TB Alt Cures

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Home Remedies for Tuberculosis :

- Drink 1 glass of PineApple Juice daily. It has been found to be effective in d
issolving mucus and aiding recovery. This juice was used regularly in the past i
n treating this disease when it was more common than it is at present.
- Include Lauki in ur meals
- Custard apple is regarded as one of the most valuable remedies for tuberculosi
s. It is said to contain the qualities of rejuvenating drugs. Ayurvedic practiti
oners prepare a fermented liquor called sitaphalasava from this fruit, when in s
eason, for use as a medicine in the treatment of this disease. The pulp of two c
ustard apples and twenty-five seedless raisins should be boiled in water on a sl
ow fire. When about one-third of the water is left, it should be filtered, and t
hen mixed with two teaspoons of powdered sugar candy, and a quarter teaspoon eac
h of the powder of cardamom, cinnamon, and certain other condiments.
- The Indian gooseberry is another valuable remedy for tuberculosis. A tablespoo
n each of fresh amla juice and honey, mixed together, should be taken every morn
ing in treating this disease. Its regular use will promote vigour and vitality i
n the body within a few days
- Tuberculosis treatment using Banana
Bananas are considered useful in tuberculosis. The juice of the plantain or the
ordinary cooking bananas works miracles in tile cure of tuberculosis. It claims
to have cured patients in an advanced stage of this disease with frequent cough,
abundant expectoration and high fever in two months, by this treatment
- Oranges are useful in the treatment of tuberculosis. A glass of orange juice s
hould be mixed with a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of honey and taken daily by
the patient. Due to its saline action in the lungs, it eases expectoration and
protects the body from secondary infections.
- A soup prepared from drumstick leaves has been found valuable in this disease.
This soup is prepared by adding a handful of leaves to 200 ml of water which ha
s been heated to a boiling point. The water should then be allowed to boil for f
ive minutes more. After that it should be removed from the fire and allowed to c
ool. A little salt, pepper, and lime juice may be added to this soup. This drink
should be taken first thing every morning.
- The use of bottle gourd (LAUKI) is considered an effective remedy for tubercul
osis. Bottle gourd is one of the best vegetables for tuberculosis patients. Regu
lar use of cooked bottle gourd helps in developing immunity against tubercular g
- The fresh juice of mint has also been found useful in this disease. A teaspoon
of this juice, mixed with two teaspoons of pure malt vinegar and an equal quant
ity of honey, should be stirred in 120 ml of carrot juice. This should be given
as a medicinal tonic thrice daily in the treatment of tuberculosis. It liquefies
the sputum, nourishes the lungs, increases body resistance against infection, a
nd prevents the harmful effects of anti-tubercular drugs
* Diet for Tuberculosis *

Avoid devitalising foods and strong tea, coffee etc
The patient should avoid all devitalising foods such as white bread, white sugar
, and refined cereals; puddings and pies; and tinned, canned, and preserved food
s. He should also avoid strong tea, coffee, condiments, pickles, and sauces
* Other Tuberculosis treatment :
- Take complete rest and avoid stress :
The patient should completely rest his mind and body. Any type of stress will de
lay healing
- Exposure to fresh air and sunshine :
Fresh air is always important in curing the disease, and the patient should spen
d most of the time in the open air and sleep in a well-ventilated room. Sunshine
is also essential as tubercle bacilli are killed rapidly by exposure to the sun
's rays
- Avoid strain and have mental diversion :
Other beneficial steps towards curing the disease are avoidance of strain, slow
massage, deep breathing, and a light occupation to ensure mental diversion
Prepare fresh juice from Indian gooseberry and add some honey in it. Taking this
every morning. It will be highly effective in curing tuberculosis. This is one
of the very effective home remedies for tuberculosis.
Drinking one glass of pineapple juice on a daily basis will be very effective in
giving speedy recovery.
Prepare juice of plantains and have it daily, as it will help to cure tuberculos
is. Bananas are also effective in treating the cough and fever caused due to tub
Collect leaves of drumstick and boil them in water. After it cools down add slat
, pepper and limejuice and drink this soup prepared from these leaves.
Include bottle gourd in your meals, as it is one of the best vegetables for trea
ting tuberculosis.

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