and 2ersion issues of each document shall be %i2en. $ll documents shall
be si%ned or initialled by the issuer: 'he s)ecification sheet shall be %i2en a
number, and re2ision numbers if a))licable, that can be used to desi%nate the
cylinder desi%n and shall carry the si%nature of the en%ineer res)onsible for
the desi%n. S)ace shall be )ro2ided on the s)ecification sheet for a stam)
indicatin% re%istration of the desi%n.
>.&. $dditional su))ortin% data
,nne3 0,
$dditional data *hich *ould su))ort the a))lication, such as the ser2ice
history of material )ro)osed for use, or the use of a )articular cylinder desi%n
in other ser2ice conditions, shall be )ro2ided *here a))licable.
>.5. $))ro2al and certification
>.5.#. Ins)ection and testin%
E2aluation of conformity is re/uired to be )erformed in accordance *ith the
)ro2isions of )ara%ra)h 5. of this Re%ulation:
In order to ensure that the cylinders are in com)liance *ith this international
Re%ulation, they shall be sub8ect to ins)ection in accordance *ith )ara%ra)hs
6.#3. and 6.#7. )erformed by the +om)etent $uthority.
>.5.!. 'est certificate
If the results of )rototy)e testin% accordin% to )ara%ra)h 6.#3. are
satisfactory, the 'y)e $))ro2al $uthority shall issue a test certificate. $n
e(am)le of a test certificate is %i2en in $))endi( ? to this anne(.
>.5.3. =atch acce)tance certificate
'he 'y)e $))ro2al $uthority shall )re)are an acce)tance certificate as
)ro2ided in $))endi( ? to this anne(.
6. Re/uirements a))licable to all cylinder ty)es
6.#. General
'he follo*in% re/uirements are %enerally a))licable to the cylinder ty)es
s)ecified in )ara%ra)hs 7. to #". 'he desi%n of cylinders shall co2er all
rele2ant as)ects *hich are necessary to ensure that e2ery cylinder )roduced
accordin% to the desi%n is fit for its )ur)ose for the s)ecified ser2ice life:
'y)e +NG-# steel cylinders desi%ned in accordance *ith IS@ 5&"5 and
meetin% all the re/uirements therein are only re/uired to meet the
re/uirements of )ara%ra)hs 6.3.!.7. and 6.5. to 6.#3.
6.!. ?esi%n
'his Re%ulation does not )ro2ide desi%n formulas nor )ermissible stresses or
strains, but re/uires the ade/uacy of the desi%n to be established by
a))ro)riate calculations and demonstrated by cylinders bein% ca)able of
consistently )assin% the materials, desi%n /ualification, )roduction and batch
tests s)ecified in this Re%ulation: $ll desi%ns shall ensure a Klea,a%e before
brea,K failure mode under feasible de%radation of )ressure )arts durin%
normal ser2ice. If lea,a%e of metal cylinders or metal liners occurs, it shall be
only by the %ro*th of a fati%ue crac,.
6.3. <aterials
6.3.#. <aterials used shall be suitable for the ser2ice conditions s)ecified in
)ara%ra)h 7. 'he desi%n shall not ha2e incom)atible materials in contact. 'he
desi%n /ualification tests for materials are summariDed in table 6.#.
6.3.!. Steel
6.3.!.#. +om)osition
Steels shall be aluminium and3or silicon ,illed and )roduced to
)redominantly fine %rain )ractice. 'he chemical com)osition of all steels
shall be declared and defined at least by9
,nne3 0,
0a1 +arbon, man%anese, aluminium and silicon contents in all cases:
0b1 Nic,el, chromium, molybdenum, boron and 2anadium contents, and
any other alloyin% elements intentionally added. 'he follo*in% limits shall
not be e(ceeded in the cast analysis9
Tensile strength 4 567 #Pa 567 #Pa
Sulfur "."!" )er cent "."#" )er cent
Phos)horus "."!" )er cent "."!" )er cent
Sulfur and Phos)horus "."3" )er cent "."!> )er cent
4hen carbon-boron steel is used, a hardenability test in accordance *ith IS@
67!, shall be )erformed on the first and last in%ot or slab of each heat of steel.
'he hardness as measured in a distance of 7.5 mm from the /uenched end,
shall be *ithin the ran%e 33->3 AR+, or 3!7->6" A;, and shall be certified
by the material manufacturer:
6.3.!.!. 'ensile )ro)erties
'he mechanical )ro)erties of the steel in the finished cylinder or liner shall
be determined in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.# 0$))endi( $1. 'he
elon%ation for steel shall be at least #7 )er cent:
6.3.!.3. Im)act )ro)erties
'he im)act )ro)erties of the steel in the finished cylinder or liner shall be
determined in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.! 0$))endi( $1. Im)act 2alues
shall not be less than that indicated in table 6.! of this anne(:
6.3.!.7. =endin% )ro)erties
'he bendin% )ro)erties of the *elded stainless steel in the finished liner shall
be determined in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.3. 0$))endi( $1.
6.3.!.>. <acrosco)ic *eld e(amination
$ macrosco)ic *eld e(amination for each ty)e of *eldin% )rocedure shall be
)erformed. It shall sho* com)lete fusion and shall be free of any assembly
faults or unacce)table defects as s)ecified accordin% to le2el + in EN IS@
6.3.!.6. Sul)hide stress crac,in% resistance
If the u))er limit of the s)ecified tensile stren%th for the steel e(ceeds 5>"
<Pa, the steel from a finished cylinder shall be sub8ected to a sul)hide stress
crac,in% resistance test in accordance *ith $))endi( $ to this anne(, item
$.3. and meet the re/uirements listed therein.
6.3.3. $luminium
6.3.3.#. +om)osition
$luminium alloys shall be /uoted in line *ith $luminium $ssociation
)ractice for a %i2en alloy system. 'he im)urity limits for lead and bismuth in
any aluminium alloy shall not e(ceed ".""3 )er cent:
6.3.3.!. +orrosion tests
$luminium alloys shall meet the re/uirements of the corrosion tests carried
out in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.7 0$))endi( $1: Sustained load crac,in%
,nne3 0,
$luminium alloys shall meet the re/uirements of the sustained load crac,in%
tests carried out in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.> 0$))endi( $1: 'ensile )ro)erties
'he mechanical )ro)erties of the aluminium alloy in the finished cylinder
shall be determined in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.l 0$))endi( $1. 'he
elon%ation for aluminium shall be at least #! )er cent.
6.3.7. Resins
6.3.7.#. General
'he material for im)re%nation may be thermosettin% or thermo)lastic resins.
E(am)les of suitable matri( materials are e)o(y, modified e)o(y, )olyester
and 2inyl ester thermosettin% )lastics, and )olyethylene and )olyamide
thermo)lastic material:
6.3.7.!. Shear stren%th
Resin materials shall be tested in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.!6 0$))endi(
$1, and meet the re/uirements therein: Glass transition tem)erature
'he %lass transition tem)erature of the resin material shall be determined in
accordance *ith $S'< ?37#&.
6.3.>. -ibres
Structural reinforcin% filament material ty)es shall be %lass fibre, aramid
fibre or carbon fibre. If carbon fibre reinforcement is used the desi%n shall
incor)orate means to )re2ent %al2anic corrosion of metallic com)onents of
the cylinder. 'he manufacturer shall ,ee) on file the )ublished s)ecifications
for com)osite materials, the material manufacturerPs recommendations for
stora%e, conditions and shelf life and the material manufacturerPs certification
that each shi)ment conforms to said s)ecification re/uirements. 'he fibre
manufacturer shall certify that the fibre material )ro)erties conform to the
manufacturerPs s)ecifications for the )roduct.
6.3.6 Plastic liners
'he tensile yield stren%th and ultimate elon%ation shall be determined in
accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.!! 0$))endi( $1. 'ests shall demonstrate the
ductile )ro)erties of the )lastic liner material at tem)eratures of ->" F+ or
lo*er by meetin% the 2alues s)ecified by the manufacturer: the )olymeric
material shall be com)atible *ith the ser2ice conditions s)ecified in
)ara%ra)h 7 of this anne(. In accordance *ith the method described in
)ara%ra)h $.!3 0$))endi( $1, the softenin% tem)erature shall be at least
5" F+, and the meltin% tem)erature at least #"" F+.
6.7. 'est )ressure
'he minimum test )ressure used in manufacture shall be 3" <Pa:
6.>. =urst )ressures and fibre stress ratios
-or all ty)es of cylinder the minimum actual burst )ressure shall not be less
than the 2alues %i2en in table 6.3 of this anne(. -or ty)e +NG-!, +NG-3 and
+NG-7 desi%ns the com)osite o2er-*ra) shall be desi%ned for hi%h reliability
under sustained loadin% and cyclic loadin%. 'his reliability shall be achie2ed
by meetin% or e(ceedin% the com)osite reinforcement stress ratio 2alues
,nne3 0,
%i2en in table 6.3 of this anne(. Stress ratio is defined as the stress in the fibre
at the s)ecified minimum burst )ressure di2ided by the stress in the fibre at
*or,in% )ressure. 'he burst ratio is defined as the actual burst )ressure of the
cylinder di2ided by the *or,in% )ressure: -or ty)e +NG-7 desi%ns, the stress
ratio is e/ual to the burst ratio: -or ty)e +NG-! and +NG-3 desi%ns 0metal-
lined, com)osite o2er-*ra))ed1 stress ratio calculations shall include9
0a1 $n analysis method *ith ca)ability for non-linear materials 0s)ecial
)ur)ose com)uter )ro%ram or finite element analysis )ro%ram1:
0b1 Elastic-)lastic stress-strain cur2e for liner material shall be ,no*n
and correctly modelled:
0c1 <echanical )ro)erties of com)osite materials shall be correctly
0d1 +alculations shall be made at9 auto-fretta%e, Dero after auto-fretta%e,
*or,in% and minimum burst )ressures:
0e1 Pre-stresses from *indin% tension shall be accounted for in the
0f1 <inimum burst )ressure shall be chosen such that the calculated
stress at minimum burst )ressure di2ided by the calculated stress at *or,in%
)ressure meets the stress ratio re/uirements for the fibre used:
0%1 4hen analyDin% cylinders *ith hybrid reinforcement 0t*o or more
different fibre ty)es1, the load share bet*een the different fibres shall be
considered based on the different elastic modulii of the fibres. 'he stress ratio
re/uirements for each indi2idual fibre ty)e shall be in accordance *ith the
2alues %i2en in table 6.3. of this anne(. ;erification of the stress ratios may
also be )erformed usin% strain %au%es. $n acce)table method is outlined in
the informati2e $))endi( E to this anne(.
6.6. Stress analysis
$ stress analysis shall be )erformed to 8ustify the minimum desi%n *all
thic,nesses. It shall include the determination of the stresses in liners and
fibres of com)osite desi%ns.
6.7. .ea,-before-brea, 0.==1 assessment
'y)es +NG-#, +NG-! and +NG-3 cylinders shall demonstrate .ea,-=efore-
=rea, 0.==1 )erformance. 'he .== )erformance test shall be carried out in
accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.6 0$))endi( $1. ?emonstration of .==
)erformance is not re/uired for cylinder desi%ns that )ro2ide a fati%ue life
e(ceedin% 7>,""" )ressure cycles *hen tested in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h
$.#3 0$))endi( $1. '*o methods of .== assessment are included for
information in $))endi( - to this anne(.
6.&. Ins)ection and testin%
'he manufacturin% ins)ection shall s)ecify )ro%rammes and )rocedures for9
0a1 <anufacturin% ins)ection, tests and acce)tance criteria: and
0b1 Periodic in ser2ice ins)ection, tests and acce)tance criteria. 'he
inter2al of 2isual reins)ection of the e(ternal cylinder surfaces shall be in
accordance *ith )ara%ra)h 7.#.7. of this anne( unless 2aried by the
+om)etent $uthority. 'he manufacturer shall establish the 2isual reins)ection
re8ection criteria based on the results of )ressure cyclin% tests )erformed on
,nne3 0,
cylinders containin% fla*s. $ %uide for manufacturerPs instructions for
handlin%, use and ins)ection is )ro2ided in $))endi( G to this anne(.
6.5. -ire )rotection
$ll cylinders shall be )rotected from fire *ith )ressure relief de2ices. 'he
cylinder, its materials, )ressure relief de2ices and any added insulation or
)rotecti2e material shall be desi%ned collecti2ely to ensure ade/uate safety
durin% fire conditions in the test s)ecified in )ara%ra)h $.#> 0$))endi( $1.
Pressure relief de2ices shall be tested in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.!7
0$))endi( $1.
6.#". @)enin%s
6.#".#. General
@)enin%s are )ermitted in heads only. +entre line of o)enin%s shall coincide
*ith the lon%itudinal a(is of the cylinder. 'hreads shall be clean cut, e2en,
*ithout surface discontinuities, and to %au%e.
6.##. +ylinder su))orts
'he manufacturer shall s)ecify the means by *hich cylinders shall be
su))orted for installation on 2ehicles. 'he manufacturer shall also su))ly
su))ort installation instructions, includin% clam)in% force and tor/ue to
)ro2ide the re/uired restrainin% force but not cause unacce)table stress in the
cylinder or dama%e to the cylinder surface.
6.#!. E(terior en2ironmental )rotection
'he e(terior of cylinders shall meet the re/uirements of the en2ironmental
test conditions of )ara%ra)h $.#7 0$))endi( $1. E(terior )rotection may be
)ro2ided by usin% any of the follo*in%9
0a1 $ surface finish %i2in% ade/uate )rotection 0e.%. metal s)rayed on
aluminium, anodiDin%1: or
0b1 'he use of a suitable fibre and matri( material 0e.%. carbon fibre in
resin1: or
0c1 $ )rotecti2e coatin% 0e.%. or%anic coatin%, )aint1 that shall meet the
re/uirements of )ara%ra)h $.5 0$))endi( $1.
$ny coatin%s a))lied to cylinders shall be such that the a))lication )rocess
does not ad2ersely affect the mechanical )ro)erties of the cylinder. 'he
coatin% shall be desi%ned to facilitate subse/uent in ser2ice ins)ection and
the manufacturer shall )ro2ide %uidance on coatin% treatment durin% such
ins)ection to ensure the continued inte%rity of the cylinder.
<anufacturers are ad2ised that an en2ironmental )erformance test that
e2aluates the suitability of coatin% systems is )ro2ided in the informati2e
$))endi( A to this anne(.
6.#3. ?esi%n /ualification tests
-or the a))ro2al of each cylinder ty)e the material, desi%n, manufacture and
e(amination shall be )ro2ed to be ade/uate for their intended ser2ice by
meetin% the a))ro)riate re/uirements of the material /ualification tests
summariDed in table 6.# of this anne( and the cylinder /ualification tests
summariDed in table 6.7 of this anne(, *ith all tests in accordance *ith the
rele2ant methods of test as described in $))endi( $ to this anne(. 'he test
,nne3 0,
cylinders or liners shall be selected and the tests *itnessed by the +om)etent
$uthority. If more cylinders or liners are sub8ected to the tests than are
re/uired by this anne(, all results shall be documented.
6.#7. =atch tests
'he batch tests s)ecified in this anne( for each cylinder ty)e shall be
conducted on cylinders or liners ta,en from each batch of finished cylinders
or liners. Aeat treated *itness sam)les sho*n to be re)resentati2e of finished
cylinders or liners may also be used. =atch tests re/uired for each cylinder
ty)e are s)ecified in table 6.> of this anne(.
6.#>. Production e(aminations and tests
6.#>.#. General
Production e(aminations and tests shall be carried out on all cylinders
)roduced in a batch. Each cylinder shall be e(amined durin% manufacture and
after com)letion by the follo*in% means9
0a1 6ltrasonic scannin% 0or demonstrated e/ui2alent1 of metallic cylinders
and liners in accordance *ith =S >"7>, Part #, $nne( =, or demonstrated
e/ui2alent method, to confirm that the ma(imum defect siDe )resent is
smaller than the siDe s)ecified in the desi%n:
0b1 ;erification that the critical dimensions and mass of the com)leted
cylinder and of any liner and o2er-*ra))in% are *ithin desi%n tolerances:
0c1 ;erification of com)liance *ith s)ecified surface finish *ith s)ecial
attention to dee) dra*n surfaces and folds or la)s in the nec, or shoulder of
for%ed or s)un end enclosures or o)enin%s:
0d1 ;erification of mar,in%s:
0e1 Aardness tests of metallic cylinders and liners in accordance *ith
)ara%ra)h &. 0$))endi( $1 shall be carried out after the final heat treatment
and the 2alues thus determined shall be in the ran%e s)ecified for the desi%n:
0f1 Aydrostatic )roof test in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.##.
0$))endi( $1.
$ summary of critical )roduction ins)ection re/uirements to be )erformed on
e2ery cylinder is )ro2ided in table 6.6 of this anne(:
6.#>.!. <a(imum defect siDe
-or ty)e +NG-#, +NG-! and +NG-3 desi%ns, the ma(imum defect siDe at
any location in the metal cylinder or metal liner that *ill not %ro* to a
critical siDe *ithin the s)ecified ser2ice life shall be determined. 'he critical
defect siDe is defined as the limitin% throu%h-*all 0cylinder or liner1 thic,ness
defect that *ould allo* stored %as to be dischar%ed *ithout ru)turin% the
cylinder. ?efect siDes for the re8ection criteria for ultrasonic scannin%, or
e/ui2alent shall be smaller than the ma(imum allo*able defect siDes. -or
ty)e +NG-! and +NG-3 desi%ns assume that there shall be no dama%e to
com)osite due to any time-de)endent mechanisms: the allo*able defect siDe
for N?E shall be determined by an a))ro)riate method. '*o such methods
are outlined in the informati2e $))endi( - to this anne(.
6.#6. -ailure to meet test re/uirements
,nne3 0,
In the e2ent of failure to meet test re/uirements retestin% or reheat treatment
and retestin% shall be carried out as follo*s9
0a1 If there is e2idence of a fault in carryin% out a test, or an error of
measurement, a further test shall be )erformed. If the result of this test is
satisfactory, the first test shall be i%nored:
0b1 If the test has been carried out in a satisfactory manner, the cause of
test failure shall be identified.
If the failure is considered to be due to the heat treatment a))lied, the
manufacturer may sub8ect all the cylinders of the batch to a further heat
If the failure is not due to the heat treatment a))lied, all the identified
defecti2e cylinders shall be re8ected or re)aired by an a))ro2ed method. 'he
non-re8ected cylinders are then considered as a ne* batch.
In both cases the ne* batch shall be retested. $ll the rele2ant )rototy)e or
batch tests needed to )ro2e the acce)tability of the ne* batch shall be
)erformed a%ain. If one or more tests )ro2e e2en )artially unsatisfactory, all
cylinders of the batch shall be re8ected.
6.#7. +han%e of desi%n
$ desi%n chan%e is any chan%e in the selection of structural materials or
dimensional chan%e not attributable to normal manufacturin% tolerances.
<inor desi%n chan%es shall be )ermitted to be /ualified throu%h a reduced
test )ro%ram. +han%es of desi%n s)ecified in table 6.7 shall re/uire desi%n
/ualification testin% as s)ecified in the table.
'able 6.#
6aterial design ualification test
,elevant paragraph of this anne&
Steel Aluminium ,esins *i+res Plastic liners
'ensile )ro)erties 6.3.!.!. 6.3.>. 6.3.6.
Im)act )ro)erties 6.3.!.3.
=endin% )ro)erties 6.3.!.7.
4eld e(amination 6.3.!.>.
Sulfide stress crac,in% resistance 6.3.!.6.
Sustained load crac, resistance
Stress corrosion crac,in% 6.3.3.!.
Shear stren%th 6.3.7.!.
Glass transition tem)erature
Softenin%3<eltin% tem)erature 6.3.6.
-racture mechanicsO 6.7. 6.7.
O Not re/uired if fla*ed cylinder test a))roach in )ara%ra)h $.7. of $))endi( $ is used.
,nne3 0,
'able 6.!
5mpact test accepta%le +alues
+ylinder diameter ? LmmM S #7" #7"
?irection of testin% trans2erse lon%itudinal
4idth of test )iece LmmM 3 - > S > - 7.> S 7.> - #" 3 to >
'est tem)erature L+M ->" ->"
<ean of 3 s)ecimens 3" 3> 7" 6"
Im)act stren%th L3cmTM
Indi2idual s)ecimen !7 !& 3! 7&
'able 6.3
6inimum actual %urst +alues and stress ratios
2urst pressure
Stress ratio
2urst pressure
Stress ratio
2urst pressure
Stress ratio
2urst pressure
$ll metal 7>
Glass !.7> >"
3.6> 7"
3.6> 73
$ramid !.3> 77 3.#" 6"
3.# 6!
+arbon !.3> 77 !.3> 77 !.3> 77
!1 !1 !1
Note 8) - <inimum actual burst )ressure. In addition, calculations shall be )erformed in accordance
*ith )ara%ra)h 6.>. of this anne( to confirm that the minimum stress ratio re/uirements are also met.
Note 9) - Stress ratios and burst )ressures shall be calculated in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h 6.>. of this
,nne3 0,
'able 6.7
!&linder design ualification tests
Test an" anne& reference
Cylin"er type
CN-8 CN-9 CN-: CN-;
$.#! =urst
$.#3 $mbient tem)erat.3cycle
$.#7 $cid en2ironment test
$.#> =onfire
$.#6 Penetration
$.#7 -la* tolerance
$.#& Ai%h tem). cree)
$.#5 Stress ru)ture
$.!" ?ro) test
$.!# Permeation
$.!7 PR? )erformance
$.!> =oss tor/ue test
$.!7 Natural %as cyclin%
$.6 .== assessment
$.7 E(treme
I J re/uired
O J Not re/uired for cylinders desi%ned to IS@ 5&"5 0IS@ 5&"5 already )ro2ides for these tests1.
,nne3 0,
'able 6.>
:atch tests
Test an" anne& reference
Cylin"er type
CN-8 CN-9 CN-: CN-;
$.#! =urst
$.#3 $mbient cycle
$.# 'ensile
$.! Im)act 0steel1
$.5.! +oatin%O
I J re/uired
O J E(ce)t *here no )rotecti2e coatin% is used
U J 'ests on liner material
'able 6.6
!ritical production inspection reuirements
Type CN-8 CN-9 CN-: CN-;
3nspection re1uirement
+ritical dimensions
Surface finish
-la*s 0ultrasonic or e/ui2alent1
Aardness of metal cylinders and metal liners
Aydrostatic )roof test
.ea, test
I J re/uired
,nne3 0,
'able 6.7
!hange of design
7. 'y)e +NG-# metal cylinders
7.#. General
Type of test
.esign change
temp? A>8:
rupture A>85
/igh> temp?
Creep A>8B
.rop test
2oss tor1ue A>96
Permeation A>98
Cycling A>9@
<etallic cylinder
or liner material
Plastic liner
-ibre material I I I I I I I IU
Resin material I I I I
?iameter chan%e
!" )er cent
?iameter chan%e
S !" )er cent
.en%th chan%e
>" )er cent
.en%th chan%e
S >" )er cent
4or,in% )ressure
chan%e !" )er
?ome sha)e I I IU
@)enin% siDe I I
+oatin% chan%e I
End boss desi%n IU
+han%e in manuf.
Pressure relief
I J re/uired
O 'est not re/uired on metal 0+NG-#1 desi%ns9
U 'est only re/uired on all-com)osite 0+NG-71 desi%ns
V 'est only re/uired *hen len%th increases
W @nly *hen thic,ness chan%e )ro)ortional to diameter and3or )ressure chan%e
,nne3 0,
'he desi%n shall identify the ma(imum siDe of an allo*able defect at any
)oint in the cylinder *hich *ill not %ro* to a critical siDe *ithin the s)ecified
retest )eriod, or ser2ice life if no retest is s)ecified, of a cylinder o)eratin% to
the *or,in% )ressure. ?etermination of lea,-before-brea, 0.==1
)erformance shall be done in accordance *ith the a))ro)riate )rocedures
defined in )ara%ra)h $.6 0$))endi( $1. $llo*able defect siDe shall be
determined in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h 6.#>.!. abo2e.
+ylinders desi%ned in accordance *ith IS@ 5&"5 and meetin% all the
re/uirements therein are only re/uired to meet the materials test re/uirements
of )ara%ra)h 6.3.!.7. abo2e and the desi%n /ualification test re/uirements of
)ara%ra)h 7.>., e(ce)t )ara%ra)hs 7.>.!. and 7.>.3. belo*.
7.!. Stress analysis
'he stresses in the cylinder shall be calculated for ! <Pa, !" <Pa, test
)ressure and desi%n burst )ressure. 'he calculations shall use suitable
analysis techni/ues usin% thin-shell theory that ta,es into account out-of-
)lane bendin% of the shell to establish stress distributions at the nec,,
transition re%ions and the cylindrical )art of the cylinder.
7.3. <anufacturin% and )roduction test re/uirements
7.3.#. General
'he ends of aluminium cylinders shall not be closed by a formin% )rocess.
'he base ends of steel cylinders *hich ha2e been closed by formin%, e(ce)t
those cylinders desi%ned in accordance *ith IS@ 5&"5, shall be N?E
ins)ected or e/ui2alent. <etal shall not be added in the )rocess of closure at
the end. Each cylinder shall be e(amined before end formin% o)erations for
thic,ness and surface finish.
$fter end formin% the cylinders shall be heat treated to the hardness ran%e
s)ecified for the desi%n. .ocaliDed heat treatment is not )ermitted.
4hen a nec, rin%, foot rin% or attachments for su))ort are )ro2ided, it shall
be of material com)atible *ith that of the cylinder and shall be securely
attached by a method other than *eldin%, braDin% or solderin%.
7.3.!. Non-destructi2e e(amination
'he follo*in% tests shall be carried out on each metallic cylinder9
0a1 Aardness test in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.& 0$))endi( $1,
0b1 6ltrasonic e(amination, in accordance *ith =S >"7>, Part #, $nne( I,
or demonstrated e/ui2alent N?' method, to ensure that the ma(imum defect
siDe does not e(ceed the siDe s)ecified in the desi%n as determined in
accordance *ith )ara%ra)h 6.#>.!. abo2e.
7.3.3. Aydrostatic )ressure testin%
Each finished cylinder shall be hydrostatically )ressure tested in accordance
*ith )ara%ra)h $.## 0$))endi( $1.
7.7. +ylinder batch tests
=atch testin% shall be conducted on finished cylinders *hich are re)resentati2e
of normal )roduction and are com)lete *ith identification mar,s. '*o
cylinders shall be randomly selected from each batch. If more cylinders are
,nne3 0,
sub8ected to the tests than are re/uired by this anne(, all results shall be
documented. 'he follo*in% tests shall as a minimum be carried out on these.
0a1 =atch materials tests. @ne cylinder, or a heat treat *itness sam)le
re)resentati2e of a finished cylinder, shall be sub8ected to the follo*in% tests9
0i1 +ritical dimensions chec,ed a%ainst the desi%n:
0ii1 @ne tensile test in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.#
0$))endi( $1 and meet the re/uirements of the desi%n:
0iii1 -or steel cylinders, three im)act tests in accordance *ith
)ara%ra)h $.! 0$))endi( $1 and meet the re/uirements of )ara%ra)h
6.3.!.3. abo2e:
0i21 4hen a )rotecti2e coatin% is a )art of the desi%n, the coatin%
shall be tested in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.5.! 0$))endi( $1:
$ll cylinders re)resented by a batch test *hich fail to meet the s)ecified
re/uirements shall follo* the )rocedures s)ecified in )ara%ra)h 6.#6. abo2e.
4here the coatin% fails to meet the re/uirements of )ara%ra)h $.5.!
0$))endi( $1, the batch shall be #"" )er cent ins)ected to remo2e similarly
defecti2e cylinders. 'he coatin% on all defecti2e cylinders may be stri))ed
and recoated. 'he coatin% batch test shall then be re)eated:
0b1 =atch burst test. @ne cylinder shall be hydrostatically )ressuriDed to
burst in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.#! 0$))endi( $1.
If the burst )ressure is less than the minimum calculated burst )ressure the
)rocedures s)ecified in )ara%ra)h 6.#6. abo2e shall be follo*ed.
0c1 Periodic )ressure cyclin% test. -inished cylinders shall be )ressure
cycled in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.#3 0$))endi( $1 at a test fre/uency
defined as follo*s9
0i1 @ne cylinder from each batch shall be )ressure cycled for a
total of #,""" times the s)ecified ser2ice life in years, *ith a minimum
#>,""" cycles:
0ii1 @n #" se/uential )roduction batches of a desi%n family 0i.e.
similar materials and )rocesses1, should none of the )ressure cycled
cylinders in 0i1 abo2e lea, or ru)ture in less than #,>"" cycles times
the s)ecified life in years 0minimum !!,>"" cycles1 then the )ressure
cycle test can be reduced to one cylinder from e2ery > batches of
0iii1 @n #" se/uential )roduction batches of a desi%n family, should
none of the )ressure cycled cylinders in 0i1 abo2e lea, or ra)ture in less
than !,""" cycles times the s)ecified ser2ice life in years 0minimum
3",""" cycles1 then the )ressure cycle test can be reduced to one
cylinder from e2ery #" batches of )roduction:
0i21 Should more than 6 months ha2e e()ired since the last batch of
)roduction. then a cylinder from the ne(t batch of )roduction shall be
)ressure cycle tested in order to maintain the reduced fre/uency of
batch testin% in 0ii1 or 0iii1 abo2e.
021 Should any reduced fre/uency )ressure cycle test cylinder in
0ii1 or 0iii1 abo2e fail to meet the re/uired number of )ressure cycles
0minimum !!,>"" or 3",""" )ressure cycles, res)ecti2ely,1 then it
,nne3 0,
shall be necessary to re)eat the batch )ressure cycle test fre/uency in
0i1 for a minimum #" )roduction batches in order to re-establish the
reduced fre/uency of batch )ressure cycle testin% in 0ii1 or 0iii1 abo2e.
02i1 Should any cylinder in 0i1, 0ii1, or 0iii1 abo2e fail to meet the
minimum cycle life re/uirement of #,""" cycles times the s)ecified
ser2ice life in years 0minimum #>,""" cycles1, then the cause of
failure shall be determined and corrected follo*in% the )rocedures in
)ara%ra)h 6.#6. 'he )ressure cycle test shall then be re)eated on an
additional three cylinders from that batch. Should any of the three
additional cylinders fail to meet the minimum )ressure cyclin%
re/uirement of #,""" cycles times the s)ecified ser2ice life in years,
then the batch shall be re8ected.
7.>. +ylinder desi%n /ualification tests
7.>.#. General
Eualification testin% shall be conducted on finished cylinders *hich are
re)resentati2e of normal )roduction and com)lete *ith identification mar,s.
Selection, *itnessin% and documentation of the results shall be in accordance
*ith )ara%ra)h 6.#3. abo2e.
7.>.!. Aydrostatic )ressure burst test
'hree re)resentati2e cylinders shall be hydrostatically )ressurised to failure
in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.#!. 0$))endi( $ to this anne(1. 'he cylinder
burst )ressures shall e(ceed the minimum burst )ressure calculated by the
stress analysis for the desi%n, and shall be at least 7> <Pa.
7.>.3. $mbient tem)erature )ressure cyclin% test.
'*o finished cylinders shall be )ressure cycled at ambient tem)erature in
accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.#3 0$))endi( $1 to failure, or to a minimum of
7>,""" cycles. 'he cylinders shall not fail before reachin% the s)ecified
ser2ice life in years times #,""" cycles. +ylinders e(ceedin% #,""" cycles
times the s)ecified ser2ice life in years shall fail by lea,a%e and not by
ru)ture. +ylinders *hich do not fail *ithin 7>,""" cycles shall be destroyed
either by continuin% the cyclin% until failure occurs, or by hydrostatically
)ressurisin% to burst. 'he number of cycles to failure and the location of the
failure initiation shall be recorded.
7.>.7. =onfire test
'ests shall be conducted in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.#> 0$))endi( $1
and meet the re/uirements therein.
7.>.>. Penetration test
'est shall be conducted in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.#6 0$))endi( $1 and
meet the re/uirements therein.
7.>.6. .== )erformance
-or cylinder desi%ns not e(ceedin% 7>,""" cycles *hen tested as )er
)ara%ra)h 7.>.3. abo2e, .== )erformance tests shall be conducted in
accordance *ith $.6 and meet the re/uirements therein.
&. 'y)e +NG-! hoo)-*ra))ed cylinders
&.#. General
,nne3 0,
?urin% )ressurisation, this ty)e of cylinder desi%n has a beha2iour in *hich
the dis)lacements of the com)osite o2er-*ra) and the metal liner are linearly
su)erim)osed. ?ue to different techni/ues of manufacture, this anne( does
not %i2e a definite method for desi%n.
?etermination of the lea,-before-brea, 0.==1 )erformance shall be in
accordance *ith the a))ro)riate )rocedures defined in )ara%ra)h $.6
0$))endi( $1. $llo*able defect siDe shall be determined in accordance *ith
)ara%ra)h 6.#>.!. abo2e.
&.!. ?esi%n re/uirements
&.!.#. <etal liner
'he metal liner shall ha2e a minimum actual burst )ressure of !6 <Pa.
&.!.!. +om)osite o2er-*ra)
'he tensile stress in the fibres shall meet the re/uirements of )ara%ra)h 6.>.
&.!.3. Stress analysis
'he stresses in the com)osite and in the liner after )restress shall be
calculated. 'he )ressures used for these calculations shall be Dero, ! <Pa,
!" <Pa test )ressure and desi%n burst )ressure. 'he calculations shall use
suitable analysis techni/ues usin% thin-shell theory ta,in% account of non-
linear material beha2iour of the liner to establish stress distributions at the
nec,, transition re%ions and the cylindrical )art of the liner.
-or desi%ns usin% auto-fretta%e to )ro2ide )restress, the limits *ithin *hich
the auto-fretta%e )ressure must fall shall be calculated.
-or desi%ns usin% controlled tension *indin% to )ro2ide )restress, the
tem)erature at *hich it is )erformed, the tension re/uired in each layer of
com)osite and the conse/uent )restress in the liner shall be calculated.
&.3. <anufacturin% re/uirements
&.3.#. General
'he com)osite cylinder shall be fabricated from a liner o2er-*ra))ed *ith
continuous filament *indin%s. -ilament *indin% o)erations shall be
com)uter or mechanically controlled. 'he filaments shall be a))lied under
controlled tension durin% *indin%. $fter *indin% is com)lete, thermosettin%
resins shall be cured by heatin%, usin% a )redetermined and controlled time-
tem)erature )rofile.
&.3.!. .iner
'he manufacture of a metallic liner shall meet the re/uirements %i2en under
)ara%ra)h 7.3. abo2e for the a))ro)riate ty)e of liner construction.
&.3.3. @2er-*ra)
'he cylinders shall be fabricated in a filament *indin% machine. ?urin%
*indin% the si%nificant 2ariables shall be monitored *ithin s)ecified
tolerances, and documented in a *indin% record. 'hese 2ariables can include
but are not limited to9
0a1 -ibre ty)e includin% siDin%:
0b1 <anner of im)re%nation:
,nne3 0,
0c1 4indin% tension:
0d1 4indin% s)eed:
0e1 Number of ro2in%s:
0f1 =and *idth:
0%1 'y)e of resin and com)osition:
0h1 'em)erature of the resin:
0i1 'em)erature of the liner.
&.3.3.#. +urin% of thermosettin% resins
If a thermosettin% resin is used, the resin shall be cured after filament
*indin%. ?urin% the curin%, the curin% cycle 0i.e. the time-tem)erature
history1 shall be documented.
'he curin% tem)erature shall be controlled and shall not affect the material
)ro)erties of the liner. 'he ma(imum curin% tem)erature for cylinders *ith
aluminium liners is #77 F+.
&.3.7. $uto-fretta%e
$uto-fretta%e, if used, shall be carried out before the hydrostatic )ressure test.
'he auto-fretta%e )ressure shall be *ithin the limits established in
)ara%ra)h &.!.3. abo2e, and the manufacturer shall establish the method to
2erify the a))ro)riate )ressure.
&.7. Production test re/uirements
&.7.#. Non-destructi2e e(amination
Non-destructi2e e(aminations shall be carried out in accordance *ith a
reco%niDed IS@ or an e/ui2alent standard. 'he follo*in% tests shall be carried
out on each metallic liner9
0a1 Aardness test in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.& 0$))endi( $1:
0b1 6ltrasonic e(amination, in accordance *ith =S >"7>, Part #, $nne(
#=, or demonstrated e/ui2alent N?' method, to ensure that the ma(imum
defect siDe does not e(ceed the siDe s)ecified in the desi%n.
&.7.!. Aydrostatic )ressure testin%
Each finished cylinder shall be hydrostatically )ressure tested in accordance
*ith )ara%ra)h $.## 0$))endi( $1. 'he manufacturer shall define the
a))ro)riate limit of )ermanent 2olumetric e()ansion for the test )ressure
used, but in no case shall the )ermanent e()ansion e(ceed >)er cent of the
total 2olumetric e()ansion at test )ressure. $ny cylinders not meetin% the
defined re8ection limit shall be re8ected and either destroyed or used for batch
rest )ur)oses.
&.>. +ylinder batch tests
&.>.#. General
=atch testin% shall be conducted on finished cylinders *hich are
re)resentati2e of normal )roduction and are com)lete *ith identification
mar,s. '*o cylinders, or a cylinder and a liner as a))ro)riate, shall be
randomly selected from each batch. If more cylinders are sub8ected to the
,nne3 0,
tests than are re/uired by this anne(, all results shall be documented. 'he
follo*in% tests shall as a minimum be carried out on these.
4here defects are detected in o2er-*ra))in% before any auto-fretta%e or
hydrostatic )ressure testin%, the o2er-*ra))in% may be com)letely remo2ed
and re)laced:
0a1 =atch materials tests. @ne cylinder, or liner, or heat treat *itness
sam)le that is re)resentati2e of a finished cylinder, shall be sub8ected to the
follo*in% tests9
0i1 ?imensions chec,ed a%ainst the desi%n:
0ii1 @ne tensile test in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.# 0$))endi(
$1 and meet the re/uirements of the desi%n:
0iii1 -or steel liners, three im)act tests in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h
$.! 0$))endi( $1 and meet the re/uirements of the desi%n:
0i21 4hen a )rotecti2e coatin% is a )art of the desi%n, the coatin%
shall be tested in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.5.! 0$))endi( $1 and
meet the re/uirements therein. $ll cylinders or liners re)resented by a
batch test *hich fails to meet the re/uirements s)ecified shall follo*
the )rocedures s)ecified in )ara%ra)h 6.#6. abo2e.
4here the coatin% fails to meet the re/uirements of )ara%ra)h $.5.!.
0$))endi( $1, the batch shall be #"" )er cent ins)ected to remo2e similarly
defecti2e cylinders. 'he coatin% on all defecti2e cylinders may be stri))ed
usin% a method that does not affect the inte%rity of the com)osite *ra))in%,
and recoated. 'he coatin% batch test shall then be re)eated.
0b1 =atch burst test. @ne cylinder shall be tested in accordance *ith the
re/uirements of )ara%ra)h 7.70b1 abo2e:
0c1 Periodic )ressure cyclin% test. In accordance *ith the re/uirements of
)ara%ra)h 7.70c1 abo2e.
&.6. +ylinder desi%n /ualification tests
&.6.#. General
Eualification testin% shall be conducted on cylinders *hich are re)resentati2e
of normal )roduction and com)lete *ith identification mar,s. Selection,
*itnessin% and documentation of the results shall com)ly *ith
)ara%ra)h 6.#3. abo2e.
&.6.!. Aydrostatic )ressure burst test
0a1 @ne liner shall be hydrostatically burst in accordance *ith
)ara%ra)h $.#!. 0$))endi( $1. 'he burst )ressure shall e(ceed the minimum
burst )ressure s)ecified for the liner desi%n:
0b1 'hree cylinders shall be hydrostatically burst in accordance *ith
)ara%ra)h $.#! 0$))endi( $1. +ylinder burst )ressures shall e(ceed the
s)ecified minimum burst )ressure established by the stress analysis for the
desi%n, in accordance *ith table 6.3, and in no case less than the 2alue
necessary to meet the stress ratio re/uirements of )ara%ra)h 6.> abo2e.
&.6.3. $mbient tem)erature )ressure cyclin% test
'*o finished cylinders shall be )ressure cycle tested at ambient tem)erature
in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.#3 0$))endi( $1 to failure, or to a minimum
,nne3 0,
of 7>,""" cycles. 'he cylinders shall not fail before reachin% the s)ecified
ser2ice life in years times #,""" cycles. +ylinders e(ceedin% #""" cycles
times the s)ecified ser2ice life in years shall fail by lea,a%e and not by
ru)ture. +ylinders *hich do not fail *ithin 7>,""" cycles shall be destroyed
either by continuin% the cyclin% until failure occurs, or by hydrostatically
)ressuriDin% to burst. +ylinders e(ceedin% 7>,""" cycles are )ermitted to fail
by ru)ture. 'he number of cycles to failure and the location of the failure
initiation shall be recorded.
&.6.7. $cid en2ironment test
@ne cylinder shall be tested in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.#7 0$))endi( $1
and meet the re/uirements therein. $n o)tional en2ironmental test is included
in the informati2e $))endi( A to this anne(.
&.6.>. =onfire test
-inished cylinders shall be tested in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.#>
0$))endi( $1 and meet the re/uirements therein.
&.6.6. Penetration test
@ne finished cylinder shall be tested in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.#6
0$))endi( $1 and meet the re/uirements therein.
&.6.7. -la* tolerance tests
@ne finished cylinder shall be tested in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.#7
0$))endi( $1 and meet the re/uirements therein.
&.6.&. Ai%h tem)erature cree) test
In desi%ns *here the %lass transition tem)erature of the resin does not e(ceed
the ma(imum desi%n material tem)erature by at least !" F+, one cylinder
shall be tested in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.#& 0$))endi( $1 and meet the
re/uirements therein.
&.6.5. $ccelerated stress ru)ture test
@ne finished cylinder shall be tested in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.#5
0$))endi( $1 and meet the re/uirements therein.
&.6.#". .== )erformance
-or cylinder desi%ns not e(ceedin% 7>,""" cycles *hen tested as )er
)ara%ra)h &.6.3. abo2e, .== )erformance tests shall be conducted in
accordance *ith $.6 and meet the re/uirements therein.
&.6.##. E(treme tem)erature )ressure cyclin% test
@ne finished cylinder shall be tested in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.7
0$))endi( $1 and meet the re/uirements therein.
5. 'y)e +NG-3 fully-*ra))ed cylinders
5.#. General
?urin% )ressurisation, this ty)e of cylinder has a beha2iour in *hich the
dis)lacements of the com)osite o2er-*ra) and the liner are su)erim)osed.
?ue to different techni/ues of manufacture, this anne( does not %i2e a
definite method for desi%n: ?etermination of the lea,-before-brea, 0.==1
)erformance shall be in accordance *ith the a))ro)riate )rocedures defined
,nne3 0,
in )ara%ra)h $.6 0$))endi( $1. $llo*able defect siDe shall be determined in
accordance *ith )ara%ra)h 6.#>.!. abo2e.
5.!. ?esi%n re/uirements
5.!.#. <etal liner
'he com)ressi2e stress in the liner at Dero )ressure and #> F+ shall not cause
the liner to buc,le or crease.
5.!.!. +om)osite o2er-*ra)
'he tensile stress in the fibres shall meet the re/uirements of )ara%ra)h 6.>.
5.!.3. Stress analysis
'he stresses in the tan%ential and lon%itudinal direction of the cylinder in the
com)osite and in the liner after )ressure shall be calculated. 'he )ressure
used for these calculations shall be Dero, *or,in% )ressure, #" )er cent of
*or,in% )ressure, test )ressure and desi%n burst )ressure. 'he limits, *ithin
*hich auto-fretta%in% )ressure must fall, shall be calculated. 'he calculations
shall use suitable analysis techni/ues usin% thin-shell theory ta,in% account
of non-linear material beha2iour of the liner to establish stress distributions at
the nec,, transition re%ions and the cylindrical )art of the liner.
5.3. <anufacturin% re/uirements
<anufacturin% re/uirements shall be in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h &.3.
abo2e e(ce)t that the o2er-*ra) shall also include helically *ound filaments.
5.7. Production test re/uirements
Production test re/uirements shall be in accordance *ith the re/uirements of
)ara%ra)h &.7. abo2e.
5.>. +ylinder batch tests
'he batch tests shall be in accordance *ith the re/uirements of )ara%ra)h &.>.
5.6. +ylinder desi%n /ualification tests
+ylinder desi%n /ualification tests shall be in accordance *ith the
re/uirements of )ara%ra)h &.6. abo2e, and )ara%ra)h 5.6.#. belo*, e(ce)t that
the liner burst in )ara%ra)h &.6. abo2e is not re/uired.
5.6.#. ?ro) test
@ne or more finished cylinders shall be dro) tested in accordance *ith
)ara%ra)h $.3" 0$))endi( $1.
#". 'y)e +NG-7 all-com)osite cylinders
#".#. General
'his anne( does not %i2e a definite method for the desi%n of cylinders *ith
)olymeric liners because of the 2ariety of cylinder desi%ns )ossible.
#".!. ?esi%n re/uirements
?esi%n calculations shall be used to )ro2ide 8ustification of desi%n ade/uacy.
'he tensile stresses in the fibres shall meet the re/uirements of )ara%ra)h 6.>.
,nne3 0,
'a)ered and strai%ht threads in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h 6.#".!. or 6.#".3.
abo2e shall be used on the metal end bosses.
<etal end bosses *ith threaded o)enin%s shall be able to *ithstand a tor/ue
force of >"" Nm, *ithout dama%in% the inte%rity of the connection to the
non-metallic liner. 'he metal end bosses connected to the non-metallic liner
shall be of a material com)atible *ith the ser2ice conditions s)ecified in
)ara%ra)h 7. of this anne(.
#".3. Stress analysis
'he stresses in the tan%ential and lon%itudinal direction of the cylinder in the
com)osite and in the liner shall be calculated. 'he )ressures used for these
calculations shall be Dero, *or,in% )ressure, test )ressure and desi%n burst
)ressure. 'he calculations shall use suitable analysis techni/ues to establish
stress distribution throu%hout the cylinder.
#".7. <anufacturin% re/uirements
<anufacturin% re/uirements shall be in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h &.3.
abo2e e(ce)t that the curin% tem)erature for thermosettin% resins shall be at
least #" F+ belo* the softenin% tem)erature of the )lastic liner.
#".>. Production test re/uirements
#".>.#. Aydrostatic )ressure testin%
Each finished cylinder shall be hydrostatically )ressure tested in accordance
*ith )ara%ra)h $.## 0$))endi( $1. 'he manufacturer shall define the
a))ro)riate limit of elastic e()ansion for the test )ressure used, but in no case
shall the elastic e()ansion of any cylinder e(ceed the a2era%e batch 2alue by
more than #" )er cent. $ny cylinders not meetin% the defined re8ection limit
shall be re8ected and either destroyed or used for batch test )ur)oses.
#".>.!. .ea, testin%
Each finished cylinder shall be lea, tested in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.#"
0$))endi( $1 and meet the re/uirements therein.
#".6. +ylinder batch tests
#".6.#. General
=atch testin% shall be conducted on finished cylinders *hich are
re)resentati2e of normal )roduction and are com)lete *ith identification
mar,s. @ne cylinder shall be randomly selected from each batch. If more
cylinders are sub8ected to the tests than are re/uired by this anne(, all results
shall be documented. 'he follo*in% tests shall as a minimum be carried out
on these.
0a1 =atch materials test
@ne cylinder, or liner, or liner *itness sam)le that is re)resentati2e of
a finished cylinder, shall be sub8ected to the follo*in% tests9
0i1 ?imensions chec,ed a%ainst the desi%n:
0ii1 @ne tensile test of the )lastic liner in accordance *ith
)ara%ra)h $.!! 0$))endi( $1 and meet the re/uirements of the
,nne3 0,
0iii1 'he melt tem)erature of the )lastic liner shall be tested in
accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.!3 0$))endi( $1, and meet the
re/uirements of the desi%n:
0i21 4hen a )rotecti2e coatin% is a )art of the desi%n, the coatin%
shall be tested in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.5.!. 0$))endi( $1.
4here the coatin% fails to meet the re/uirements of )ara%ra)h $.5.!.
0$))endi( $1, the batch shall be #"" )er cent ins)ected to remo2e
similarly defecti2e cylinders. 'he coatin% on all defecti2e cylinders
may be stri))ed usin% a method that does not affect the inte%rity of the
com)osite *ra))in%, and recoated. 'he coatin% batch test shall then be
0b1 =atch burst test
@ne cylinder shall be tested in accordance *ith the re/uirements of
)ara%ra)h 7.7.0b1 abo2e:
0c1 Periodic )ressure cyclin% test
@n one cylinder the end boss shall be tor/ue tested to >"" Nm in
accordance *ith the test method in )ara%ra)h $.!> 0$))endi( $1. 'he
cylinder shall then be )ressure cycle tested in accordance *ith the
)rocedures )ro2ided in )ara%ra)h 7.7.0c1 abo2e.
-ollo*in% the re/uired )ressure cyclin%, the cylinder shall be lea, tested in
accordance *ith the method described in )ara%ra)h $.#" 0$))endi( $1 and
meet the re/uirements therein.
#".7. +ylinder desi%n /ualification tests
#".7.#. General
+ylinder desi%n /ualification tests shall be in accordance *ith the
re/uirements of )ara%ra)hs &.6., #".7.!., #".7.3. and #".7.7. of this anne(,
e(ce)t that the .== )erformance in )ara%ra)h &.6.#". abo2e is not re/uired.
#".7.!. =oss tor/ue test
@ne cylinder shall be tested in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.!>
0$))endi( $1.
#".7.3. Permeation test
@ne cylinder shall be tested for )ermeation in accordance *ith
)ara%ra)h $.!# 0$))endi( $1 and meet the re/uirements therein.
#".7.7. Natural %as cyclin% test
@ne finished cylinder shall be tested in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.!7
0$))endi( $1 and meet the re/uirements therein.
##. <ar,in%
##.#. Pro2ision of mar,in%
@n each cylinder the manufacturer shall )ro2ide clear )ermanent mar,in%s
not less than 6 mm hi%h. <ar,in% shall be made either by labels incor)orated
into resin coatin%s, labels attached by adhesi2e, lo* stress stam)s used on the
thic,ened ends of ty)e +NG-# and +NG-! desi%ns, or any combination of
the abo2e. $dhesi2e labels and their a))lication shall be in accordance *ith
IS@ 7!!>, or an e/ui2alent standard. <ulti)le labels are allo*ed and should
,nne3 0,
be located such that they are not obscured by mountin% brac,ets. Each
cylinder com)lyin% *ith this anne( shall be mar,ed as follo*s9
0a1 <andatory information9
0i1 K+NG @N.NK:
0ii1 K?@ N@' 6SE $-'ER II3IIIIK, *here KII3IIIK
identifies the month and year of e()iry
0iii1 <anufacturerPs identification:
0i21 +ylinder identification 0a))licable )art number and a serial
number uni/ue for e2ery cylinder1:
021 4or,in% )ressure and tem)erature:
02i1 E+E Re%ulation number, alon% *ith cylinder ty)e and
certification re%istration number:
02ii1 'he )ressure relief de2ices and3or 2al2es *hich are /ualified
for use *ith the cylinder, or the means for obtainin% information on
/ualified fire )rotection systems:
02iii1 4hen labels are used, all cylinders shall ha2e a uni/ue
identification number stam)ed on an e()osed metal surface to )ermit
tracin% in the e2ent that the label is destroyed:
0b1 Non-mandatory information9
@n a se)arate label0s1 the follo*in% non-mandatory information may
be )ro2ided9
0i1 Gas tem)erature ran%e, e.%. -7" F+ to 6> F+:
0ii1 Nominal *ater ca)acity of the cylinder to t*o si%nificant
numbers. e.%. #!" litres:
0iii1 ?ate of ori%inal )ressure test 0month and year1.
'he mar,in%s shall be )laced in the listed se/uence but the s)ecific
arran%ement may be 2aried to match the s)ace a2ailable. $n acce)table
e(am)le of mandatory information is9
+NG @N.N
?@ N@' 6SE $-'ER ..3....
<anufacturer3Part Number3Serial Number
!" <Pa3#> +
E+E R ##" +NG-! 0re%istration No. Q1
K6se @nly <anufacturer-$))ro2ed Pressure Relief ?e2iceK
#!. Pre)aration for dis)atch
Prior to dis)atch from the manufacturers sho), e2ery cylinder shall be
internally clean and dried. +ylinders not immediately closed by the fittin% of
a 2al2e, and safety de2ices if a))licable, shall ha2e )lu%s, *hich )re2ent
entry of moisture and )rotect threads, fitted to all o)enin%s. $ corrosion
'he e()iry date shall not e(ceed the s)ecified ser2ice life. 'he e()iry date may be
a))lied to the cylinder at the time of dis)atch, )ro2ided that the cylinders ha2e been stored in a dry
location *ithout internal )ressure.
,nne3 0,
inhibitor 0e.%. oil-containin%1 shall be s)rayed into all steel cylinders and
liners )rior to dis)atch.
'he manufacturerPs statement of ser2ice and all necessary information to
ensure the )ro)er handlin%, use and in-ser2ice ins)ection of the cylinder shall
be su))lied to the )urchaser. 'he statement shall be in accordance *ith
$))endi( ? to this anne(.
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 ,
,nne3 0, - ,ppendi3 ,
(est methods
$.#. 'ensile tests, steel and aluminium
$ tensile test shall be carried out on the material ta,en from the cylindrical
)art of the finished cylinder usin% a rectan%ular test )iece sha)ed in
accordance *ith the method described in IS@ 5&"5 for steel and IS@ 7&66
for aluminium. -or cylinders *ith *elded stainless steel liners, tensile tests
shall be also carried out on material ta,en from the *elds in accordance *ith
the method described in )ara%ra)h &.7. of EN #33!!-!. 'he t*o faces of the
test )ieces re)resentin% the inside and outside surface of the cylinder shall not
be machined. 'he tensile test shall be carried out in accordance *ith
IS@ 6&5!.
Note - $ttention is dra*n to the method of measurement of elon%ation
described in IS@ 6&5!, )articularly in cases *here the tensile test )iece is
ta)ered, resultin% in a )oint of fracture a*ay from the middle of the %au%e
$.!. Im)act test, steel cylinders and steel liners
'he im)act test shall be carried out on the material ta,en from the cylindrical
)art of the finished cylinder on three test )ieces in accordance *ith IS@ #7&.
'he im)act test )ieces shall be ta,en in the direction as re/uired in table 6.!
of $nne( 3 from the *all of the cylinder. -or cylinders *ith *elded stainless
steel liners, im)act tests shall be also carried out on material ta,en from the
*eld in accordance *ith the method described in )ara%ra)h &.6. of EN
#33!!-!. 'he notch shall be )er)endicular to the face of the cylinder *all.
-or lon%itudinal tests the test )iece shall be machined all o2er 0on si( faces1,
if the *all thic,ness does not )ermit a final test )iece *idth of #" mm, the
*idth shall be as near as )racticable to the nominal thic,ness of the cylinder
*all. 'he test )ieces ta,en in trans2erse direction shall be machined on four
faces only, the inner and outer face of the cylinder *all unmachined.
$.3. Sul)hide stress crac,in% test for steel
E(ce)t as identified in the follo*in%, testin% shall be conducted in
accordance *ith <ethod $-N$+E Standard 'ensile 'est )rocedures, as
described in N$+E Standard '<"#77-56. 'ests shall be conducted on a
minimum of three tensile s)ecimens *ith a %au%e diameter of 3.&# mm
0".#>" inches1 machined from the *all of a finished cylinder or liner. 'he
s)ecimens shall be )laced under a constant tensile load e/ual to 6" )er cent
of the s)ecified minimum yield stren%th of the steel, immersed in a solution
of distilled *ater buffered *ith ".> )er cent 0mass fraction1 sodium acetate
trihydrate and ad8usted to an initial )A of 7.", usin% acetic acid.
'he solution shall be continuously saturated at room tem)erature and
)ressure *ith ".7#7 ,Pa 0"."6 )sia1 hydro%en sul)hide 0balance nitro%en1.
'he tested s)ecimens shall not fail *ithin a test duration of #77 hours.
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 ,
$.7. +orrosion tests, aluminium
+orrosion tests for aluminium alloys shall be carried out in accordance *ith
$nne( $ of IS@3?IS 7&66 and meet the re/uirements therein.
$.>. Sustained load crac,in% tests, aluminium
'he resistance to S.+ shall be carried out in accordance *ith $nne( ? of
IS@3?IS 7&66 and shall meet the re/uirements therein:
$.6. .ea,-=efore-=rea, 0.==1 )erformance test
'hree finished cylinders shall be )ressure cycled bet*een not more than !
<Pa and nor less than 3" <Pa at a rate not to e(ceed #" cycles )er minute.
$ll cylinders shall fail by lea,a%e.
$.7. E(treme tem)erature )ressure cyclin%
-inished cylinders, *ith the com)osite *ra))in% free of any )rotecti2e
coatin%, shall be cycle tested, *ithout sho*in% e2idence of ru)ture, lea,a%e,
or fibre unra2ellin%, as follo*s9
0a1 +ondition for 7& hours at Dero )ressure, 6> F+ or hi%her, and 5> )er
cent or %reater relati2e humidity. 'he intent of this re/uirement shall
be deemed met by s)rayin% *ith a fine s)ray or mist of *ater in a
chamber held at 6> F+:
0b1 Aydrostatically )ressuriDed for >"" cycles times the s)ecified ser2ice
life in years bet*een not more than ! <Pa and not less than !6 <Pa at
6> F or hi%her and 5> )er cent humidity:
0c1 StabiliDe at Dero )ressure and ambient tem)erature:
0d1 'hen )ressuriDe from not more than ! <Pa to not less than !" <Pa for
>"" cycles times the s)ecified ser2ice life in years at -7" F+ or lo*er:
'he )ressure cyclin% rate of b1 shall not e(ceed #" cycles )er minute. 'he
)ressure cyclin% rate of d1 shall not e(ceed 3 cycles )er minute unless a
)ressure transducer is installed directly *ithin the cylinder. $de/uate
recordin% instrumentation shall be )ro2ided to ensure the minimum
tem)erature of the fluid is maintained durin% the lo* tem)erature cyclin%.
-ollo*in% )ressure cyclin% at e(treme tem)eratures, cylinders shall be
hydrostatically )ressured to failure in accordance *ith the hydrostatic burst
test re/uirements, and achie2e a minimum burst )ressure of &> )er cent of the
minimum desi%n burst )ressure. -or ty)e +NG-7 desi%ns, )rior to the
hydrostatic burst test the cylinder shall be lea, tested in accordance *ith
)ara%ra)h $.#" belo*.
$.&. =rinell hardness test
Aardness tests shall be carried out on the )arallel *all at the centre and a
domed end of each cylinder or liner in accordance *ith IS@ 6>"6. 'he test
shall be carried out after the final heat treatment and the hardness 2alues thus
determined shall be in the ran%e s)ecified for the desi%n.
$.5. +oatin% tests 0mandatory if )ara%ra)h 6.#!.c1 of $nne( 3 is used1
$.5.#. +oatin% )erformance tests
+oatin%s shall be e2aluated usin% the follo*in% test methods, or usin%
e/ui2alent national standards.
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 ,
0a1 $dhesion testin% in accordance *ith .S@ 76!7 usin% <ethod $ or =
as a))licable. 'he coatin% shall e(hibit an adhesion ratin% of either 7$ or 7=,
as a))licable:
0b1 -le(ibility in accordance *ith $S'< ?>!! <andrel =end 'est of
$ttached @r%anic +oatin%s, usin% 'est <ethod = *ith a #!.7 mm 0".> in1
mandrel at the s)ecified thic,ness at -!" F+. Sam)les for the fle(ibility test
shall be )re)ared in accordance *ith the $S'< ?>!! standard. 'here shall
not be any 2isually a))arent crac,s:
0c1 Im)act resistance in accordance *ith $S'< ?!757 'est method for
Resistance of @r%anic +oatin%s to the Effects of Ra)id ?eformation
0Im)act1. 'he coatin% at room tem)erature shall )ass a for*ard im)act test of
#& 0#6" in-lbs1:
0d1 chemical resistance *hen tested in %eneral accordance *ith $S'<
?#3"& Effect of Aousehold +hemicals on +lear and Pi%mented @r%anic
-inishes. 'he tests shall be conducted usin% the @)en S)ot 'est <ethod and
#"" hour e()osure to a 3" )er cent sulfuric acid solution 0battery acid *ith a
s)ecific %ra2ity of #.!#51 and !7 hour e()osure to a )olyal,alene %lycol 0e.%.
bra,e fluid1. 'here shall be no e2idence of liftin%, blisterin% or softenin% of
the coatin%. 'he adhesion shall meet a ratin% of 3 *hen tested in accordance
*ith $S'< ?33>5:
0e1 <inimum #,""" hours e()osure in accordance *ith $S'< G>3
Practice for @)eratin% .i%ht- and 4ater-E()osure $))aratus 0-luorescent 4-
+ondensation 'y)e1 for E()osure of non-metallic <aterials. 'here shall be
no e2idence of blisterin%, and adhesion shall meet a ratin% of 3 *hen tested in
accordance *ith IS@ 76!7. 'he ma(imum %loss loss allo*ed is !" )er cent:
0f1 <inimum >"" hours e()osure in accordance *ith $S'< =##7 'est
<ethod of Salt S)ray 0-o%1 'estin%. 6ndercuttin% shall not e(ceed 3 mm at
the scribe mar,, there shall be no e2idence of blisterin%, and adhesion shall
meet a ratin% of 3 *hen tested in accordance *ith $S'< ?33>5:
0%1 Resistance to chi))in% at room tem)erature usin% the $S'< ?3#7"
+hi))in% Resistance of +oatin%s. 'he coatin% shall ha2e a ratin% of 7$ or
better, and there shall not be any e()osure of the substrate:
$.5.!. +oatin% batch tests
0a1 +oatin% thic,ness
'he thic,ness of the coatin% shall meet the re/uirements of the desi%n
*hen tested in accordance *ith IS@ !&"&:
0b1 +oatin% adhesion
'he coatin% adhesion stren%th shall be measured in accordance *ith
IS@ 76!7, and shall ha2e a minimum ratin% of 7 *hen measured usin%
either 'est <ethod $ or =, as a))ro)riate.
$.#". .ea, test
'y)e +NG-7 desi%ns shall be lea, tested usin% the follo*in% )rocedure 0or an
acce)table alternati2e1:
0a1 +ylinders shall be thorou%hly dried and )ressuriDed to *or,in%
)ressure *ith dry air or nitro%en, and containin% a detectable %as such as
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 ,
0b1 $ny lea,a%e measured at any )oint that e(ceeds ".""7 standard cm
shall be cause for re8ection.
$.##. Aydraulic test
@ne of the follo*in% t*o o)tions shall be used9
@)tion #9 4ater 8ac,et test
0a1 'he cylinder shall be hydrostatically tested to at least #.> times
*or,in% )ressure. In no case may the test )ressure e(ceed the auto-fretta%e
0b1 Pressure shall be maintained for a sufficiently lon% )eriod 0at least 3"
seconds1 to ensure com)lete e()ansion. $ny internal )ressure a))lied after
auto-fretta%e and )re2ious to the hydrostatic test shall not e(ceed 5" )er cent
of the hydrostatic test )ressure. If the test )ressure cannot be maintained due
to failure of the test a))aratus, it is )ermissible to re)eat the test at a )ressure
increased by 7"" ,Pa. Not more than ! such re)eat rests are )ermitted:
0c1 'he manufacturer shall define the a))ro)riate limit of )ermanent
2olumetric e()ansion for the test )ressure used, but in no case shall the
)ermanent e()ansion e(ceed > )er cent of the total 2olumetric e()ansion
measured under the test )ressure. -or ty)e +NG-7 desi%ns, the elastic
e()ansion shall be established by the manufacturer. $ny cylinders not
meetin% the defined re8ection limit shall be re8ected and either destroyed or
used for batch test )ur)oses.
@)tion !9 Proof )ressure test
'he hydrostatic )ressure in the cylinder shall be increased %radually and
re%ularly until the test )ressure, at least #.> times the *or,in% )ressure, is
reached. 'he cylinder test )ressure shall be held for a sufficiently lon% )eriod
0at least 3" seconds1 to ascertain that there is no tendency for the )ressure to
decrease and that ti%htness is %uaranteed:
$.#!. Aydrostatic )ressure burst test
0a1 'he rate of )ressurisation shall not e(ceed #.7 <Pa )er second 0!""
)si3second1 at )ressures in e(cess of &" )er cent of the desi%n burst )ressure.
If the rate of )ressurisation at )ressures in e(cess of &" )er cent of the desi%n
burst )ressure e(ceeds 3>" ,Pa3second 0>" )si3second1, then either the
cylinder shall be )laced schematically bet*een the )ressure source and the
)ressure measurement de2ice, or there shall be a > second hold at the
minimum desi%n burst )ressure:
0b1 'he minimum re/uired 0calculated1 burst )ressure shall be at least 7>
<Pa, and in no case less than the 2alue necessary to meet the stress ratio
re/uirements. $ctual burst )ressure shall be recorded. Ru)ture may occur in
either the cylindrical re%ion or the dome re%ion of the cylinder.
$.#3. $mbient tem)erature )ressure cyclin%
Pressure cyclin% shall be )erformed in accordance *ith the follo*in%
0a1 -ill the cylinder to be tested *ith a non-corrosi2e fluid such as oil,
inhibited *ater or %lycol:
0b1 +ycle the )ressure in the cylinder bet*een not more than ! <Pa and
not less than !6 <Pa at a rate not to e(ceed #" cycles )er minute.
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 ,
'he number of cycles to failure shall be re)orted, alon% *ith the location and
descri)tion of the failure initiation.
$.#7. $cid en2ironment test
@n a finished cylinder the follo*in% test )rocedure should be a))lied9
0a1 E()osin% a #>" mm diameter area on the cylinder surface for #""
hours to a 3" )er cent sulfuric acid solution 0battery acid *ith a s)ecific
%ra2ity of #.!#51 *hile the cylinder is held at !6 <Pa:
0b1 'he cylinder shall then be burst in accordance *ith the )rocedure
defined in )ara%ra)h $.#! abo2e and )ro2ide a burst )ressure that e(ceeds &>
)er cent of the minimum desi%n burst )ressure.
$.#>. =onfire test
$.#>.#. General
'he bonfire tests are desi%ned to demonstrate that finished cylinders
com)lete *ith the fire )rotection system 0cylinder 2al2e, )ressure relief
de2ices and3or inte%ral thermal insulation1 s)ecified in the desi%n *ill not
burst *hen tested under the s)ecified fire conditions. E(treme caution shall
be e(ercised durin% fire testin% in the e2ent that cylinder ru)ture occurs:
$.#>.!. +ylinder set-u)
+ylinders shall be )laced horiDontally *ith the cylinder bottom
a))ro(imately #"" mm abo2e the fire source:
<etallic shieldin% shall be used to )re2ent direct flame im)in%ement on
cylinder 2al2es, fittin%s, and3or )ressure relief de2ices. 'he metallic shieldin%
shall not be in direct contact *ith the s)ecified fire )rotection system
0)ressure relief de2ices or cylinder 2al2e1. $ny failure durin% the test of a
2al2e, fittin% or tubin% that is not )art of the intended )rotection system for
the desi%n shall in2alidate the result.
$.#>.3. -ire source
$ uniform fire source of #.6> m len%th shall )ro2ide direct flame
im)in%ement on the cylinder surface across its entire diameter.
$ny fuel may be used for the fire source )ro2ided it su))lies uniform heat
sufficient to maintain the s)ecified test tem)eratures until the cylinder is
2ented. 'he selection of fuel should ta,e into consideration air )ollution
concerns. 'he arran%ement of the fire shall be recorded in sufficient detail to
ensure the rate of heat in)ut to the cylinder is re)roducible. $ny failure or
inconsistency of the fire source durin% a test in2alidates the result.
$.#>.7. 'em)erature and )ressure measurements
Surface tem)eratures shall be monitored by at least three thermocou)les
located alon% the bottom of the cylinder and s)aced not more than ".7> m
a)art: <etallic shieldin% shall be used to )re2ent direct flame im)in%ement
on the thermocou)les. $lternati2ely, thermocou)les may be inserted into
bloc,s of metal measurin% less than !> s/uare mm.
'he )ressure inside the cylinder shall be measured by a )ressure sensor
*ithout modify the confi%uration of the system under test.
'hermocou)le tem)eratures and the cylinder )ressure shall be recorded at
inter2als of e2ery 3" seconds or less durin% the test.
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 ,
$.#>.>. General test re/uirements
+ylinders shall be )ressuriDed *ith natural %as and tested in the horiDontal
)osition at both9
0a1 4or,in% )ressure:
0b1 !> )er cent of the *or,in% )ressure.
Immediately follo*in% i%nition, the fire shall )roduce flame im)in%ement on
the surface of the cylinder alon% the #.6> m len%th of the fire source and
across the cylinder diameter. 4ithin > minutes of i%nition, at least one
thermocou)le shall indicate a tem)erature of at least >5" F+. 'his minimum
tem)erature shall be maintained for the remainin% duration of the test.
$.#>.6. +ylinders #.6> m len%th or less
'he centre of the cylinder shall be )ositioned o2er the centre of the fire
$.#>.7. +ylinders %reater than #.6> m len%th
If the cylinder is fitted *ith a )ressure relief de2ice at one end, the fire source
shall commence at the o))osite end of the cylinder: If the cylinder is fitted
*ith )ressure relief de2ices at both ends, or at more than one location alon%
the len%th of the cylinder, the centre of the fire source shall be centred
mid*ay bet*een the )ressure relief de2ices that are se)arated by the %reatest
horiDontal distance.
If the cylinder is additionally )rotected usin% thermal insulation, then t*o fire
tests at ser2ice )ressure shall be )erformed, one *ith the fire centred mid*ay
alon% the cylinder len%th, and the other *ith the fire commencin% at one of
the cylinder ends.
$.#>.&. $cce)table results
'he cylinder shall 2ent throu%h a )ressure relief de2ice.
$.#6. Penetration tests
$ cylinder )ressurised to !" <Pa X # <Pa *ith com)ressed %as shall be
)enetrated by an armour )iercin% bullet *ith a diameter of 7.6! mm or %reater.
'he bullet shall com)letely )enetrate at least one side *all of the cylinder. -or
ty)e +NG-!, +NG-3 and +NG-7 desi%ns, the )ro8ectile shall im)act the side
*all at an a))ro(imate an%le of 7>F. 'he cylinder shall re2eal no e2idence of
fra%mentation failure. .oss of small )ieces of material, each not *ei%hin% more
than 7> %rams, shall not constitute failure of the test. 'he a))ro(imate siDe of
entrance and e(it o)enin%s and their locations shall be recorded.
$.#7. +om)osite fla* tolerance tests
-or ty)e +NG-!, +NG-3 and +NG-7 desi%ns only, one finished cylinder,
com)lete *ith )rotecti2e coatin%, shall ha2e fla*s in the lon%itudinal
direction cut into the com)osite. 'he fla*s shall be %reater than the 2isual
ins)ection limits as s)ecified by the manufacturer.
'he fla*ed cylinder shall then be )ressure cycled from not more than ! <Pa
to not less than !6 <Pa for 3,""" cycles, follo*ed by an additional #!,"""
cycles at ambient tem)erature: 'he cylinder shall not lea, or ru)ture *ithin
the first 3,""" cycles, but may fail by lea,a%e durin% the last #!,""" cycles.
$ll cylinders *hich com)lete this test shall be destroyed.
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 ,
$.#&. Ai%h tem)erature cree) test
'his test is re/uired for all ty)e +NG-7 desi%ns, and all ty)e +NG-! and
+NG-3 desi%ns in *hich the %lass transition tem)erature of the resin matri(
does not e(ceed the ma(imum desi%n material tem)erature %i2en in
)ara%ra)h 7.7.!. of $nne( 3 by at least !" F+. @ne finished cylinder shall be
tested as follo*s9
0a1 'he cylinder shall be )ressurised to !6 <Pa and held at a tem)erature
of #"" F+ for not less than !"" hours:
0b1 -ollo*in% the test, the cylinder shall meet the re/uirements of the
hydrostatic e()ansion test $.##, the lea, test $.#", and the burst test $.#!
$.#5. $ccelerated stress ru)ture test
-or ty)e +NG-!, +NG-3, and +NG-7 desi%ns only, one cylinder free of
)rotecti2e coatin% shall be hydrostatically )ressurised to !6 <Pa *hile
immersed in *ater at 6> F+. 'he cylinder shall be held at this )ressure and
tem)erature for #,""" hours. 'he cylinder shall then be )ressured to burst in
accordance *ith the )rocedure defined in )ara%ra)h $.#! abo2e e(ce)t that
the burst )ressure shall e(ceed &> )er cent of the minimum desi%n burst
$.!". Im)act dama%e test
@ne or more finished cylinders shall be dro) tested at ambient tem)erature
*ithout internal )ressurisation or attached 2al2es. 'he surface onto *hich the
cylinders are dro))ed shall be a smooth, horiDontal concrete )ad or floorin%.
@ne cylinder shall be dro))ed in a horiDontal )osition *ith the bottom #.& m
abo2e the surface onto *hich it is dro))ed. @ne cylinder shall be dro))ed
2ertically on each end at a sufficient hei%ht abo2e the floor or )ad so that the
)otential ener%y is 7&& , but in no case shall the hei%ht of the lo*er end be
%reater than #.& m. @ne cylinder shall be dro))ed at a 7>F an%le onto a dome
from a hei%ht such that the centre of %ra2ity is at #.& m: ho*e2er, if the lo*er
end is closer to the %round than ".6 m, the dro) an%le shall be chan%ed to
maintain a minimum hei%ht of ".6 m and a centre of %ra2ity of #.& m.
-ollo*in% the dro) im)act, the cylinders shall be )ressure cycled from not
more than ! <Pa to not less than !6 <Pa for #,""" cycles times the s)ecified
ser2ice life in years. 'he cylinders may lea, but not ru)ture, durin% the
cyclin%. $ny cylinders com)letin% the cyclin% test shall be destroyed:
$.!#. Permeation test
'his test is only re/uired on ty)e +NG-7 desi%ns. @ne finished cylinder shall
be filled *ith com)ressed natural %as or a 5" )er cent nitro%en3#" )er cent
helium mi(ture to *or,in% )ressure, )laced in an enclosed sealed chamber at
ambient tem)erature, and monitored for lea,a%e for a time sufficient to
establish a steady state )ermeation rate. 'he )ermeation rate shall be less than
".!> ml of natural %as or helium )er hour )er litre *ater ca)acity of the
$.!!. 'ensile )ro)erties of )lastics
'he tensile yield stren%th and ultimate elon%ation of )lastic liner material
shall be determined at ->" F+ usin% IS@ 36!&, and meet the re/uirements of
)ara%ra)h 6.3.6. of $nne( 3.
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 ,
$.!3. <eltin% tem)erature of )lastics
Polymeric materials from finished liners shall be tested in accordance *ith
the method described in IS@ 3"6, and meet the re/uirements of )ara%ra)h
6.3.6. of $nne( 3.
$.!7. Pressure relief de2ice re/uirements
Pressure relief de2ice s)ecified by the manufacturer shall be sho*n to be
com)atible *ith the ser2ice conditions listed in )ara%ra)h 7. of $nne( 3 and
throu%h the follo*in% /ualification tests9
0a1 @ne s)ecimen shall be held at a controlled tem)erature of not less than
5> F+ and a )ressure not less than test )ressure 03" <Pa1 for !7 hours. $t the
end of this test there shall be no lea,a%e or 2isible si%n of e(trusion of any
fusible metal used in the desi%n.
0b1 @ne s)ecimen shall be fati%ue tested at a )ressure cyclin% rate not to
e(ceed 7 cycles )er minute as follo*s9
0i1 Aeld at &! F+ *hile )ressured for #",""" cycles bet*een
! <Pa and !6 <Pa:
0ii1 Aeld at -7" F+ *hile )ressure for #",""" cycles bet*een ! <Pa
and !" <Pa.
$t the end of this test there shall be no lea,a%e, or any 2isible si%n of
e(trusion of any fusible metal used in the desi%n.
0c1 E()osed brass )ressure retainin% com)onents of )ressure relief
de2ices shall *ithstand, *ithout stress corrosion crac,in%, a mercurous
nitrate test as described in $S'< =#>7. 'he )ressure relief de2ice shall be
immersed for 3" minutes in an a/ueous mercurous nitrate solution containin%
#" % of mercurous nitrate and #" ml of nitric acid )er litre of solution.
-ollo*in% the immersion, the )ressure relief de2ice shall be lea, tested by
a))lyin% an aerostatic )ressure of !6 <Pa for one minute durin% *hich time
the com)onent shall be chec,ed for e(ternal lea,a%e: $ny lea,a%e shall not
e(ceed !"" cm
0d1 E()osed stainless steel )ressure retainin% com)onents of )ressure
relief de2ices shall be made of an alloy ty)e resistant to chloride induced
stress corrosion crac,in%:
$.!>. =oss tor/ue test
'he body of the cylinder shall be restrained a%ainst rotation and a tor/ue of
>"" Nm shall be a))lied to each end boss of the cylinder, first in the direction
to ti%hten a threaded connection, then in the unti%htenin% direction, and
finally a%ain in the ti%htenin% direction.
$.!6. Resin shear stren%th
Resin materials shall be tested on a sam)le cou)on re)resentati2e of the
com)osite o2er-*ra) in accordance *ith $S'< ?!377, or an e/ui2alent
national standard. -ollo*in% a !7-hour *ater boil the com)osite shall ha2e a
minimum shear stren%th of #3.& <Pa.
$.!7. Natural %as cyclin% test
@ne finished cylinder shall be )ressure cycled usin% com)ressed natural %as
from less than ! <Pa to *or,in% )ressure for 3"" cycles. Each cycle,
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 ,
consistin% of the fillin% and 2entin% of the cylinder, shall not e(ceed # hour.
'he cylinder shall be lea, tested in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.#" abo2e
and meet the re/uirements therein. -ollo*in% the com)letion of the natural
%as cyclin% the cylinder shall be sectioned and the liner3end boss interface
ins)ected for e2idence of any deterioration, such as fati%ue crac,in% or
electrostatic dischar%e.
Note - S)ecial consideration shall be %i2en to safety *hen conductin% this
test. Prior to conductin% this test, cylinders of this desi%n shall ha2e
successfully )assed the test re/uirements of )ara%ra)h $.#! abo2e
0hydrostatic )ressure burst test1, )ara%ra)h &.6.3. of $nne( 3 0ambient
tem)erature )ressure cyclin% test1 and )ara%ra)h $.!# abo2e 0)ermeation
test1. Prior to conductin% this test, the s)ecific cylinders to be tested shall
)ass the test re/uirements of )ara%ra)h $.#" abo2e 0lea, test1.
$.!&. =end test, *elded stainless steel liners
=end tests shall be carried out on material ta,en from the cylindrical )art of a
*elded stainless steel liner and tested in accordance *ith the method
described in )ara%ra)h &.>. of EN #33!!-!. 'he test )iece shall not crac,
*hen bent in*ards around a former until the inside ed%es are not further
a)art than the diameter of the former.
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 :
,nne3 0, - ,ppendi3 :
(Not allocated$
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 !
,nne3 0, - ,ppendi3 !
(Not allocated$
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 :
,nne3 0,
,nne3 0 > ,ppendi3 4
- ,ppendi3 4
Report forms
Note - 'his a))endi( is not a mandatory )art of this anne(.
'he follo*in% forms should be used9
0#1 Re)ort of <anufacture Y +ertificate of +onformity - Re/uired to be clear,
le%ible and in the format of -orm #.
0!1 Re)ort
of +hemical $nalysis of <aterial for <etallic +ylinders, .iners, or
=osses - Re/uired essential elements, identification, etc.
031 Re)ort
of <echanical Pro)erties of <aterial for <etallic +ylinders and
.iners - Re/uired to re)ort all tests re/uired by this Re%ulation.
071 Re)ort
of Physical and <echanical Pro)erties of <aterials for Non <etallic
.iners - Re/uired to re)ort all tests and information re/uired in this
0>1 Re)ort
of +om)osite $nalysis - Re/uired to re)ort all tests and data re/uired
in this Re%ulation.
061 Re)ort of Aydrostatic 'ests, Periodic Pressure +yclin% and =urst 'ests -
Re/uired to re)ort test and data re/uired in this Re%ulation.
-orm #9 Re)ort of <anufacturer and +ertification of +onformity
<anufactured by9
.ocated at9
Re%ulatory Re%istration Number9
<anufacturers <ar, and Number9
Serial Number9 from QQQto QQQinclusi2e QQQ
+ylinder descri)tion9
SIZE9 @utside diameter9 QQQmm: QQQ .en%th9 QQQmm:
<ar,s stam)ed on shoulder or on labels of the cylinder are9
0a1 K+NG onlyK9............................................................................................
0b1 K?@ N@' 6SE $-'ERK9........................................................................
0c1 K<anufacturerPs mar,K9...........................................................................
0d1 Serial and )art number9...........................................................................
0e1 4or,in% )ressure in <Pa9.......................................................................
0f1 E+E Re%ulation9......................................................................................
0%1 -ire )rotection ty)e9................................................................................
Re)ort forms ! throu%h 6 shall be de2elo)ed by the manufacturer and shall fully
identify cylinders and re/uirements. Each re)ort shall be si%ned by the 'y)e $))ro2al $uthority and
the manufacturer.
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 4
0h1 ?ate of ori%inal test 0month and year19...................................................
0i1 'are mass of em)ty cylinder 0in ,%19.......................................................
081 $uthoriDed body or ins)ectors mar,9......................................................
0,1 4ater ca)acity in .9................................................................................
0l1 'est )ressure in <Pa9..............................................................................
0m1 $ny s)ecial instructions9.........................................................................
Each cylinder *as made in com)liance *ith all re/uirements of E+E
Re%ulation No. ...... in accordance *ith the cylinder descri)tion abo2e.
Re/uired re)orts of test results are attached.
I hereby certify that all these test results )ro2ed satisfactory in e2ery *ay and
are in com)liance *ith the re/uirements for the ty)e listed abo2e.
'y)e $))ro2al $uthority9 ..................................................................................
Ins)ectorPs si%nature9..........................................................................................
<anufacturerPs si%nature9...................................................................................
Place, ?ate9.........................................................................................................
,nne3 0 > ,ppendi3 4
,nne3 0, - ,ppendi3 E
?erification of stress ratios using strain gauges
#. 'he stress-strain relationshi) for fibres is al*ays elastic, therefore, stress
ratios and strain ratios are e/ual.
!. Ai%h elon%ation strain %au%es are re/uired.
3. Strain %au%es should be orientated in the direction of the fibres on *hich they
are mounted 0i.e. *ith hoo) fibre on the outside of the cylinder, mount %au%es
in the hoo) direction1.
7. <ethod # 0a))lies to cylinders that do not use hi%h tension *indin%1
0a1 Prior to auto-fretta%e, a))ly strain %au%es and calibrate:
0b1 <easure strains at auto-fretta%e, Dero after auto-fretta%e, *or,in%, and
minimum burst )ressure ha2e been met:
0c1 +onfirm that the strain at burst )ressure di2ided by strain at *or,in%
)ressure meets the stress ratio re/uirements. -or hybrid construction,
the strain at *or,in% )ressure is com)ared *ith the ru)ture strain of
cylinders reinforced *ith a sin%le fibre ty)e.
>. <ethod ! 0a))lies to all cylinders1
0a1 $t Dero )ressure after *indin% and auto-fretta%e, a))ly strain %au%es
and calibrate:
0b1 <easure strains at Dero, *or,in%, and minimum burst )ressure:
0c1 $t Dero )ressure, after strain measurements ha2e been ta,en at the
*or,in% and minimum burst )ressures, and *ith strain %au%es
monitored, cut the cylinder section a)art so that the re%ion containin%
the strain %au%e is a))ro(imately fi2e inches lon%. Remo2e the liner
*ithout dama%in% the com)osite. <easure the strains after the liner is
0d1 $d8ust the strain readin%s at Dero, *or,in%, and minimum burst
)ressures by the amount of strain measured at Dero )ressure *ith and
*ithout the liner.
0e1 +onfirm that the strain at burst )ressure di2ided by strain at *or,in%
)ressure meets the stress ratio re/uirements. -or hybrid construction,
the strain at *or,in% )ressure is com)ared *ith the ru)ture strain of
cylinders reinforced *ith a sin%le fibre ty)e.
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 *
,nne3 0, - ,ppendi3 *
*racture performance methods
-.#. ?etermination of fati%ue sensiti2e sites
'he location and orientation of fati%ue failure in cylinders shall be
determined by a))ro)riate stress analysis or by full scale fati%ue tests on
finished cylinders as re/uired under the desi%n /ualification tests for each
ty)e of desi%n. If finite element stress analysis is used, the fati%ue sensiti2e
site shall be identified based on the location and orientation of the hi%hest
tensile )rinci)al stress concentration in the cylinder *all or liner at the
*or,in% )ressure.
-.!. .ea,-=efore-=rea, 0.==1
-.!.#. En%ineerin% critical assessment. 'his analysis may be carried out to establish
that the finished cylinder *ill lea, in the e2ent of a defect in the cylinder or
liner %ro*in% into a throu%h-*all crac,. $ lea,-before-brea, assessment shall
be )erformed at the cylinder side *all. If the fati%ue sensiti2e location is
outside the side *all, a lea,-before-brea, assessment shall also be )erformed
at that location usin% a .e2el II a))roach as outlined in =S P?6753. 'he
assessment shall include the follo*in% ste)s9
0a1 <easure the ma(imum len%th 0i.e. ma8or a(is1 of the resultant
throu%h-*all surface crac, 0usually elli)tical in sha)e1 from the three
cylinder cycle tested under the desi%n /ualification tests 0accordin% to
)ara%ra)hs $.#3. and $.#7. of $))endi( $1 for each ty)e of desi%n.
6se the lon%est crac, len%th of the three cylinders in the analysis.
<odel a semi-elli)tical throu%h-*all crac, *ith a ma8or a(is e/ual to
t*ice the measured lon%est ma8or a(is and *ith a minor a(is e/ual to
".5 of *all thic,ness. 'he semi-elli)tical crac, shall be modelled at
the locations s)ecified in )ara%ra)h -.#. of $))endi( -. 'he crac,
shall be oriented such that the hi%hest tensile )rinci)al stress shall
dri2e the crac,:
0b1 Stress le2els in the *all3liner at !6 <Pa obtained from the stress
analysis as outlined in )ara%ra)h 6.6. of $nne( 3 shall be used for the
assessment. $))ro)riate crac, dri2in% forces shall be calculated usin%
either Section 5.! or 5.3 of =S P?6753:
0c1 -racture tou%hness of the finished cylinder or the liner from a finished
cylinder, as determined at room tem)erature for aluminium and at -7"
F+ for steel, shall be established usin% a standardiDed testin% techni/ue
0either IS@3?IS #!737 or $S'< &#3-&5 or =S 777&1 in accordance
*ith Sections &.7 and &.> of =S P?6753:
0d1 Plastic colla)se ratio shall be calculated in accordance *ith Section
5.7 of =S P?6753-5#:
0e1 'he modelled fla* shall be acce)table in accordance *ith Section
##.! of =S P?6753-5#.
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 *
-.!.!. .== by fla*ed cylinder burst
$ fracture test shall be )erformed by the cylinder side *all. If the fati%ue
sensiti2e locations as determined in )ara%ra)h -.#. 0$))endi( -1 is outside
the side *all, the fracture test shall also be )erformed at that location. 'he
test )rocedure is as follo*s9
0a1 ?etermination of lea,-before-brea, fla* len%th
'he len%th of the .== fla* at the fati%ue sensiti2e site shall be t*ice
the len%th of the ma(imum len%th measured of the resultant throu%h-
*all surface crac, from the three cylinders cycle tested to failure
under the desi%n /ualification tests for each ty)e of desi%n:
0b1 +ylinder fla*s
-or ty)e +NG-# desi%ns ha2in% fati%ue sensiti2e site in the cylindrical
)art in the a(ial direction, e(ternal fla*s shall be machined
lon%itudinally, a))ro(imately at mid-len%th of the cylindrical )art of
the cylinder. 'he fla*s shall be located at minimum *all thic,ness of
the midsection based on thic,ness measurements at four )oints around
the cylinder. -or ty)e +NG-# desi%ns ha2in% fati%ue sensiti2e site
outside the cylindrical )art, the .== fla* shall be introduced at the
internal surface of the cylinder alon% the fati%ue sensiti2e orientation.
-or ty)e +NG-! and +NG-3 desi%ns the .== fla* shall be introduced
in the metal liner:
-or fla*s to be tested by monotonic )ressure, the fla* cutter shall be
a))ro(imately #!.> mm thic, *ith an an%le of 7> F+ and a ti) radius
of ".!> mm ma(imum. 'he cutter diameter shall be >" mm for
cylinder *ith outside diameter less than #7" mm, and 6> to &" mm for
cylinders *ith outside diameter %reater than #7" mm 0a standard +;N
cutter is recommended1.
Note - 'he cutter should be shar)ened re%ularly to assure ti) radius
meets s)ecification.
'he de)th of the fla* may be ad8usted to obtain a lea, by monotonic
hydro-)ressuriDation. 'he crac, shall not )ro)a%ate by more than #"
)er cent outside of the machined fla* measured on the e(ternal
0c1 'est )rocedure
'he test shall be )erformed by monotonic )ressurisation or cyclic
)ressurisation as described belo*9
0i1 <onotonic )ressurisation to burst
'he cylinder shall be )ressurised hydrostatically until )ressure
is released from the cylinder at the fla* location. 'he
)ressurisation shall be )erformed as described in )ara%ra)h
$.#!. 0$))endi( $1:
0ii1 +yclic )ressure
'he test )rocedure shall be in accordance *ith the re/uirements of
)ara%ra)h $.#3. of $))endi( $.
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 *
0d1 $cce)tance criteria for the fla*ed cylinder test
'he cylinder )asses the tests if the follo*in% conditions are met9
0i1 -or monotonic )ressurisation burst test, the failed )ressure
shall be e/ual or %reater than !6 <Pa.
-or monotonic )ressurised burst test, a total crac, len%th measured on
the e(ternal surface of #.# times the ori%inal machined len%th is
0ii1 -or cycle tested cylinders, fati%ue crac, %ro*th beyond the
ori%inal machined fla* len%th is allo*ed. Ao*e2er, the failure mode
shall be a Klea,K. Pro)a%ation of the fla* by fati%ue should occur o2er
at least 5" )er cent of the len%th of the ori%inal machined fla*.
Note - If these re/uirements are not fulfilled 0failure occurs belo* 36 <Pa,
e2en and if the failure is a lea,1, a ne* test can be )erformed *ith a less dee)
fla*. $lso, if ru)ture ty)e failure occurs at a )ressure %reater than !6 <Pa
and fla* de)th is shallo*, a ne* test can be )erformed *ith a dee)er fla*.
-.3. ?efect siDe for non-destructi2e e(amination 0N?E1
-.3.#. N?E ?efect siDe by en%ineerin% critical assessment
+alculations shall be )erformed in accordance *ith =ritish Standard 0=S1 P?
6753, Section 3, usin% the follo*in% ste)s9
0a1 -ati%ue crac,s shall be modelled at the hi%h stress location in the
*all3liner as )lanar fla*s:
0b1 'he a))lied stress ran%e at the fati%ue sensiti2e site, due to a )ressure
bet*een ! <Pa and !" <Pa, shall be established from the stress analysis as
outlined in )ara%ra)h -.#. of $))endi( -:
0c1 'he bendin% and membrane stress com)onent may be used se)arately:
0d1 'he minimum number of )ressure cycles is #>,""":
0e1 'he fati%ue crac, )ro)a%ation data shall be determined in air in
accordance *ith $S'< E677. 'he crac, )lane orientation shall be in the +-.
direction 0i.e., crac, )lane )er)endicular to the circumferences and alon% the
a(is of the cylinder1, as illustrated in $S'< E355. 'he rate shall be
determined as an a2era%e of 3 s)ecimen tests. 4here s)ecific fati%ue crac,
)ro)a%ation data are a2ailable for the material and ser2ice condition, they
may be used in the assessment.
0f1 'he amount of crac, %ro*th in the thic,ness direction and in the
len%th direction )er )ressures cycle shall be determined in accordance *ith
the ste)s outlined in Section #7.! of the =S P? 6753-5# standard by
inte%ratin% the relationshi) bet*een the rate of fati%ue crac, )ro)a%ation, as
established in e1 abo2e, and the ran%e of crac, dri2in% force corres)ondin% to
the a))lied )ressure cycle:
0%1 6sin% the abo2e ste)s, calculate the ma(imum allo*able defect de)th
and len%th *hich shall not cause the failure of the cylinder durin% the desi%n
life due to either fati%ue or ru)ture. 'he defect siDe for N?E shall be e/ual to
or less than the calculated ma(imum allo*able defect siDe for the desi%n.
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 *
-.3.!. N?E ?efect siDe by fla*ed cylinder cyclin%
-or ty)e +NG-#, +NG-! and +NG-3 desi%ns, three cylinders containin%
artificial defects that e(ceed the defect len%th and de)th detection ca)ability
of the N?E ins)ection method re/uired in )ara%ra)h 6.#>. of $nne( 3, shall
be )ressure cycled to failure in accordance *ith the test method in
)ara%ra)h $.#3 0$))endi( $1. -or ty)e +NG-# desi%ns ha2in% a fati%ue
sensiti2e site in the cylindrical )art, e(ternal fla*s shall be introduced on the
side *all. -or ty)e +NG-# desi%ns ha2in% the fati%ue sensiti2e site outside
the side *all, and for ty)e +NG-! and +NG-3 desi%ns, internal fla*s shall be
introduced. Internal fla*s may be machined )rior to the heat treatin% and
closin% of the end of the cylinder.
'he cylinders shall not lea, or ru)ture in less than #>,""" cycles: 'he
allo*able defect siDe for N?E shall be e/ual to or less than the artificial fla*
siDe at that location.
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 G
,nne3 0, - ,ppendi3 G
5nstructions %& the container manufacturer on handling8 use
and inspection of c&linders
G.#. General
'he )rimary function of this a))endi( is to )ro2ide %uidance to the cylinder
)urchaser, distributor, installer and user for the safe use of the cylinder o2er
its intended ser2ice life.
G.!. ?istribution
'he manufacturer shall ad2ise the )urchaser that the instructions shall be
su))lied to all )arties in2ol2ed in the distribution, handlin%, installation and
use of the cylinders: 'he document may be re)roduced to )ro2ide sufficient
co)ies for this )ur)ose, ho*e2er it shall be mar,ed to )ro2ide reference to
the cylinders bein% deli2ered:
G.3. Reference to e(istin% codes, standards and re%ulations
S)ecific instructions may be stated by reference to national or reco%niDed
codes, standards and re%ulations.
G.7. +ylinder handlin%
Aandlin% )rocedures shall be )ro2ided to ensure that the cylinders *ill not
suffer unacce)table dama%e or contamination durin% handlin%.
G.>. Installation
Installation instructions shall be )ro2ided to ensure that the cylinders *ill not
suffer unacce)table dama%e durin% installation and durin% normal o)eration
o2er the intended ser2ice life.
4here the mountin% is s)ecified by the manufacturer, the instructions shall
contain *here rele2ant, details such as mountin% desi%n, the use of resilient
%as,et materials, the correct ti%htenin% tor/ues and a2oidance of direct
e()osure of the cylinder to an en2ironment of chemical and mechanical
4here the mountin% is not s)ecified by the manufacturer, the manufacturer
shall dra* the )urchaserPs attention to )ossible lon% term im)acts of the
2ehicle mountin% system, for e(am)le9 2ehicle body mo2ements and cylinder
e()ansion3contraction in the )ressure and tem)erature conditions of ser2ice.
4here a))licable, the )urchaserPs attention shall be dra*n to the need to
)ro2ide installations such that li/uids or solids cannot be collected to cause
cylinder material dama%e:
'he correct )ressure relie2e de2ice to be fitted shall be s)ecified.
G.6. 6se of cylinders
'he manufacturer shall dra* the )urchaserPs attention to the intended ser2ice
conditions s)ecified by this Re%ulation, in )articular the cylinderPs allo*able
number of )ressure cycles, its life in years, the %as /uality limits and the
allo*able ma(imum )ressures.
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 G
G.7. In-ser2ice ins)ection
'he manufacturer shall clearly s)ecify the userPs obli%ation to obser2e the
re/uired cylinder ins)ection re/uirements 0e.%. reins)ection inter2al, by
authorised )ersonnel1. 'his information shall be in a%reement *ith the desi%n
a))ro2al re/uirements.
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 7
,nne3 0, - ,ppendi3 7
En+ironmental test
A.#. Sco)e
'he en2ironmental test is intended to demonstrate that NG; cylinders can
*ithstand e()osure to the automoti2e underbody en2ironment and occasional
e()osure to other fluids. 'his test *as de2elo)ed by the 6nited States 06S1
automoti2e industry in res)onse to cylinder failures initiated by stress
corrosion crac,in% of the com)osite *ra).
A.!. Summary of test method
$ cylinder is first )reconditioned by a combination of )endulum and %ra2el
im)acts to simulate )otential underbody conditions. 'he cylinder is then
sub8ected to a se/uence of immersion in simulated road salt3acid rain,
e()osure to other fluids, )ressure cycles and hi%h and lo* tem)erature
e()osures. $t the conclusion of the test se/uence the cylinder *ill be
hydraulically )ressured to destruction. 'he remainin% residual burst stren%th
of the cylinder shall be not less than &> )er cent of the minimum desi%n burst
A.3. +ylinder set-u) and )re)aration
'he cylinder shall be tested in a condition re)resentati2e of installed
%eometry includin% coatin% 0if a))licable1, brac,ets and %as,ets, and )ressure
fittin%s usin% the same sealin% confi%uration 0i.e. @-rin%s1 as that used in
ser2ice. =rac,ets may be )ainted or coated )rior to installation in the
immersion test if they are )ainted or coated )rior to 2ehicle installation.
+ylinders *ill be tested horiDontally and nominally di2ided alon% their
horiDontal centreline into Ku))erK and Klo*erK sections. 'he lo*er section of
the cylinder *ill be alternati2ely immersed in road salt3acid rain en2ironment
and in heated or cooled air.
'he u))er section *ill be di2ided into > distinct areas and mar,ed for
)reconditionin% and fluid e()osure. 'he areas *ill be nominally #"" mm in
diameter. 'he areas shall not o2erla) on the cylinder surface. 4hile
con2enient for testin%, the areas need not be oriented alon% a sin%le line, but
shall not o2erla) the immersed section of the cylinder.
$lthou%h )reconditionin% and fluid e()osure is )erformed on the cylindrical
section of the cylinder, all of the cylinder, includin% the domed sections,
should be as resistant to the e()osure en2ironments as are the e()osed areas.
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 7
-i%ure A.#
!&linder orientation and la&out of e3posure areas
@ther fluid
e()osure areas
Immersion area
0lo*er third1
A.7. Preconditionin% a))aratus
'he follo*in% a))aratus are needed for )reconditionin% the test cylinder by
)endulum and %ra2el im)act.
0a1 Pendulum im)act
'he im)act body shall be of steel and ha2e the sha)e of a )yramid
*ith e/uilateral trian%le faces and a s/uare base, the summit and the
ed%es bein% rounded to a radius of 3 mm. 'he centre of )ercussion of
the )endulum shall coincide *ith the centre of %ra2ity of the )yramid:
its distance from the a(is of rotation of the )endulum shall be # m.
'he total mass of the )endulum referred to its centre of )ercussion
shall be #> ,%. 'he ener%y of the )endulum at the moment of im)act
shall be not less than 3" Nm and as close to that 2alue as )ossible.
?urin% )endulum im)act, the cylinder shall be held in )osition by the
end bosses or by the intended mountin% brac,ets.
0b1 Gra2el im)act
<achine constructed accordin% to the desi%n s)ecifications sho*n in
-i%ure A.!.'his )rocedure for o)eration of the e/ui)ment shall follo*
that described in $S'< ?3#7", Standard 'est <ethod for +hi)
Resistance of +oatin%s *ith the e(ce)tion that the cylinder may be at
ambient tem)erature durin% %ra2el im)act:
0c1 Gra2el
$llu2ial road %ra2el )assin% throu%h a #6 mm s)ace screen but
retained on a 5.> mm s)ace screen. Each a))lication is to consist of
>>" ml of %raded %ra2el 0a))ro(imately !>" to 3"" stones1.
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 7
-i%ure A.!
Gra+el impact test
A.>. E()osure en2ironments
0a1 Immersion en2ironment
$t the s)ecified sta%e in the test se/uence 0table #1 the cylinder *ill be
oriented horiDontally *ith the lo*er third of the cylinder diameter
immersed in a simulated acid rain3road salt *ater solution. 'he
solution *ill consist of the follo*in% com)ounds9
?eioniDed *ater:
Sodium chloride9 !.> )er cent by *ei%ht X ".# )er cent:
+alcium chloride9 !.> )er cent by *ei%ht X ".# )er cent:
Sulfuric acid9 Sufficient to achie2e a solution )A of 7." X ".!:
Solution le2el and )A are to be ad8usted )rior to each test ste) *hich
uses this li/uid.
'he tem)erature of the bath shall be !# X > F+. ?urin% immersion, the
unsubmer%ed section of the cylinder shall be in ambient air.
0b1 @ther fluid e()osure
$t the a))ro)riate sta%e in test se/uence 0table #1 each mar,ed area is
to be e()osed to one of fi2e solutions for 3" minutes. 'he same
en2ironment shall be used for each location throu%hout the test. 'he
solutions are9
Sulfuric acid9 #5 )er cent solution by 2olume in *ater:
Sodium hydro(ide9 !> )er cent solution by *ei%ht in *ater:
<ethanol3%asoline9 3"37" )er cent concentrations:
$mmonium nitrate9 !& )er cent by *ei%ht in *ater:
4indshield *asher fluid.
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 7
4hen e()osed, the test sam)le *ill be oriented *ith the e()osure area
u))ermost. $ )ad of %lass *ool one layer thic, 0a))ro(imately ".>
mm1 and trimmed to the a))ro)riate dimensions is to be )laced on the
e()osure area. 6sin% a )i)et, a))ly > ml of the test fluid to the
e()osure area. Remo2e the %auDe )ad after )ressuriDation of the
cylinder for 3" minutes.
A.6. 'est conditions
0a1 Pressure cycle
$s defined in the test se/uence, cylinder shall be hydraulically
)ressure cycled bet*een not more than ! <Pa and not less than !6
<Pa. 'he total cycle shall be not less than 66 seconds and *ill include
a 6" second minimum hold at !6 <Pa. 'he nominal cycle )rocess *ill
Ram) u) from !" <Pa to !6 <Pa:
Aold at !6 <Pa for 6" seconds minimum:
Ram) do*n from !6 <Pa to ! <Pa:
'otal minimum cycle time to be 66 seconds.
0b1 Pressure durin% other fluid e()osure
-ollo*in% a))lication of the other fluids, the cylinder shall be
)ressured to not less than !6 <Pa for a minimum of 3" minutes:
0c1 Ai%h and lo* tem)erature e()osure
$s defined in the test se/uence, the entire cylinder shall be e()osed to
hi%h or lo* tem)erature air in contact *ith e(ternal surface. 'he lo*
tem)erature air shall be -7" F+ or lo*er and the hi%h tem)erature air
shall be &! F+ X > F+. -or the lo* tem)erature e()osure, the fluid
tem)erature of ty)e +NG-# cylinders shall be monitored usin% a
thermocou)le installed *ithin the cylinder to ensure it remains at -7"
F+ or lo*er.
A.7. 'est )rocedure
0a1 Preconditionin% of the cylinder
Each of the fi2e areas mar,ed for other fluid e()osure on the u))er
section of the cylinder shall be )reconditioned by a sin%le im)act of
the )endulum body summit at their %eometric centre. -ollo*in%
im)act, the fi2e areas shall be further conditioned by a %ra2el im)act
'he central section of the bottom )ortion of the cylinder that *ill be
submer%ed shall be )reconditioned by an im)act of the )endulum
body summit at three locations s)aced a))ro(imately #>" mm a)art.
-ollo*in% im)act, the same central section that *as im)acted shall be
further conditioned by a %ra2el im)act a))lication.
'he cylinder shall be un)ressured durin% )reconditionin%.
0b1 'est se/uence and cycles
'he se/uence of the en2ironment e()osure, )ressure cycles, and
tem)erature to be used are defined in table #.
,nne3 0, > ,ppendi3 7
'he cylinder surface is not to be *ashed or *i)ed bet*een sta%es.
A.&. $cce)table results
-ollo*in% the abo2e test se/uence, the cylinder shall be hydraulically tested
to destruction in accordance *ith the )rocedure in )ara%ra)h $.#!. 'he burst
)ressure of the cylinder shall be not less than &> )er cent of the minimum
desi%n burst )ressure.
'able A.#
(est conditions and seuence
Test steps %&posure environments Num+er of pressure
# @ther fluids -- $mbient
! Immersion #,&7> $mbient
3 $ir #,&7> Ai%h
7 @ther fluids -- $mbient
> Immersion #,&7> $mbient
6 $ir 3,7>" .o*
7 @ther fluids -- $mbient
& Immersion #,&7> $mbient
5 $ir #,&7> Ai%h
#" @ther fluids -- $mbient
## Immersion #,&7> $mbient
,nne3 0:
,nne3 0:
#iuid tan)s - ?acuum insulated +essels for the on-%oard
storage of natural gas as a fuel for automoti+e +ehicles.
#. Sco)e
'his anne( sets out minimum re/uirements for refillable li/uid tan,s. 'he
tan,s are intended only for the on-board stora%e of li/uid natural %as as a fuel
for automoti2e 2ehicles to *hich the tan,s are to be fi(ed. 'an,s shall be of
any austenitic stainless steel material, desi%n or method of manufacture
suitable for the s)ecified ser2ice conditions.
'an,s for .NG co2ered by this anne( are classified in +lass >.
Ser2ice conditions to *hich the tan,s *ill be sub8ected are detailed in
)ara%ra)h 7.
'his anne( is based u)on a *or,in% )ressure less than !6 <Pa. 4or,in%
)ressures can be accommodated by ad8ustin% the test )ressure by the
a))ro)riate factor 0ratio1 usin% the follo*in% formula9
Ptest J #.3 04P R ".#1 <Pa
'he ser2ice life of the tan,s shall be defined by the manufacturer and may
2ary *ith a))lications.
!. Ser2ice conditions
!.# General
!.#.#. Standard ser2ice conditions
'he standard ser2ice conditions s)ecified in this section are )ro2ided as a
basis for the desi%n, manufacture, ins)ection, testin%, and a))ro2al of tan,s
that are to be mounted )ermanently on 2ehicles and used to store natural %as
at cryo%enic tem)eratures for use as a fuel on 2ehicles.
!.#.!. 6se of tan,s
'he ser2ice conditions s)ecified are also intended to )ro2ide information on
ho* tan,s made to this Re%ulation may safely be used to9
0a1 manufacturers of tan,s:
0b1 o*ners of tan,s:
0c1 desi%ners or contractors res)onsible for the installation of tan,s:
0d1 desi%ners or o*ners of e/ui)ment used to refuel 2ehicle tan,s:
0e1 su))liers of natural %as: and
0f1 re%ulatory authorities *ho ha2e 8urisdiction o2er tan, use.
!.#.3. Periodic re/ualification
Recommendations for )eriodic re/ualification by 2isual ins)ection or testin%
durin% the ser2ice life shall be )ro2ided by the tan, manufacturer on the basis
of use under ser2ice conditions s)ecified herein. Each tan, shall be 2isually
,nne3 0:
ins)ected at least e2ery #!" months after the date of its entry into ser2ice on
the 2ehicle 02ehicle re%istration1, and at the time of any reinstallation, for
e(ternal dama%e and deterioration, includin% under the su))ort stra)s. 'he
2isual ins)ection shall be )erformed by a 'echnical Ser2ice desi%nated or
reco%niDed by the 'y)e $))ro2al $uthority, in accordance *ith the
manufacturerPs s)ecifications9 tan,s *ithout label containin% mandatory
information, or *ith labels containin% mandatory information that are
ille%ible in any *ay shall be remo2ed from ser2ice. If the tan, can be
)ositi2ely identified by manufacturer and serial number, a re)lacement label
may be a))lied, allo*in% the tan, to remain in ser2ice.
!.#.7. 'an,s in2ol2ed in collisions
'an,s that ha2e been in2ol2ed in a 2ehicle collision shall be reins)ected by
an a%ency authoriDed by the manufacturer, unless other*ise directed by the
+om)etent $uthority ha2in% 8urisdiction. 'an,s that ha2e not e()erienced
any im)act dama%e from the collision may be returned to ser2ice, other*ise
the tan, shall be returned to the manufacturer for e2aluation.
!.#.>. 'an,s in2ol2ed in fires
'an,s that ha2e been sub8ect to the action of fire shall be reins)ected by an
a%ency authoriDed by the manufacturer, or condemned and remo2ed from
!.!. <a(imum )ressure
'he ma(imum allo*able *or,in% )ressure 0<$4P1 shall be defined by the
manufacturer and corres)ond to the nominal )rimary relief 2al2e settin%. 'he
ma(imum allo*able *or,in% )ressure shall be less than !6 <Pa.
!.3. 'em)erature ran%e
'em)erature of li/uid in tan,s may 2ary from a minimum of -#5> F+ to a
ma(imum of 6> F+.
!.7. Gas com)osition
Aydro%en shall be limited to ! )er cent by 2olume *hen tan,s are
manufactured from steel *ith an ultimate tensile stren%th e(ceedin% 5>"
!.>. E(ternal surfaces
'an,s are not desi%ned for continuous e()osure to mechanical or chemical
attac,, e.%. lea,a%e from car%o that may be carried on 2ehicles or se2ere
abrasion dama%e from road conditions, and shall com)ly *ith reco%niDed
installation standards. Ao*e2er, tan, e(ternal surfaces may be inad2ertently
e()osed to9
0a1 sol2ents, acids and al,alis, fertiliDers: and
0b1 automoti2e fluids, includin% %asoline, hydraulic fluids, %lycol and oils.
!.6. .ea,a%e and 2entin%
In case .NG tan,s are located in enclosed s)aces for e(tended )eriods of
time 0e.%. for ser2ice1, lea,a%e and 2entin% of natural %as 0or other flammable
substances1 from the tan, shall be dealt *ith )ro)erly to a2oid the dan%ers
due to releasin% flammable substances in enclosed s)aces.
,nne3 0:
!.7. ;ehicle .NG tan,0s1 shall ha2e a desi%n hold time 0build *ithout relie2in%1
minimum of > days after bein% filled net full and at the hi%hest )oint in the
desi%n fillin% tem)erature3)ressure ran%e.
3. ?esi%n a))ro2al
3.#. General
'he follo*in% information shall be submitted by the tan, desi%ner or
manufacturer *ith a re/uest for a))ro2al to the +om)etent $uthority9
0a1 statement of ser2ice 0)ara%ra)h 3.!.1:
0b1 desi%n data 0)ara%ra)h 3.3.1:
0c1 manufacturin% data 0)ara%ra)h 3.7.1:
0d1 s)ecification sheet 0)ara%ra)h 3.>.1:
0e1 additional su))ortin% data 0)ara%ra)h 3.6.1.
3.!. Statement of ser2ice
'he )ur)ose of this statement of ser2ice is to %uide users and installers of
tan,s as *ell as to inform the a))ro2in% +om)etent $uthority, or their
desi%nated re)resentati2e. 'he statement of ser2ice shall include9
0a1 $ statement that the tan, desi%n is suitable for use in the ser2ice
conditions defined in )ara%ra)h 7. for the ser2ice life of the tan,:
0b1 'he ser2ice life:
0c1 'he minimum in-ser2ice test and3or ins)ection re/uirements:
0d1 'he )ressure relief de2ices re/uired:
0e1 Su))ort methods, etc., re/uired but not )ro2ided:
0f1 $ descri)tion of the tan, desi%n:
0%1 ?esi%n hold time:
0h1 $ny other information necessary to ensure the safe use and ins)ection
of the tan,.
3.3. ?esi%n data
3.3.#. ?ra*in%s
?ra*in%s shall sho* the follo*in% as a minimum9
0a1 'itle, reference number, date of issue, and re2ision numbers *ith dates
of issue if a))licable:
0b1 Reference to this Re%ulation and the tan, ty)e:
0c1 $ll )ressure 2essel dimensions com)lete *ith tolerances, includin%
details of end closure sha)es *ith minimum thic,nesses and of o)enin%s:
0d1 <ass, com)lete *ith tolerances, of tan,s:
0e1 <aterial s)ecifications com)lete *ith minimum mechanical and
chemical )ro)erties or tolerance ran%es:
0f1 @ther data such as minimum test )ressure.
3.3.!. Stress analysis re)ort
,nne3 0:
$ stress analysis shall be )ro2ided:
$cce)table calculation methods include9
0a1 finite element:
0b1 finite difference:
0c1 boundary element:
0d1 other established method.
$ table summariDin% the calculated stresses in the re)ort shall be )ro2ided.
3.3.3. <aterial data
$ detailed descri)tion of the materials and tolerances of the materials
)ro)erties used in the desi%n shall be )ro2ided.
3.3.7. ?esi%n /ualification test data
'he tan, material, desi%n, manufacture and e(amination shall be )ro2ided to
be ade/uate for their intended ser2ice by meetin% the re/uirements of the
tests re/uired for the )articular tan, desi%n, *hen tested in accordance *ith
the rele2ant methods of test detailed in $))endi( $ to this anne(.
'he test data also shall document the dimensions, *all thic,nesses and
*ei%hts of each of the test tan,s.
3.3.>. -ire )rotection
'he arran%ement of )ressure relief de2ices that *ill )rotect the tan, from
sudden ru)ture *hen e()osed to the fire conditions in $))endi( $.# shall be
s)ecified. 'est data shall substantiate the effecti2eness of the s)ecified fire
)rotection system.
3.3.6. 'an, su))orts
?etails of tan, su))orts or su))ort re/uirements shall be )ro2ided in
accordance *ith )ara%ra)h 6.##.
3.3.7. <anufacturin% data
?escri)tions of fabrication )rocesses and )roduction tests shall be )ro2ided.
'he follo*in% shall be in accordance *ith EN #!>#-! 0!"""19
0a1 Euality system:
0b1 +uttin%:
0c1 +old formin%:
0d1 Aot formin%:
0e1 <anufacturin% tolerances:
0f1 4eldin%:
0%1 Non-*elded 8oints.
3.3.&. S)ecification sheet
$ summary of the documents )ro2idin% the information re/uired in
)ara%ra)h >.#. shall be listed on a s)ecification sheet for each tan, desi%n.
'he title, reference number, re2ision numbers and dates of ori%inal issue and
2ersion issues of each document shall be %i2en. $ll documents shall be
,nne3 0:
si%ned or initialled by the issuer. 'he s)ecification sheet shall be %i2en a
number, and re2ision numbers if a))licable, that can be used to desi%nate the
tan, desi%n and shall carry the si%nature of the en%ineer res)onsible for the
desi%n. S)ace shall be )ro2ided on the s)ecification sheet for a stam)
indicatin% re%istration of the desi%n.
3.3.5.#. $dditional su))ortin% data
$dditional data that *ould su))ort the a))lication, such as the ser2ice history
of material )ro)osed for use, or the use of a )articular tan, desi%n in other
ser2ice conditions, shall be )ro2ided *here a))licable.
3.7. $))ro2al and certification
3.7.#. Ins)ection and testin%
E2aluation of conformity is re/uired to be )erformed in accordance *ith the
)ro2isions of )ara%ra)h 5. of this Re%ulation:
In order to ensure that the tan,s are in com)liance *ith this Re%ulation, they
shall be sub8ect to ins)ection in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h 6.#". )erformed
by the +om)etent $uthority.
3.7.!. 'est certificate
If the results of )rototy)e testin% accordin% to )ara%ra)h 6.#". are
satisfactory, the +om)etent $uthority shall issue a test certificate. $n
e(am)le of a test certificate is %i2en in $))endi( ? to this anne(.
7. Re/uirements
7.#. General
'he desi%n of tan,s shall co2er all rele2ant as)ects that are necessary to
ensure that e2ery tan, )roduced accordin% to the desi%n is fit for its )ur)ose
for the s)ecified ser2ice life.
'his Re%ulation does not )ro2ide desi%n formulas, but re/uires the ade/uacy
of the desi%n to be established by a))ro)riate calculations and demonstrated
by tan,s bein% ca)able of consistently )assin% the materials, desi%n
/ualification and )roduction tests s)ecified in this Re%ulation.
7.3. <aterials
<aterials used shall be suitable for the ser2ice conditions s)ecified in
)ara%ra)h 7. 'he desi%n shall not ha2e incom)atible materials in contact. 'he
desi%n /ualification tests for materials are summariDed in table 6.#.
'he materials of the fuel tan, and its accessories shall be com)atible, as
a))licable, *ith9
0a1 .NG:
0b1 @ther media and fluids found in a 2ehicle en2ironment such as
coolants, bra,e fluid and battery acid.
<aterials used at lo* tem)eratures shall meet the tou%hness re/uirements of
IS@ !#"!&-# 0!""71. -or non-metallic materials, lo* tem)erature suitability
shall be 2alidated by an e()erimental method, ta,in% into account the ser2ice
,nne3 0:
'he materials used for the outer 8ac,et shall ensure the inte%rity of the
insulation system and shall be made of austenitic stainless steel and their
elon%ation at fracture, at the tem)erature of li/uid nitro%en, shall be at least
#! )er cent.
-or the inner 2essel, it shall be ensured that the materials *ill resist all the in
ser2ice fati%ue loads.
$ corrosion allo*ance does not need to be added for the inner 2essel. $
corrosion allo*ance does not need to be added on other surfaces, if they are
)rotected a%ainst corrosion.
-or *elded 2essels, *elds shall ha2e )ro)erties e/ui2alent to those s)ecified
for the )arent material for all tem)eratures that the material may encounter.
7.3.#. +om)osition
'he chemical com)osition of all steels shall be declared and defined at least
carbon, man%anese, silicon, nic,el, chromium, and molybdenum contents,
and any other alloyin% elements intentionally added.
7.3.!. 'ensile test
'he tensile )ro)erties of *elded steel in the inner 2essel shall be tested in
accordance *ith EN &5>9#55> and EN 6&5!-#9!""5.
7.3.3. Im)act test
'he im)act )ro)erties of *elded steel in the inner 2essel shall be tested in
accordance *ith EN #!>#-!9!""" and EN #""7>-#9#55".
7.3.7. =endin% test
'he bendin% )ro)erties of *elded steel in the inner 2essel shall be tested in
accordance *ith EN 5#"9#556.
7.3.>. 4eld e(amination
Radio%ra)hic ins)ection of *elded steel in the inner 2essel shall be
)erformed in accordance *ith EN #!>#-!9!""" and EN #73>9#557.
7.7. 'est )ressure
'he follo*in% minimum inner 2essel test )ressure shall be used in
Ptest J #.3 04P R ".#1 L<PaM
4here 4P is in <Pa.
7.>. Stress analysis
$ stress analysis shall be )erformed to 8ustify the minimum desi%n *all
thic,nesses. $ stress analysis shall be )erformed to 8ustify the internal
su))ort element desi%n *hen e()osed to the accelerations described in
)ara%ra)h #&.7.7. 'he stress shall not e(ceed the minimum ultimate tensile
stren%th of the material *hen calculated accordin% *ith a linear stress model.
'he allo*able stress in the internal su))ort elements may not ha2e to be
calculated, if it can be demonstrated that the fuel tan, su))orts the
accelerations %i2en in )ara%ra)h #&.7.7. *ithout any structure dama%e to the
inner tan, or its su))orts.
,nne3 0:
7.6. Ins)ection and testin%
'he manufacturin% ins)ection shall s)ecify )ro%rammes and )rocedures for9
0a1 <anufacturin% ins)ection, tests and acce)tance criteria: and
0b1 Periodic in ser2ice ins)ection, tests and acce)tance criteria. 'he
inter2al of 2isual reins)ection of the e(ternal 2essel surfaces shall be in
accordance *ith )ara%ra)h !.#.3. $ %uide for manufacturerPs instructions for
handlin%, use and ins)ection is )ro2ided in $))endi( = to this anne(.
7.7. -ire )rotection
$ll tan,s shall be )rotected from fire *ith )ressure relief de2ices. 'he tan,,
its materials, )ressure relief de2ices and any added insulation or )rotecti2e
material shall be desi%ned to collecti2ely ensure ade/uate safety durin% fire
conditions in the test s)ecified in )ara%ra)h $.# 0$nne( 3=, $))endi( $1.
Pressure relief de2ices shall be tested in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.#
0$nne( 3=, $))endi( $1.
7.&. 0Reser2ed1
7.5. 'an, su))orts
'he manufacturer shall s)ecify the means by *hich the tan,0s1 shall be
su))orted for installation on 2ehicles. 'he manufacturer shall also su))ly
installation instructions, includin% ma(imum clam)in% force and tor/ue to
not cause unacce)table stress in the tan, or dama%e to the tan, surface.
7.#". ?esi%n /ualification tests
-or the a))ro2al of each tan, ty)e the material, desi%n, manufacture and
e(amination shall be )ro2ed to be ade/uate for their intended ser2ice by
meetin% the a))ro)riate re/uirements of the material /ualification tests
summariDed in table 6.# of this anne( and the tan, /ualification tests
summariDed in table 6.! of this anne(, *ith all tests in accordance *ith the
rele2ant methods of test as described in $))endi( $ to this anne(. 'he test
tan, shall be selected and the tests *itnessed by the +om)etent $uthority. If
more tan,s are sub8ected to the tests than are re/uired by this anne(, all
results shall be documented.
7.##. Production e(aminations and tests
?escri)tions of )roduction e(aminations and tests shall be )ro2ided.
'he follo*in% shall be in accordance *ith EN #!>#-! !"""9
0a1 Ins)ection sta%es:
0b1 Production control test )lans:
0c1 Non-destructi2e testin%:
0d1 Rectification:
0e1 Pressure testin%.
7.#!. -ailure to meet test re/uirements
In the e2ent of failure to meet test re/uirements retestin% shall be carried out
as follo*s9
,nne3 0:
0a1 If there is e2idence of a fault in carryin% out a test, or an error of
measurement, a further test shall be )erformed. If the result of this test
is satisfactory, the first test shall be i%nored.
0b1 If the test has been carried out in a satisfactory manner, the cause of
test failure shall be identified.
If the failure is found durin% non-destructi2e tests, all the identified defecti2e
tan,s shall be re8ected or re)aired by an a))ro2ed method. 'he non-re8ected
tan,s are then considered as a ne* batch. $ll the rele2ant )rototy)e or batch
tests need to )ro2e the acce)tability of the ne* batch and shall be )erformed
a%ain. If one or more tests )ro2e e2en )artially unsatisfactory, then all tan,s
of the batch shall be re8ected.
7.#3. +han%e of desi%n
$ desi%n chan%e is any chan%e in the selection of structural materials or
dimensional chan%e not attributable to normal manufacturin% tolerances.
<inor desi%n chan%es shall be )ermitted to be /ualified throu%h a reduced
test )ro%ramme. +han%es of desi%n s)ecified in table 6.7 shall re/uire desi%n
/ualification testin% as s)ecified.
'able 6.# <aterial desi%n /ualification tests
Inner 2essel material Rele2ent )ara%ra)h of
this anne(
'ensile test
Im)act test
=endin% test
4eld e(amination
'able 6.! 'an, desi%n /ualification tests
'est and anne( reference
=onfire test $nne( 3=, $))endi( $.#
?ro) test $nne( 3=, $))endi( $.!
Aold-time test $nne( 3=, $))endi( $.3
'able 6.3 +ritical )roduction ins)ection re/uirements
Euality ins)ection
Production control test )lates
Non-destructi2e testin%
Pressure testin%
,nne3 0:
'able 6.7 +han%e of desi%n
'y)e of test
?esi%n chan%e $.# =onfire $.! ?ro) $.3 Aold-time
?iameter S !" )er cent I I I
.en%th S >" )er cent I I I
4or,in% )ressure S !" )er cent I I I
Insulation material 3 method I I
7.#7. Pressure testin%
Each tan, shall be )ressure tested in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.7 0$nne(
3=, $))endi( $1.
7.#>. 'an, desi%n /ualification tests
7.#>.#. General
Eualification testin% shall be conducted on finished tan,s that are
re)resentati2e of normal )roduction and com)lete *ith identification mar,s.
Selection, *itnessin% and documentation of the results shall be in accordance
*ith )ara%ra)h 6.##. abo2e.
7.#>.!. =onfire test
'ests shall be conducted in accordance *ith )ara%ra)h $.# 0$nne( 3=,
$))endi( $1 and meet the re/uirements therein.
>. <ar,in%s
>.#. @n each tan,, the manufacturer shall )ro2ide clear )ermanent mar,in%s not
less than 6 mm hi%h. <ar,in% shall be made either by labels attached by
adhesi2e or )lates attached by *elds. $dhesi2e labels and their a))lication
shall be in accordance *ith IS@ 7!!>, or an e/ui2alent standard. <ulti)le
labels or )lates are allo*ed and should be located such that they are not
obscured by mountin% brac,ets. Each tan, com)lyin% *ith this anne( shall
be mar,ed as follo*s9
0a1 <andatory information9
0i1 K.NG @N.NK:
0ii1 <anufacturerPs identification:
0iii1 'an, identification 0a))licable )art number and a serial number
uni/ue for e2ery cylinder1:
0i21 4or,in% )ressure and tem)erature:
021 E+E Re%ulation number, alon% *ith tan, ty)e and certification
re%istration number:
02i1 'he )ressure relief de2ices and3or 2al2es that are /ualified for
use *ith the tan, or the means for obtainin% information on /ualified
fire )rotection systems:
02ii1 4hen labels are used, all tan,s shall ha2e a uni/ue
identification number stam)ed on an e()osed metal surface to )ermit
tracin% in the e2ent that the label is destroyed:
,nne3 0:
0b1 Non-mandatory information9
@n a se)arate label0s1 the follo*in% non-mandatory information may
be )ro2ided9
0i1 Gas tem)erature ran%e, e.%. -#5> F+ to 6> F+:
0ii1 Nominal *ater ca)acity of the tan, to t*o si%nificant numbers.
e.%. #!" litres:
0iii1 ?ate of ori%inal )ressure test 0month and year1.
'he mar,in%s shall be )laced in the listed se/uence but the s)ecific
arran%ement may be 2aried to match the s)ace a2ailable. $n
acce)table e(am)le of mandatory information is9
.NG @N.N
<anufacturer3Part Number3Serial Number
#.6 <Pa 0#6 bar13-#6" F+
E+E R ##" .NG 0re%istration No. Q1
K6se @nly <anufacturer-$))ro2ed Pressure Relief ?e2iceK
6. Pre)arations for dis)atch
Prior to dis)atch from the manufacturerPs sho), e2ery tan, shall be internally
clean. 'an,s not immediately closed by the fittin% of a 2al2e, and safety
de2ices if a))licable, shall ha2e )lu%s, *hich )re2ent entry of moisture and
)rotect threads, fitted to all o)enin%s.
'he manufacturerPs statement of ser2ice and all necessary information to
ensure the )ro)er handlin%, use and in-ser2ice ins)ection of the tan,s shall be
su))lied to the )urchaser. 'he statement shall be in accordance *ith
$))endi( ? to this anne(.
,nne3 0: > ,ppendi3 ,
,nne3 0: - ,ppendi3 ,
(est methods
$.#. =onfire test
$.#.#. General
'he bonfire tests are desi%ned to demonstrate that finished tan,s com)lete
*ith the fire )rotection system 0tan, 2al2e, )ressure relief 2al2es and3or
inte%ral thermal insulation1 s)ecified in the desi%n *ill not burst *hen tested
under the s)ecified fire conditions. E(treme caution shall be e(ercised durin%
fire testin% in the e2ent that tan, ru)ture occurs.
$.#.!. 'an, set-u)
'he inner tan, shall be at the same tem)erature as the tem)erature of the
.NG. 'his re/uirement shall be deemed met if, durin% the )re2ious !7 hours,
the fuel tan, has contained a 2olume of li/uid .NG at least e/ual to half of
the 2olume of the inner tan,.
'he fuel tan, shall be filled *ith .NG so that the /uantity of .NG measured
by the mass measurement system shall be *ithin #" )er cent of the ma(imum
allo*ed net /uantity that may be contained in the inner tan,.
$.#.3. -ire source
'he len%th and the *idth of the fire shall e(ceed the )lan dimensions of the
fuel tan, by ".# m. IS@ ##735 contains directions to )roduce a suitable fire
test. 'he a2era%e tem)erature shall remain abo2e >5" F+ for the duration of
the test.
$ny fuel may be used for the fire source )ro2ided it su))lies uniform heat
sufficient to maintain the s)ecified test tem)eratures until the tan, is 2ented.
'he selection of fuel should ta,e into consideration air )ollution concerns.
'he arran%ement of the fire shall be recorded in sufficient detail to ensure the
rate of heat in)ut to the tan, is re)roducible. $ny failure or inconsistency of
the fire source durin% a test in2alidates the result.
$.#.7. 'em)erature and )ressure measurements
'he a2era%e tem)erature of s)ace #" mm belo* the fuel tan, as measured by
t*o or more thermocou)les shall be at least >5" F+.
'hermocou)le tem)eratures and the tan, )ressure shall be recorded at
inter2als of e2ery 3" seconds or less durin% the test.
$.#.>. General test re/uirements
'he )ressure of the fuel tan, at the be%innin% of the test shall be *ithin
".# <Pa of the saturation )ressure of .NG in the inner tan,.
'he la)se of time, from the moment that the a2era%e tem)erature first reaches
>5" F+ until the o)enin% of the )rimary )ressure relief 2al2e, shall be
@nce the )ressure relief 2al2e o)ens, the test shall continue until the blo* off
of the )ressure relief 2al2e is com)lete.
,nne3 0: > ,ppendi3 ,
$.#.6. $cce)table results
'he holdin% time of the fuel tan,, *hich is the la)se of time before the
o)enin% of the )ressure relief 2al2e, shall not be less than > minutes under an
e(ternal fire.
'he fuel tan, shall not burst and the )ressure inside the inner tan, shall not
e(ceed the )ermissible fault ran%e of the inner tan,. 'he secondary )ressure
2al2e shall limit the )ressure inside the inner tan, to the test )ressure
s)ecified in )ara%ra)h 6.7.
$.!. ?ro) test
Each family of fuel tan,s shall be dro) tested to 2erify tan, inte%rity. ?ro)
tests shall include a 5 m dro) test of the fuel tan, on the most critical area of
the tan, 0other than the )i)in% end1 and 3 m dro) test on the )i)in% end. 'an,
shall contain an e/ui2alent full *ei%ht of li/uid nitro%en saturated to one-half
the *or,in% )ressure. 'here shall be no loss of )roduct for a )eriod of one
hour subse/uent to the dro) test other than relief 2al2e o)eration and 2a)our
bet*een the filler nec, and the secondary chec, 2al2e in the case of a dro)
test in2ol2in% the filler nec,. .oss of 2acuum, dentin% of the 2essel, )i)in%
and )i)in% )rotection, and dama%e to the su))ort structure system are
'he tan, shall be sub8ect to a 2ertical dro) test so that it falls on ri%id, flat,
non-resilient, smooth, and horiDontal surface on areas defined belo*. 'o do
so, the tan, is sus)ended at a minimum hei%ht defined abo2e the %round at a
)oint diametrically o))osite the im)act area, so that the centre of %ra2ity is
2ertically abo2e.
-uel )um)s and other tan, attachments shall also meet the dro) test
re/uirements for the tan, and be attached as )art of the tests.
$.3. Aold-time test
'he tan, shall be filled *ithin #" )er cent of ma(imum allo*ed net /uantity
of .NG at manufacturerPs s)ecified hi%hest )oint in the desi%n fillin%
tem)erature 3 )ressure ran%e. Aydrostatic )ressure shall be recorded e2ery
minute for at least #!" hours at ambient tem)erature of !" X > F+.
Aydrostatic )ressure shall be stable 0*ithin #" ,Pa1 or increasin% throu%hout
duration of test. 'he combined tan, and contents *ei%ht shall be measured
and 2erified to be stable 0*ithin # )er cent1 throu%hout duration of test:
release of any fluid 0bubble ti%ht1 durin% duration of test shall be
unacce)table. $cce)table measured hydrostatic )ressure at #!" or more hours
shall be less than nominal )rimary relief 2al2e )ressure settin% of the tan,. If
hydrostatic )ressure is less than nominal )rimary relief 2al2e )ressure settin%
at #!" hours, the test may be continued until that )ressure is reached, and
manufacturerPs hi%hest )oint in the desi%n fillin% tem)erature 3 )ressure ran%e
may be defined as the hydrostatic )ressure recorded #!" hours )rior to
reachin% the nominal )rimary relief 2al2e )ressure settin%. 'he manufacturer
may also s)ecify a lon%er hold-time than #!" hours, or a hold-time 0lon%er
than #!" hours1 2ersus desi%n fillin% tem)erature 3 )ressure relationshi)
based on the recorded hydrostatic )ressure time history.
,nne3 0: > ,ppendi3 ,
$.7. Pressure test
Each inner 2essel shall be e(amined under the test )ressure defined in
)ara%ra)h 7.7., maintained for at least 3" seconds *ithout e2idence of
lea,a%e, 2isible distortion or other defect.
,nne3 0: > ,ppendi3 !
,nne3 0: > ,ppendi3 :
Report *orm
NOT% - 'his a))endi( is not a mandatory )art of this anne(.
'he follo*in% forms should be used9
#. ?escri)tion and serial number for 2essel
!. +ertificates of +onformity, such as relief 2al2es, manual 2al2es, fill fittin%, etc.
3. Radio%ra)hic test re)ort - *eld seams
7. <echanical test re)ort - 8oint tensile test, bendin% tests, im)act tests
>. <aterial test re)orts - all steel inner 2essel com)onents
,nne3 0: > ,ppendi3 :
,nne3 0: - ,ppendi3 !
5nstructions %& the tan)s manufacturer on handling8 use and
inspection of tan)s
+.#. General
'he )rimary function of this a))endi( is to )ro2ide %uidance to the tan,
)urchaser, distributor, installer and user for the safe use of the tan, o2er its
intended ser2ice life.
+.!. ?istribution
'he manufacturer shall ad2ise the )urchaser that the instructions shall be
su))lied to all )arties in2ol2ed in the distribution, handlin%, installation and
use of the tan,. 'he document may be re)roduced to )ro2ide sufficient co)ies
for this )ur)ose, ho*e2er, it shall be mar,ed to )ro2ide reference to the tan,
bein% deli2ered:
+.3. Reference to e(istin% codes, standards and re%ulations
S)ecific instructions may be stated by reference to national or reco%niDed
codes, standards and re%ulations.
+.7. 'an, handlin%
Aandlin% )rocedures shall be )ro2ided to ensure that the tan, *ill not suffer
unacce)table dama%e or contamination durin% handlin%.
+.>. Installation
Installation instructions shall be )ro2ided to ensure that the tan,s *ill not
suffer unacce)table dama%e durin% installation and durin% normal o)eration
o2er the intended ser2ice life.
4here the mountin% is s)ecified by the manufacturer, the instructions shall
contain *here rele2ant, details such as mountin% desi%n, the use of resilient
%as,et materials, the correct ti%htenin% tor/ues and a2oidance of direct
e()osure of the tan, to an en2ironment of chemical and mechanical contacts.
4here the mountin% is not s)ecified by the manufacturer, the manufacturer
shall dra* the )urchaserPs attention to )ossible lon% term im)acts of the
2ehicle mountin% system, for e(am)le9 2ehicle body mo2ements and tan,
e()ansion3contraction in the )ressure and tem)erature conditions of ser2ice.
4here a))licable, the )urchaserPs attention shall be dra*n to the need to
)ro2ide installations such that li/uids or solids cannot be collected to cause
cylinder material dama%e:
'he correct )ressure relie2e de2ice to be fitted shall be s)ecified.
+.6. 6se of tan,s
'he manufacturer shall dra* the )urchaserPs attention to the intended ser2ice
conditions s)ecified by this Re%ulation, in )articular the tan,s allo*able
ma(imum )ressures.
,nne3 0: > ,ppendi3 !
+.7. In-ser2ice ins)ection
'he manufacturer shall clearly s)ecify the userPs obli%ation to obser2e the
re/uired tan, ins)ection re/uirements 0e.%. reins)ection inter2al, by
authoriDed )ersonnel1. 'his information shall be in a%reement *ith the desi%n
a))ro2al re/uirements.
,nne3 0: > ,ppendi3 4
,nne3 0: - ,ppendi3 4
Report *orm 1
NOT% - 'his a))endi( is not a mandatory )art of this anne(.
'he follo*in% forms should be used9
#. -orm #9 Re)ort of <anufacturer and +ertification of +onformity
!. <anufactured by9...........................................................................................................
3. .ocated at9......................................................................................................................
7. Re%ulatory re%istration number9....................................................................................
>. <anufacturers mar, and number9..................................................................................
6. Serial Number9 from to inclusi2e...................................................................................
7. 'an, descri)tion9............................................................................................................
&. SIZE9 @utside diameter9 mm: .en%th9 mm:
5. <ar,s stam)ed on shoulder or on labels of the tan, are9
0a1 K.NG onlyK9 .......................................................................................................
0b1 K?@ N@' 6SE $-'ERK9...................................................................................
0c1 K<anufacturerPs mar,K9.......................................................................................
0d1 Serial and )art number9.......................................................................................
0e1 4or,in% )ressure in <Pa9..................................................................................
0f1 E+E Re%ulation No.9..........................................................................................
0%1 -ire )rotection ty)e9............................................................................................
0h1 ?ate of ori%inal test 0month and year19...............................................................
0i1 'are mass of em)ty tan, 0in ,%19........................................................................
081 $uthoriDed =ody or Ins)ectors <ar,9................................................................
0,1 4ater ca)acity in .9............................................................................................
0l1 'est )ressure in <Pa9..........................................................................................
0m1 $ny s)ecial instructions9....................................................................................
#". Each tan, *as made in com)liance *ith all re/uirements of E+E Re%ulation No. ...
in accordance *ith the tan, descri)tion abo2e. Re/uired re)orts of test results are
##. I hereby certify that all these test results )ro2ed satisfactory in e2ery *ay and are in
com)liance *ith the re/uirements for the ty)e listed abo2e.
#!. +omments9.....................................................................................................................
#3. +om)etent $uthority9.....................................................................................................
,nne3 0: > ,ppendi3 4
#7. Ins)ectorPs si%nature9......................................................................................................
#>. <anufacturerPs si%nature9...............................................................................................
#6. Place, date9.....................................................................................................................
,nne3 ',
,nne3 ',
Pro+isions on the appro+al of the !NG automatic +al+e8 non-
return +al+e8 pressure relief +al+e8 pressure relief de+ice
(temperature triggered$8 e3cess flo9 +al+e8 manual +al+e and
the pressure relief de+ice (pressure triggered$
#. 'he )ur)ose of this anne( is to determine the )ro2isions on the a))ro2al of
the automatic 2al2e, the non-return 2al2e, the )ressure relief 2al2e, the
)ressure relief de2ice and the e(cess flo* 2al2e.
!. 'he +NG automatic 2al2e
!.#. 'he materials constitutin% the +NG automatic 2al2e *hich are in contact
*ith the +NG *hen o)eratin%, shall be com)atible *ith the test +NG. In
order to 2erify this com)atibility the )rocedure described in $nne( >? shall
be used.
!.!. @)eratin% s)ecifications
!.!.#. 'he +NG automatic 2al2e shall be so desi%ned as to *ithstand a )ressure of
#.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 *ithout lea,a%e and deformation.
!.!.!. 'he +NG automatic 2al2e shall be so desi%ned as to be lea,-)roof at a
)ressure of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 0see $nne( >=1.
!.!.3. 'he +NG automatic 2al2e, bein% in the normal )osition of use s)ecified by
the manufacturer, is submitted to !",""" o)erations: then it is deacti2ated.
'he automatic 2al2e shall remain lea,-)roof at a )ressure of #.> times the
*or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 0see $nne( >=1.
!.!.7. 'he +NG automatic 2al2e shall be so desi%ned to o)erate at tem)eratures as
s)ecified in $nne( >@.
!.3. 'he electrical system, if e(istin%, shall be isolated from the body of the
automatic 2al2e. Isolation resistance shall be S #" <[.
!.7. 'he automatic 2al2e acti2ated by an electric current shall be in a KclosedK
)osition *hen the current is s*itched off.
!.>. 'he automatic 2al2e has to com)ly *ith the test )rocedures for the +lass
com)onent determined accordin% to the scheme in -i%ure #-# of )ara%ra)h 3.
of this Re%ulation.
3. 'he non-return 2al2e
3.#. 'he materials constitutin% the non-return 2al2e *hich are in contact *ith the
+NG *hen o)eratin%, shall be com)atible *ith the test +NG. In order to
2erify this com)atibility the )rocedure described in $nne( >? shall be used.
3.!. @)eratin% s)ecifications
3.!.#. 'he non-return 2al2e shall be so desi%ned as to *ithstand a )ressure of #.>
times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 *ithout lea,a%e and deformation.
3.!.!. 'he non-return 2al2e shall be so desi%ned as to be lea,-)roof 0e(ternal1 at a
)ressure of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 0see $nne( >=1.
,nne3 ',
3.!.3. 'he non-return 2al2e, bein% in the normal )osition of use s)ecified by the
manufacturer, is submitted to !",""" o)erations: then it is deacti2ated. 'he
non-return 2al2e shall remain lea,-)roof 0e(ternal1 at a )ressure of #.> times
the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 0see $nne( >=1.
3.!.7. 'he non-return 2al2e shall be so desi%ned to o)erate at tem)eratures as
s)ecified in $nne( >@.
3.3. 'he non-return 2al2e has to com)ly *ith the test )rocedures for the +lass
com)onent determined accordin% to the scheme in -i%ure #-# of )ara%ra)h 3.
of this Re%ulation.
7. 'he )ressure relief 2al2e and )ressure relief de2ice
7.#. 'he materials constitutin% the )ressure relief 2al2e and )ressure relief de2ice
*hich are in contact *ith the +NG *hen o)eratin%, shall be com)atible *ith
the test +NG. In order to 2erify this com)atibility, the )rocedure described in
$nne( >? shall be used.
7.!. @)eratin% s)ecifications
7.!.#. 'he )ressure relief 2al2e and )ressure relief de2ice in +lass " shall be so
desi%ned as to *ithstand a )ressure of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1
*ith the outlet closed off.
7.!.!. 'he )ressure relief 2al2e and )ressure relief de2ice of +lass # shall be so
desi%ned as to be lea,-)roof at a )ressure of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure
0<Pa1 *ith the outlet closed off 0see $nne( >=1.
7.!.3. 'he )ressure relief 2al2e of +lass # and +lass ! shall be so desi%ned as to be
lea,-)roof at t*ice the *or,in% )ressure *ith the outlets closed off.
7.!.7. 'he )ressure relief de2ice shall be so desi%ned to o)en the fuse at a
tem)erature of ##" X #" F+.
7.!.>. 'he )ressure relief 2al2e of +lass " shall be so desi%ned to o)erate at
tem)eratures from -7" F+ to &> F+.
7.3. 'he )ressure relief 2al2e and )ressure relief de2ice ha2e to com)ly *ith the
test )rocedures for the +lass com)onent determined accordin% to the scheme
in -i%ure #-# of )ara%ra)h 3. of this Re%ulation.
>. 'he e(cess flo* 2al2e
>.#. 'he materials constitutin% the e(cess flo* 2al2e *hich are in contact *ith the
+NG *hen o)eratin%, shall be com)atible *ith the test +NG. In order to
2erify this com)atibility, the )rocedure described in $nne( >? shall be used.
>.!. @)eratin% s)ecifications
>.!.#. 'he e(cess flo* 2al2e, if it is not inte%rated in the tan,, shall be so desi%ned
as to *ithstand a )ressure of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1.
>.!.!. 'he e(cess flo* 2al2e shall be so desi%ned as to be lea,-)roof at a )ressure
of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1.
>.!.3. 'he e(cess flo* 2al2e shall be so desi%ned to o)erate at tem)eratures as
s)ecified in $nne( >@.
>.3. 'he e(cess flo* 2al2e shall be mounted inside the container.
>.7. 'he e(cess flo* 2al2e shall be desi%ned *ith a by)ass to allo* for
e/ualiDation of )ressures.
,nne3 ',
>.>. 'he e(cess flo* 2al2e shall cut-off at a )ressure difference o2er the 2al2e of
6>" ,Pa.
>.6. 4hen the e(cess flo* 2al2e is at cut-off )osition, the by-)ass flo* throu%h
the 2al2e shall not e(ceed "."> normal m
3minute at a differential )ressure of
#",""" ,Pa.
>.7. 'he de2ice ha2e to com)ly *ith the test )rocedures for the +lass
com)onents, s)ecified in the scheme in -i%ure #-# of )ara%ra)h 3. of this
Re%ulation, e(ce)t o2er)ressure, e(ternal lea,a%e, resistance to dry heat test,
oDone a%ein%.
6. 'he manual 2al2e
6.#. 'he manual 2al2e de2ice in +lass " shall be desi%ned to *ithstand a )ressure
of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure.
6.!. 'he manual 2al2e de2ice in +lass " shall be desi%ned to o)erate at a
tem)erature from -7" F+ to &> F+.
6.3. <anual 2al2e de2ice re/uirements
@ne s)ecimen shall be submitted to a fati%ue test at a )ressure cyclin% rate
not to e(ceed 7 cycles )er minute as follo*s9
held at !" F+ *hile )ressured for !,""" cycles bet*een ! <Pa and !6 <Pa.
7. Pressure relief de2ice 0)ressure tri%%ered1
7.#. 'he materials constitutin% the PR? 0)ressure tri%%ered1 *hich are in contact
*ith the +NG *hen o)eratin%, shall be com)atible *ith the test +NG. In
order to 2erify this com)atibility, the )rocedure described in $nne( >? shall
be used.
7.!. @)eratin% s)ecifications
7.!.#. 'he PR? 0)ressure tri%%ered1 of +lass ", shall be so desi%ned to o)erate at
tem)eratures as s)ecified in the $nne( >@.
7.!.!. 'he burst )ressure shall be 37 <Pa X #" )er cent at ambient tem)erature and
at the ma(imum o)eratin% tem)erature as indicated in $nne( >@.
7.3. 'he de2ice has to com)ly *ith the test )rocedures for the +lass com)onents,
s)ecified in the scheme in -i%ure #-# of )ara%ra)h !. of this Re%ulation,
e(ce)t o2er)ressure, internal lea,a%e and e(ternal lea,a%e.
7.7. PR? 0)ressure tri%%ered1 re/uirements.
7.7.#. +ontinued o)eration
7.7.#.#. 'est )rocedure
+ycle the PR? 0)ressure tri%%ered1 accordin% to 'able 3, *ith *ater bet*een
#" )er cent and #"" )er cent of the *or,in% )ressure, at a ma(imum cyclic
rate of #" cycles )er minute and a tem)erature of &! F+ X ! F+ or >7 F+ X !
,nne3 ',
'able 3
(est temperatures and c&cles
Temperature <CC= Cycles
&! !,"""
>7 #&,"""
7.7.#.!. Re/uirements
7.7.#.!.#. $t the com)letion of the test, the com)onent shall not lea, more than
#> cm
3hour *hen submitted to a %as )ressure e/ual to the ma(imum *or,in%
)ressure at ambient tem)erature and at the ma(imum o)eratin% tem)erature
as indicated in $nne( >@.
7.7.#.!.!. $t the com)letion of the test, the PR? 0)ressure tri%%ered1 burst )ressure
shall be 37 <Pa X #" )er cent at ambient tem)erature and at the ma(imum
o)eratin% tem)erature as indicated in $nne( >@.
7.7.!. +orrosion resistance test
7.7.!.#. 'est )rocedure
'he PR? 0)ressure tri%%ered1 shall be sub8ected to the test )rocedure
described in $nne( >E, e(ce)t the lea,a%e test.
7.7.!.!. Re/uirements
7.7.!.!.#. $t the com)letion of the test, the com)onent shall not lea, more than
#> cm
3hour *hen submitted to a %as )ressure e/ual to the ma(imum *or,in%
)ressure at ambient tem)erature and at the ma(imum o)eratin% tem)erature
as indicated in $nne( >@.
7.7.!.!.!. $t the com)letion of the test, the PR? 0)ressure tri%%ered1 burst )ressure
shall be 37 <Pa X #" )er cent at ambient tem)erature and at the ma(imum
o)eratin% tem)erature as indicated in $nne( >@.

,nne3 ':
,nne3 ':
Pro+isions on the appro+al of fle3i%le fuel lines or hoses for
!NG and hoses for #NG
". 'he )ur)ose of this anne( is to determine the )ro2isions on the a))ro2al of
fle(ible hoses for use *ith +NG or .NG.
'his anne( co2ers three ty)es of +NG fle(ible hoses 0a1, 0b1, 0c1 and one ty)e
of .NG hose 0d19
0a1 Ai%h )ressure hoses 0+lass "1:
0b1 <edium )ressure hoses 0+lass #1:
0c1 .o* )ressure hoses 0+lass !1:
0d1 .NG hoses 0+lass >1.
#. Ai%h )ressure hoses, +lass " classification
#.#. General s)ecifications
#.#.#. 'he hose shall be so desi%ned as to *ithstand a ma(imum *or,in% )ressure
of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1.
#.#.!. 'he hose shall be so desi%ned as to *ithstand tem)eratures as s)ecified in
$nne( >@.
#.#.3. 'he inside diameter shall be in com)liance *ith table # of standard IS@
#.!. Aose construction
#.!.#. 'he hose shall embody a smooth-bore tube and a co2er of suitable synthetic
material, reinforced *ith one or more interlayer0s1.
#.!.!. 'he reinforcin% interlayer0s1 has 0ha2e1 to be )rotected by a co2er a%ainst
If for the reinforcin% interlayer0s1 corrosion-resistant-material is used 0i.e.
stainless-steel1 a co2er is not re/uired.
#.!.3. 'he linin% and the co2er shall be smooth and free from )ores, holes and
stran%e elements.
$n intentionally )ro2ided )uncture in the co2er shall not be considered as an
#.!.7. 'he co2er has to be intentionally )erforated to a2oid the formin% of bubbles.
#.!.>. 4hen the co2er is )unctured and the interlayer is made of a non-corrosion-
resistant material, the interlayer has to be )rotected a%ainst corrosion.
#.3. S)ecifications and tests for the linin%
#.3.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation for rubber material and for thermo)lastic
elastomers 0'PE1
#.3.#.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation at brea, accordin% to IS@ 37. 'ensile stren%th
not less than !" <Pa and elon%ation at brea, not less than !>" )er cent.
,nne3 ':
#.3.#.!. Resistance to n-)entane accordin% to IS@ #&#7 *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 <edium9 n-)entane:
0b1 'em)erature9 !3F+ 0tolerance accordin% to IS@ #&#71:
0c1 Immersion )eriod9 7! hours.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in 2olume !" )er cent:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th !> )er cent:
0c1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, 3" )er cent.
$fter stora%e in air *ith a tem)erature of 7" F+ for a )eriod of 7& hours the
mass com)ared to the ori%inal 2alue may not decrease more than > )er cent.
#.3.#.3. Resistance to a%ein% accordin% to IS@ #&& *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 'em)erature9 ##> F+ 0test tem)erature J ma(imum o)eratin%
tem)erature minus #" F+1:
0b1 E()osure )eriod9 !7 and 336 hours.
$fter a%ein% the s)ecimens ha2e to be conditioned at !3 F+ and >" )er cent
relati2e humidity for at least !# days )rior to carryin% out the tensile test
accordin% to )ara%ra)h #.3.#.#.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th 3> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the tensile stren%th of the !7 hours a%ed material:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, !> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the elon%ation at brea, of the !7 hours a%ed material.
#.3.!. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation s)ecific for thermo)lastic material.
#.3.!.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation at brea, accordin% to IS@ >!7-! *ith the
follo*in% conditions9
0a1 S)ecimen ty)e9 ty)e # =$:
0b1 'ensile s)eed9 !" mm3minute.
'he material has to be conditioned for at least !# days at !3 F+ and >" )er
cent relati2e humidity )rior to testin%.
0a1 'ensile stren%th not less than !" <Pa:
0b1 Elon%ation at brea, not less than #"" )er cent.
#.3.!.!. Resistance to n-)entane accordin% to IS@ #&#7 *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 <edium9 n-)entane:
0b1 'em)erature9 !3 F+ 0tolerance accordin% to IS@ #&#71:
0c1 Immersion )eriod9 7! hours.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in 2olume ! )er cent:
,nne3 ':
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th #" )er cent:
0c1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, #" )er cent.
$fter stora%e in air *ith a tem)erature of 7" F+ for a )eriod of 7& hours the
mass com)ared to the ori%inal 2alue may not decrease more than > )er cent.
#.3.!.3. Resistance to a%ein% accordin% to IS@ #&& *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 'em)erature9 ##> F+ 0test tem)erature J ma(imum o)eratin%
tem)erature minus #" F+1:
0b1 E()osure )eriod9 !7 and 336 hours.
$fter a%ein% the s)ecimens ha2e to be conditioned at !3 F+ and >" )er cent
relati2e humidity for at least !# days )rior to carryin% out the tensile test
accordin% to )ara%ra)h #.3.!.#.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th 3> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the tensile stren%th of the !7 hours a%ed material:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, !> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the elon%ation at brea, of the !7 hours a%ed material.
#.7. S)ecifications and test-method for the co2er
#.7.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation for rubber material and for thermo)lastic
elastomers 0'PE1
#.7.#.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation at brea, accordin% to IS@ 37. 'ensile stren%th
not less than #" <Pa and elon%ation at brea, not less than !>" )er cent.
#.7.#.!. Resistance to n-he(ane accordin% to IS@ #&#7 *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 <edium9 n-he(ane:
0b1 'em)erature9 !3 F+ 0tolerance IS@ #&#71:
0c1 Immersion )eriod9 7! hours.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in 2olume 3" )er cent:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th 3> )er cent:
0c1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, 3> )er cent.
#.7.#.3. Resistance to a%ein% accordin% to IS@ #&& *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 'em)erature9 ##> F+ 0test tem)erature J ma(imum o)eratin%
tem)erature minus #" F+1:
0b1 E()osure )eriod9 !7 and 336 hours.
$fter a%ein% the s)ecimens ha2e to be conditioned at !3 F+ and >" )er cent
relati2e humidity for at least !# days )rior to carryin% out the tensile test
accordin% to )ara%ra)h #.7.#.#.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th 3> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the tensile stren%th of the !7 hours a%ed material:
,nne3 ':
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, !> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the elon%ation at brea, of the !7 hours a%ed material.
#.7.!. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation s)ecific for thermo)lastic material.
#.7.!.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation at brea, accordin% to IS@ >!7-! *ith the
follo*in% conditions9
0a1 S)ecimen ty)e9 ty)e # =$:
0b1 'ensile s)eed9 !" mm3minute.
'he material has to be conditioned for at least !# days at !3 F+ and >" )er
cent relati2e humidity )rior to testin%.
0a1 'ensile stren%th not less than !" <Pa:
0b1 Elon%ation at brea, not less than #"" )er cent.
#.7.!.!. Resistance to n-he(ane accordin% to IS@ #&#7 *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 <edium9 n-he(ane:
0b1 'em)erature9 !3 F+ 0tolerance accordin% to IS@ #&#71:
0c1 Immersion )eriod9 7! hours.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in 2olume ! )er cent:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th #" )er cent:
0c1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, #" )er cent.
$fter stora%e in air *ith a tem)erature of 7" F+ for a )eriod of 7& hours the
mass com)ared to the ori%inal 2alue may not decrease more than > )er cent.
#.7.!.3. Resistance to a%ein% accordin% to IS@ #&& *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 'em)erature9 ##> F+ 0test tem)erature J ma(imum o)eratin%
tem)erature minus #" F+1:
0b1 E()osure )eriod9 !7 and 336 hours.
$fter a%ein% the s)ecimens ha2e to be conditioned at !3 F+ and >" )er cent
relati2e humidity for at least !# days )rior to carryin% out the tensile test
accordin% to )ara%ra)h #.7.!.#.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th !" )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the tensile stren%th of the !7 hours a%ed material:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, >" )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the elon%ation at brea, of the !7 hours a%ed material.
#.7.3. Resistance to oDone
#.7.3.#. 'he test has to be )erformed in com)liance *ith standard IS@ #73#3#.
#.7.3.!. 'he test-)ieces, *hich ha2e to be stretched to an elon%ation of !" )er cent
shall ha2e to be e()osed to air of 7" F+ *ith an oDone-concentration of >"
)arts )er hundred million durin% #!" hours.
,nne3 ':
#.7.3.3. No crac,in% of the test )ieces is allo*ed.
#.>. S)ecifications for uncou)led hose
#.>.#. Gas-ti%htness 0)ermeability1
#.>.#.#. $ hose at a free len%th of # m has to be connected to a container filled *ith
li/uid )ro)ane, ha2in% a tem)erature of !3 F+ X ! F+.
#.>.#.!. 'he test has to be carried out in com)liance *ith the method described in
standard IS@ 7"&".
#.>.#.3. 'he lea,a%e throu%h the *all of the hose shall not e(ceed 5> cm
)er metre of
hose )er !7 hours.
#.>.!. Resistance at lo* tem)erature
#.>.!.#. 'he test has to be carried out in com)liance *ith the method described in
standard IS@ 767!-#57&, method =.
#.>.!.!. 'est tem)erature9 -7" F+ X 3 F+
or -!" F+ X 3 F+, if a))licable.
#.>.!.3. No crac,in% or ru)ture is allo*ed.
#.>.3. =endin% test
#.>.3.#. $n em)ty hose, at a len%th of a))ro(imately 3.> m shall be able to *ithstand
3,""" times the hereafter )rescribed alternatin%-bendin%-test *ithout
brea,in%. $fter the test the hose shall be ca)able of *ithstandin% the test
)ressure as mentioned in )ara%ra)h #.>.7.!. 'he test shall be )erformed on
both ne* hose and after a%ein% accordin% to IS@ #&& as )rescribed in
)ara%ra)h #.7.!.3. and subse/uently to IS@ #&#7 as )rescribed in )ara%ra)h
#.>.3.!. -i%ure # 0e(am)le only1
/ose insi"e "iameter
2en"ing ra"ius
(*igure 8)
.istance +et'een centres (mm)
(*igure 8)
u) to #3 #"! !7# #"!
#3 to #6 #>3 3>6 #>3
from #6 to !" #7& 7#5 #7&
#.>.3.3. 'he testin%-machine 0-i%ure #1 shall consist of a steel frame, )ro2ided *ith
t*o *ooden *heels, *ith a rim-*idth of ca. #3" mm.
,nne3 ':
'he circumference of the *heels shall be %roo2ed for the %uidance of the
'he radius of the *heels, measured to the bottom of the %roo2e, shall be as
indicated in )ara%ra)h #.>.3.!.
'he lon%itudinal median )lanes of both *heels shall be in the same 2ertical
)lane and the distance bet*een the *heel-centres shall be in accordance *ith
)ara%ra)h #.>.3.!.
Each *heel shall be able to rotate freely round its )i2ot-centre.
$ )ro)ulsion-mechanism )ulls the hose o2er the *heels at a s)eed of four
com)lete motions )er minute.
#.>.3.7. 'he hose shall be S-sha)e-li,e installed o2er the *heels 0see -i%ure #1.
'he end, that runs o2er the u))er *heel shall be furnished *ith a sufficient
mass as to achie2e a com)lete snu%%lin% of the hose a%ainst the *heels. 'he
)art that runs o2er the lo*er *heel is attached to the )ro)ulsion-mechanism.
'he mechanism shall be so ad8usted, that the hose tra2els a total distance of
#.! m in both directions.
#.>.7. Aydraulic test )ressure and a))ointment of the minimum burst-)ressure
#.>.7.#. 'he test has to be carried out in com)liance *ith the method described in
standard IS@ #7"!.
#.>.7.!. 'he test )ressure of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 shall be a))lied
durin% #" minutes, *ithout any lea,a%e.
#.>.7.3. 'he burst )ressure shall not be less than 7> <Pa.
#.6. +ou)lin%s
#.6.#. 'he cou)lin%s shall be made from steel or brass and the surface shall be
#.6.!. 'he cou)lin%s shall be of the crim)-fittin% ty)e.
#.6.!.#. 'he s*i2el-nut shall be )ro2ided *ith 6.N.-.-thread.
#.6.!.!. 'he sealin% cone of s*i2el-nut ty)e shall be of the ty)e *ith a half 2ertical
an%le of 7>F.
#.6.!.3. 'he cou)lin%s can be made as s*i2el-nut ty)e or as /uic,-connector ty)e.
#.6.!.7. It shall be im)ossible to disconnect the /uic,-connector ty)e *ithout s)ecific
measures or the use of dedicated tools.
#.7. $ssembly of hose and cou)lin%s
#.7.#. 'he construction of the cou)lin%s shall be such, that it is not necessary to
)eel the co2er unless the reinforcement of the hose consists of corrosion-
resistant material.
#.7.!. 'he hose assembly has to be sub8ected to an im)ulse test in com)liance *ith
standard IS@ #736.
#.7.!.#. 'he test has to be com)leted *ith circulatin% oil ha2in% a tem)erature of
53 F+, and a minimum )ressure of !6 <Pa.
#.7.!.!. 'he hose has to be sub8ected to #>",""" im)ulses.
,nne3 ':
#.7.!.3. $fter the im)ulse-test the hose has to *ithstand the test )ressure as
mentioned in )ara%ra)h #.>.7.!.
#.7.3. Gas-ti%htness
#.7.3.#. 'he hose assembly 0hose *ith cou)lin%s1 has to *ithstand durin% fi2e
minutes a %as )ressure of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 *ithout any
#.&. <ar,in%s
#.&.#. E2ery hose shall bear, at inter2als of not %reater than ".> m, the follo*in%
clearly le%ible and indelible identification mar,in%s consistin% of characters,
fi%ures or symbols.
#.&.#.#. 'he trade name or mar, of the manufacturer.
#.&.#.!. 'he year and month of fabrication.
#.&.#.3. 'he siDe and ty)e-mar,in%.
#.&.#.7. 'he identification-mar,in% K+NG +lass "K.
#.&.!. E2ery cou)lin% shall bear the trade name or mar, of the assemblin%
!. <edium )ressure hoses, +lass # classification
!.#. General s)ecifications
!.#.#. 'he hose shall be so desi%ned as to *ithstand a ma(imum *or,in% )ressure
of 3 <Pa.
!.#.!. 'he hose shall be so desi%ned as to *ithstand tem)eratures as s)ecified in
$nne( >@.
!.#.3. 'he inside diameter shall be in com)liance *ith table # of standard IS@
!.!. Aose construction
!.!.#. 'he hose shall embody a smooth-bore tube and a co2er of suitable synthetic
material, reinforced *ith one or more interlayer0s1.
!.!.!. 'he reinforcin% interlayer0s1 has 0ha2e1 to be )rotected by a co2er a%ainst
If for the reinforcin% interlayer0s1 corrosion-resistant-material is used 0i.e.
stainless-steel1 a co2er is not re/uired.
!.!.3. 'he linin% and the co2er shall be smooth and free from )ores, holes and
stran%e elements.
$n intentionally )ro2ided )uncture in the co2er shall not be considered as an
!.3. S)ecifications and tests for the linin%
!.3.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation for rubber material and for thermo)lastic
elastomers 0'PE1
!.3.#.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation at brea, accordin% to standard IS@ 37.
'ensile stren%th not less than #" <Pa and elon%ation at brea, not less than
!>" )er cent.
,nne3 ':
!.3.#.!. Resistance to n-)entane accordin% to IS@ #&#7 *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 <edium9 n-)entane:
0b1 'em)erature9 !3 F+ 0tolerance acc. to IS@ #&#71:
0c1 Immersion )eriod9 7! hours.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in 2olume !" )er cent:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th !> )er cent:
0c1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, 3" )er cent.
$fter stora%e in air *ith a tem)erature of 7" F+ for a )eriod of 7& hours the
mass com)ared to the ori%inal 2alue may not decrease more than > )er cent.
!.3.#.3. Resistance to a%ein% accordin% to IS@ #&& *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 'em)erature9 ##> F+ 0test tem)erature J ma(imum o)eratin%
tem)erature minus #" F+1:
0b1 E()osure )eriod9 !7 and 336 hours.
$fter a%ein% the s)ecimens ha2e to be conditioned at !3 F+ and >" )er cent
relati2e humidity for at least !# days )rior to carryin% out the tensile test
accordin% to )ara%ra)h !.3.#.#.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th 3> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the tensile stren%th of the !7 hours a%ed material:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, !> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the elon%ation at brea, of the !7 hours a%ed material.
!.3.!. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation s)ecific for thermo)lastic material.
!.3.!.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation at brea, accordin% to IS@ >!7-! *ith the
follo*in% conditions9
0a1 S)ecimen ty)e9 ty)e # =$:
0b1 'ensile s)eed9 !" mm3minute.
'he material has to be conditioned for at least !# days at !3 F+ and >" )er
cent relati2e humidity )rior to testin%.
0a1 'ensile stren%th not less than !" <Pa:
0b1 Elon%ation at brea, not less than #"" )er cent.
!.3.!.!. Resistance to n-)entane accordin% to IS@ #&#7 *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 <edium9 n-)entane:
0b1 'em)erature9 !3 F+ 0tolerance accordin% to IS@ #&#71:
0c1 Immersion )eriod9 7! hours.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in 2olume ! )er cent:
,nne3 ':
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th #" )er cent:
0c1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, #" )er cent.
$fter stora%e in air *ith a tem)erature of 7" F+ for a )eriod of 7& hours the
mass com)ared to the ori%inal 2alue may not decrease more than > )er cent.
!.3.!.3. Resistance to a%ein% accordin% to IS@ #&& *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 'em)erature9 ##> F+ 0test tem)erature J ma(imum o)eratin%
tem)erature minus #" F+1:
0b1 E()osure )eriod9 !7 and 336 hours.
$fter a%ein% the s)ecimens ha2e to be conditioned at !3 F+ and >" )er cent
relati2e humidity for at least !# days )rior to carryin% out the tensile test
accordin% to )ara%ra)h !.3.!.#.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th 3> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the tensile stren%th of the !7 hours a%ed material:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, !> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the elon%ation at brea, of the !7 hours a%ed material.
!.7. S)ecifications and test-method for the co2er
!.7.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation for rubber material and for thermo)lastic
elastomers 0'PE1
!.7.#.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation at brea, accordin% to IS@ 37. 'ensile stren%th
not less than #" <Pa and elon%ation at brea, not less than !>" )er cent.
!.7.#.!. Resistance to n-he(ane accordin% to IS@ #&#7 *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 <edium9 n-he(ane:
0b1 'em)erature9 !3 F+ 0tolerance accordin% to IS@ #&#71:
0c1 Immersion )eriod9 7! hours.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in 2olume 3" )er cent:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th 3> )er cent:
0c1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, 3> )er cent.
!.7.#.3. Resistance to a%ein% accordin% to IS@ #&& *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 'em)erature9 ##> F+ 0test tem)erature J ma(imum o)eratin%
tem)erature minus #" F+1:
0b1 E()osure )eriod9 !7 and 336 hours.
$fter a%ein% the s)ecimens ha2e to be conditioned at !3 F+ and >" )er cent
relati2e humidity for at least !# days )rior to carryin% out the tensile test
accordin% to )ara%ra)h !.7.#.#.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th 3> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the tensile stren%th of the !7 hours a%ed material:
,nne3 ':
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, !> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the elon%ation at brea, of the !7 hours a%ed material.
!.7.!. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation s)ecific for thermo)lastic material.
!.7.!.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation at brea, accordin% to IS@ >!7-! *ith the
follo*in% conditions9
0a1 S)ecimen ty)e9 ty)e # =$:
0b1 'ensile s)eed9 !" mm3minute.
'he material has to be conditioned for at least !# days at !3 F+ and >" )er
cent relati2e humidity )rior to testin%.
0a1 'ensile stren%th not less than !" <Pa:
0b1 Elon%ation at brea, not less than #"" )er cent.
!.7.!.!. Resistance to n-he(ane accordin% to IS@ #&#7 *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 <edium9 n-he(ane:
0b1 'em)erature9 !3 F+ 0tolerance accordin% to IS@ #&#71:
0c1 Immersion )eriod9 7! hours.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in 2olume ! )er cent:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th #" )er cent:
0c1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, #" )er cent.
$fter stora%e in air *ith a tem)erature of 7" F+ for a )eriod of 7& hours the
mass com)ared to the ori%inal 2alue may not decrease more than > )er cent.
!.7.!.3. Resistance to a%ein% accordin% to IS@ #&& *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 'em)erature9 ##> F+ 0test tem)erature J ma(imum o)eratin%
tem)erature minus #" F+1:
0b1 E()osure )eriod9 !7 and 336 hours.
$fter a%ein% the s)ecimens ha2e to be conditioned at !3 F+ and >" )er cent
relati2e humidity for at least !# days )rior to carryin% out the tensile test
accordin% to )ara%ra)h !.7.!.#.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th !" )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the tensile stren%th of the !7 hours a%ed material:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, >" )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the elon%ation at brea, of the !7 hours a%ed material.
!.7.3. Resistance to oDone
!.7.3.#. 'he test has to be )erformed in com)liance *ith standard IS@ #73#3#.
!.7.3.!. 'he test-)ieces, *hich ha2e to be stretched to an elon%ation of !" )er cent
shall ha2e to be e()osed to air of 7" F+ *ith an oDone concentration of
>" )arts )er hundred million durin% #!" hours.
,nne3 ':
!.7.3.3. No crac,in% of the test )ieces is allo*ed.
!.>. S)ecifications for uncou)led hose
!.>.#. Gas-ti%htness 0)ermeability1
!.>.#.#. $ hose at a free len%th of # m has to be connected to a container filled *ith
li/uid )ro)ane, ha2in% a tem)erature of !3 F+ X ! F+.
!.>.#.!. 'he test has to be carried out in com)liance *ith the method described in
standard IS@ 7"&".
!.>.#.3. 'he lea,a%e throu%h the *all of the hose shall not e(ceed 5> cm
)er metre of
hose )er !7 hours.
!.>.!. Resistance at lo* tem)erature
!.>.!.#. 'he test has to be carried out in com)liance *ith the method described in
standard IS@ 767!-#57&, method =.
!.>.!.!. 'est tem)erature9 -7" F+ X 3 F+
or -!" F+ X 3 F+, if a))licable.
!.>.!.3. No crac,in% or ru)ture is allo*ed.
!.>.3. =endin% test
!.>.3.#. $n em)ty hose, at a len%th of a))ro(imately 3.> m shall be able to *ithstand
3,""" times the hereafter )rescribed alternatin%-bendin%-test *ithout
brea,in%. $fter the test the hose shall be ca)able of *ithstandin% the test
)ressure as mentioned in )ara%ra)h !.>.7.!. 'he test shall be )erformed on
both ne* hose and after a%ein% accordin% to IS@ #&& as )rescribed in
)ara%ra)h !.7.!.3. and subse/uently to IS@ #&#7 as )rescribed in
)ara%ra)h !.7.!.!.
!.>.3.!. -i%ure ! 0e(am)le only1
-i%ure ! 0e(am)le only1
/ose insi"e "iameter
2en"ing ra"ius
(*igure 9)
.istance +et'een centres <mm=
(*igure 9)
u) to #3 #"! !7# #"!
#3 to #6 #>3 3>6 #>3
from #6 to !" #7& 7#5 #7&
,nne3 ':
!.>.3.3. 'he testin%-machine 0-i%ure !1 shall consist of a steel frame, )ro2ided *ith
t*o *ooden *heels, *ith a rim-*idth of ca. #3" mm.
'he circumference of the *heels shall be %roo2ed for the %uidance of the
'he radius of the *heels, measured to the bottom of the %roo2e, shall be as
indicated in )ara%ra)h !.>.3.!.
'he lon%itudinal median )lanes of both *heels shall be in the same 2ertical
)lane and the distance bet*een the *heel-centres shall be in accordance *ith
)ara%ra)h !.>.3.!.
Each *heel shall be able to rotate freely round its )i2ot-centre.
$ )ro)ulsion-mechanism )ulls the hose o2er the *heels at a s)eed of four
com)lete motions )er minute.
!.>.3.7. 'he hose shall be S-sha)e-li,e installed o2er the *heels 0see -i%ure !1.
'he end, that runs o2er the u))er *heel, shall be furnished *ith a sufficient mass as to
achie2e a com)lete snu%%lin% of the hose a%ainst the *heels. 'he )art that
runs o2er the lo*er *heel is attached to the )ro)ulsion mechanism.
'he mechanism shall be so ad8usted, that the hose tra2els a total distance of
#.! m in both directions.
!.>.7. Aydraulic test )ressure
!.>.7.#. 'he test has to be carried out in com)liance *ith the method described in
standard IS@ #7"!.
!.>.7.!. 'he test )ressure of 3 <Pa shall be a))lied durin% #" minutes, *ithout any
!.6. +ou)lin%s
!.6.#. If a cou)lin% is mounted on the hose the follo*in% conditions ha2e to be met9
!.6.!. 'he cou)lin%s shall be made from steel or brass and the surface shall be
!.6.3. 'he cou)lin%s shall be of the crim)-fittin% ty)e.
!.6.7. 'he cou)lin%s can be made as s*i2el-nut ty)e or as /uic,-connector ty)e.
!.6.>. It shall be im)ossible to disconnect the /uic,-connector ty)e *ithout s)ecific
measures or the use of dedicated tools.
!.7. $ssembly of hose and cou)lin%s
!.7.#. 'he construction of the cou)lin%s shall be such, that it is not necessary to
)eel the co2er unless the reinforcement of the hose consists of corrosion-
resistant material.
!.7.!. 'he hose assembly has to be sub8ected to an im)ulse test in com)liance *ith
standard IS@ #736.
!.7.!.#. 'he test has to be com)leted *ith circulatin% oil ha2in% a tem)erature of
53 F+, and a minimum )ressure of #.> times the ma(imum *or,in% )ressure.
,nne3 ':
!.7.!.!. 'he hose has to be sub8ected to #>",""" im)ulses.
!.7.!.3. $fter the im)ulse-test the hose has to *ithstand the test )ressure as
mentioned in )ara%ra)h !.>.7.!.
!.7.3. Gas-ti%htness
!.7.3.#. 'he hose assembly 0hose *ith cou)lin%s1 has to *ithstand durin% fi2e
minutes a %as )ressure of 3 <Pa *ithout any lea,a%e.
!.&. <ar,in%s
!.&.#. E2ery hose shall bear, at inter2als of not %reater than ".> m, the follo*in%
clearly le%ible and indelible identification mar,in%s consistin% of characters,
fi%ures or symbols.
!.&.#.#. 'he trade name or mar, of the manufacturer.
!.&.#.!. 'he year and month of fabrication.
!.&.#.3. 'he siDe and ty)e mar,in%.
!.&.#.7. 'he identification-mar,in% K+NG +lass #K.
!.&.!. E2ery cou)lin% shall bear the trade name or mar, of the assemblin%
3. .o* )ressure hoses, +lass ! classification
3.#. General s)ecifications
3.#.#. 'he hose shall be so desi%ned as to *ithstand a ma(imum *or,in% )ressure
of 7>" ,Pa.
3.#.!. 'he hose shall be so desi%ned as to *ithstand tem)eratures as s)ecified in
$nne( >@.
3.#.3. 'he inside diameter shall be in com)liance *ith table # of standard IS@
3.!. 0Not allocated1
3.3. S)ecifications and tests for the linin%
3.3.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation for rubber material and for thermo)lastic
elastomers 0'PE1
3.3.#.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation at brea, accordin% to standard IS@ 37
'ensile stren%th not less than #" <Pa and elon%ation at brea, not less than
!>" )er cent.
3.3.#.!. Resistance to n-)entane accordin% to standard IS@ #&#7 *ith the follo*in%
0a1 <edium9 n-)entane:
0b1 'em)erature9 !3 F+ 0tolerance accordin% to IS@ #&#71:
0c1 Immersion )eriod9 7! hours.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in 2olume !" )er cent:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th !> )er cent:
,nne3 ':
0c1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, 3" )er cent.
$fter stora%e in air *ith a tem)erature of 7" F+ for a )eriod of 7& hours the
mass com)ared to the ori%inal 2alue may not decrease more than > )er cent.
3.3.#.3. Resistance to a%ein% accordin% to IS@ #&& *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 'em)erature9 ##> F+ 0test tem)erature J ma(imum o)eratin%
tem)erature minus #" F+1:
0b1 E()osure )eriod9 !7 and 336 hours.
$fter a%ein% the s)ecimens ha2e to be conditioned at !3 F+ and >" )er cent
relati2e humidity for at least !# days )rior to carryin% out the tensile test
accordin% to )ara%ra)h 3.3.#.#.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th 3> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the tensile stren%th of the !7 hours a%ed material:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, !> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the elon%ation at brea, of the !7 hours a%ed material.
3.3.!. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation s)ecific for thermo)lastic material.
3.3.!.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation at brea, accordin% to IS@ >!7-! *ith the
follo*in% conditions9
0a1 S)ecimen ty)e9 ty)e # =$:
0b1 'ensile s)eed9 !" mm3minute.
'he material has to be conditioned for at least !# days at !3 F+ and >" )er
cent relati2e humidity )rior to testin%.
0a1 'ensile stren%th not less than !" <Pa:
0b1 Elon%ation at brea, not less than #"" )er cent.
3.3.!.!. Resistance to n-)entane accordin% to IS@ #&#7 *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 <edium9 n-)entane:
0b1 'em)erature9 !3 F+ 0tolerance accordin% to IS@ #&#71:
0c1 Immersion )eriod9 7! hours.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in 2olume ! )er cent:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th #" )er cent:
0c1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, #" )er cent.
$fter stora%e in air *ith a tem)erature of 7" F+ for a )eriod of 7& hours the
mass com)ared to the ori%inal 2alue may not decrease more than > )er cent.
3.3.!.3. Resistance to a%ein% accordin% to IS@ #&& *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 'em)erature9 ##> F+ 0test tem)erature J ma(imum o)eratin%
tem)erature minus #" F+1:
0b1 E()osure )eriod9 !7 and 336 hours.
,nne3 ':
$fter a%ein% the s)ecimens ha2e to be conditioned at !3 F+ and >" )er cent
relati2e humidity for at least !# days )rior to carryin% out the tensile test
accordin% to )ara%ra)h 3.3.!.#.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th 3> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the tensile stren%th of the !7 hours a%ed material:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, !> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the elon%ation at brea, of the !7 hours a%ed material.
3.7. S)ecifications and test-method for the co2er
3.7.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation for rubber material and for thermo)lastic
elastomers 0'PE1
3.7.#.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation at brea, accordin% to IS@ 37
'ensile stren%th not less than #" <Pa and elon%ation at brea, not less than
!>" )er cent.
3.7.#.!. Resistance to n-he(ane accordin% to IS@ #&#7 *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 <edium9 n-he(ane:
0b1 'em)erature9 !3 F+ 0tolerance acc. to IS@ #&#71:
0c1 Immersion )eriod9 7! hours.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in 2olume 3" )er cent:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th 3> )er cent:
0c1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, 3> )er cent.
3.7.#.3. Resistance to a%ein% accordin% to IS@ #&& *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 'em)erature9 ##> F+ 0test tem)erature J ma(imum o)eratin%
tem)erature minus #" F +1:
0b1 E()osure )eriod9 !7 and 336 hours.
$fter a%ein% the s)ecimens ha2e to be conditioned at !3 F+ and >" )er cent
relati2e humidity for at least !# days )rior to carryin% out the tensile test
accordin% to )ara%ra)h 3.7.#.#.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th 3> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the tensile stren%th of the !7 hours a%ed material:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, !> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the elon%ation at brea, of the !7 hours a%ed material.
3.7.!. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation s)ecific for thermo)lastic material.
3.7.!.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation at brea, accordin% to IS@ >!7-! *ith the
follo*in% conditions9
0a1 S)ecimen ty)e9 ty)e # =$:
0b1 'ensile s)eed9 !" mm3minute.
,nne3 ':
'he material has to be conditioned for at least !# days at !3 F+ and >" )er
cent relati2e humidity )rior to testin%.
0a1 'ensile stren%th not less than !" <Pa:
0b1 Elon%ation at brea, not less than #"" )er cent.
3.7.!.!. Resistance to n-he(ane accordin% to IS@ #&#7 *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 <edium9 n-he(ane:
0b1 'em)erature9 !3 F+ 0tolerance accordin% to IS@ #&#71:
0c1 Immersion )eriod9 7! hours.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in 2olume ! )er cent:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th #" )er cent:
0c1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, #" )er cent.
$fter stora%e in air *ith a tem)erature of 7" F+ for a )eriod of 7& hours the
mass com)ared to the ori%inal 2alue may not decrease more than > )er cent.
3.7.!.3. Resistance to a%ein% accordin% to IS@ #&& *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 'em)erature9 ##> F+ 0test tem)erature J ma(imum o)eratin%
tem)erature minus #" F+1:
0b1 E()osure )eriod9 !7 and 336 hours.
$fter a%ein% the s)ecimens ha2e to be conditioned at !3 F+ and >" )er cent
relati2e humidity for at least !# days )rior to carryin% out the tensile test
accordin% to )ara%ra)h 3.7.!.#.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th !" )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the tensile stren%th of the !7 hours a%ed material:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, >" )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the elon%ation at brea, of the !7 hours a%ed material.
3.7.3. Resistance to oDone
3.7.3.#. 'he test has to be )erformed in com)liance *ith standard IS@ #73#3#.
3.7.3.!. 'he test-)ieces, *hich ha2e to be stretched to an elon%ation of !" )er cent
shall ha2e to be e()osed to air of 7" F+ and a relati2e humidity of >" )er cent
X #" )er cent *ith an oDone concentration of >" )arts )er hundred million
durin% #!" hours. No crac,in% of the test )ieces is allo*ed.
3.>. S)ecifications for uncou)led hose
3.>.#. Gas-ti%htness 0)ermeability1
3.>.#.#. $ hose at a free len%th of # m has to be connected to a container filled *ith
li/uid )ro)ane, ha2in% a tem)erature of !3 F+ X ! F+.
3.>.#.!. 'he test has to be carried out in com)liance *ith the method described in
standard IS@ 7"&".
,nne3 ':
3.>.#.3. 'he lea,a%e throu%h the *all of the hose shall not e(ceed 5> cm
)er metre of
hose )er !7 hours.
3.>.!. Resistance at lo* tem)erature
3.>.!.#. 'he test has to be carried out in com)liance *ith the method described in
standard IS@ 767!, method =.
3.>.!.!. 'est tem)erature9 -7" F+ X 3 F+
or -!" F+ X 3 F+, if a))licable.
3.>.!.3. No crac,in% or ru)ture is allo*ed.
3.>.3. Resistance at hi%h tem)erature
3.>.3.#. $ )iece of hose, )ressuriDed at 7>" ,Pa, *ith a minimal len%th of ".> m shall
be )ut in an o2en at a tem)erature of #!" F+ X ! F+ durin% !7 hours. 'he test
shall be )erformed on both ne* hose and after a%ein% accordin% to IS@ #&&
as )rescribed in )ara%ra)h 3.7.!.3. and subse/uently to IS@ #&#7 as
)rescribed in )ara%ra)h 3.7.!.!.
3.>.3.!. 'he lea,a%e throu%h the *all of the hose shall not e(ceed 5> cm
)er metre of
hose )er !7 hours.
3.>.3.3. $fter the test the hose shall *ithstand the test )ressure of >" ,Pa durin%
#" minutes. 'he lea,a%e throu%h the *all of the hose shall not e(ceed 5> cm
)er metre of hose )er !7 hours.
3.>.7. =endin% test
3.>.7.#. $n em)ty hose, at a len%th of a))ro(imately 3.> m shall be able to *ithstand
3,""" times the hereafter )rescribed alternatin%-bendin%-test *ithout
3.>.7.!. -i%ure 3 0e(am)le only1
0*here9 a J #"! mm: bJ !7# mm1
'he testin% machine 0-i%ure 31 shall consist of a steel frame, )ro2ided *ith
t*o *ooden *heels, *ith a rim *idth of a))ro(imately #3" mm.
'he circumference of the *heels shall be %roo2ed for the %uidance of the
'he radius of the *heels, measured to the bottom of the %roo2e, shall be
#"! mm.
'he lon%itudinal median )lanes of both *heels shall be in the same 2ertical
)lane. 'he distance bet*een the *heel-centres shall be 2ertical !7# mm and
horiDontal #"! mm.
Each *heel shall be able to rotate freely round its )i2ot-centre.
,nne3 ':
$ )ro)ulsion-mechanism )ulls the hose o2er the *heels at a s)eed of four
com)lete motions )er minute.
3.>.7.3. 'he hose shall be S-sha)e-li,e installed o2er the *heels 0see -i%ure 31.
'he end, that runs o2er the u))er *heel, shall be furnished *ith a sufficient
mass as to achie2e a com)lete snu%%lin% of the hose a%ainst the *heels. 'he
)art that runs o2er the lo*er *heel is attached to the )ro)ulsion mechanism.
'he mechanism shall be so ad8usted, that the hose tra2els a total distance of
#.! m in both directions.
3.6. <ar,in%s
3.6.#. E2ery hose shall bear, at inter2als of not %reater than ".> m, the follo*in%
clearly le%ible and indelible identification mar,in%s consistin% of characters,
fi%ures or symbols.
3.6.#.#. 'he trade name or mar, of the manufacturer.
3.6.#.!. 'he year and month of fabrication.
3.6.#.3. 'he siDe and ty)e mar,in%.
3.6.#.7. 'he identification mar,in% K+NG +lass !K.
3.6.!. E2ery cou)lin% shall bear the trade name or mar, of the assemblin%
7. .NG hoses, +lass > classification
7.#. General s)ecifications
7.#.#. 'he hose shall be so desi%ned as to *ithstand a ma(imum *or,in% )ressure
of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 declared by the manufacturer.
7.#.!. 'he hose shall be so desi%ned as to *ithstand tem)eratures as s)ecified in
$nne( >@ for +lass >.
7.#.3. 'he inside diameter shall be in com)liance *ith table # of standard IS@
7.!. Aose construction
7.!.#. 'he hose shall be able to *ithstand tem)eratures of +lass >.
7.!.!. 'he reinforcin% interlayer0s1 has 0ha2e1 to be )rotected by a co2er a%ainst
If for the reinforcin% interlayer0s1 corrosion-resistant-material is used 0i.e.
stainless steel1 a co2er is not re/uired.
7.!.3. 'he linin% and the co2er shall be smooth and free from )ores, holes and
stran%e elements.
$n intentionally )ro2ided )uncture in the co2er shall not be considered as an
7.!.7. 'he co2er has to be intentionally )erforated to a2oid the formin% of bubbles.
7.!.>. 4hen the co2er is )unctured and the interlayer is made of a non-corrosion-
resistant material, the interlayer has to be )rotected a%ainst corrosion.
,nne3 ':
7.3. S)ecifications and tests for the linin%
7.3.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation for thermo)lastic elastomers 0'PE1
7.3.#.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation at brea, accordin% to IS@ 37. 'ensile stren%th
not less than !" <Pa and elon%ation at brea, not less than !>" )er cent.
7.3.#.!. Resistance to n-)entane accordin% to IS@ #&#7 *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 <edium9 n-)entane:
0b1 'em)erature9 !3 F+ 0tolerance accordin% to IS@ #&#71:
0c1 Immersion )eriod9 7! hours.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in 2olume !" )er cent:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th !> )er cent:
0c1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, 3" )er cent.
$fter stora%e in air *ith a tem)erature of 7" F+ for a )eriod of 7& hours the
mass com)ared to the ori%inal 2alue may not decrease more than > )er cent.
7.3.#.3. Resistance to a%ein% accordin% to IS@ #&& *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 'em)erature9 ##> F+ 0test tem)erature J ma(imum o)eratin%
tem)erature minus #" F+1:
0b1 E()osure )eriod9 !7 and 336 hours.
$fter a%ein% the s)ecimens ha2e to be conditioned at !3 F+ and >" )er cent
relati2e humidity for at least !# days )rior to carryin% out the tensile test
accordin% to )ara%ra)h #.3.#.#.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th 3> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the tensile stren%th of the !7 hours a%ed material:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, !> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the elon%ation at brea, of the !7 hours a%ed material.
7.3.!. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation s)ecific for thermo)lastic material.
7.3.!.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation at brea, accordin% to IS@ >!7-! *ith the
follo*in% conditions9
0a1 S)ecimen ty)e9 ty)e # =$:
0b1 'ensile s)eed9 !" mm3minute.
'he material has to be conditioned for at least !# days at !3 F+ and >" )er
cent relati2e humidity )rior to testin%.
0a1 'ensile stren%th not less than !" <Pa:
0b1 Elon%ation at brea, not less than #"" )er cent.
7.3.!.!. Resistance to n-)entane accordin% to IS@ #&#7 *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 <edium9 n-)entane:
0b1 'em)erature9 !3 F+ 0tolerance accordin% to IS@ #&#71:
,nne3 ':
0c1 Immersion )eriod9 7! hours.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in 2olume ! )er cent:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th #" )er cent:
0c1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, #" )er cent.
$fter stora%e in air *ith a tem)erature of 7" F+ for a )eriod of 7& hours the
mass com)ared to the ori%inal 2alue may not decrease more than > )er cent.
7.3.!.3. Resistance to a%ein% accordin% to IS@ #&& *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 'em)erature9 ##> F+ 0test tem)erature J ma(imum o)eratin%
tem)erature minus #" F+1:
0b1 E()osure )eriod9 !7 and 336 hours.
$fter a%ein% the s)ecimens ha2e to be conditioned at !3 F+ and >" )er cent
relati2e humidity for at least !# days )rior to carryin% out the tensile test
accordin% to )ara%ra)h #.3.!.#.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th 3> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the tensile stren%th of the !7 hours a%ed material:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, !> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the elon%ation at brea, of the !7 hours a%ed material.
7.7. S)ecifications and test-method for the co2er
7.7.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation for thermo)lastic elastomers 0'PE1
7.7.#.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation at brea, accordin% to IS@ 37. 'ensile stren%th
not less than #" <Pa and elon%ation at brea, not less than !>" )er cent.
7.7.#.!. Resistance to n-he(ane accordin% to IS@ #&#7 *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 <edium9 n-he(ane:
0b1 'em)erature9 !3 F+ 0tolerance IS@ #&#71:
0c1 Immersion )eriod9 7! hours.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in 2olume 3" )er cent:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th 3> )er cent:
0c1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, 3> )er cent.
7.7.#.3. Resistance to a%ein% accordin% to IS@ #&& *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 'em)erature9 ##> F+ 0test tem)erature J ma(imum o)eratin%
tem)erature minus #" F+1:
0b1 E()osure )eriod9 !7 and 336 hours.
$fter a%ein% the s)ecimens ha2e to be conditioned at !3 F+ and >" )er cent
relati2e humidity for at least !# days )rior to carryin% out the tensile test
accordin% to )ara%ra)h #.7.#.#.
,nne3 ':
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th 3> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the tensile stren%th of the !7 hours a%ed material:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, !> )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the elon%ation at brea, of the !7 hours a%ed material.
7.7.!. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation s)ecific for thermo)lastic material.
7.7.!.#. 'ensile stren%th and elon%ation at brea, accordin% to IS@ >!7-! *ith the
follo*in% conditions9
0a1 S)ecimen ty)e9 ty)e # =$:
0b1 'ensile s)eed9 !" mm3minute.
'he material has to be conditioned for at least !# days at !3 F+ and >" )er
cent relati2e humidity )rior to testin%.
0a1 'ensile stren%th not less than !" <Pa:
0b1 Elon%ation at brea, not less than #"" )er cent.
7.7.!.!. Resistance to n-he(ane accordin% to IS@ #&#7 *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 <edium9 n-he(ane:
0b1 'em)erature9 !3 F+ 0tolerance accordin% to IS@ #&#71:
0c1 Immersion )eriod9 7! hours.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in 2olume ! )er cent:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th #" )er cent:
0c1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, #" )er cent.
$fter stora%e in air *ith a tem)erature of 7" F+ for a )eriod of 7& hours the
mass com)ared to the ori%inal 2alue may not decrease more than > )er cent.
7.7.!.3. Resistance to a%ein% accordin% to IS@ #&& *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 'em)erature9 ##> F+ 0test tem)erature J ma(imum o)eratin%
tem)erature minus #" F+1:
0b1 E()osure )eriod9 !7 and 336 hours.
$fter a%ein% the s)ecimens ha2e to be conditioned at !3 F+ and >" )er cent
relati2e humidity for at least !# days )rior to carryin% out the tensile test
accordin% to )ara%ra)h #.7.!.#.
0a1 <a(imum chan%e in tensile stren%th !" )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the tensile stren%th of the !7 hours a%ed material:
0b1 <a(imum chan%e in elon%ation at brea, >" )er cent after 336 hours
a%ein% com)ared to the elon%ation at brea, of the !7 hours a%ed material.
7.7.3. Resistance to oDone
7.7.3.#. 'he test has to be )erformed in com)liance *ith standard IS@ #73#3#.
,nne3 ':
7.7.3.!. 'he test-)ieces, *hich ha2e to be stretched to an elon%ation of !" )er cent
shall ha2e to be e()osed to air of 7" F+ *ith an oDone concentration of >"
)arts )er hundred million durin% #!" hours. No crac,in% of the test )ieces is allo*ed.
7.>. S)ecifications for uncou)led hose
7.>.#. Gas-ti%htness 0)ermeability1
7.>.#.#. $ hose at a free len%th of # m has to be connected to a container filled *ith
li/uid )ro)ane, ha2in% a tem)erature of !3 F+ X ! F+.
7.>.#.!. 'he test has to be carried out in com)liance *ith the method described in
standard IS@ 7"&".
7.>.#.3. 'he lea,a%e throu%h the *all of the hose shall not e(ceed 5> cm
)er metre of
hose )er !7 hours.
7.>.!. Resistance at lo* tem)erature
7.>.!.#. 'he test has to be carried out in com)liance *ith the method described in
standard IS@ 767!-#57&, method =.
7.>.!.!. 'est tem)erature9 -#63 F+ 0e/ui2alent can be found in the table of $nne( >@1
7.>.!.3. No crac,in% or ru)ture is allo*ed.
7.>.3. =endin% test
7.>.3.#. 'he test has to be carried out in com)liance *ith the method described in
standard IS@#>>""-#79!"#!
7.>.7. Aydraulic test )ressure and a))ointment of the minimum burst-)ressure
7.>.7.#. 'he test has to be carried out in com)liance *ith the method described in
standard IS@ #7"!.
'est tem)erature9 -#63 F+ 0e/ui2alent can be found in the table of $nne( >@1
7.>.7.!. 'he test )ressure of #.> times the manufacture declared *or,in% )ressure
0<Pa1 shall be a))lied durin% #" minutes, *ithout any lea,a%e.
7.>.7.3. 'he burst )ressure shall not be less than !.!> times the manufacture declared
*or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1.
7.>.> Pull off
7.>.>.# 'he test has to be carried out in com)liance *ith the method described in
standard IS@#>>""-#79!"#!.
7.>.6. Electrical conducti2ity
7.>.6.#. 'he test has to be carried out in com)liance *ith the method described in
standard IS@#>>""-#79!"#!.
7.>.7. ;ibration
7.>.7.#. <ount one end of the test assembly on the static su))ort and the other end on
the 2ibration head, ma,in% sure that the tubin% is bent at the minimum
bendin% radius of #&"\ )re2entin% the hose to ,in,.
6sin% cryo%enic fluid, )ressuriDe the test sam)le at the manufacture declared
*or,in% )ressure.
'est tem)erature9 -#63 F+ 0e/ui2alent can be found in table $nne( >@1.
,nne3 ':
;ibrate the com)onent for 3" minutes, )ressuriDed, and sealed at the
do*nstream side alon% each of the three ortho%onal a(es at the most se2ere
resonant fre/uency determined as follo*s9
0a1 =y an acceleration of #.> %:
0b1 4ithin a sinusoidal fre/uency ran%e of #" AD to >"" AD:
0c1 4ith a s*ee) time of #" minutes.
If the resonance fre/uency is not found in this ran%e, the test shall be
conducted at >"" AD.
@n com)letion of the test, hose shall not sho* any indication of fati%ue,
crac,s, or dama%e and shall be tested at a test )ressure of #.> times the
manufacture declared *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1. 'his )ressure shall be a))lied
for #" minutes, *ithout any lea,a%e.
7.6. +ou)lin%s
7.6.#. 'he cou)lin%s shall be made from austenitic stainless steel.
7.6.!. 'he cou)lin%s shall meet re/uirements in )ara%ra)h 7.7.
7.7. $ssembly of hose and cou)lin%s
7.7.#. 'he construction of the cou)lin%s shall be such, that it is not necessary to
)eel the co2er unless the reinforcement of the hose consists of corrosion-
resistant material.
7.7.!. 'he hose assembly has to be sub8ected to an im)ulse test in com)liance *ith
standard IS@ #736.
'est tem)erature9 -#63 F+ 0e/ui2alent can be found in table $nne( >@1.
7.7.!.#. 'he test has to be com)leted *ith a cryo%enic fluid at the tem)erature
mentioned in $nne( >@ for +lass > and at a minimum )ressure of the
manufacture declared *or,in% )ressure.
7.7.!.!. 'he hose has to be sub8ected to 7,""" im)ulses.
7.7.!.3. $fter the im)ulse-test the hose has to *ithstand the test )ressure as
mentioned in )ara%ra)h 7.>.7.!.
7.7.3. Gas-ti%htness
7.7.3.#. 'he hose assembly 0hose *ith cou)lin%s1 has to *ithstand durin% fi2e
minutes a %as )ressure of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 *ithout any
lea,a%e at cryo%enic tem)erature.
'est tem)erature9 -#63 F+ 0e/ui2alent can be found in table $nne( >@1.
7.&. <ar,in%s
7.&.#. E2ery hose shall bear, at inter2als of not %reater than ".> m, the follo*in%
clearly le%ible and indelible identification mar,in%s consistin% of characters,
fi%ures or symbols.
7.&.#.#. 'he trade name or mar, of the manufacturer.
7.&.#.!. 'he year and month of fabrication.
7.&.#.3. 'he siDe and ty)e-mar,in%.
7.&.#.7. 'he identification-mar,in% K.NG +lass >K.
,nne3 ':
7.&.!. E2ery cou)lin% shall bear the trade name or mar, of the assemblin%
,nne3 ':
,nne3 '!
Pro+isions on the appro+al of the !NG filter
#. 'he )ur)ose of this anne( is to determine the )ro2isions on the a))ro2al of
the +NG filter.
!. @)eratin% conditions
!.#. 'he +NG filter shall be so desi%ned to o)erate at tem)eratures as s)ecified in
$nne( >@.
!.!. +NG filter shall be classified *ith re%ard to the ma(imum *or,in% )ressure
0see -i%ure #-# )ara%ra)h 3. of this Re%ulation19
!.!.#. +lass "9 'he +NG filter shall be so desi%ned to *ithstand a )ressure of #.>
times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1.
!.!.!. +lass # and +lass !9 'he +NG filter shall be so desi%ned to *ithstand a
)ressure t*ice the *or,in% )ressure.
!.!.3. +lass 39 the +NG filter shall be so desi%ned to *ithstand a )ressure t*ice the
relief )ressure of the )ressure relief 2al2e on *hich it is sub8ect.
!.3. 'he materials used in the +NG filter *hich are in contact *ith +NG *hen
o)eratin%, shall be com)atible *ith this %as 0see $nne( >?1.
!.7. 'he com)onent has to com)ly *ith the test )rocedures for +lass com)onents
accordin% to the scheme in -i%ure #-# of )ara%ra)h 3. of this Re%ulation.

,nne3 '4
,nne3 '4
Pro+isions on the appro+al of the !NG pressure regulator
#. 'he )ur)ose of this anne( is to determine the )ro2isions on the a))ro2al of
the )ressure re%ulator.
!. +NG Pressure re%ulator
!.#. 'he material constitutin% the re%ulator *hich is in contact *ith the
com)ressed natural %as *hen o)eratin% shall be com)atible *ith the test
+NG. In order to 2erify this com)atibility, the )rocedure in $nne( >? shall
be used.
!.!. 'he materials constitutin% the re%ulator *hich are in contact *ith the heat
e(chan%e medium of the re%ulator *hen o)eratin%, shall be com)atible *ith
that fluid.
!.3. 'he com)onent shall com)ly *ith the test )rocedures )ro2ided for in +lass "
for the )arts sub8ect to hi%h )ressure and +lass #, !, 3 and 7 for the )arts
sub8ect to medium and lo* )ressure.
!.7. ?urability test 0continued o)eration1 of the +NG )ressure re%ulator9
'he re%ulator shall be able to *ithstand >",""" cycles *ithout any failure
*hen tested accordin% to the follo*in% )rocedure. 4here the sta%es of
)ressure re%ulation are se)arate, the ser2ice )ressure in sub)ara%ra)hs 0a1 to
0f1 is considered to be the *or,in% )ressure of the u)stream sta%e.
0a1 Recycle the re%ulator for 5> )er cent of the total number of cycles at
room tem)erature and at the ser2ice )ressure. Each cycle shall consist of flo*
until stable outlet )ressure has been obtained, after *hich the %as flo* shall
be shut off by a do*nstream 2al2e *ithin # s, until the do*nstream loc,-u)
)ressure has stabiliDed. StabiliDed outlet )ressures are defined as set )ressure
X#> )er cent for at least > s.
0b1 +ycle the inlet )ressure of the re%ulator for # )er cent of the total
number of cycles at room tem)erature from #"" )er cent to >" )er cent of the
ser2ice )ressure. 'he duration of each cycle shall be no less than #" s.
0c1 Re)eat the cyclin% )rocedure of 0a1 at #!" F+ at the ser2ice )ressure
for # )er cent of the total number of cycles.
0d1 Re)eat the cyclin% )rocedure of 0b1 at #!" F+ at the ser2ice )ressure
for # )er cent of the total number of cycles.
0e1 Re)eat the cyclin% )rocedure of 0a1 at -7" F+ or -!" F+ as a))licable
and >" )er cent of ser2ice )ressure for # )er cent of the total number of
0f1 Re)eat the cyclin% )rocedure of 0b1 at -7" F+ or -!" F+ as a))licable
and >" )er cent of ser2ice )ressure for # )er cent of the total number of
,nne3 '4
0%1 $t the com)letion of all tests indicated in sub)ara%ra)hs 0a1, 0b1, 0c1,
0d1, 0e1 and 0f1, the re%ulator shall be lea, )roof 0see $nne( >=1 at the
tem)eratures of -7" F+ or -!" F+, as a))licable, and at the room tem)erature
and at the tem)erature of R#!" F+.
3. +lassification and test )ressures
3.#. 'he )art of the )ressure re%ulator *hich is in contact *ith the )ressure of the
container is re%arded as +lass ".
3.#.#. 'he +lass " )art of the )ressure re%ulator shall be lea,-)roof 0see $nne( >=1
at a )ressure u) to #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 *ith the outlet0s1 of
that )art closed off.
3.#.!. 'he +lass " )art of the )ressure re%ulator shall *ithstand a )ressure u) to #.>
times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1.
3.#.3. 'he +lass # and +lass ! )art of the +NG )ressure re%ulator shall be lea,-
)roof 0see $nne( >=1 at a )ressure u) to t*ice the *or,in% )ressure.
3.#.7. 'he +lass # and +lass ! )art of the +NG )ressure re%ulator shall *ithstand a
)ressure u) to t*ice the *or,in% )ressure.
3.#.>. 'he +lass 3 )art of the +NG )ressure re%ulator shall *ithstand a )ressure u)
to t*ice the relief )ressure of the )ressure relief 2al2e, on *hich it is sub8ect.
3.!. 'he )ressure re%ulator shall be so desi%ned to o)erate at tem)eratures as
s)ecified in $nne( >@.

,nne3 ':
,nne3 'E
Pro+isions on the appro+al of the !NG pressure and
temperature sensors
#. 'he )ur)ose of this anne( is to determine the )ro2isions on the a))ro2al of
the +NG )ressure and tem)erature sensors.
!. +NG Pressure and tem)erature sensors
!.#. 'he material constitutin% the )ressure and tem)erature sensors *hich is in
contact *ith the +NG *hen o)eratin% shall be com)atible *ith the test +NG.
In order to 2erify this com)atibility, the )rocedure in $nne( >? shall be used.
!.!. 'he +NG )ressure and tem)erature sensors are classified in a +lass
accordin% to the scheme #-# in )ara%ra)h 3. of this Re%ulation.
3. +lassification and test )ressures
3.#. 'he )art of the +NG )ressure and tem)erature sensors *hich is in contact
*ith the )ressure of the container is re%arded as +lass ".
3.#.#. 'he +lass " )art of the +NG )ressure and tem)erature sensors shall be lea,-
)roof at a )ressure u) to #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 0see $nne(
3.#.!. 'he +lass " )art of the +NG )ressure and tem)erature sensors shall
*ithstand a )ressure u) to #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1.
3.#.3. 'he +lass # and +lass ! )art of the +NG )ressure and tem)erature sensors
shall be lea,-)roof at a )ressure u) to t*ice the *or,in% )ressure 0see $nne(
3.#.7. 'he +lass # and +lass ! )art of the +NG )ressure and tem)erature sensors
shall *ithstand a )ressure u) to t*ice the *or,in% )ressure.
3.#.>. 'he +lass 3 )art of the +NG )ressure and tem)erature sensors shall
*ithstand a )ressure u) to t*ice the relief )ressure of the )ressure relief
2al2e, on *hich it is sub8ect.
3.!. 'he +NG )ressure and tem)erature sensors shall be so desi%ned to o)erate at
tem)eratures as s)ecified in $nne( >@.
3.3. 'he electrical system, if e(istin%, shall be isolated from the body of the
)ressure and tem)erature sensors. Isolation resistance shall be S #" <[.
,nne3 '*
,nne3 '*
Pro+isions on the appro+al of the !NG filling unit
#. 'he )ur)ose of this anne( is to determine the )ro2isions on the a))ro2al of
the +NG fillin% unit.
!. 'he +NG fillin% unit
!.#. 'he +NG fillin% unit shall com)ly *ith the re/uirements laid do*n in
)ara%ra)h 3. and shall ha2e the dimensions of )ara%ra)h 7.
!.!. +NG fillin% units desi%ned in accordance *ith IS@ #7765-# first edition
or IS@ #7765-!9!""7
and meetin% all the re/uirements therein
are deemed to fulfill the re/uirements of )ara%ra)hs 3. and 7. of this anne(.
3. 'he +NG fillin% unit test )rocedures
3.#. 'he +NG fillin% unit shall be conform to the re/uirements of +lass " and
follo* the test )rocedures in $nne( > *ith the follo*in% s)ecific
3.!. 'he material constitutin% the +NG fillin% unit *hich is in contact *ith the
+NG *hen the de2ice is in ser2ice shall be com)atible *ith the +NG. In
order to 2erify this com)atibility, the )rocedure of $nne( >? shall be used.
3.3. 'he +NG fillin% unit shall be free from lea,a%e at a )ressure of #.> times the
*or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 0see $nne( >=1.
3.7. 'he +NG fillin% unit shall *ithstand a )ressure of 33 <Pa.
3.>. 'he +NG fillin% unit shall be so desi%ned as to o)erate at tem)eratures as
s)ecified in $nne( >@.
3.6. 'he +NG fillin% unit shall *ithstand a number of #",""" cycles in the
durability test s)ecified in $nne( >..
7. +NG fillin% unit dimensions
7.#. -i%ure # sho*s the dimensions of the fillin% unit for 2ehicles of cate%ories
<# and N#.
7.!. -i%ure ! sho*s the dimensions of the fillin% unit for 2ehicles of cate%ories
<!, <3, N! and N3.
7.3. 'his $nne( refers to rece)tacles desi%ned for !" <Pa 0!"" bar1 +NG stora%e
systems. Rece)tacles for !> <Pa 0!>" bar1 are acce)table, )ro2ided all other
re/uirements of this $nne( are met at increased )ressures as defined in
Road ;ehicles +om)ressed Natural Gas 0+NG1 refuellin% connector - )art #9 !" <Pa
0!"" bar1 connector.
Road 2ehicles H +om)ressed natural %as 0+NG1 refuellin% connector H Part !9 !"
<Pa 0!"" bar1 connector, siDe !.
$s defined in the +onsolidated Resolution on the +onstruction of ;ehicles 0R.E.3.1,
document E+E3'R$NS34P.!537&3Re2.!, )ara. !. -
,nne3 '*
)ara%ra)h # of $nne( 3$ of this Re%ulation. In this case, dimension !> R"3-#
becomes !7 R"3-# in -i%ure # and 3> R"3-# becomes 37R"3-# in -i%ure !.
-i%ure #
.0 6Pa filling unit (receptacle$ for 61 and N1 +ehicles

# Sealin% surface e/ui2alent to No. ##" @-rin% of dimensions9 ?imensions in millimetres
5.#5 mm ".#!7 mm I? Surface rou%hness G Ra 3.! ]m
!.6! mm "."76 mm *idth
Sealin% surface finish9 ".& ]m to "."> ]m
<aterial hardness9 7> Roc,*ell 0AR= 7>1 minimum
a <inimum len%th of the rece)tacle *hich is clear of )ro2isions for attachement of rece)tacle or )rotecti2e ca)s.
'his area shall be ,e)t free of all com)onents.

# Sealin% surface e/ui2alent to No. ##" @-rin% of dimensions9 ?imensions in millimetres
5.#5 mm ".#!7 mm I? Surface rou%hness G Ra 3.! ]m
!.6! mm "."76 mm *idth
Sealin% surface finish9 ".& ]m to "."> ]m
<aterial hardness9 7> Roc,*ell 0AR= 7>1 minimum
a <inimum len%th of the rece)tacle *hich is clear of )ro2isions for attachement of rece)tacle or )rotecti2e ca)s.
'his area shall be ,e)t free of all com)onents.
,nne3 '*
-i%ure !
.0 6Pa *illing unit Si@e . (receptacle$ for 6.8 608 N. and N0 +ehicles
,nne3 'G
,nne3 'G
Pro+isions on the appro+al of !NG gas flo9 adAuster and
gas"air mi3er8 gas inAector or fuel rail
#. 'he )ur)ose of this anne( is to determine the )ro2isions on the a))ro2al of
the +NG %as flo* ad8uster and %as3air mi(er, %as in8ector or fuel rail.
!. +NG %as3air mi(er, %as in8ector or fuel rail.
!.#. 'he material constitutin% the +NG %as3air mi(er, %as in8ector or fuel rail
*hich is in contact *ith +NG shall be com)atible *ith the +NG. In order to
2erify this com)atibility, the )rocedure s)ecified in $nne( >? shall be used.
!.!. 'he +NG %as3air mi(er, %as in8ector or fuel rail shall conform to the
re/uirements of +lass # or ! com)onents, accordin% to their +lassification.
!.3. 'est )ressures
!.3.#. 'he +NG %as3air mi(er, %as in8ector or fuel rail of +lass ! shall *ithstand a
)ressure t*ice the *or,in% )ressure.
!.3.#.#. 'he +NG %as3air mi(er, %as in8ector or fuel rail of +lass ! shall be free from
lea,a%e at a )ressure t*ice the *or,in% )ressure.
!.3.!. 'he +NG %as3air mi(er, %as in8ector or fuel rail of +lass # and +lass ! shall
be so desi%ned to o)erate at tem)eratures as s)ecified in $nne( >@.
!.7. Electrical o)erated com)onents containin% +NG shall com)ly *ith the
0a1 'hey shall ha2e a se)arate %round connection:
0b1 'he electrical system of the com)onent shall be isolated from the
0c1 'he %as in8ector shall be in closed )osition *hen the electric current is
s*itched off.
3. +NG %as flo* ad8uster
3.#. 'he material constitutin% the %as flo* ad8uster *hich is in contact *ith the
+NG shall be com)atible *ith the +NG. In order to 2erify this com)atibility
the )rocedure s)ecified in $nne( >? has to be used.
3.!. 'he +NG %as flo* ad8uster shall conform to re/uirements of +lass # or !
com)onents, accordin% to their +lassification.
3.3. 'est )ressures
3.3.#. 'he +NG %as flo* ad8uster of +lass ! shall *ithstand a )ressure t*ice the
*or,in% )ressure.
3.3.#.#. 'he +NG %as flo* ad8uster of +lass ! shall be free from lea,a%e at a )ressure
t*ice the *or,in% )ressure.
3.3.!. 'he +NG %as flo* ad8uster of +lass # and +lass ! shall be so desi%ned to
o)erate at tem)eratures as s)ecified in $nne( >@.
,nne3 'G
3.7. Electrical o)erated com)onents containin% +NG shall com)ly *ith the
0a1 'hey shall ha2e a se)arate %round connection:
0b1 'he electrical system of the com)onent shall be isolated from the

,nne3 'B
,nne3 '7
Pro+isions on the appro+al of the electronic control unit
#. 'he )ur)ose of this anne( is to determine the )ro2isions on the a))ro2al of
the electronic control unit.
!. Electronic control unit
!.#. 'he electronic control unit can be any de2ice *hich controls the +NG3.NG
demand of the en%ine and establishes the cut-off of the automatic 2al2e in
case of a bro,en fuel su))ly )i)e or in case of stallin% of the en%ine, or
durin% a crash.
!.!. 'he s*itchin% off delay of the automatic 2al2e after stallin% of the en%ine
may not be more than > seconds.
!.3. 'he de2ice may be e/ui))ed *ith an automatic i%nition ad2ance timin%
ad8uster inte%rated in the electronic module or se)arated.
!.7. 'he de2ice may be inte%rated *ith dummy in8ectors to )ermit a correct
functionin% of the %asoline electronic control unit durin% +NG3.NG
!.>. 'he electronic control unit shall be so desi%ned to o)erate at tem)eratures as
s)ecified in $nne( >@.
,nne3 '7
,nne3 '5
Pro+isions on the appro+al of the #NG heat e3changer >
#. 'he )ur)ose of this anne( is to determine the )ro2isions on the a))ro2al of
the .NG heat e(chan%er B 2a)oriDer.
!. .NG Aeat e(chan%er B 2a)oriDer
!.#. 'he .NG heat e(chan%er B 2a)oriDer can be any de2ice made for 2a)oriDin%
the cryo%enic li/uid fuel and deli2er it as %as to the en%ine *ith %as
tem)erature bet*een -7" F+ and R#"> F+.
!.!. 'he material constitutin% the .NG heat e(chan%er - 2a)oriDer *hich is in
contact *ith the +NG *hen o)eratin% shall be com)atible *ith the test +NG.
In order to 2erify this com)atibility, the )rocedure in $nne( >? shall be used.
!.3. 'he )art of the .NG heat e(chan%er - 2a)oriDer *hich is in contact *ith the
tan, is re%arded as +lass >.
!.7. 'he .NG heat e(chan%er B 2a)oriDer shall be so desi%ned as to *ithstand a
)ressure of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 *ithout lea,a%e and
!.>. 'he .NG heat e(chan%er B 2a)oriDer shall be so desi%ned as to be lea,-)roof
0e(ternal1 at a )ressure of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 0see $nne(
!.6. 'he .NG heat e(chan%er B 2a)oriDer shall be so desi%ned to o)erate at
tem)eratures as s)ecified in $nne( >@.
!.7. 'he .NG heat e(chan%er B 2a)oriDer has to com)ly *ith the test )rocedures
for the +lass >.
!.&. 'he .NG heat e(chan%er B 2a)oriDer has to com)ly *ith the *ater 8ac,et
freeDin% test. -ill the )art of the heat e(chan%er-2a)oriDer *hich normally
contains an antifreeDe solution, *ith *ater to normal ca)acity and e()ose it at
-7" F+ for !7 hours. $ttach # m sections of coolant hose to the coolant inlet
and outlet of the heat e(chan%er B 2a)oriDer. -ollo*in% the freeDin%
conditionin%, conduct an e(ternal lea,a%e test accordin% to $nne( >= at room
tem)erature. $ se)arate sam)le may be used for this test.
,nne3 'B
,nne3 'B
Pro+isions on the appro+al of the #NG filling receptacle
#. 'he )ur)ose of this anne( is to determine the )ro2isions on the a))ro2al of
the .NG fillin% rece)tacle.
!. .NG fillin% rece)tacle
!.#. 'he .NG fillin% rece)tacle shall com)ly *ith the re/uirements of )ara%ra)h
!.!. 'he manufacturer of the rece)tacle may re/uire a s)ecific .NG noDDle ty)e
to be used.
3. 'he .NG fillin% rece)tacle test )rocedures
3.#. 'he .NG fillin% rece)tacle shall conform to the re/uirements of +lass > and
follo* the test )rocedures in $nne( > *ith the follo*in% s)ecific
3.#.#. 'he non-metallic material constitutin% the .NG fillin% rece)tacle shall be
com)atible *ith .NG. 'he )rocedure of $nne(es >?, >- and >G shall be
used to 2erify this com)atibility.
3.#.!. 'he .NG fillin% rece)tacle shall be free from lea,a%e at a )ressure of #.>
times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 0see $nne( >=1.
3.#.3. 'he .NG fillin% rece)tacle shall be desi%ned as to o)erate at tem)eratures as
s)ecified in $nne( >@.
3.#.7. 'he fillin% unit shall *ithstand 7,""" cycles in the durability in $nne( >., as
3.#.7.#. .o* tem)erature cyclin%
'he com)onent shall be connected for 56 )er cent of the total cycles at
cryo%enic tem)erature and at rated ser2ice )ressure. 'he source can be li/uid
or %aseous nitro%en 0or .NG1 at or belo* the tem)erature corres)ondin% to
.NG rated ser2ice )ressure 0see table in $nne( >@1. -lo* should be
established, and then shut off. ?urin% the off cycle, the do*nstream )ressure
of the test fi(ture should be allo*ed to decay to >" )er cent of the test
)ressure. @n com)letion of the cycles, the com)onents shall com)ly *ith the
lea,a%e test of $nne( >= at cryo%enic tem)erature. It is allo*ed to interru)t
this )art of the test at !" )er cent inter2als for lea,a%e testin%.
3.#.7.!. Room tem)erature cyclin%
'he com)onent shall be o)erated throu%h ! )er cent of the total cycles as
abo2e at the a))ro)riate room tem)erature s)ecified at rated ser2ice )ressure.
'he com)onent shall com)ly *ith the lea,a%e test of $nne( >= at the room
tem)erature at the com)letion of the room tem)erature cycles.
3.#.7.3. Ai%h tem)erature cyclin%
'he com)onent shall be o)erated throu%h ! )er cent of the total cycles as
abo2e at the a))ro)riate ma(imum tem)erature s)ecified at rated ser2ice
,nne3 'B
)ressure. 'he com)onent shall com)ly *ith the lea,a%e test of $nne( >= at
the hi%h tem)erature at the com)letion of the room tem)erature cycles.
-ollo*in% cyclin% and lea,a%e re-test the com)onent shall be ca)able of
remo2e of the fillin% noDDle *ithout s)illin% more than 3" cm
3.#.>. 'he .NG fillin% rece)tacle shall be made out of non-s)ar,in% material and
should com)ly *ith the no i%nitin% e2aluation tests described in IS@ #7765-
3.#.6. 'he electrical resistance of the connected .NG fillin% rece)tacle and noDDle
shall be not be %reater than #" ^ either in the )ressuriDed and un-)ressuriDed
state. 'est shall be conducted )rior to and after the endurance test.
,nne3 'B
,nne3 'C
Pro+isions on the appro+al of the #NG pressure control
#. Sco)e
'he )ur)ose of this anne( is to determine the )ro2isions on the a))ro2al of
the .NG )ressure control re%ulator.
!. .NG )ressure control re%ulator
!.#. 'he material constitutin% the re%ulator *hich is in contact *ith the .NG
*hen o)eratin% shall be com)atible *ith the test .NG. In order to 2erify this
com)atibility, the )rocedure in $nne( >? shall be used.
!.!. 'he .NG )ressure control re%ulator shall com)ly *ith the tests mentioned
for +lass >.
3. +lassification and test )ressures
3.#. 'he )ressure re%ulator that is in contact *ith the )ressure of the .NG is
re%arded as +lass >.
3.#.#. 'he )ressure control re%ulator shall be lea, )roof 0see $nne( >=1 *ith the
outlet 0s1 of that )art closed off.
3.!. 'he )ressure re%ulator shall be so desi%ned to o)erate at tem)eratures as
s)ecified in $nne( >@.
3.3. ?urability test
3.3.#. Perform the durability test mentioned in $nne( >. *ith the follo*in%
0a1 'he number of cycles is 7,""":
0b1 'he com)onent shall be connected to a source of )ressuriDed
cryo%enic fluid.
,nne3 'C
,nne3 '#
Pro+isions on the appro+al of #NG pressure and"or
temperature sensor
#. 'he )ur)ose of this anne( is to determine the )ro2isions on the a))ro2al of
the .NG )ressure and3or tem)erature sensor.
!. .NG )ressure and tem)erature sensors.
!.#. 'he .NG )ressure and tem)erature sensors are classified in +lass >
accordin% to the scheme #-# in )ara%ra)h 3.
3. 'he .NG )ressure and3or tem)erature sensor test )rocedures.
3.#. 'he .NG )ressure and3or tem)erature sensor test )rocedures shall be
conform to the re/uirements of +lass > and follo* the test )rocedures in
$nne( > *ith the follo*in% s)ecific re/uirements.
3.!. Insulation resistance test.
'his test is desi%ned to chec, for a )otential failure of the insulation bet*een
the .NG )ressure and3or tem)erature sensor connection )ins and the housin%.
$))ly #,""" ; ?+ bet*een one of the connector )ins and the housin% of the
.NG )ressure and3or tem)erature sensor for at least ! seconds. 'he minimum
allo*able resistance shall be S #" <[.
3.3. 'he material constitutin% the .NG )ressure and tem)erature sensors *itch is
in contact *ith the .NG *hen o)eratin% shall be com)atible *ith the test
.NG. In order to 2erify this com)atibility, the )rocedure in $nne( >? shall
be used.
3.7. 'he .NG )ressure and3or tem)erature sensor shall be so desi%ned as to
o)erate at tem)eratures as s)ecified in $nne( >@.
3.>. 'he +lass > )art of the .NG )ressure and tem)erature sensors shall *ithstand
a )ressure u) to #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1, at the tem)erature
corres)ondin% to rated ser2ice )ressure from the table in $nne( >@, at room
tem)erature and at the ma(imum tem)erature from $nne( >@.
,nne3 '#
,nne3 '6
Pro+isions on the appro+al of the natural gas detector
#. 'he )ur)ose of this anne( is to determine the )ro2isions on the a))ro2al of
the natural %as detector.
!. Natural %as detector
'he material constitutin% the natural %as detector *hich is in contact *ith the
natural %as *hen o)eratin% shall be com)atible *ith the test %as. In order to
2erify this com)atibility, the )rocedure in $nne( >? shall be used.
3. 'he natural %as detector test )rocedures
3.#. 'he natural %as detector shall be so desi%ned as to o)erate at tem)eratures as
s)ecified in $nne( >@.
3.!. Insulation resistance test
'his test is desi%ned to chec, for a )otential failure of the insulation bet*een
the connection )ins and the housin% of the natural %as detector.
$))ly #,""" ; ?+ bet*een one of the connector )ins and the housin% of the
natural %as detector for at least ! seconds. 'he minimum allo*able resistance
shall be #" <[.
3.3. 'he natural %as detector shall com)ly *ith rele2ant electroma%netic
com)atibility 0E<+1 re/uirements accordin% to Re%ulation No. #", "3 series
of amendments or e/ui2alent.
,nne3 'N
,nne3 'N
Pro+isions on the appro+al of the automatic +al+e8 chec)
+al+e8 pressure relief +al+e8 e3cess flo9 +al+e8 manual +al+e
and non-return +al+e for #NG applications.
#. 'he )ur)ose of this anne( is to determine the )ro2isions on the a))ro2al of
the automatic 2al2e, the chec, 2al2e, the )ressure relief 2al2e and the e(cess
flo* 2al2e only for .NG a))lications.
!. 'he .NG automatic 2al2e
!.#. 'he materials constitutin% the .NG automatic 2al2e *hich are in contact
*ith the .NG *hen o)eratin%, shall be com)atible *ith the test .NG. In
order to 2erify this com)atibility the )rocedure described in $nne( >? shall
be used.
!.!. @)eratin% s)ecifications
!.!.#. 'he .NG automatic 2al2e shall be so desi%ned as to *ithstand a )ressure of
#.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 *ithout lea,a%e or deformation 0see
$nne( >$1.
!.!.!. 'he .NG automatic 2al2e shall be so desi%ned as to be lea,-)roof at a
)ressure of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 0see $nne( >=1.
!.!.3. 'he .NG automatic 2al2e, bein% in the normal )osition of use s)ecified by
the manufacturer, is submitted to 7,""" o)erations: then it is deacti2ated. 'he
automatic 2al2e shall remain lea,-)roof accordin% to $nne( >= and >+ at a
)ressure of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure. 'his test is )erformed for 56 )er
cent of its cycles at cryo%enic tem)eratures, ! )er cent at ambient
tem)erature and ! )er cent at hi%h tem)erature accordin% to the table in
$nne( >@.
!.!.7. 'he .NG automatic 2al2e shall be so desi%ned to o)erate at tem)eratures as
s)ecified in $nne( >@.
!.!.>. 'he insulation resistance test.
'his test is desi%ned to chec, for a )otential failure of the insulation bet*een
the t*o-)in coil assembly and the .NG automatic 2al2e casin%.
$))ly #,""" ; ?+ bet*een one of the connector )ins and the housin% of the
automatic 2al2e for at least ! seconds. 'he minimum allo*able resistance
shall be #" <[.
3. 'he .NG chec, 2al2e
3.#. 'he materials constitutin% the .NG chec, 2al2e *hich are in contact *ith the
.NG *hen o)eratin%, shall be com)atible *ith the test .NG. In order to
2erify this com)atibility the )rocedure described in $nne( >? shall be used.
3.!. @)eratin% s)ecifications
3.!.#. 'he .NG chec, 2al2e shall be so desi%ned as to *ithstand a )ressure of #.>
times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 *ithout lea,a%e and deformation at
cryo%enic tem)erature.
,nne3 'N
3.!.!. 'he .NG chec, 2al2e shall be so desi%ned as to be lea,-)roof 0e(ternal1 at a
)ressure of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 0see $nne( >=1 *ith the
tem)eratures %i2en in $nne( >@.
3.!.3. 'he .NG chec, 2al2e, bein% in the normal )osition of use s)ecified by the
manufacturer, is submitted to 7,""" o)erations at cryo%enic tem)erature 0see
$nne( >@1: then it is deacti2ated. 'he chec, 2al2e shall remain lea,-)roof
0e(ternal1 at a )ressure of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 0see $nne(
3.!.7. 'he .NG chec, 2al2e shall be so desi%ned to o)erate at tem)eratures as
s)ecified in $nne( >@.
3.3. 'he .NG chec, 2al2e has to com)ly *ith the test )rocedures for the +lass >
7. 'he .NG )ressure relief 2al2e
7.#. 'he materials constitutin% the )ressure relief 2al2e *hich are in contact *ith
the .NG *hen o)eratin%, shall be com)atible *ith the test .NG. In order to
2erify this com)atibility, the )rocedure described in $nne( >? shall be used.
7.!. @)eratin% s)ecifications
7.!.#. 'he .NG )ressure relief 2al2e in +lass > shall be so desi%ned as to *ithstand
a )ressure of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1 at cryo%enic tem)erature
*ith the outlet closed off.
7.!.!. 'he )ressure relief 2al2e and )ressure relief de2ice of +lass > shall be so
desi%ned as to be lea,-)roof at a )ressure of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure
0<Pa1 *ith the outlet closed off 0see $nne( >=1.
7.3. 'he .NG )ressure relief 2al2e shall be so desi%ned to o)erate at tem)eratures
as s)ecified in $nne( >@.
7.7. 'he .NG )ressure relief 2al2e has to com)ly *ith the test )rocedures for the
+lass > com)onent.
>. 'he .NG e(cess flo* 2al2e
>.#. 'he materials constitutin% the .NG e(cess flo* 2al2e, that are in contact
*ith the .NG *hen o)eratin%, shall be com)atible *ith the test .NG. In
order to 2erify this com)atibility, the )rocedure described in $nne( >? shall
be used.
>.!. @)eratin% s)ecifications
>.!.#. 'he .NG e(cess flo* 2al2e, if it is not mounted inside the tan,, shall be so
desi%ned as to *ithstand a )ressure of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1
at cryo%enic tem)erature.
>.!.!. 'he .NG e(cess flo* 2al2e shall, if it is not mounted inside the tan,, be so
desi%ned as to be e(ternal lea,-)roof 0$nne( >=1 at a )ressure of #.> times
the *or,in% )ressure 0<Pa1.
>.!.3. 'he .NG e(cess flo* 2al2e shall be so desi%ned to o)erate at tem)eratures
as s)ecified in $nne( >@.
>.3. 'he .NG e(cess flo* 2al2e shall be desi%ned *ith a by)ass 0internal lea,1 to
allo* for e/ualiDation of )ressures.
,nne3 'N
>.7. $n e(cess flo* 2al2e shall o)erate at not more than #" )er cent abo2e, nor
less than !" )er cent belo* the rated closin% mass flo* ca)acity s)ecified by
the manufacturer.
>.7.#. 'hree sam)les of each siDe and style of 2al2e are to be sub8ected to these
tests. 'he .NG 2al2e intended for use only *ith li/uid is to be tested *ith
*ater. E(ce)t as indicated in )ara%ra)h >.7.3., se)arate tests are to be run
*ith each sam)le installed in 2ertical, horiDontal and in2erted )ositions.
>.7.!. 'he test *ith *ater is to be conducted usin% a li/uid flo* meter 0or
e/ui2alent1 installed in a )i)in% system ha2in% sufficient )ressure to )ro2ide
the re/uired flo*.
'he system is to include an inlet )ieDometer or )i)e at least one )i)e siDe
lar%er than the 2al2e to be tested, *ith a flo* control 2al2e connected
bet*een the flo* meter and )ieDometer. $ hose or hydrostatic relief 2al2e, or
both, may be used to reduce the effect of the )ressure shoc, *hen the e(cess
flo* 2al2e closes.
>.7.3. $ 2al2e intended for installation in one )osition only may be tested only in
that )osition.
>.>. 4hen the .NG e(cess flo* 2al2e is at cut-off )osition, the by-)ass flo*
throu%h the 2al2e shall not e(ceed an airflo* rate declared by the
manufacturer in cm
3minute at ser2ice )ressure.
>.6. 'he de2ice shall com)ly *ith the test )rocedures for the +lass > com)onents.
6. 'he .NG manual 2al2e
6.#. 'he materials constitutin% the .NG manual 2al2e *hich are in contact *ith
the .NG *hen o)eratin%, shall be com)atible *ith the test .NG. In order to
2erify this com)atibility, the )rocedure described in $nne( >? shall be used.
6.!. @)eratin% s)ecifications
6.!.#. 'he .NG manual 2al2e de2ice in +lass > shall be desi%ned to *ithstand a
)ressure of #.> times the *or,in% )ressure at cryo%enic tem)erature.
6.!.!. 'he .NG manual 2al2e de2ice in +lass > shall be desi%ned to o)erate at a
tem)erature from -#6! F+ to &> F+.
6.3. .NG manual 2al2e de2ice re/uirements
@ne s)ecimen shall be submitted to a fati%ue test at a )ressure-cyclin% rate
not to e(ceed 7 cycles a minute as follo*s9
Aeld at -#6!F+ or lo*er *hile )ressured for #"" cycles bet*een " and
*or,in% )ressure 4P. 'he ma(imum tor/ue on the 2al2e shall than com)ly
*ith ! times the force mentioned in table >.3 in $nne( >.. $fter the test the
.NG manual 2al2e shall com)ly *ith the e(ternal lea, test in $nne( >=.
If durin% this test icin% occurs, the .NG manual 2al2e may be de-iced and
6.7. 'he .NG non-return 2al2e has to com)ly *ith the test )rocedures for the
+lass > com)onent.
,nne3 'N
,nne3 '=
Pro+isions on the appro+al of the #NG fuel pump
#. 'he )ur)ose of this anne( is to determine the )ro2isions on the a))ro2al of
the .NG fuel )um).
!. 'he .NG fuel )um) re/uirements9
!.#. 'he materials constitutin% the .NG fuel )um) *hich are in contact *ith the
.NG *hen o)eratin%, shall be com)atible *ith the test .NG. In order to
2erify this com)atibility, the )rocedure described in $nne( >? shall be used.
!.!. 'he .NG fuel )um), in +lass > shall be desi%ned to o)erate at a tem)erature
from -#6! \+ to &> \+.
!.3. 'he de2ice shall com)ly *ith the test )rocedures for the +lass > com)onents.
!.7. 'he .NG fuel )um) shall be constructed in such a manner as to a2oid .NG
!.>. <eans shall be )ro2ided for the .NG )resent in the )um) at en%ine shut-off,
to be safely )rocessed *ithout )ressure increase abo2e ma(imum safe
*or,in% )ressure.
!.6. 'he .NG fuel )um) shall be )ro2ided *ith )ressure control de2ice to
maintain the )ressure *ithin the o)eratin% )ressure ran%e.
!.6.#. 'he limitation of the )o*er su))lied by the actuatin% mechanism can be
acce)ted in lieu of )ressure control de2ice.
!.6.!. $n electronic control system can be acce)ted in lieu of )ressure control
!.6.3. 'he )ressure control de2ice is not allo*ed to 2ent natural %as to atmos)here
durin% normal function.
!.7. .NG fuel )um) shall be )ro2ided *ith )ressure relief 2al2e to limit the
)ressure to the ma(imum safe *or,in% )ressure of the )um).
!.7.#. 'he fuel system )ressure relief 2al2e is acce)table in )lace of )um) )ressure
relief 2al2e if by relie2in% system )ressure it relie2es the )um) )ressure.
!.&. 'he .NG fuel )um) is allo*ed to function before the en%ine is started to
)roduce re/uired )ressure in the fuel system. 'his function shall be achie2ed
*ithout deli2erin% fuel to the en%ine if the en%ine is not runnin%.
3. $))licable test )rocedures9
3.#. .NG fuel )um) mounted inside the tan,9
.NG com)atibility test $nne( >?
Resistance to dry heat $nne( >-
@Done a%ein% $nne( >G
.o* tem)erature test $nne( >P
3.!. .NG fuel )um) mounted outside the tan,9
,nne3 'N
@2er)ressure or stren%th $nne( >$
E(ternal lea,a%e $nne( >=
.NG com)atibility $nne( >?
+orrosion resistance $nne( >E
Resistance to dry heat $nne( >-
@Done a%ein% $nne( >G
'em)erature cycle $nne( >A
;ibration resistance $nne( >N
.o* tem)erature test $nne( >P
,nne3 5
,nne3 5
(est procedures
#. +lassification
#.#. +NG com)onents for use in 2ehicles shall be classified *ith re%ard to the
ma(imum *or,in% )ressure and function, accordin% to )ara%ra)h !. of this
Re%ulation. .NG com)onents for use in 2ehicles shall be classified *ith
re%ards to the minimum tem)erature, accordin% to )ara%ra)h 3. of this
#.!. 'he classification of the com)onents determines the tests *hich ha2e to be
)erformed for ty)e-a))ro2al of the com)onents or )arts of the com)onents.
!. $))licable test )rocedures9
In table >.# belo* the a))licable test )rocedures de)endent on the
classification are sho*n.
'able >.#
Test Class 7 Class 8 Class 9 Class : Class ; Class 6 Anne&
@2er)ressure or stren%th I I I I @ I >$
E(ternal lea,a%e I I I I @ I >=
Internal lea,a%e $ $ $ $ @ $ >+
?urability tests $ $ $ $ @ $ >.
+NG3.NG com)atibility $ $ $ $ $ $ >?
+orrosion resistance I I I I I $ >E
Resistance to dry heat $ $ $ $ $ $ >-
@Done a%ein% $ $ $ $ $ $ >G
=urst3destructi2e tests I @ @ @ @ $ ><
'em)erature cycle $ $ $ $ @ $ >A
Pressure cycle I @ @ @ @ $ >I
;ibration resistance $ $ $ $ @ $ >N
@)eratin% tem)eratures I I I I I I >@
.NG lo* tem)erature @ @ @ @ @ I >P
I J $))licable
@ J Not a))licable
$ J $s a))licable
0a1 Internal lea,a%e9 $))licable if the +lass of the com)onent consists of
internal 2al2e seats that are normally closed durin% en%ine K@--K condition:
0b1 ?urability test9 $))licable if the +lass of the com)onent consists of
inte%ral )arts that *ill mo2e re)eatedly durin% en%ine o)eration:
0c1 +NG com)atibility, resistance to dry heat, oDone a%ein%9 $))licable if
the class of the com)onent consists of synthetic 3 non-metallic )arts:
0d1 'em)erature cyclic test9 $))licable if the class of the com)onent
consists of synthetic 3 non-metallic )arts:
,nne3 5
0e1 ;ibration resistance test9 $))licable if the +lass of the com)onent
consists of inte%ral )arts that *ill mo2e re)eatedly durin% en%ine o)eration.
'he materials used for the com)onents shall ha2e *ritten s)ecifications that
fulfil at least or e(ceed the 0test1 re/uirements laid do*n in this anne( *ith
res)ect to9
0a1 'em)erature:
0b1 Pressure:
0c1 +NG3.NG com)atibility:
0d1 ?urability.
3. General re/uirements
3.#. .ea,a%e tests shall ha2e to be conducted *ith )ressuriDed %as li,e air or
nitro%en for +NG. -or .NG, cryo%enic fluid shall be used.
3.!. 4ater or another fluid may be used to obtain the re/uired )ressure for the
hydrostatic stren%th test.
3.3. 'he test )eriod for the lea,a%e test and the hydrostatic stren%th test shall be
not less than 3 minutes.
,nne3 5
,nne3 5,
=+erpressure test (strength test$
#. $ +NG3.NG containin% com)onent shall *ithstand *ithout any 2isible
e2idence of ru)ture or )ermanent distortion a hydraulic )ressure of #.> to !
times the ma(imum *or,in% )ressure durin% a minimum of 3 minutes at
room tem)erature *ith the outlet of the hi%h-)ressure )art )lu%%ed. 4ater or
any other suitable hydraulic fluid may be used as a test medium.
!. 'he sam)les, )re2iously sub8ected to the durability test of $nne( >. are to be
connected to a source of hydrostatic )ressure. $ )ositi2e shut-off 2al2e and a
)ressure %au%e, ha2in% a )ressure of not less than #.> times nor more than
! times the test )ressure, are to be installed in the hydrostatic )ressure su))ly
3. 'able >.! belo* sho*s the *or,in% and burst test )ressures accordin% to the
+lassification of )ara%ra)h !. of this Re%ulation.
'able >.!
Classification of component
Working pressure
+lass " 3,""" G ) G !6,""" #.> times the *or,in% )ressure
+lass # 7>" G ) G 3,""" #.> times the *or,in% )ressure
+lass ! !" G ) G 7>" ! times the *or,in% )ressure
+lass 3 7>" G ) G 3,""" ! times the relief )ressure
+lass > as s)ecified by the manufacturer #.> times the *or,in% )ressure
,nne3 5:
,nne3 5:
E3ternal lea)age test
#. $ com)onent shall be free from lea,a%e throu%h stem or body seals or other
8oints, and shall not sho* e2idence of )orosity in castin% *hen tested as
described in )ara%ra)hs !. and 3. of this anne( at any aerostatic )ressure
bet*een " and the )ressure sho*n in table >.!.
!. 'he test shall be )erformed at the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 $t room tem)erature:
0b1 $t the minimum o)eratin% tem)erature:
0c1 $t the ma(imum o)eratin% tem)erature.
'he ma(imum and minimum o)eratin% tem)eratures are %i2en in $nne( >@.
3. -or +NG
?urin% this test, the e/ui)ment under test 0E6'1 *ill be connected to a
source of aerostatic )ressure. $n automatic 2al2e and a )ressure %au%e
ha2in% a )ressure ran%e of not less than #.> times nor more than ! times the
test )ressure are to be installed in the )ressure su))ly )i)in%. 'he )ressure
%au%e is to be installed bet*een the automatic 2al2e and the sam)le under
test. 4hile under the a))lied test )ressure, the sam)le shall be submer%ed in
*ater to detect lea,a%e or any other e/ui2alent test method 0flo*
measurement or )ressure dro)1.
3.#. -or .NG
?urin% this test the inlet of the com)onent is connected to a source of
cryo%enic fluid accordin% to the table in $nne( >@ or lo*er tem)erature *ith
the *or,in% )ressure as declared by the manufacture. 'he flo* is maintained
for ".> hour.
7. 'he e(ternal lea,a%e shall be lo*er than the re/uirements stated in the
anne(es or if no re/uirements are mentioned the e(ternal lea,a%e shall be
lo*er than #> cm
>. Ai%h tem)erature test
-or +NG
$ +NG containin% com)onent shall not lea, more than #> cm
3hour *ith the
outlet )lu%%ed *hen submitted to a %as )ressure, at ma(imum o)eratin%
tem)erature as indicated in $nne( >@, e/ual to the ma(imum *or,in%
)ressure. 'he com)onent shall be conditioned for at least & hours at this
>.#. -or .NG
$ .NG containin% com)onent shall not lea, more than #> cm
3hour *ith the
flo* mentioned in )ara%ra)h 3.#. in )lace *hen submitted to an outside
tem)erature at the ma(imum o)eratin% tem)eratures mentioned in $nne( >@.
,nne3 5:
6. .o* tem)erature test
-or +NG
$ +NG containin% com)onent shall not lea, more than #> cm
3hour *ith the
outlet )lu%%ed *hen submitted to a %as )ressure, at the minimum o)eratin%
tem)erature, e/ual to the ma(imum *or,in% )ressure as declared by the
manufacturer. 'he com)onent shall be conditioned for at least & hours at this
6.#. -or .NG
$ .NG containin% com)onent shall not lea, more than #> cm
3hour *ith the
flo* mentioned in )ara%ra)h 3.#. in )lace *hen submitted to an outside
tem)erature at the minimum o)eratin% tem)erature mentioned in $nne( >@.
,nne3 5!
,nne3 5!
5nternal lea)age test
#. 'he follo*in% tests are to be conducted on sam)les of 2al2es or fillin% unit
*hich ha2e )re2iously been sub8ected to the e(ternal lea, test of $nne( >=
!. 'he seat of the 2al2es, *hen in the closed )osition, shall be free from lea,a%e
at any aerostatic )ressure bet*een " to #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0,Pa1.
-or .NG com)onents, the tem)erature used is the cryo%enic tem)erature 0see
$nne( >@1.
3. $ +NG non-return 2al2e )ro2ided *ith a resilient seat 0elastic1, *hen in the
closed )osition, shall not lea, *hen sub8ected to any aerostatic )ressure
bet*een " and #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0,Pa1.
7. $ +NG non-return 2al2e )ro2ided *ith a metal-to-metal seat, *hen in the
closed )osition, shall not lea, at a rate e(ceedin% ".77 dm
3s *hen sub8ected
to an aerostatic )ressure difference of #3& ,Pa effecti2e )ressure.
>. 'he seat of the u))er +NG non-return 2al2e used in the assembly of a fillin%
unit, *hen in the closed )osition, shall be free from lea,a%e at any aerostatic
)ressure bet*een " and #.> times the *or,in% )ressure 0,Pa1.
6. 'he internal lea,a%e tests are conducted *ith the inlet of the sam)le 2al2e
connected to a source of aerostatic )ressure, the 2al2e in the closed )osition,
and *ith the outlet o)en. $n automatic 2al2e and a )ressure %au%e ha2in% a
)ressure ran%e of not less than #.> times nor more than ! times the test
)ressures are to be installed in the )ressure su))ly )i)in%. 'he )ressure %au%e
is to be installed bet*een the automatic 2al2e and the sam)le under test.
4hile under the a))lied test )ressure, obser2ations for lea,a%e are to be
made *ith the o)en outlet submer%ed in *ater unless other*ise indicated.
7. +om)liance *ith )ara%ra)hs !. to >. is to be determined by connectin% a
len%th of tubin% to the 2al2e outlet. 'he o)en end of this outlet tube is to be
located *ithin an in2erted %raduated cylinder *hich is calibrated in cubic
centimetres. 'he in2erted cylinder is to be closed by a *ater ti%ht seal. 'he
a))aratus is to be ad8usted so that9
0a1 'he end of the outlet tube is located a))ro(imately #3 mm abo2e the
*ater le2el *ithin the in2erted %raduated cylinder, and
0b1 'he *ater *ithin and e(terior to the %raduated cylinder is at the same
le2el. 4ith these ad8ustments made, the *ater le2el *ithin the %raduated
cylinder is to be recorded. 4ith the 2al2e in the closed )osition assumed as
the result of normal o)eration, air or nitro%en at the s)ecified test )ressure is
to be a))lied to the 2al2e inlet for a test )eriod of not less than ! minutes.
?urin% this time, the 2ertical )osition of the %raduated cylinder is to be
ad8usted, if necessary, to maintain the same *ater le2el *ithin and e(terior to
$t the end of the test )eriod and *ith the *ater *ithin and e(terior to the
%raduated cylinder at the same le2el, the le2el of *ater *ithin the %raduated
cylinder is a%ain recorded. -rom the chan%e of 2olume *ithin the %raduated
,nne3 5!
cylinder, the lea,a%e rate is to be calculated accordin% to the follo*in%

V t 8
;# J lea,a%e rate, cubic centimetres of air or nitro%en )er hour.
;t J increase in 2olume *ithin %raduated cylinder durin% test.
t J time of test, minutes.
P J barometric )ressure durin% test, in ,Pa.
' J ambient tem)erature durin% test, in C.
&. Instead of the method described abo2e, lea,a%e may be measured by a flo*
meter installed on the inlet side of the 2al2e under test. 'he flo* meter shall
be ca)able of indicatin% accurately, for the test fluid em)loyed, the ma(imum
lea,a%e flo* rates )ermitted.
,nne3 5!
,nne3 54
!NG"#NG compati%ilit& test
#. $ non-metallic )art in contact *ith +NG3.NG shall not sho* e(cessi2e
2olume chan%e or loss of *ei%ht.
Resistance to n-)entane accordin% to IS@ #&#7 *ith the follo*in% conditions9
0a1 <edium9 n-)entane:
0b1 'em)erature9 !3 F+ 0tolerance accordin% to IS@ #&#71:
0c1 Immersion )eriod9 7! hours.
!. Re/uirements9
<a(imum chan%e in 2olume !" )er cent:
$fter stora%e in air *ith a tem)erature of 7" F+ for a )eriod of 7& hours the
mass com)ared to the ori%inal 2alue may not decrease more than > )er cent.
,nne3 54
,nne3 5E
!orrosion resistance test
+orrosion resistance test )rocedures9
#. $ metal +NG3.NG containin% com)onent shall com)ly *ith the lea,a%e
tests mentioned in $nne(es >= and >+ and after ha2in% been submitted to
#77 hours salt s)ray test accordin% to IS@ #>>""-!, *ith all connections
!. $ co))er or brass +NG3.NG containin% com)onent shall com)ly *ith the
lea,a%e tests mentioned in $nne(es >= and >+ and after ha2in% been
submitted to !7 hours immersion in ammonia accordin% to IS@ +? #>>""-!
*ith all connections closed.
,nne3 5E
,nne3 5*
Resistance to dr& heat
#. 'he test has to be done in com)liance *ith IS@ #&&. 'he test )iece has to be
e()osed to air at a tem)erature e/ual to the ma(imum o)eratin% tem)erature
for #6& hours.
!. 'he allo*able chan%e in tensile stren%th should not e(ceed R!> )er cent. 'he
allo*able chan%e in ultimate elon%ation shall not e(ceed the follo*in%
0a1 <a(imum increase #" )er cent:
0b1 <a(imum decrease 3" )er cent.

,nne3 5*
,nne3 5G
=@one ageing
#. 'he test has to be in com)liance *ith IS@ #73#3#.
'he test )iece, *hich has to be stressed to !" )er cent elon%ation, shall be
e()osed to air at 7" F+ *ith an oDone concentration of >" )arts )er hundred
million durin% 7! hours.
!. No crac,in% of the test )iece is allo*ed.
,nne3 5G
,nne3 57
(emperature c&cle test
$ non-metallic )art containin% +NG3.NG shall com)ly *ith the lea,a%e tests mentioned in
$nne(es >= and >+ after ha2in% been submitted to 56 hours tem)erature cycle from the
minimum o)eratin% tem)erature u) to the ma(imum o)eratin% tem)erature *ith a cycle
time of #!" minutes, under ma(imum *or,in% )ressure.
,nne3 57
,nne3 55
Pressure c&cle test applica%le onl& to c&linders (see ,nne3 0$
,nne3 55
,nne3es 5B and 5C - Not allocated
,nne3 5#
,nne3 5#
4ura%ilit& test (continued operation$
#. 'est method for +NG com)onents
#.#. 'he com)onent shall be connected to a source of )ressuriDed dry air or
nitro%en by means of a suitable fittin% and sub8ected to the number of cycles
s)ecified for that s)ecific com)onent. $ cycle shall consist of one o)enin%
and one closin% of the com)onent *ithin a )eriod of not less than #" X !
0a1 Room tem)erature cyclin%
'he com)onent shall be o)erated throu%h 56 )er cent of the total
cycles at room tem)erature and at rated ser2ice )ressure. ?urin% the
off cycle the do*nstream )ressure of the test fi(ture should be allo*ed
to decay to >" )er cent of the test )ressure. $fter that, the com)onents
shall com)ly *ith the lea,a%e test of $nne( >= at room tem)erature.
It is allo*ed to interru)t this )art of the test at !" )er cent inter2als for
lea,a%e testin%.
0b1 Ai%h tem)erature cyclin%
'he com)onent shall be o)erated throu%h ! )er cent of the total cycles
at the a))ro)riate ma(imum tem)erature s)ecified at rated ser2ice
)ressure. 'he com)onent shall com)ly *ith the lea,a%e test of $nne(
>= at the a))ro)riate ma(imum tem)erature at the com)letion of the
hi%h tem)erature cycles.
0c1 .o* tem)erature cyclin%
'he com)onent shall be o)erated throu%h ! )er cent of the total cycles
at the a))ro)riate minimum tem)erature s)ecified at rated ser2ice
)ressure. 'he com)onent shall com)ly *ith the lea,a%e test of $nne(
>= at the a))ro)riate minimum tem)erature s)ecified at the
com)letion of the lo* tem)erature cycles.
-ollo*in% cyclin% and lea,a%e re-test, the com)onent shall be ca)able
of com)letely o)enin% and closin% *hen a tor/ue not %reater than that
s)ecified in table >.3 is a))lied to the com)onent handle in a direction
to o)en it com)letely and then in the re2erse direction.
'able >.3
Component inlet si0e <mm= #a&imum tor1ue <Nm=
6 #.7
& or #" !.3
#! !.&
#.!. 'his test shall be conducted at the a))ro)riate ma(imum tem)erature
s)ecified, and shall be re)eated at a tem)erature of -7" F+.
,nne3 5#
#.3. ?urability test for .NG )roducts are mentioned in their s)ecific $nne(es 7I
u) to $nne( 7@, *here a))licable.
,nne3 5#
,nne3 56
:urst"destructi+e test applica%le onl& to !NG c&linders (see
,nne3 0,$
,nne3 56
,nne3 5N
?i%ration resistance test
#. $ll com)onents *ith mo2in% )arts shall remain undama%ed, continue to
o)erate, and com)ly *ith the com)onentPs lea,a%e tests after 6 hours of
2ibration in accordance *ith the follo*in% test method.
!. 'est method
!.#. 'he com)onent shall be secured in an a))aratus and 2ibrated for ! hours at
#7 AD *ith an am)litude of #.> mm 0"."6 inch1 in each of three orientation
a(es. @n com)letion of 6 hours of 2ibration the com)onent shall com)ly *ith
$nne( >+.

,nne3 5P
,nne3 5=
=perating temperatures
'he o)eratin% tem)eratures shall be9
%ngine compartment Assem+le" on the engine On +oar"
<oderate 0<1 - !" F+ #"> F+ - !" F+ #!" F+ - !" F+ &> F+
+old 0+1 - 7" F+ #"> F+ - 7" F+ #!" F+ - 7" F+ &> F+
.NG 0.1 -#6!F+ #"> F+ - #6! F+ #!" F+ - #6! F+ &> F+
Note - the .NG 0.1 tem)erature is the tem)erature of the fluid inside the com)onents. -or
surroundin% tem)eratures use < or +. Since, for .NG, saturation tem)erature and )ressure
ha2e a direct relationshi) as sho*n in the table belo*, hi%her minimum tem)eratures shall
be allo*ed for .NG com)onents based on the described test )ressure.
Temperature <CC= Pressure <+arg=
-#6#.6 "
-#>!.> #
-#76.7 !
-#7#.7 3
-#37.& 7
-#37.7 >
-#3#.7 6
-#!&.7 7
-#!6.3 &
-#!7." 5
-#!#.5 #"
-##5.5 ##
-##&.# #!
-##6.3 #3
-##7.6 #7
-##3." #>
-###.> #6
-##"." #7
-#"&.6 #&
-#"7.3 #5
-#"6." !"
-#"7.7 !#
-#"3.> !!
-#"!.3 !3
-#"#.! !7
,nne3 5=
,nne3 5P
#NG > #o9 temperature test
#. 'he com)onent shall be o)erated throu%h 56 )er cent of the total cycles
0%i2en in the $nne( 7 of the )roduct1 at less -#6! F+ tem)erature and
*or,in% )ressure.
!. 'he com)onent shall be o)erated throu%h 7 )er cent of the total cycles at the
a))ro)riate ma(imum tem)erature 0s)ecified in $nne( >@1 and *or,in%
)ressure and shall com)ly *ith $nne(es >= and >+ at the com)letion of the
tem)erature cycles.
3. 'his test may be interru)ted, if desired, at !" )er cent inter2als for lea,a%e
7. -ollo*in% cyclin% testin%, )erform the hydrostatic test.
,nne3 5P
,nne3 5D
!ompati%ilit& 9ith heat e3change fluids of non-metallic parts
#. 'he test sam)les shall be submer%ed in heat e(chan%e medium for #6& hours
at 5" F+ then they shall be dried for 7& hours at a tem)erature of 7" F+. 'he
com)osition of the heat e(chan%e medium used of the test is *ater3ethylene-
%lycol fluid of >" )er cent3>" )er cent.
!. 'he test is deemed to be satisfactory if the chan%e in 2olume is less than !"
)er cent, the chan%e in mass is less than > )er cent, the chan%e in tensile
stren%th is less than -!> )er cent and the chan%e in elon%ation at brea, is
*ithin -3" )er cent and R #" )er cent.
,nne3 1
,nne3 6
Pro+isions on !NG identification mar) for pu%lic
ser+ice +ehicles of categories 6
and 6
and N

'he si%n consists of a stic,er *hich shall be *eather resistant.
'he colour and dimensions of the stic,er shall fulfil the follo*in% re/uirements9
=ac,%round9 %reen
=order9 *hite or *hite reflectin%
.etters9 *hite or *hite reflectin%
=order *idth9 7 - 6 mm
+haracter hei%ht9 ` !> mm
+haracter thic,ness9 ` 7 mm
Stic,er *idth9 ##" - #>" mm
Stic,er hei%ht9 &" - ##" mm
'he *ord K+NGK shall be centred in the middle of the stic,er.
,nne3 6
,nne3 1
Pro+isions on #NG identification mar) for pu%lic
ser+ice +ehicles of categories 6
and 6

and N

(para. 12.1.2...$
'he si%n consists of a stic,er *hich shall be *eather resistant.
'he colour and dimensions of the stic,er shall fulfil the follo*in% re/uirements9
=ac,%round9 %reen
=order9 *hite or *hite reflectin%
.etters9 *hite or *hite reflectin%
=order *idth9 7 - 6 mm
+haracter hei%ht9 !> mm
+haracter thic,ness9 7 mm
Stic,er *idth9 ##" - #>" mm
Stic,er hei%ht9 &" - ##" mm
'he *ord K.NGK shall be centred in the middle of the stic,er.

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