Estimate For The Construction of Residential Building at Site16&17 House No

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Estimate for the Construction of Residential Building at site16&17

House No.
SL.NO. Description of work Qnty Unit Labour Incl. AOUNT
Only aterials In Rs
1 Eart! work e"ca#ation for foun$ation
an$ re%o#in& t!e e"ca#ate$ stu' for a
$istance not e"cee$in& ()% wit! a lift *ft or
upto +.(% ,- wall . +/0- wall *%t
2 1ro#i$in& &ranite or trap 2elly concrete
usin& .)%% $own si3e 2elly for
foun$ation lai$ in +(c% t!ick layers 4
well co%pacte$ inclu$in& curin& etc.5
co%plete in +6.67 ,- wall . +/0- wall
*ft or
3 1ro#i$in& 4 constructin& &ranite or trap *%t
or basalt si3e stone %asonary stones
!a%%er $resse$ in courses not less
t!an 0)c% !i&! wit! bon$ stones 0c%
apart in eac! course inclu$in& curin&
etc.5 co%plete as per speci8cation for *ft or
foun$ation in * +69 c%t
4 1ro#i$in& an$ constructin& &ranite or
trap or basalt si3e stone %asonary for
base%ent in course not less t!an +(c%
!i&! wit! bon$ stones 0% apart in eac!
course5 e$&es of stones c!istel
$resse$ all :uinnie$ 0 line $resse$ (c%
wi$e on eac! face inclu$in& curin& etc.5
co%plete as per speci8cation an$ *ft or
$irection in * +69 co%plete for plint! c%t
in ** +6;69
1ro#i$in& an$ constructin& wit!
appro#e$ :uality of table %oul$e$
bricks of stan$ar$ si3e wit! necessary
sca'ol$in& an$ curin& for super
structure in * +69 *ft or
a<,-t!.wall c%t
6 1ro#i$in& parapet wit! appro#e$ :uality
of bricks inclu$in& copin& an$
plasterin& wit! * +=9 wit! necessary *ft or
curin& as per $esi&n an$ speci8cation *%t
etc.5 co%plete .>(% !i&! in * +=9
7 1ro#i$in& an$ layin& &ranite or trap or
basalt 2elly ** usin& 0)%% an$ $own
si3e 2elly inclu$in& %i"in& ta%pin& curin&
an$ s%oot! 8nis! for e"pose$ faces
an$ wit! necessary centerin& an$ for%
SL.NO. Description of work Qnty Unit Labour Incl. AOUNT
Only aterials In Rs
work etc.5 co%plete for cills in ** +6;69 *ft or
?elow win$ows an$ #entilators *%t
SL.NO. Description of work Qnty Unit Labour Incl. AOUNT
Only aterials In Rs
! 1ro#i$in& an$ layin& ** +606.5 usin&
0)%% an$ $own si3e &ranite or trap 2elly
for lintels lai$ in +(c%s t!ick well
co%pacte$ inclu$in& curin& an$
necessary steel or plywoo$ centerin&
an$ for% work inclu$in& s%oot!
8nis!in& in * +6; etc.5 co%plete
e"clu$in& cost of steel an$ fabrication *ft or
c!ar&es *%t
@or @ootin&
@or *olu%ns
@or ?ea%s5 Lintel
" 1ro#i$in& an$ layin& R**A+606.< c!a22as
of >.( c%s as per $esi&n an$ $irection
usin& 0)%% an$ $own si3e &ranite or
trap or basalt 2elly inclu$in& plastrin&
wit! * +6; an$ wit! front bee$in& an$
$rip %oul$in& inclu$in& centerin& for%
work curin& etc.5 co%plete e"clu$in& *ft or
cost of steel an$ fabrication c!ar&es c%t
1# 1ro#i$in& R** loftAatta< >.( c%s t!ick
wit! ** +606. wit! &ranite 2elly of 0)%%
an$ $own si3e necessary for% work5
centerin& curin& plasterin& an$ 8nis!e$
e"clu$in& cost of steel an$ fabrication
Allroun$ a< Loft AAtta<
a< Loft AAtta< *ft or
b< *!a22a *%t
11 1ro#i$in& an$ layin& ** +606. usin&
clean &ranite 2elly 0)%% $own si3e for
R** roof slab of all span wit! steel or
plank centerin& s!utterin& inclu$in&
%ac!ine %i"in& liftin&5 layin&5 ta%pin&
inclu$in& ceilin& plasterin& +0%% t!ick *ft or
in * +6; curin& etc.5 co%plete *%t
e"clu$in& cost of steel an$ fabrication
12 1ro#i$in& plasterin& to burnt brick
%asonary in * +6.5 +0 %% t!ick
inclu$in& pro#i$in& re%o#in&5
sca'ol$in&5 roun$in& at all corners Sft or
w!ere#er re:uire$ s%oot! ren$erin& 4 s%t
curin& etc.5 co%plete
SL.NO. Description of work Qnty Unit Labour Incl. AOUNT
Only aterials In Rs
13 1ro#i$in& an$ 8"in& $oors wit!
9("+0(%% Si3e fra%e work 8"e$ in t!e
%asonary .)%%"(%% Bat iron !ol$
fast .)c%s wit! &ranite %etal of si3e
0)%% $own si3e 2elly +(c% wit! fully
panelle$ s!utters wit! styles an$ rails of
;)%% t!ick inclu$in& labour c!ar&es
for 8sin& an$ 8ttin&s e"clu$in& cost of
8ttin&s a< Teak Coo$ Door Afor ain
Door< Sft or
a< Sal woo$5 Donne A 1annelle$ Doors<
b< Sal woo$5 Donne A @lus! Doors<
c< 1ro#i$in& war$robe5s!el#es in
kitc!en an$ store roo% Total
14 1ro#i$in& an$ 8"in& win$ows wit!
9("+0(%% si3e fra%e work 8"e$ in t!e
%asonary .)"(%% Bat iron !ol$ fast
.)c%s wit! &ranite %etal of si3e 0)%%
an$ $own si3e +(c% wit! !alf &la3e$
wit! styles an$ rails of ;)%% an$
panels of 20mm thick including labour Sft or
c!ar&es for 8"in& an$ 8ttin&s e"clu$in& s%t
cost of 8ttin&s a< Sal woo$ or
DonneA!alf &lase$ pannelle$<
1 1ro#i$in& an$ 8"in& Eentilaters wit!
9("+)) %% si3e fra%e work 8"e$ in t!e
%asonary .)"(%% Bat iron etc.5
*o%plete wit! &lass panes
16 1ro#i$in& plasterin& to ceilin& +0 %%
t!ick in ce%ent %ortar +6. proportion Sft or
inclu$in& necessary sca'ol$in& 5curin& s%t
etc.5 co%plete wit! all lea$s an$ lifts
17 1ro#i$in& Boorin& o#er a be$ of +)c%
t!ick ** +6.67 usin& +0%% an$ 0)%%
si3e &ranite 2elly wit! w!ite osaic tiles
lai$ on top co%plete as per
speci8cation 8nis!e$ wit! %ac!ine
polis! colour an$ s!a$e o#er one coat
of pri%er inclu$in& necessary
sca'ol$in& an$ clearin& t!e paint stains Sft or
w!ere#er necessary etc.5 co%plete. s%t
1! 1ro#i$in& w!ite %osaic skirtin& in *
+6. inclu$in& curin&5polis!in& etc Rft or
co%plete R%t
1" 1ro#i$in& an$ layin& cera%ic tile Sft or
SL.NO. Description of work Qnty Unit Labour Incl. AOUNT
Only aterials In Rs
Boorin& in * +6. 2oints wit! wit! w!ite s%t
ce%ent5 curin&5etc.5 co%plete
SL.NO. Description of work Qnty Unit Labour Incl. AOUNT
Only aterials In Rs
2# 1ro#i$in& an$ layin& cera%ic tile
$a$$oin& in * +6. 2oints wit! wit! Sft or
w!ite ce%ent5 curin&5etc.5 co%plete s%t
21 1ro#i$in& Lat! plasterin& for t!e
slope$ c!a22as inclusi#e of steel Sft or
etc.5co%plete s%t
22 1ro#i$in& two coats of syt!etic ena%el
paintin& of appro#e$ :uality to woo$
work inclu$in& preparin& t!e surface Sft or
etc.5 s%t
a< Coo$ Surface
b< Steel Surface
c< 1olis!in& for t!e Teak Coo$
23 1ro#i$in& two coats of oil boun$
$iste%per o#er one coat of pri%er
appro#e$ %ake an$ :uality5 colour an$
s!a$e o#er one coat of pri%er inclu$in&
necessary sca'ol$in& an$ clearin& t!e Sft or
paint stains for Internal walls s%t
24 1ro#i$in& two coats of water proof
ce%ent paintin& of appro#e$ %ake an$
:uality5 colour an$ s!a$e o#er one
coat of pri%er inclu$in& necessary
sca'ol$in& an$ clearin& t!e paint stains
w!ere#er necessary etc.5 co%plete. Sft or
for e"ternal walls s%t
2 1ro#i$in& an$ fabricatin& steel for
Reinforce%et inclu$in& ben$in&5cuttin&
strai&!tenin& 5lappin& 5placin& in
position etc.5 co%plete T
26 1ro#i$in& an$ 8"in& S Frills for t!e Sft or
Cin$ows an$ Eentilaters s%t
27 C 1 * for Roof Sft or
2! 1ro#i$in& water supply an$ sanitation
G +0H
2" 1ro#i$in& electri8cation at +0H
3# 1ro#i$in& o#erI!ea$ tank an$ UF
su%p Cell co%poun$ wall an$ S &ate
&ranite *ookin& platfor% inclu$in&
SL.NO. Description of work Qnty Unit Labour Incl. AOUNT
Only aterials In Rs
pa#in& was!in& plat for% etc.5
Estimate for the Construction of Residential Building at site16&17
House No
$or %mt. %ha&unthal Rangan
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D Qnty Unit Labour Incl. AOUNT
Only aterials In Rs
1 Eart! work e"ca#ation for foun$at +
an$ re%o#in& t!e e"ca#ate$ stu' for a
$istance not e"cee$in& ()% wit! a + *ft or
upto +.(% ,- wall . +/0- wall *%t
2 1ro#i$in& &ranite or trap 2elly concrete
usin& .)%% $own si3e 2elly for
foun$ation lai$ in +(c% t!ick layers 4
well co%pacte$ inclu$in& curin& et +
co%plete in +6.67 ,- wall . +/0- wall
*ft or
3 1ro#i$in& 4 constructin& &ranite or trap *%t
or basalt si3e stone %asonary stones
!a%%er $resse$ in courses not less
t!an 0)c% !i&! wit! bon$ stones 0c%
apart in eac! course inclu$in& curin&
etc.5 co%plete as per speci8cation for *ft or
foun$ation in * +69 c%t
4 1ro#i$in& an$ constructin& &ranite or
trap or basalt si3e stone %asonary for
base%ent in course not less t!an +(c%
!i&! wit! bon$ stones 0% apart in eac!
course5 e$&es of stones c!istel
$resse$ all :uinnie$ 0 line $resse$ (c%
wi$e on eac! face inclu$in& curin& etc.5
co%plete as per speci8cation an$ *ft or
$irection in * +69 co%plete for plint! c%t
in ** +6;69
1ro#i$in& an$ constructin& wit!
appro#e$ :uality of table %oul$e$
bricks of stan$ar$ si3e wit! necessary
sca'ol$in& an$ curin& for super
structure in * +69 a<for lon& walls *ft or
a<,-t!.wall b<..(-t!.wall c%t
6 1ro#i$in& parapet wit! appro#e$ :uality
of bricks inclu$in& copin& an$
plasterin& wit! * +=9 wit! necessary *ft or
curin& as per $esi&n an$ speci8cation *%t
etc.5 co%plete .>(% !i&! in * +=9
7 1ro#i$in& an$ layin& &ranite or trap or
basalt 2elly ** usin& 0)%% an$ $own
si3e 2elly inclu$in& %i"in& ta%pin& curin&
an$ s%oot! 8nis! for e"pose$ faces
an$ wit! necessary centerin& an$ for%
work etc.5 co%plete for cills in ** +6;69 *ft or
?elow win$ows an$ #entilators *%t
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D Qnty Unit Labour Incl. AOUNT
Only aterials In Rs
! 1ro#i$in& an$ layin& ** +606.5 usin&
0)%% an$ $own si3e &ranite or trap 2elly
for lintels lai$ in +(c%s t!ick well
co%pacte$ inclu$in& curin& an$
necessary steel or plywoo$ centerin&
an$ for% work inclu$in& s%oot!
8nis!in& in * +6; etc.5 co%plete
e"clu$in& cost of steel an$ fabrication *ft or
c!ar&es *%t
@or @ootin&
@or *olu%ns
@or ?ea%s5 Lintel
" 1ro#i$in& an$ layin& R**A+606.< c!a22as
of >.( c%s as per $esi&n an$ $irection
usin& 0)%% an$ $own si3e &ranite or
trap or basalt 2elly inclu$in& plastrin&
wit! * +6; an$ wit! front bee$in& an$
$rip %oul$in& inclu$in& centerin& for%
work curin& etc.5 co%plete e"clu$in& *ft or
cost of steel an$ fabrication c!ar&es c%t
1# 1ro#i$in& R** loftAatta< >.( c%s t!ick
wit! ** +606. wit! &ranite 2elly of 0)%%
an$ $own si3e necessary for% work5
centerin& curin& plasterin& an$ 8nis!e$
e"clu$in& cost of steel an$ fabrication
Allroun$ a< Loft AAtta<
*ft or
b< *!a22a *%t
11 1ro#i$in& an$ layin& ** +606. usin&
clean &ranite 2elly 0)%% $own si3e for
R** roof slab of all span wit! steel or
plank centerin& s!utterin& inclu$in&
%ac!ine %i"in& liftin&5 layin&5 ta%pin&
inclu$in& ceilin& plasterin& +0%% t!ick *ft or
in * +6; curin& etc.5 co%plete *%t
e"clu$in& cost of steel an$ fabrication
12 1ro#i$in& plasterin& to burnt brick
%asonary in * +6.5 +0 %% t!ick
inclu$in& pro#i$in& re%o#in&5
sca'ol$in&5 roun$in& at all corners Sft or
w!ere#er re:uire$ s%oot! ren$erin& 4 s%t
curin& etc.5 co%plete
13 1ro#i$in& an$ 8"in& $oors wit!
9("+0(%% Si3e fra%e work 8"e$ in t!e
%asonary .)%%"(%% Bat iron !ol$
fast .)c%s wit! &ranite %etal of si3e
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D Qnty Unit Labour Incl. AOUNT
Only aterials In Rs
0)%% $own si3e 2elly +(c% wit! fully
panelle$ s!utters wit! styles an$ rails of
;)%% t!ick inclu$in& labour c!ar&es
for 8sin& an$ 8ttin&s e"clu$in& cost of
8ttin&s a< Teak Coo$ Door Afor ain
Door< Sft or
a< Sal woo$5 Donne A 1annelle$ Doors<
b< Sal woo$5 Donne A @lus! Doors<
c< 1ro#i$in& war$robe5s!el#es in
kitc!en an$ store roo% Total
14 1ro#i$in& an$ 8"in& win$ows wit!
9("+0(%% si3e fra%e work 8"e$ in t!e
%asonary .)"(%% Bat iron !ol$ fast
.)c%s wit! &ranite %etal of si3e 0)%%
an$ $own si3e +(c% wit! !alf &la3e$
wit! styles an$ rails of ;)%% an$
panels of 20mm thick including labour Sft or
c!ar&es for 8"in& an$ 8ttin&s e"clu$in& s%t
cost of 8ttin&s a< Sal woo$ or
DonneA!alf &lase$ pannelle$<
1 1ro#i$in& an$ 8"in& Eentilaters wit!
9("+)) %% si3e fra%e work 8"e$ in t!e
%asonary .)"(%% Bat iron etc.5
*o%plete wit! &lass panes
16 1ro#i$in& plasterin& to ceilin& +0 %%
t!ick in ce%ent %ortar +6. proportion Sft or
inclu$in& necessary sca'ol$in& 5curin& s%t
etc.5 co%plete wit! all lea$s an$ lifts
17 1ro#i$in& Boorin& o#er a be$ of +)c%
t!ick ** +6.67 usin& +0%% an$ 0)%%
si3e &ranite 2elly wit! w!ite osaic tiles
lai$ on top co%plete as per
speci8cation 8nis!e$ wit! %ac!ine
polis! colour an$ s!a$e o#er one coat
of pri%er inclu$in& necessary
sca'ol$in& an$ clearin& t!e paint stains Sft or
w!ere#er necessary etc.5 co%plete. s%t
1! 1ro#i$in& w!ite %osaic skirtin& in *
+6. inclu$in& curin&5polis!in& etc Rft or
co%plete R%t
1" 1ro#i$in& an$ layin& cera%ic tile Sft or
Boorin& in * +6. 2oints wit! wit! w!ite s%t
ce%ent5 curin&5etc.5 co%plete
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D Qnty Unit Labour Incl. AOUNT
Only aterials In Rs
2# 1ro#i$in& an$ layin& cera%ic tile AaIb<
$a$$oin& in * +6. 2oints wit! wit! Sft or
w!ite ce%ent5 curin&5etc.5 co%plete s%t
21 1ro#i$in& Lat! plasterin& for t!e
slope$ c!a22as inclusi#e of steel Sft or
etc.5co%plete s%t
22 1ro#i$in& two coats of syt!etic ena%el
paintin& of appro#e$ :uality to woo$
work inclu$in& preparin& t!e surface Sft or
etc.5 s%t
a< Coo$ Surface
b< Steel Surface
c< 1olis!in& for t!e Teak Coo$
23 1ro#i$in& two coats of oil boun$
$iste%per o#er one coat of pri%er
appro#e$ %ake an$ :uality5 colour an$
s!a$e o#er one coat of pri%er inclu$in&
necessary sca'ol$in& an$ clearin& t!e Sft or
paint stains for Internal walls s%t
24 1ro#i$in& two coats of water proof
ce%ent paintin& of appro#e$ %ake an$
:uality5 colour an$ s!a$e o#er one
coat of pri%er inclu$in& necessary
sca'ol$in& an$ clearin& t!e paint stains
w!ere#er necessary etc.5 co%plete. Sft or
for e"ternal walls s%t
2 1ro#i$in& an$ fabricatin& steel for
Reinforce%et inclu$in& ben$in&5cuttin&
strai&!tenin& 5lappin& 5placin& in
position etc.5 co%plete T
26 1ro#i$in& an$ 8"in& S Frills for t!e Sft or
Cin$ows an$ Eentilaters s%t
27 C 1 * for Roof Sft or
2! 1ro#i$in& water supply an$ sanitation
G +0H
2" 1ro#i$in& electri8cation at +0H
3# 1ro#i$in& o#erI!ea$ tank an$ UF
su%p Cell co%poun$ wall an$ S &ate
&ranite *ookin& platfor% inclu$in&
pa#in& was!in& plat for% etc.5
Detailed and abstract estimate for the construction of residential building
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D QTJ. UNIT R'(E ')*+N(
+ Eart! work e"ca#ation for foun$ation an$
re%o#in& t!e e"ca#ate$ stu' for a$istance
not e"cee$in& ()%wit! a lift upto +.(% Lon&
walls S!ort walls
In Soil an$ soft %uru% ; ;;.() ;.() ..() +(70.77
. 0).)) ;.() ..() +09).))
0 >.() ;.() ;.)) +(>.()
Steps 0 ..)) ;.)) +.)) 0..))
S*DEDULE O@ RATE 0)+;I+. ? 0Ib K+)H ;)0..;7 *ft or
7(.9. *u% 9(.+>( !1.63
0 1ro#i$in& &ranite or trap2elly
concrete usin& .)%% $own si3e 2elly
forfoun$ation lai$ in +(c% t!ick
layers 4 well co%pacte$inclu$in&
Detailed and abstract estimate for the construction of residential building
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D QTJ. UNIT R'(E ')*+N(
curin& etc.5co%plete in +6.67
Lon& walls ; ;;.() ;.() ).() +>(.77
S!ort walls . 0).)) ;.() ).() +.).))
0 >.() ;.() ).() 09.0(
S*DEDULE O@ RATE 0)+;I+.5E .)IcK+)H ;.0.+; *ft or
,.9, *u% +9)>.+ 16".41
; 1ro#i$in& an$ constructin&&ranite or trap
or basalt si3e stone %asonary for
foun$ation an$base%ent in course not
lesst!an +(c%!i&! wit! bon$stones 0%
apart in eac!course5 e$&es of
stones c!istel $resse$ all:uinnie$0 line
$resse$ (c% wi$e oneac!face inclu$in&
curin&etc.5 co%pleteas perspeci8cation
Detailed and abstract estimate for the construction of residential building
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D QTJ. UNIT R'(E ')*+N(
an$ $irectionin *+67
I *ourse ; ;0.)) 0.() 0.)) .7).))
. 0+.() 0.() 0.)) .;).))
0 7.)) 0.() 0.)) 7).))
II *ourse ; ;+.() 0.)) 0.)) ;>7.))
. 0+.)) 0.)) 0.)) ;;9.))
0 7.() 0.)) 0.)) 97.))
+ (.() 0.)) +.() +9.()
1lint! *ourse ; ;+.)) +.() 0.)) 0>,.))
. 0+.() +.() 0.)) 0(7.))
0 0+.() +.() 0.)) +0,.))
+ ,.)) +.() +.() 0).0(
+ (.)) +.() +.() ++.0(
Steps 0 ..)) ;.)) ).() +0.))
Detailed and abstract estimate for the construction of residential building
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D QTJ. UNIT R'(E ')*+N(
0 ..)) 0.)) ).() 7.))
0 ..)) +.() ).() 9.))
0(+0.)) *ft or
S*DEDULE O@ RATE 0)+;I+.5* 7Ib K+)H >+.+; *%t +0(7.,( !"1.44
Detailed and abstract estimate for the construction of residential building
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D QTJ. UNIT R'(E ')*+N(
. 1ro#i$in& an$ layin& &raniteor trap 2elly
ce%ent concrete0)%% 4 $own si3e 2elly
inclu$in& %i"in&5 layin&5ta%pin& curin& an$
s%oot!8nis!in& for e"pose$ surfacean$ wit!
necessary centerin&an$ for% work etc.5
co%pletefor plint! in ** +6;69
; ;+.)) +.() ).0( ;..77
. 0+.() +.() ).0( ;0.0(
0 0+.() +.() ).0( +9.+;
+ ,.)) +.() ).0( ;.;7
+ (.)) +.() ).0( +.77
.7.;7 *ft or
S*DEDULE O@ RATE 0)+;I+.5E .)IbK+)H +.;> *u% 0))..>( 2746.16
9 1ro#i$in& an$ constructin&wit! appro#e$
Detailed and abstract estimate for the construction of residential building
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D QTJ. UNIT R'(E ')*+N(
:uality oftable %oul$e$ bricks of stan$ar$
si3e wit! necessarysca'ol$in& an$ curin& for
super structure in * +69
a<for lon& walls
; 0,.() ).>( +).)) 99;.>(
. 0;.)) ).>( +).)) 9,).))
0 ,.)) ).>( +).)) +;(.))
+ ..() ).() +).)) 00.()
Total 111 cft or
,eduction -.
for Doors 6 + ;.() ).>( >.)) +7.;7
( ;.)) ).>( >.)) >7.>(
0 0.() ).>( >.)) 09.0(
for Cin$ows = ; 9.)) ).>( ..() 9).>(
( ..)) ).>( ..() 9>.()
Detailed and abstract estimate for the construction of residential building
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D QTJ. UNIT R'(E ')*+N(
0 ;.)) ).>( 0.)) ,.))
for Lintel ; 0,.() ).>( ).() ;;.+,
. 0;.)) ).>( ).() ;..()
0 ,.)) ).>( ).() 9.>(
+ ..() ).() ).() +.+;
1arapet wall + +)9.)) ).>( ;.)) 0;7.()
(>( cft or
S*DEDULE O@ RATE 0)+;I+.5* +0IcK+)H Net Quantity "36.6 cft or
26.2 c%t +(9>.( 417#.!4
, 1ro#i$in& an$ layin& &raniteor trap or basalt
2elly ** usin& 0)%% an$ $own si3e 2elly
inclu$in& %i"in&ta%pin& curin& an$ s%oot!
8nis! for e"pose$ faces an$wit! necessa ; >.() ).>( ).;; (.(>
centerin& an$for% work etc.5 co%plete f ( 9.)) ).>( ).;; >..;
sills in ** +6;69 ?elow win$ows an$ 0 ..() ).>( ).;; 0.0;
Detailed and abstract estimate for the construction of residential building
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D QTJ. UNIT R'(E ')*+N(
#entilators +(.00
)..; *%t +;>0.( "2.##
+) 1ro#i$in& an$ layin& ** +606.5 usin& 0)%%
an$ $ownsi3e &ranite or trap 2ellyfor lintels
lai$ in +( c%s t!ick well co%pacte$ inclu$in&
curin& an$ necessary steel or plywoo$
centerin& an$ for% work inclu$in& s%oot!
8nis!in& in * +6; etc.5 co%plete e"clu$in&
cost of steel an$ fabrication c!ar&es
+ +.7.0( ).>( ).() ((.(,
+ 0(.() ).;7 ).() ..7(
*ft or
S*DEDULE O@ RATE 0)+;I+.5E .;IbK+)H
c%t ;>>7.( #.##
Detailed and abstract estimate for the construction of residential building
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D QTJ. UNIT R'(E ')*+N(
++ 1ro#i$in& an$ layin& R** A+606. < c!a22as of
>.( c%s as per $esi&n an$$irection usin&
0)%% an$ $ownsi3e &ranite or trap orbasalt
2elly inclu$in&plastrin& wit! * +6; an$wit!
front bee$in& an$ $rip%oul$in& inclu$in&
centerin& for% work curin& etc.5co%plete
e"clu$in& cost ofsteel an$ fabrication + 9(.)) 0.)) ).+) +;.))
+;.)) *ft or
S*DEDULE O@ RATE 0)+;I+.5E .;I$K+)H ).;> *u% ;>0).>( 137#.##
+0 1ro#i$in& R** loftAatta< >.(c%s t!ick wit!
** +606. wit!&ranite 2elly of 0)%% an$$own
si3e necessary for%work5 centerin& curin&
plasterin& an$ 8nis!e$e"clu$in& cost of steel
Detailed and abstract estimate for the construction of residential building
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D QTJ. UNIT R'(E ')*+N(
an$fabrication + +9.)) 0.)) ;0.))
0 +).)) 0.)) .).))
+ 7.() 0.)) +>.))
S*DEDULE O@ RATE 0)+;I+.5E .;I$K+) 7,.)) S@T or
7.07 s%t ;(>0.0( 2"6!.##
+; 1ro#i$in& an$ layin& ** +606. usin& clean
&ranite 2elly 0)%% $own si3e for R** roof
slab of all span wit! steel or plank centerin&
s!utterin& inclu$in& %ac!ine %i"in& liftin&5
layin&5 ta%pin& inclu$in& ceilin& plasterin&
+0%% t!ick in * +6; curin& etc.5 co%plete
e"clu$in& cost of steel an$ fabrication + ++.() ;..)) ).() +,(.()
c!ar&es + ++.)) ;0.)) ).() +>9.))
+ ++.0( (.)) ).() 07.+;
Detailed and abstract estimate for the construction of residential building
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D QTJ. UNIT R'(E ')*+N(
+ +9.)) 0.() ).() 0).))
+7 0.() ).>( ).() 7...
S*DEDULE O@ RATE 0)+;I+.5E .;I$K+)H .07.)9 *ft or
+0.)> *%t ;(>0.0( 43122.##
+. 1ro#i$in& plasterin& to burnt brick %asonary
in * +6.5 0)%% t!ick inclu$in& pro#i$in&
re%o#in&5 sca'ol$in&5 roun$in& at all + ((.() +).)) (((.))
corners w!ere#er re:uire$ s%oot! + ;;.() +).)) ;;(.))
ren$erin& curin& etc.5 co%plete + +..)) +).)) +.).))
0 .0.)) +).)) 7.).))
+ 0;.)) +).)) 0;).))
+ (7.0( +).)) (70.()
+ 0).)) +).)) 0)).))
+ +..)) +).)) +.).))
+ .0.)) +).)) .0).))
Detailed and abstract estimate for the construction of residential building
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D QTJ. UNIT R'(E ')*+N(
De$uctions ;..0.() sft IIIIAa<
+ ;.() >.)) 0..()
. ;.)) >.)) 7..))
. 0.() >.)) >).))
+ 9.)) ..)) 0..))
> ..)) ..)) ++0.))
0 ;.)) 0.)) +0.))
;09.() IIIIIAb<
AaIb< ;0>,.0( sft or
;)..,> s%t (>.)) 173!3.##
+( Out si$e plasterin& + +().)) +).)) +()).))
+()).)) sft IIIIIA
+ ;.() >.)) 0..()
Detailed and abstract estimate for the construction of residential building
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D QTJ. UNIT R'(E ')*+N(
+ ;.)) >.)) 0+.))
+ 0.() >.)) +>.()
+ 9.)) ..)) 0..))
> ..)) ..)) ++0.))
0 ;.)) 0.)) +0.))
0++.)) IIIII?
AAI?< +;,..() Sft or
+0,.9, s%t (0.( 6!#".##
+9 1ro#i$in& an$ 8"in& $oors wit! 9("+0(%%
Si3e fra%e work 8"e$ in t!e %asonary
.)%%"(%% Bat iron !ol$ fast .)c%s wit!
&ranite %etal of si3e 0)%% $own si3e 2elly
+(c% wit! fully panelle$ s!utters wit!
styles an$ rails of ;)%% t!ick inclu$in&
labour c!ar&es for 8sin& an$ 8ttin&s + ;.() >.)) 0..()
Detailed and abstract estimate for the construction of residential building
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D QTJ. UNIT R'(E ')*+N(
e"clu$in& cost of 8ttin&s . ;.)) >.)) 7..))
. 0.() >.)) >).))
+>7.() sft or
+9.9) s%t 077) 47!#".##
+> 1ro#i$in& an$ 8"in& win$ows wit!
9("+0(%% si3e fra%e work 8"e$ in t!e
%asonary .)"(%% Bat iron !ol$ fast .)c%s
wit! &ranite %etal of si3e 0)%% an$ $own
si3e +(c% wit! !alf &la3e$ wit! styles an$
rails of ;)%% an$ panels of 0)%% t!ick + 9.)) ..)) 0..))
inclu$in& labour c!ar&es for 8"in& an$ > ..)) ..)) ++0.))
8ttin&s e"clu$in& cost of 8ttin&s
0 ;.)) 0.)) +0.))
+.7.)) sft or
Detailed and abstract estimate for the construction of residential building
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D QTJ. UNIT R'(E ')*+N(
+;.>9 s%t ;+)( 42737.##
+7 1ro#i$in& plasterin& to ceilin& 0)%% t!ick in
ce%ent %ortar +6. proportion inclu$in&
necessary sca'ol$in& 5curin& etc.5 co%plete
wit! all lea$s an$ lifts + +).0( +>.() +>,.;7
+ >.() ,.0( 9,.;7
+ ..)) ;.)) +0.))
0 +).)) ++.)) 00).))
+ +;.)) ,.() +0;.()
+ ..)) 9.)) 0..))
+ ..)) ;.)) +0.))
9.).0( Sft or
(,.(. s%t 9>.( 4#1".##
+, 1ro#i$in& Boorin& o#er a be$ of +)c% t!ick
Detailed and abstract estimate for the construction of residential building
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D QTJ. UNIT R'(E ')*+N(
** +6.67 usin& +0%% an$ 0)%% si3e
&ranite 2elly wit! osaic tiles lai$ on top
co%plete as per speci8cation 8nis!e$ wit!
%ac!ine polis!
>..,> s%t 0)0.( 11!1.##
0) 1ro#i$in& oil boun$ $iste%perin& to walls
an$ ceilin&s o#er one coat of pri%er
paintin& after scrapin& t!e ori&inal surface
an$ rubbin& wit! san$ paper of 3ero an$
two coats of $iste%perin& of appro#e$
colour an$ %ake successfully after $ryin&
eac! coat an$ 8nis!in& as per speci8cation
an$ $irection
;,+,.() sft or
;9..(+ s%t 0(.( "2".##
Detailed and abstract estimate for the construction of residential building
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D QTJ. UNIT R'(E ')*+N(
0+ 1ro#i$in& two coats of water proof ce%ent )
paintin& of appro#e$ %ake an$ :uality5
colour an$ s!a$e o#er one coat of pri%er
inclu$in& necessary sca'ol$in& an$ clearin&
t!e paint stains w!ere#er necessary etc.5
+;,..() sft or
00 1ro#i$in& two coats of syt!etic ena%el +0,.9, s%t 00.( 2"1!.##
paintin& of appro#e$ :uality to woo$ work
inclu$in& preparin& t!e surface etc.5
co%plete wit! all lea$s an$ lifts.
+ 0.0( ;.() >.)) ((.+;
. 0.0( ;.)) >.)) +7,.))
. 0.0( 0.() >.)) +(>.()
+ 0.)) 9.)) ..)) .7.))
Detailed and abstract estimate for the construction of residential building
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D QTJ. UNIT R'(E ')*+N(
> 0.)) ..)) ..)) 00..))
0 0.)) ;.)) 0.)) 0..))
9,>.9; sft or
9..77 s%t 9>.( 437".##
0; *ost of steel an$ fabrication c!ar&es
Are:uire%ent of steel assu%e$ at t!e rate
of +0) k& per e#ery *u% of concrete on
ite% no +)5 ++5 +05 an$ +;<
+..,( *u% +>,;.>; 0.() T 0(()) 637#.##
k&s ......................
0. 1ro#i$in& water supply an$ sanitation G 443"1.4"
Detailed and abstract estimate for the construction of residential building
SL.NO. Description of work No. L ? D QTJ. UNIT R'(E ')*+N(
/% 3274.1!
0( 1ro#i$in& electri8cation at +0H
/% 3274.1!
09 1ro#i$in& o#er!ea$ tank an$ UF su%p
0> 1ro#i$in& co%poun$ wall an$ S &ate /% 2####.##
07 1ro#i$in& &ranite cookin& platfor% /% 2####.##
0, isce. an$ roun$in& o' inclu$in& pa#in& was!in& plat for% etc.5 /% 1####.##
/% 41#.2
(otal Rs 6##1#.#"
AT!ree lak!s t!irty t!ousan$ only<
Detailed and abstract estimate for the proposed construction of residential building at site no.
SL.NO. Description of work No. L B D Q!. "N# $%& %'O"N
( &arth work e)ca*ation for +, wall ( (-..2/ -.00 -.00 2012.00
foundation and remo*ing the - (22, wall ( 3-.00 2.00 2.00 2/3.00
e)ca*ated stuff for a 44444444444444444
distance not e)ceeding /0m 232..00 5ft or
with a lift upto (./m 1-.(( 5mt (+ (-0..0.
2 6ro*iding granite or trap
7ell8 concrete using -0mm +, wall ( (-..2/ -.00 0./0 2+3./0
down si9e 7ell8 for - (22, wall ( 3-.00 2.00 0.00 -2.2-
foundation laid in (/cm thick 44444444444444444
la8ers : well compacted &rr;/22 5ft or
including curing etc.< &rr;/22 5mt /-2 &rr;/22
complete in (;-;.
0 6ro*iding : constructing
granite or trap or basalt
si9e stone masonar8 stones
hammer dressed in courses not
less than 20cm high with bond # course ( (-..2/ 0.00 (./0 331.(0
stones 2cm apart in each ## course ( (-..2/ 2./0 (./0 ///.+-
course including curing 44444444444444444
etc.< complete as per (220.03 5ft or
specification for foundation 0-.-+ 5mt 0+2 (0/20.22
in 5' (;3
- 6ro*iding and constructing
granite or trap or basalt
si9e stone masonar8 for
basement in course not less
than (/cm high with bond
stones 2m apart in each
course< edges of stones
chistel dressed all =uinnied
2 line dressed /cm wide on a>+,thick wall ( (-..2/ (./0 (./0 000./3
each face including curing b>-./, thick wall ( 3-.00 (./0 (./0 (--.00
etc.< complete as per
specification and direction -11./3 5ft or
in 5' (;3 (0.-1 5mt -0/ /./..23
/ 6ro*iding and la8ing granite
or trap 7ell8 cement concrete
20mm : down si9e 7ell8
including mi)ing< la8ing<
tamping curing and smooth
finishing for e)posed surface
and with necessar8 centering
and form work etc.< complete a>+,th.wall ( (-..2/ (./0 0./0 (((.(+
for plinth in 55 (;0;3 b>-./,th.wall ( 3-.00 (./0 0./0 -..00
3 6ro*iding and constructing (/+.(+ 5ft or
with appro*ed =ualit8 of -.-+ 5mt +(/ -(01./2
table moulded bricks of
standard si9e with necessar8
scaffolding and curing for ( (-..2/ 0.1/ (0.00 ((((...
super structure in 5' (;3 44444444444444444
a>for long walls &rr;/22
Deduct for doors;4 D ( 0./0 0.1/ 1.00 (..0.
D( - 0.00 0.1/ 1.00 30.00
?#NDO?S ? ( 3.00 0.1/ -.00 (..00
?( 1 -.00 0.1/ -.00 .-.00
@ 2 0.00 0.1/ 2.00 +.00
&rr;/22 cft or
&rr;/22 cmt 1-1 &rr;/22
1 b>for -./,th.wall ( 2/./0 0.0. (0.00 +/.30
Deduction for door D2 0 2./0 0.0. 1.00 (+.3+
1/.+- 5ft or
2.(- 5mt .// (.0(.00
. pro*iding parapet with
appro*ed =ualit8 of bricks
including coping and
plastering with 5' (A3 with
necessar8 curing as per
design and specification
etc.< complete .1/m high in ( (-..2/ 0.0. 0.00 (3+.0( 5ft or
5' (A3 -.11 cmt .// -01/.00
+ 6ro*iding and la8ing granite
or trap or basalt 7ell8 55
using 20mm and down si9e
7ell8 including mi)ing
tamping curing and smooth
finish for e)posed faces and
with necessar8 centering and ( /0.00 0.1/ 0.00 (2.0. 5ft or
form work etc.< complete for 0.0/ 5mt +(/ 0(+.00
cills in 55 (;0;3 Below
windows and *entilators
(0 6ro*iding and la8ing 55
(A2A-< using 20mm and down
si9e granite or trap 7ell8
for lintels laid in (/cms
thick well compacted
including curing and
necessar8 steel or pl8wood
centering and form work %llround ( (-..2/ 0.1/ 0./0 //./+
including smooth finishing in
5' (;0 etc.< complete -./, walls ( 2/./0 0.0. 0./0 -../
e)cluding cost of steel and 44444444444444444
fabrication charges 30.-- 5ft or
(.10 cmt (/(0 2/1-.00
(( 6ro*iding and la8ing
$55B(A2A- >cha77as of 1./
cms as per design and
direction using 20mm and down
si9e granite or trap or
basalt 7ell8 including
plastring with 5' (;0 and CD ( 3/.00 2.00 (00.00
with front beeding and drip
moulding including centering 44444444444444444
form work curing etc.< (00.00 SD or
complete e)cluding cost of (2.0+ smt (-( (10/.00
steel and fabrication charges
(2 6ro*iding $55 loftBatta> 1./
cms thick with 55 (;2;- with
granite 7ell8 of 20mm and
down si9e necessar8 form
work< centering curing
plastering and finished E#. ( (3.00 2.00 02.00
e)cluding cost of steel and B&D 2 (0.00 2.00 -0.00
fabrication B%F ( ../0 2.00 (1.00
(0 6ro*iding and la8ing 55 (A2;- .+.00 SD or
using clean granite 7ell8 ..2. smt (0. ((-2.00
20mm down si9e for $55 roof
slab of all span with steel
or plank centering shuttering
including machine mi)ing
lifting< la8ing< tamping CD ( ((./0 0-.00 0./0 (+/./0
including ceiling plastering ( ((.00 02.00 0./0 (13.00
(2mm thick in 5' (;0 curing ( ((.2/ /.00 0./0 2..(0
etc.< complete e)cluding cost S%#$5%S& ( (3.00 2./0 0./0 20.00
of steel and fabrication B(.S&6S22> (. 2./0 0.1/ 0./0 ..--
charges 44444444444444444
-2..03 5ft or
(- 6ro*iding plastering to burnt (2.01 5mt (/(0 (.22..00
brick masonar8 in 5' (;-<
20mm thick including Fall ( //./0 (0.00 ///.00
pro*iding remo*ing< Dining ( 00./0 (0.00 00/.00
scaffolding< rounding at all 6oo7a ( (-.00 (0.00 (-0.00
corners where*er re=uired bed room 2 -2.00 (0.00 .-0.00
smooth rendering curing etc.< stairs ( 20.00 (0.00 200.00
complete kitchen ( /..2/ (0.00 /.2./0
bath ( 20.00 (0.00 200.00
?5 ( (-.00 (0.00 (-0.00
stairs ( -2.00 (0.00 -20.00
Deductions 0--2./0 sft 4444Ba>
Doors D ( 0./0 1.00 2-./0
d( - 0.00 1.00 .-.00
d2 - 2./0 1.00 10.00
windows ( 3.00 -.00 2-.00
w( 1 -.00 -.00 ((2.00
*entilator 2 0.00 2.00 (2.00
Bonl8 half =t8. has been deducted> 023./0 44444Bb>
Ba4b> 021+.2/ sft or
00-.+1 smt 0. ((/.+.00
(/ Out side plastering %llround ( (/0.00 (0.00 (/00.00
(/00.00 sft 44444%
for door d ( 0./0 1.00 2-./0
d( ( 0.00 1.00 2(.00
d2 ( 2./0 1.00 (1./0
windows w ( 3.00 -.00 2-.00
w( 1 -.00 -.00 ((2.00
*enti. * 2 0.00 2.00 (2.00
2((.00 44444B
Bonl8 half =t8. has been deducted> B%4B> (0+-./0 Sft or
(2+.3+ smt 0/ -/0+.00
(3 6ro*iding and fi)ing doors
with 3/)(2/mm Si9e frame work
fi)ed in the masonar8
-0mm)/mm flat iron hold fast
-0cms with granite metal of
si9e 20mm down si9e 7ell8
(/cm with full8 panelled D teak ( 0./0 1.00 2-./0
shutters with st8les and D( - 0.00 1.00 .-.00
rails of 00mm thick D2 - 2./0 1.00 10.00
including labour charges for 44444444444444444
fising and fittings e)cluding (1../0 sft or
cost of fittings (3.30 smt (+20 0(.10.00
(1 6ro*iding and fi)ing windows
with 3/)(2/mm si9e frame work
fi)ed in the masonar8 -0)/mm
flat iron hold fast -0cms
with granite metal of si9e
20mm and down si9e (/cm with windows Bteak> ? ( 3.00 -.00 2-.00
half gla9ed with st8les and w( 1 -.00 -.00 ((2.00
rails of 00mm and panels of
20mm thick including labour
charges for fi)ing and * 2 0.00 2.00 (2.00
fittings e)cluding cost of 44444444444444444
fittings (-..00 sft or
(0.13 smt 2010 2.-+(.00
(. 6ro*iding plastering to
ceiling 20mm thick in cement
mortar (;- proportion
including necessar8 Fall ( (0.2/ (1./0 (1+.0.
scaffolding <curing etc.< Dining ( 1./0 +.2/ 3+.0.
complete with all leads and 6oo7a ( -.00 0.00 (2.00
lifts Bed 2 (0.00 ((.00 220.00
Eitchen ( (0.00 +./0 (20./0
Bath ( -.00 3.00 2-.00
?.5 ( -.00 0.00 (2.00
3-0.2/ Sft or
/+./- smt -/ 231+.00
(+ 6ro*iding flooring o*er a bed
of (0cm thick 55 (;-;. using
(2mm and 20mm si9e granite
7ell8 with 'osaic tiles laid
on top complete as per
specification finished with
machine polish
Qt8. *ide item (. of ceiling plastering 1-.+1 smt (0/ (0(2(.00
20 6ro*iding oil bound
distempering to walls and
ceilings o*er one coat of
primer painting after
scraping the original surface
and rubbing with sand paper
of 9ero and two coats of
distempering of appro*ed
colour and make successfull8 a>Qt8. same as in item no.(-
after dr8ing each coat and b>Qt8. same as in item no.(. 0+(+./0 sft or
finishing as per 03-./( smt (1 3(+1.00
specification and direction
2( 6ro*iding two coats of water
proof cement painting of
appro*ed make and =ualit8<
colour and shade o*er one
coat of primer including
necessar8 scaffolding and
clearing the paint stains
where*er necessar8 etc.<
Qt8 same as in item no (/ (0+-./0 sft or
22 6ro*iding two coats of (2+.3+ smt (/ (+-/.00
s8thetic enamel painting of
appro*ed =ualit8 to wood work
including preparing the
surface etc.< complete with
all leads and lifts.
D ( 2.2/ 0./0 1.00 //.(0
D( - 2.2/ 0.00 1.00 (.+.00
D2 - 2.2/ 2./0 1.00 (/1./0
? ( 2.00 3.00 -.00 -..00
?( 1 2.00 -.00 -.00 22-.00
@ 2 2.00 0.00 2.00 2-.00
3+1.30 sft or
3-... smt -/ 2+20.00
20 5ost of steel and fabrication charges
Bre=uirement of steel assumed
at the rate of (20 kg per
e*er8 5um of concrete on item
no (0< ((< (2< and (0>
otal =t8 G 101./0
(+.+/ 5um 20+-.(. 2./0 ' (1000 -2/00.00
kgs 44444444444444444444444
2- 6ro*iding water suppl8 &rr;/22
and sanitation H (2I
LS &rr;/22
2/ 6ro*iding electrification
at (2I LS &rr;/22
23 6ro*iding o*erhead tank and "C sump
21 6ro*iding compound wall and 'S gate LS 20000.00
2. 6ro*iding granite cooking platform LS 20000.00
2+ 'isce. and rounding off including pa*ing washing plat form etc.< LS (0000.00
LS -/(0.2/
otal $s &rr;/22
Bhree lakhs thirt8 thousand onl8>

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